libcloud.compute.drivers package


libcloud.compute.drivers.abiquo module

Abiquo Compute Driver

The driver implements the compute Abiquo functionality for the Abiquo API. This version is compatible with the following versions of Abiquo:

class libcloud.compute.drivers.abiquo.AbiquoNodeDriver(user_id, secret, endpoint, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Implements the NodeDriver’s for the Abiquo Compute Provider

Initializes Abiquo Driver

Initializes the NodeDriver object and populate the cache.

  • user_id (str) – identifier of Abiquo user (required)
  • secret (str) – password of the Abiquo user (required)
  • endpoint (str that can be parsed as URL) – Abiquo API endpoint (required)
AR_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.acceptedrequest+xml'
DCRS_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.datacenterrepositories+xml'
DCR_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.datacenterrepository+xml'
DCS_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.datacenters+xml'
ENT_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.enterprise+xml'
GIGABYTE = 1073741824
NICS_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.nics+xml'
NODES_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachines+xml'
NODE_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachine+xml'
USER_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.user+xml'
VAPPS_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualappliances+xml'
VAPP_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualappliance+xml'
VDCS_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualdatacenters+xml'
VDC_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualdatacenter+xml'
VMTPLS_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachinetemplates+xml'
VMTPL_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachinetemplate+xml'
VM_TASK_MIME_TYPE = 'application/vnd.abiquo.virtualmachinetask+xml'

alias of libcloud.common.abiquo.AbiquoConnection

create_node(image, name=None, size=None, location=None, ex_group_name=None)[source]

Create a new node instance in Abiquo

All the Node`s need to be defined inside a VirtualAppliance (called :class:`NodeGroup here). If there is no group name defined, ‘libcloud’ name will be used instead.

This method wraps these Abiquo actions:

  1. Create a group if it does not exist.
  2. Register a new node in the group.
  3. Deploy the node and boot it.
  4. Retrieves it again to get schedule-time attributes (such as ips and vnc ports).

The rest of the driver methods has been created in a way that, if any of these actions fail, the user can not reach an inconsistent state

  • name (str) – The name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node.
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a node in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • ex_group_name (c{str}) – Which group this node belongs to. If empty, it will be created into ‘libcloud’ group. If it does not found any group in the target location (random location if you have not set the parameter), then it will create a new group with this name.

The newly created node.

Return type:



Destroy a node

Depending on the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
ex_create_group(name, location=None)[source]

Create an empty group.

You can specify the location as well.

  • group (str) – name of the group (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – location were to create the group

the created group

Return type:



Destroy a group.

Be careful! Destroying a group means destroying all the Node instances there and the group itself!

If there is currently any action over any Node of the NodeGroup, then the method will raise an exception.

Parameters:name (NodeGroup) – The group (required)
Returns:If the group was destroyed successfully
Return type:bool

List all groups.

Parameters:location (a NodeLocation instance.) – filter the groups by location (optional)
Returns:the list of NodeGroup

Populate the cache.

For each connection, it is good to store some objects that will be useful for further requests, such as the ‘user’ and the ‘enterprise’ objects.

Executes the ‘login’ resource after setting the connection parameters and, if the execution is successful, it sets the ‘user’ object into cache. After that, it also requests for the ‘enterprise’ and ‘locations’ data.

List of locations should remain the same for a single libcloud connection. However, this method is public and you are able to refresh the list of locations any time.


Runs a node

Here there is a bit difference between Abiquo states and libcloud states, so this method is created to have better compatibility. In libcloud, if the node is not running, then it does not exist (avoiding UNKNOWN and temporal states). In Abiquo, you can define a node, and then deploy it.

If the node is in NodeState.TERMINATED libcloud’s state and in ‘NOT_DEPLOYED’ Abiquo state, there is a way to run and recover it for libcloud using this method. There is no way to reach this state if you are using only libcloud, but you may have used another Abiquo client and now you want to recover your node to be used by libcloud.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to run
Returns:The node itself, but with the new state
Return type:Node

List images on Abiquo Repositories

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location to list images for.
Returns:list of node image objects
Return type:list of NodeImage

Return list of locations where the user has access to.

Returns:the list of NodeLocation available for the current user
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Parameters:location (a NodeLocation instance.) – Filter the groups by location (optional)
Returns:List of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider.

Abiquo does not work with sizes. However, this method returns a list of predefined ones (copied from DummyNodeDriver but without price neither bandwidth) to help the users to create their own.

If you call the method AbiquoNodeDriver.create_node with the size informed, it will just override the ‘ram’ value of the ‘image’ template. So it is no too much usefull work with sizes…

Returns:The list of sizes
Return type:list of NodeSizes
name = 'Abiquo'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
timeout = 2000
type = 'abiquo'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.abiquo.NodeGroup(driver, name='libcloud', nodes=[], uri='')[source]

Bases: object

Group of virtual machines that can be managed together

All Node`s in Abiquo must be defined inside a Virtual Appliance. We offer a way to handle virtual appliances (called NodeGroup to maintain some kind of name conventions here) inside the :class:`AbiquoNodeDriver without breaking compatibility of the rest of libcloud API.

If the user does not want to handle groups, all the virtual machines will be created inside a group named ‘libcloud’

Initialize a new group object.


Destroys the group delegating the execution to AbiquoNodeDriver.

libcloud.compute.drivers.auroracompute module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.auroracompute.AuroraComputeRegion[source]

Bases: object

AMS = 'Amsterdam'
BCN = 'Barcelona'
LAX = 'Los Angeles'
MIA = 'Miami'
RTD = 'Rotterdam'
TYO = 'Tokyo'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.auroracompute.AuroraComputeNodeDriver(key, secret, path=None, host=None, url=None, region=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNodeDriver

name = 'PCextreme AuroraCompute'
type = 'aurora_compute'
website = '' module

Driver for Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines service.








Bases: object

class, message, headers, body)[source]

Bases: object

class'', path='')[source]


class, key_file=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

subscription_id contains the Azure subscription id in the form of GUID key_file contains the Azure X509 certificate in .pem form

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'BusyRole': pending, 'CreatingRole': pending, 'CreatingVM': pending, 'CyclingRole': terminated, 'DeletingVM': pending, 'FailedStartingRole': terminated, 'FailedStartingVM': terminated, 'Provisioning': pending, 'ReadyRole': running, 'RestartingRole': rebooting, 'RoleStateUnknown': unknown, 'StartingRole': pending, 'StartingVM': pending, 'StoppedDeallocated': terminated, 'StoppedVM': stopped, 'StoppingRole': pending, 'StoppingVM': pending, 'UnresponsiveRole': terminated}

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.
  • device (str) – Where the device is exposed, e.g. ‘/dev/sdb’



alias of

create_node(name, size, image, ex_cloud_service_name, ex_storage_service_name=None, ex_new_deployment=False, ex_deployment_slot='Production', ex_deployment_name=None, ex_admin_user_id='azureuser', ex_custom_data=None, ex_virtual_network_name=None, ex_network_config=None, auth=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create Azure Virtual Machine

Reference: []

We default to:

  • 3389/TCP - RDP - 1st Microsoft instance.
  • RANDOM/TCP - RDP - All succeeding Microsoft instances.
  • 22/TCP - SSH - 1st Linux instance
  • RANDOM/TCP - SSH - All succeeding Linux instances.

The above replicates the standard behavior of the Azure UI. You can retrieve the assigned ports to each instance by using the following private function:

_get_endpoint_ports(service_name) Returns public,private port key pair.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • image (NodeImage) – The image to use when creating this node
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of the instance to create
  • ex_cloud_service_name (str) – Required. Name of the Azure Cloud Service.
  • ex_storage_service_name (str) – Optional: Name of the Azure Storage Service.
  • ex_new_deployment (boolean) – Optional. Tells azure to create a new deployment rather than add to an existing one.
  • ex_deployment_slot (str) – Optional: Valid values: production| staging. Defaults to production.
  • ex_deployment_name (str) – Optional. The name of the deployment. If this is not passed in we default to using the Cloud Service name.
  • ex_custom_data (str) – Optional script or other data which is injected into the VM when it’s beginning provisioned.
  • ex_admin_user_id (str) – Optional. Defaults to ‘azureuser’.
  • ex_virtual_network_name (str) – Optional. If this is not passed in no virtual network is used.
  • ex_network_config (ConfigurationSet) – Optional. The ConfigurationSet to use for network configuration

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes (required)
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a volume in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume. (optional)

The newly created volume.

Return type:



Creates a snapshot of the storage volume.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – The StorageVolume to create a VolumeSnapshot from
  • name (str) – Name of created snapshot (optional)
Return type:


destroy_node(node, ex_cloud_service_name=None, ex_deployment_slot='Production')[source]

Remove Azure Virtual Machine

This removes the instance, but does not remove the disk. You will need to use destroy_volume. Azure sometimes has an issue where it will hold onto a blob lease for an extended amount of time.

  • ex_cloud_service_name (str) – Required. Name of the Azure Cloud Service.
  • ex_deployment_slot (str) – Optional: The name of the deployment slot. If this is not passed in we default to production.

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:bool
ex_add_instance_endpoints(node, endpoints, ex_deployment_slot='Production')[source]
ex_create_cloud_service(name, location, description=None, extended_properties=None)[source]

Create an azure cloud service.

  • name (str) – Name of the service to create
  • location (str) – Standard azure location string
  • description (str) – Optional description
  • extended_properties (dict) – Optional extended_properties
Return type:


ex_create_storage_service(name, location, description=None, affinity_group=None, extended_properties=None)[source]

Create an azure storage service.

  • name (str) – Name of the service to create
  • location (str) – Standard azure location string
  • description (str) – (Optional) Description of storage service.
  • affinity_group (str) – (Optional) Azure affinity group.
  • extended_properties (dict) – (Optional) Additional configuration options support by Azure.
Return type:



Delete an azure cloud service.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the cloud service to destroy.
Return type:bool

Destroy storage service. Storage service must not have any active blobs. Sometimes Azure likes to hold onto volumes after they are deleted for an inordinate amount of time, so sleep before calling this method after volume deletion.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of storage service.
Return type:bool
ex_set_instance_endpoints(node, endpoints, ex_deployment_slot='Production')[source]

For example:

endpoint = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint(
    'name': 'SSH',
    'protocol': 'tcp',
    'port': port,
    'local_port': '22'
features = {'create_node': ['password']}

Lists all images

Return type:list of NodeImage

Lists all locations

Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes

ex_cloud_service_name parameter is used to scope the request to a specific Cloud Service. This is a required parameter as nodes cannot exist outside of a Cloud Service nor be shared between a Cloud Service within Azure.

Parameters:ex_cloud_service_name (str) – Cloud Service name
Return type:list of Node

Lists all sizes

Return type:list of NodeSize

Lists volumes of the disks in the image repository that are associated with the specified subscription.

Pass Node object to scope the list of volumes to a single instance.

Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'Azure Virtual machines'
raise_for_response(response, valid_response)[source]
reboot_node(node, ex_cloud_service_name=None, ex_deployment_slot=None)[source]

Reboots a node.

ex_cloud_service_name parameter is used to scope the request to a specific Cloud Service. This is a required parameter as nodes cannot exist outside of a Cloud Service nor be shared between a Cloud Service within Azure.

  • ex_cloud_service_name (str) – Cloud Service name
  • ex_deployment_slot (str) – Options are “production” (default) or “Staging”. (Optional)
Return type:


class service_location(is_affinity_group, service_location)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of service_location(is_affinity_group, service_location)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

type = 'azure'
website = ''
class, name, country, driver, available_services, virtual_machine_role_sizes)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeLocation


Bases: object

static add_role_to_xml(role_name, system_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, role_type, network_configuration_set, availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, vm_image_name, role_size)[source]
static capture_role_to_xml(post_capture_action, target_image_name, target_image_label, provisioning_configuration)[source]
static certificate_file_to_xml(data, certificate_format, password)[source]
static change_deployment_to_xml(configuration, treat_warnings_as_error, mode, extended_properties)[source]
static create_affinity_group_to_xml(name, label, description, location)[source]
static create_deployment_to_xml(name, package_url, label, configuration, start_deployment, treat_warnings_as_error, extended_properties)[source]
static create_hosted_service_to_xml(service_name, label, description, location, affinity_group=None, extended_properties=None)[source]
static create_storage_service_input_to_xml(service_name, description, label, affinity_group, location, geo_replication_enabled, extended_properties)[source]
static create_storage_service_to_xml(service_name, label, description, location, affinity_group, extended_properties=None)[source]
static data_to_xml(data, xml=None)[source]
Creates an xml fragment from the specified data.
data: Array of tuples, where first: xml element name
second: xml element text third: conversion function
static data_virtual_hard_disk_to_xml(host_caching, disk_label, disk_name, lun, logical_disk_size_in_gb, media_link, source_media_link)[source]
static disk_to_xml(has_operating_system, label, media_link, name, os)[source]
static doc_from_data(document_element_name, data, extended_properties=None)[source]
static doc_from_xml(document_element_name, inner_xml=None)[source]

Wraps the specified xml in an xml root element with default azure namespaces

static extended_properties_dict_to_xml_fragment(extended_properties)[source]
static linux_configuration_to_xml(configuration, xml)[source]
static network_configuration_to_xml(configuration, xml)[source]
static os_image_to_xml(label, media_link, name, os)[source]
static regenerate_keys_to_xml(key_type)[source]
static restart_role_operation_to_xml()[source]
static role_to_xml(availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, network_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, vm_image_name, role_name, role_size, role_type, system_configuration_set, xml)[source]
static rollback_upgrade_to_xml(mode, force)[source]
static shutdown_role_operation_to_xml()[source]
static start_role_operation_to_xml()[source]
static subscription_certificate_to_xml(public_key, thumbprint, data)[source]
static swap_deployment_to_xml(production, source_deployment)[source]
static update_affinity_group_to_xml(label, description)[source]
static update_deployment_status_to_xml(status)[source]
static update_hosted_service_to_xml(label, description, extended_properties)[source]
static update_role_to_xml(role_name, os_virtual_hard_disk, role_type, network_configuration_set, availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, vm_image_name, role_size)[source]
static update_storage_service_input_to_xml(description, label, geo_replication_enabled, extended_properties)[source]
static upgrade_deployment_to_xml(mode, package_url, configuration, label, role_to_upgrade, force, extended_properties)[source]
static virtual_machine_deployment_to_xml(deployment_name, deployment_slot, label, role_name, system_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, role_type, network_configuration_set, availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, role_size, virtual_network_name, vm_image_name)[source]
static walk_upgrade_domain_to_xml(upgrade_domain)[source]
static windows_configuration_to_xml(configuration, xml)[source]
class'', store_name='', store_location='')[source]


Initializes a certificate setting.

Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate to be provisioned. The thumbprint must specify an existing service certificate.
Specifies the name of the certificate store from which retrieve certificate.
Specifies the target certificate store location on the virtual machine The only supported value is LocalMachine.




class'', protocol='', port='', local_port='', load_balanced_endpoint_set_name='', enable_direct_server_return=False)[source]





alias of ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint

xml_element_name = 'InputEndpoint'



alias of ConfigurationSet








alias of Deployment






alias of Disk




Bases:, libcloud.utils.misc.ReprMixin




Bases:, libcloud.utils.misc.ReprMixin


alias of HostedService




alias of OSImage






alias of InputEndpoint






alias of InstanceEndpoint




alias of AzureKeyPair

class, user_name=None, user_password=None, disable_ssh_password_authentication=None, custom_data=None)[source]









alias of Location





class, media_link=None, host_caching=None, disk_label=None, disk_name=None)[source]







alias of OperatingSystemFamily






alias of OperatingSystem







class'', path='')[source]





alias of PublicKey








alias of RoleInstance




alias of Role



class, xml_element_name)[source]

Bases: list

A list of scalar types which carries with it the type that’s expected to go in it along with its xml element name. Used for deserializaion and construction of the lists




alias of CertificateSetting








alias of SubscriptionCertificate








alias of VMImage






alias of VirtualIP


Bases: = re.compile('Win|SQL|SharePoint|Visual|Dynamics|DynGP|BizTalk')

Sizes must be hardcoded because Microsoft doesn’t provide an API to fetch them From

Prices are for Linux instances in East US data center. To see what pricing will actually be, visit:


Bases: object

This is the base of data class. It is only used to check whether it is instance or not.



list_type = None
xml_element_name = None
class, admin_password=None, reset_password_on_first_logon=None, enable_automatic_updates=None, time_zone=None, admin_user_name=None)[source]


libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm module

Driver for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Virtual Machines provider.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureIPAddress(id, name, extra)[source]

Bases: object

Represents an Azure public IP address resource.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureImage(version, sku, offer, publisher, location, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage

Represents a Marketplace node image that an Azure VM can boot from.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureNetwork(id, name, location, extra)[source]

Bases: object

Represent an Azure virtual network.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureNetworkSecurityGroup(id, name, location, extra)[source]

Bases: object

Represent an Azure network security group.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureNic(id, name, location, extra)[source]

Bases: object

Represents an Azure virtual network interface controller (NIC).

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureNodeDriver(tenant_id, subscription_id, key, secret, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Compute node driver for Azure Resource Manager.

SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP = {'creating': creating, 'failed': error, 'succeeded': available, 'updating': updating}
attach_volume(node, volume, ex_lun=None, ex_vhd_uri=None, ex_vhd_create=False, **ex_kwargs)[source]

Attach a volume to node.

  • node (Node) – A node to attach volume.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – A volume to attach.
  • ex_lun (int) – Specifies the logical unit number (LUN) location for the data drive in the virtual machine. Each data disk must have a unique LUN.
  • ex_vhd_uri (str) – Attach old-style unmanaged disk from VHD blob. (optional)
  • ex_vhd_create (bool) – Create a new VHD blob for unmanaged disk. (optional)
Return type:



alias of libcloud.common.azure_arm.AzureResourceManagementConnection

create_node(name, size, image, auth, ex_resource_group, ex_storage_account=None, ex_blob_container='vhds', location=None, ex_user_name='azureuser', ex_network=None, ex_subnet=None, ex_nic=None, ex_tags={}, ex_customdata='', ex_use_managed_disks=False, ex_disk_size=None, ex_storage_account_type='Standard_LRS')[source]

Create a new node instance. This instance will be started automatically.

This driver supports the ssh_key feature flag for created_node so you can upload a public key into the new instance:

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm import AzureNodeDriver
>>> driver = AzureNodeDriver(...)
>>> auth = NodeAuthSSHKey('pubkey data here')
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth)

This driver also supports the password feature flag for create_node so you can set a password:

>>> driver = AzureNodeDriver(...)
>>> auth = NodeAuthPassword('mysecretpassword')
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth, ...)

If you don’t provide the auth argument libcloud will assign a password:

>>> driver = AzureNodeDriver(...)
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", ...)
>>> password = node.extra["properties"]                            ["osProfile"]["adminPassword"]
  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)
  • image (AzureImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location – Which data center to create a node in.

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ex_resource_group – The resource group in which to create the

node :type ex_resource_group: str

Parameters:ex_storage_account – The storage account id in which to store

the node’s disk image. Note: when booting from a user image (AzureVhdImage) the source image and the node image must use the same storage account. :type ex_storage_account: str

Parameters:ex_blob_container – The name of the blob container on the

storage account in which to store the node’s disk image (optional, default “vhds”) :type ex_blob_container: str

Parameters:ex_user_name – User name for the initial admin user

(optional, default “azureuser”) :type ex_user_name: str

Parameters:ex_network – The virtual network the node will be attached to.

Must provide either ex_network (to create a default NIC for the node on the given network) or ex_nic (to supply the NIC explicitly). :type ex_network: str

Parameters:ex_subnet – If ex_network is provided, the subnet of the

virtual network the node will be attached to. Optional, default is the “default” subnet. :type ex_subnet: str

Parameters:ex_nic – A virtual NIC to attach to this Node, from

ex_create_network_interface or ex_get_nic. Must provide either ex_nic (to supply the NIC explicitly) or ex_network (to create a default NIC for the node on the given network). :type ex_nic: AzureNic

  • ex_tags (dict) – Optional tags to associate with this node.
  • ex_customdata (str) – Custom data that will be placed in the file /var/lib/waagent/CustomData articles/virtual-machines-how-to-inject-custom-data/
  • ex_use_managed_disks (bool) – Enable this feature to have Azure automatically manage the availability of disks to provide data redundancy and fault tolerance, without creating and managing storage accounts on your own. Managed disks may not be available in all regions (default False).
  • ex_disk_size (int) – Custom OS disk size in GB
  • ex_storage_account_type (str) – The Storage Account type, ``Standard_LRS``(HDD disks) or ``Premium_LRS``(SSD disks).

The newly created node.

Return type:


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None, ex_resource_group=None, ex_account_type=None, ex_tags=None)[source]

Create a new managed volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes.
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created.
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a volume in. (required)
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume.
  • ex_resource_group (str) – The name of resource group in which to create the volume. (required)
  • ex_account_type (str) – The Storage Account type, ``Standard_LRS``(HDD disks) or ``Premium_LRS``(SSD disks).
  • ex_tags (dict) – Optional tags to associate with this resource.

The newly created volume.

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None, location=None, ex_resource_group=None, ex_tags=None)[source]

Create snapshot from volume.

  • volume (:class`StorageVolume`) – Instance of StorageVolume.
  • name (str) – Name of snapshot. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a volume in. (required)
  • ex_resource_group (str) – The name of resource group in which to create the snapshot. (required)
  • ex_tags (dict) – Optional tags to associate with this resource.
Return type:


destroy_node(node, ex_destroy_nic=True, ex_destroy_vhd=True, ex_poll_qty=10, ex_poll_wait=10)[source]

Destroy a node.

  • node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
  • ex_destroy_nic – Destroy the NICs associated with

this node (default True). :type node: bool

Parameters:ex_destroy_vhd – Destroy the OS disk blob associated with

this node (default True). :type node: bool

Parameters:ex_poll_qty – Number of retries checking if the node

is gone, destroying the NIC or destroying the VHD (default 10). :type node: int

Parameters:ex_poll_wait – Delay in seconds between retries (default 10).
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, raises exception

otherwise. :rtype: bool


Delete a volume.


Delete a snapshot.

detach_volume(volume, ex_node=None)[source]

Detach a managed volume from a node.

ex_check_ip_address_availability(resource_group, network, ip_address)[source]

Checks whether a private IP address is available for use. Also returns an object that contains the available IPs in the subnet.

  • resource_group (str) – The resource group to check the ip address in.
  • network (AzureNetwork) – The virtual network.
  • ip_address (str) – The private IP address to be verified.
ex_create_network_interface(name, subnet, resource_group, location=None, public_ip=None)[source]

Create a virtual network interface (NIC).

  • name (str) – Name of the NIC resource
  • subnet (AzureSubnet) – The subnet to attach the NIC
  • resource_group (str) – The resource group to create the NIC
  • location – The location at which to create the NIC

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

Parameters:public_ip – Associate a public IP resource with this NIC

(optional). :type public_ip: AzureIPAddress

Returns:The newly created NIC
Return type:AzureNic
ex_create_network_security_group(name, resource_group, location=None)[source]

Update tags on any resource supporting tags.

  • name (str) – Name of the network security group to create
  • resource_group – The resource group to create the network

security group in :type resource_group: str

Parameters:location – The location at which to create the network security

group (if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

ex_create_public_ip(name, resource_group, location=None, public_ip_allocation_method=None)[source]

Create a public IP resources.

  • name (str) – Name of the public IP resource
  • resource_group (str) – The resource group to create the public IP
  • location – The location at which to create the public IP

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

Parameters:public_ip_allocation_method – Call ex_create_public_ip with

public_ip_allocation_method=”Static” to create a static public IP address :type public_ip_allocation_method: str

Returns:The newly created public ip object
Return type:AzureIPAddress
ex_create_tags(resource, tags, replace=False)[source]

Update tags on any resource supporting tags.

  • resource (str or Azure object with an id attribute.) – The resource to update.
  • tags (dict) – The tags to set.
  • replace – If true, replace all tags with the new tags.

If false (default) add or update tags. :type replace: bool

ex_delete_network_security_group(name, resource_group, location=None)[source]

Update tags on any resource supporting tags.

  • name (str) – Name of the network security group to delete
  • resource_group – The resource group to create the network

security group in :type resource_group: str

Parameters:location – The location at which to create the network security

group (if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation


Delete a public ip address resource.

Parameters:public_ip (.AzureIPAddress) – Public ip address resource to delete

Delete a resource.


Destroy a NIC.

Parameters:nic (.AzureNic) – The NIC to destroy.
Returns:True on success
Return type:bool

Fetch information about a NIC.

Parameters:id (str) – The complete resource path to the NIC resource.
Returns:The NIC object
Return type:AzureNic

Fetch information about a node.

Parameters:id (str) – The complete resource path to the node resource.
Returns:The Node object
Return type:Node

Fetch information about a public IP resource.

Parameters:id (``str`) – The complete resource path to the public IP resource.
Returns:The public ip object
Return type:AzureIPAddress
ex_get_ratecard(offer_durable_id, currency='USD', locale='en-US', region='US')[source]

Get rate card

Parameters:offer_durable_id – ID of the offer applicable for this

user account. (e.g. “0026P”) See :type offer_durable_id: str

  • currency (str) – Desired currency for the response (default: “USD”)
  • locale (str) – Locale (default: “en-US”)
  • region (str) – Region (two-letter code) (default: “US”)

A dictionary of rates whose ID’s correspond to nothing at all

Return type:



Fetch information about a snapshot.

Parameters:id (str) – The complete resource path to the snapshot resource.
Returns:The VolumeSnapshot object
Return type:VolumeSnapshot
ex_get_storage_account_keys(resource_group, storage_account)[source]

Get account keys required to access to a storage account (using AzureBlobsStorageDriver).

  • resource_group (str) – The resource group containing the storage account
  • storage_account (str) – Storage account to access

The account keys, in the form {“key1”: “XXX”, “key2”: “YYY”}

Return type:



Fetch information about a volume.

Parameters:id (str) – The complete resource path to the volume resource.
Returns:The StorageVolume object
Return type:StorageVolume

List node image versions in a sku.

Parameters:sku – The complete resource path to a sku (as returned by

ex_list_skus) :type publisher: str

Returns:A list of tuples in the form

(“version id”, “version name”) :rtype: list


List network security groups.

Parameters:resource_group – List security groups in a specific resource

group. :type resource_group: str

Returns:A list of network security groups.
Return type:list of AzureNetworkSecurityGroup

List virtual networks.

Returns:A list of virtual networks.
Return type:list of AzureNetwork

List available virtual network interface controllers in a resource group

Parameters:resource_group (str) – List NICS in a specific resource group containing the NICs(optional).
Returns:A list of NICs.
Return type:list of AzureNic

List node image offers from a publisher.

Parameters:publisher – The complete resource path to a publisher

(as returned by ex_list_publishers) :type publisher: str

Returns:A list of tuples in the form

(“offer id”, “offer name”) :rtype: list


List public IP resources.

Parameters:resource_group (str) – List public IPs in a specific resource group.
Returns:List of public ip objects
Return type:list of AzureIPAddress

List node image publishers.

Parameters:location – The location at which to list publishers

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

Returns:A list of tuples in the form

(“publisher id”, “publisher name”) :rtype: list


List resource groups.

Returns:A list of resource groups.
Return type:list of AzureResourceGroup

List node image skus in an offer.

Parameters:offer – The complete resource path to an offer (as returned by

ex_list_offers) :type offer: str

Returns:A list of tuples in the form

(“sku id”, “sku name”) :rtype: list


List subnets of a virtual network.

Parameters:network (AzureNetwork) – The virtual network containing the subnets.
Returns:A list of subnets.
Return type:list of AzureSubnet
ex_resize_volume(volume, new_size, resource_group)[source]

Resize a volume.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – A volume to resize.
  • new_size (int) – The new size to resize the volume to in Gib.
  • resource_group (str) – The name of the resource group in which to create the volume.
ex_run_command(node, command, filerefs=[], timestamp=0, storage_account_name=None, storage_account_key=None, location=None)[source]

Run a command on the node as root.

Does not require ssh to log in, uses Windows Azure Agent (waagent) running on the node.

  • node (:class:.Node) – The node on which to run the command.
  • command – The actual command to run. Note this is parsed

into separate arguments according to shell quoting rules but is executed directly as a subprocess, not a shell command. :type command: str

Parameters:filerefs – Optional files to fetch by URI from Azure blob store

(must provide storage_account_name and storage_account_key), or regular HTTP. :type command: list of str

Parameters:location – The location of the virtual machine

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

  • storage_account_name (str) – The storage account from which to fetch files in filerefs
  • storage_account_key (str) – The storage key to authorize to the blob store.

list of NodeLocation

ex_stop_node(node, deallocate=True)[source]
ex_update_network_profile_of_node(node, network_profile)[source]

Update the network profile of a node. This method can be used to attach or detach a NIC to a node.

  • node (Node) – A node to attach the network interface to.
  • network_profile (dict) – The new network profile to update.
ex_update_nic_properties(network_interface, resource_group, properties)[source]

Update the properties of an already existing virtual network interface (NIC).

  • network_interface (AzureNic) – The NIC to update.
  • resource_group (str) – The resource group to check the ip address in.
  • properties (dict) – The dictionary of the NIC’s properties

The NIC object

Return type:


features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key', 'password']}
get_image(image_id, location=None)[source]

Returns a single node image from a provider.

Parameters:image_id – Either an image urn in the form

Publisher:Offer:Sku:Version or a Azure blob store URI in the form pointing to a VHD file. :type image_id: str

Parameters:location – The location at which to search for the image

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

:rtype AzureImage: or AzureVhdImage: :return: AzureImage or AzureVhdImage instance on success.

list_images(location=None, ex_publisher=None, ex_offer=None, ex_sku=None, ex_version=None)[source]

List available VM images to boot from.

Parameters:location – The location at which to list images

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

Parameters:ex_publisher – Filter by publisher, or None to list

all publishers. :type ex_publisher: str

  • ex_offer (str) – Filter by offer, or None to list all offers.
  • ex_sku (str) – Filter by sku, or None to list all skus.
  • ex_version (str) – Filter by version, or None to list all versions.

list of node image objects.

Return type:

list of AzureImage


List data centers available with the current subscription.

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation
list_nodes(ex_resource_group=None, ex_fetch_nic=True, ex_fetch_power_state=True)[source]

List all nodes.

  • ex_resource_group (str) – The resource group to list all nodes from.
  • ex_fetch_nic – Fetch NIC resources in order to get

IP address information for nodes. If True, requires an extra API call for each NIC of each node. If False, IP addresses will not be returned. :type ex_fetch_nic: bool

Parameters:ex_fetch_power_state – Fetch node power state. If True, requires

an extra API call for each node. If False, node state will be returned based on provisioning state only. :type ex_fetch_power_state: bool

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List available VM sizes.

Parameters:location – The location at which to list sizes

(if None, use default location specified as ‘region’ in __init__) :type location: NodeLocation

Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

Lists all the snapshots under a resource group or subscription.

Parameters:ex_resource_group (str) – The identifier of your subscription where the managed snapshots are located (optional).
Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot

List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot

Lists all the disks under a resource group or subscription.

Parameters:ex_resource_group (str) – The identifier of your subscription where the managed disks are located.
Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'Azure Virtual machines'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start a stopped node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
stop_node(node, ex_deallocate=True)[source]

Stop a running node.

  • node (Node) – The node to be stopped
  • deallocate – If True (default) stop and then deallocate the node

(release the hardware allocated to run the node). If False, stop the node but maintain the hardware allocation. If the node is not deallocated, the subscription will continue to be billed as if it were running. :type deallocate: bool

type = 'azure_arm'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureResourceGroup(id, name, location, extra)[source]

Bases: object

Represent an Azure resource group.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureSubnet(id, name, extra)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a subnet of an Azure virtual network.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.azure_arm.AzureVhdImage(storage_account, blob_container, name, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage

Represents a VHD node image that an Azure VM can boot from.

libcloud.compute.drivers.bluebox module

libcloud driver for the Blue Box Blocks API

This driver implements all libcloud functionality for the Blue Box Blocks API.

Blue Box home page Blue Box API documentation https://boxpanel.bluebox .net/public/the_vault/index.php/Blocks_API

class libcloud.compute.drivers.bluebox.BlueboxConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the Bluebox driver


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

allow_insecure = False
host = ''

alias of BlueboxResponse

secure = True
class libcloud.compute.drivers.bluebox.BlueboxNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Bluebox Blocks node driver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'bluebox'

alias of BlueboxConnection

create_node(name, size, image, auth=None, ex_username=None)[source]

Create a new node instance. This instance will be started automatically.

Not all hosting API’s are created equal and to allow libcloud to support as many as possible there are some standard supported variations of create_node. These are declared using a features API. You can inspect driver.features['create_node'] to see what variation of the API you are dealing with:

You can inject a public key into a new node allows key based SSH authentication.
You can inject a password into a new node for SSH authentication. If no password is provided libcloud will generated a password. The password will be available as return_value.extra['password'].
The hosting provider will generate a password. It will be returned to you via return_value.extra['password'].

Some drivers allow you to set how you will authenticate with the instance that is created. You can inject this initial authentication information via the auth parameter.

If a driver supports the ssh_key feature flag for created_node you can upload a public key into the new instance:

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> auth = NodeAuthSSHKey('pubkey data here')
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth)

If a driver supports the password feature flag for create_node you can set a password:

>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> auth = NodeAuthPassword('mysecretpassword')
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth)

If a driver supports the password feature and you don’t provide the auth argument libcloud will assign a password:

>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node")
>>> password = node.extra['password']

A password will also be returned in this way for drivers that declare the generates_password feature, though in that case the password is actually provided to the driver API by the hosting provider rather than generated by libcloud.

You can only pass a NodeAuthPassword or NodeAuthSSHKey to create_node via the auth parameter if has the corresponding feature flag.

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a node in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)

The newly created node.

Return type:



Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key', 'password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Bluebox Blocks'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'bluebox'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.bluebox.BlueboxNodeSize(id, name, cpu, ram, disk, price, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeSize

class libcloud.compute.drivers.bluebox.BlueboxResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

libcloud.compute.drivers.brightbox module

Brightbox Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.brightbox.BrightboxNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version='1.0', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Brightbox node driver

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'active': running, 'creating': pending, 'deleted': terminated, 'deleting': unknown, 'failed': unknown, 'inactive': unknown, 'unavailable': unknown}

alias of libcloud.common.brightbox.BrightboxConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location=None, ex_userdata=None, ex_servergroup=None)[source]

Create a new Brightbox node


@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_userdata (str) – User data
  • ex_servergroup (str or list of str) – Name or list of server group ids to add server to

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Requests a new cloud IP address for the account

@note: This is an API extension for use on Brightbox

Parameters:reverse_dns (str) – Reverse DNS hostname
Return type:dict

Release the cloud IP address from the account’s ownership

@note: This is an API extension for use on Brightbox

Parameters:cloud_ip_id (str) – The id of the cloud ip.
Returns:True if the unmap was successful.
Return type:bool

List Cloud IPs

@note: This is an API extension for use on Brightbox

Return type:list of dict
ex_map_cloud_ip(cloud_ip_id, interface_id)[source]

Maps (or points) a cloud IP address at a server’s interface or a load balancer to allow them to respond to public requests

@note: This is an API extension for use on Brightbox

  • cloud_ip_id (str) – The id of the cloud ip.
  • interface_id (str) – The Interface ID or LoadBalancer ID to which this Cloud IP should be mapped to

True if the mapping was successful.

Return type:



Unmaps a cloud IP address from its current destination making it available to remap. This remains in the account’s pool of addresses

@note: This is an API extension for use on Brightbox

Parameters:cloud_ip_id (str) – The id of the cloud ip.
Returns:True if the unmap was successful.
Return type:bool
ex_update_cloud_ip(cloud_ip_id, reverse_dns)[source]

Update some details of the cloud IP address

@note: This is an API extension for use on Brightbox

  • cloud_ip_id (str) – The id of the cloud ip.
  • reverse_dns (str) – Reverse DNS hostname
Return type:



List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Brightbox'
type = 'brightbox'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.bsnl module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.bsnl.BSNLNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='bsnl-in', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNodeDriver

BSNL node driver, based on Dimension Data driver

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection

features = {'create_node': ['password']}
name = 'BSNL'
selected_region = None
type = 'bsnl'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudscale module

A driver for

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudscale.CloudscaleConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the driver.

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Add headers that are necessary for every request

This method adds token to the request.

host = ''

alias of CloudscaleResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudscale.CloudscaleNodeDriver(key, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Cloudscale’s node driver.

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'changing': pending, 'paused': paused, 'running': running, 'stopped': stopped}

alias of CloudscaleConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location=None, ex_create_attr=None)[source]

Create a node.

The ex_create_attr parameter can include the following dictionary key and value pairs:

  • ssh_keys: list of str ssh public keys
  • volume_size_gb: int defaults to 10.
  • bulk_volume_size_gb: defaults to None.
  • use_public_network: bool defaults to True
  • use_private_network: bool defaults to False
  • use_ipv6: bool defaults to True
  • anti_affinity_with: uuid of a server to create an anti-affinity group with that server or add it to the same group as that server.
  • user_data: str for optional cloud-config data
Parameters:ex_create_attr (dict) – A dictionary of optional attributes for droplet creation
Returns:The newly created node.
Return type:Node

Delete a node. It’s also possible to use node.destroy(). This will irreversibly delete the server and all its volumes. So please be cautious.

Parameters:ex_user_data (str) – A valid uuid that references your exisiting server.
Returns:The server node you asked for.
Return type:Node

List all images.

Images are identified by slugs on This means that minor version upgrades (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04.1 to Ubuntu 16.04.2) will be possible within the same id ubuntu-16.04.


List all your existing compute nodes.


Lists all available sizes. On cloudscale these are known as flavors.

name = 'Cloudscale'

Reboot a node. It’s also possible to use node.reboot().


Start a node. This is only possible if the node is stopped.


Stop a specific node. Similar to shutdown -h now. This is only possible if the node is running.

type = 'cloudscale'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudscale.CloudscaleResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
valid_response_codes = [<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED: 202>, <HTTPStatus.CREATED: 201>, <HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT: 204>]

libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma module

Drivers for CloudSigma API v1.0 and v2.0.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


name = 'CloudSigma'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigma_1_0_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='zrh', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaNodeDriver

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'active': running, 'dead': terminated, 'dumped': terminated, 'stopped': terminated}

alias of CloudSigma_1_0_Connection

create_node(name, size, image, smp='auto', nic_model='e1000', vnc_password=None, drive_type='hdd')[source]

Creates a CloudSigma instance

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • smp (int) – Number of virtual processors or None to calculate based on the cpu speed.
  • nic_model (str) – e1000, rtl8139 or virtio (is not specified, e1000 is used)
  • vnc_password (bool) – If not set, VNC access is disabled.
  • drive_type (str) – Drive type (ssd|hdd). Defaults to hdd.

Destroy a node (all the drives associated with it are NOT destroyed).

If a node is still running, it’s stopped before it’s destroyed.

@inherits: NodeDriver.destroy_node


Destroy a drive.

Parameters:drive_uuid (str) – Drive uuid which should be used
Return type:bool

Destroy a node and all the drives associated with it.

Parameters:node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Destroy a drive with a specified uuid. If the drive is currently mounted an exception is thrown.

Parameters:drive_uuid (str) – Drive uuid which should be used
Return type:bool

Return a list of all the available drives.

Return type:list of dict
ex_set_node_configuration(node, **kwargs)[source]

Update a node configuration. Changing most of the parameters requires node to be stopped.

Return type:



Stop (shutdown) a node.

@inherits: CloudSigmaBaseNodeDriver.ex_stop_node


Start a node.

Parameters:node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Create a new static IP address.p

Return type:list of dict

Destroy a static IP address.

Parameters:ip_address (str) – IP address which should be used
Return type:bool

Return a list of available static IP addresses.

Return type:list of str

Return a list of available standard images (this call might take up to 15 seconds to return).

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images


List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'CloudSigma (API v1.0)'

Reboot a node.

Because Cloudsigma API does not provide native reboot call, it’s emulated using stop and start.

@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node


Stop (shutdown) a node.

Parameters:node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
type = 'cloudsigma'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigma_2_0_NodeDriver(key, secret, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='zrh', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaNodeDriver

Driver for CloudSigma API v2.0.

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'paused': paused, 'running': running, 'starting': pending, 'stopped': stopped, 'stopping': pending, 'unavailable': error}
api_name = 'cloudsigma_zrh'

alias of CloudSigma_2_0_Connection

create_node(name, size, image, ex_metadata=None, ex_vnc_password=None, ex_avoid=None, ex_vlan=None)[source]

Create a new server.

Server creation consists multiple steps depending on the type of the image used.

  1. Installation CD:

    1. Create a server and attach installation cd
    2. Start a server
  2. Pre-installed image:

    1. Clone provided library drive so we can use it
    2. Resize cloned drive to the desired size
    3. Create a server and attach cloned drive
    4. Start a server
  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key / value pairs to associate with the created node. (optional)
  • ex_vnc_password (str) – Password to use for VNC access. If not provided, random password is generated.
  • ex_avoid (list) – A list of server UUIDs to avoid when starting this node. (optional)
  • ex_vlan (str) – Optional UUID of a VLAN network to use. If specified, server will have two nics assigned - 1 with a public ip and 1 with the provided VLAN.

Destroy the node and all the associated drives.

Returns:True on success, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Attach a drive to the provided node.

ex_attach_firewall_policy(policy, node, nic_mac=None)[source]

Attach firewall policy to a public NIC interface on the server.

  • policy (CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy) – Firewall policy to attach.
  • node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node to attach policy to.
  • nic_mac (str) – Optional MAC address of the NIC to add the policy to. If not specified, first public interface is used instead.

Node object to which the policy was attached to.

Return type:


ex_clone_drive(drive, name=None, ex_avoid=None)[source]

Clone a library or a standard drive.

  • drive (libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage or CloudSigmaDrive) – Drive to clone.
  • name (str) – Optional name for the cloned drive.
  • ex_avoid (list) – A list of other drive uuids to avoid when creating this drive. If provided, drive will attempt to be created on a different physical infrastructure from other drives specified using this argument. (optional)

New cloned drive.

Return type:


ex_clone_node(node, name=None, random_vnc_password=None)[source]

Clone the provided node.

  • name (str) – Optional name for the cloned node.
  • random_vnc_password (bool) – If True, a new random VNC password will be generated for the cloned node. Otherwise password from the cloned node will be reused.

Cloned node.

Return type:



Close a VNC server to the provided node.

Parameters:node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node to close the VNC tunnel to.
Returns:True on success, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
ex_create_drive(name, size, media='disk', ex_avoid=None)[source]

Create a new drive.

  • name (str) – Drive name.
  • size (int) – Drive size in bytes.
  • media (str) – Drive media type (cdrom, disk).
  • ex_avoid (list) – A list of other drive uuids to avoid when creating this drive. If provided, drive will attempt to be created on a different physical infrastructure from other drives specified using this argument. (optional)

Created drive object.

Return type:


ex_create_firewall_policy(name, rules=None)[source]

Create a firewall policy.

  • name (str) – Policy name.
  • rules (list of dict) – List of firewall policy rules to associate with this policy. (optional)

Created firewall policy object.

Return type:


ex_create_subscription(amount, period, resource, auto_renew=False)[source]

Create a new subscription.

  • amount (int) – Subscription amount. For example, in dssd case this would be disk size in gigabytes.
  • period (str) – Subscription period. For example: 30 days, 1 week, 1 month, …
  • resource (str) – Resource the purchase the subscription for.
  • auto_renew (bool) – True to automatically renew the subscription.
ex_create_tag(name, resource_uuids=None)[source]

Create a tag.

  • name (str) – Tag name.
  • resource_uuids (list of str) – Optional list of resource UUIDs to assign this tag go.

Created tag object.

Return type:



Delete a firewall policy.

Parameters:policy (CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy) – Policy to delete to.
Returns:True on success, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Delete a tag.

Parameters:tag (CloudSigmaTag) – Tag to delete.
Returns:True on success, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
ex_edit_node(node, params)[source]

Edit a node.


:return Edited node. :rtype: libcloud.compute.base.Node


Retrieve account balance information.

Returns:Dictionary with two items (“balance” and “currency”).
Return type:dict

Retrieve information about a single drive.

Parameters:drive_id (str) – ID of the drive to retrieve.
Returns:Drive object.
Return type:CloudSigmaDrive

Retrieve pricing information that are applicable to the cloud.

Returns:Dictionary with pricing information.
Return type:dict

Retrieve a single tag.

Parameters:tag_id (str) – ID of the tag to retrieve.
Return type:list of CloudSigmaTag objects

Retrieve account current usage information.

Returns:Dictionary with two items (“balance” and “usage”).
Return type:dict

Retrieve all the basic and sensible limits of the API.

Return type:dict

Return which drives share the same physical storage host.

Returns:A list of drive UUIDs which share the same physical storage host. Drives which share the same host will be stored under the same list index.
Return type:list of list

List firewall policies.

Return type:list of CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy

Return a list of all the available library drives (pre-installed and installation CDs).

Return type:list of CloudSigmaDrive objects

Return which running servers share the same physical compute host.

Returns:A list of server UUIDs which share the same physical compute host. Servers which share the same host will be stored under the same list index.
Return type:list of list
ex_list_subscriptions(status='all', resources=None)[source]

List subscriptions for this account.

  • status (str) – Only return subscriptions with the provided status (optional).
  • resources (list) – Only return subscriptions for the provided resources (optional).
Return type:



List all the available tags.

Return type:list of CloudSigmaTag objects

Return a list of all the available user’s drives.

Return type:list of CloudSigmaDrive objects

Open a VNC tunnel to the provided node and return the VNC url.

Parameters:node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node to open the VNC tunnel to.
Returns:URL of the opened VNC tunnel.
Return type:str
ex_resize_drive(drive, size)[source]

Resize a drive.

  • drive – Drive to resize.
  • size (int) – New drive size in bytes.

Drive object which is being resized.

Return type:


ex_start_node(node, ex_avoid=None)[source]

Stop a node.

ex_tag_resource(resource, tag)[source]

Associate tag with the provided resource.


Updated tag object.

Return type:


ex_tag_resources(resources, tag)[source]

Associate tag with the provided resources.


Updated tag object.

Return type:



Toggle subscription auto renew status.

Parameters:subscription (CloudSigmaSubscription) – Subscription to toggle the auto renew flag for.
Returns:True on success, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Return a list of available pre-installed library drives.

Note: If you want to list all the available library drives (both pre-installed and installation CDs), use ex_list_library_drives() method.


List available nodes.

Parameters:ex_tag (CloudSigmaTag) – If specified, only return servers tagged with the provided tag.

List available sizes.

name = 'CloudSigma (API v2.0)'
start_node(node, ex_avoid=None)[source]

Start a node.

  • node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node to start.
  • ex_avoid (list) – A list of other server uuids to avoid when starting this node. If provided, node will attempt to be started on a different physical infrastructure from other servers specified using this argument. (optional)

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
website = ''
exception libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaError(http_code, error_type, error_msg, error_point, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

Represents CloudSigma API error.

  • http_code (int) – HTTP status code.
  • error_type (str) – Type of error (validation / notexist / backend / permissions database / concurrency / billing / payment)
  • error_msg (str) – A description of the error that occurred.
  • error_point (str or None) – Point at which the error occurred. Can be None.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaNodeSize(id, name, cpu, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeSize

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaDrive(id, name, size, media, status, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage

Represents a CloudSigma drive.

  • id (str) – Drive ID.
  • name (str) – Drive name.
  • size (int) – Drive size (in bytes).
  • media (str) – Drive media (cdrom / disk).
  • status (str) – Drive status (unmounted / mounted).
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaTag(id, name, resources=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a CloudSigma tag object.

  • id (str) – Tag ID.
  • name (str) – Tag name.
  • resource – IDs of resources which are associated with this tag.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaSubscription(id, resource, amount, period, status, price, start_time, end_time, auto_renew, subscribed_object=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents CloudSigma subscription.

  • id (str) – Subscription ID.
  • resource (str) – Resource (e.g vlan, ip, etc.).
  • period (str) – Subscription period.
  • status (str) – Subscription status (active / inactive).
  • price (str) – Subscription price.
  • start_time (datetime.datetime) – Start time for this subscription.
  • end_time (datetime.datetime) – End time for this subscription.
  • auto_renew (bool) – True if the subscription is auto renewed.
  • subscribed_object (str) – Optional UUID of the subscribed object.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy(id, name, rules)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a CloudSigma firewall policy.

  • id (str) – Policy ID.
  • name (str) – Policy name.
  • rules (list of CloudSigmaFirewallPolicyRule objects) – Rules associated with this policy.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicyRule(action, direction, ip_proto=None, src_ip=None, src_port=None, dst_ip=None, dst_port=None, comment=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a CloudSigma firewall policy rule.

  • action (str) – Action (drop / accept).
  • direction (str) – Rule direction (in / out / both)>
  • ip_proto (str.) – IP protocol (tcp / udp).
  • src_ip (str) – Source IP in CIDR notation.
  • src_port (str) – Source port or a port range.
  • dst_ip (str) – Destination IP in CIDR notation.
  • src_port – Destination port or a port range.
  • comment (str) – Comment associated with the policy.

libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackAddress(id, address, driver, associated_network_id=None, vpc_id=None, virtualmachine_id=None)[source]

Bases: object

A public IP address.

  • id (str) – UUID of the Public IP
  • address (str) – The public IP address
  • associated_network_id (str) – The ID of the network where this address has been associated with
  • vpc_id (str) – VPC the ip belongs to
  • virtualmachine_id (str) – The ID of virutal machine this address is assigned to
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackAffinityGroup(id, account, description, domain, domainid, name, group_type, virtualmachine_ids)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack AffinityGroup.

A CloudStack Affinity Group.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
  • id (str) – CloudStack Affinity Group ID
  • account (str) – An account for the affinity group. Must be used with domainId.
  • description (str) – optional description of the affinity group
  • domain (str) – the domain name of the affinity group
  • domainid (str) – domain ID of the account owning the affinity group
  • name (str) – name of the affinity group
  • group_type (CloudStackAffinityGroupType) – the type of the affinity group
  • virtualmachine_ids (str) – virtual machine Ids associated with this affinity group
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackAffinityGroupType(type_name)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack AffinityGroupType.

A CloudStack Affinity Group Type.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
Parameters:type_name (str) – the type of the affinity group
Return type:CloudStackAffinityGroupType
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackDiskOffering(id, name, size, customizable)[source]

Bases: object

A disk offering within CloudStack.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackEgressFirewallRule(id, network_id, cidr_list, protocol, icmp_code=None, icmp_type=None, start_port=None, end_port=None)[source]

Bases: object

A egress firewall rule.

A egress firewall rule.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
  • id (int) – Firewall Rule ID
  • network_id (str) – the id network network for the egress firwall services
  • protocol (str) – TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
  • cidr_list (str) – cidr list
  • icmp_code (int) – Error code for this icmp message
  • icmp_type (int) – Type of the icmp message being sent
  • start_port (int) – start of port range
  • end_port (int) – end of port range
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackFirewallRule(id, address, cidr_list, protocol, icmp_code=None, icmp_type=None, start_port=None, end_port=None)[source]

Bases: object

A firewall rule.

A Firewall rule.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
  • id (int) – Firewall Rule ID
  • address (CloudStackAddress) – External IP address
  • cidr_list (str) – cidr list
  • protocol (str) – TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
  • icmp_code (int) – Error code for this icmp message
  • icmp_type (int) – Type of the icmp message being sent
  • start_port (int) – start of port range
  • end_port (int) – end of port range
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackIPForwardingRule(node, id, address, protocol, start_port, end_port=None)[source]

Bases: object

A NAT/firewall forwarding rule.

A NAT/firewall forwarding rule.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
  • node (Node) – Node for rule
  • id (int) – Rule ID
  • address (CloudStackAddress) – External IP address
  • protocol (str) – TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
  • start_port (int) – Start port for the rule
  • end_port (int) – End port for the rule
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNetwork(displaytext, name, networkofferingid, id, zoneid, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack Network.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNetworkACL(id, protocol, acl_id, action, cidr_list, start_port, end_port, traffic_type=None)[source]

Bases: object

a ACL rule in the given network (the network has to belong to VPC)

a ACL rule in the given network (the network has to belong to VPC)

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
Parameters:id – the ID of the ACL Item

:type id int

  • protocol (string) – the protocol for the ACL rule. Valid values are TCP/UDP/ICMP/ALL or valid protocol number
  • acl_id (str) – Name of the network ACL List
  • action (string) – scl entry action, allow or deny
  • cidr_list (str) – the cidr list to allow traffic from/to
  • start_port (str) – the starting port of ACL
  • end_port (str) – the ending port of ACL
  • traffic_type (str) – the traffic type for the ACL,can be Ingress or Egress, defaulted to Ingress if not specified
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNetworkACLList(acl_id, name, vpc_id, driver, description=None)[source]

Bases: object

a Network ACL for the given VPC

a Network ACL for the given VPC

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for
  • acl_id (int) – ACL ID
  • name (str) – Name of the network ACL List
  • vpc_id (string) – Id of the VPC associated with this network ACL List
  • description (str) – Description of the network ACL List
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNetworkOffering(name, display_text, guest_ip_type, id, service_offering_id, for_vpc, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack Network Offering.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNic(id, network_id, net_mask, gateway, ip_address, is_default, mac_address, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack Network Interface.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNode(id, name, state, public_ips, private_ips, driver, size=None, image=None, extra=None, created_at=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.Node

Subclass of Node so we can expose our extension methods.

  • id (str) – Node ID.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • state (libcloud.compute.types.NodeState) – Node state.
  • public_ips (list) – Public IP addresses associated with this node.
  • private_ips (list) – Private IP addresses associated with this node.
  • driver (NodeDriver) – Driver this node belongs to.
  • size (NodeSize) – Size of this node. (optional)
  • image (NodeImage) – Image of this node. (optional)
  • created_at – The datetime this node was created (optional)
  • extra (dict) – Optional provider specific attributes associated with this node.

Allocate a public IP and bind it to this node.


Change virtual machine offering/size

ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule(address, protocol, start_port, end_port=None)[source]

Add a NAT/firewall forwarding rule for a port or ports.

ex_create_port_forwarding_rule(address, private_port, public_port, protocol, public_end_port=None, private_end_port=None, openfirewall=True)[source]

Add a port forwarding rule for port or ports.


Delete a port forwarding rule.


Delete a NAT/firewall rule.


Release a public IP that this node holds.


Restore virtual machine


Starts a stopped virtual machine.


Stops a running virtual machine.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, path=None, port=None, url=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.cloudstack.CloudStackDriverMixIn, libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Driver for the CloudStack API.

  • host – The host where the API can be reached.
  • path – The path where the API can be reached.
  • async_poll_frequency – How often (in seconds) to poll for async job completion.


  • host (str) – The host where the API can be reached. (required)
  • path (str) – The path where the API can be reached. (required)
  • url (str) – Full URL to the API endpoint. Mutually exclusive with host and path argument.
NODE_STATE_MAP = {'Destroyed': terminated, 'Error': terminated, 'Expunging': pending, 'Migrating': migrating, 'Running': running, 'Starting': rebooting, 'Stopped': stopped, 'Stopping': pending}
VOLUME_STATE_MAP = {'Allocated': available, 'Creating': creating, 'Destroy': deleted, 'Destroying': deleting, 'Expunged': deleted, 'Expunging': deleting, 'Migrating': migrating, 'Ready': available, 'Snapshotting': backup, 'UploadError': error}
api_name = 'cloudstack'
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None)[source]

@inherits: NodeDriver.attach_volume :type node: CloudStackNode

Return type:bool
create_key_pair(name, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new key pair object.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • name – Name of the keypair (required)
  • projectid (str) – An optional project for the ssh key
  • domainid (str) – An optional domainId for the ssh key. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.
  • account (str) – An optional account for the ssh key. Must be used with domainId.

Created key pair object.

Return type:


create_node(name, size, image, location=None, networks=None, project=None, diskoffering=None, ex_keyname=None, ex_userdata=None, ex_security_groups=None, ex_displayname=None, ex_ip_address=None, ex_start_vm=False, ex_rootdisksize=None, ex_affinity_groups=None)[source]

Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • networks (list of CloudStackNetwork) – Optional list of networks to launch the server into.
  • project (CloudStackProject) – Optional project to create the new node under.
  • diskoffering (CloudStackDiskOffering) – Optional disk offering to add to the new node.
  • ex_keyname (str) – Name of existing keypair
  • ex_userdata (str) – String containing user data
  • ex_security_groups (list of str) – List of security groups to assign to the node
  • ex_displayname (str) – String containing instance display name
  • ex_ip_address (str) – String with ipaddress for the default nic
  • ex_start_vm (bool) – Boolean to specify to start VM after creation Default Cloudstack behaviour is to start a VM, if not specified.
  • ex_rootdisksize (str) – String with rootdisksize for the template
  • ex_affinity_groups (list of CloudStackAffinityGroup) – List of affinity groups to assign to the node
Return type:


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None, ex_volume_type=None)[source]

Creates a data volume Defaults to the first location

create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None)[source]

Create snapshot from volume

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Instance of StorageVolume
  • name (str) – The name of the snapshot is disregarded by CloudStack drivers
Return type:


delete_key_pair(key_pair, **kwargs)[source]

Delete an existing key pair.

  • key_pair (libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair) – Key pair object.
  • projectid (str) – The project associated with keypair
  • domainid (str) – The domain ID associated with the keypair
  • account (str) – The account associated with the keypair. Must be used with the domainId parameter.

True of False based on success of Keypair deletion

Return type:


destroy_node(node, ex_expunge=False)[source]

@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node :type node: CloudStackNode

Parameters:ex_expunge (bool) – If true is passed, the vm is expunged immediately. False by default.
Return type:bool
Return type:bool

Destroys a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
Return type:bool
ex_allocate_public_ip(vpc_id=None, network_id=None, location=None)[source]

Allocate a public IP.

  • vpc_id (str) – VPC the ip belongs to
  • network_id (''str'') – Network where this IP is connected to.
  • location (NodeLocation) – Zone
Return type:


ex_attach_nic_to_node(node, network, ip_address=None)[source]

Add an extra Nic to a VM

  • network (:class:'CloudStackNetwork`) – NetworkOffering object
  • node (:class:'CloudStackNode`) – Node Object
  • ip_address (str) – Optional, specific IP for this Nic
Return type:


ex_authorize_security_group_ingress(securitygroupname, protocol, cidrlist, startport=None, endport=None, icmptype=None, icmpcode=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a new Security Group Ingress rule

  • securitygroupname (str) – The name of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupid.
  • protocol (str) – Can be TCP, UDP or ICMP. Sometime other protocols can be used like AH, ESP or GRE.
  • cidrlist (str) – Source address CIDR for which this rule applies.
  • startport (int) – Start port of the range for this ingress rule. Applies to protocols TCP and UDP.
  • endport (int) – End port of the range for this ingress rule. It can be None to set only one port. Applies to protocols TCP and UDP.
  • icmptype (int) – Type of the ICMP packet (eg: 8 for Echo Request). -1 or None means “all types”. Applies to protocol ICMP.
  • icmpcode (int) – Code of the ICMP packet for the specified type. If the specified type doesn’t require a code set this value to 0. -1 or None means “all codes”. Applies to protocol ICMP.
  • account (str) – An optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId.
  • domainid – An optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.
  • projectid (str) – An optional project of the security group
  • securitygroupid (str) – The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securitygroupname
  • usersecuritygrouplist (dict) – User to security group mapping
Return type:


ex_change_node_size(node, offering)[source]

Change offering/size of a virtual machine

  • node (CloudStackNode) – Node to change size
  • offering (NodeSize) – The new offering

:rtype str

ex_create_affinity_group(name, group_type)[source]

Creates a new Affinity Group

  • name (str) – Name of the affinity group
  • group_type (CloudStackAffinityGroupType) – Type of the affinity group from the available affinity/anti-affinity group types
  • description (str) – Optional description of the affinity group
  • domainid (str) – domain ID of the account owning the affinity group
Return type:


ex_create_egress_firewall_rule(network_id, cidr_list, protocol, icmp_code=None, icmp_type=None, start_port=None, end_port=None)[source]

Creates a Firewall Rule

  • network_id (str) – the id network network for the egress firewall services
  • cidr_list (str) – cidr list
  • protocol (str) – TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
  • icmp_code (int) – Error code for this icmp message
  • icmp_type (int) – Type of the icmp message being sent
  • start_port (int) – start of port range
  • end_port (int) – end of port range
Return type:


ex_create_firewall_rule(address, cidr_list, protocol, icmp_code=None, icmp_type=None, start_port=None, end_port=None)[source]

Creates a Firewall Rule

  • address (CloudStackAddress) – External IP address
  • cidr_list (str) – cidr list
  • protocol (str) – TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
  • icmp_code (int) – Error code for this icmp message
  • icmp_type (int) – Type of the icmp message being sent
  • start_port (int) – start of port range
  • end_port (int) – end of port range
Return type:


ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule(node, address, protocol, start_port, end_port=None)[source]

“Add a NAT/firewall forwarding rule.

  • node (CloudStackNode) – Node which should be used
  • address (CloudStackAddress) – CloudStackAddress which should be used
  • protocol (str) – Protocol which should be used (TCP or UDP)
  • start_port (int) – Start port which should be used
  • end_port (int) – End port which should be used
Return type:


ex_create_keypair(name, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a SSH KeyPair, returns fingerprint and private key

  • name (str) – Name of the keypair (required)
  • projectid (str) – An optional project for the ssh key
  • domainid (str) – An optional domainId for the ssh key. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.
  • account (str) – An optional account for the ssh key. Must be used with domainId.

A keypair dictionary

Return type:


ex_create_network(display_text, name, network_offering, location, gateway=None, netmask=None, network_domain=None, vpc_id=None, project_id=None)[source]

Creates a Network, only available in advanced zones.

  • display_text (str) – the display text of the network
  • name (str) – the name of the network
  • network_offering (:class:'CloudStackNetworkOffering`) – NetworkOffering object
  • location (NodeLocation) – Zone object
  • gateway (str) – Optional, the Gateway of this network
  • netmask (str) – Optional, the netmask of this network
  • network_domain (str) – Optional, the DNS domain of the network
  • vpc_id (str) – Optional, the VPC id the network belongs to
  • project_id (str) – Optional, the project id the networks belongs to
Return type:


ex_create_network_acl(protocol, acl_id, cidr_list, start_port, end_port, action=None, traffic_type=None)[source]

Creates an ACL rule in the given network (the network has to belong to VPC)

  • protocol (string) – the protocol for the ACL rule. Valid values are TCP/UDP/ICMP/ALL or valid protocol number
  • acl_id (str) – Name of the network ACL List
  • cidr_list (str) – the cidr list to allow traffic from/to
  • start_port (str) – the starting port of ACL
  • end_port (str) – the ending port of ACL
  • action (str) – scl entry action, allow or deny
  • traffic_type (str) – the traffic type for the ACL,can be Ingress or Egress, defaulted to Ingress if not specified
Return type:


ex_create_network_acllist(name, vpc_id, description=None)[source]

Create an ACL List for a network within a VPC.

  • name (string) – Name of the network ACL List
  • vpc_id (string) – Id of the VPC associated with this network ACL List
  • description (string) – Description of the network ACL List
Return type:


ex_create_port_forwarding_rule(node, address, private_port, public_port, protocol, public_end_port=None, private_end_port=None, openfirewall=True, network_id=None)[source]

Creates a Port Forwarding Rule, used for Source NAT

  • address (CloudStackAddress) – IP address of the Source NAT
  • private_port (int) – Port of the virtual machine
  • protocol (str) – Protocol of the rule
  • public_port (int) – Public port on the Source NAT address
  • node (CloudStackNode) – The virtual machine
  • network_id (string) – The network of the vm the Port Forwarding rule will be created for. Required when public Ip address is not associated with any Guest network yet (VPC case)
Return type:


ex_create_security_group(name, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a new Security Group

  • name (str) – name of the security group (required)
  • account (str) – An optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId.
  • domainid (str) – An optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.
  • description (str) – The description of the security group
  • projectid (str) – Deploy vm for the project
Return type:


ex_create_snapshot_template(snapshot, name, ostypeid, displaytext=None)[source]

Create a template from a snapshot

  • snapshot – Instance of VolumeSnapshot
  • name (str) – the name of the template
  • name – the os type id
  • name – the display name of the template
Return type:


ex_create_tags(resource_ids, resource_type, tags)[source]

Create tags for a resource (Node/StorageVolume/etc). A list of resource types can be found at

  • resource_ids (list of resource IDs) – Resource IDs to be tagged. The resource IDs must all be associated with the resource_type. For example, for virtual machines (UserVm) you can only specify a list of virtual machine IDs.
  • resource_type (str) – Resource type (eg: UserVm)
  • tags (dict) – A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, associating tag names with tag values.
Return type:


ex_create_vpc(cidr, display_text, name, vpc_offering, zone_id, network_domain=None)[source]

Creates a VPC, only available in advanced zones.

  • cidr – the cidr of the VPC. All VPC guest networks’ cidrs should be within this CIDR
  • display_text (str) – the display text of the VPC
  • name (str) – the name of the VPC
  • vpc_offering (:class:'CloudStackVPCOffering`) – the ID of the VPC offering
  • zone_id (str) – the ID of the availability zone
  • network_domain (str) – Optional, the DNS domain of the network
Return type:


ex_create_vpn_connection(vpn_customer_gateway, vpn_gateway, for_display=None, passive=None)[source]

Creates a VPN Connection.

  • vpn_customer_gateway (CloudStackVpnCustomerGateway) – The VPN Customer Gateway (required).
  • vpn_gateway (CloudStackVpnGateway) – The VPN Gateway (required).
  • for_display (str) – Display the Connection to the end user or not.
  • passive (bool) – If True, sets the connection to be passive.
Return type:


ex_create_vpn_customer_gateway(cidr_list, esp_policy, gateway, ike_policy, ipsec_psk, account=None, domain_id=None, dpd=None, esp_lifetime=None, ike_lifetime=None, name=None)[source]

Creates a VPN Customer Gateway.

  • cidr_list (str) – Guest CIDR list of the Customer Gateway (required).
  • esp_policy (str) – ESP policy of the Customer Gateway (required).
  • gateway (str) – Public IP address of the Customer Gateway (required).
  • ike_policy (str) – IKE policy of the Customer Gateway (required).
  • ipsec_psk (str) – IPsec preshared-key of the Customer Gateway (required).
  • account (str) – The associated account with the Customer Gateway (must be used with the domain_id param).
  • domain_id (str) – The domain ID associated with the Customer Gateway. If used with the account parameter returns the gateway associated with the account for the specified domain.
  • dpd (bool) – If DPD is enabled for the VPN connection.
  • esp_lifetime (int) – Lifetime of phase 2 VPN connection to the Customer Gateway, in seconds.
  • ike_lifetime (int) – Lifetime of phase 1 VPN connection to the Customer Gateway, in seconds.
  • name (str) – Name of the Customer Gateway.
Return type:


ex_create_vpn_gateway(vpc, for_display=None)[source]

Creates a VPN Gateway.

  • vpc – VPC to create the Gateway for (required).
  • for_display (bool) – Display the VPC to the end user or not.
Return type:



Delete an Affinity Group

Parameters:affinity_group (CloudStackAffinityGroup) – Instance of affinity group

:rtype bool


Remove a Firewall rule.

Parameters:egress_firewall_rule (CloudStackEgressFirewallRule) – Firewall rule which should be used
Return type:bool

Remove a Firewall Rule.

Parameters:firewall_rule (CloudStackFirewallRule) – Firewall rule which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_delete_ip_forwarding_rule(node, rule)[source]

Remove a NAT/firewall forwarding rule.

  • node (CloudStackNode) – Node which should be used
  • rule (CloudStackForwardingRule) – Forwarding rule which should be used
Return type:


ex_delete_keypair(keypair, **kwargs)[source]

Deletes an existing SSH KeyPair

  • keypair (str) – Name of the keypair (required)
  • projectid (str) – The project associated with keypair
  • domainid (str) – The domain ID associated with the keypair
  • account (str) – The account associated with the keypair. Must be used with the domainId parameter.

True of False based on success of Keypair deletion

Return type:


ex_delete_network(network, force=None)[source]

Deletes a Network, only available in advanced zones.

  • network – The network
  • force (bool) – Force deletion of the network?
Return type:


ex_delete_port_forwarding_rule(node, rule)[source]

Remove a Port forwarding rule.

Return type:



Deletes a given Security Group

  • domainid (str) – The domain ID of account owning the security group
  • id (str) – The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with name parameter
  • name (str) – The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with id parameter
  • account (str) – The account of the security group. Must be specified with domain ID
  • projectid (str) – The project of the security group
Return type:


ex_delete_tags(resource_ids, resource_type, tag_keys)[source]

Delete tags from a resource.

  • resource_ids (list of resource IDs) – Resource IDs to be tagged. The resource IDs must all be associated with the resource_type. For example, for virtual machines (UserVm) you can only specify a list of virtual machine IDs.
  • resource_type (str) – Resource type (eg: UserVm)
  • tag_keys (list) – A list of keys to delete. CloudStack only requires the keys from the key/value pair.
Return type:



Deletes a VPC, only available in advanced zones.

Parameters:vpc – The VPC
Return type:bool

Deletes a VPN Connection.

Parameters:vpn_connection (CloudStackVpnConnection) – The VPN Connection (required).
Return type:bool

Deletes a VPN Customer Gateway.

Parameters:vpn_customer_gateway (CloudStackVpnCustomerGateway) – The VPN Customer Gateway (required).
Return type:bool

Deletes a VPN Gateway.

Parameters:vpn_gateway (CloudStackVpnGateway) – The VPN Gateway (required).
Return type:bool
ex_detach_nic_from_node(nic, node)[source]

Remove Nic from a VM

  • nic (:class:'CloudStackNetwork`) – Nic object
  • node (:class:'CloudStackNode`) – Node Object
Return type:


ex_get_node(node_id, project=None)[source]

Return a Node object based on its ID.

  • node_id (str) – The id of the node
  • project (CloudStackProject) – Limit node returned to those configured under the defined project.
Return type:


ex_get_volume(volume_id, project=None)[source]

Return a StorageVolume object based on its ID.

  • volume_id (str) – The id of the volume
  • project (CloudStackProject) – Limit volume returned to those configured under the defined project.
Return type:


ex_import_keypair(name, keyfile)[source]

Imports a new public key where the public key is passed via a filename

  • name (str) – The name of the public key to import.
  • keyfile (str) – The filename with path of the public key to import.
Return type:


ex_import_keypair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Imports a new public key where the public key is passed in as a string

  • name (str) – The name of the public key to import.
  • key_material (str) – The contents of a public key file.
Return type:



Extra call to get account’s resource limits, such as the amount of instances, volumes, snapshots and networks.

CloudStack uses integers as the resource type so we will convert them to a more human readable string using the resource map

A list of the resource type mappings can be found at

Return type:dict

List Affinity Group Types

:rtype list of CloudStackAffinityGroupTypes


List Affinity Groups

:rtype list of CloudStackAffinityGroup


Fetch a list of all available disk offerings.

Return type:list of CloudStackDiskOffering

Lists all egress Firewall Rules

Return type:list of CloudStackEgressFirewallRule

Lists all Firewall Rules

Return type:list of CloudStackFirewallRule
ex_list_ip_forwarding_rules(account=None, domain_id=None, id=None, ipaddress_id=None, is_recursive=None, keyword=None, list_all=None, page=None, page_size=None, project_id=None, virtualmachine_id=None)[source]

Lists all NAT/firewall forwarding rules

  • account (str) – List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter
  • domain_id (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified
  • id (str) – Lists rule with the specified ID
  • ipaddress_id (str) – list the rule belonging to this public ip address
  • is_recursive (bool) – Defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves.
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword
  • list_all (bool) – If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false
  • page (int) – The page to list the keypairs from
  • page_size (int) – The number of results per page
  • project_id (str) – list objects by project
  • virtualmachine_id (str) – Lists all rules applied to the specified Vm
Return type:

list of CloudStackIPForwardingRule


List Registered SSH Key Pairs

  • projectid (str) – list objects by project
  • page (int) – The page to list the keypairs from
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword
  • listall (bool) – If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false
  • pagesize (int) – The number of results per page
  • account (str) – List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter
  • isrecursive (bool) – Defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves.
  • fingerprint (str) – A public key fingerprint to look for
  • name (str) – A key pair name to look for
  • domainid (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified

A list of keypair dictionaries

Return type:

list of dict


Lists all network ACL items

Return type:list of CloudStackNetworkACL

Lists all network ACLs

Return type:list of CloudStackNetworkACLList

List the available network offerings

:rtype list of CloudStackNetworkOffering


List the available networks

Parameters:project (CloudStackProject) – Optional project the networks belongs to.

:rtype list of CloudStackNetwork


List the available networks

Parameters:vm (:class:`CloudStackNode) – Node Object

:rtype list of CloudStackNic


List all registered os types (needed for snapshot creation)

Return type:list
ex_list_port_forwarding_rules(account=None, domain_id=None, id=None, ipaddress_id=None, is_recursive=None, keyword=None, list_all=None, network_id=None, page=None, page_size=None, project_id=None)[source]

Lists all Port Forwarding Rules

  • account (str) – List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter
  • domain_id (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified
  • for_display (bool) – List resources by display flag (only root admin is eligible to pass this parameter).
  • id (str) – Lists rule with the specified ID
  • ipaddress_id (str) – list the rule belonging to this public ip address
  • is_recursive (bool) – Defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves.
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword
  • list_all (bool) – If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false
  • network_id (string) – list port forwarding rules for certain network
  • page (int) – The page to list the keypairs from
  • page_size (int) – The number of results per page
  • project_id (str) – list objects by project
Return type:

list of CloudStackPortForwardingRule


List the available projects

:rtype list of CloudStackProject


Lists all Public IP Addresses.

Return type:list of CloudStackAddress

List routers

:rtype list of CloudStackRouter


Lists Security Groups

  • domainid (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified
  • account (str) – List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter.
  • listall (bool) – If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to true list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false
  • pagesize (int) – Number of entries per page
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword
  • tags (dict) – List resources by tags (key/value pairs)
  • id (str) – list the security group by the id provided
  • securitygroupname (str) – lists security groups by name
  • virtualmachineid (str) – lists security groups by virtual machine id
  • projectid (str) – list objects by project
  • isrecursive (bool) – (boolean) defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves.
  • page (int) – (integer)

:rtype list


List the available vpc offerings

:rtype list of CloudStackVPCOffering


List the available VPCs

Parameters:project (CloudStackProject) – Optional project under which VPCs are present.

:rtype list of CloudStackVPC

ex_list_vpn_connections(account=None, domain_id=None, for_display=None, id=None, is_recursive=None, keyword=None, list_all=None, page=None, page_size=None, project_id=None, vpc_id=None)[source]

List VPN Connections.

  • account (str) – List resources by account (must be used with the domain_id parameter).
  • domain_id (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified.
  • for_display (bool) – List resources by display flag (only root admin is eligible to pass this parameter).
  • id (str) – ID of the VPN Connection.
  • is_recursive (bool) – Defaults to False, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domain_id till leaves.
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword.
  • list_all (str) – If set to False, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to True - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is False.
  • page (int) – Start from page.
  • page_size (int) – Items per page.
  • project_id (str) – List objects by project.
  • vpc_id (str) – List objects by VPC.
Return type:

list of CloudStackVpnConnection

ex_list_vpn_customer_gateways(account=None, domain_id=None, id=None, is_recursive=None, keyword=None, list_all=None, page=None, page_size=None, project_id=None)[source]

List VPN Customer Gateways.

  • account (str) – List resources by account (must be used with the domain_id parameter).
  • domain_id (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified.
  • id (str) – ID of the VPN Customer Gateway.
  • is_recursive (bool) – Defaults to False, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domain_id till leaves.
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword.
  • list_all (str) – If set to False, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to True - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is False.
  • page (int) – Start from page.
  • page_size (int) – Items per page.
  • project_id (str) – List objects by project.
Return type:

list of CloudStackVpnCustomerGateway

ex_list_vpn_gateways(account=None, domain_id=None, for_display=None, id=None, is_recursive=None, keyword=None, list_all=None, page=None, page_size=None, project_id=None, vpc_id=None)[source]

List VPN Gateways.

  • account (str) – List resources by account (must be used with the domain_id parameter).
  • domain_id (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified.
  • for_display (bool) – List resources by display flag (only root admin is eligible to pass this parameter).
  • id (str) – ID of the VPN Gateway.
  • is_recursive (bool) – Defaults to False, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domain ID till leaves.
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword.
  • list_all (str) – If set to False, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to True - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is False.
  • page (int) – Start from page.
  • page_size (int) – Items per page.
  • project_id (str) – List objects by project.
  • vpc_id (str) – List objects by VPC.
Return type:

list of CloudStackVpnGateway

ex_register_iso(name, url, location=None, **kwargs)[source]

Registers an existing ISO by URL.

  • name (str) – Name which should be used
  • url (str) – Url should be used
  • location (NodeLocation) – Location which should be used
Return type:



Release a public IP.

Parameters:address (CloudStackAddress) – CloudStackAddress which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_replace_network_acllist(acl_id, network_id)[source]

Create an ACL List for a network within a VPC.Replaces ACL associated with a Network or private gateway

  • acl_id (string) – the ID of the network ACL
  • network_id (string) – the ID of the network
Return type:


ex_restore(node, template=None)[source]

Restore virtual machine

  • node (CloudStackNode) – Node to restore
  • template (NodeImage) – Optional new template

:rtype str


Revoke/delete an ingress security rule

Parameters:id (str) – The ID of the ingress security rule
Return type:bool

Starts/Resumes a stopped virtual machine

  • id (str) – The ID of the virtual machine (required)
  • hostid (str) – destination Host ID to deploy the VM to parameter available for root admin only

:rtype str


Stops/Suspends a running virtual machine

Parameters:node (CloudStackNode) – Node to stop.
Return type:str
ex_update_node_affinity_group(node, affinity_group_list)[source]

Updates the affinity/anti-affinity group associations of a virtual machine. The VM has to be stopped and restarted for the new properties to take effect.


:rtype CloudStackNode

features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.

Imported key pair object.

Return type:



List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List registered key pairs.

  • projectid (str) – list objects by project
  • page (int) – The page to list the keypairs from
  • keyword (str) – List by keyword
  • listall (bool) – If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command’s caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false
  • pagesize (int) – The number of results per page
  • account (str) – List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter
  • isrecursive (bool) – Defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves.
  • fingerprint (str) – A public key fingerprint to look for
  • name (str) – A key pair name to look for
  • domainid (str) – List only resources belonging to the domain specified

A list of key par objects.

Return type:

list of libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair


:rtype list of NodeLocation

list_nodes(project=None, location=None)[source]

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_nodes

  • project (CloudStackProject) – Limit nodes returned to those configured under the defined project.
  • location (NodeLocation) – Limit nodes returned to those in the defined location.
Return type:

list of CloudStackNode


:rtype list of NodeSize


Describe all snapshots.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot

List all volumes

Parameters:node (CloudStackNode) – Only return volumes for the provided node.
Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'CloudStack'

@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node :type node: CloudStackNode

Return type:bool
type = 'cloudstack'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackPortForwardingRule(node, rule_id, address, protocol, public_port, private_port, public_end_port=None, private_end_port=None, network_id=None)[source]

Bases: object

A Port forwarding rule for Source NAT.

A Port forwarding rule for Source NAT.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

  • node (Node) – Node for rule
  • rule_id (int) – Rule ID
  • address (CloudStackAddress) – External IP address
  • protocol (str) – TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
  • public_port (int) – External port for rule (or start port if public_end_port is also provided)
  • private_port (int) – Internal node port for rule (or start port if public_end_port is also provided)
  • public_end_port (int) – End of external port range
  • private_end_port (int) – End of internal port range
  • network_id (str) – The network of the vm the Port Forwarding rule will be created for. Required when public Ip address is not associated with any Guest network yet (VPC case)
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackProject(id, name, display_text, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack Project.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackRouter(id, name, state, public_ip, vpc_id, driver)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack Router.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackVPC(name, vpc_offering_id, id, cidr, driver, zone_id=None, display_text=None, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack VPC.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackVPCOffering(name, display_text, id, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack VPC Offering.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackVpnConnection(id, passive, vpn_customer_gateway_id, vpn_gateway_id, state, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack VPN Connection.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackVpnCustomerGateway(id, cidr_list, esp_policy, gateway, ike_policy, ipsec_psk, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack VPN Customer Gateway.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackVpnGateway(id, account, domain, domain_id, public_ip, vpc_id, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class representing a CloudStack VPN Gateway.


libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudwatt module

Cloudwatt driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudwatt.CloudwattNodeDriver(key, secret, tenant_id, secure=True, tenant_name=None, host=None, port=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver

Implements the NodeDriver’s for Cloudwatt.

@inherits: NodeDriver.__init__

Parameters:tenant_id (str) – ID of tenant required for Cloudwatt auth
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None)[source]

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.
  • device (str) – Where the device is exposed, e.g. ‘/dev/sdb’



alias of CloudwattConnection

name = 'Cloudwatt'
type = 'cloudwatt'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.digitalocean module

DigitalOcean Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.digitalocean.DigitalOceanNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

DigitalOcean NodeDriver defaulting to using APIv2.

  • key (str) – Personal Access Token required for authentication.
  • secret (str) – Previously used with API version v1. (deprecated)
  • api_version (str) – Specifies the API version to use. Defaults to using v2, currently the only valid option. (optional)
  • key – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


name = 'DigitalOcean'
type = 'digitalocean'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.digitalocean.DigitalOcean_v2_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, ex_per_page=200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.digitalocean.DigitalOcean_v2_BaseDriver, libcloud.compute.drivers.digitalocean.DigitalOceanNodeDriver

DigitalOcean NodeDriver using v2 of the API.

EX_CREATE_ATTRIBUTES = ['backups', 'ipv6', 'private_networking', 'tags', 'ssh_keys']
NODE_STATE_MAP = {'active': running, 'archive': terminated, 'new': pending, 'off': stopped}
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None)[source]

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.
  • device (str) – Where the device is exposed, e.g. ‘/dev/sdb’


create_image(node, name)[source]

Create an image from a Node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_image

  • node (str) – Node to use as base for image
  • node – Name for image
Return type:


create_key_pair(name, public_key='')[source]

Create a new SSH key.

  • name (str) – Key name (required)
  • public_key (str) – Valid public key string (required)
create_node(name, size, image, location, ex_create_attr=None, ex_ssh_key_ids=None, ex_user_data=None)[source]

Create a node.

The ex_create_attr parameter can include the following dictionary key and value pairs:

  • backups: bool defaults to False
  • ipv6: bool defaults to False
  • private_networking: bool defaults to False
  • tags: list of str tags
  • user_data: str for cloud-config data
  • ssh_keys: list of int key ids or str fingerprints

ex_create_attr[‘ssh_keys’] will override ex_ssh_key_ids assignment.

  • ex_create_attr (dict) – A dictionary of optional attributes for droplet creation
  • ex_ssh_key_ids (list of int key ids or str key fingerprints) – A list of ssh key ids which will be added to the server. (optional)
  • ex_user_data (str) – User data to be added to the node on create. (optional)

The newly created node.

Return type:


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes (required)
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a volume in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume. (optional)

The newly created volume.

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name)[source]

Create a new volume snapshot.

Parameters:volume (class:StorageVolume) – Volume to create a snapshot for
Returns:The newly created volume snapshot.
Return type:VolumeSnapshot

Delete an image for node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.delete_image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – the image to be deleted
Return type:bool

Delete an existing SSH key.

Parameters:key (KeyPair) – SSH key (required)

Delete a volume snapshot

Parameters:snapshot (class:VolumeSnapshot) – volume snapshot to delete
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:bool
ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(node, ip)[source]

Attach the floating IP to the node

  • node (Node) – node
  • ip (str or DigitalOcean_v2_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to attach
Return type:


ex_change_kernel(node, kernel_id)[source]

Create new floating IP reserved to a region.

The newly created floating IP will not be associated to a Droplet.


Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create the floating IP in.
Return type:DigitalOcean_v2_FloatingIpAddress

Delete specified floating IP

Parameters:ip (DigitalOcean_v2_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to remove
Return type:bool
ex_detach_floating_ip_from_node(node, ip)[source]

Detach a floating IP from the given node

Note: the ‘node’ object is not used in this method but it is added to the signature of ex_detach_floating_ip_from_node anyway so it conforms to the interface of the method of the same name for other drivers like for example OpenStack.

  • node (Node) – Node from which the IP should be detached
  • ip (DigitalOcean_v2_FloatingIpAddress) – Floating IP to detach
Return type:



Get specified floating IP

Parameters:ip (str) – floating IP to get
Return type:DigitalOcean_v2_FloatingIpAddress

Lists details of the specified server.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:Node

List floating IPs

Return type:list of DigitalOcean_v2_FloatingIpAddress

Destroy and rebuild the node using its base image.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to rebuild

:return True if the operation began successfully :rtype bool

ex_rename_node(node, name)[source]
ex_resize_node(node, size)[source]

Resize the node to a different machine size. Note that some resize operations are reversible, and others are irreversible.

  • node (NodeSize) – Node to rebuild
  • size – New size for this machine

:return True if the operation began successfully :rtype bool


Get an image based on an image_id

@inherits: NodeDriver.get_image

Parameters:image_id (int) – Image identifier
Returns:A NodeImage object
Return type:NodeImage

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available SSH keys.

Returns:Available SSH keys.
Return type:list of KeyPair

List locations

Parameters:ex_available – Only return locations which are available.

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

List snapshots for a volume.

Parameters:volume (class:StorageVolume) – Volume to list snapshots for
Returns:List of volume snapshots.
Return type:list of :class: StorageVolume

List storage volumes.

Return type:list of StorageVolume

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata module

Dimension Data Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='dd-na', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

DimensionData node driver. Default api_version is used unless specified.

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection

create_node(name, image, auth, ex_network_domain=None, ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4=None, ex_primary_nic_vlan=None, ex_primary_nic_network_adapter=None, ex_additional_nics=None, ex_description=None, ex_disks=None, ex_cpu_specification=None, ex_memory_gb=None, ex_is_started=True, ex_primary_dns=None, ex_secondary_dns=None, ex_ipv4_gateway=None, ex_microsoft_time_zone=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new DimensionData node in MCP2. However, it is still backward compatible for MCP1 for a limited time. Please consider using MCP2 datacenter as MCP1 will phase out soon.

Legacy Create Node for MCP1 datacenter

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthPassword
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = False
>>> DimensionData = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Password
>>> root_pw = NodeAuthPassword('password123')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU1')
>>> # Get network by location
>>> my_network = driver.list_networks(location=location)[0]
>>> pprint(my_network)
>>> # Get Image
>>> images = driver.list_images(location=location)
>>> image = images[0]
>>> node = driver.create_node(name='test_blah_2', image=image,
>>>                           auth=root_pw,
>>>                           ex_description='test3 node',
>>>                           ex_network=my_network,
>>>                           ex_is_started=False)
>>> pprint(node)

Create Node in MCP2 Data Center

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthPassword
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Password
>>> root_pw = NodeAuthPassword('password123')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> vlan = driver.ex_list_vlans(location=location,
>>>                             network_domain=my_network_domain)[0]
>>> pprint(vlan)
>>> # Get Image
>>> images = driver.list_images(location=location)
>>> image = images[0]
>>> # Create node using vlan instead of private IPv4
>>> node = driver.create_node(name='test_server_01', image=image,
>>>                           auth=root_pw,
>>>                           ex_description='test2 node',
>>>                           ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>                           ex_primary_nic_vlan=vlan,
>>>                           ex_is_started=False)
>>> # Option: Create node using private IPv4 instead of vlan
>>> # node = driver.create_node(name='test_server_02', image=image,
>>> #                           auth=root_pw,
>>> #                           ex_description='test2 node',
>>> #                           ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>> #                           ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4='',
>>> #                           ex_is_started=False)
>>> # Option: Create node using by specifying Network Adapter
>>> # node = driver.create_node(name='test_server_03', image=image,
>>> #                           auth=root_pw,
>>> #                           ex_description='test2 node',
>>> #                           ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>> #                           ex_primary_nic_vlan=vlan,
>>> #                           ex_primary_nic_network_adapter='E1000',
>>> #                           ex_is_started=False)
  • name (str) – (required) String with a name for this new node
  • image (NodeImage or str) – (required) OS Image to boot on node.
  • auth (NodeAuthPassword or str or None) – Initial authentication information for the node. (If this is a customer LINUX image auth will be ignored)
  • ex_description (str) – (optional) description for this node
  • ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – (required) Network Domain or Network Domain ID to create the node
  • ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 (:str) – Provide private IPv4. Ignore if ex_primary_nic_vlan is provided. Use one or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_vlan – Provide VLAN for the node if ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 NOT provided. One or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_network_adapter (:str) – (Optional) Default value for the Operating System will be used if leave empty. Example: “E1000”.
  • ex_additional_nics (list of :class:’DimensionDataNic’ or str) – (optional) List :class:’DimensionDataNic’ or None
  • ex_memory_gb (int) – (optional) The amount of memory in GB for the server Can be used to override the memory value inherited from the source Server Image.
  • ex_cpu_specification (DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification) – (optional) The spec of CPU to deploy
  • ex_is_started (bool) – (required) Start server after creation. Default is set to true.
  • ex_primary_dns (str) – (Optional) The node’s primary DNS
  • ex_secondary_dns (str) – (Optional) The node’s secondary DNS
  • ex_ipv4_gateway (str) – (Optional) IPv4 address in dot-decimal notation, which will be used as the Primary NIC gateway instead of the default gateway assigned by the system. If ipv4Gateway is provided it does not have to be on the VLAN of the Primary NIC but MUST be reachable or the Guest OS will not be configured correctly.
  • ex_disks (List or tuple of :class:'DimensionDataServerDisk`) – (optional) Dimensiondata disks. Optional disk elements can be used to define the disk speed that each disk on the Server; inherited from the source Server Image will be deployed to. It is not necessary to include a diskelement for every disk; only those that you wish to set a disk speed value for. Note that scsiId 7 cannot be used.Up to 13 disks can be present in addition to the required OS disk on SCSI ID 0. Refer to for disk
  • ex_microsoft_time_zone (str`) – (optional) For use with Microsoft Windows source Server Images only. For the exact value to use please refer to the table of time zone indexes in the following Microsoft Technet documentation. If none is supplied, the default time zone for the data center geographic region will be used.

The newly created Node.

Return type:



Deletes a node, node must be stopped before deletion

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to delete
Return type:bool
ex_add_storage_to_node(node, amount, speed='STANDARD', scsi_id=None)[source]

Add storage to the node

  • node (Node) – The server to add storage to
  • amount (int) – The amount of storage to add, in GB
  • speed (str) – The disk speed type
  • scsi_id (int) – The target SCSI ID (optional)
Return type:


ex_apply_tag_to_asset(asset, tag_key, value=None)[source]

Apply a tag to a Dimension Data Asset

  • asset (Node or NodeImage or DimensionDataNewtorkDomain or DimensionDataVlan or DimensionDataPublicIpBlock) – The asset to apply a tag to. (required)
  • tag_key (DimensionDataTagKey or str) – The tag_key to apply to the asset. (required)
  • value (str) – The value to be assigned to the tag key This is only required if the DimensionDataTagKey requires it
Return type:


ex_attach_node_to_vlan(node, vlan=None, private_ipv4=None)[source]

Attach a node to a VLAN by adding an additional NIC to the node on the target VLAN. The IP will be automatically assigned based on the VLAN IP network space. Alternatively, provide a private IPv4 address instead of VLAN information, and this will be assigned to the node on corresponding NIC.

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • vlan (DimensionDataVlan) – VLAN to attach the node to (required unless private_ipv4)
  • private_ipv4 (str) – Private nic IPv4 Address (required unless vlan)
Return type:


ex_audit_log_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get audit log report

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list

ex_backup_usage_report(start_date, end_date, location)[source]

Get audit log report

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
  • location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
Return type:

list of list

ex_change_nic_network_adapter(nic_id, network_adapter_name)[source]

Change network adapter of a NIC on a cloud server

  • nic_id (:str) – Nic ID
  • network_adapter_name (:str) – Network adapter name
Return type:


ex_change_storage_size(node, disk_id, size)[source]

Change the size of a disk

  • node (Node) – The server to change the disk of
  • disk_id (str) – The ID of the disk to resize
  • size (int) – The disk size in GB
Return type:


ex_change_storage_speed(node, disk_id, speed)[source]

Change the speed (disk tier) of a disk

  • node (Node) – The server to change the disk speed of
  • disk_id (str) – The ID of the disk to change
  • speed (str) – The disk speed type e.g. STANDARD
Return type:



Removes a node that has failed to deploy

Parameters:node (Node or str) – The failed node to clean
ex_clone_node_to_image(node, image_name, image_description=None, cluster_id=None, is_guest_Os_Customization=None, tag_key_id=None, tag_value=None)[source]

Clone a server into a customer image.

  • node (Node) – The server to clone
  • image_name (str) – The name of the clone image
  • description (str) – The description of the image
Return type:



Create an anti affinity rule given a list of nodes Anti affinity rules ensure that servers will not reside on the same VMware ESX host

Parameters:node_list (list of Node or list of str) – The list of nodes to create a rule for
Return type:bool
ex_create_firewall_rule(network_domain, rule, position, position_relative_to_rule=None)[source]

Creates a firewall rule

  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – The network domain in which to create the firewall rule
  • rule (DimensionDataFirewallRule) – The rule in which to create
  • position (str) – The position in which to create the rule There are two types of positions with position_relative_to_rule arg and without it With: ‘BEFORE’ or ‘AFTER’ Without: ‘FIRST’ or ‘LAST’
  • position_relative_to_rule (DimensionDataFirewallRule or str) – The rule or rule name in which to decide positioning by
Return type:


ex_create_ip_address_list(ex_network_domain, name, description, ip_version, ip_address_collection, child_ip_address_list=None)[source]

Create IP Address List. IP Address list.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataIpAddress
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # IP Address collection
>>> ipAddress_1 = DimensionDataIpAddress(begin='')
>>> ipAddress_2 = DimensionDataIpAddress(begin='',
>>> ipAddress_3 = DimensionDataIpAddress(begin='',
>>> ip_address_collection = [ipAddress_1, ipAddress_2, ipAddress_3]
>>> # Create IPAddressList
>>> result = driver.ex_create_ip_address_list(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>     name='My_IP_AddressList_2',
>>>     ip_version='IPV4',
>>>     description='Test only',
>>>     ip_address_collection=ip_address_collection,
>>>     child_ip_address_list='08468e26-eeb3-4c3d-8ff2-5351fa6d8a04'
>>> )
>>> pprint(result)
  • ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The network domain or network domain ID
  • name (:str) – IP Address List Name (required)
  • description (:str) – IP Address List Description (optional)
  • ip_version (:str) – IP Version of ip address (required)
  • ip_address_collection (:str) – List of IP Address. At least one ipAddress element or one childIpAddressListId element must be provided.
  • child_ip_address_list (:class:’DimensionDataChildIpAddressList` or str`) – Child IP Address List or id to be included in this IP Address List. At least one ipAddress or one childIpAddressListId must be provided.

a list of DimensionDataIpAddressList objects

Return type:

list of DimensionDataIpAddressList

ex_create_nat_rule(network_domain, internal_ip, external_ip)[source]

Create a NAT rule

  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The network domain the rule belongs to
  • internal_ip (str) – The IPv4 address internally
  • external_ip (str) – The IPv4 address externally
Return type:


ex_create_network(location, name, description=None)[source]

Create a new network in an MCP 1.0 location

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – The target location (MCP1)
  • name (str) – The name of the network
  • description (str) – Additional description of the network

A new instance of DimensionDataNetwork

Return type:

Instance of DimensionDataNetwork

ex_create_network_domain(location, name, service_plan, description=None)[source]

Deploy a new network domain to a data center

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – The data center to list
  • name (str) – The name of the network domain to create
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan, either “ESSENTIALS” or “ADVANCED”
  • description (str) – An additional description of the network domain

an instance of DimensionDataNetworkDomain

Return type:


ex_create_node_uncustomized(name, image, ex_network_domain, ex_is_started=True, ex_description=None, ex_cluster_id=None, ex_cpu_specification=None, ex_memory_gb=None, ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4=None, ex_primary_nic_vlan=None, ex_primary_nic_network_adapter=None, ex_additional_nics=None, ex_disks=None, ex_tagid_value_pairs=None, ex_tagname_value_pairs=None)[source]

This MCP 2.0 only function deploys a new Cloud Server from a CloudControl compatible Server Image, which does not utilize VMware Guest OS Customization process.

Create Node in MCP2 Data Center

  • name (str) – (required) String with a name for this new node
  • image (NodeImage or str) – (UUID of the Server Image being used as the target for the new Server deployment. The source Server Image (OS Image or Customer Image) must have osCustomization set to true. See Get/List OS Image(s) and Get/List Customer Image(s).
  • ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – (required) Network Domain or Network Domain ID to create the node
  • ex_description (str) – (optional) description for this node
  • ex_cluster_id – (optional) For multiple cluster

environments, it is possible to set a destination cluster for the new Customer Image. Note that performance of this function is optimal when either the Server cluster and destination are the same or when shared data storage is in place for the multiple clusters. :type ex_cluster_id: str

  • ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 (:str) – Provide private IPv4. Ignore if ex_primary_nic_vlan is provided. Use one or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_vlan – Provide VLAN for the node if ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 NOT provided. One or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_network_adapter (:str) – (Optional) Default value for the Operating System will be used if leave empty. Example: “E1000”.
  • ex_additional_nics (list of :class:’DimensionDataNic’ or str) – (optional) List :class:’DimensionDataNic’ or None
  • ex_memory_gb (int) – (optional) The amount of memory in GB for the server Can be used to override the memory value inherited from the source Server Image.
  • ex_cpu_specification (DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification) – (optional) The spec of CPU to deploy
  • ex_is_started (bool) – (required) Start server after creation. Default is set to true.
  • ex_disks (List or tuple of :class:'DimensionDataServerDisk`) – (optional) Dimensiondata disks. Optional disk elements can be used to define the disk speed that each disk on the Server; inherited from the source Server Image will be deployed to. It is not necessary to include a diskelement for every disk; only those that you wish to set a disk speed value for. Note that scsiId 7 cannot be used.Up to 13 disks can be present in addition to the required OS disk on SCSI ID 0. Refer to for disk
  • ex_tagid_value_pairs – (Optional) up to 10 tag elements may be provided. A combination of tagById and tag name cannot be supplied in the same request. Note: ex_tagid_value_pairs and ex_tagname_value_pairs is mutually exclusive. Use one or other.
  • ex_tagname_value_pairs (dict`.) – (Optional) up to 10 tag elements may be provided. A combination of tagById and tag name cannot be supplied in the same request. Note: ex_tagid_value_pairs and ex_tagname_value_pairs is mutually exclusive. Use one or other.

The newly created Node.

Return type:


ex_create_portlist(ex_network_domain, name, description, port_collection, child_portlist_list=None)[source]

Create Port List.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataPort
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # Port Collection
>>> port_1 = DimensionDataPort(begin='1000')
>>> port_2 = DimensionDataPort(begin='1001', end='1003')
>>> port_collection = [port_1, port_2]
>>> # Create Port List
>>> new_portlist = driver.ex_create_portlist(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>     name='MyPortListX',
>>>     description="Test only",
>>>     port_collection=port_collection,
>>>     child_portlist_list={'a9cd4984-6ff5-4f93-89ff-8618ab642bb9'}
>>>     )
>>> pprint(new_portlist)
  • ex_network_domain (:str) – (required) The network domain in which to create PortList. Provide networkdomain object or its id.
  • name (:str) – Port List Name
  • description (:str) – IP Address List Description
  • port_collection (:str) – List of Port Address
  • child_portlist_list (:str or ‘’list of :class:’DimensionDataChildPortList’) – List of Child Portlist to be included in this Port List

result of operation

Return type:


ex_create_tag_key(name, description=None, value_required=True, display_on_report=True)[source]

Creates a tag key in the Dimension Data Cloud

  • name (str) – The name of the tag key (required)
  • description (str) – The description of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – If a value is required for the tag Tags themselves can be just a tag, or be a key/value pair
  • display_on_report (bool) – Should this key show up on the usage reports
Return type:


ex_create_vlan(network_domain, name, private_ipv4_base_address, description=None, private_ipv4_prefix_size=24)[source]

Deploy a new VLAN to a network domain

  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The network domain to add the VLAN to
  • name (str) – The name of the VLAN to create
  • private_ipv4_base_address (str) – The base IPv4 address e.g.
  • description (str) – An additional description of the VLAN
  • private_ipv4_prefix_size (int) – The size of the IPv4 address space, e.g 24

an instance of DimensionDataVlan

Return type:



Remove anti affinity rule

Parameters:anti_affinity_rule (DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule or str) – The anti affinity rule to delete
Return type:bool

Delete a firewall rule

Parameters:rule (DimensionDataFirewallRule) – The rule to delete
Return type:bool

Delete IP Address List by ID

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> ip_address_list_id = '5e7c323f-c885-4e4b-9a27-94c44217dbd3'
>>> result = driver.ex_delete_ip_address_list(ip_address_list_id)
>>> pprint(result)
Parameters:ex_ip_address_list (:class:’DimensionDataIpAddressList’ or str) – IP Address List object or IP Address List ID (required)
Return type:bool

Delete an existing NAT rule

Parameters:rule (DimensionDataNatRule) – The rule to delete
Return type:bool

Delete a network from an MCP 1 data center

Parameters:network (DimensionDataNetwork) – The network to delete
Return type:bool

Delete a network domain

Parameters:network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The network domain to delete
Return type:bool

Delete Port List

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Delete Port List
>>> portlist_id = '157531ce-77d4-493c-866b-d3d3fc4a912a'
>>> response = driver.ex_delete_portlist(portlist_id)
>>> pprint(response)
Parameters:ex_portlist (:str or :class:’DimensionDataPortList’) – Port List to be deleted
Return type:bool

Deletes an existing VLAN

Parameters:vlan (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The VLAN to delete
Return type:bool

Remove a NIC on a node, removing the node from a VLAN

Parameters:nic_id (str) – The identifier of the NIC to remove
Return type:bool
ex_detailed_usage_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get detailed usage information

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list


Disables cloud monitoring for a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to stop monitoring
Return type:bool
ex_edit_firewall_rule(rule, position, relative_rule_for_position=None)[source]

Edit a firewall rule

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # List firewall rules
>>> firewall_rules = driver.ex_list_firewall_rules(my_network_domain)
>>> # Get Firewall Rule by name
>>> pprint("List specific firewall rule by name")
>>> fire_rule_under_test = (list(filter(lambda x: ==
                           'My_New_Firewall_Rule', firewall_rules))[0])
>>> pprint(fire_rule_under_test.source)
>>> pprint(fire_rule_under_test.destination)
>>> # Edit Firewall
>>> fire_rule_under_test.destination.address_list_id =
>>> fire_rule_under_test.destination.port_list_id =
>>> result = driver.ex_edit_firewall_rule(fire_rule_under_test, 'LAST')
>>> pprint(result)
  • rule (DimensionDataFirewallRule) – (required) The rule in which to create
  • position (str) – (required) There are two types of positions with position_relative_to_rule arg and without it With: ‘BEFORE’ or ‘AFTER’ Without: ‘FIRST’ or ‘LAST’
  • relative_rule_for_position (DimensionDataFirewallRule or str) – (optional) The rule or rule name in which to decide the relative rule for positioning.
Return type:


ex_edit_ip_address_list(ex_ip_address_list, description, ip_address_collection, child_ip_address_lists=None)[source]

Edit IP Address List. IP Address list.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataIpAddress
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # IP Address collection
>>> ipAddress_1 = DimensionDataIpAddress(begin='')
>>> ipAddress_2 = DimensionDataIpAddress(begin='',
>>>                                      end='')
>>> ipAddress_3 = DimensionDataIpAddress(
>>>                   begin='', prefix_size='24')
>>> ip_address_collection = [ipAddress_1, ipAddress_2, ipAddress_3]
>>> # Edit IP Address List
>>> ip_address_list_id = '5e7c323f-c885-4e4b-9a27-94c44217dbd3'
>>> result = driver.ex_edit_ip_address_list(
>>>      ex_ip_address_list=ip_address_list_id,
>>>      description="Edit Test",
>>>      ip_address_collection=ip_address_collection,
>>>      child_ip_address_lists=None
>>>      )
>>> pprint(result)
  • ex_ip_address_list (:class:’DimensionDataIpAddressList’ or str) – (required) IpAddressList object or IpAddressList ID
  • description (:str) – IP Address List Description
  • ip_address_collection (''list'' of :class:'DimensionDataIpAddressList') – List of IP Address
  • child_ip_address_lists (list of :class:’DimensionDataChildIpAddressList’ or str) – Child IP Address List or id to be included in this IP Address List

a list of DimensionDataIpAddressList objects

Return type:

list of DimensionDataIpAddressList

ex_edit_portlist(ex_portlist, description, port_collection, child_portlist_list=None)[source]

Edit Port List.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataPort
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Port Collection
>>> port_1 = DimensionDataPort(begin='4200')
>>> port_2 = DimensionDataPort(begin='4201', end='4210')
>>> port_collection = [port_1, port_2]
>>> # Edit Port List
>>> editPortlist = driver.ex_get_portlist(
>>> result = driver.ex_edit_portlist(
>>>     description="Make Changes in portlist",
>>>     port_collection=port_collection,
>>>     child_portlist_list={'a9cd4984-6ff5-4f93-89ff-8618ab642bb9'}
>>> )
>>> pprint(result)
  • ex_portlist (:str or :class:’DimensionDataPortList’) – Port List to be edited (required)
  • description (:str) – Port List Description
  • port_collection (:str) – List of Ports
  • child_portlist_list (:list of :class’DimensionDataChildPortList’ or ‘’str’’) – Child PortList to be included in this IP Address List

a list of DimensionDataPortList objects

Return type:

list of DimensionDataPortList

ex_enable_monitoring(node, service_plan='ESSENTIALS')[source]

Enables cloud monitoring on a node

  • node (Node) – The node to monitor
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan, one of ESSENTIALS or ADVANCED
Return type:


ex_exchange_nic_vlans(nic_id_1, nic_id_2)[source]

Exchange NIC Vlans

  • nic_id_1 (:str) – Nic ID 1
  • nic_id_2 (:str) – Nic ID 2
Return type:



Expands the VLAN to the prefix size in private_ipv4_range_size The expansion will not be permitted if the proposed IP space overlaps with an already deployed VLANs IP space.

Parameters:vlan (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The VLAN to update
Returns:an instance of DimensionDataVlan
Return type:DimensionDataVlan

Gets a Base image in the Dimension Data Cloud given the id

Parameters:id (str) – The id of the image
Return type:NodeImage

Gets a Customer image in the Dimension Data Cloud given the id

Parameters:id (str) – The id of the image
Return type:NodeImage
ex_get_firewall_rule(network_domain, rule_id)[source]

Gets a Base/Customer image in the Dimension Data Cloud given the id

Note: This first checks the base image
If it is not a base image we check if it is a customer image If it is not in either of these a DimensionDataAPIException is thrown
Parameters:id (str) – The id of the image
Return type:NodeImage
ex_get_ip_address_list(ex_network_domain, ex_ip_address_list_name)[source]

Get IP Address List by name in network domain specified

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # Get IP Address List by Name
>>> ipaddresslist_list_by_name = driver.ex_get_ip_address_list(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>     ex_ip_address_list_name='My_IP_AddressList_1')
>>> pprint(ipaddresslist_list_by_name)
  • ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – (required) The network domain or network domain ID in which ipaddresslist resides.
  • ex_ip_address_list_name (:str) – (required) Get ‘IP Address List’ by name

a list of DimensionDataIpAddressList objects

Return type:

list of DimensionDataIpAddressList


Get location by ID.

Parameters:id (str) – ID of the node location which should be used
Return type:NodeLocation
ex_get_nat_rule(network_domain, rule_id)[source]

Get a NAT rule by ID

  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The network domain the rule belongs to
  • rule_id (str) – The ID of the NAT rule to fetch
Return type:



Get an individual Network Domain, by identifier

Parameters:network_domain_id (str) – The identifier of the network domain
Return type:DimensionDataNetworkDomain

Get Port List

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get specific portlist by ID
>>> portlist_id = '27dd8c66-80ff-496b-9f54-2a3da2fe679e'
>>> portlist = driver.ex_get_portlist(portlist_id)
>>> pprint(portlist)
Parameters:ex_portlist_id (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The ex_port_list or ex_port_list ID
Returns:DimensionDataPortList object
Return type:DimensionDataPort

Get a specific tag key by ID

Parameters:id (str) – ID of the tag key you want (required)
Return type:DimensionDataTagKey

Get a specific tag key by Name

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the tag key you want (required)
Return type:DimensionDataTagKey

Get a single VLAN, by it’s identifier

Parameters:vlan_id (str) – The identifier of the VLAN
Returns:an instance of DimensionDataVlan
Return type:DimensionDataVlan
ex_list_anti_affinity_rules(network=None, network_domain=None, node=None, filter_id=None, filter_state=None)[source]

List anti affinity rules for a network, network domain, or node

  • network (DimensionDataNetwork or str) – The network to list anti affinity rules for One of network, network_domain, or node is required
  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – The network domain to list anti affinity rules One of network, network_domain, or node is required
  • node (Node or str) – The node to list anti affinity rules for One of network, netwok_domain, or node is required
  • filter_id (str) – This will allow you to filter the rules by this node id
Return type:

list of DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule


Return a list of customer imported images

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or str) – The target location
Return type:list of NodeImage
ex_list_firewall_rules(network_domain, page_size=50, page_number=1)[source]

List IP Address List by network domain ID specified

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # List IP Address List of network domain
>>> ipaddresslist_list = driver.ex_list_ip_address_list(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain)
>>> pprint(ipaddresslist_list)
Parameters:ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The network domain or network domain ID
Returns:a list of DimensionDataIpAddressList objects
Return type:list of DimensionDataIpAddressList

Get NAT rules for the network domain

Parameters:network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The network domain the rules belongs to
Return type:list of DimensionDataNatRule
ex_list_network_domains(location=None, name=None, service_plan=None, state=None)[source]

List networks domains deployed across all data center locations domain.

for your organization. The response includes the location of each network :param location: Only network domains in the location (optional) :type location: NodeLocation or str

  • name (str) – Only network domains of this name (optional)
  • service_plan (str) – Only network domains of this type (optional)
  • state (str) – Only network domains in this state (optional)

a list of DimensionDataNetwork objects

Return type:

list of DimensionDataNetwork


List networks deployed across all data center locations for your organization. The response includes the location of each network.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or str) – The target location
Returns:a list of DimensionDataNetwork objects
Return type:list of DimensionDataNetwork
ex_list_nodes_paginated(name=None, location=None, ipv6=None, ipv4=None, vlan=None, image=None, deployed=None, started=None, state=None, network=None, network_domain=None)[source]

Return a generator which yields node lists in pages

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
  • name – Filters the node list to nodes that have this name

:type name str

  • ipv6 (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv6 address
  • ipv4 (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv4 address
  • vlan (DimensionDataVlan or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are in this VLAN
  • image (NodeImage or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this image
  • deployed (bool) – Filters the node list to nodes that are deployed or not
  • started (bool) – Filters the node list to nodes that are started or not
  • state (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are in this state
  • network (DimensionDataNetwork or str) – Filters the node list to nodes in this network
  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – Filters the node list to nodes in this network domain

a list of Node objects

Return type:

generator of list of Node


List Portlist by network domain ID specified

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get dimension data driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.DIMENSIONDATA)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>>                                               networkDomainName][0]
>>> # List portlist
>>> portLists = driver.ex_list_portlist(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain)
>>> pprint(portLists)
Parameters:ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The network domain or network domain ID
Returns:a list of DimensionDataPortList objects
Return type:list of DimensionDataPortList
ex_list_tag_keys(id=None, name=None, value_required=None, display_on_report=None)[source]

List tag keys in the Dimension Data Cloud

  • id (str) – Filter the list to the id of the tag key
  • name (str) – Filter the list to the name of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – Filter the list to if a value is required for a tag key
  • display_on_report (bool) – Filter the list to if the tag key should show up on usage reports
Return type:

list of DimensionDataTagKey

ex_list_tags(asset_id=None, asset_type=None, location=None, tag_key_name=None, tag_key_id=None, value=None, value_required=None, display_on_report=None)[source]

List tags in the Dimension Data Cloud

  • asset_id (str) – Filter the list by asset id
  • asset_type (str) – Filter the list by asset type
  • location (:class:NodeLocation or str) – Filter the list by the assets location
  • tag_key_name (str) – Filter the list by a tag key name
  • tag_key_id (str) – Filter the list by a tag key id
  • value (str) – Filter the list by a tag value
  • value_required (bool) – Filter the list to if a value is required for a tag
  • display_on_report (bool) – Filter the list to if the tag should show up on usage reports
Return type:

list of DimensionDataTag

ex_list_vlans(location=None, network_domain=None, name=None, ipv4_address=None, ipv6_address=None, state=None)[source]

List VLANs available, can filter by location and/or network domain

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – Only VLANs in this location (optional)
  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – Only VLANs in this domain (optional)
  • name (str) – Only VLANs with this name (optional)
  • ipv4_address (str) – Only VLANs with this ipv4 address (optional)
  • ipv6_address (str) – Only VLANs with this ipv6 address (optional)
  • state (str) – Only VLANs with this state (optional)

a list of DimensionDataVlan objects

Return type:

list of DimensionDataVlan

ex_modify_tag_key(tag_key, name=None, description=None, value_required=None, display_on_report=None)[source]

Modify a specific tag key

  • tag_key (DimensionDataTagKey or str) – The tag key you want to modify (required)
  • name (str) – Set to modifiy the name of the tag key
  • description (str) – Set to modify the description of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – Set to modify if a value is required for the tag key
  • display_on_report (bool) – Set to modify if this tag key should display on the usage reports
Return type:



This function will abruptly power-off a server. Unlike ex_shutdown_graceful, success ensures the node will stop but some OS and application configurations may be adversely affected by the equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the machine.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_reconfigure_node(node, memory_gb, cpu_count, cores_per_socket, cpu_performance)[source]

Reconfigure the virtual hardware specification of a node

  • node (Node) – The server to change
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB (optional)
  • cpu_count (int) – The number of CPU (optional)
  • cores_per_socket (int) – Number of CPU cores per socket (optional)
  • cpu_performance (str) – CPU Performance type (optional)
Return type:



Remove storage from a node

  • node (Node) – The server to add storage to
  • disk_id (str) – The ID of the disk to remove
Return type:


ex_remove_storage_from_node(node, scsi_id)[source]

Remove storage from a node

  • node (Node) – The server to add storage to
  • scsi_id (str) – The ID of the disk to remove
Return type:


ex_remove_tag_from_asset(asset, tag_key)[source]

Remove a tag from an asset

  • asset (Node or NodeImage or DimensionDataNewtorkDomain or DimensionDataVlan or DimensionDataPublicIpBlock) – The asset to remove a tag from. (required)
  • tag_key (DimensionDataTagKey or str) – The tag key you want to remove (required)
Return type:



Modify a specific tag key

Parameters:tag_key (DimensionDataTagKey or str) – The tag key you want to remove (required)
Return type:bool
ex_rename_network(network, new_name)[source]

Rename a network in MCP 1 data center

  • network (DimensionDataNetwork) – The network to rename
  • new_name (str) – The new name of the network
Return type:



This function will abruptly reset a server. Unlike reboot_node, success ensures the node will restart but some OS and application configurations may be adversely affected by the equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the machine.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_set_firewall_rule_state(rule, state)[source]

Change the state (enabled or disabled) of a rule

  • rule (DimensionDataFirewallRule) – The rule to delete
  • state (bool) – The desired state enabled (True) or disabled (False)
Return type:


ex_software_usage_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get detailed software usage reports

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list

ex_summary_usage_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get summary usage information

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list

ex_update_monitoring_plan(node, service_plan='ESSENTIALS')[source]

Updates the service plan on a node with monitoring

  • node (Node) – The node to monitor
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan, one of ESSENTIALS or ADVANCED
Return type:



Update the properties of a network domain

Parameters:network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The network domain with updated properties
Returns:an instance of DimensionDataNetworkDomain
Return type:DimensionDataNetworkDomain
ex_update_node(node, name=None, description=None, cpu_count=None, ram_mb=None)[source]

Update the node, the name, CPU or RAM

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • name (str) – The new name (optional)
  • description (str) – The new description (optional)
  • cpu_count (int) – The new CPU count (optional)
  • ram_mb (int) – The new Memory in MB (optional)
Return type:



Updates the properties of the given VLAN Only name and description are updated

Parameters:vlan (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The VLAN to update
Returns:an instance of DimensionDataVlan
Return type:DimensionDataVlan

This function triggers an update of the VMware Tools software running on the guest OS of a Server.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_wait_for_state(state, func, poll_interval=2, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Wait for the function which returns a instance with field status to match

Keep polling func until one of the desired states is matched

  • state (str or list) – Either the desired state (str) or a list of states
  • func (function) – The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan
  • poll_interval (int) – The number of seconds to wait between checks
  • timeout (int) – The total number of seconds to wait to reach a state
  • args (Positional arguments) – The arguments for func
  • kwargs (Keyword arguments) – The arguments for func
features = {'create_node': ['password']}
import_image(ovf_package_name, name, cluster_id=None, datacenter_id=None, description=None, is_guest_os_customization=None, tagkey_name_value_dictionaries=None)[source]

Import image

  • ovf_package_name (str) – Image OVF package name
  • name (str) – Image name
  • cluster_id (str) – Provide either cluster_id or datacenter_id
  • datacenter_id (str) – Provide either cluster_id or datacenter_id
  • description (str) – Optional. Description of image
  • is_guest_os_customization (bool) – Optional. true for NGOC image
  • tagkey_name_value_dictionaries (dictionaries) – Optional tagkey name value dict

Return true if successful

Return type:



List images available

Note: Currently only returns the default ‘base OS images’
provided by DimensionData. Customer images (snapshots) use ex_list_customer_images
Parameters:ex_location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
Returns:List of images available
Return type:list of NodeImage

List locations (datacenters) available for instantiating servers and networks.

Parameters:ex_id (str) – Filters the location list to this id
Returns:List of locations
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List networks deployed across all data center locations for your organization. The response includes the location of each network.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or str) – The location
Returns:a list of DimensionDataNetwork objects
Return type:list of DimensionDataNetwork
list_nodes(ex_location=None, ex_name=None, ex_ipv6=None, ex_ipv4=None, ex_vlan=None, ex_image=None, ex_deployed=None, ex_started=None, ex_state=None, ex_network=None, ex_network_domain=None)[source]

List nodes deployed for your organization.

  • ex_location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
  • ex_name – Filters the node list to nodes that have this name

:type ex_name str

  • ex_ipv6 (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv6 address
  • ex_ipv4 (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv4 address
  • ex_vlan (DimensionDataVlan or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are in this VLAN
  • ex_image (NodeImage or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this image
  • ex_deployed (bool) – Filters the node list to nodes that are deployed or not
  • ex_started (bool) – Filters the node list to nodes that are started or not
  • ex_state (str) – Filters the node list by nodes that are in this state
  • ex_network (DimensionDataNetwork or str) – Filters the node list to nodes in this network
  • ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – Filters the node list to nodes in this network domain

a list of Node objects

Return type:

list of Node

return a list of available sizes
Currently, the size of the node is dictated by the chosen OS base image, they cannot be set explicitly.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

name = 'DimensionData'

Reboots a node by requesting the OS restart via the hypervisor

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to reboot
Return type:bool
selected_region = None

Powers on an existing deployed server

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

This function will attempt to “gracefully” stop a server by initiating a shutdown sequence within the guest operating system. A successful response on this function means the system has successfully passed the request into the operating system.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
type = 'dimensiondata'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy module

Dummy Driver

@note: This driver is out of date

class libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy.DummyConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Dummy connection class

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.

connect(host=None, port=None)[source]

Establish a connection with the API server.

  • host (str) – Optional host to override our default
  • port (int) – Optional port to override our default

A connection

class libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy.DummyNodeDriver(creds)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Dummy node driver

This is a fake driver which appears to always create or destroy nodes successfully.

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> node=driver.create_node()
>>> node.public_ips[0]

If the credentials you give convert to an integer then the next node to be created will be one higher.

Each time you create a node you will get a different IP address.

>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(22)
>>> node=driver.create_node()
Parameters:creds (str) – Credentials
Return type:None
create_node(name, size, image)[source]

Creates a dummy node; the node id is equal to the number of nodes in the node list

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> sorted([ for node in driver.list_nodes()])
['dummy-1', 'dummy-2']
>>> nodeA = driver.create_node()
>>> sorted([ for node in driver.list_nodes()])
['dummy-1', 'dummy-2', 'dummy-3']
>>> driver.create_node().name
>>> driver.destroy_node(nodeA)
>>> sorted([ for node in driver.list_nodes()])
['dummy-1', 'dummy-2', 'dummy-4']

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node


Sets the node state to terminated and removes it from the node list

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState
>>> node = [node for node in driver.list_nodes() if
... == 'dummy-1'][0]
>>> node.state == NodeState.RUNNING
>>> driver.destroy_node(node)
>>> node.state == NodeState.RUNNING
>>> [n for n in driver.list_nodes() if == 'dummy-1']

@inherits: NodeDriver.destroy_node

Parameters:unique_field (bool) – Unique field
Return type:UUID
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object


Returns a list of images as a cloud provider might have

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> sorted([ for image in driver.list_images()])
['Slackware 4', 'Ubuntu 9.04', 'Ubuntu 9.10']

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images


Returns a list of locations of nodes

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> sorted([ + " in " + for loc in
...         driver.list_locations()])
['Island Datacenter in FJ', 'London Loft in GB', "Paul's Room in US"]

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_locations


List the nodes known to a particular driver; There are two default nodes created at the beginning

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> node_list=driver.list_nodes()
>>> sorted([ for node in node_list ])
['dummy-1', 'dummy-2']

each item in the list returned is a node object from which you can carry out any node actions you wish

>>> node_list[0].reboot()

As more nodes are added, list_nodes will return them

>>> node=driver.create_node()
>>> sorted([ for n in driver.list_nodes()])
['dummy-1', 'dummy-2', 'dummy-3']

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_nodes


Returns a list of node sizes as a cloud provider might have

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> sorted([size.ram for size in driver.list_sizes()])
[128, 512, 4096, 8192]

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images

name = 'Dummy Node Provider'

Sets the node state to rebooting; in this dummy driver always returns True as if the reboot had been successful.

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> node=driver.create_node()
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState
>>> node.state == NodeState.RUNNING
>>> node.state == NodeState.REBOOTING
>>> driver.reboot_node(node)
>>> node.state == NodeState.REBOOTING

Please note, dummy nodes never recover from the reboot.

@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node

type = 'dummy'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2 module

Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus, Nimbus and Outscale drivers.

libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.OUTSCALE_INSTANCE_TYPES = {'c1.medium': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 340, 'id': 'c1.medium', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Medium Instance', 'ram': 1740}, 'c1.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'c1.xlarge', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 7168}, 'c3.2xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 160, 'id': 'c3.2xlarge', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Double Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15359}, 'c3.4xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 320, 'id': 'c3.4xlarge', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Quadruple Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 30720}, 'c3.8xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 640, 'id': 'c3.8xlarge', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Eight Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 61440}, 'c3.large': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 32, 'id': 'c3.large', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Large Instance', 'ram': 3840}, 'c3.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 80, 'id': 'c3.xlarge', 'name': 'Compute Optimized Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 7168}, 'cc1.4xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'cc1.4xlarge', 'name': 'Cluster Compute Quadruple Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 24576}, 'cc2.8xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 3360, 'id': 'cc2.8xlarge', 'name': 'Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 65536}, 'cr1.8xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 240, 'id': 'cr1.8xlarge', 'name': 'Memory Optimized Eight Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 249855}, 'g2.2xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 60, 'id': 'g2.2xlarge', 'name': 'GPU Double Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15360}, 'hi1.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'hi1.xlarge', 'name': 'High Storage Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15361}, 'm1.large': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 840, 'id': 'm1.large', 'name': 'Standard Large Instance', 'ram': 7680}, 'm1.medium': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 420, 'id': 'm1.medium', 'name': 'Standard Medium Instance', 'ram': 3840}, 'm1.small': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 150, 'id': 'm1.small', 'name': 'Standard Small Instance', 'ram': 1740}, 'm1.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'm1.xlarge', 'name': 'Standard Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15360}, 'm2.2xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 840, 'id': 'm2.2xlarge', 'name': 'High Memory Double Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 35020}, 'm2.4xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'm2.4xlarge', 'name': 'High Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 70042}, 'm2.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 420, 'id': 'm2.xlarge', 'name': 'High Memory Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 17510}, 'm3.2xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 0, 'id': 'm3.2xlarge', 'name': 'High Storage Optimized Double Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 30720}, 'm3.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 0, 'id': 'm3.xlarge', 'name': 'High Storage Optimized Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15357}, 'm3s.2xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 0, 'id': 'm3s.2xlarge', 'name': 'High Storage Optimized Double Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 30719}, 'm3s.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 0, 'id': 'm3s.xlarge', 'name': 'High Storage Optimized Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15359}, 'nv1.large': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 840, 'id': 'nv1.large', 'name': 'GPU Large Instance', 'ram': 7679}, 'nv1.medium': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 420, 'id': 'nv1.medium', 'name': 'GPU Medium Instance', 'ram': 3839}, 'nv1.small': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 150, 'id': 'nv1.small', 'name': 'GPU Small Instance', 'ram': 1739}, 'nv1.xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'nv1.xlarge', 'name': 'GPU Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 15358}, 'oc1.4xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 1680, 'id': 'oc1.4xlarge', 'name': 'Outscale Quadruple Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 24575}, 'oc2.8xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 3360, 'id': 'oc2.8xlarge', 'name': 'Outscale Eight Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 65535}, 'os1.2xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 60, 'id': 'os1.2xlarge', 'name': 'Memory Optimized, High Storage, Passthrough NIC Double Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 65536}, 'os1.4xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 120, 'id': 'os1.4xlarge', 'name': 'Memory Optimized, High Storage, Passthrough NIC Quadruple Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 131072}, 'os1.8xlarge': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 500, 'id': 'os1.8xlarge', 'name': 'Memory Optimized, High Storage, Passthrough NIC Eight Extra Large Instance', 'ram': 249856}, 't1.micro': {'bandwidth': None, 'disk': 0, 'id': 't1.micro', 'name': 'Micro Instance', 'ram': 615}}

The function manipulating Outscale cloud regions will be overridden because Outscale instances types are in a separate dict so also declare Outscale cloud regions in some other constants.

libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.OUTSCALE_INC_REGION_DETAILS = {'eu-west-1': {'api_name': 'osc_inc_eu_west_1', 'country': 'FRANCE', 'endpoint': '', 'instance_types': ['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'p2.xlarge', 'p2.8xlarge', 'p2.16xlarge', 'nv1.small', 'nv1.medium', 'nv1.large', 'nv1.xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'm3.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'os1.8xlarge']}, 'eu-west-2': {'api_name': 'osc_inc_eu_west_2', 'country': 'FRANCE', 'endpoint': '', 'instance_types': ['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'nv1.small', 'nv1.medium', 'nv1.large', 'nv1.xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'm3.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'os1.8xlarge']}, 'eu-west-3': {'api_name': 'osc_inc_eu_west_3', 'country': 'FRANCE', 'endpoint': '', 'instance_types': ['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'nv1.small', 'nv1.medium', 'nv1.large', 'nv1.xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'm3.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'os1.8xlarge']}, 'us-east-1': {'api_name': 'osc_inc_us_east_1', 'country': 'USA', 'endpoint': '', 'instance_types': ['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'nv1.small', 'nv1.medium', 'nv1.large', 'nv1.xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'm3.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'os1.8xlarge']}, 'us-east-2': {'api_name': 'osc_inc_us_east_2', 'country': 'USA', 'endpoint': '', 'instance_types': ['t1.micro', 'm1.small', 'm1.medium', 'm1.large', 'm1.xlarge', 'c1.medium', 'c1.xlarge', 'm2.xlarge', 'm2.2xlarge', 'm2.4xlarge', 'nv1.small', 'nv1.medium', 'nv1.large', 'nv1.xlarge', 'cc1.4xlarge', 'cc2.8xlarge', 'm3.xlarge', 'm3.2xlarge', 'cr1.8xlarge', 'os1.8xlarge']}}

Define the extra dictionary for specific resources

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='us-east-1', token=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.BaseEC2NodeDriver

Amazon EC2 node driver.

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'pending': pending, 'running': running, 'shutting-down': unknown, 'stopped': stopped, 'terminated': terminated}

alias of EC2Connection

classmethod list_regions()[source]
name = 'Amazon EC2'
path = '/'
type = 'ec2'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.BaseEC2NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Base Amazon EC2 node driver.

Used for main EC2 and other derivate driver classes to inherit from it.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'pending': pending, 'running': running, 'shutting-down': unknown, 'terminated': terminated}
SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP = {'completed': available, 'error': error, 'pending': creating}
VOLUME_STATE_MAP = {'available': available, 'creating': creating, 'deleted': deleted, 'deleting': deleting, 'error': error, 'error_deleting': error, 'in-use': inuse}
attach_volume(node, volume, device)[source]

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.
  • device (str) – Where the device is exposed, e.g. ‘/dev/sdb’



alias of EC2Connection

copy_image(image, source_region, name=None, description=None)[source]

Copy an Amazon Machine Image from the specified source region to the current region.

@inherits: NodeDriver.copy_image

  • source_region (str) – The region where the image resides
  • image (NodeImage) – Instance of class NodeImage
  • name (str) – The name of the new image
  • description (str) – The description of the new image

Instance of class NodeImage

Return type:


country = ''
create_image(node, name, description=None, reboot=False, block_device_mapping=None)[source]

Create an Amazon Machine Image based off of an EBS-backed instance.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_image

  • node – Instance of Node
  • name (str) – The name for the new image
  • block_device_mapping (list of dict) – A dictionary of the disk layout An example of this dict is included below.
  • reboot (bool) – Whether or not to shutdown the instance before creation. Amazon calls this NoReboot and sets it to false by default to ensure a clean image.
  • description (str) – An optional description for the new image

An example block device mapping dictionary is included:

mapping = [{‘VirtualName’: None,
‘Ebs’: {‘VolumeSize’: 10,
‘VolumeType’: ‘standard’, ‘DeleteOnTermination’: ‘true’}, ‘DeviceName’: ‘/dev/sda1’}]
Returns:Instance of class NodeImage
Return type:NodeImage

Create a new key pair object.

Parameters:name (str) – Key pair name.
Return type:KeyPair object
create_node(name, size, image, location=None, auth=None, ex_keyname=None, ex_userdata=None, ex_security_groups=None, ex_securitygroup=None, ex_security_group_ids=None, ex_metadata=None, ex_mincount=1, ex_maxcount=1, ex_clienttoken=None, ex_blockdevicemappings=None, ex_iamprofile=None, ex_ebs_optimized=None, ex_subnet=None, ex_placement_group=None, ex_assign_public_ip=False, ex_terminate_on_shutdown=False, ex_spot=False, ex_spot_max_price=None)[source]

Create a new EC2 node.

Reference: []

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_keyname (str) – The name of the key pair
  • ex_userdata (str) – User data
  • ex_security_groups (list) – A list of names of security groups to assign to the node.
  • ex_security_group_ids (list) – A list of ids of security groups to assign to the node.[for VPC nodes only]
  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_mincount (int) – Minimum number of instances to launch
  • ex_maxcount (int) – Maximum number of instances to launch
  • ex_clienttoken (str) – Unique identifier to ensure idempotency
  • ex_blockdevicemappings (list of dict) – list of dict block device mappings.
  • ex_iam_profile (str) – Name or ARN of IAM profile
  • ex_ebs_optimized (bool) – EBS-Optimized if True
  • ex_subnet (EC2Subnet) – The subnet to launch the instance into.
  • ex_placement_group (str) – The name of the placement group to launch the instance into.
  • ex_assign_public_ip (bool) – If True, the instance will be assigned a public ip address. Note : It takes takes a short while for the instance to be assigned the public ip so the node returned will NOT have the public ip assigned yet.
  • ex_terminate_on_shutdown (bool) – Indicates if the instance should be terminated instead of just shut down when using the operating systems command for system shutdown.
  • ex_spot (bool) – If true, ask for a Spot Instance instead of requesting On-Demand.
  • ex_spot_max_price (float) – Maximum price to pay for the spot instance. If not specified, the on-demand price will be used.
create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None, ex_volume_type='standard', ex_iops=None, ex_encrypted=False, ex_kms_key_id=None)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes (required)
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created
  • location (ExEC2AvailabilityZone) – Which data center to create a volume in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume. (optional)
  • location – Datacenter in which to create a volume in.
  • ex_volume_type (str) – Type of volume to create.
  • iops (int) – The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. Only used if ex_volume_type is io1.
  • ex_encrypted (bool) – Specifies whether the volume should be encrypted.
  • ex_kms_key_id (str) – The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master key (CMK) to use when creating the encrypted volume. Example: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:012345678910:key/abcd1234-a123 -456a-a12b-a123b4cd56ef. Only used if encrypted is set to True.

The newly created volume.

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None, ex_metadata=None)[source]

Create snapshot from volume

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Instance of StorageVolume
  • name (str) – Name of snapshot (optional)
  • ex_metadata (dict) – The Key/Value metadata to associate with a snapshot (optional)
Return type:



Deletes an image at Amazon given a NodeImage object

@inherits: NodeDriver.delete_image

Parameters:image – Instance of NodeImage
Return type:bool

Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (KeyPair) – Key pair object.
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool

Destroys a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_force=False)[source]

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:bool

Allocate a new Elastic IP address for EC2 classic or VPC

Parameters:domain (str) – The domain to allocate the new address in (standard/vpc)
Returns:Instance of ElasticIP
Return type:ElasticIP
ex_associate_address_with_node(node, elastic_ip, domain=None)[source]

Associate an Elastic IP address with a particular node.

  • node (Node) – Node instance
  • elastic_ip (ElasticIP) – Elastic IP instance
  • domain (str) – The domain where the IP resides (vpc only)

A string representation of the association ID which is required for VPC disassociation. EC2/standard addresses return None

Return type:

None or str

ex_associate_addresses(node, elastic_ip, domain=None)[source]

Note: This method has been deprecated in favor of the ex_associate_address_with_node method.

ex_associate_route_table(route_table, subnet)[source]

Associates a route table with a subnet within a VPC.

Note: A route table can be associated with multiple subnets.

  • route_table (EC2RouteTable) – The route table to associate.
  • subnet (EC2Subnet) – The subnet to associate with.

Route table association ID.

Return type:


ex_attach_internet_gateway(gateway, network)[source]

Attach an Internet gateway to a VPC

  • gateway (VPCInternetGateway) – The gateway to attach
  • network (EC2Network) – The VPC network to attach to
Return type:


ex_attach_network_interface_to_node(network_interface, node, device_index)[source]

Attach a network interface to an instance.

  • network_interface (EC2NetworkInterface) – EC2NetworkInterface instance
  • node (Node) – Node instance
  • device_index (int) – The interface device index

String representation of the attachment id. This is required to detach the interface.

Return type:


ex_authorize_security_group(name, from_port, to_port, cidr_ip, protocol='tcp')[source]

Edit a Security Group to allow specific traffic.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

  • name (str) – The name of the security group to edit
  • from_port (str) – The beginning of the port range to open
  • to_port (str) – The end of the port range to open
  • cidr_ip (str) – The ip to allow traffic for.
  • protocol (str) – tcp/udp/icmp
Return type:


ex_authorize_security_group_egress(id, from_port, to_port, cidr_ips, group_pairs=None, protocol='tcp')[source]

Edit a Security Group to allow specific egress traffic using CIDR blocks or either a group ID, group name or user ID (account). This call is not supported for EC2 classic and only works for VPC groups.

  • id (str) – The id of the security group to edit
  • from_port (int) – The beginning of the port range to open
  • to_port (int) – The end of the port range to open
  • cidr_ips (list) – The list of ip ranges to allow traffic for.
  • group_pairs (list of dict) –

    Source user/group pairs to allow traffic for. More info can be found at

    EC2 Classic Example: To allow access from any system associated with the default group on account 1234567890

    [{‘group_name’: ‘default’, ‘user_id’: ‘1234567890’}]

    VPC Example: Allow access from any system associated with security group sg-47ad482e on your own account

    [{‘group_id’: ‘ sg-47ad482e’}]

  • protocol (str) – tcp/udp/icmp
Return type:


ex_authorize_security_group_ingress(id, from_port, to_port, cidr_ips=None, group_pairs=None, protocol='tcp', description=None)[source]

Edit a Security Group to allow specific ingress traffic using CIDR blocks or either a group ID, group name or user ID (account).

  • id (str) – The id of the security group to edit
  • from_port (int) – The beginning of the port range to open
  • to_port (int) – The end of the port range to open
  • cidr_ips (list) – The list of IP ranges to allow traffic for.
  • group_pairs (list of dict) –

    Source user/group pairs to allow traffic for. More info can be found at

    EC2 Classic Example: To allow access from any system associated with the default group on account 1234567890

    [{‘group_name’: ‘default’, ‘user_id’: ‘1234567890’}]

    VPC example: To allow access from any system associated with security group sg-47ad482e on your own account

    [{‘group_id’: ‘ sg-47ad482e’}]

  • protocol (str) – tcp/udp/icmp
  • description (str) – description to be added to the rules inserted
Return type:



Edit a Security Group to allow all traffic.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the security group to edit
Return type:list of str
ex_change_node_size(node, new_size)[source]

Change the node size. Note: Node must be turned of before changing the size.

  • node (Node) – Node instance
  • new_size (NodeSize) – NodeSize instance

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:



Delete a VPC Internet gateway

Return type:bool

Creates a new keypair

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the keypair to Create. This must be unique, otherwise an InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate exception is raised.
Return type:dict
ex_create_network(cidr_block, name=None, instance_tenancy='default')[source]

Create a network/VPC

  • cidr_block (str) – The CIDR block assigned to the network
  • name (str) – An optional name for the network
  • instance_tenancy (str) – The allowed tenancy of instances launched into the VPC. Valid values: default/dedicated

Dictionary of network properties

Return type:


ex_create_network_interface(subnet, name=None, description=None, private_ip_address=None)[source]

Create a network interface within a VPC subnet.

  • subnet (EC2NetworkSubnet) – EC2NetworkSubnet instance
  • name (str) – Optional name of the interface
  • description (str) – Optional description of the network interface
  • private_ip_address (str) – Optional address to assign as the primary private IP address of the interface. If one is not provided then Amazon will automatically auto-assign an available IP. EC2 allows assignment of multiple IPs, but this will be the primary.

EC2NetworkInterface instance

Return type:

:class EC2NetworkInterface


Creates a new placement group.

Parameters:name (str) – The name for the new placement group
Return type:bool
ex_create_route(route_table, cidr, internet_gateway=None, node=None, network_interface=None, vpc_peering_connection=None)[source]

Creates a route entry in the route table.

  • route_table (EC2RouteTable) – The route table to create the route in.
  • cidr (str) – The CIDR block used for the destination match.
  • internet_gateway (VPCInternetGateway) – The Internet gateway to route traffic through.
  • node (Node) – The NAT instance to route traffic through.
  • network_interface (EC2NetworkInterface) – The network interface of the node to route traffic through.
  • vpc_peering_connection (VPCPeeringConnection) – The VPC peering connection.
Return type:


Note: You must specify one of the following: internet_gateway,
node, network_interface, vpc_peering_connection.
ex_create_route_table(network, name=None)[source]

Creates a route table within a VPC.

Parameters:vpc_id (EC2Network) – The VPC that the subnet should be created in.
Return type:
ex_create_security_group(name, description, vpc_id=None)[source]

Creates a new Security Group in EC2-Classic or a targeted VPC.

  • name (str) – The name of the security group to create. This must be unique.
  • description (str) – Human readable description of a Security Group.
  • vpc_id (str) – Optional identifier for VPC networks
Return type:


ex_create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone, name=None)[source]

Creates a network subnet within a VPC.

  • vpc_id (str) – The ID of the VPC that the subnet should be associated with
  • cidr_block (str) – The CIDR block assigned to the subnet
  • availability_zone (str) – The availability zone where the subnet should reside
  • name (str) – An optional name for the network
Return type:


ex_create_tags(resource, tags)[source]

Creates tags for a resource (Node or StorageVolume).

  • resource (Node or StorageVolume or VolumeSnapshot) – The resource to be tagged
  • tags (dict) – A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, associating tag names with tag values.
Return type:



Deletes a VPC Internet gateway.

Parameters:gateway (VPCInternetGateway) – The gateway to delete
Return type:bool

Deletes a key pair by name.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works with EC2.

Parameters:keypair (str) – The name of the keypair to delete.
Return type:bool

Deletes a network/VPC.

Parameters:vpc (EC2Network) – VPC to delete.
Return type:bool

Deletes a network interface.

Parameters:network_interface (EC2NetworkInterface) – EC2NetworkInterface instance
Return type:bool

Deletes a placement group.

Parameters:name (str) – The placement group name
Return type:bool
ex_delete_route(route_table, cidr)[source]

Deletes a route entry from the route table.

  • route_table (EC2RouteTable) – The route table to delete the route from.
  • cidr (str) – The CIDR block used for the destination match.
Return type:



Deletes a VPC route table.

Parameters:route_table (EC2RouteTable) – The route table to delete.
Return type:bool

A wrapper method which calls ex_delete_security_group_by_name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the security group
Return type:bool

Deletes a new Security Group using the group ID.

Parameters:group_id (str) – The ID of the security group
Return type:bool

Deletes a new Security Group using the group name.

Parameters:group_name (str) – The name of the security group
Return type:bool

Deletes a VPC subnet.

Parameters:subnet (EC2NetworkSubnet) – The subnet to delete
Return type:bool
ex_delete_tags(resource, tags)[source]

Deletes tags from a resource.

  • resource (Node or StorageVolume) – The resource to be tagged
  • tags (dict) – A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, specifying the tag names and tag values to be deleted.
Return type:



Returns Elastic IP addresses for all the nodes in the provided list.

Parameters:nodes (list of Node) – A list of Node instances
Returns:Dictionary where a key is a node ID and the value is a list with the Elastic IP addresses associated with this node.
Return type:dict

Returns a list of Elastic IP Addresses associated with this node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node instance
Returns:List Elastic IP Addresses attached to this node.
Return type:list of str

Returns all the Elastic IP addresses for this account optionally, returns only addresses associated with nodes.

Parameters:only_associated (bool) – If true, return only the addresses that are associated with an instance.
Returns:List of Elastic IP addresses.
Return type:list of ElasticIP

Returns names for all the available key pairs.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

Return type:list of str
ex_describe_import_snapshot_tasks(import_task_id, dry_run=None)[source]

Describes your import snapshot tasks. More information can be found at

  • import_task_id (str) – Import task Id for the current Import Snapshot Task
  • dry_run (bool) – Checks whether you have the permission for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.(optional)
Return type:

:class:DescribeImportSnapshotTasks Object


Describes a keypair by name.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the keypair to describe.
Return type:dict

Here for backward compatibility.


Returns a dictionary of tags for a resource (e.g. Node or StorageVolume).

Parameters:resource (any resource class, such as Node, StorageVolume, or :class:NodeImage`) – The resource to be used
Returns:A dictionary of Node tags
Return type:dict
ex_describe_volumes_modifications(dry_run=False, volume_ids=None, filters=None)[source]

Describes one or more of your volume modifications.

  • dry_run (bool) – dry_run
  • volume_ids (dict) – The volume_ids so that the response includes information for only said volumes
  • filters (dict) – The filters so that the response includes information for only certain volumes

List of volume modification status objects

Return type:

list of :class:`VolumeModification

ex_detach_internet_gateway(gateway, network)[source]

Detaches an Internet gateway from a VPC.

  • gateway (VPCInternetGateway) – The gateway to detach
  • network (EC2Network) – The VPC network to detach from
Return type:


ex_detach_network_interface(attachment_id, force=False)[source]

Detach a network interface from an instance.

  • attachment_id (str) – The attachment ID associated with the interface
  • force (bool) – Forces the detachment.

True on successful detachment, False otherwise.

Return type:


ex_disassociate_address(elastic_ip, domain=None)[source]

Disassociates an Elastic IP address using the IP (EC2-Classic) or the association ID (VPC).

  • elastic_ip (ElasticIP) – ElasticIP instance
  • domain (str) – The domain where the IP resides (vpc only)

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:



Dissociates a subnet from a route table.

Parameters:subnet_association (EC2SubnetAssociation or str) – The subnet association object or subnet association ID.
Return type:bool

Given a public key, look it up in the EC2 KeyPair database. If it exists, return any information we have about it. Otherwise, create it.

Keys that are created are named based on their comment and fingerprint.

Return type:dict

Gets console output for the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Returns:A dictionary with the following keys: - instance_id (str) - timestamp (datetime.datetime) - last output timestamp - output (str) - console output
Return type:dict

Retrieve account resource limits.

Return type:dict

Returns the metadata associated with the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node instance
Returns:A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, associating tag names with tag values.
Rtype tags:dict
ex_get_security_groups(group_ids=None, group_names=None, filters=None)[source]

Returns a list of EC2SecurityGroup objects for the current region.

  • group_ids (list) – Returns only groups matching the provided group IDs.
  • group_names – Returns only groups matching the provided group names.
  • filters (dict) – The filters so that the list returned includes information for specific security groups only.
Return type:

list of EC2SecurityGroup

ex_import_keypair(name, keyfile)[source]

Imports a new public key where the public key is passed via a filename.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

  • name (str) – The name of the public key to import. This must be unique, otherwise an InvalidKeyPair. Duplicate exception is raised.
  • keyfile (str) – The filename with the path of the public key to import.
Return type:


ex_import_keypair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Imports a new public key where the public key is passed in as a string.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

  • name (str) – The name of the public key to import. This must be unique, otherwise an InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate exception is raised.
  • key_material (str) – The contents of a public key file.
Return type:


ex_import_snapshot(client_data=None, client_token=None, description=None, disk_container=None, dry_run=None, role_name=None)[source]

Imports a disk into an EBS snapshot. More information can be found at

  • client_data (dict) – Describes the client specific data (optional)
  • client_token (str) – The token to enable idempotency for VM (optional)
  • description (str) – The description string for the import snapshot task.(optional)
:param disk_container:The disk container object for the
import snapshot request.

:type disk_container:dict

  • dry_run (bool) – Checks whether you have the permission for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response.(optional)
  • role_name (str) – The name of the role to use when not using the default role, ‘vmimport’.(optional)
Return type:



Returns a list of ExEC2AvailabilityZone objects for the current region.

Note: This is an extension method and is only available for EC2 driver.

Parameters:only_available (str) – If true, returns only availability zones with state ‘available’
Return type:list of ExEC2AvailabilityZone
ex_list_internet_gateways(gateway_ids=None, filters=None)[source]

Describes available Internet gateways and whether or not they are attached to a VPC. These are required for VPC nodes to communicate over the Internet.

  • gateway_ids (list) – Returns only Internet gateways matching the provided Internet gateway IDs. If not specified, a list of all the Internet gateways in the corresponding region is returned.
  • filters (dict) – The filters so the list returned inclues information for certain gateways only.
Return type:

list of VPCInternetGateway


Lists all the keypair names and fingerprints.

Return type:list of dict

Returns all network interfaces.

Returns:List of EC2NetworkInterface instances
Return type:list of :class EC2NetworkInterface
ex_list_networks(network_ids=None, filters=None)[source]

Returns a list of EC2Network objects for the current region.

  • network_ids (list) – Returns only networks matching the provided network IDs. If not specified, a list of all the networks in the corresponding region is returned.
  • filters (dict) – The filters so that the list returned includes information for certain networks only.
Return type:

list of EC2Network


A list of placement groups.

Parameters:names (list of str) – Placement Group names
Return type:list of EC2PlacementGroup

Lists all reserved instances/nodes which can be purchased from Amazon for one or three year terms. Reservations are made at a region level and reduce the hourly charge for instances.

More information can be found at

Return type:list of EC2ReservedNode
ex_list_route_tables(route_table_ids=None, filters=None)[source]

Describes one or more of a VPC’s route tables. These are used to determine where network traffic is directed.

  • route_table_ids (list) – Returns only route tables matching the provided route table IDs. If not specified, a list of all the route tables in the corresponding region is returned.
  • filters (dict) – The filters so that the list returned includes information for certain route tables only.
Return type:

list of EC2RouteTable


Lists existing Security Groups.

@note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

Return type:list of str
ex_list_subnets(subnet_ids=None, filters=None)[source]

Returns a list of EC2NetworkSubnet objects for the current region.

  • subnet_ids (list) – Returns only subnets matching the provided subnet IDs. If not specified, a list of all the subnets in the corresponding region is returned.
  • filters (dict) – The filters so that the list returned includes information for certain subnets only.
Return type:

list of EC2NetworkSubnet

ex_modify_image_attribute(image, attributes)[source]

Modifies image attributes.

  • image (NodeImage) – NodeImage instance
  • attributes (dict) – A dictionary with node attributes

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


ex_modify_instance_attribute(node, attributes)[source]

Modify node attributes. A list of valid attributes can be found at

  • node (Node) – Node instance
  • attributes (dict) – Dictionary with node attributes

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


ex_modify_snapshot_attribute(snapshot, attributes)[source]

Modify Snapshot attributes.

  • snapshot – VolumeSnapshot instance
  • attributes (dict) – Dictionary with snapshot attributes

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


ex_modify_subnet_attribute(subnet, attribute='auto_public_ip', value=False)[source]

Modifies a subnet attribute. You can only modify one attribute at a time.

  • subnet (EC2NetworkSubnet) – The subnet to delete
  • attribute (str) – The attribute to set on the subnet; one of: 'auto_public_ip': Automatically allocate a public IP address when a server is created 'auto_ipv6': Automatically assign an IPv6 address when a server is created
  • value (bool) – The value to set the subnet attribute to (defaults to False)
Return type:


ex_modify_volume(volume, parameters)[source]

Modify volume parameters. A list of valid parameters can be found at

  • volume (Volume) – Volume instance
  • parameters (dict) – Dictionary with updated volume parameters

Volume modification status object

Return type:


ex_register_image(name, description=None, architecture=None, image_location=None, root_device_name=None, block_device_mapping=None, kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None, virtualization_type=None, ena_support=None, billing_products=None, sriov_net_support=None)[source]

Registers an Amazon Machine Image based off of an EBS-backed instance. Can also be used to create images from snapshots. More information can be found at

  • name (str) – The name for the AMI being registered
  • description (str) – The description of the AMI (optional)
  • architecture (str) – The architecture of the AMI (i386/x86_64) (optional)
  • image_location (str) – The location of the AMI within Amazon S3 Required if registering an instance store-backed AMI
  • root_device_name (str) – The device name for the root device Required if registering an EBS-backed AMI
  • block_device_mapping (dict) – A dictionary of the disk layout (optional)
  • kernel_id (str) – Kernel id for AMI (optional)
  • ramdisk_id (str) – RAM disk for AMI (optional)
  • virtualization_type (str) – The type of virtualization for the AMI you are registering, paravirt or hvm (optional)
  • ena_support (bool) – Enable enhanced networking with Elastic Network Adapter for the AMI
  • billing_products (''list'') – The billing product codes
  • sriov_net_support (str) – Set to “simple” to enable enhanced networking with the Intel 82599 Virtual Function interface
Return type:


ex_release_address(elastic_ip, domain=None)[source]

Releases an Elastic IP address using the IP (EC2-Classic) or using the allocation ID (VPC).

  • elastic_ip (ElasticIP) – Elastic IP instance
  • domain (str) – The domain where the IP resides (vpc only)

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


ex_replace_route(route_table, cidr, internet_gateway=None, node=None, network_interface=None, vpc_peering_connection=None)[source]

Replaces an existing route entry within a route table in a VPC.

  • route_table (EC2RouteTable) – The route table to replace the route in.
  • cidr (str) – The CIDR block used for the destination match.
  • internet_gateway (VPCInternetGateway) – The new internet gateway to route traffic through.
  • node (Node) – The new NAT instance to route traffic through.
  • network_interface (EC2NetworkInterface) – The new network interface of the node to route traffic through.
  • vpc_peering_connection (VPCPeeringConnection) – The new VPC peering connection.
Return type:


Note: You must specify one of the following: internet_gateway,
node, network_interface, vpc_peering_connection.
ex_replace_route_table_association(subnet_association, route_table)[source]

Changes the route table associated with a given subnet in a VPC.

Note: This method can be used to change which table is the main route
table in the VPC (Specify the main route table’s association ID and the route table to be the new main route table).
  • subnet_association (EC2SubnetAssociation or str) – The subnet association object or subnet association ID.
  • route_table (EC2RouteTable) – The new route table to associate.

A new route table association ID.

Return type:


ex_revoke_security_group_egress(id, from_port, to_port, cidr_ips=None, group_pairs=None, protocol='tcp')[source]

Edit a Security Group to revoke specific egress traffic using CIDR blocks or either a group ID, group name or user ID (account). This call is not supported for EC2 classic and only works for VPC groups.

  • id (str) – The id of the security group to edit
  • from_port (int) – The beginning of the port range to open
  • to_port (int) – The end of the port range to open
  • cidr_ips (list) – The list of ip ranges to allow traffic for.
  • group_pairs (list of dict) –

    Source user/group pairs to allow traffic for. More info can be found at

    EC2 Classic Example: To allow access from any system associated with the default group on account 1234567890

    [{‘group_name’: ‘default’, ‘user_id’: ‘1234567890’}]

    VPC Example: Allow access from any system associated with security group sg-47ad482e on your own account

    [{‘group_id’: ‘ sg-47ad482e’}]

  • protocol (str) – tcp/udp/icmp
Return type:


ex_revoke_security_group_ingress(id, from_port, to_port, cidr_ips=None, group_pairs=None, protocol='tcp')[source]

Edits a Security Group to revoke specific ingress traffic using CIDR blocks or either a group ID, group name or user ID (account).

  • id (str) – The ID of the security group to edit
  • from_port (int) – The beginning of the port range to open
  • to_port (int) – The end of the port range to open
  • cidr_ips (list) – The list of ip ranges to allow traffic for.
  • group_pairs (list of dict) –

    Source user/group pairs to allow traffic for. More info can be found at

    EC2 Classic Example: To allow access from any system associated with the default group on account 1234567890

    [{‘group_name’: ‘default’, ‘user_id’: ‘1234567890’}]

    VPC Example: Allow access from any system associated with security group sg-47ad482e on your own account

    [{‘group_id’: ‘ sg-47ad482e’}]

  • protocol (str) – tcp/udp/icmp
Return type:


features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}

Gets an image based on an image_id.

Parameters:image_id (str) – Image identifier
Returns:A NodeImage object
Return type:NodeImage

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object

list_images(location=None, ex_image_ids=None, ex_owner=None, ex_executableby=None, ex_filters=None)[source]

Lists all images @inherits: NodeDriver.list_images

Ex_image_ids parameter is used to filter the list of images that should be returned. Only the images with the corresponding image IDs will be returned.

Ex_owner parameter is used to filter the list of images that should be returned. Only the images with the corresponding owner will be returned. Valid values: amazon|aws-marketplace|self|all|aws id

Ex_executableby parameter describes images for which the specified user has explicit launch permissions. The user can be an AWS account ID, self to return images for which the sender of the request has explicit launch permissions, or all to return images with public launch permissions. Valid values: all|self|aws id

Ex_filters parameter is used to filter the list of images that should be returned. Only images matching the filter will be returned.

  • ex_image_ids (list of str) – List of
  • ex_owner (str) – Owner name
  • ex_executableby (str) – Executable by
  • ex_filters (dict) – Filter by
Return type:

list of NodeImage


List all the available key pair objects.

Return type:list of KeyPair objects

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation
list_nodes(ex_node_ids=None, ex_filters=None)[source]

Lists all nodes.

Ex_node_ids parameter is used to filter the list of nodes that should be returned. Only the nodes with the corresponding node IDs will be returned.

  • ex_node_ids (list of str) – List of
  • ex_filters (dict) – The filters so that the list includes information for certain nodes only.
Return type:

list of Node


List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
list_snapshots(snapshot=None, owner=None)[source]

Describes all snapshots.

  • snapshot – If provided, only returns snapshot information for the provided snapshot.
  • owner (str) – The owner of the snapshot: self|amazon|ID
Return type:

list of VolumeSnapshot


List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot
list_volumes(node=None, ex_filters=None)[source]

List volumes that are attached to a node, if specified and those that satisfy the filters, if specified.

  • node (Node) – The node to which the volumes are attached.
  • ex_filters (dict) – The dictionary of additional filters.

The list of volumes that match the criteria.

Return type:

list of StorageVolume

path = '/'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
region_name = ''
signature_version = '2'

Starts the node by passing in the node object, does not work with instance store backed instances.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be used
Return type:bool

Stops the node by passing in the node object, does not work with instance store backed instances

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be used
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.NimbusNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.BaseEC2NodeDriver

Driver class for Nimbus

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'nimbus'

alias of NimbusConnection

country = 'Private'
ex_create_tags(resource, tags)[source]

Nimbus doesn’t support creating tags, so this is a pass-through.

@inherits: EC2NodeDriver.ex_create_tags


Nimbus doesn’t support elastic IPs, so this is a pass-through.

@inherits: EC2NodeDriver.ex_describe_addresses

friendly_name = 'Nimbus Private Cloud'

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Nimbus'
region_name = 'nimbus'
signature_version = '2'
type = 'nimbus'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EucNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, path=None, port=None, api_version='3.3.0')[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.BaseEC2NodeDriver

Driver class for Eucalyptus

@inherits: EC2NodeDriver.__init__

  • path (str) – The host where the API can be reached.
  • api_version (str) – The API version to extend support for Eucalyptus proprietary API calls
api_name = 'ec2_us_east'

alias of EucConnection


List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

Lists available nodes sizes.

Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Eucalyptus'
region_name = 'us-east-1'
signature_version = '2'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.OutscaleSASNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='us-east-1', region_details=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.OutscaleNodeDriver

Outscale SAS node driver

name = 'Outscale SAS'
type = 'outscale_sas'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.OutscaleINCNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='us-east-1', region_details=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.OutscaleNodeDriver

Outscale INC node driver

name = 'Outscale INC'
type = 'outscale_inc'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2NodeLocation(id, name, country, driver, availability_zone)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeLocation

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2ReservedNode(id, state, driver, size=None, image=None, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.Node

Class which stores information about EC2 reserved instances/nodes Inherits from Node and passes in None for name and private/public IPs

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2SecurityGroup(id, name, ingress_rules, egress_rules, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a Security group

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2ImportSnapshotTask(status, snapshotId)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a describe_import_snapshot_task.

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2PlacementGroup(name, state, strategy='cluster', extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a Placement Grous

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2Network(id, name, cidr_block, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) network

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2NetworkSubnet(id, name, state, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) subnet

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2NetworkInterface(id, name, state, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a VPC network interface

Note: This class is EC2 specific. The state parameter denotes the current status of the interface. Valid values for state are attaching, attached, detaching and detached.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2RouteTable(id, name, routes, subnet_associations, propagating_gateway_ids, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class which stores information about VPC Route Tables.

Note: This class is VPC specific.

  • id (str) – The ID of the route table.
  • name (str) – The name of the route table.
  • routes (list of EC2Route) – A list of routes in the route table.
  • subnet_associations (list of EC2SubnetAssociation) – A list of associations between the route table and one or more subnets.
  • propagating_gateway_ids (list) – The list of IDs of any virtual private gateways propagating the routes.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2Route(cidr, gateway_id, instance_id, owner_id, interface_id, state, origin, vpc_peering_connection_id)[source]

Bases: object

Class which stores information about a Route.

Note: This class is VPC specific.

  • cidr (str) – The CIDR block used for the destination match.
  • gateway_id (str) – The ID of a gateway attached to the VPC.
  • instance_id (str) – The ID of a NAT instance in the VPC.
  • owner_id (str) – The AWS account ID of the owner of the instance.
  • interface_id (str) – The ID of the network interface.
  • state (str) – The state of the route (active | blackhole).
  • origin (str) – Describes how the route was created.
  • vpc_peering_connection_id (str) – The ID of the VPC peering connection.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.EC2SubnetAssociation(id, route_table_id, subnet_id, main=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class which stores information about Route Table associated with a given Subnet in a VPC

Note: This class is VPC specific.

  • id (str) – The ID of the subnet association in the VPC.
  • route_table_id (str) – The ID of a route table in the VPC.
  • subnet_id (str) – The ID of a subnet in the VPC.
  • main (bool) – If true, means this is a main VPC route table.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.ExEC2AvailabilityZone(name, zone_state, region_name)[source]

Bases: object

Extension class which stores information about an EC2 availability zone.

Note: This class is EC2 specific.

exception libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2.IdempotentParamError(value, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Request used the same client token as a previous, but non-identical request.

libcloud.compute.drivers.ecp module

Enomaly ECP driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecp.ECPConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the Enomaly ECP driver


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

host = ''
port = (80, 443)

alias of ECPResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecp.ECPNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Enomaly ECP node driver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of ECPConnection

create_node(name, size, image)[source]

Creates a virtual machine.

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node . (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
Return type:



Shuts down and deletes a VM.

@inherits: NodeDriver.destroy_node


Returns a list of all package templates aka appliances aka images.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images


This feature does not exist in ECP. Returns hard coded dummy location.

Return type:list of NodeLocation

Returns a list of all running Nodes

Return type:list of Node

Returns a list of all hardware templates

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

name = 'Enomaly Elastic Computing Platform'

Shuts down a VM and then starts it again.

@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node

type = 'ecp'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecp.ECPResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Response

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse response body.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.compute.drivers.ecs module

Node driver for Aliyun.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecs.DiskCategory[source]

Bases: object

Enum defined disk types supported by Aliyun system and data disks.

CLOUD = 'cloud'
CLOUD_EFFICIENCY = 'cloud_efficiency'
CLOUD_SSD = 'cloud_ssd'
EPHEMERAL_SSD = 'ephemeral_ssd'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecs.InternetChargeType[source]

Bases: object

Internet connection billing types for Aliyun Nodes.

BY_BANDWIDTH = 'PayByBandwidth'
BY_TRAFFIC = 'PayByTraffic'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecs.ECSDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Aliyun ECS node driver.

Used for Aliyun ECS service.

TODO: Get guest OS root password Adjust internet bandwidth settings Manage security groups and rules

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAPPING = {'Running': running, 'Starting': pending, 'Stopped': stopped, 'Stopping': pending}
SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAPPING = {'accomplished': available, 'failed': error, 'progressing': creating}
VOLUME_STATE_MAPPING = {'Attaching': attaching, 'Available': available, 'Creating': creating, 'Detaching': inuse, 'In_use': inuse, 'ReIniting': creating}
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None, ex_delete_with_instance=None)[source]

Attaches volume to node.

@inherits NodeDriver.attach_volume

  • device (str between /dev/xvdb to xvdz, if empty, allocated by the system) – device path allocated for this attached volume
  • ex_delete_with_instance (bool) – if to delete this volume when the instance is deleted.

alias of ECSConnection

copy_image(source_region, node_image, name, description=None, ex_destination_region_id=None, ex_client_token=None)[source]

Copies an image from a source region to the destination region. If not provide a destination region, default to the current region.

@inherits NodeDriver.copy_image

  • ex_destination_region_id (str) – id of the destination region
  • ex_client_token (str) – a token generated by client to identify each request.
create_image(node, name, description=None, ex_snapshot_id=None, ex_image_version=None, ex_client_token=None)[source]

Creates an image from a system disk snapshot.

@inherits NodeDriver.create_image

  • ex_snapshot_id (str) – the id of the snapshot to create the image. (required)
  • ex_image_version (str) – the version number of the image
  • ex_client_token (str) – a token generated by client to identify each request.
create_node(name, size, image, auth=None, ex_security_group_id=None, ex_description=None, ex_internet_charge_type=None, ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out=None, ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in=None, ex_hostname=None, ex_io_optimized=None, ex_system_disk=None, ex_data_disks=None, ex_vswitch_id=None, ex_private_ip_address=None, ex_client_token=None, **kwargs)[source]

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • name (str) – The name for this new node (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – The image to use when creating this node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of the node to create (required)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ex_security_group_id (str) – The id of the security group the new created node is attached to. (required)
  • ex_description (str) – A description string for this node (optional)
  • ex_internet_charge_type (a str of ‘PayByTraffic’ or ‘PayByBandwidth’) – The internet charge type (optional)
  • ex_internet_max_bandwidth_out (a int in range [0, 100] a int in range [1, 100] for ‘PayByTraffic’ internet charge type) – The max output bandwidth, in Mbps (optional) Required for ‘PayByTraffic’ internet charge type
  • ex_internet_max_bandwidth_in (a int in range [1, 200] default to 200 in server side) – The max input bandwidth, in Mbps (optional)
  • ex_hostname (str) – The hostname for the node (optional)
  • ex_io_optimized (boll) – Whether the node is IO optimized (optional)
  • ex_system_disk (dict) – The system disk for the node (optional)
  • ex_data_disks (a list of dict) – The data disks for the node (optional)
  • ex_vswitch_id (str) – The id of vswitch for a VPC type node (optional)
  • ex_private_ip_address (str) – The IP address in private network (optional)
  • ex_client_token – A token generated by client to keep requests idempotency (optional)

Create public ip.

Parameters:instance_id (str) – instance id for allocating public ip.

:return public ip :rtype str

create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None, ex_zone_id=None, ex_description=None, ex_disk_category=None, ex_client_token=None)[source]

Create a new volume.

@inherites NodeDriver.create_volume

  • ex_zone_id (str) – the availability zone id (required)
  • ex_description (unicode) – volume description
  • ex_disk_category (str) – disk category for data disk
  • ex_client_token (str) – a token generated by client to identify each request.
create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None, ex_description=None, ex_client_token=None)[source]

Creates a snapshot of the storage volume.

@inherits NodeDriver.create_volume_snapshot

  • ex_description (unicode) – description of the snapshot.
  • ex_client_token (str) – a token generated by client to identify each request.

Deletes a node image from a provider.

Parameters:node_image (NodeImage) – Node image object.
Returns:True if delete_image was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool

Destroys a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_instance_id=None)[source]

Detaches a volume from a node.

@inherits NodeDriver.detach_volume

Parameters:ex_instance_id (str) – the id of the instance from which the volume is detached.

alias of DiskCategory

ex_create_security_group(description=None, client_token=None)[source]

Create a new security group.

  • description (unicode) – security group description
  • client_token (str) – a token generated by client to identify each request.

Delete a new security group.

Parameters:group_id (str) – security group id
ex_join_security_group(node, group_id=None)[source]

Join a node into security group.

  • node (Node) – The node to join security group
  • group_id (str) – security group id.

join operation result.

Return type:


ex_leave_security_group(node, group_id=None)[source]

Leave a node from security group.

  • node (Node) – The node to leave security group
  • group_id (str) – security group id.

leave operation result.

Return type:


ex_list_security_group_attributes(group_id=None, nic_type='internet')[source]

List security group attributes in the current region.

  • group_id (str) – security group id.
  • nic_type (str) – internet|intranet.

a list of defined security group Attributes

Return type:

list of ECSSecurityGroupAttribute


List security groups in the current region.

Parameters:ex_filters (dict) – security group attributes to filter results.
Returns:a list of defined security groups
Return type:list of ECSSecurityGroup

List availability zones in the given region or the current region.

Parameters:region_id (str) – the id of the region to query zones from
Returns:list of zones
Return type:list of ECSZone
ex_modify_security_group_by_id(group_id=None, name=None, description=None)[source]

Modify a new security group. :keyword group_id: id of the security group :type group_id: str :keyword name: new name of the security group :type name: unicode :keyword description: new description of the security group :type description: unicode

ex_stop_node(node, ex_force_stop=False)[source]
features = {'create_node': ['password']}
get_image(image_id, ex_region_id=None)[source]

Returns a single node image from a provider.

Parameters:image_id (str) – Node to run the task on.

:rtype NodeImage: :return: NodeImage instance on success.


alias of InternetChargeType

list_images(location=None, ex_image_ids=None, ex_filters=None)[source]

List images on a provider.

@inherits NodeDriver.list_images

  • ex_image_ids (list of str) – a list of image ids to filter the images to be returned.
  • ex_filters (dict) – image attribute and value pairs to filter images. Only the image which matchs all the pairs will be returned. If the filter attribute need a json array value, use list object, the driver will convert it.

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation
list_nodes(ex_node_ids=None, ex_filters=None)[source]

List all nodes.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_node_ids (list of str) – a list of node’s ids used to filter nodes. Only the nodes which’s id in this list will be returned.
  • ex_filters (dict) – node attribute and value pairs to filter nodes. Only the nodes which matchs all the pairs will be returned. If the filter attribute need a json array value, use list object, the driver will convert it.

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
list_volume_snapshots(volume, ex_snapshot_ids=[], ex_filters=None)[source]

List snapshots for a storage volume.

@inherites NodeDriver.list_volume_snapshots

  • ex_snapshot_ids (list of str) – a list of snapshot ids to filter the snapshots returned.
  • ex_filters (dict) – snapshot attribute and value pairs to filter snapshots. Only the snapshot which matchs all the pairs will be returned. If the filter attribute need a json array value, use list object, the driver will convert it.
list_volumes(ex_volume_ids=None, ex_filters=None)[source]

List all volumes.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_volumes

  • ex_volume_ids (list of str) – a list of volume’s ids used to filter volumes. Only the volumes which’s id in this list will be returned.
  • ex_filters (dict) – volume attribute and value pairs to filter volumes. Only the volumes which matchs all will be returned. If the filter attribute need a json array value, use list object, the driver will convert it.
name = 'Aliyun ECS'
namespace = None
path = '/'
reboot_node(node, ex_force_stop=False)[source]

Reboot the given node

@inherits NodeDriver.reboot_node

Parameters:ex_force_stop (bool) – if True, stop node force (maybe lose data) otherwise, stop node normally, default to False

Start node to running state.

Parameters:node (Node) – the Node object to start
Returns:starting operation result.
Return type:bool
stop_node(node, ex_force_stop=False)[source]

Stop a running node.

  • node (Node) – The node to stop
  • ex_force_stop (bool) – if True, stop node force (maybe lose data) otherwise, stop node normally, default to False

stopping operation result.

Return type:


website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecs.ECSSecurityGroup(id, name, description=None, driver=None, vpc_id=None, creation_time=None)[source]

Bases: object

Security group used to control nodes internet and intranet accessibility.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ecs.ECSZone(id, name, driver=None, available_resource_types=None, available_instance_types=None, available_disk_categories=None)[source]

Bases: object

ECSZone used to represent an availability zone in a region.

libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts module

ElasticHosts Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsAU1NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the Sydney end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (syd-y)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsCA1NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the Toronto Peer 1 end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (tor-p)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsCN1NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the Hong Kong end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (cn-1)'
exception libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsException[source]

Bases: Exception

class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseNodeDriver

Node Driver class for ElasticHosts

api_name = 'elastichosts'
features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}
name = 'ElasticHosts'
type = 'elastichosts'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsUK1NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the London Peer 1 end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (lon-p)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsUK2NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the London Bluesquare end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (lon-b)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsUS1NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the San Antonio Peer 1 end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (sat-p)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsUS2NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the Los Angeles Peer 1 end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (lax-p)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsUS3NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='sat-p', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elastichosts.ElasticHostsNodeDriver

ElasticHosts node driver for the San Jose (Silicon Valley) end-point

name = 'ElasticHosts (sjc-c)'

libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack module

Base driver for the providers based on the ElasticStack platform -

class libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Base connection class for the ElasticStack driver


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

host = None

alias of ElasticStackResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of ElasticStackBaseConnection

create_node(name, size, image, smp='auto', nic_model='e1000', vnc_password=None, drive_type='hdd')[source]

Creates an ElasticStack instance

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • smp (int) – Number of virtual processors or None to calculate based on the cpu speed
  • nic_model (str) – e1000, rtl8139 or virtio (if not specified, e1000 is used)
  • vnc_password (str) – If set, the same password is also used for SSH access with user toor, otherwise VNC access is disabled and no SSH login is possible.

Create a new node, and start deployment.

@inherits: NodeDriver.deploy_node

Parameters:enable_root (bool) – If true, root password will be set to vnc_password (this will enable SSH access) and default ‘toor’ account will be deleted.

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Deletes a drive

Parameters:drive_uuid (str) – Drive uuid which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_set_node_configuration(node, **kwargs)[source]

Changes the configuration of the running server

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments
Return type:



Sends the ACPI power-down event

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
website = ''
exception libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackException[source]

Bases: Exception

class libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackNodeSize(id, name, cpu, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeSize

class libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.compute.drivers.equinixmetal module

Equinix Metal Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.equinixmetal.EquinixMetalConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the Equinix Metal driver.

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Add headers that are necessary for every request

host = ''

alias of EquinixMetalResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.equinixmetal.EquinixMetalNodeDriver(key, project=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Equinix Metal NodeDriver

Initialize a NodeDriver for Equinix Metal using the API token and optionally the project (name or id).

If project name is specified we validate it lazily and populate self.project_id during the first access of self.projects variable

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'active': running, 'deleted': terminated, 'deprovisioning': terminated, 'failed': error, 'inactive': stopped, 'powering_off': rebooting, 'powering_on': rebooting, 'provisioning': pending, 'queued': pending, 'rebooting': rebooting, 'rebuilding': pending}
attach_volume(node, volume)[source]

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.



alias of EquinixMetalConnection

create_key_pair(name, public_key)[source]

Create a new SSH key.

  • name (str) – Key name (required)
  • public_key (str) – Valid public key string (required)
create_node(name, size, image, location, ex_project_id=None, ip_addresses=[], cloud_init=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a node.

Returns:The newly created node.
Return type:Node
create_volume(size, location, plan='storage_1', description='', ex_project_id=None, locked=False, billing_cycle=None, customdata='', snapshot_policies=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a volume in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)

The newly created volume.

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name='')[source]

Create a new volume snapshot.

Parameters:volume (class:StorageVolume) – Volume to create a snapshot for
Returns:The newly created volume snapshot.
Return type:VolumeSnapshot

Delete an existing SSH key.

Parameters:key (KeyPair) – SSH key (required)

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool

Delete a volume snapshot

Parameters:snapshot (class:VolumeSnapshot) – volume snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_node=None, ex_attachment_id='')[source]

Detaches a volume from a node.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
  • ex_attachment_id – Attachment id to be detached, if empty detach all attachments
Return type:


ex_associate_address_with_node(node, address, manageable=False, customdata='')[source]
ex_clone_volume(volume, snapshot=None)[source]
ex_create_bgp_session(node, address_family='ipv4')[source]
ex_describe_address(ex_address_id, include=None)[source]
ex_describe_all_addresses(ex_project_id=None, only_associated=False)[source]
ex_describe_all_addresses_for_project(ex_project_id, include=None, only_associated=False)[source]

Returns all the reserved IP addresses for this project optionally, returns only addresses associated with nodes.

Parameters:only_associated (bool) – If true, return only the addresses that are associated with an instance.
Returns:List of IP addresses.
Return type:list of dict
ex_disassociate_address(address_uuid, include=None)[source]
ex_get_node_bandwidth(node, from_time, until_time)[source]
ex_list_events_for_node(node, include=None, page=1, per_page=10)[source]
ex_list_events_for_project(project, include=None, page=1, per_page=10)[source]
ex_list_ip_assignments_for_node(node, include='')[source]
ex_list_nodes_for_project(ex_project_id, include='plan', page=1, per_page=1000)[source]
ex_list_volumes_for_project(ex_project_id, include='plan', page=1, per_page=1000)[source]
ex_modify_volume(volume, description=None, size=None, locked=None, billing_cycle=None, customdata=None)[source]
ex_request_address_reservation(ex_project_id, location_id=None, address_family='global_ipv4', quantity=1, comments='', customdata='')[source]
ex_update_node(node, **kwargs)[source]

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available SSH keys.

Returns:Available SSH keys.
Return type:list of KeyPair objects

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
list_volume_snapshots(volume, include='')[source]

List snapshots for a volume.

Parameters:volume (class:StorageVolume) – Volume to list snapshots for
Returns:List of volume snapshots.
Return type:list of :class: VolumeSnapshot

List storage volumes.

Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'EquinixMetal'

Lazily retrieve projects and set self.project_id variable on initial access to self.projects variable.


Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'equinixmetal'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.equinixmetal.EquinixMetalResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
valid_response_codes = [<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED: 202>, <HTTPStatus.CREATED: 201>, <HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT: 204>]
class libcloud.compute.drivers.equinixmetal.Project(project)[source]

Bases: object


libcloud.compute.drivers.exoscale module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.exoscale.ExoscaleNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, path=None, port=None, url=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNodeDriver



  • host (str) – The host where the API can be reached. (required)
  • path (str) – The path where the API can be reached. (required)
  • url (str) – Full URL to the API endpoint. Mutually exclusive with host and path argument.
host = ''
name = 'Exoscale'
path = '/compute'
type = 'exoscale'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.gandi module

Gandi driver for compute

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gandi.GandiNodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.gandi.BaseGandiDriver, libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Gandi node driver

@inherits: NodeDriver.__init__

api_name = 'gandi'
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None)[source]

Attach a volume to a node.

  • node (Node) – The node to attach the volume to
  • volume (StorageVolume) – The volume to attach.
  • device (None) – Not used in this cloud.

True if successful

Return type:


country = 'FR'
create_node(name, size, image, location=None, login=None, password=None, inet_family=4, keypairs=None)[source]

Create a new Gandi node

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a node in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)
  • login (str) – user name to create for login on machine (required)
  • password (str) – password for user that’ll be created (required)
  • inet_family (int) – version of ip to use, default 4 (optional)
  • keypairs (list of int or KeyPair) – IDs of keypairs or Keypairs object
Return type:


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None)[source]

Create a volume (disk).

  • size (int) – Size of volume to create (in GB).
  • name (str) – Name of volume to create
  • location (NodeLocation or None) – Location (zone) to create the volume in
  • snapshot (Snapshot) – Snapshot to create image from

Storage Volume object

Return type:



Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (:class.KeyPair` or int) – Key pair object or ID.
Returns:True of False based on success of Keypair deletion
Return type:bool

deploy_node is not implemented for gandi driver

Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
detach_volume(node, volume)[source]

Detaches a volume from a node.

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:



Return a Node object based on a node id.

Parameters:name (int) – The ID of the node
Returns:A Node object for the node
Return type:Node

Return a Volume object based on a volume ID.

Parameters:volume_id (int) – The ID of the volume
Returns:A StorageVolume object for the volume
Return type:StorageVolume

Specific method to list all disk

Return type:list of GandiDisk

Specific method to list network interfaces

Return type:list of GandiNetworkInterface
ex_node_attach_disk(node, disk)[source]

Specific method to attach a disk to a node

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • disk (GandiDisk) – Disk which should be used
Return type:


ex_node_attach_interface(node, iface)[source]

Specific method to attach an interface to a node

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • iface (GandiNetworkInterface) – Network interface which should be used
Return type:


ex_node_detach_disk(node, disk)[source]

Specific method to detach a disk from a node

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • disk (GandiDisk) – Disk which should be used
Return type:


ex_node_detach_interface(node, iface)[source]

Specific method to detach an interface from a node

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • iface (GandiNetworkInterface) – Network interface which should be used
Return type:


ex_snapshot_disk(disk, name=None)[source]

Specific method to make a snapshot of a disk

  • disk (GandiDisk) – Disk which should be used
  • name (str) – Name which should be used
Return type:


ex_update_disk(disk, new_size=None, new_name=None)[source]

Specific method to update size or name of a disk WARNING: if a server is attached it’ll be rebooted

  • disk (GandiDisk) – Disk which should be used
  • new_size (int) – New size
  • new_name (str) – New name
Return type:


features = {}
friendly_name = ''

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Create a new key pair object.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.

Imported key pair object.

Return type:



Return a list of image objects.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to filter a images in.
Returns:List of GCENodeImage objects
Return type:list of GCENodeImage

List registered key pairs.

Returns:A list of key par objects.
Return type:list of libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair

Return a list of locations (datacenters).

Returns:List of NodeLocation objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

Return a list of nodes in the current zone or all zones.

Returns:List of Node objects
Return type:list of Node

Return a list of sizes (machineTypes) in a zone.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or None) – Which data center to filter a sizes in.
Returns:List of NodeSize objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

Return a list of volumes.

Returns:A list of volume objects.
Return type:list of StorageVolume

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to be rebooted
Returns:True if successful, False if not
Return type:bool
type = 'gandi'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.gce module

Module for Google Compute Engine Driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEAcceleratorType(id, name, zone, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE AcceleratorType resource.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEAddress(id, name, address, region, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Static address.


Destroy this address.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEAutoscaler(id, name, zone, target, policy, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

Represents a autoscaling policy object used to scale Instance Groups.


Destroy this Autoscaler.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEBackend(instance_group, balancing_mode='UTILIZATION', max_utilization=None, max_rate=None, max_rate_per_instance=None, capacity_scaler=1, description=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Backend. Only used for creating Backend Services.


Returns dict formatted for inclusion in Backend Service Request.

Returns:dict formatted as a list entry for Backend Service ‘backend’.
Return type:dict
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEBackendService(id, name, backends, healthchecks, port, port_name, protocol, timeout, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Backend Service.


Destroy this Backend Service.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEConnection(user_id, key, secure, auth_type=None, credential_file=None, project=None, **kwargs)[source]


Connection class for the GCE driver.

GCEConnection extends google.GoogleBaseConnection for 3 reasons:
  1. modify request_path for GCE URI.
  2. Implement gce_params functionality described below.
  3. Add request_aggregated_items method for making aggregated API calls.

If the parameter gce_params is set to a dict prior to calling request(), the URL parameters will be updated to include those key/values FOR A SINGLE REQUEST. If the response contains a nextPageToken, gce_params[‘pageToken’] will be set to its value. This can be used to implement paging in list:

>>> params, more_results = {'maxResults': 2}, True
>>> while more_results:
...     driver.connection.gce_params=params
...     driver.ex_list_urlmaps()
...     more_results = 'pageToken' in params
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="cli-map">, <GCEUrlMap id="..." name="lc-map">]
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="web-map">]
host = ''
pre_connect_hook(params, headers)[source]

Update URL parameters with values from self.gce_params.

@inherits: GoogleBaseConnection.pre_connect_hook

request(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Perform request then do GCE-specific processing of URL params.

@inherits: GoogleBaseConnection.request

request_aggregated_items(api_name, zone=None)[source]

Perform request(s) to obtain all results from ‘api_name’.

This method will make requests to the aggregated ‘api_name’ until all results are received. It will then, through a helper function, combine all results and return a single ‘items’ dictionary.

  • api_name (str) – Name of API to call. Consult API docs for valid names.
  • zone (GCEZone) – Optional zone to use.

dict in the format of the API response. format: { ‘items’: {‘key’: {api_name: []}} } ex: { ‘items’: {‘zones/us-central1-a’: {disks: []}} }

Return type:



alias of GCEResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEDiskType(id, name, zone, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE DiskType resource.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEFailedDisk(name, error, code)[source]

Bases: object

Dummy Node object for disks that are not created.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEFailedNode(name, error, code)[source]

Bases: object

Dummy Node object for nodes that are not created.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEFirewall(id, name, allowed, denied, direction, network, source_ranges, source_tags, priority, source_service_accounts, target_service_accounts, target_tags, target_ranges, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Firewall rule class.


Destroy this firewall.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Commit updated firewall values.

Returns:Updated Firewall object
Return type:GCEFirewall
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEForwardingRule(id, name, region, address, protocol, targetpool, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin


Destroy this Forwarding Rule

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEHealthCheck(id, name, path, port, interval, timeout, unhealthy_threshold, healthy_threshold, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Http Health Check class.


Destroy this Health Check.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Commit updated healthcheck values.

Returns:Updated Healthcheck object
Return type:GCEHealthcheck
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEInstanceGroup(id, name, zone, driver, extra=None, network=None, subnetwork=None, named_ports=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

GCEInstanceGroup represents the InstanceGroup resource.

  • name (str) – Required. The name of the instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
  • zone (GCEZone) – The URL of the zone where the instance group is located.
  • network (GCENetwork) – The URL of the network to which all instances in the instance group belong.
  • subnetwork (GCESubnetwork) – The URL of the subnetwork to which all instances in the instance group belong.
  • named_ports ("<type 'list'>") – Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: “http”, port: 80} This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: “http”, port: 80},{name: “http”, port: 8080}] Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.

Adds a list of instances to the specified instance group. All of the instances in the instance group must be in the same network/subnetwork. Read Adding instances for more information.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • instancegroup (:class:GCEInstanceGroup) – The Instance Group where you are adding instances.
  • node_list (list of Node or list of GCENode) – List of nodes to add.

Return True if successful.

Return type:



Destroy this InstanceGroup.

Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool

Lists the instances in the specified instance group.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Returns:List of GCENode objects.
Return type:list of GCENode objects.

Removes one or more instances from the specified instance group, but does not delete those instances.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • instancegroup (:class:GCEInstanceGroup) – The Instance Group where you are removng instances.
  • node_list (list of Node or list of GCENode) – List of nodes to add.

Return True if successful.

Return type:



Sets the named ports for the specified instance group.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:named_ports (list of {‘name’: str, ‘port`: int}) – Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: “http”, port: 80} This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: “http”, port: 80},{name: “http”, port: 8080}] Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.
Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEInstanceGroupManager(id, name, zone, size, template, instance_group, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

GCE Instance Groups Manager class.

Handles ‘managed’ Instance Groups. For more information on Instance Groups, see:

  • id (str) – Internal identifier of Instance Group. Display only.
  • name (str) – The name of this Instance Group.
  • zone – Zone in witch the Instance Group belongs
  • size (int) – Number of instances in this Instance Group.
  • template – An initialized :class:GCEInstanceTemplate
  • instance_group – An initialized :class:GCEInstanceGroup
  • driver (:class:GCENodeDriver) – An initialized :class:GCENodeDriver
  • extra (dict) – A dictionary of extra information.

Removes one or more instances from the specified instance group, and delete those instances.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:node_list (list of Node or list of GCENode) – List of nodes to delete.
Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool

Destroy this Instance Group. Destroys all instances managed by the Instance Group.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Lists all of the instances in this managed instance group.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Returns:list of dict containing instance URI and currentAction. See ex_instancegroupmanager_list_managed_instances for more details.
Return type:list

Recreate instances in a Managed Instance Group.

Returns:list of dict containing instance URI and currentAction. See ex_instancegroupmanager_list_managed_instances for more details.
Return type:list

Set the number of instances for this Instance Group. An increase in num_instances will result in VMs being created. A decrease will result in VMs being destroyed.

Parameters:size (int) – Number to instances to resize to.
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
set_autohealingpolicies(healthcheck, initialdelaysec)[source]

Sets the autohealing policies for the instance for the instance group controlled by this manager.

  • healthcheck (GCEHealthCheck) – Healthcheck to add
  • initialdelaysec (int) – The time to allow an instance to boot and applications to fully start before the first health check

Return True if successful.

Return type:



Set the Instance Template for this Instance Group.

Parameters:instancetemplate (GCEInstanceTemplate) – Instance Template to set.
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Sets the named ports for the instance group controlled by this manager.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:named_ports (list of {‘name’: str, ‘port`: int}) – Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: “http”, port: 80} This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: “http”, port: 80},{name: “http”, port: 8080}] Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.
Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEInstanceTemplate(id, name, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

Represents a machine configuration used in creating Instance Groups.


Destroy this InstanceTemplate.

Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCELicense(name, project, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin, libcloud.common.base.LazyObject

A GCE License used to track software usage in GCE nodes.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEList(driver, list_fn, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

An Iterator that wraps list functions to provide additional features.

GCE enforces a limit on the number of objects returned by a list operation, so users with more than 500 objects of a particular type will need to use filter(), page() or both.

>>> l=GCEList(driver, driver.ex_list_urlmaps)
>>> for sublist in l.filter('name eq ...-map').page(1):
...   sublist
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="cli-map">]
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="web-map">]

One can create a GCEList manually, but it’s slightly easier to use the ex_list() method of GCENodeDriver.

  • driver (:class:GCENodeDriver) – An initialized :class:GCENodeDriver
  • list_fn (instancemethod) – A bound list method from GCENodeDriver.

Filter results of a list operation.

GCE supports server-side filtering of resources returned by a list operation. Syntax of the filter expression is fully described in the GCE API reference doc, but in brief it is:


where FIELD_NAME is the resource’s property name, COMPARISON_STRING is ‘eq’ or ‘ne’, and LITERAL_STRING is a regular expression in RE2 syntax.

>>> for sublist in l.filter('name eq ...-map'):
...   sublist
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="cli-map">,                 <GCEUrlMap id="..." name="web-map">]

API reference: RE2 syntax:

Parameters:expression (str) – Filter expression described above.
Returns:This GCEList instance
Return type:GCEList

Limit the number of results by each iteration.

This implements the paging functionality of the GCE list methods and returns this GCEList instance so that results can be chained:

>>> for sublist in GCEList(driver, driver.ex_list_urlmaps).page(2):
...   sublist
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="cli-map">,                 <GCEUrlMap id="..." name="lc-map">]
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="web-map">]
Parameters:max_results (int) – Maximum number of results to return per iteration. Defaults to the GCE default of 500.
Returns:This GCEList instance
Return type:GCEList
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCENetwork(id, name, cidr, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Network object class.


Destroy this network

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCENodeDriver(user_id, key=None, datacenter=None, project=None, auth_type=None, scopes=None, credential_file=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

GCE Node Driver class.

This is the primary driver for interacting with Google Compute Engine. It contains all of the standard libcloud methods, plus additional ex_* methods for more features.

Note that many methods allow either objects or strings (or lists of objects/strings). In most cases, passing strings instead of objects will result in additional GCE API calls.

  • user_id (str) – The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • key (str) – The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • datacenter (str) – The name of the datacenter (zone) used for operations.
  • project (str) – Your GCE project name. (required)
  • auth_type (str) – Accepted values are “SA” or “IA” or “GCE” (“Service Account” or “Installed Application” or “GCE” if libcloud is being used on a GCE instance with service account enabled). If not supplied, auth_type will be guessed based on value of user_id or if the code is being executed in a GCE instance.
  • scopes (list) – List of authorization URLs. Default is empty and grants read/write to Compute, Storage, DNS.
  • credential_file (str) – Path to file for caching authentication information used by GCEConnection.
IMAGE_PROJECTS = {'centos-cloud': ['centos-6', 'centos-7', 'centos-8'], 'coreos-cloud': ['coreos-alpha', 'coreos-beta', 'coreos-stable'], 'cos-cloud': ['cos-beta', 'cos-dev', 'cos-stable'], 'debian-cloud': ['debian-8', 'debian-9', 'debian-10'], 'opensuse-cloud': ['opensuse-leap'], 'rhel-cloud': ['rhel-6', 'rhel-7', 'rhel-8'], 'suse-byos-cloud': ['sles-11-byos', 'sles-12-byos', 'sles-12-sp2-sap-byos', 'sles-12-sp3-sap-byos', 'suse-manager-proxy-byos', 'suse-manager-server-byos'], 'suse-cloud': ['sles-11', 'sles-12', 'sles-15'], 'suse-sap-cloud': ['sles-12-sp2-sap', 'sles-12-sp3-sap', 'sles-12-sp4-sap', 'sles-15-sap'], 'ubuntu-os-cloud': ['ubuntu-1404-lts', 'ubuntu-1604-lts', 'ubuntu-minimal-1604-lts', 'ubuntu-1710', 'ubuntu-1804-lts', 'ubuntu-minimal-1804-lts', 'ubuntu-1810', 'ubuntu-minimal-1810', 'ubuntu-1904', 'ubuntu-minimal-1904', 'ubuntu-1910', 'ubuntu-minimal-1910', 'ubuntu-2004-lts', 'ubuntu-minimal-2004-lts'], 'windows-cloud': ['windows-1709-core-for-containers', 'windows-1709-core', 'windows-2008-r2', 'windows-2012-r2-core', 'windows-2012-r2', 'windows-2016-core', 'windows-2016'], 'windows-sql-cloud': ['sql-ent-2012-win-2012-r2', 'sql-std-2012-win-2012-r2', 'sql-web-2012-win-2012-r2', 'sql-ent-2014-win-2012-r2', 'sql-ent-2014-win-2016', 'sql-std-2014-win-2012-r2', 'sql-web-2014-win-2012-r2', 'sql-ent-2016-win-2012-r2', 'sql-ent-2016-win-2016', 'sql-std-2016-win-2012-r2', 'sql-std-2016-win-2016', 'sql-web-2016-win-2012-r2', 'sql-web-2016-win-2016', 'sql-ent-2017-win-2016', 'sql-exp-2017-win-2012-r2', 'sql-exp-2017-win-2016', 'sql-std-2017-win-2016', 'sql-web-2017-win-2016']}
KIND_METHOD_MAP = {'compute#address': <function GCENodeDriver._to_address>, 'compute#backendService': <function GCENodeDriver._to_backendservice>, 'compute#disk': <function GCENodeDriver._to_storage_volume>, 'compute#firewall': <function GCENodeDriver._to_firewall>, 'compute#forwardingRule': <function GCENodeDriver._to_forwarding_rule>, 'compute#httpHealthCheck': <function GCENodeDriver._to_healthcheck>, 'compute#image': <function GCENodeDriver._to_node_image>, 'compute#instance': <function GCENodeDriver._to_node>, 'compute#machineType': <function GCENodeDriver._to_node_size>, 'compute#network': <function GCENodeDriver._to_network>, 'compute#project': <function GCENodeDriver._to_project>, 'compute#region': <function GCENodeDriver._to_region>, 'compute#snapshot': <function GCENodeDriver._to_snapshot>, 'compute#sslCertificate': <function GCENodeDriver._to_sslcertificate>, 'compute#targetHttpProxy': <function GCENodeDriver._to_targethttpproxy>, 'compute#targetHttpsProxy': <function GCENodeDriver._to_targethttpsproxy>, 'compute#targetInstance': <function GCENodeDriver._to_targetinstance>, 'compute#targetPool': <function GCENodeDriver._to_targetpool>, 'compute#urlMap': <function GCENodeDriver._to_urlmap>, 'compute#zone': <function GCENodeDriver._to_zone>}
NODE_STATE_MAP = {'PROVISIONING': pending, 'RUNNING': running, 'STAGING': pending, 'STOPPING': pending, 'SUSPENDED': suspended, 'TERMINATED': stopped, 'UNKNOWN': unknown}
SA_SCOPES_MAP = {'bigquery': 'bigquery', 'cloud-platform': 'cloud-platform', 'compute-ro': 'compute.readonly', 'compute-rw': 'compute', 'datastore': 'datastore', 'logging-write': 'logging.write', 'monitoring': 'monitoring', 'monitoring-write': 'monitoring.write', 'service-control': 'servicecontrol', 'service-management': '', 'sql': 'sqlservice', 'sql-admin': 'sqlservice.admin', 'storage-full': 'devstorage.full_control', 'storage-ro': 'devstorage.read_only', 'storage-rw': 'devstorage.read_write', 'taskqueue': 'taskqueue', 'useraccounts-ro': 'cloud.useraccounts.readonly', 'useraccounts-rw': 'cloud.useraccounts', 'userinfo-email': ''}
api_name = 'google'
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None, ex_mode=None, ex_boot=False, ex_type=None, ex_source=None, ex_auto_delete=None, ex_initialize_params=None, ex_licenses=None, ex_interface=None)[source]

Attach a volume to a node.

If volume is None, an ex_source URL must be provided.

  • node (Node or None) – The node to attach the volume to
  • volume (StorageVolume or None) – The volume to attach.
  • device (str) – The device name to attach the volume as. Defaults to volume name.
  • ex_mode (str) – Either ‘READ_WRITE’ or ‘READ_ONLY’
  • ex_boot (bool) – If true, disk will be attached as a boot disk
  • ex_type (str) – Specify either ‘PERSISTENT’ (default) or ‘SCRATCH’.
  • ex_source (str or None) – URL (full or partial) of disk source. Must be present if not using an existing StorageVolume.
  • ex_auto_delete (bool or None) – If set, the disk will be auto-deleted if the parent node/instance is deleted.
  • ex_initialize_params (dict or None) – Allow user to pass in full JSON struct of initializeParams as documented in GCE’s API.
  • ex_licenses (list of str) – List of strings representing licenses associated with the volume/disk.
  • ex_interface (str or None) – User can specify either ‘SCSI’ (default) or ‘NVME’.

True if successful

Return type:



alias of GCEConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location=None, ex_network='default', ex_subnetwork=None, ex_tags=None, ex_metadata=None, ex_boot_disk=None, use_existing_disk=True, external_ip='ephemeral', internal_ip=None, ex_disk_type='pd-standard', ex_disk_auto_delete=True, ex_service_accounts=None, description=None, ex_can_ip_forward=None, ex_disks_gce_struct=None, ex_nic_gce_struct=None, ex_on_host_maintenance=None, ex_automatic_restart=None, ex_preemptible=None, ex_image_family=None, ex_labels=None, ex_accelerator_type=None, ex_accelerator_count=None, ex_disk_size=None)[source]

Create a new node and return a node object for the node.

  • name (str) – The name of the node to create.
  • size (str or GCENodeSize) – The machine type to use.
  • image (str or GCENodeImage or None) – The image to use to create the node (or, if attaching a persistent disk, the image used to create the disk)
  • location (str or NodeLocation or GCEZone or None) – The location (zone) to create the node in.
  • ex_network (str or GCENetwork) – The network to associate with the node.
  • ex_subnetwork (str or GCESubnetwork) – The subnetwork to associate with the node.
  • ex_tags (list of str or None) – A list of tags to associate with the node.
  • ex_metadata (dict or None) – Metadata dictionary for instance.
  • ex_boot_disk (StorageVolume or str or None) – The boot disk to attach to the instance.
  • use_existing_disk (bool) – If True and if an existing disk with the same name/location is found, use that disk instead of creating a new one.
  • external_ip (GCEAddress or str or None) – The external IP address to use. If ‘ephemeral’ (default), a new non-static address will be used. If ‘None’, then no external address will be used. To use an existing static IP address, a GCEAddress object should be passed in.
  • internal_ip (GCEAddress or str or None) – The private IP address to use.
  • ex_disk_type (str or GCEDiskType) – Specify a pd-standard (default) disk or pd-ssd for an SSD disk.
  • ex_disk_auto_delete (bool) – Indicate that the boot disk should be deleted when the Node is deleted. Set to True by default.
  • ex_service_accounts (list) – Specify a list of serviceAccounts when creating the instance. The format is a list of dictionaries containing email and list of scopes, e.g. [{‘email’:’default’, ‘scopes’:[‘compute’, …]}, …] Scopes can either be full URLs or short names. If not provided, use the ‘default’ service account email and a scope of ‘devstorage.read_only’. Also accepts the aliases defined in ‘gcloud compute’.
  • description (str or None) – The description of the node (instance).
  • ex_can_ip_forward (bool or None) – Set to True to allow this node to send/receive non-matching src/dst packets.
  • ex_disks_gce_struct (list or None) – Support for passing in the GCE-specific formatted disks[] structure. No attempt is made to ensure proper formatting of the disks[] structure. Using this structure obviates the need of using other disk params like ‘ex_boot_disk’, etc. See the GCE docs for specific details.
  • ex_nic_gce_struct (list or None) – Support passing in the GCE-specific formatted networkInterfaces[] structure. No attempt is made to ensure proper formatting of the networkInterfaces[] data. Using this structure obviates the need of using ‘external_ip’ and ‘ex_network’. See the GCE docs for details.
  • ex_on_host_maintenance (str or None) – Defines whether node should be terminated or migrated when host machine goes down. Acceptable values are: ‘MIGRATE’ or ‘TERMINATE’ (If not supplied, value will be reset to GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • ex_automatic_restart (bool or None) – Defines whether the instance should be automatically restarted when it is terminated by Compute Engine. (If not supplied, value will be set to the GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • ex_preemptible (bool or None) – Defines whether the instance is preemptible. (If not supplied, the instance will not be preemptible)
  • ex_image_family (str or None) – Determine image from an ‘Image Family’ instead of by name. ‘image’ should be None to use this keyword.
  • ex_labels (dict or None) – Labels dictionary for instance.
  • ex_accelerator_type (str or None) – Defines the accelerator to use with this node. Must set ‘ex_on_host_maintenance’ to ‘TERMINATE’. Must include a count of accelerators to use in ‘ex_accelerator_count’.
  • ex_accelerator_count (int or None) – The number of ‘ex_accelerator_type’ accelerators to attach to the node.
  • ex_disk_size (int or None) – Defines size of the boot disk. Integer in gigabytes.

A Node object for the new node.

Return type:


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None, image=None, use_existing=True, ex_disk_type='pd-standard', ex_image_family=None)[source]

Create a volume (disk).

  • size (int or str or None) – Size of volume to create (in GB). Can be None if image or snapshot is supplied.
  • name (str) – Name of volume to create
  • location (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – Location (zone) to create the volume in
  • snapshot (GCESnapshot or str or None) – Snapshot to create image from
  • image (GCENodeImage or str or None) – Image to create disk from.
  • use_existing (bool) – If True and a disk with the given name already exists, return an object for that disk instead of attempting to create a new disk.
  • ex_disk_type (str or GCEDiskType) – Specify a pd-standard (default) disk or pd-ssd for an SSD disk.
  • ex_image_family (str or None) – Determine image from an ‘Image Family’ instead of by name. ‘image’ should be None to use this keyword.

Storage Volume object

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name)[source]

Create a snapshot of the provided Volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – A StorageVolume object
Returns:A GCE Snapshot object
Return type:GCESnapshot
destroy_node(node, destroy_boot_disk=False, ex_sync=True)[source]

Destroy a node.

  • node (Node) – Node object to destroy
  • destroy_boot_disk (bool) – If true, also destroy the node’s boot disk. (Note that this keyword is not accessible from the node’s .destroy() method.)
  • ex_sync (bool) – If true, do not return until destroyed or timeout

True if successful

Return type:



Destroy a volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (GCESnapshot) – Snapshot object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_node=None)[source]

Detach a volume from a node.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume object to detach
  • ex_node (Node) – Node object to detach volume from (required)

True if successful

Return type:


ex_add_access_config(node, name, nic, nat_ip=None, config_type=None)[source]

Add a network interface access configuration to a node.

  • node (str) – The existing target Node (instance) that will receive the new access config.
  • name – Name of the new access config.
  • nat_ip (str or None) – The external existing static IP Address to use for the access config. If not provided, an ephemeral IP address will be allocated.
  • config_type (str or None) – The type of access config to create. Currently the only supported type is ‘ONE_TO_ONE_NAT’.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_copy_image(name, url, description=None, family=None, guest_os_features=None)[source]

Copy an image to your image collection.

  • name (str) – The name of the image
  • url (str) – The URL to the image. The URL can start with gs://
  • description (str) – The description of the image
  • family (str) – The family of the image
  • guest_os_features (list of str or None) – The features of the guest operating system.

NodeImage object based on provided information or None if an image with that name is not found.

Return type:

NodeImage or None

ex_create_address(name, region=None, address=None, description=None, address_type='EXTERNAL', subnetwork=None)[source]

Create a static address in a region, or a global address.

  • name (str) – Name of static address
  • region (str or GCERegion) – Name of region for the address (e.g. ‘us-central1’) Use ‘global’ to create a global address.
  • address (str or None) – Ephemeral IP address to promote to a static one (e.g. ‘’)
  • description (str) – Optional descriptive comment.
  • address_type – Optional The type of address to reserve, either INTERNAL or EXTERNAL. If unspecified, defaults to EXTERNAL.
  • subnetwork – Optional The URL of the subnetwork in which to reserve the address. If an IP address is specified, it must be within the subnetwork’s IP range. This field can only be used with INTERNAL type with GCE_ENDPOINT/DNS_RESOLVER purposes.

Static Address object

Return type:


ex_create_autoscaler(name, zone, instance_group, policy, description=None)[source]

Create an Autoscaler for an Instance Group.

  • name (str) – The name of the Autoscaler
  • zone (str or GCEZone) – The zone to which the Instance Group belongs
  • instance_group – An Instance Group Manager object.
  • policy – A dict containing policy configuration. See the API documentation for Autoscalers for more details.





An Autoscaler object.

Return type:


ex_create_backend(instance_group, balancing_mode='UTILIZATION', max_utilization=None, max_rate=None, max_rate_per_instance=None, capacity_scaler=1, description=None)[source]

Helper Object to create a backend.

  • instance_group – The Instance Group for this Backend.
  • balancing_mode (str) – Specifies the balancing mode for this backend. For global HTTP(S) load balancing, the valid values are UTILIZATION (default) and RATE. For global SSL load balancing, the valid values are UTILIZATION (default) and CONNECTION.
  • max_utilization (float) – Used when balancingMode is UTILIZATION. This ratio defines the CPU utilization target for the group. The default is 0.8. Valid range is [0.0, 1.0].
  • max_rate (int) – The max requests per second (RPS) of the group. Can be used with either RATE or UTILIZATION balancing modes, but required if RATE mode. For RATE mode, either maxRate or maxRatePerInstance must be set.
  • max_rate_per_instance (float) – The max requests per second (RPS) that a single backend instance can handle. This is used to calculate the capacity of the group. Can be used in either balancing mode. For RATE mode, either maxRate or maxRatePerInstance must be set.
  • capacity_scaler (float) – A multiplier applied to the group’s maximum servicing capacity (based on UTILIZATION, RATE, or CONNECTION). Default value is 1, which means the group will serve up to 100% of its configured capacity (depending on balancingMode). A setting of 0 means the group is completely drained, offering 0% of its available capacity. Valid range is [0.0,1.0].
  • description (str) – An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.

A GCEBackend object.

Return type:


ex_create_backendservice(name, healthchecks, backends=[], protocol=None, description=None, timeout_sec=None, enable_cdn=False, port=None, port_name=None)[source]

Create a global Backend Service.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  • healthchecks (list of (str or GCEHealthCheck)) – A list of HTTP Health Checks to use for this service. There must be at least one.
  • backends (list of :class GCEBackend or list of dict) – The list of backends that serve this BackendService.
  • timeout_sec (integer) – How many seconds to wait for the backend before considering it a failed request. Default is 30 seconds.
  • enable_cdn (bool) – If true, enable Cloud CDN for this BackendService. When the load balancing scheme is INTERNAL, this field is not used.
  • port (integer) – Deprecated in favor of port_name. The TCP port to connect on the backend. The default value is 80. This cannot be used for internal load balancing.
  • port_name (str) – Name of backend port. The same name should appear in the instance groups referenced by this service.
  • protocol (str) – The protocol this Backend Service uses to communicate with backends. Possible values are HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP2, TCP and SSL.

A Backend Service object.

Return type:


ex_create_firewall(name, allowed=None, denied=None, network='default', target_ranges=None, direction='INGRESS', priority=1000, source_service_accounts=None, target_service_accounts=None, source_ranges=None, source_tags=None, target_tags=None, description=None)[source]

Create a firewall rule on a network. Rules can be for Ingress or Egress, and they may Allow or Deny traffic. They are also applied in order based on action (Deny, Allow) and Priority. Rules can be applied using various Source and Target filters.

Firewall rules should be supplied in the “allowed” or “denied” field. This is a list of dictionaries formatted like so (“ports” is optional):

[{“IPProtocol”: “<protocol string or number>”,
“ports”: “<port_numbers or ranges>”}]

For example, to allow tcp on port 8080 and udp on all ports, ‘allowed’ would be:

[{"IPProtocol": "tcp",
  "ports": ["8080"]},
 {"IPProtocol": "udp"}]

Note that valid inputs vary by direction (INGRESS vs EGRESS), action (allow/deny), and source/target filters (tag vs range etc).

See Firewall Reference for more information.

  • name (str) – Name of the firewall to be created
  • description (str) – Optional description of the rule.
  • direction (str) – Direction of the FW rule - “INGRESS” or “EGRESS” Defaults to ‘INGRESS’.
  • priority (int) – Priority integer of the rule - lower is applied first. Defaults to 1000
  • allowed (list of dict) – List of dictionaries with rules for type INGRESS
  • denied (list of dict) – List of dictionaries with rules for type EGRESS
  • network (str or GCENetwork) – The network that the firewall applies to.
  • source_ranges (list of str) – A list of IP ranges in CIDR format that the firewall should apply to. Defaults to [‘’]
  • source_service_accounts (list of str) – A list of source service accounts the rules apply to.
  • source_tags (list of str) – A list of source instance tags the rules apply to.
  • target_tags (list of str) – A list of target instance tags the rules apply to.
  • target_service_accounts (list of str) – A list of target service accounts the rules apply to.
  • target_ranges (list of str) – A list of IP ranges in CIDR format that the EGRESS type rule should apply to. Defaults to [‘’]

Firewall object

Return type:


ex_create_forwarding_rule(name, target=None, region=None, protocol='tcp', port_range=None, address=None, description=None, global_rule=False, targetpool=None, lb_scheme=None)[source]

Create a forwarding rule.

  • name (str) – Name of forwarding rule to be created
  • target (str or GCETargetHttpProxy or GCETargetInstance or GCETargetPool) – The target of this forwarding rule. For global forwarding rules this must be a global TargetHttpProxy. For regional rules this may be either a TargetPool or TargetInstance. If passed a string instead of the object, it will be the name of a TargetHttpProxy for global rules or a TargetPool for regional rules. A TargetInstance must be passed by object. (required)
  • region (str or GCERegion) – Region to create the forwarding rule in. Defaults to self.region. Ignored if global_rule is True.
  • protocol (str) – Should be ‘tcp’ or ‘udp’
  • port_range (str) – Single port number or range separated by a dash. Examples: ‘80’, ‘5000-5999’. Required for global forwarding rules, optional for regional rules.
  • address (str or GCEAddress) – Optional static address for forwarding rule. Must be in same region.
  • description (str or None) – The description of the forwarding rule. Defaults to None.
  • targetpool (str or GCETargetPool) – Deprecated parameter for backwards compatibility. Use target instead.
  • lb_scheme (str or None) – Load balancing scheme, can be ‘EXTERNAL’ or ‘INTERNAL’. Defaults to ‘EXTERNAL’.

Forwarding Rule object

Return type:


ex_create_healthcheck(name, host=None, path=None, port=None, interval=None, timeout=None, unhealthy_threshold=None, healthy_threshold=None, description=None)[source]

Create an Http Health Check.

  • name (str) – Name of health check
  • host (str) – Hostname of health check request. Defaults to empty and public IP is used instead.
  • path (str) – The request path for the check. Defaults to /.
  • port (int) – The TCP port number for the check. Defaults to 80.
  • interval (int) – How often (in seconds) to check. Defaults to 5.
  • timeout (int) – How long to wait before failing. Defaults to 5.
  • unhealthy_threshold (int) – How many failures before marking unhealthy. Defaults to 2.
  • healthy_threshold (int) – How many successes before marking as healthy. Defaults to 2.
  • description (str or None) – The description of the check. Defaults to None.

Health Check object

Return type:


ex_create_image(name, volume, description=None, family=None, guest_os_features=None, use_existing=True, wait_for_completion=True, ex_licenses=None, ex_labels=None)[source]

Create an image from the provided volume.

  • name (str) – The name of the image to create.
  • volume (str or StorageVolume) – The volume to use to create the image, or the Google Cloud Storage URI
  • description (str) – Description of the new Image
  • family (str) – The name of the image family to which this image belongs. If you create resources by specifying an image family instead of a specific image name, the resource uses the latest non-deprecated image that is set with that family name.
  • guest_os_features (list of str or None) – Features of the guest operating system, valid for bootable images only.
  • ex_licenses (list of str) – List of strings representing licenses to be associated with the image.
  • ex_labels (dict or None) – Labels dictionary for image.
  • use_existing (bool) – If True and an image with the given name already exists, return an object for that image instead of attempting to create a new image.
  • wait_for_completion (bool) – If True, wait until the new image is created before returning a new NodeImage Otherwise, return a new NodeImage instance, and let the user track the creation progress

A GCENodeImage object for the new image

Return type:


ex_create_instancegroup(name, zone, description=None, network=None, subnetwork=None, named_ports=None)[source]

Creates an instance group in the specified project using the parameters that are included in the request.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • name (str) – Required. The name of the instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
  • zone (GCEZone) – The URL of the zone where the instance group is located.
  • description (str) – An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
  • network (GCENetwork) – The URL of the network to which all instances in the instance group belong.
  • subnetwork (GCESubnetwork) – The URL of the subnetwork to which all instances in the instance group belong.
  • named_ports (list of {‘name’: str, ‘port`: int}) – Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: “http”, port: 80} This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: “http”, port: 80},{name: “http”, port: 8080}] Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.

GCEInstanceGroup object.

Return type:


ex_create_instancegroupmanager(name, zone, template, size, base_instance_name=None, description=None)[source]

Create a Managed Instance Group.

  • name (str) – Name of the Instance Group.
  • zone (str or GCEZone or None) – The zone to which the Instance Group belongs
  • template (str or GCEInstanceTemplate) – The Instance Template. Should be an instance of GCEInstanceTemplate or a string.
  • base_instance_name (str) – The prefix for each instance created. If None, Instance Group name will be used.
  • description (str) – User-supplied text about the Instance Group.

An Instance Group Manager object.

Return type:


ex_create_instancetemplate(name, size, source=None, image=None, disk_type='pd-standard', disk_auto_delete=True, network='default', subnetwork=None, can_ip_forward=None, external_ip='ephemeral', internal_ip=None, service_accounts=None, on_host_maintenance=None, automatic_restart=None, preemptible=None, tags=None, metadata=None, description=None, disks_gce_struct=None, nic_gce_struct=None)[source]

Creates an instance template in the specified project using the data that is included in the request. If you are creating a new template to update an existing instance group, your new instance template must use the same network or, if applicable, the same subnetwork as the original template.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • name (str) – The name of the node to create.
  • size (str or GCENodeSize) – The machine type to use.
  • image (str or GCENodeImage or None) – The image to use to create the node (or, if attaching a persistent disk, the image used to create the disk)
  • network (str or GCENetwork) – The network to associate with the template.
  • subnetwork (str or GCESubnetwork) – The subnetwork to associate with the node.
  • tags (list of str or None) – A list of tags to associate with the node.
  • metadata (dict or None) – Metadata dictionary for instance.
  • external_ip (GCEAddress or str or None) – The external IP address to use. If ‘ephemeral’ (default), a new non-static address will be used. If ‘None’, then no external address will be used. To use an existing static IP address, a GCEAddress object should be passed in.
  • internal_ip (GCEAddress or str or None) – The private IP address to use.
  • disk_type (str or GCEDiskType) – Specify a pd-standard (default) disk or pd-ssd for an SSD disk.
  • disk_auto_delete (bool) – Indicate that the boot disk should be deleted when the Node is deleted. Set to True by default.
  • service_accounts (list) – Specify a list of serviceAccounts when creating the instance. The format is a list of dictionaries containing email and list of scopes, e.g. [{‘email’:’default’, ‘scopes’:[‘compute’, …]}, …] Scopes can either be full URLs or short names. If not provided, use the ‘default’ service account email and a scope of ‘devstorage.read_only’. Also accepts the aliases defined in ‘gcloud compute’.
  • description (str or None) – The description of the node (instance).
  • can_ip_forward (bool or None) – Set to True to allow this node to send/receive non-matching src/dst packets.
  • disks_gce_struct (list or None) – Support for passing in the GCE-specific formatted disks[] structure. No attempt is made to ensure proper formatting of the disks[] structure. Using this structure obviates the need of using other disk params like ‘ex_boot_disk’, etc. See the GCE docs for specific details.
  • nic_gce_struct (list or None) – Support passing in the GCE-specific formatted networkInterfaces[] structure. No attempt is made to ensure proper formatting of the networkInterfaces[] data. Using this structure obviates the need of using ‘external_ip’ and ‘ex_network’. See the GCE docs for details.
  • on_host_maintenance – Defines whether node should be terminated or migrated when host machine goes down. Acceptable values are: ‘MIGRATE’ or ‘TERMINATE’ (If not supplied, value will be reset to GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • automatic_restart (bool or None) – Defines whether the instance should be automatically restarted when it is terminated by Compute Engine. (If not supplied, value will be set to the GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • preemptible (bool or None) – Defines whether the instance is preemptible. (If not supplied, the instance will not be preemptible)

An Instance Template object.

Return type:


ex_create_multiple_nodes(base_name, size, image, number, location=None, ex_network='default', ex_subnetwork=None, ex_tags=None, ex_metadata=None, ignore_errors=True, use_existing_disk=True, poll_interval=2, external_ip='ephemeral', internal_ip=None, ex_disk_type='pd-standard', ex_disk_auto_delete=True, ex_service_accounts=None, timeout=180, description=None, ex_can_ip_forward=None, ex_disks_gce_struct=None, ex_nic_gce_struct=None, ex_on_host_maintenance=None, ex_automatic_restart=None, ex_image_family=None, ex_preemptible=None, ex_labels=None, ex_disk_size=None)[source]

Create multiple nodes and return a list of Node objects.

Nodes will be named with the base name and a number. For example, if the base name is ‘libcloud’ and you create 3 nodes, they will be named:

  • base_name (str) – The base name of the nodes to create.
  • size (str or GCENodeSize) – The machine type to use.
  • image (str or GCENodeImage) – The image to use to create the nodes.
  • number (int) – The number of nodes to create.
  • location (str or NodeLocation or GCEZone or None) – The location (zone) to create the nodes in.
  • ex_network (str or GCENetwork) – The network to associate with the nodes.
  • ex_tags (list of str or None) – A list of tags to associate with the nodes.
  • ex_metadata (dict or None) – Metadata dictionary for instances.
  • ignore_errors (bool) – If True, don’t raise Exceptions if one or more nodes fails.
  • use_existing_disk (bool) – If True and if an existing disk with the same name/location is found, use that disk instead of creating a new one.
  • poll_interval (int) – Number of seconds between status checks.
  • external_ip (str or None) – The external IP address to use. If ‘ephemeral’ (default), a new non-static address will be used. If ‘None’, then no external address will be used. (Static addresses are not supported for multiple node creation.)
  • internal_ip (GCEAddress or str or None) – The private IP address to use.
  • ex_disk_type (str or GCEDiskType) – Specify a pd-standard (default) disk or pd-ssd for an SSD disk.
  • ex_disk_auto_delete (bool) – Indicate that the boot disk should be deleted when the Node is deleted. Set to True by default.
  • ex_service_accounts (list) – Specify a list of serviceAccounts when creating the instance. The format is a list of dictionaries containing email and list of scopes, e.g. [{‘email’:’default’, ‘scopes’:[‘compute’, …]}, …] Scopes can either be full URLs or short names. If not provided, use the ‘default’ service account email and a scope of ‘devstorage.read_only’. Also accepts the aliases defined in ‘gcloud compute’.
  • timeout (int) – The number of seconds to wait for all nodes to be created before timing out.
  • description (str or None) – The description of the node (instance).
  • ex_can_ip_forward (bool or None) – Set to True to allow this node to send/receive non-matching src/dst packets.
  • ex_preemptible (bool or None) – Defines whether the instance is preemptible. (If not supplied, the instance will not be preemptible)
  • ex_disks_gce_struct (list or None) – Support for passing in the GCE-specific formatted disks[] structure. No attempt is made to ensure proper formatting of the disks[] structure. Using this structure obviates the need of using other disk params like ‘ex_boot_disk’, etc. See the GCE docs for specific details.
  • ex_nic_gce_struct (list or None) – Support passing in the GCE-specific formatted networkInterfaces[] structure. No attempt is made to ensure proper formatting of the networkInterfaces[] data. Using this structure obviates the need of using ‘external_ip’ and ‘ex_network’. See the GCE docs for details.
  • ex_on_host_maintenance (str or None) – Defines whether node should be terminated or migrated when host machine goes down. Acceptable values are: ‘MIGRATE’ or ‘TERMINATE’ (If not supplied, value will be reset to GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • ex_automatic_restart (bool or None) – Defines whether the instance should be automatically restarted when it is terminated by Compute Engine. (If not supplied, value will be set to the GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • ex_image_family (str or None) – Determine image from an ‘Image Family’ instead of by name. ‘image’ should be None to use this keyword.
  • ex_labels (dict) – Label dict for node.
  • ex_disk_size (int or None) – Defines size of the boot disk. Integer in gigabytes.

A list of Node objects for the new nodes.

Return type:

list of Node

ex_create_network(name, cidr, description=None, mode='legacy', routing_mode=None)[source]

Create a network. In November 2015, Google introduced Subnetworks and suggests using networks with ‘auto’ generated subnetworks. See, the subnet docs for more details. Note that libcloud follows the usability pattern from the Cloud SDK (e.g. ‘gcloud compute’ command-line utility) and uses ‘mode’ to specify ‘auto’, ‘custom’, or ‘legacy’.

  • name (str) – Name of network to be created
  • cidr (str or None) – Address range of network in CIDR format.
  • description (str or None) – Custom description for the network.
  • mode (str) – Create a ‘auto’, ‘custom’, or ‘legacy’ network.
  • routing_mode (str or None) – Create network with ‘Global’ or ‘Regional’ routing mode for BGP advertisements. Defaults to ‘Regional’

Network object

Return type:


ex_create_route(name, dest_range, priority=500, network='default', tags=None, next_hop=None, description=None)[source]

Create a route.

  • name (str) – Name of route to be created
  • dest_range (str) – Address range of route in CIDR format.
  • priority (int) – Priority value, lower values take precedence
  • network (str or GCENetwork) – The network the route belongs to. Can be either the full URL of the network, the name of the network or a libcloud object.
  • tags (list of str or None) – List of instance-tags for routing, empty for all nodes
  • next_hop (str, Node, or None) – Next traffic hop. Use None for the default Internet gateway, or specify an instance or IP address.
  • description (str or None) – Custom description for the route.

Route object

Return type:


ex_create_sslcertificate(name, certificate=None, private_key=None, description=None)[source]

Creates a SslCertificate resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  • certificate (str) – A string containing local certificate file in PEM format. The certificate chain must be no greater than 5 certs long. The chain must include at least one intermediate cert.
  • private_key (str) – A string containing a write-only private key in PEM format. Only insert RPCs will include this field.
  • description (str) – An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.

GCESslCertificate object.

Return type:


ex_create_subnetwork(name, cidr=None, network=None, region=None, description=None, privateipgoogleaccess=None, secondaryipranges=None)[source]

Create a subnetwork.

  • name (str) – Name of subnetwork to be created
  • cidr (str) – Address range of network in CIDR format.
  • network (str or GCENetwork) – The network name or object this subnet belongs to.
  • region (str or GCERegion) – The region the subnetwork belongs to.
  • description (str or None) – Custom description for the network.
  • privateipgoogleaccess (bool` or ``None) – Allow access to Google services without assigned external IP addresses.
  • secondaryipranges (list of dict or None) – List of dicts of secondary or “alias” IP ranges for this subnetwork in [{“rangeName”: “second1”, “ipCidrRange”: “”}, {k:v, k:v}] format.

Subnetwork object

Return type:


ex_create_targethttpproxy(name, urlmap)[source]

Create a target HTTP proxy.

  • name (str) – Name of target HTTP proxy
  • urlmap – URL map defining the mapping from URl to the backendservice.

Target Pool object

Return type:


ex_create_targethttpsproxy(name, urlmap, sslcertificates, description=None)[source]

Creates a TargetHttpsProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  • sslcertificates (list of GCESslcertificates) – URLs to SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified.
  • urlmap (GCEUrlMap) – A fully-qualified or valid partial URL to the UrlMap resource that defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService.
  • description (str) – An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.

GCETargetHttpsProxy object.

Return type:


ex_create_targetinstance(name, zone=None, node=None, description=None, nat_policy='NO_NAT')[source]

Create a target instance.

  • name (str) – Name of target instance
  • region (str or GCEZone or None) – Zone to create the target pool in. Defaults to
  • node (str or Node) – The actual instance to be used as the traffic target.
  • description (str or None) – A text description for the target instance
  • nat_policy (str) – The NAT option for how IPs are NAT’d to the node.

Target Instance object

Return type:


ex_create_targetpool(name, region=None, healthchecks=None, nodes=None, session_affinity=None, backup_pool=None, failover_ratio=None)[source]

Create a target pool.

  • name (str) – Name of target pool
  • region (str or GCERegion or None) – Region to create the target pool in. Defaults to self.region
  • healthchecks (list of str or GCEHealthCheck) – Optional list of health checks to attach
  • nodes (list of str or Node) – Optional list of nodes to attach to the pool
  • session_affinity (str) – Optional algorithm to use for session affinity.
  • backup_pool (GCETargetPool or None) – Optional backup targetpool to take over traffic if the failover_ratio is exceeded.
  • failover_ratio (GCETargetPool or None) – The percentage of healthy VMs must fall at or below this value before traffic will be sent to the backup_pool.

Target Pool object

Return type:


ex_create_urlmap(name, default_service)[source]

Create a URL Map.

  • name (str) – Name of the URL Map.
  • default_service (str or GCEBackendService) – Default backend service for the map.

URL Map object

Return type:


ex_delete_access_config(node, name, nic)[source]

Delete a network interface access configuration from a node.

  • node (Node) – The existing target Node (instance) for the request.
  • name (str) – Name of the access config.
  • nic (str) – Name of the network interface.

True if successful

Return type:



Delete a specific image resource.

Parameters:image (str or GCENodeImage) – Image object to delete
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
ex_deprecate_image(image, replacement, state=None, deprecated=None, obsolete=None, deleted=None)[source]

Deprecate a specific image resource.

  • image (str or :class: GCENodeImage) – Image object to deprecate
  • replacement (str or :class: GCENodeImage) – Image object to use as a replacement
  • state (str) – State of the image
  • deprecated (str or None) – RFC3339 timestamp to mark DEPRECATED
  • obsolete (str or None) – RFC3339 timestamp to mark OBSOLETE
  • deleted (str or None) – RFC3339 timestamp to mark DELETED

True if successful

Return type:



Destroy a static address.

Parameters:address (str or GCEAddress) – Address object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy an Autoscaler.

Parameters:autoscaler (GCEAutoscaler) – Autoscaler object to destroy.
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a Backend Service.

Parameters:backendservice (GCEBackendService) – BackendService object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a firewall.

Parameters:firewall (GCEFirewall) – Firewall object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a forwarding rule.

Parameters:forwarding_rule (GCEForwardingRule) – Forwarding Rule object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a healthcheck.

Parameters:healthcheck (GCEHealthCheck) – Health check object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Deletes the specified instance group. The instances in the group are not deleted. Note that instance group must not belong to a backend service. Read Deleting an instance group for more information.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:instancegroup (GCEInstanceGroup) – The name of the instance group to delete.
Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool

Destroy a managed instance group. This will destroy all instances that belong to the instance group.

Parameters:manager (GCEInstanceGroup) – InstanceGroup object to destroy.
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Deletes the specified instance template. If you delete an instance template that is being referenced from another instance group, the instance group will not be able to create or recreate virtual machine instances. Deleting an instance template is permanent and cannot be undone.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:instancetemplate (str) – The name of the instance template to delete.
Return instanceTemplate:
 Return True if successful.
Rtype instanceTemplate:
ex_destroy_multiple_nodes(node_list, ignore_errors=True, destroy_boot_disk=False, poll_interval=2, timeout=180)[source]

Destroy multiple nodes at once.

  • node_list (list of Node) – List of nodes to destroy
  • ignore_errors (bool) – If true, don’t raise an exception if one or more nodes fails to be destroyed.
  • destroy_boot_disk (bool) – If true, also destroy the nodes’ boot disks.
  • poll_interval (int) – Number of seconds between status checks.
  • timeout (int) – Number of seconds to wait for all nodes to be destroyed.

A list of boolean values. One for each node. True means that the node was successfully destroyed.

Return type:

list of bool


Destroy a network.

Parameters:network (GCENetwork) – Network object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a route.

Parameters:route (GCERoute) – Route object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Deletes the specified SslCertificate resource.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:sslcertificate (str) – Name of the SslCertificate resource to delete.
Return sslCertificate:
 Return True if successful.
Rtype sslCertificate:
ex_destroy_subnetwork(name, region=None)[source]

Delete a Subnetwork object based on name and region.

  • name (str or GCESubnetwork) – The name, URL or object of the subnetwork
  • region (str or GCERegion or None) – The region object, name, or URL of the subnetwork

True if successful

Return type:



Destroy a target HTTP proxy.

Parameters:targethttpproxy (GCETargetHttpProxy) – TargetHttpProxy object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Deletes the specified TargetHttpsProxy resource.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

Parameters:targethttpsproxy (str) – Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource to delete.
Return targetHttpsProxy:
 Return True if successful.
Rtype targetHttpsProxy:

Destroy a target instance.

Parameters:targetinstance (GCETargetInstance) – TargetInstance object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a target pool.

Parameters:targetpool (GCETargetPool) – TargetPool object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy a URL map.

Parameters:urlmap (GCEUrlMap) – UrlMap object to destroy
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
ex_get_accelerator_type(name, zone=None)[source]

Return an AcceleratorType object based on a name and zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the AcceleratorType
  • zone (GCEZone) – The zone to search for the AcceleratorType in.

An AcceleratorType object for the name

Return type:


ex_get_address(name, region=None)[source]

Return an Address object based on an address name and optional region.

  • name (str) – The name of the address
  • region (str GCERegion or None) – The region to search for the address in (set to ‘all’ to search all regions)

An Address object for the address

Return type:


ex_get_autoscaler(name, zone=None)[source]

Return an Autoscaler object based on a name and optional zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the Autoscaler.
  • zone (str or GCEZone or None) – The zone to search for the Autoscaler. Set to ‘all’ to search all zones.

An Autoscaler object.

Return type:



Return a Backend Service object based on name

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the backend service
Returns:A BackendService object for the backend service
Return type:GCEBackendService
ex_get_disktype(name, zone=None)[source]

Return a DiskType object based on a name and optional zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the DiskType
  • zone (str GCEZone or None) – The zone to search for the DiskType in (set to ‘all’ to search all zones)

A DiskType object for the name

Return type:



Return a Firewall object based on the firewall name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the firewall
Returns:A GCEFirewall object
Return type:GCEFirewall
ex_get_forwarding_rule(name, region=None, global_rule=False)[source]

Return a Forwarding Rule object based on the forwarding rule name.

  • name (str) – The name of the forwarding rule
  • region (str or None) – The region to search for the rule in (set to ‘all’ to search all regions).
  • global_rule (bool) – Set to True to get a global forwarding rule. Region will be ignored if True.

A GCEForwardingRule object

Return type:



Return a HealthCheck object based on the healthcheck name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the healthcheck
Returns:A GCEHealthCheck object
Return type:GCEHealthCheck
ex_get_image(partial_name, ex_project_list=None, ex_standard_projects=True)[source]

Return an GCENodeImage object based on the name or link provided.

  • partial_name (str) – The name, partial name, or full path of a GCE image.
  • ex_project_list (str or list of str or None) – The name of the project to list for images. Examples include: ‘debian-cloud’.
  • ex_standard_projects (bool) – If true, check in standard projects if the image is not found.

GCENodeImage object based on provided information or None if an image with that name is not found.

Return type:

GCENodeImage or raise ResourceNotFoundError

ex_get_image_from_family(image_family, ex_project_list=None, ex_standard_projects=True)[source]

Return an GCENodeImage object based on an image family name.

  • image_family (str) – The name of the ‘Image Family’ to return the latest image from.
  • ex_project_list (list of str, or None) – The name of the project to list for images. Examples include: ‘debian-cloud’.
  • ex_standard_projects (bool) – If true, check in standard projects if the image is not found.

GCENodeImage object based on provided information or ResourceNotFoundError if the image family is not found.

Return type:

GCENodeImage or raise ResourceNotFoundError

ex_get_instancegroup(name, zone=None)[source]

Returns the specified Instance Group. Get a list of available instance groups by making a list() request.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

  • name (str) – The name of the instance group.
  • zone (str) – The name of the zone where the instance group is located.

GCEInstanceGroup object.

Return type:


ex_get_instancegroupmanager(name, zone=None)[source]

Return a InstanceGroupManager object based on a name and optional zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the Instance Group Manager.
  • zone (str or GCEZone or None) – The zone to search for the Instance Group Manager. Set to ‘all’ to search all zones.

An Instance Group Manager object.

Return type:



Return an InstanceTemplate object based on a name and optional zone.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the Instance Template.
Returns:An Instance Template object.
Return type:GCEInstanceTemplate
ex_get_license(project, name)[source]

Return a License object for specified project and name.

  • project (str) – The project to reference when looking up the license.
  • name (str) – The name of the License

A License object for the name

Return type:



Return a Network object based on a network name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name or URL of the network
Returns:A Network object for the network
Return type:GCENetwork
ex_get_node(name, zone=None)[source]

Return a Node object based on a node name and optional zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the node
  • zone (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – The zone to search for the node in. If set to ‘all’, search all zones for the instance.

A Node object for the node

Return type:



Return a Project object with project-wide information.

Returns:A GCEProject object
Return type:GCEProject

Return a Region object based on the region name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the region.
Returns:A GCERegion object for the region
Return type:GCERegion

Return a Route object based on a route name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the route
Returns:A Route object for the named route
Return type:GCERoute

Fetch the console/serial port output from the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The existing target Node (instance) for the request.
Returns:A string containing serial port output of the node.
Return type:str
ex_get_size(name, zone=None)[source]

Return a size object based on a machine type name and zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the node
  • zone (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – The zone to search for the machine type in

A GCENodeSize object for the machine type

Return type:



Return a Snapshot object based on snapshot name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the snapshot
Returns:A GCESnapshot object for the snapshot
Return type:GCESnapshot

Returns the specified SslCertificate resource. Get a list of available SSL certificates by making a list() request.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the SslCertificate resource to return.
Returns:GCESslCertificate object.
Return type:GCESslCertificate
ex_get_subnetwork(name, region=None)[source]

Return a Subnetwork object based on name and region.

  • name (str) – The name or URL of the subnetwork
  • region (str or GCERegion or None) – The region of the subnetwork

A Subnetwork object

Return type:



Return a Target HTTP Proxy object based on its name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the target HTTP proxy.
Returns:A Target HTTP Proxy object for the pool
Return type:GCETargetHttpProxy

Returns the specified TargetHttpsProxy resource. Get a list of available target HTTPS proxies by making a list() request.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource to return.
Returns:GCETargetHttpsProxy object.
Return type:GCETargetHttpsProxy
ex_get_targetinstance(name, zone=None)[source]

Return a TargetInstance object based on a name and optional zone.

  • name (str) – The name of the target instance
  • zone (str or GCEZone or None) – The zone to search for the target instance in (set to ‘all’ to search all zones).

A TargetInstance object for the instance

Return type:


ex_get_targetpool(name, region=None)[source]

Return a TargetPool object based on a name and optional region.

  • name (str) – The name of the target pool
  • region (str or GCERegion or None) – The region to search for the target pool in (set to ‘all’ to search all regions).

A TargetPool object for the pool

Return type:



Return a URL Map object based on name

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the url map
Returns:A URL Map object for the backend service
Return type:GCEUrlMap
ex_get_volume(name, zone=None, use_cache=False)[source]

Return a Volume object based on a volume name and optional zone.

To improve performance, we request all disks and allow the user to consult the cache dictionary rather than making an API call.

  • name (str) – The name of the volume
  • zone (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – The zone to search for the volume in (set to ‘all’ to search all zones)
  • use_cache (bool) – Search for the volume in the existing cache of volumes. If True, we omit the API call and search self.volumes_dict. If False, a call to disks/aggregatedList is made prior to searching self._ex_volume_dict.

A StorageVolume object for the volume

Return type:



Return a Zone object based on the zone name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the zone.
Returns:A GCEZone object for the zone or None if not found
Return type:GCEZone or None
ex_instancegroup_add_instances(instancegroup, node_list)[source]

Adds a list of instances to the specified instance group. All of the instances in the instance group must be in the same network/subnetwork. Read Adding instances for more information.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • instancegroup (:class:GCEInstanceGroup) – The Instance Group where you are adding instances.
  • node_list (list of Node or list of GCENode) – List of nodes to add.

Return True if successful.

Return type:



Lists the instances in the specified instance group.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Parameters:instancegroup (GCEInstanceGroup) – The Instance Group where from which you want to generate a list of included instances.
Returns:List of GCENode objects.
Return type:list of GCENode objects.
ex_instancegroup_remove_instances(instancegroup, node_list)[source]

Removes one or more instances from the specified instance group, but does not delete those instances.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • instancegroup (:class:GCEInstanceGroup) – The Instance Group where the specified instances will be removed.
  • node_list (list of Node or list of GCENode) – List of nodes to add.

True if successful.

Return type:


ex_instancegroup_set_named_ports(instancegroup, named_ports=[])[source]

Sets the named ports for the specified instance group.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • instancegroup (GCEInstanceGroup) – The Instance Group where where the named ports are updated.
  • named_ports (list of {‘name’: str, ‘port`: int}) – Assigns a name to a port number. For example: {name: “http”, port: 80} This allows the system to reference ports by the assigned name instead of a port number. Named ports can also contain multiple ports. For example: [{name: “http”, port: 80},{name: “http”, port: 8080}] Named ports apply to all instances in this instance group.

Return True if successful.

Return type:


ex_instancegroupmanager_delete_instances(manager, node_list)[source]

Remove instances from GCEInstanceGroupManager and destroy the instance

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • manager (str or :class: GCEInstanceGroupManager) – Required. The name of the managed instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
  • node_list (list of Node) – list of Node objects to delete.

True if successful

Return type:



Lists all of the instances in the Managed Instance Group.

Each instance in the list has a currentAction, which indicates the action that the managed instance group is performing on the instance. For example, if the group is still creating an instance, the currentAction is ‘CREATING’. Note that ‘instanceStatus’ might not be available, for example, if currentAction is ‘CREATING’ or ‘RECREATING’. If a previous action failed, the list displays the errors for that failed action.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

‘currentAction’ values are one of:
Parameters:manager (GCEInstanceGroupManager) – Instance Group Manager to operate on.
Returns:list of dict containing ‘name’, ‘zone’, ‘lastAttempt’, ‘currentAction’, ‘instance’ and ‘instanceStatus’.
Return type:list
ex_instancegroupmanager_recreate_instances(manager, instances=None)[source]

Schedules a group action to recreate the specified instances in the managed instance group. The instances are deleted and recreated using the current instance template for the managed instance group. This operation is marked as DONE when the action is scheduled even if the instances have not yet been recreated. You must separately verify the status of the recreating action with the listmanagedinstances method or querying the managed instance group directly.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • manager (str or :class: GCEInstanceGroupManager) – Required. The name of the managed instance group. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035.
  • instances (list of :class: Node, list of instance names (only), list of instance URIs, or None.) – list of Node objects to be recreated. If equal to None, all instances in the managed instance group are recreated.

Dictionary containing instance URI and currentAction. See ex_instancegroupmanager_list_managed_instances for more details.

Return type:


ex_instancegroupmanager_resize(manager, size)[source]

Set the Instance Template for this Instance Group.

  • manager (GCEInstanceGroupManager) – Instance Group Manager to operate on.
  • size (int) – New size of Managed Instance Group.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_instancegroupmanager_set_autohealingpolicies(manager, healthcheck, initialdelaysec)[source]

Set the Autohealing Policies for this Instance Group.

  • healthcheck (GCEHealthCheck) – Healthcheck to add
  • initialdelaysec (int) – The time to allow an instance to boot and applications to fully start before the first health check

True if successful

Return type:


ex_instancegroupmanager_set_instancetemplate(manager, instancetemplate)[source]

Set the Instance Template for this Instance Group. Existing VMs are not recreated by setting a new InstanceTemplate.


True if successful

Return type:


ex_list(list_fn, **kwargs)[source]

Wrap a list method in a GCEList iterator.

>>> for sublist in driver.ex_list(driver.ex_list_urlmaps).page(1):
...   sublist
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="cli-map">]
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="lc-map">]
[<GCEUrlMap id="..." name="web-map">]
Parameters:list_fn (instancemethod) – A bound list method from GCENodeDriver.
Returns:An iterator that returns sublists from list_fn.
Return type:GCEList

Return a list of static addresses for a region, ‘global’, or all.

Parameters:region (str or None) – The region to return addresses from. For example: ‘us-central1’. If None, will return addresses from region of If ‘all’, will return all addresses. If ‘global’, it will return addresses in the global namespace.
Returns:A list of static address objects.
Return type:list of GCEAddress

Return the list of AutoScalers.

Parameters:zone (str or None) – The zone to return InstanceGroupManagers from. For example: ‘us-central1-a’. If None, will return InstanceGroupManagers from If ‘all’, will return all InstanceGroupManagers.
Returns:A list of AutoScaler Objects
Return type:list of GCEAutoScaler

Return a list of backend services.

Returns:A list of backend service objects.
Return type:list of GCEBackendService

Return a list of DiskTypes for a zone or all.

Parameters:zone (str or None) – The zone to return DiskTypes from. For example: ‘us-central1-a’. If None, will return DiskTypes from If ‘all’, will return all DiskTypes.
Returns:A list of static DiskType objects.
Return type:list of GCEDiskType

Return the list of firewalls.

Returns:A list of firewall objects.
Return type:list of GCEFirewall
ex_list_forwarding_rules(region=None, global_rules=False)[source]

Return the list of forwarding rules for a region or all.

  • region (str or GCERegion or None) – The region to return forwarding rules from. For example: ‘us-central1’. If None, will return forwarding rules from the region of self.region (which is based on If ‘all’, will return forwarding rules for all regions, which does not include the global forwarding rules.
  • global_rules (bool) – List global forwarding rules instead of per-region rules. Setting True will cause ‘region’ parameter to be ignored.

A list of forwarding rule objects.

Return type:

list of GCEForwardingRule


Return the list of health checks.

Returns:A list of health check objects.
Return type:list of GCEHealthCheck

Return a list of Instance Group Managers.

Parameters:zone (str or None) – The zone to return InstanceGroupManagers from. For example: ‘us-central1-a’. If None, will return InstanceGroupManagers from If ‘all’, will return all InstanceGroupManagers.
Returns:A list of instance group mgr objects.
Return type:list of GCEInstanceGroupManagers

Retrieves the list of instance groups that are located in the specified project and zone.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Parameters:zone (str) – The name of the zone where the instance group is located.
Returns:A list of instance group mgr objects.
Return type:list of GCEInstanceGroupManagers

Return the list of Instance Templates.

Returns:A list of Instance Template Objects
Return type:list of GCEInstanceTemplate

Return the list of networks.

Returns:A list of network objects.
Return type:list of GCENetwork
ex_list_project_images(ex_project=None, ex_include_deprecated=False)[source]

Return a list of image objects for a project. If no project is specified, only a list of ‘global’ images is returned.

  • ex_project (str, list of str, or None) – Optional alternate project name.
  • ex_include_deprecated (bool) – If True, even DEPRECATED images will be returned.

List of GCENodeImage objects

Return type:

list of GCENodeImage


Return the list of regions.

Returns:A list of region objects.
Return type:list of GCERegion

Return the list of routes.

Returns:A list of route objects.
Return type:list of GCERoute

Return the list of disk snapshots in the project.

Returns:A list of snapshot objects
Return type:list of GCESnapshot

Retrieves the list of SslCertificate resources available to the specified project.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * * *

Returns:A list of SSLCertificate objects.
Return type:list of GCESslCertificate

Return the list of subnetworks.

Parameters:region (str or GCERegion) – Region for the subnetwork. Specify ‘all’ to return the aggregated list of subnetworks.
Returns:A list of subnetwork objects.
Return type:list of GCESubnetwork

Return the list of target HTTP proxies.

Returns:A list of target http proxy objects
Return type:list of GCETargetHttpProxy

Return the list of target HTTPs proxies.

Returns:A list of target https proxy objects
Return type:list of GCETargetHttpsProxy

Return the list of target instances.

Returns:A list of target instance objects
Return type:list of GCETargetInstance

Return the list of target pools.

Returns:A list of target pool objects
Return type:list of GCETargetPool

Return the list of URL Maps in the project.

Returns:A list of url map objects
Return type:list of GCEUrlMap

Return the list of zones.

Returns:A list of zone objects.
Return type:list of GCEZone
ex_resize_volume(volume, size)[source]

Resize a volume to the specified size.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume object to resize
  • size (int) – The size in GB of the volume to resize to.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_common_instance_metadata(metadata=None, force=False)[source]

Set common instance metadata for the project. Common uses are for setting ‘sshKeys’, or setting a project-wide ‘startup-script’ for all nodes (instances). Passing in None for the ‘metadata’ parameter will clear out all common instance metadata except for ‘sshKeys’. If you also want to update ‘sshKeys’, set the ‘force’ parameter to True.

  • metadata (dict or None) – Dictionary of metadata. Can be either a standard python dictionary, or the format expected by GCE (e.g. {‘items’: [{‘key’: k1, ‘value’: v1}, …}]
  • force (bool) – Force update of ‘sshKeys’. If force is False (the default), existing sshKeys will be retained. Setting force to True will either replace sshKeys if a new a new value is supplied, or deleted if no new value is supplied.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_image_labels(image, labels)[source]

Set labels for the specified image.

  • image (NodeImage) – The existing target Image for the request.
  • labels (dict or None) – Set (or clear with None) labels for this image.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_machine_type(node, machine_type='n1-standard-1')[source]

Set the machine type of the stopped instance. Can be the short-name, a full, or partial URL.

  • node (Node) – Target node object to change
  • machine_type (str) – Desired machine type

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_node_labels(node, labels)[source]

Set labels for the specified node.

  • node (Node) – The existing target Node (instance) for the request.
  • labels (dict or None) – Set (or clear with None) labels for this node.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_node_metadata(node, metadata)[source]

Set metadata for the specified node.

  • node (Node) – The existing target Node (instance) for the request.
  • metadata (dict or None) – Set (or clear with None) metadata for this particular node.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_node_scheduling(node, on_host_maintenance=None, automatic_restart=None)[source]

Set the maintenance behavior for the node.

See Scheduling documentation for more info.

  • node (Node) – Node object
  • on_host_maintenance (str) – Defines whether node should be terminated or migrated when host machine goes down. Acceptable values are: ‘MIGRATE’ or ‘TERMINATE’ (If not supplied, value will be reset to GCE default value for the instance type.)
  • automatic_restart (bool) – Defines whether the instance should be automatically restarted when it is terminated by Compute Engine. (If not supplied, value will be set to the GCE default value for the instance type.)

True if successful.

Return type:


ex_set_node_tags(node, tags)[source]

Set the tags on a Node instance.

Note that this updates the node object directly.

  • node (Node) – Node object
  • tags (list of str) – List of tags to apply to the object

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_usage_export_bucket(bucket, prefix=None)[source]

Used to retain Compute Engine resource usage, storing the CSV data in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. See the docs for more information. Please ensure you have followed the necessary setup steps prior to enabling this feature (e.g. bucket exists, ACLs are in place, etc.)

  • bucket (str) – Name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket. Specify the name in either ‘gs://<bucket_name>’ or the full URL ‘<bucket_name>’.
  • prefix (str or None) – Optional prefix string for all reports.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_volume_auto_delete(volume, node, auto_delete=True)[source]

Sets the auto-delete flag for a volume attached to a node.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume object to auto-delete
  • ex_node (Node) – Node object to auto-delete volume from
  • auto_delete (bool (default True)) – Flag to set for the auto-delete value

True if successful

Return type:


ex_set_volume_labels(volume, labels)[source]

Set labels for the specified volume (disk).

  • volume (StorageVolume) – The existing target StorageVolume for the request.
  • labels (dict or None) – Set (or clear with None) labels for this image.

True if successful

Return type:


ex_start_node(node, sync=True)[source]
ex_stop_node(node, sync=True)[source]
ex_targethttpsproxy_set_sslcertificates(targethttpsproxy, sslcertificates)[source]

Replaces SslCertificates for TargetHttpsProxy.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • targethttpsproxy (str) – Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource to set an SslCertificates resource for.
  • sslcertificates (list of GCESslCertificates) – sslcertificates to set.


Return type:


ex_targethttpsproxy_set_urlmap(targethttpsproxy, urlmap)[source]

Changes the URL map for TargetHttpsProxy.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • targethttpsproxy (str) – Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource whose URL map is to be set.
  • urlmap (GCEUrlMap) – urlmap to set.


Return type:


ex_targetpool_add_healthcheck(targetpool, healthcheck)[source]

Add a health check to a target pool.

  • targetpool (str or GCETargetPool) – The targetpool to add health check to
  • healthcheck (str or GCEHealthCheck) – The healthcheck to add

True if successful

Return type:


ex_targetpool_add_node(targetpool, node)[source]

Add a node to a target pool.

  • targetpool (str or GCETargetPool) – The targetpool to add node to
  • node (str or Node) – The node to add

True if successful

Return type:


ex_targetpool_get_health(targetpool, node=None)[source]

Return a hash of target pool instances and their health.

  • targetpool (GCETargetPool) – Targetpool containing healthchecked instances.
  • node (str, Node, or None) – Optional node to specify if only a specific node’s health status should be returned

List of hashes of instances and their respective health, e.g. [{‘node’: Node, ‘health’: ‘UNHEALTHY’}, …]

Return type:

list of dict

ex_targetpool_remove_healthcheck(targetpool, healthcheck)[source]

Remove a health check from a target pool.

  • targetpool (str or GCETargetPool) – The targetpool to remove health check from
  • healthcheck (str or GCEHealthCheck) – The healthcheck to remove

True if successful

Return type:


ex_targetpool_remove_node(targetpool, node)[source]

Remove a node from a target pool.

  • targetpool (str or GCETargetPool) – The targetpool to remove node from
  • node (str or Node) – The node to remove

True if successful

Return type:


ex_targetpool_set_backup_targetpool(targetpool, backup_targetpool, failover_ratio=0.1)[source]

Set a backup targetpool.

  • targetpool (GCETargetPool) – The existing primary targetpool
  • backup_targetpool (GCETargetPool) – The existing targetpool to use for failover traffic.
  • failover_ratio (float) – The percentage of healthy VMs must fall at or below this value before traffic will be sent to the backup targetpool (default 0.10)

True if successful

Return type:



Update an autoscaler with new values.

To update, change the attributes of the autoscaler object and pass the updated object to the method.

Parameters:autoscaler (GCEAutoscaler) – An Autoscaler object with updated values.
Returns:An Autoscaler object representing the new state.
Return type:GCEAutoscaler`

Update a firewall with new values.

To update, change the attributes of the firewall object and pass the updated object to the method.

Parameters:firewall (GCEFirewall) – A firewall object with updated values.
Returns:An object representing the new state of the firewall.
Return type:GCEFirewall

Update a health check with new values.

To update, change the attributes of the health check object and pass the updated object to the method.

Parameters:healthcheck (GCEHealthCheck) – A healthcheck object with updated values.
Returns:An object representing the new state of the health check.
Return type:GCEHealthCheck
features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}
list_images(ex_project=None, ex_include_deprecated=False)[source]

Return a list of image objects. If no project is specified, a list of all non-deprecated global and vendor images images is returned. By default, only non-deprecated images are returned.

  • ex_project (str, list of str, or None) – Optional alternate project name.
  • ex_include_deprecated (bool) – If True, even DEPRECATED images will be returned.

List of GCENodeImage objects

Return type:

list of GCENodeImage


Return a list of locations (zones).

The ex_list_zones method returns more comprehensive results, but this is here for compatibility.

Returns:List of NodeLocation objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation
list_nodes(ex_zone=None, ex_use_disk_cache=True)[source]

Return a list of nodes in the current zone or all zones.

  • ex_zone (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – Optional zone name or ‘all’
  • ex_use_disk_cache (bool) – Disk information for each node will retrieved from a dictionary rather than making a distinct API call for it.

List of Node objects

Return type:

list of Node


Return a list of sizes (machineTypes) in a zone.

Parameters:location (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – Location or Zone for sizes
Returns:List of GCENodeSize objects
Return type:list of GCENodeSize

List snapshots created from the provided volume.

For GCE, snapshots are global, but while the volume they were created from still exists, the source disk for the snapshot is tracked.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – A StorageVolume object
Returns:A list of Snapshot objects
Return type:list of GCESnapshot

Return a list of volumes for a zone or all.

Will return list from provided zone, or from the default zone unless given the value of ‘all’.

Parameters:ex_zone (str or GCEZone or NodeLocation or None) – The zone to return volumes from.
Returns:A list of volume objects.
Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'Google Compute Engine'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to be rebooted
Returns:True if successful, False if not
Return type:bool
start_node(node, ex_sync=True)[source]

Start a node that is stopped and in TERMINATED state.

  • node (Node) – Node object to start
  • sync (bool) – If true, do not return until destroyed or timeout

True if successful

Return type:


stop_node(node, ex_sync=True)[source]

Stop a running node.

  • node (Node) – Node object to stop
  • sync (bool) – If true, do not return until destroyed or timeout

True if successful

Return type:


type = 'gce'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCENodeImage(id, name, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage

A GCE Node Image class.


Delete this image

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
deprecate(replacement, state, deprecated=None, obsolete=None, deleted=None)[source]

Deprecate this image

  • replacement (str or :class: GCENodeImage) – Image to use as a replacement
  • state (str) – Deprecation state of this image. Possible values include ‘ACTIVE’, ‘DELETED’, ‘DEPRECATED’ or ‘OBSOLETE’.
  • deprecated (str or None) – RFC3339 timestamp to mark DEPRECATED
  • obsolete (str or None) – RFC3339 timestamp to mark OBSOLETE
  • deleted (str or None) – RFC3339 timestamp to mark DELETED

True if successful

Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCENodeSize(id, name, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeSize

A GCE Node Size (MachineType) class.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEProject(id, name, metadata, quotas, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

GCE Project information.

set_common_instance_metadata(metadata=None, force=False)[source]

Set common instance metadata for the project. Common uses are for setting ‘sshKeys’, or setting a project-wide ‘startup-script’ for all nodes (instances). Passing in None for the ‘metadata’ parameter will clear out all common instance metadata except for ‘sshKeys’. If you also want to update ‘sshKeys’, set the ‘force’ parameter to True.

  • metadata (dict or None) – Dictionary of metadata. Can be either a standard python dictionary, or the format expected by GCE (e.g. {‘items’: [{‘key’: k1, ‘value’: v1}, …}]
  • force (bool) – Force update of ‘sshKeys’. If force is False (the default), existing sshKeys will be retained. Setting force to True will either replace sshKeys if a new a new value is supplied, or deleted if no new value is supplied.

True if successful

Return type:


set_usage_export_bucket(bucket, prefix=None)[source]

Used to retain Compute Engine resource usage, storing the CSV data in a Google Cloud Storage bucket. See the docs for more information. Please ensure you have followed the necessary setup steps prior to enabling this feature (e.g. bucket exists, ACLs are in place, etc.)

  • bucket (str) – Name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket. Specify the name in either ‘gs://<bucket_name>’ or the full URL ‘<bucket_name>’.
  • prefix (str or None) – Optional prefix string for all reports.

True if successful

Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCERegion(id, name, status, zones, quotas, deprecated, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEResponse(response, connection)[source]


  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCERoute(id, name, dest_range, priority, network='default', tags=None, driver=None, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Route object class.


Destroy this route

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCESnapshot(id, name, size, status, driver, extra=None, created=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.VolumeSnapshot

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCESslCertificate(id, name, certificate, driver, extra, private_key=None, description=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

GCESslCertificate represents the SslCertificate resource.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  • certificate (str) – A local certificate file. The certificate must be in PEM format. The certificate chain must be no greater than 5 certs long. The chain must include at least one intermediate cert.
  • private_key (str) – A write-only private key in PEM format. Only insert RPCs will include this field.
  • description (str) – An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
  • driver (:class: `GCENodeDriver`) – An initialized :class: GCENodeDriver
  • extra (:class: ``dict``) – A dictionary of extra information.

Destroy this SslCertificate.

Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCESubnetwork(id, name, cidr, network, region, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

A GCE Subnetwork object class.


Destroy this subnetwork

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCETargetHttpProxy(id, name, urlmap, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin


Destroy this Target HTTP Proxy.

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCETargetHttpsProxy(id, name, description=None, sslcertificates=None, urlmap=None, driver=None, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

GCETargetHttpsProxy represents the TargetHttpsProxy resource.

  • name (str) – Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and match the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? which means the first character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters must be a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which cannot be a dash.
  • description (str) – An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.
  • sslcertificates (list of GCESslcertificates) – URLs to SslCertificate resources that are used to authenticate connections between users and the load balancer. Currently, exactly one SSL certificate must be specified.
  • urlmap (GCEUrlMap) – A fully-qualified or valid partial URL to the UrlMap resource that defines the mapping from URL to the BackendService. For example, the following are all valid URLs for specifying a URL map: - ht tps://www.googleapis.compute/v1/projects/project/gl obal/urlMaps/url-map - projects/project/global/urlMaps/url-map - global/urlMaps/url-map
  • driver (:class: `GCENodeDriver`) – An initialized :class: GCENodeDriver
  • extra (:class: ``dict``) – A dictionary of extra information.

Destroy this TargetHttpsProxy.

Returns:Return True if successful.
Return type:bool

Set the SSL Certificates for this TargetHTTPSProxy

Parameters:sslcertificates (list of GCESslCertificate) – SSL Certificates to set.
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Changes the URL map for TargetHttpsProxy.

Scopes needed - one of the following: * *

  • targethttpsproxy (str) – Name of the TargetHttpsProxy resource whose URL map is to be set.
  • urlmap (GCEUrlMap) – UrlMap to set.


Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCETargetInstance(id, name, zone, node, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin


Destroy this Target Instance

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCETargetPool(id, name, region, healthchecks, nodes, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin


Add a healthcheck to this target pool.

Parameters:healthcheck (str or GCEHealthCheck) – Healthcheck to add
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Add a node to this target pool.

Parameters:node (str or Node) – Node to add
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Destroy this Target Pool

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Return a hash of target pool instances and their health.

Parameters:node (str, Node, or None) – Optional node to specify if only a specific node’s health status should be returned
Returns:List of hashes of nodes and their respective health
Return type:list of dict

Remove a healthcheck from this target pool.

Parameters:healthcheck (str or GCEHealthCheck) – Healthcheck to remove
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool

Remove a node from this target pool.

Parameters:node (str or Node) – Node to remove
Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
set_backup_targetpool(backup_targetpool, failover_ratio=0.1)[source]

Set a backup targetpool.

  • backup_targetpool (GCETargetPool) – The existing targetpool to use for failover traffic.
  • failover_ratio (float) – The percentage of healthy VMs must fall at or below this value before traffic will be sent to the backup targetpool (default 0.10)

True if successful

Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEUrlMap(id, name, default_service, host_rules, path_matchers, tests, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin



Destroy this URL Map

Returns:True if successful
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gce.GCEZone(id, name, status, maintenance_windows, deprecated, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeLocation

Subclass of NodeLocation to provide additional information.


Returns the duration of the next Maintenance Window as a datetime.timedelta object.


Returns the time until the next Maintenance Window as a datetime.timedelta object.


Return a datetime object that corresponds to the time in an RFC3339 timestamp.

Parameters:timestamp (str) – RFC3339 timestamp string
Returns:Datetime object corresponding to timestamp
Return type:datetime.datetime

libcloud.compute.drivers.gig_g8 module

GiG G8 Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gig_g8.G8Network(id, name, cidr, publicipaddress, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

G8 Network object class.

This class maps to a cloudspace


Cidr is not part of the list result we will lazily fetch it with a get request

create_portforward(node, publicport, privateport, protocol='tcp')[source]
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gig_g8.G8NodeDriver(user_id, key, api_url)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

GiG G8 node driver

  • key (str) – Token to use for api (jwt)
  • user_id (int) – Id of the account to connect to (accountId)
  • api_url (str) – G8 api url
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'ADDING_DISK': reconfiguring, 'ATTACHING_DISK': reconfiguring, 'ATTACHING_NIC': reconfiguring, 'CHANGING_DISK_LIMITS': reconfiguring, 'CLONING': pending, 'CREATING_TEMPLATE': pending, 'DELETED': terminated, 'DELETING': terminated, 'DELETING_DISK': reconfiguring, 'DEPLOYING': pending, 'DESTROYED': terminated, 'DESTROYING': terminated, 'DETACHING_DISK': reconfiguring, 'DETTACHING_NIC': reconfiguring, 'ERROR': error, 'HALTED': stopped, 'MOVING': migrating, 'PAUSED': paused, 'PAUSING': pending, 'RESETTING': rebooting, 'RESIZING': reconfiguring, 'RESTORING': pending, 'RESUMING': pending, 'RUNNING': running, 'STARTING': starting, 'STOPPING': stopping, 'VIRTUAL': pending}
attach_volume(node, volume)[source]

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.
  • device (str) – Where the device is exposed, e.g. ‘/dev/sdb’



alias of libcloud.common.gig_g8.G8Connection

create_node(name, image, ex_network, ex_description, size=None, auth=None, ex_create_attr=None, ex_expose_ssh=False)[source]

Create a node.

The ex_create_attr parameter can include the following dictionary key and value pairs:

  • memory: int Memory in MiB
    (only used if size is None and vcpus is passed
  • vcpus: int Amount of vcpus
    (only used if size is None and memory is passed)
  • disk_size: int Size of bootdisk
    defaults to minimumsize of the image
  • user_data: str for cloud-config data
  • private_ip: str Private Ip inside network
  • data_disks: list(int) Extra data disks to assign
    to vm list of disk sizes in GiB
  • name (str) – the name to assign the vm
  • size (: str) – the plan size to create mutual exclusive with memory vcpus
  • image (NodeImage) – which distribution to deploy on the vm
  • network – G8 Network to place vm in
  • ex_description – Descripton of vm
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey) – an SSH key
  • ex_create_attr (dict) – A dictionary of optional attributes for vm creation
  • ex_expose_ssh (int) – Create portforward for ssh port

The newly created node.

Return type:


create_volume(size, name, ex_description, ex_disk_type='D')[source]

Create volume

  • size (int) – Size of the volume to create in GiB
  • name (str) – Name of the volume
  • description (str) – Descripton of the volume
  • disk_type (str) – Type of the disk depending on the G8 D for datadisk is always available
Return type:



Destroy node


Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool
detach_volume(node, volume)[source]

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:bool
ex_create_network(name, private_network='', type='vgw')[source]

Create network also known as cloudspace

  • name (str) – the name to assing to the network
  • private_network (str) – subnet used as private network
  • type (str) – type of the gateway vgw or routeros
ex_create_portforward(network, node, publicport, privateport, protocol='tcp')[source]

Create portforward for ssh purposed

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to expose ssh for
Return type:int

Return the list of networks.

Returns:A list of network objects.
Return type:list of G8Network

Returns a list of images as a cloud provider might have

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images


List the nodes known to a particular driver; There are two default nodes created at the beginning


Returns a list of node sizes as a cloud provider might have


List storage volumes.

Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'GiG G8 Node Provider'

Reboot node returns True as if the reboot had been successful.


Start virtual machine


Stop virtual machine

type = 'gig_g8'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gig_g8.G8PortForward(network, node_id, publicport, privateport, protocol, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

exception libcloud.compute.drivers.gig_g8.G8ProvisionError[source]

Bases: Exception

libcloud.compute.drivers.gogrid module

GoGrid driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gogrid.GoGridNode(id, name, state, public_ips, private_ips, driver, size=None, image=None, extra=None, created_at=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.Node

  • id (str) – Node ID.
  • name (str) – Node name.
  • state (libcloud.compute.types.NodeState) – Node state.
  • public_ips (list) – Public IP addresses associated with this node.
  • private_ips (list) – Private IP addresses associated with this node.
  • driver (NodeDriver) – Driver this node belongs to.
  • size (NodeSize) – Size of this node. (optional)
  • image (NodeImage) – Image of this node. (optional)
  • created_at – The datetime this node was created (optional)
  • extra (dict) – Optional provider specific attributes associated with this node.

Unique hash for a node, node image, or node size

The hash is a function of an SHA1 hash of the node, node image, or node size’s ID and its driver which means that it should be unique between all objects of its type. In some subclasses (e.g. GoGridNode) there is no ID available so the public IP address is used. This means that, unlike a properly done system UUID, the same UUID may mean a different system install at a different time

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> node = driver.create_node()
>>> node.get_uuid()

Note, for example, that this example will always produce the same UUID!

Return type:str
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gogrid.GoGridNodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.gogrid.BaseGoGridDriver, libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

GoGrid node driver

@inherits: NodeDriver.__init__

api_name = 'gogrid'

alias of libcloud.common.gogrid.GoGridConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location=None, ex_description=None, ex_ip=None)[source]

Create a new GoGird node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_description (str) – Description of a Node
  • ex_ip (str) – Public IP address to use for a Node. If not specified, first available IP address will be picked
Return type:



@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node :type node: GoGridNode

ex_create_node_nowait(name, size, image, location=None, ex_description=None, ex_ip=None)[source]

Don’t block until GoGrid allocates id for a node but return right away with id == None.

The existence of this method is explained by the fact that GoGrid assigns id to a node only few minutes after creation.

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node . (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • ex_description (str) – Description of a Node
  • ex_ip (str) – Public IP address to use for a Node. If not specified, first available IP address will be picked
Return type:



Edit metadata of a server image.

  • image (NodeImage) – image to be edited (required)
  • public (bool) – should be the image public (required)
  • ex_description (str) – description of the image (optional)
  • name (str) – name of the image
Return type:



Change attributes of a node.

  • node (GoGridNode) – node to be edited (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – new size of a node (required)
  • ex_description (str) – new description of a node
Return type:



Return list of IP addresses assigned to the account.

  • public (bool) – set to True to list only public IPs or False to list only private IPs. Set to None or not specify at all not to filter by type
  • assigned (bool) – set to True to list only addresses assigned to servers, False to list unassigned addresses and set to None or don’t set at all not no filter by state
  • location (NodeLocation) – filter IP addresses by location
Return type:

list of GoGridIpAddress

ex_save_image(node, name)[source]

Create an image for node.

Please refer to GoGrid documentation to get info how prepare a node for image creation:

  • node (GoGridNode) – node to use as a base for image
  • name (str) – name for new image
Return type:


features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_nodes :rtype: list of GoGridNode


List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'GoGrid'

@inherits: NodeDriver.reboot_node :type node: GoGridNode

type = 'gogrid'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.gridscale module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gridscale.GridscaleIp(id, family, prefix, create_time, address, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Ip Object

  • id (str) – uuid
  • family (str) – family of ip (v4 or v6)
  • prefix (str) – prefix of ip
  • ip_address (str) – Ip address
  • create_time (str) – Time ip was created
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gridscale.GridscaleNetwork(id, name, status, create_time, relations)[source]

Bases: object

Network Object

  • id (str) – uuid
  • name (str) – Name of Network
  • status (str) – Network status
  • relations (object) – object related to network
  • create_time (str) – Time Network was created
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gridscale.GridscaleNodeDriver(user_id, key, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.gridscale.GridscaleBaseDriver, libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

create and entry in libcloud/compute/providers for gridscale

api_name = 'gridscale'
attach_volume(node, volume)[source]
Attaches volume to node.
  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.



alias of libcloud.common.gridscale.GridscaleConnection

create_image(node, name)[source]

Creates an image from a node object.

  • node (Node) – Node to run the task on.
  • name (str) – Name for new image.


Return type:


create_node(name, size, image, location, ex_ssh_key_ids=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a simple node with a name, cores, memory at the designated location.

  • name (str) – Name of the server.
  • size (NodeSize) – Nodesize object.
  • image (GridscaleTemplate) – OS image to attach to the storage.
  • location (NodeLocation) – The data center to create a node in.
  • ex_ssh_key_ids (list of str) – List of SSH key IDs to add to the server.

The newly created Node.

Return type:


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Integer in GB.
  • name (str) – Name of the volume.
  • location (NodeLocation) – The server location.
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume. (optional)

Newly created StorageVolume.

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name)[source]

Creates a snapshot of the current state of your volume, you can rollback to.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume you want to create a snapshot of.
  • name (str) – Name of the snapshot.


Return type:



Destroy an image.

Parameters:node_image (NodeImage) – Node image object.
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
destroy_node(node, ex_destroy_associated_resources=False)[source]

Destroy node.

  • node (Node) – Node object.
  • ex_destroy_associated_resources – True to destroy associated

resources such as storage volumes and IPs. :type ex_destroy_associated_resources: bool

Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Delete volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed.
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Destroy a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (:class:'.VolumeSnapshot`) – The snapshot to delete.
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:bool
ex_create_ip(family, location, name)[source]

Create either an ip_v4 ip or a ip_v6.

  • family (int) – Defines if the ip is v4 or v6 with int 4 or int 6.
  • location (NodeLocation) – Defines which datacenter the created ip responds with.
  • name (str) – Name of your Ip.


Return type:


ex_create_networks(name, location)[source]

Create a network at the data center location.

  • name (str) – Name of the network.
  • location (NodeLocation) – Location.


Return type:



Delete an ip.

Parameters:ip (GridscaleIp) – IP object.
Returns:True if delete_image was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Delete network.

Parameters:network (GridscaleNetwork) – Network object.
Returns:True if destroyed successfully, otherwise False
Return type:bool

links a existing ip with a node

  • node (object) – node object
  • ip (object) – ip object

Request ID

Return type:


link and isoimage to a node

  • node (object) – Node you want to link the iso image to
  • isoimage (object) – isomiage you want to link

None -> success

Return type:


Link a network to a node.

  • node (Node) – Node object to link networks to.
  • network (GridscaleNetwork) – Network you want to link.

True if linked sucessfully, otherwise False

Return type:



Lists all IPs available.

Returns:List of IP objects.
Return type:list of GridscaleIp

Return a list of associated IPs for the provided node.

Rype:list of GridscaleIp

List all networks.

Returns:List of objects.
Return type:list of GridscaleNetwork

Return a list of associated volumes for the provided node.

Return type:list of StorageVolume
ex_rename_network(network, name)[source]

Modify networks name.


True or False

Return type:


ex_rename_node(node, name)[source]

Modify node name.

  • name (str) – New node name.
  • node (Node) – Node

True or False

Return type:


ex_rename_volume(volume, name)[source]

Modify storage volume name

  • volume (:class:.`StorageVolume`) – Storage.
  • name (str) – New storage name.

True or False

Return type:


ex_storage_rollback(volume, snapshot, rollback)[source]

initiate a rollback on your storage

  • volume (string) – storage uuid
  • snapshot (string) – snapshot uuid
  • rollback (bool) – variable


Return type:


unlink ips from server

  • node (object) – node you want to unlink the ip from
  • ip (object) – the ip you want to unlink

None -> success

Return type:


unlink isoimages from server

  • node (object) – node you want to unlink the image from
  • isoimage (object) – isoimage you want to unlink

None -> success

Return type:


Unlink network from node.

  • node (Node) – Node you want to unlink from network.
  • network (:class:`.GridscaleNetwork) – Network you want to unlink.

True if unlink was successful, otherwise False

Return type:


features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}

Get an image based on an image_id.

Parameters:image_id (str) – Image identifier.
Returns:A NodeImage object.
Return type:NodeImage
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object


List images.

Returns:List of node image objects
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available key pair objects.

Return type:``list``of KeyPair objects

List all available data centers.

Returns:List of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:List of node objects
Return type:list of Node

Lists all snapshots for storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – storage the snapshot is attached to
Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot

List all volumes.

Returns:List of StorageVolume object
Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'Gridscale'
reboot_node(node, ex_sleep_interval=3)[source]

Reboot a node.

  • node (Node) – Node object.
  • ex_sleep_interval (int) – time to let the shutdown process finish

True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False.

Return type:



Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'gridscale'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.gridspot module

exception libcloud.compute.drivers.gridspot.GridspotAPIException[source]

Bases: Exception

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gridspot.GridspotConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class to connect to Gridspot’s API servers

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Adds default parameters (such as API key, version, etc.) to the passed params

Should return a dictionary.

host = ''

alias of GridspotResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.gridspot.GridspotNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Gridspot ( node driver.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'Running': running, 'Starting': pending}

alias of GridspotConnection


Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node
name = 'Gridspot'
type = 'gridspot'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.gridspot.GridspotResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Response class for Gridspot

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse response body.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

libcloud.compute.drivers.hostvirtual module

libcloud driver for the Host Virtual Inc. (VR) API Home page

class libcloud.compute.drivers.hostvirtual.HostVirtualComputeConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.hostvirtual.HostVirtualConnection

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


alias of HostVirtualComputeResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.hostvirtual.HostVirtualComputeResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.hostvirtual.HostVirtualResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.hostvirtual.HostVirtualNodeDriver(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver


alias of HostVirtualComputeConnection

create_node(name, image, size, location=None, auth=None)[source]

Creates a node

Example of node creation with ssh key deployed:

>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthSSHKey
>>> key = open('/home/user/.ssh/').read()
>>> auth = NodeAuthSSHKey(pubkey=key)
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> driver = get_driver('hostvirtual')
>>> conn = driver('API_KEY')
>>> image = conn.list_images()[1]
>>> size = conn.list_sizes()[0]
>>> location = conn.list_locations()[1]
>>> name = 'markos-dev'
>>> node = conn.create_node(name, image, size, auth=auth,
>>>                         location=location)

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Cancel a server package.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:str

Delete a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Get a single node.

Parameters:node_id (str) – id of the node that we need the node object for
Return type:Node

List the server packages.


Order a server package.

Return type:str

Provision a server on a VR package and get it booted

  • node (Node) – node which should be used
  • image (NodeImage) – The distribution to deploy on your server (mandatory)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – an SSH key or root password (mandatory)
  • location (NodeLocation) – which datacenter to create the server in

Node representing the newly built server

Return type:



Unlink a server package from location.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:str
features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key', 'password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'HostVirtual'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Stop a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
type = 'hostvirtual'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.ikoula module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ikoula.IkoulaNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, path=None, port=None, url=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNodeDriver



  • host (str) – The host where the API can be reached. (required)
  • path (str) – The path where the API can be reached. (required)
  • url (str) – Full URL to the API endpoint. Mutually exclusive with host and path argument.
host = ''
name = 'Ikoula'
path = '/client/api'
type = 'ikoula'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.indosat module

Indosat Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.indosat.IndosatNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='indosat-id', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNodeDriver

Indosat node driver, based on Dimension Data driver

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection

features = {'create_node': ['password']}
name = 'Indosat'
selected_region = None
type = 'indosat'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.internetsolutions module

Internet Solutions Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.internetsolutions.InternetSolutionsNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='is-af', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNodeDriver

InternetSolutions node driver, based on Dimension Data driver

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection

features = {'create_node': ['password']}
name = 'InternetSolutions'
selected_region = None
type = 'internetsolutions'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.joyent module

Joyent Cloud ( driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.joyent.JoyentConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Joyent connection class.


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

allow_insecure = False

alias of JoyentResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.joyent.JoyentNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='us-east-1', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Joyent node driver class.


alias of JoyentConnection

create_node(name, size, image)[source]

Create a new node instance. This instance will be started automatically.

Not all hosting API’s are created equal and to allow libcloud to support as many as possible there are some standard supported variations of create_node. These are declared using a features API. You can inspect driver.features['create_node'] to see what variation of the API you are dealing with:

You can inject a public key into a new node allows key based SSH authentication.
You can inject a password into a new node for SSH authentication. If no password is provided libcloud will generated a password. The password will be available as return_value.extra['password'].
The hosting provider will generate a password. It will be returned to you via return_value.extra['password'].

Some drivers allow you to set how you will authenticate with the instance that is created. You can inject this initial authentication information via the auth parameter.

If a driver supports the ssh_key feature flag for created_node you can upload a public key into the new instance:

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> auth = NodeAuthSSHKey('pubkey data here')
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth)

If a driver supports the password feature flag for create_node you can set a password:

>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> auth = NodeAuthPassword('mysecretpassword')
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node", auth=auth)

If a driver supports the password feature and you don’t provide the auth argument libcloud will assign a password:

>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> node = driver.create_node("test_node")
>>> password = node.extra['password']

A password will also be returned in this way for drivers that declare the generates_password feature, though in that case the password is actually provided to the driver API by the hosting provider rather than generated by libcloud.

You can only pass a NodeAuthPassword or NodeAuthSSHKey to create_node via the auth parameter if has the corresponding feature flag.

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a node in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)

The newly created node.

Return type:



Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Return a Node object based on a node ID.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node
Returns:A Node object for the node
Return type:Node
features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Joyent'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped
Return type:bool

Stop node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped
Return type:bool
type = 'joyent'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.joyent.JoyentResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Joyent response class.

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
valid_response_codes = [<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED: 202>, <HTTPStatus.CREATED: 201>, <HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT: 204>]

libcloud.compute.drivers.kamatera module

Kamatera node driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.kamatera.KamateraConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for KamateraDriver


Adds headers that are needed for all requests

host = ''

alias of KamateraResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.kamatera.KamateraNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Kamatera node driver

  • key (str) – API Client ID, required for authentication
  • secret (str) – API Secret, required for authentcaiont
  • key – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of KamateraConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location, auth=None, ex_networks=None, ex_dailybackup=False, ex_managed=False, ex_billingcycle='hourly', ex_poweronaftercreate=True, ex_wait=True)[source]

Creates a Kamatera node.

If auth is not given then password will be generated.

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a node in. (required)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ex_networks (list of dict) – Network configurations (optional)
  • ex_dailybackup (bool) – Whether to create daily backups (optional)
  • ex_managed (bool) – Whether to provide managed support (optional)
  • ex_billingcycle (str) – billing cycle (hourly / monthly) (optional)
  • ex_poweronaftercreate (bool) – power on after creation (optional)
  • ex_wait (bool) – wait for server to be running (optional)

The newly created node.

Return type:


destroy_node(node, ex_wait=True)[source]

Destroy the given node

  • node (Node) – the node to destroy
  • ex_wait (bool) – wait for destroy to complete (optional)
Return type:



Get Kamatera command status details

Parameters:command_id (int) – Command ID to get details for. (required)
ex_get_image(name=None, id=None, extra=None)[source]
ex_get_location(id, name=None, country=None)[source]

Get a NodeLocation object to use for other methods

  • id (str) – Location ID - uppercase letters code (required)
  • name (str) – Location Name (optional)
  • name – Location country (optional)
Return type:


ex_get_node(id=None, name=None, state=unknown, public_ips=None, private_ips=None, size=None, image=None, created_at=None, location=None, dailybackup=None, managed=None, billingcycle=None, generated_password=None, create_command_id=None, poweronaftercreate=None)[source]

Get a Kamatera node object.

  • id (str) – Node ID (optional)
  • name (str) – Node name (optional)
  • state (libcloud.compute.types.NodeState) – Node state (optional)
  • public_ips (list of :str:) – Node public IPS. (optional)
  • private_ips (list of :str:) – Node private IPS. (optional)
  • size (NodeSize) – node size. (optional)
  • image (NodeImage) – Node OS Image. (optional)
  • created_at (datetime.datetime) – Node creation time. (optional)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Node datacenter. (optional)
  • dailybackup (bool) – create daily backups for the node (optional)
  • managed (bool) – provide managed support for the node (optional)
  • billingcycle (str) – billing cycle (hourly / monthly) (optional)
  • generated_password (str) – server generated password (optional)
  • create_command_id (int) – creation task command ID (optional)
  • poweronaftercreate (bool) – power on the node after create (optional)

The node.

Return type:


ex_get_size(ramMB, diskSizeGB, cpuType, cpuCores, extraDiskSizesGB=None, monthlyTrafficPackage=None, id=None, name=None)[source]

Get a NodeSize object to use for other methods

  • ramMB (int) – Amount of RAM to allocate in MB (required)
  • diskSizeGB (int) – disk size GB for primary hard disk (required)
  • cpuType (str) – CPU type ID (single uppercase letter), see ex_list_capabilities (required)
  • cpuCores (int) – Number of CPU cores to allocate (required)
  • extraDiskSizesGB (list of :int:) – additional disk sizes in GB (optional)
  • monthlyTrafficPackage (str) – ID of monthly traffic package see ex_list_capabilities (optional)
  • id (str) – Size ID (optional)
  • name (str) – Size Name (optional)
Return type:



List capabilities for given location.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location of the deployment.
ex_node_operation(node, operation, wait=True)[source]

Run custom operations on the node

  • node (Node) – the node to run operation on
  • operation (str) – the operation to run
  • ex_wait (bool) – wait for destroy to complete (optional)
Return type:


ex_wait_command(command_id, timeout_seconds=600, poll_interval_seconds=2)[source]

Wait for command to complete and return the command status details

  • command_id (int) – Command ID to wait for. (required)
  • timeout_seconds (int) – Max seconds to wait for command. (optional)
  • poll_interval_seconds (int) – Poll interval in seconds (optional)


features = {'create_node': ['password', 'generates_password', 'ssh_key']}

List available disk images.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location of the deployement. Available disk images depend on location.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List available locations for deployment

Return type:list of NodeLocation
list_nodes(ex_name_regex=None, ex_full_details=False, ex_id=None)[source]

List nodes

  • ex_name_regex (str) – Regular expression to match node names if set returns full node details (optional)
  • ex_full_details (bool) – Whether to return full node details takes longer to complete (optional)

List of node objects

Return type:

list of Node


List predefined sizes for the given location.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location of the deployment.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

name = 'Kamatera'
reboot_node(node, ex_wait=True)[source]

Reboot the given node

  • node (Node) – the node to reboot
  • ex_wait (bool) – wait for reboot to complete (optional)
Return type:


start_node(node, ex_wait=True)[source]

Start the given node

  • node (Node) – the node to start
  • ex_wait (bool) – wait for start to complete (optional)
Return type:


stop_node(node, ex_wait=True)[source]

Stop the given node

  • node (Node) – the node to stop
  • ex_wait (bool) – wait for stop to complete (optional)
Return type:


type = 'kamatera'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.kamatera.KamateraResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Response class for KamateraDriver

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

libcloud.compute.drivers.kili module

HP Public cloud driver which is essentially just a small wrapper around OpenStack driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.kili.KiliCloudNodeDriver(key, secret, tenant_name, secure=True, host=None, port=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver

Note: tenant_name argument is required for Kili cloud.


alias of KiliCloudConnection

name = 'Kili Public Cloud'
type = 'hpcloud'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.ktucloud module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ktucloud.KTUCloudNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, path=None, port=None, url=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack.CloudStackNodeDriver

Driver for KTUCloud Compute platform.



  • host (str) – The host where the API can be reached. (required)
  • path (str) – The path where the API can be reached. (required)
  • url (str) – Full URL to the API endpoint. Mutually exclusive with host and path argument.
create_node(name, size, image, location=None, ex_usageplantype='hourly')[source]

Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • networks (list of CloudStackNetwork) – Optional list of networks to launch the server into.
  • project (CloudStackProject) – Optional project to create the new node under.
  • diskoffering (CloudStackDiskOffering) – Optional disk offering to add to the new node.
  • ex_keyname (str) – Name of existing keypair
  • ex_userdata (str) – String containing user data
  • ex_security_groups (list of str) – List of security groups to assign to the node
  • ex_displayname (str) – String containing instance display name
  • ex_ip_address (str) – String with ipaddress for the default nic
  • ex_start_vm (bool) – Boolean to specify to start VM after creation Default Cloudstack behaviour is to start a VM, if not specified.
  • ex_rootdisksize (str) – String with rootdisksize for the template
  • ex_affinity_groups (list of CloudStackAffinityGroup) – List of affinity groups to assign to the node
Return type:



List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

:rtype list of NodeSize

name = 'KTUCloud'
type = 'ktucloud'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.kubevirt module

kubevirt driver with support for nodes (vms)

class libcloud.compute.drivers.kubevirt.KubeVirtNodeDriver(key=None, secret=None, secure=False, host='localhost', port=4243, key_file=None, cert_file=None, ca_cert=None, ex_token_bearer_auth=False)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.kubernetes.KubernetesDriverMixin, libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • key_file (str) – Path to the key file used to authenticate (when using key file auth).
  • cert_file (str) – Path to the cert file used to authenticate (when using key file auth).
  • ex_token_bearer_auth (bool) – True to use token bearer auth.


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'pending': pending, 'running': running, 'stopped': stopped}
attach_volume(node, volume, device='disk', ex_bus='virtio', ex_name=None)[source]

params: bus, name , device (disk or lun)


alias of libcloud.common.kubernetes.KubernetesBasicAuthConnection

create_node(name, image, location=None, ex_memory=128, ex_cpu=1, ex_disks=None, ex_network=None, ex_termination_grace_period=0, ports=None)[source]

Creating a VM with a containerDisk. :param name: A name to give the VM. The VM will be identified by

this name and atm it cannot be changed after it is set.
  • image (str) – Either a libcloud NodeImage or a string. In both cases it must point to a Docker image with an embedded disk. May be a URI like kubevirt/cirros-registry-disk-demo, kubevirt will automatically pull it from For more info visit:
  • location (str) – The namespace where the VM will live. (default is ‘default’)
  • ex_memory (int) – The RAM in MB to be allocated to the VM
  • ex_cpu (int) – The ammount of cpu to be allocated in miliCPUs ie: 400 will mean 0.4 of a core, 1000 will mean 1 core and 3000 will mean 3 cores.
  • ex_disks (list of dict. For each dict the types for its keys are: -bus: str -device: str -disk_type: str -name: str -claim_name: str (for creating a claim:) -size: int -storage_class_name: str -volume_mode: str -access_mode: str) –
    A list containing disk dictionaries.
    Each dictionaries should have the following optional keys: -bus: can be “virtio”, “sata”, or “scsi” -device: can be “lun” or “disk” The following are required keys: -disk_type: atm only “persistentVolumeClaim”
    is supported

    -name: The name of the disk configuration -claim_name: the name of the

    Persistent Volume Claim

    If you wish a new Persistent Volume Claim can be created by providing the following: required: -size: the desired size (implied in GB) -storage_class_name: the name of the storage class to # NOQA

    be used for the creation of the Persistent Volume Claim. Make sure it allows for dymamic provisioning.


    -access_mode: default is ReadWriteOnce -volume_mode: default is Filesystem,

    it can also be Block
  • ex_network (iterable (tupple or list) [network_type, inteface, name] network_type: str | only “pod” is accepted atm interface: str | “masquerade” or “bridge” name: str) – Only the pod type is supported, and in the configuration masquerade or bridge are the accepted values. The parameter must be a tupple or list with (network_type, interface, name)
  • ports (dict with keys ‘ports_tcp`: list of int ‘ports_udp`: list of int) – A dictionary with keys: ‘ports_tcp’ and ‘ports_udp’ ‘ports_tcp’ value is a list of ints that indicate the ports to be exposed with TCP protocol, and ‘ports_udp’ is a list of ints that indicate the ports to be exposed with UDP protocol.
create_volume(size, name, location=None, ex_storage_class_name='', ex_volume_mode='Filesystem', ex_access_mode='ReadWriteOnce', ex_dynamic=True, ex_reclaim_policy='Recycle', ex_volume_type=None, ex_volume_params=None)[source]
  • size (int) – The size in Gigabytes
  • volume_type (str) –

    This is the type of volume to be created that is dependent on the underlying cloud where Kubernetes is deployed. K8s is supporting the following types: -gcePersistentDisk -awsElasticBlockStore -azureFile -azureDisk -csi -fc (Fibre Channel) -flexVolume -flocker -nfs -iSCSI -rbd (Ceph Block Device) -cephFS -cinder (OpenStack block storage) -glusterfs -vsphereVolume -quobyte Volumes -hostPath (Single node testing only – local storage is not supported in any way and WILL NOT WORK in a multi-node cluster) # NOQA -portworx Volumes -scaleIO Volumes -storageOS This parameter is a dict in the form {type: {key1:value1, key2:value2,…}}, where type is one of the above and key1, key2… are type specific keys and their corresponding values. eg: {nsf: {server: “”, path: “/tmp”}}

    {awsElasticBlockStore: {fsType: ‘ext4’, volumeID: “1234”}}
  • volume_params – A dict with the key:value that the volume_type needs. This parameter is a dict in the form {key1:value1, key2:value2,…}, where type is one of the above and key1, key2… are type specific keys and their corresponding values. eg: for nsf volume_type {server: “”, path: “/tmp”} for awsElasticBlockStore volume_type {fsType: ‘ext4’, volumeID: “1234”}

Terminating a VMI and deleting the VM resource backing it


Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_node)[source]

Detaches a volume from a node but the node must be given since a PVC can have more than one VMI’s pointing to it

ex_create_service(node, ports, service_type='NodePort', cluster_ip=None, load_balancer_ip=None, override_existing_ports=False)[source]

Each node has a single service of one type on which the exposed ports are described. If a service exists then the port declared will be exposed alongside the existing ones, set override_existing_ports=True to delete existing exposed ports and expose just the ones in the port variable.

param node: the libcloud node for which the ports will be exposed type node: libcloud Node class

param ports: a list of dictionaries with keys –> values:

‘port’ –> port to be exposed on the service ‘target_port’ –> port on the pod/node, optional

if empty then it gets the same value as ‘port’ value

‘protocol’ —> either ‘UDP’ or ‘TCP’, defaults to TCP ‘name’ –> A name for the service If ports is an empty list and a service exists of this type then the service will be deleted.

type ports: list of dict where each dict has keys –> values:
‘port’ –> int ‘target_port’ –> int ‘protocol’ –> str ‘name’ –> str

param service_type: Valid types are ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer type service_type: str

param cluster_ip: This can be set with an IP string value if you want
manually set the service’s internal IP. If the value is not correct the method will fail, this value can’t be updated.

type cluster_ip: str

param override_existing_ports: Set to True if you want to delete the
existing ports exposed by the service and keep just the ones declared in the present ports argument. By default it is false and if the service already exists the ports will be added to the existing ones.

type override_existing_ports: boolean

ex_delete_service(namespace, service_name)[source]
ex_list_services(namespace='default', node_name=None, service_name=None)[source]

If node_name is given then the services returned will be those that concern the node

get_node(id=None, name=None)[source]

get a vm by name or id


If location (namespace) is provided only the images in that location will be provided. Otherwise all of them.


By locations here it is meant namespaces.


List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

Location is a namespace of the cluster.

name = 'kubevirt'

Rebooting a node.


Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'kubevirt'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.libvirt_driver module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.libvirt_driver.LibvirtNodeDriver(uri, key=None, secret=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Libvirt ( node driver.

To enable debug mode, set LIBVIR_DEBUG environment variable.

  • uri (str) – Hypervisor URI (e.g. vbox:///session, qemu:///system, etc.).
  • key (str) – the username for a remote libvirtd server
  • secret – the password for a remote libvirtd server
NODE_STATE_MAP = {0: terminated, 1: running, 2: pending, 3: terminated, 4: terminated, 5: terminated, 6: unknown, 7: unknown}

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Return a system hostname on which the hypervisor is running.


Retrieve hypervisor system information.

Return type:dict

Retrieve Node object for a domain with a provided name.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the domain.

Retrieve Node object for a domain with a provided uuid.

Parameters:uuid (str) – Uuid of the domain.

Resume a suspended node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Shutdown a running node.

Note: Usually this will result in sending an ACPI event to the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Start a stopped node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

Suspend a running node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_take_node_screenshot(node, directory, screen=0)[source]

Take a screenshot of a monitoring of a running instance.

  • node (libcloud.compute.base.Node) – Node to take the screenshot of.
  • directory (str) – Path where the screenshot will be saved.
  • screen (int) – ID of the monitor to take the screenshot of.

Full path where the screenshot has been saved.

Return type:



List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node
name = 'Libvirt'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'libvirt'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.linode module

libcloud driver for the Linode(R) API

This driver implements all libcloud functionality for the Linode API. Since the API is a bit more fine-grained, create_node abstracts a significant amount of work (and may take a while to run).

Linode home page Linode API documentation Alternate bindings for reference

Linode(R) is a registered trademark of Linode, LLC.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


name = 'Linode'
type = 'linode'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriverV3(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriver

libcloud driver for the Linode API

Rough mapping of which is which:

  • list_nodes linode.list
  • reboot_node linode.reboot
  • destroy_node linode.delete
  • create_node linode.create, linode.update,
    linode.disk.createfromdistribution, linode.disk.create, linode.config.create, linode.ip.addprivate, linode.boot
  • list_sizes avail.linodeplans
  • list_images avail.distributions
  • list_locations avail.datacenters
  • list_volumes linode.disk.list
  • destroy_volume linode.disk.delete

For more information on the Linode API, be sure to read the reference:

Instantiate the driver with the given API key

Parameters:key (str) – the API key to use (required)
Return type:None
LINODE_STATES = {-2: unknown, -1: pending, 0: pending, 1: running, 2: stopped, 3: rebooting, 4: unknown}

alias of libcloud.common.linode.LinodeConnection

create_node(name, image, size, auth, location=None, ex_swap=None, ex_rsize=None, ex_kernel=None, ex_payment=None, ex_comment=None, ex_private=False, lconfig=None, lroot=None, lswap=None)[source]

Create a new Linode, deploy a Linux distribution, and boot

This call abstracts much of the functionality of provisioning a Linode and getting it booted. A global grant to add Linodes to the account is required, as this call will result in a billing charge.

Note that there is a safety valve of 5 Linodes per hour, in order to prevent a runaway script from ruining your day.

  • name (str) – the name to assign the Linode (mandatory)
  • image (NodeImage) – which distribution to deploy on the Linode (mandatory)
  • size (NodeSize) – the plan size to create (mandatory)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – an SSH key or root password (mandatory)
  • location (NodeLocation) – which datacenter to create the Linode in
  • ex_swap (int) – size of the swap partition in MB (128)
  • ex_rsize (int) – size of the root partition in MB (plan size - swap).
  • ex_kernel (str) – a kernel ID from avail.kernels (Latest 2.6 Stable).
  • ex_payment (int) – one of 1, 12, or 24; subscription length (1)
  • ex_comment (str) – a small comment for the configuration (libcloud)
  • ex_private (bool) – whether or not to request a private IP (False)
  • lconfig (str) – what to call the configuration (generated)
  • lroot (str) – what to call the root image (generated)
  • lswap (str) – what to call the swap space (generated)

Node representing the newly-created Linode

Return type:



Destroy the given Linode

Will remove the Linode from the account and issue a prorated credit. A grant for removing Linodes from the account is required, otherwise this method will fail.

In most cases, all disk images must be removed from a Linode before the Linode can be removed; however, this call explicitly skips those safeguards. There is no going back from this method.

Parameters:node (Node) – the Linode to destroy
Return type:bool

Destroys disk volume for the Linode. Linode id is to be provided as extra[“LinodeId”] whithin StorageVolume. It can be retrieved by libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriver                 .ex_list_volumes().

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool
ex_create_volume(size, name, node, fs_type)[source]

Create disk for the Linode.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in megabytes (required)
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created
  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • fs_type (str) – The formatted type of this disk. Valid types are: ext3, ext4, swap, raw

StorageVolume representing the newly-created volume

Return type:


ex_list_volumes(node, disk_id=None)[source]

List existing disk volumes for for given Linode.

  • node (Node) – Node to list disk volumes for. (required)
  • disk_id (int) – Id for specific disk volume. (optional)
Return type:

list of StorageVolume

ex_rename_node(node, name)[source]

Renames a node

ex_resize_node(node, size)[source]

Resizes a Linode from one plan to another

Immediately shuts the Linode down, charges/credits the account, and issue a migration to another host server. Requires a size (numeric), which is the desired PlanID available from avail.LinodePlans() After resize is complete the node needs to be booted

features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key', 'password']}

Set the default datacenter for Linode creation

Since Linodes must be created in a facility, this function sets the default that create_node will use. If a location keyword is not passed to create_node, this method must have already been used.

Parameters:dc (NodeLocation) – the datacenter to create Linodes in unless specified
Return type:bool

List available Linux distributions

Retrieve all Linux distributions that can be deployed to a Linode.

Return type:list of NodeImage

List available facilities for deployment

Retrieve all facilities that a Linode can be deployed in.

Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all Linodes that the API key can access

This call will return all Linodes that the API key in use has access

If a node is in this list, rebooting will work; however, creation and destruction are a separate grant.

Returns:List of node objects that the API key can access
Return type:list of Node

List available Linode plans

Gets the sizes that can be used for creating a Linode. Since available Linode plans vary per-location, this method can also be passed a location to filter the availability.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – the facility to retrieve plans in
Return type:list of NodeSize

Reboot the given Linode

Will issue a shutdown job followed by a boot job, using the last booted configuration. In most cases, this will be the only configuration.

Parameters:node (Node) – the Linode to reboot
Return type:bool

Boot the given Linode


Shutdown the given Linode

class libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriverV4(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


LINODE_DISK_STATES = {'deleting': deleting, 'not ready': creating, 'ready': available}
LINODE_STATES = {'booting': starting, 'cloning': migrating, 'deleting': pending, 'migrating': migrating, 'offline': stopped, 'provisioning': starting, 'rebooting': rebooting, 'rebuilding': updating, 'resizing': reconfiguring, 'restoring': pending, 'running': running, 'shutting_down': stopping, 'stopped': stopped}
LINODE_VOLUME_STATES = {'active': available, 'contact_support': unknown, 'creating': creating, 'resizing': updating}
attach_volume(node, volume, persist_across_boots=True)[source]

Attaches a volume to a node. Volume and node must be located in the same region

  • node (Node) – Node to attach the volume to(required)
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be attached (required)
  • persist_across_boots (bool) – Wether volume should be attached to node across boots
Return type:



alias of libcloud.common.linode.LinodeConnectionV4

create_image(disk, name=None, description=None)[source]
Creates a private image from a LinodeDisk.
Images are limited to three per account.
  • disk (LinodeDisk) – LinodeDisk to create the image from (required)
  • name (str) – A name for the image. Defaults to the name of the disk it is being created from if not provided
  • description (str) – A description of the image

The newly created NodeImage

Return type:


create_node(location, size, image=None, name=None, root_pass=None, ex_authorized_keys=None, ex_authorized_users=None, ex_tags=None, ex_backups_enabled=False, ex_private_ip=False)[source]

Creates a Linode Instance. In order for this request to complete successfully, the user must have the add_linodes grant as this call will incur a charge.

  • location (NodeLocation) – which region to create the node in
  • size (NodeSize) – the plan size to create
  • image (NodeImage) – which distribution to deploy on the node
  • name (str) – the name to assign to node. Must start with an alpha character. May only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_) or periods (.). Cannot have two dashes (–), underscores (__) or periods (..) in a row.
  • root_pass (str) – the root password (required if image is provided)
  • ex_authorized_keys (list of str) – a list of public SSH keys
  • ex_authorized_users (list of str) – a list of usernames. If the usernames have associated SSH keys, the keys will be appended to the root users authorized_keys
  • ex_tags (list of str) – list of tags for the node
  • ex_backups_enabled (bool) – whether to be enrolled in the Linode Backup service (False)
  • ex_private_ip (bool) – whether or not to request a private IP

Node representing the newly-created node

Return type:


create_volume(name, size, location=None, node=None, tags=None)[source]

Creates a volume and optionally attaches it to a node.

  • name (str) – The name to be given to volume (required). Must start with an alpha character. May only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_) Cannot have two dashes (–), underscores (__) in a row.
  • size (int) – Size in gigabytes (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Location to create the node. Required if node is not given.
  • volume (Node) – Node to attach the volume to
  • tags (list of str) – tags to apply to volume
Return type:



Deletes a private image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – NodeImage to delete (required)
Return type:bool

Deletes a node the API Key has permission to read_write

Parameters:node (Node) – the Linode to destroy
Return type:bool

Destroys the volume given.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be deleted (required)
Return type:bool

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached (required)
Return type:bool
ex_allocate_private_address(node, address_type='ipv4')[source]

Allocates a private IPv4 address to node.Only ipv4 is currently supported

  • node (Node) – Node to attach the IP address
  • address_type (str) – Type of IP address

The newly created LinodeIPAddress

Return type:


ex_clone_volume(volume, name)[source]

Clones the volume given

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be cloned
  • name (str) – new cloned volume name
Return type:


ex_create_disk(size, name, node, fs_type, image=None, ex_root_pass=None, ex_authorized_keys=None, ex_authorized_users=None, ex_read_only=False)[source]

Adds a new disk to node

  • size (int) – Size of disk in megabytes (required)
  • name (str) – Name of the disk to be created (required)
  • node (Node) – Node to attach disk to (required)
  • fs_type (str) – The formatted type of this disk. Valid types are: ext3, ext4, swap, raw, initrd
  • image (NodeImage) – Image to deploy the volume from
  • ex_root_pass (str) – root password,required if an image is provided
  • ex_authorized_keys (list of str) – a list of SSH keys
  • ex_authorized_users (list of str) – a list of usernames that will have their SSH keys, if any, automatically appended to the root user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
  • ex_read_only (bool) – if true, this disk is read-only

LinodeDisk representing the newly-created disk

Return type:


ex_destroy_disk(node, disk)[source]

Destroys disk for the given node.

  • node (Node) – The Node the disk is attached to. (required)
  • disk (LinodeDisk) – LinodeDisk to be destroyed (required)
Return type:



Return a Node object based on a node ID.

Parameters:node_id (str) – Node’s ID
Returns:Created node

:rtype : Node


Return a Volume object based on a volume ID.

Parameters:volume_id (str) – Volume’s id
Returns:A StorageVolume object for the volume
Return type:StorageVolume

List IP addresses

Returns:LinodeIPAddress list
Return type:list of LinodeIPAddress

List disks associated with the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to list disks. (required)
Return type:list of LinodeDisk

List all IPv4 addresses attached to node

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to list IP addresses
Returns:LinodeIPAddress list
Return type:list of LinodeIPAddress
ex_rename_node(node, name)[source]

Renames a node

  • node (Node) – the Linode to resize
  • name (str) – the node’s new name

Changed Node

Return type:


ex_resize_node(node, size, allow_auto_disk_resize=False)[source]

Resizes a node the API Key has read_write permission to a different Type. The following requirements must be met: - The node must not have a pending migration - The account cannot have an outstanding balance - The node must not have more disk allocation than the new size allows

  • node (Node) – the Linode to resize
  • size (NodeSize) – the size of the new node
  • allow_auto_disk_resize (bool) – Automatically resize disks when resizing a node.
Return type:


ex_resize_volume(volume, size)[source]

Resizes the volume given.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be resized
  • size (int) – new volume size in gigabytes, must be greater than current size
Return type:


ex_share_address(node, addresses)[source]
Shares an IP with another node.This can be used to allow one Linode
to begin serving requests should another become unresponsive.
  • node (Node) – Node to share the IP addresses with
  • addresses – List of IP addresses to share
Return type:



Returns a list of images

Return type:list of NodeImage

Lists the Regions available for Linode services

Return type:list of NodeLocation

Returns a list of Linodes the API key in use has access to view.

Returns:List of node objects
Return type:list of Node

Returns a list of Linode Types

: rtype: list of :class: NodeSize


Get all volumes of the account :rtype: list of :class: StorageVolume


Reboots a node the API Key has permission to modify.

Parameters:node (Node) – the Linode to destroy
Return type:bool

Boots a node the API Key has permission to modify

Parameters:node (Node) – the node to start
Return type:bool

Shuts down a a node the API Key has permission to modify.

Parameters:node (Node) – the Linode to destroy
Return type:bool

libcloud.compute.drivers.maxihost module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.maxihost.MaxihostNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Base Maxihost node driver.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of libcloud.common.maxihost.MaxihostConnection

create_key_pair(name, public_key)[source]

Create a new SSH key.

  • name (str) – Key name (required)
  • public_key (str) – base64 encoded public key string (required)
create_node(name, size, image, location, ex_ssh_key_ids=None)[source]

Create a node.

Returns:The newly created node.
Return type:Node

Destroy a node.


List images


List all the available SSH keys.

Returns:Available SSH keys.
Return type:list of KeyPair

List locations

If ex_available is True, show only locations which are available


List nodes

Return type:list of MaxihostNode

List sizes

name = 'Maxihost'

Reboot a node.


Start a node.


Stop a node.

type = 'maxihost'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.medone module

Med-1 Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.medone.MedOneNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='med1-il', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNodeDriver

Med-1 node driver, based on Dimension Data driver

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection

features = {'create_node': ['password']}
name = 'MedOne'
selected_region = None
type = 'medone'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.nephoscale module

NephoScale Cloud driver ( API documentation: Created by Markos Gogoulos (

class libcloud.compute.drivers.nephoscale.NephoscaleConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Nephoscale connection class. Authenticates to the API through Basic Authentication with username/password


Add parameters that are necessary for every request

allow_insecure = False
host = ''

alias of NephoscaleResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.nephoscale.NephoscaleNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Nephoscale node driver class.

>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> driver = get_driver('nephoscale')
>>> conn = driver('nepho_user','nepho_password')
>>> conn.list_nodes()
  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'nephoscale'

alias of NephoscaleConnection

create_node(name, size, image, server_key=None, console_key=None, zone=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates the node, and sets the ssh key, console key NephoScale will respond with a 200-200 response after sending a valid request. If nowait=True is specified in the args, we then ask a few times until the server is created and assigned a public IP address, so that deploy_node can be run

>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> driver = get_driver('nephoscale')
>>> conn = driver('nepho_user','nepho_password')
>>> conn.list_nodes()
>>> name = 'staging-server'
>>> size = conn.list_sizes()[0]
<NodeSize: id=27, - 0.25GB, 10GB, ...>
>>> image = conn.list_images()[9]
<NodeImage: id=49, name=Linux Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS 64-bit, ...>
>>> server_keys = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=1)[0]
<NodeKey: id=71211, name=markos>
>>> server_key = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=1)[0].id
>>> console_keys = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=4)[0]
<NodeKey: id=71213, name=mistio28434>
>>> console_key = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=4)[0].id
>>> node = conn.create_node(name=name, size=size, image=image,                 console_key=console_key, server_key=server_key)

We can also create an ssh key, plus a console key and deploy node with them >>> server_key = conn.ex_create_keypair(name, public_key=’123’) 71211 >>> console_key = conn.ex_create_keypair(name, key_group=4) 71213

We can increase the number of connect attempts to wait until the node is created, so that deploy_node has ip address to deploy the script We can also specify the location >>> location = conn.list_locations()[0] >>> node = conn.create_node(name=name, >>> … size=size, >>> … image=image, >>> … console_key=console_key, >>> … server_key=server_key, >>> … connect_attempts=10, >>> … nowait=True, >>> …


destroy a node

ex_create_keypair(name, public_key=None, password=None, key_group=None)[source]

Creates a key, ssh or password, for server or console The group for the key (key_group) is 1 for Server and 4 for Console Returns the id of the created key

ex_delete_keypair(key_id, ssh=False)[source]

Delete an ssh key or password given it’s id

ex_list_keypairs(ssh=False, password=False, key_group=None)[source]

List available console and server keys There are two types of keys for NephoScale, ssh and password keys. If run without arguments, lists all keys. Otherwise list only ssh keys, or only password keys. Password keys with key_group 4 are console keys. When a server is created, it has two keys, one password or ssh key, and one password console key.

  • ssh (bool) – if specified, show ssh keys only (optional)
  • password (bool) – if specified, show password keys only (optional)
  • key_group (int) – if specified, show keys with this key_group only eg key_group=4 for console password keys (optional)
Return type:

list of NodeKey

features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}

List available images for deployment

Return type:list of NodeImage

List available zones for deployment

Return type:list of NodeLocation

List available nodes

Return type:list of Node

List available sizes containing prices

Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'NephoScale'

reboot a running node

rename_node(node, name, hostname=None)[source]

rename a cloud server, optionally specify hostname too


start a stopped node


stop a running node

type = 'nephoscale'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.nephoscale.NephoscaleResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Nephoscale API Response

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
class libcloud.compute.drivers.nephoscale.NodeKey(id, name, public_key=None, key_group=None, password=None)[source]

Bases: object

libcloud.compute.drivers.ntta module

NTT America Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.ntta.NTTAmericaNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='ntta-na', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNodeDriver

NTT America node driver, based on Dimension Data driver

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection

features = {'create_node': ['password']}
name = 'NTTAmerica'
selected_region = None
type = 'ntta'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.nttcis module

NTT CIS Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.nttcis.NttCisNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region='na', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

NttCis node driver. Default api_version is used unless specified.

api_version = 1.0

alias of libcloud.common.nttcis.NttCisConnection

create_node(name, image, auth, ex_network_domain=None, ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4=None, ex_primary_nic_vlan=None, ex_primary_nic_network_adapter=None, ex_additional_nics=None, ex_description=None, ex_disks=None, ex_cpu_specification=None, ex_memory_gb=None, ex_is_started=True, ex_primary_dns=None, ex_secondary_dns=None, ex_ipv4_gateway=None, ex_microsoft_time_zone=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new NTTCIS node in MCP2. However, it is still backward compatible for MCP1 for a limited time. Please consider using MCP2 datacenter as MCP1 will phase out soon.

Legacy Create Node for MCP1 datacenter

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthPassword
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = False
>>> NTTCIS = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Password
>>> root_pw = NodeAuthPassword('password123')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU1')
>>> # Get network by location
>>> my_network = driver.list_networks(location=location)[0]
>>> pprint(my_network)
>>> # Get Image
>>> images = driver.list_images(location=location)
>>> image = images[0]
>>> node = driver.create_node(name='test_blah_2', image=image,
>>>                           auth=root_pw,
>>>                           ex_description='test3 node',
>>>                           ex_network=my_network,
>>>                           ex_is_started=False)
>>> pprint(node)

Create Node in MCP2 Data CenterF

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthPassword
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Password
>>> root_pw = NodeAuthPassword('password123')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> vlan = driver.ex_list_vlans(location=location,
>>>                             network_domain=my_network_domain)[0]
>>> pprint(vlan)
>>> # Get Image
>>> images = driver.list_images(location=location)
>>> image = images[0]
>>> # Create node using vlan instead of private IPv4
>>> node = driver.create_node(name='test_server_01', image=image,
>>>                           auth=root_pw,
>>>                           ex_description='test2 node',
>>>                           ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>                           ex_primary_nic_vlan=vlan,
>>>                           ex_is_started=False)
>>> # Option: Create node using private IPv4 instead of vlan
>>> # node = driver.create_node(name='test_server_02', image=image,
>>> #                           auth=root_pw,
>>> #                           ex_description='test2 node',
>>> #                           ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>> #                           ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4='',
>>> #                           ex_is_started=False)
>>> # Option: Create node using by specifying Network Adapter
>>> # node = driver.create_node(name='test_server_03', image=image,
>>> #                           auth=root_pw,
>>> #                           ex_description='test2 node',
>>> #                           ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>> #                           ex_primary_nic_vlan=vlan,
>>> #                           ex_primary_nic_network_adapter='E1000',
>>> #                           ex_is_started=False)
  • name (str) – (required) String with a name for this new node
  • image (NodeImage or str) – (required) OS Image to boot on node.
  • auth (NodeAuthPassword or str or None) – Initial authentication information for the node. (If this is a customer LINUX image auth will be ignored)
  • ex_description (str) – (optional) description for this node
  • ex_network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain or str) – (required) Network Domain or Network Domain ID to create the node
  • ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 (:str) – Provide private IPv4. Ignore if ex_primary_nic_vlan is provided. Use one or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_vlan – Provide VLAN for the node if ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 NOT provided. One or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_network_adapter (:str) – (Optional) Default value for the Operating System will be used if leave empty. Example: “E1000”.
  • ex_additional_nics (list of :class:’NttCisNic’ or str) – (optional) List :class:’NttCisNic’ or None
  • ex_memory_gb (int) – (optional) The amount of memory in GB for the server Can be used to override the memory value inherited from the source Server Image.
  • ex_cpu_specification (DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification) – (optional) The spec of CPU to deploy
  • ex_is_started (bool) – (required) Start server after creation. Default is set to true.
  • ex_primary_dns (str) – (Optional) The node’s primary DNS
  • ex_secondary_dns (str) – (Optional) The node’s secondary DNS
  • ex_ipv4_gateway (str) – (Optional) IPv4 address in dot-decimal notation, which will be used as the Primary NIC gateway instead of the default gateway assigned by the system. If ipv4Gateway is provided it does not have to be on the VLAN of the Primary NIC but MUST be reachable or the Guest OS will not be configured correctly.
  • ex_disks (List or tuple of :class:'DimensionDataServerDisk`) – (optional) NTTCIS disks. Optional disk elements can be used to define the disk speed that each disk on the Server; inherited from the source Server Image will be deployed to. It is not necessary to include a diskelement for every disk; only those that you wish to set a disk speed value for. Note that scsiId 7 cannot be used.Up to 13 disks can be present in addition to the required OS disk on SCSI ID 0. Refer to for disk
  • ex_microsoft_time_zone (str`) – (optional) For use with Microsoft Windows source Server Images only. For the exact value to use please refer to the table of time zone indexes in the following Microsoft Technet documentation. If none is supplied, the default time zone for the data center geographic region will be used.

The newly created Node.

Return type:



Deletes a node, node must be stopped before deletion

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to delete
Return type:bool
ex_add_scsi_controller_to_node(server_id, adapter_type, bus_number=None)[source]

Added 8/27/18: Adds a SCSI Controller by node id :param server_id: server id :param adapter_type: the type of SCSI Adapter, i.e., LSI_LOGIC_PARALLEL :param bus_number: optional number of server’s bus :return: whether addition is in progress or ‘OK’ otherwise false

ex_add_storage_to_node(amount, node=None, speed='STANDARD', controller_id=None, scsi_id=None)[source]

Updated 8/23/18 Add storage to the node One of node or controller_id must be selected

  • node (Node) – The server to add storage to (required if controller_id is not used
  • amount (int) – The amount of storage to add, in GB
  • speed (str) – The disk speed type
  • conrollter_id – The disk may be added using the cotnroller id (required if node object is not used)
  • scsi_id (int) – The target SCSI ID (optional)
Return type:


ex_apply_tag_to_asset(asset, tag_key, value=None)[source]

Apply a tag to a NTTC-CIS Asset

  • asset (Node or NodeImage or NttCisNewtorkDomain or NttCisVlan or NttCisPublicIpBlock) – The asset to apply a tag to. (required)
  • tag_key (NttCisTagKey or str) – The tag_key to apply to the asset. (required)
  • value (str) – The value to be assigned to the tag key This is only required if the NttCisTagKey requires it
Return type:


ex_attach_node_to_vlan(node, vlan=None, private_ipv4=None)[source]

Attach a node to a VLAN by adding an additional NIC to the node on the target VLAN. The IP will be automatically assigned based on the VLAN IP network space. Alternatively, provide a private IPv4 address instead of VLAN information, and this will be assigned to the node on corresponding NIC.

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • vlan (NttCisVlan) – VLAN to attach the node to (required unless private_ipv4)
  • private_ipv4 (str) – Private nic IPv4 Address (required unless vlan)
Return type:


ex_audit_log_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get audit log report

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list

ex_backup_usage_report(start_date, end_date, location)[source]

Get audit log report

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
  • location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
Return type:

list of list

ex_change_nic_network_adapter(nic_id, network_adapter_name)[source]

Change network adapter of a NIC on a cloud server

  • nic_id (:str) – Nic ID
  • network_adapter_name (:str) – Network adapter name
Return type:


ex_change_storage_size(disk_id, size)[source]

Change the size of a disk

  • node (Node) – The server to change the disk of
  • disk_id (str) – The ID of the disk to resize
  • size (int) – The disk size in GB
Return type:


ex_change_storage_speed(disk_id, speed, iops=None)[source]

Change the speed (disk tier) of a disk

  • node (Node) – The server to change the disk speed of
  • disk_id (str) – The ID of the disk to change
  • speed (str) – The disk speed type e.g. STANDARD
Return type:



Removes a node that has failed to deploy

Parameters:node (Node or str) – The failed node to clean
ex_clone_node_to_image(node, image_name, image_description=None, cluster_id=None, is_guest_Os_Customization=None, tag_key_id=None, tag_value=None)[source]

Clone a server into a customer image.

  • node (Node) – The server to clone
  • image_name (str) – The name of the clone image
  • description (str) – The description of the image
Return type:



Edited to work with api 2.x. No longer supports 1.0 Create an anti affinity rule given a list of nodes Anti affinity rules ensure that servers will not reside on the same VMware ESX host

Parameters:node_list (list of Node or list of str) – The list of nodes to create a rule for
Return type:bool
ex_create_consistency_group(name, journal_size_gb, source_server_id, target_server_id, description=None)[source]

Create a consistency group

  • name (str) – Name of consistency group
  • journal_size_gb (str) – Journal size in GB
  • source_server_id (str) – Id of the server to copy
  • target_server_id – Id of the server to receive the copy
  • description – (Optional) Description of consistency group

target_server_id: str


description: str

Return type:


ex_create_firewall_rule(network_domain, name, action, ip_version, protocol, source_addr, dest_addr, position, enabled=1, position_relative_to_rule=None)[source]

Creates a firewall rule

  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or str) – The network domain in which to create the firewall rule
  • name (str) – The rule’s name
  • action (str) – ‘ACCEPT_DECISIVELY’ or ‘DROP’
  • ip_version (str) – ‘IPV4’ or ‘IPV6’
  • protocol (str) – One of ‘IP’, ‘ICMP’, ‘TCP’, or ‘UDP’
  • source_addr (NttCisFirewallAddress) – The source address, which must be an NttCisFirewallAddress instance
  • dest_addr (NttCisFirewallAddress`) – The destination address, which must be an NttCisFirewallAddress instance
  • position (str) – The position in which to create the rule There are two types of positions with position_relative_to_rule arg and without it With: ‘BEFORE’ or ‘AFTER’ Without: ‘FIRST’ or ‘LAST’
  • enabled (int) – Firewall rule is enabled upon creation. Set to 1 for true or 0 for false.
  • position_relative_to_rule (:NttCisFirewallRule or str) – The rule or rule name in which to decide positioning by
Return type:


ex_create_ip_address_list(ex_network_domain, name, description, ip_version, ip_address_collection, child_ip_address_list=None)[source]

Create IP Address List. IP Address list.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.nttcis import NttCisIpAddress
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # IP Address collection
>>> ipAddress_1 = NttCisIpAddress(begin='')
>>> ipAddress_2 = NttCisIpAddress(begin='',
>>> ipAddress_3 = NttCisIpAddress(begin='',
>>> ip_address_collection = [ipAddress_1, ipAddress_2, ipAddress_3]
>>> # Create IPAddressList
>>> result = driver.ex_create_ip_address_list(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>     name='My_IP_AddressList_2',
>>>     ip_version='IPV4',
>>>     description='Test only',
>>>     ip_address_collection=ip_address_collection,
>>>     child_ip_address_list='08468e26-eeb3-4c3d-8ff2-5351fa6d8a04'
>>> )
>>> pprint(result)
  • ex_network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The network domain or network domain ID
  • name (:str) – IP Address List Name (required)
  • description (:str) – IP Address List Description (optional)
  • ip_version (:str) – IP Version of ip address (required)
  • ip_address_collection (:str) – List of IP Address. At least one ipAddress element or one childIpAddressListId element must be provided.
  • child_ip_address_list (:class:’NttCisChildIpAddressList` or str`) – Child IP Address List or id to be included in this IP Address List. At least one ipAddress or one childIpAddressListId must be provided.

a list of NttCisIpAddressList objects

Return type:

list of NttCisIpAddressList

ex_create_nat_rule(network_domain, internal_ip, external_ip)[source]

Create a NAT rule

  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The network domain the rule belongs to
  • internal_ip (str) – The IPv4 address internally
  • external_ip (str) – The IPv4 address externally
Return type:


ex_create_network(location, name, description=None)[source]

Create a new network in an MCP 1.0 location

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – The target location (MCP1)
  • name (str) – The name of the network
  • description (str) – Additional description of the network

A new instance of NttCisNetwork

Return type:

Instance of NttCisNetwork

ex_create_network_domain(location, name, service_plan, description=None)[source]

Deploy a new network domain to a data center

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – The data center to list
  • name (str) – The name of the network domain to create
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan, either “ESSENTIALS” or “ADVANCED”
  • description (str) – An additional description of the network domain

an instance of NttCisNetworkDomain

Return type:


ex_create_node_uncustomized(name, image, ex_network_domain, ex_is_started=True, ex_description=None, ex_cluster_id=None, ex_cpu_specification=None, ex_memory_gb=None, ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4=None, ex_primary_nic_vlan=None, ex_primary_nic_network_adapter=None, ex_additional_nics=None, ex_disks=None, ex_tagid_value_pairs=None, ex_tagname_value_pairs=None)[source]

This MCP 2.0 only function deploys a new Cloud Server from a CloudControl compatible Server Image, which does not utilize VMware Guest OS Customization process.

Create Node in MCP2 Data Center

  • name (str) – (required) String with a name for this new node
  • image (NodeImage or str) – (UUID of the Server Image being used as the target for the new Server deployment. The source Server Image (OS Image or Customer Image) must have osCustomization set to true. See Get/List OS Image(s) and Get/List Customer Image(s).
  • ex_network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or str) – (required) Network Domain or Network Domain ID to create the node
  • ex_description (str) – (optional) description for this node
  • ex_cluster_id – (optional) For multiple cluster

environments, it is possible to set a destination cluster for the new Customer Image. Note that performance of this function is optimal when either the Server cluster and destination are the same or when shared data storage is in place for the multiple clusters. :type ex_cluster_id: str

  • ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 (:str) – Provide private IPv4. Ignore if ex_primary_nic_vlan is provided. Use one or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_vlan – Provide VLAN for the node if ex_primary_nic_private_ipv4 NOT provided. One or the other. Not both.
  • ex_primary_nic_network_adapter (:str) – (Optional) Default value for the Operating System will be used if leave empty. Example: “E1000”.
  • ex_additional_nics (list of :class:’NttCisNic’ or str) – (optional) List :class:’NttCisNic’ or None
  • ex_memory_gb (int) – (optional) The amount of memory in GB for the server Can be used to override the memory value inherited from the source Server Image.
  • ex_cpu_specification (NttCisServerCpuSpecification) – (optional) The spec of CPU to deploy
  • ex_is_started (bool) – (required) Start server after creation. Default is set to true.
  • ex_disks (List or tuple of :class:'NttCisServerDisk`) – (optional) NttCis disks. Optional disk elements can be used to define the disk speed that each disk on the Server; inherited from the source Server Image will be deployed to. It is not necessary to include a diskelement for every disk; only those that you wish to set a disk speed value for. Note that scsiId 7 cannot be used.Up to 13 disks can be present in addition to the required OS disk on SCSI ID 0. Refer to for disk
  • ex_tagid_value_pairs – (Optional) up to 10 tag elements may be provided. A combination of tagById and tag name cannot be supplied in the same request. Note: ex_tagid_value_pairs and ex_tagname_value_pairs is mutually exclusive. Use one or other.
  • ex_tagname_value_pairs (dict`.) – (Optional) up to 10 tag elements may be provided. A combination of tagById and tag name cannot be supplied in the same request. Note: ex_tagid_value_pairs and ex_tagname_value_pairs is mutually exclusive. Use one or other.

The newly created Node.

Return type:


ex_create_portlist(ex_network_domain, name, description, port_collection, child_portlist_list=None)[source]

Create Port List.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.nttcis import NttCisPort
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # Port Collection
>>> port_1 = DimensionDataPort(begin='1000')
>>> port_2 = DimensionDataPort(begin='1001', end='1003')
>>> port_collection = [port_1, port_2]
>>> # Create Port List
>>> new_portlist = driver.ex_create_portlist(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>     name='MyPortListX',
>>>     description="Test only",
>>>     port_collection=port_collection,
>>>     child_portlist_list={'a9cd4984-6ff5-4f93-89ff-8618ab642bb9'}
>>>     )
>>> pprint(new_portlist)
  • ex_network_domain (:str) – (required) The network domain in which to create PortList. Provide networkdomain object or its id.
  • name (:str) – Port List Name
  • description (:str) – IP Address List Description
  • port_collection (:str) – List of Port Address
  • child_portlist_list (:str or ‘’list of :class:’NttCisChildPortList’) – List of Child Portlist to be included in this Port List

result of operation

Return type:


ex_create_snapshot_preview_server(snapshot_id, server_name, server_started, nics_connected, server_description=None, target_cluster_id=None, preserve_mac_addresses=None, tag_key_name=None, tag_key_id=None, tag_value=None)[source]

Create a snapshot preview of a server to clone to a new server

  • snapshot_id (str) – ID of the specific snahpshot to use in creating preview server.
  • server_name – Name of the server created from the snapshot

:type str

Parameters:nics_connected – ‘true’ or ‘false’. Should the nics be automatically connected

:type str

Parameters:server_description – (Optional) A brief description of the server.

:type str

Parameters:target_cluster_id – (Optional) The ID of a specific cluster as opposed to the default.

:type str

Parameters:preserve_mac_address – (Optional) If set to ‘true’ will preserve mac address from the original server.

:type str

Parameters:tag_key_name – (Optional) If tagging is desired and by name is desired, set this to the tag name.

:type str

Parameters:tag_key_id – (Optional) If tagging is desired and by id is desired, set this to the tag id.

:type str

Parameters:tag_value – (Optional) If using a tag_key_id or tag_key_name, set the value fo tag_value.
Return type:str
ex_create_tag_key(name, description=None, value_required=True, display_on_report=True)[source]

Creates a tag key in the NTTC-CIS Cloud

  • name (str) – The name of the tag key (required)
  • description (str) – The description of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – If a value is required for the tag Tags themselves can be just a tag, or be a key/value pair
  • display_on_report (bool) – Should this key show up on the usage reports
Return type:


ex_create_vlan(network_domain, name, private_ipv4_base_address, description=None, private_ipv4_prefix_size=24)[source]

Deploy a new VLAN to a network domain

  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The network domain to add the VLAN to
  • name (str) – The name of the VLAN to create
  • private_ipv4_base_address (str) – The base IPv4 address e.g.
  • description (str) – An additional description of the VLAN
  • private_ipv4_prefix_size (int) – The size of the IPv4 address space, e.g 24

an instance of NttCisVlan

Return type:



Remove anti affinity rule

Parameters:anti_affinity_rule (NttCisAntiAffinityRule or str) – The anti affinity rule to delete
Return type:bool

Delete’s a Consistency Group

Parameters:consistency_group_id – Id of Consistency Group to delete

:type str :return: True if response_code contains either IN_PROGRESS’ or ‘OK’ otherwise False :rtype: bool


Delete a firewall rule

Parameters:rule (NttCisFirewallRule) – The rule to delete
Return type:bool

Delete IP Address List by ID

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> ip_address_list_id = '5e7c323f-c885-4e4b-9a27-94c44217dbd3'
>>> result = driver.ex_delete_ip_address_list(ip_address_list_id)
>>> pprint(result)
Parameters:ex_ip_address_list (:class:’NttCisIpAddressList’ or str) – IP Address List object or IP Address List ID (required)
Return type:bool

Delete an existing NAT rule

Parameters:rule (NttCisNatRule) – The rule to delete
Return type:bool

Delete a network from an MCP 1 data center

Parameters:network (NttCisNetwork) – The network to delete
Return type:bool

Delete a network domain

Parameters:network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The network domain to delete
Return type:bool

Delete Port List

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Delete Port List
>>> portlist_id = '157531ce-77d4-493c-866b-d3d3fc4a912a'
>>> response = driver.ex_delete_portlist(portlist_id)
>>> pprint(response)
Parameters:ex_portlist (:str or :class:’NttCisPortList’) – Port List to be deleted
Return type:bool

Deletes an existing VLAN

Parameters:vlan (DNttCisNetworkDomain) – The VLAN to delete
Return type:bool

Remove a NIC on a node, removing the node from a VLAN

Parameters:nic_id (str) – The identifier of the NIC to remove
Return type:bool
ex_detailed_usage_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get detailed usage information

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list


Disables cloud monitoring for a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to stop monitoring
Return type:bool

Disable snapshots on a server. This also deletes current snapshots.

Parameters:node (str) – Node ID of the node on which to enable snapshots.

:return True or False :rtype: bool

ex_edit_firewall_rule(rule, position=None, relative_rule_for_position=None)[source]

Edit a firewall rule

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # List firewall rules
>>> firewall_rules = driver.ex_list_firewall_rules(my_network_domain)
>>> # Get Firewall Rule by name
>>> pprint("List specific firewall rule by name")
>>> fire_rule_under_test = (list(filter(lambda x: ==
                           'My_New_Firewall_Rule', firewall_rules))[0])
>>> pprint(fire_rule_under_test.source)
>>> pprint(fire_rule_under_test.destination)
>>> # Edit Firewall
>>> fire_rule_under_test.destination.address_list_id =
>>> fire_rule_under_test.destination.port_list_id =
>>> result = driver.ex_edit_firewall_rule(fire_rule_under_test, 'LAST')
>>> pprint(result)
  • rule (DNttCisFirewallRule) – (required) The rule in which to create
  • position (str) – (required) There are two types of positions with position_relative_to_rule arg and without it With: ‘BEFORE’ or ‘AFTER’ Without: ‘FIRST’ or ‘LAST’
  • relative_rule_for_position (NttCisFirewallRule or str) – (optional) The rule or rule name in which to decide the relative rule for positioning.
Return type:


ex_edit_ip_address_list(ex_ip_address_list, description=None, ip_address_collection=None, child_ip_address_lists=None)[source]

Edit IP Address List. IP Address list. Bear in mind you cannot add ip addresses to >>> from pprint import pprint >>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider >>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver >>> from libcloud.common.NTTCIS import NttCisIpAddress >>> import >>> >>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver >>> = True >>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS) >>> driver = cls(‘myusername’,’mypassword’, region=’dd-au’) >>> >>> # IP Address collection >>> ipAddress_1 = NttCisIpAddress(begin=’’) >>> ipAddress_2 = NttCisIpAddress(begin=’’, >>> end=’’) >>> ipAddress_3 = NttCisIpAddress( >>> begin=’’, prefix_size=’24’) >>> ip_address_collection = [ipAddress_1, ipAddress_2, ipAddress_3] >>> >>> # Edit IP Address List >>> ip_address_list_id = ‘5e7c323f-c885-4e4b-9a27-94c44217dbd3’ >>> result = driver.ex_edit_ip_address_list( >>> ex_ip_address_list=ip_address_list_id, >>> description=”Edit Test”, >>> ip_address_collection=ip_address_collection, >>> child_ip_address_lists=None >>> ) >>> pprint(result)

  • ex_ip_address_list (:class:’NttCisIpAddressList’ or str) – (required) IpAddressList object or IpAddressList ID
  • description (:str) – IP Address List Description
  • ip_address_collection (''list'' of :class:'NttCisIpAddressList') – List of IP Address
  • child_ip_address_lists (list of :class:’NttCisChildIpAddressList’ or str) – Child IP Address List or id to be included in this IP Address List

a list of NttCisIpAddressList objects

Return type:

list of NttCisIpAddressList

ex_edit_metadata(node, name=None, description=None, drs_eligible=None)[source]
ex_edit_portlist(ex_portlist, description=None, port_collection=None, child_portlist_list=None)[source]

Edit Port List.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> from libcloud.common.NTTCIS import DimensionDataPort
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Port Collection
>>> port_1 = DimensionDataPort(begin='4200')
>>> port_2 = DimensionDataPort(begin='4201', end='4210')
>>> port_collection = [port_1, port_2]
>>> # Edit Port List
>>> editPortlist = driver.ex_get_portlist(
>>> result = driver.ex_edit_portlist(
>>>     description="Make Changes in portlist",
>>>     port_collection=port_collection,
>>>     child_portlist_list={'a9cd4984-6ff5-4f93-89ff-8618ab642bb9'}
>>> )
>>> pprint(result)
  • ex_portlist (:str or :class:’DNttCisPortList’) – Port List to be edited (required)
  • description (:str) – Port List Description
  • port_collection (:str) – List of Ports
  • child_portlist_list (:list of :class’NttCisChildPortList’ or ‘’str’’) – Child PortList to be included in this IP Address List

a list of NttCisPortList objects

Return type:

list of NttCisPortList

ex_enable_monitoring(node, service_plan='ESSENTIALS')[source]

Enables cloud monitoring on a node

  • node (Node) – The node to monitor
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan, one of ESSENTIALS or ADVANCED
Return type:


ex_enable_snapshots(node, window, plan='ADVANCED', initiate='true')[source]

Enable snapshot service on a server

  • node (str) – Node ID of the node on which to enable snapshots.
  • window – The window id of the window in which the snapshot is enabled.
  • plan (str) – Pland type ‘ESSENTIALS’ or ‘ADVANCED
  • initiate – Run a snapshot upon configuration of the snapshot.

:type str

Return type:bool
ex_exchange_nic_vlans(nic_id_1, nic_id_2)[source]

Exchange NIC Vlans

  • nic_id_1 (:str) – Nic ID 1
  • nic_id_2 (:str) – Nic ID 2
Return type:


ex_expand_journal(consistency_group_id, size_gb)[source]

Expand the consistency group’s journhal size in 100Gb increments.

  • consistency_group_id (str) – The consistency group’s UUID
  • size_gb (str) – Gb in 100 Gb increments

True if response_code contains either ‘IN_PROGRESS’ or ‘OK’ otherwise False

Return type:



Expands the VLAN to the prefix size in private_ipv4_range_size The expansion will not be permitted if the proposed IP space overlaps with an already deployed VLANs IP space.

Parameters:vlan (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The VLAN to update
Returns:an instance of NttCisVlan
Return type:NttCisVlan

Gets a Base image in the NTTC-CIS Cloud given the id

Parameters:id (str) – The id of the image
Return type:NodeImage

Retrieves a Consistency by it’s id and is more efficient thatn listing all consistency groups and filtering that result.

Parameters:consistency_group_id (str) – An id of a consistency group
Return type:NttCisConsistencygroup

Gets a Customer image in the NTTC-CIS Cloud given the id

Parameters:id (str) – The id of the image
Return type:NodeImage
ex_get_firewall_rule(network_domain, rule_id)[source]

Gets a Base/Customer image in the NTTC-CIS Cloud given the id

Note: This first checks the base image
If it is not a base image we check if it is a customer image If it is not in either of these a NttCisAPIException is thrown
Parameters:id (str) – The id of the image
Return type:NodeImage
ex_get_ip_address_list(ex_network_domain, ex_ip_address_list_name)[source]

Get IP Address List by name in network domain specified

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # Get IP Address List by Name
>>> ipaddresslist_list_by_name = driver.ex_get_ip_address_list(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain,
>>>     ex_ip_address_list_name='My_IP_AddressList_1')
>>> pprint(ipaddresslist_list_by_name)
  • ex_network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – (required) The network domain or network domain ID in which ipaddresslist resides.
  • ex_ip_address_list_name (:str) – (required) Get ‘IP Address List’ by name

a list of NttCisIpAddressList objects

Return type:

list of NttCisIpAddressList


Get location by ID.

Parameters:id (str) – ID of the node location which should be used
Return type:NodeLocation
ex_get_nat_rule(network_domain, rule_id)[source]

Get a NAT rule by ID

  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The network domain the rule belongs to
  • rule_id (str) – The ID of the NAT rule to fetch
Return type:



Get an individual Network Domain, by identifier

Parameters:network_domain_id (str) – The identifier of the network domain
Return type:NttCisNetworkDomain

Get Port List

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get specific portlist by ID
>>> portlist_id = '27dd8c66-80ff-496b-9f54-2a3da2fe679e'
>>> portlist = driver.ex_get_portlist(portlist_id)
>>> pprint(portlist)
Parameters:ex_portlist_id (NttCisNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The ex_port_list or ex_port_list ID
Returns:NttCisPortList object
Return type:NttCisPort

Get a specific tag key by ID

Parameters:id (str) – ID of the tag key you want (required)
Return type:NttCisTagKey
NOTICE: Tag key is one of those instances where Libloud
handles the search of a list for the client code. This behavior exists inconsistently across libcloud. Get a specific tag key by Name
Parameters:name (str) – Name of the tag key you want (required)
Return type:NttCisTagKey

Get a single VLAN, by it’s identifier

Parameters:vlan_id (str) – The identifier of the VLAN
Returns:an instance of NttCisVlan
Return type:NttCisVlan

This method is irreversible. It will failover the Consistency Group while removing it as well.

Parameters:consistency_group_id (str) – Consistency Group’s Id to failover
Returns:True if response_code contains either

IN_PROGRESS’ or ‘OK’ otherwise False :rtype: bool

ex_initiate_manual_snapshot(name=None, server_id=None)[source]

Initiate a manual snapshot of server on the fly

  • name (str) – optional name of server
  • server_id – optinal parameter to use instead of name

:type server_id`str`

Returns:True of False
Return type:bool
ex_list_anti_affinity_rules(network=None, network_domain=None, node=None, filter_id=None, filter_state=None)[source]

List anti affinity rules for a network, network domain, or node

  • network (NttCisNetwork or str) – The network to list anti affinity rules for One of network, network_domain, or node is required
  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or str) – The network domain to list anti affinity rules One of network, network_domain, or node is required
  • node (Node or str) – The node to list anti affinity rules for One of network, netwok_domain, or node is required
  • filter_id (str) – This will allow you to filter the rules by this node id
Return type:

list of :class:NttCisAntiAffinityRule`

ex_list_consistency_group_snapshots(consistency_group_id, create_time_min=None, create_time_max=None)[source]

Optional parameters identify the date of creation of Consistency Group snapshots in *XML Schema (XSD) date time format. Best used as a combination of createTime.MIN and createTime.MAX. If neither is provided then all snapshots up to the possible maximum of 1014 will be returned. If MIN is provided by itself, all snapshots between the time specified by MIN and the point in time of execution will be returned. If MAX is provided by itself, then all snapshots up to that point in time (up to the maximum number of 1014) will be returned. MIN and MAX are inclusive for this API function

  • consistency_group_id (str) – The id of consistency group
  • create_time_min (str) – (Optional) in form YYYY-MM-DDT00:00.00.00Z or substitute time offset for Z, i.e, -05:00
  • create_time_max (str) – (Optional) in form YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z or substitute time offset for Z, i.e, -05:00
Return type:

list of NttCisSnapshots


Functions takes a named parameter that must be one of the following :param params: A dictionary composed of one of the following keys and a value * target_data_center_id= * source_network_domain_id= * target_network_domain_id= * source_server_id= * target_server_id= * name= * state= * operation_status= * drs_infrastructure_status= :rtype: list of :class: NttCisConsistencyGroup


Return a list of customer imported images

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or str) – The target location
Return type:list of NodeImage
ex_list_firewall_rules(network_domain, page_size=50, page_number=1)[source]

List IP Address List by network domain ID specified

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>> # List IP Address List of network domain
>>> ipaddresslist_list = driver.ex_list_ip_address_list(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain)
>>> pprint(ipaddresslist_list)
Parameters:ex_network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The network domain or network domain ID
Returns:a list of NttCisIpAddressList objects
Return type:list of NttCisIpAddressList

Get NAT rules for the network domain

Parameters:network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The network domain the rules belongs to
Return type:list of NttCisNatRule
ex_list_network_domains(location=None, name=None, service_plan=None, state=None)[source]

List networks domains deployed across all data center locations domain.

for your organization. The response includes the location of each network :param location: Only network domains in the location (optional) :type location: NodeLocation or str

  • name (str) – Only network domains of this name (optional)
  • service_plan (str) – Only network domains of this type (optional)
  • state (str) – Only network domains in this state (optional)

a list of NttCisNetwork objects

Return type:

list of NttCisNetwork


List networks deployed across all data center locations for your organization. The response includes the location of each network.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or str) – The target location
Returns:a list of NttCisNetwork objects
Return type:list of NttCisNetwork
ex_list_nodes_paginated(name=None, location=None, ipv6=None, ipv4=None, vlan=None, image=None, deployed=None, started=None, state=None, network=None, network_domain=None)[source]

Return a generator which yields node lists in pages

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
  • name – Filters the node list to nodes that have this name

:type name str

  • ipv6 (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv6 address
  • ipv4 (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv4 address
  • vlan (NttCisVlan or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are in this VLAN
  • image (NodeImage or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that have this image
  • deployed (bool) – Filters the node list to nodes that are deployed or not
  • started (bool) – Filters the node list to nodes that are started or not
  • state (str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are in this state
  • network (NttCisNetwork or str) – Filters the node list to nodes in this network
  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or str) – Filters the node list to nodes in this network domain

a list of Node objects

Return type:

generator of list of Node


List Portlist by network domain ID specified

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
>>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
>>> import
>>> # Get NTTC-CIS driver
>>> = True
>>> cls = get_driver(Provider.NTTCIS)
>>> driver = cls('myusername','mypassword', region='dd-au')
>>> # Get location
>>> location = driver.ex_get_location_by_id(id='AU9')
>>> # Get network domain by location
>>> networkDomainName = "Baas QA"
>>> network_domains = driver.ex_list_network_domains(location=location)
>>> my_network_domain = [d for d in network_domains if ==
>>>                                               networkDomainName][0]
>>> # List portlist
>>> portLists = driver.ex_list_portlist(
>>>     ex_network_domain=my_network_domain)
>>> pprint(portLists)
Parameters:ex_network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain or ‘str’) – The network domain or network domain ID
Returns:a list of NttCisPortList objects
Return type:list of NttCisPortList
ex_list_reserved_ipv4(vlan=None, datacenter_id=None)[source]
ex_list_reserved_ipv6(vlan=None, datacenter_id=None)[source]
ex_list_tag_keys(id=None, name=None, value_required=None, display_on_report=None)[source]

List tag keys in the NTTC-CIS Cloud

  • id (str) – Filter the list to the id of the tag key
  • name (str) – Filter the list to the name of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – Filter the list to if a value is required for a tag key
  • display_on_report (bool) – Filter the list to if the tag key should show up on usage reports
Return type:

list of NttCisTagKey

ex_list_tags(asset_id=None, asset_type=None, location=None, tag_key_name=None, tag_key_id=None, value=None, value_required=None, display_on_report=None)[source]

List tags in the NTTC-CIS Cloud

  • asset_id (str) – Filter the list by asset id
  • asset_type (str) – Filter the list by asset type
  • location (:class:NodeLocation or str) – Filter the list by the assets location
  • tag_key_name (str) – Filter the list by a tag key name
  • tag_key_id (str) – Filter the list by a tag key id
  • value (str) – Filter the list by a tag value
  • value_required (bool) – Filter the list to if a value is required for a tag
  • display_on_report (bool) – Filter the list to if the tag should show up on usage reports
Return type:

list of NttCisTag

ex_list_vlans(location=None, network_domain=None, name=None, ipv4_address=None, ipv6_address=None, state=None)[source]

List VLANs available, can filter by location and/or network domain

  • location (NodeLocation or str) – Only VLANs in this location (optional)
  • network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – Only VLANs in this domain (optional)
  • name (str) – Only VLANs with this name (optional)
  • ipv4_address (str) – Only VLANs with this ipv4 address (optional)
  • ipv6_address (str) – Only VLANs with this ipv6 address (optional)
  • state (str) – Only VLANs with this state (optional)

a list of NttCisVlan objects

Return type:

list of NttCisVlan

ex_modify_tag_key(tag_key, name=None, description=None, value_required=None, display_on_report=None)[source]

Modify a specific tag key

  • tag_key (NttCisTagKey or str) – The tag key you want to modify (required)
  • name (str) – Set to modifiy the name of the tag key
  • description (str) – Set to modify the description of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – Set to modify if a value is required for the tag key
  • display_on_report (bool) – Set to modify if this tag key should display on the usage reports
Return type:



This function will abruptly power-off a server. Unlike ex_shutdown_graceful, success ensures the node will stop but some OS and application configurations may be adversely affected by the equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the machine.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_reconfigure_node(node, memory_gb=None, cpu_count=None, cores_per_socket=None, cpu_performance=None)[source]

Reconfigure the virtual hardware specification of a node

  • node (Node) – The server to change
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB (optional)
  • cpu_count (int) – The number of CPU (optional)
  • cores_per_socket (int) – Number of CPU cores per socket (optional)
  • cpu_performance (str) – CPU Performance type (optional)
Return type:



Added 8/27/18: Adds a SCSI Controller by node id :param controller_id: Scsi controller’s id :return: whether addition is in progress or ‘OK’ otherwise false


Remove storage from a node

  • node (Node) – The server to add storage to
  • disk_id (str) – The ID of the disk to remove
Return type:


ex_remove_storage_from_node(node, scsi_id)[source]

Remove storage from a node

  • node (Node) – The server to add storage to
  • scsi_id (str) – The ID of the disk to remove
Return type:


ex_remove_tag_from_asset(asset, tag_key)[source]

Remove a tag from an asset

  • asset (Node or NodeImage or NttCisNewtorkDomain or NttCisVlan or NttCisPublicIpBlock) – The asset to remove a tag from. (required)
  • tag_key (NttCisTagKey or str) – The tag key you want to remove (required)
Return type:



Modify a specific tag key

Parameters:tag_key (NttCisTagKey or str) – The tag key you want to remove (required)
Return type:bool
ex_rename_network(network, new_name)[source]

Rename a network in MCP 1 data center

  • network (NttCisNetwork) – The network to rename
  • new_name (str) – The new name of the network
Return type:


ex_reserve_ip(vlan, ip, description)[source]

This function will abruptly reset a server. Unlike reboot_node, success ensures the node will restart but some OS and application configurations may be adversely affected by the equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the machine.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_set_firewall_rule_state(rule, state)[source]

Change the state (enabled or disabled) of a rule

  • rule (NttCisFirewallRule) – The rule to delete
  • state (bool) – The desired state enabled (True) or disabled (False)
Return type:


ex_software_usage_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get detailed software usage reports

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list

ex_start_drs_failover_preview(consistency_group_id, snapshot_id)[source]

Brings a Consistency Group into PREVIEWING_SNAPSHOT mode.

  • consistency_group_id (str) – Id of the Consistency Group to put into PRIEVEW_MODE
  • snapshot_id (str) – Id of the Snapshot to preview

True if response_code contains either ‘IN_PROGRESS’ or ‘OK’ otherwise False

Return type:



Takes a Consistency Group out of PREVIEW_MODE and back to DRS_MODE

Parameters:consistency_group_id – Consistency Group’s Id

:type str

Returns:True if response_code contains either ‘IN_PROGRESS’ or ‘OK’ otherwise False
Return type:bool
ex_summary_usage_report(start_date, end_date)[source]

Get summary usage information

  • start_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – Start date for the report
  • end_date (str in format YYYY-MM-DD) – End date for the report
Return type:

list of list

ex_unreserve_ip_addresses(vlan, ip)[source]
ex_update_monitoring_plan(node, service_plan='ESSENTIALS')[source]

Updates the service plan on a node with monitoring

  • node (Node) – The node to monitor
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan, one of ESSENTIALS or ADVANCED
Return type:



Update the properties of a network domain

Parameters:network_domain (NttCisNetworkDomain) – The network domain with updated properties
Returns:an instance of NttCisNetworkDomain
Return type:NttCisNetworkDomain
ex_update_node(node, name=None, description=None, cpu_count=None, ram_mb=None)[source]

Update the node, the name, CPU or RAM

  • node (Node) – Node which should be used
  • name (str) – The new name (optional)
  • description (str) – The new description (optional)
  • cpu_count (int) – The new CPU count (optional)
  • ram_mb (int) – The new Memory in MB (optional)
Return type:



Updates the properties of the given VLAN Only name and description are updated

Parameters:vlan (NttCisetworkDomain) – The VLAN to update
Returns:an instance of NttCisVlan
Return type:NttCisVlan

This function triggers an update of the VMware Tools software running on the guest OS of a Server.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
ex_wait_for_state(state, func, poll_interval=2, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Wait for the function which returns a instance with field status to match

Keep polling func until one of the desired states is matched

  • state (str or list) – Either the desired state (str) or a list of states
  • func (function) – The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan
  • poll_interval (int) – The number of seconds to wait between checks
  • timeout (int) – The total number of seconds to wait to reach a state
  • args (Positional arguments) – The arguments for func
  • kwargs (Keyword arguments) – The arguments for func
features = {'create_node': ['password']}

Get snapshot of a server by snapshot id.

Parameters:snapshot_id (str) – ID of snapshot to retrieve.

:return a snapshot :rtype: dict

import_image(ovf_package_name, name, cluster_id=None, datacenter_id=None, description=None, is_guest_os_customization=None, tagkey_name_value_dictionaries=None)[source]

Import image

  • ovf_package_name (str) – Image OVF package name
  • name (str) – Image name
  • cluster_id (str) – Provide either cluster_id or datacenter_id
  • datacenter_id (str) – Provide either cluster_id or datacenter_id
  • description (str) – Optional. Description of image
  • is_guest_os_customization (bool) – Optional. true for NGOC image
  • tagkey_name_value_dictionaries (dictionaries) – Optional tagkey name value dict

Return true if successful

Return type:


return a list of available sizes
Currently, the size of the node is dictated by the chosen OS base image, they cannot be set explicitly.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes


List images available

Note: Currently only returns the default ‘base OS images’
provided by NTTCIS. Customer images (snapshots) use ex_list_customer_images
Parameters:ex_location (NodeLocation or str) – Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
Returns:List of images available
Return type:list of NodeImage

List locations (datacenters) available for instantiating servers and networks.

Parameters:ex_id (str) – Filters the location list to this id
Returns:List of locations
Return type:list of NttCisDatacenter

List networks deployed across all data center locations for your organization. The response includes the location of each network.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or str) – The location
Returns:a list of NttCisNetwork objects
Return type:list of NttCisNetwork
list_nodes(ex_location=None, ex_name=None, ex_ipv6=None, ex_ipv4=None, ex_vlan=None, ex_image=None, ex_deployed=None, ex_started=None, ex_state=None, ex_network_domain=None, ex_snaphots=None)[source]

List nodes deployed for your organization.

keyword ex_location:
 Filters the node list to nodes that are located in this location
type ex_location:
 NodeLocation or str
keyword ex_name:
 Filters the node list to nodes that have this name

:type ex_name str

keyword ex_ipv6:
 Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv6 address
type ex_ipv6:
keyword ex_ipv4:
 Filters the node list to nodes that have this ipv4 address
type ex_ipv4:
keyword ex_vlan:
 Filters the node list to nodes that are in this VLAN
type ex_vlan:
 DimensionDataVlan or str
keyword ex_image:
 Filters the node list to nodes that have this image
type ex_image:
 NodeImage or str
keyword ex_deployed:
 Filters the node list to nodes that are deployed or not
type ex_deployed:
keyword ex_started:
 Filters the node list to nodes that are started or not
type ex_started:
keyword ex_state:
 Filters the node list by nodes that are in this state
type ex_state:
Filters the node list to nodes in this
network domain
type ex_network_domain:
 NttCisNetworkDomain or str
return:a list of Node objects
rtype:list of Node
return a list of available sizes
Currently, the size of the node is dictated by the chosen OS base image, they cannot be set explicitly.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

list_snapshot_windows(location, plan)[source]

List snapshot windows in a given location :param location: a location object or location id such as “NA9” :param plan: ‘ESSENTIALS’ or ‘ADVANCED’ :return: dictionary with keys id, day_of_week, start_hour, availability :rtype: dict

list_snapshots(node, page_size=None)[source]

List snapshots of a server. The list of snapshots can get large. Therefore, page_size is optional to limit this if desired.

  • node (str) – Node nameof the node on which to enable snapshots.
  • page_size – (Optional) Limit the number of records returned

:return snapshots :rtype: list of dictionaries

name = 'NTTC-CIS'

Reboots a node by requesting the OS restart via the hypervisor

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to reboot
Return type:bool
selected_region = None

Powers on an existing deployed server

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool

This function will attempt to “gracefully” stop a server by initiating a shutdown sequence within the guest operating system. A successful response on this function means the system has successfully passed the request into the operating system.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node which should be used
Return type:bool
type = 'nttcis'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.onapp module

class libcloud.compute.drivers.onapp.OnAppNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Base OnApp node driver.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of libcloud.common.onapp.OnAppConnection

create_node(name, ex_memory, ex_cpus, ex_cpu_shares, ex_hostname, ex_template_id, ex_primary_disk_size, ex_swap_disk_size, ex_required_virtual_machine_build=1, ex_required_ip_address_assignment=1, **kwargs)[source]

Add a VS

Parameters:kwargs (dict) – All keyword arguments to create a VS
Return type:OnAppNode

Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (KeyPair) – Key pair object.
Returns:True on success
Return type:bool
destroy_node(node, ex_convert_last_backup=0, ex_destroy_all_backups=0)[source]

Delete a VS

  • node – OnApp node
  • convert_last_backup (int) – set 1 to convert the last VS’s backup to template, otherwise set 0
  • destroy_all_backups (int) – set 1 to destroy all existing backups of this VS, otherwise set 0

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – ID of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair object
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name (unused).
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object


List all images

Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available key pair objects.

Return type:list of KeyPair objects

List all VS

Return type:list of OnAppNode
name = 'OnApp'
type = 'onapp'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.oneandone module

1&1 Cloud Server Compute driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.oneandone.OneAndOneResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

OneAndOne response parsing.

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
valid_response_codes = [<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.CREATED: 201>, <HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED: 202>]
class libcloud.compute.drivers.oneandone.OneAndOneConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the 1&1 driver

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Add headers that are necessary for every request

This method adds token and Content-Type to the request.

api_prefix = '/v1/'

Encode body data.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

host = ''
request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]

Some requests will use the href attribute directly. If this is not the case, then we should formulate the url based on the action specified. If we are using a full url, we need to remove the host and protocol components.


alias of OneAndOneResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.oneandone.OneAndOneNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Base OneAndOne node driver.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'CONFIGURING': reconfiguring, 'DEPLOYING': starting, 'POWERED_OFF': stopping, 'POWERED_ON': running, 'POWERING_OFF': pending, 'POWERING_ON': starting, 'REBOOTING': rebooting, 'REMOVING': unknown}

Core Functions


alias of OneAndOneConnection

create_node(name, image, ex_fixed_instance_size_id, location=None, auth=None, ex_ip=None, ex_monitoring_policy_id=None, ex_firewall_policy_id=None, ex_loadbalancer_id=None, ex_description=None, ex_power_on=None)[source]

Creates a node.

  • name (str) – The name of the new node
  • ex_fixed_instance_size_id

Fixed instance size ID from list_sizes :type ex_fixed_instance_size_id: str

  • location (NodeLocation) – 1&1 Data center Location
  • ex_ip (str) – IP address
  • ex_ssh_key (str) – SSH Key
  • password (str) – Password
  • ex_monitoring_policy_id
  • ex_firewall_policy_id (str) –
  • ex_loadbalancer_id (str) –
  • ex_description (str) –
  • ex_power_on (bool) –

Instance of class Node

Return type:


destroy_node(node, ex_keep_ips=False)[source]

Destroys a node.

  • node – The node you wish to destroy.
  • ex_keep_ips (: bool) – True to keep all IP addresses assigned to the node

Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_add_hdd(server_id, size, is_main)[source]

Add a hard disk to the server

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • size – Size of the new disk
  • is_main – Indicates if the disk is going to be the boot disk







Instance of class Node

ex_add_load_balancer_rule(lb_id, protocol, port_balancer, port_server, source=None)[source]

Adds a rule to load balancer

  • lb_id – Load balancer ID
  • protocol – Load balancer protocol
  • port_balancer – Port to be balananced
  • port_server – Server port
  • source – Source IP address
Return type:


Return type:


Return type:


Return type:


Return type:



Instance of load balancer

Return type:


ex_add_monitoring_policy_ports(policy_id, ports)[source]

Add monitoring policy ports

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • ports (dict) – List of ports
‘protocol’:’TCP’, ‘port’:’80’, ‘alert_if’:’RESPONDING’, ‘email_notification’:true



Returns:Instance of a monitoring policy
Return type:dict
ex_add_monitoring_policy_processes(policy_id, processes)[source]

Add monitoring policy processes

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • processes (list of dict) – List of processes
‘process’: ‘taskmmgr’, ‘alert_if’: ‘RUNNING’, ‘email_notification’: true



Returns:Instance of a monitoring policy
Return type:dict
ex_add_private_network_server(network_id, server_ids)[source]

Add servers to private network

  • network_id (str) – Private Network ID
  • server_ids (list of str) – List of server IDs

List of attached servers

Return type:


ex_add_server_firewall_policy(server_id, ip_id, firewall_id)[source]

Adds a firewall policy to the server’s IP address

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • ip_id – ID of the IP address
  • firewall_id – ID of the firewall policy







Node instance

Return type:


ex_add_servers_to_load_balancer(lb_id, server_ips=[])[source]

Adds server’s IP address to load balancer

  • lb_id – Load balancer ID
  • server_ips – Array of server IP IDs



list of str


Instance of load balancer

Return type:


ex_add_servers_to_monitoring_policy(policy_id, servers)[source]

Adds servers to monitoring policy

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • servers (list of str) – List of server ID

Instance of a monitoring policy

Return type:


ex_assign_server_ip(server_id, ip_type)[source]

Assigns a new IP address to the server

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • ip_type – Type of the IP address [IPV4,IPV6]





Node instance

Return type:


ex_attach_server_to_shared_storage(storage_id, server_id, rights)[source]

Attaches a single server to a shared storage

  • storage_id – Id of the shared storage
  • server_id – Id of the server to be attached to the shared storage
  • rights

Return type:


ex_create_firewall_policy(name, rules, description=None)[source]

Creates a firewall Policy.

  • name
  • description
  • rules
Return type:



dict firewall policy

ex_create_load_balancer(name, method, rules, persistence=None, persistence_time=None, health_check_test=None, health_check_interval=None, health_check_path=None, health_check_parser=None, datacenter_id=None, description=None)[source]
  • name – Name of the load balancer
  • method – Load balancer method
  • rules (list of dict) – Load balancer rules
  • persistence (boolean) – Indictes if persistance is set
  • persistence_time (int) – Persistance time
  • health_check_test – Type of test

:type health_check_test:str

  • health_check_interval – Interval of the check
  • health_check_path (str) – Path
  • health_check_parser – Parser

:type health_check_parser:str

Parameters:datacenter_id – Data center id

:type datacenter_id:str

Parameters:description – Description of load balancer

:type description:str

ex_create_monitoring_policy(name, thresholds, ports, processes, description=None, email=None, agent=None)[source]

Creates a monitoring policy

  • name (str) – Name for the monitoring policy
  • thresholds (dict) – Thresholds for the monitoring policy
  • ports (list of dict) – Monitoring policies for ports
  • processes (list of dict) – Processes to be monitored
  • description (str) – Description for the monitoring policy
  • email (str) – Email for notifications
  • agent (boolean) – Indicates if agent application will be installed

Newly created instance of monitofing policy

Return type:


ex_create_private_network(name, description=None, datacenter_id=None, network_address=None, subnet_mask=None)[source]

Creates a private network

  • name (str) – Name of the private network
  • description (str) – Description of the private network
  • datacenter_id (str) – ID of the data center for the private network
  • network_address (str) – Network address of the private network
  • subnet_mask (str) – Subnet mask of the private network

Newly created private network

Return type:


ex_create_public_ip(type, reverse_dns=None, datacenter_id=None)[source]

Creates a public IP

  • type (str) – Type of IP (IPV4 or IPV6)
  • reverse_dns (str) – Reverse DNS
  • datacenter_id (str) – Datacenter ID where IP address will be crated

Instance of Public IP

Return type:


ex_create_shared_storage(name, size, datacenter_id=None, description=None)[source]

Creates a shared storage :param name: Name of the storage :param size: Size of the storage :param datacenter_id: datacenter where storage should be created :param description: description ot the storage :return: ‘dict’


Deletes firewall policy

Parameters:fw_id – ID of the Firewall

Deletes a load balancer rule

  • lb_id (str) – ID of the load balancer
  • rule_id (str) – Rule ID

Instance of load balancer

Return type:



Deletes a monitoring policy

Parameters:policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
Returns:Instance of the monitoring policy being deleted
Return type:dict

Deletes a private network

Parameters:network_id (str) – Id of the private network
Returns:Instance of the private network being deleted
Return type:dict

Deletes a public IP

Parameters:ip_id (str) – ID of public IP
Returns:Instance of IP Address
Return type:dict

Removes a shared storage

Parameters:storage_id – Id of the shared storage
Returns:Instnace of shared storage
Return type:list of dict
ex_detach_server_from_shared_storage(storage_id, server_id)[source]

Detaches a server from shared storage

  • storage_id – Id of the shared storage
  • server_id – Id of the server





Instance of shared storage

Return type:



Gets firewall policy

Parameters:fw_id – ID of the firewall policy

Gets a single load balancer

Parameters:lb_id (str) – ID of the load balancer
Returns:Instance of load balancer
Return type:dict
ex_get_load_balancer_rule(lb_id, rule_id)[source]

Get a load balancer rule

  • lb_id (str) – ID of the load balancer
  • rule_id (str) – Rule ID

A load balancer rule

Return type:


ex_get_load_balancer_server_ip(lb_id, server_ip)[source]

Gets load balanced server id

  • lb_id (str) – ID of the load balancer
  • server_ip (str) – ID of the server IP

Server IP

Return type:



Fetches a monitoring policy

Parameters:policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
Returns:Instance of a monitoring policy
Return type:dict
ex_get_monitoring_policy_port(policy_id, port_id)[source]

Fetches monitoring policy port

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • port_id (str) – Id of the port

Instance of a monitoring policy

Return type:



Fetches monitoring policy ports

Parameters:policy_id – Id of the monitoring policy
Returns:Instance of a monitoring policy
Return type:dict
ex_get_monitoring_policy_process(policy_id, process_id)[source]

Fetches monitoring policy process

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • process_id (str) – Id of the process

Instance of a monitoring policy

Return type:



Fetches monitoring policy processes

Parameters:policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
Returns:Instance of a monitoring policy
Return type:dict

Gets a Public IP

Parameters:ip_id (str) – ID of the IP
Returns:Instance of Public IP
Return type:dict

Gets a server

Parameters:server_id – Id of the server to be retrieved
Returns:Instance of class Node
Return type:
ex_get_server_firewall_policies(server_id, ip_id)[source]

Gets a firewall policy of attached to the server’s IP

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • ip_id – ID of the IP address





IP address object

Return type:



Gets all server hardware

Parameters:server_id – Id of the server
Returns:Server’s hardware
Return type:dict

Gets server image

Parameters:server_id – Id of the server
Returns:Server image
Return type:dict
ex_get_server_ip(server_id, ip_id)[source]

Get a single server IP object

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • ip_id – ID of the IP address





IP address object

Return type:



Gets a shared storage :return: ‘dict’

ex_get_shared_storage_server(storage_id, server_id)[source]

Gets a shared storage’s server :param storage_id: :param server_id: :return:


Lists all data centers

Returns:List of data centers
Return type:dict

” List firewall policies


Lists loadbalancer rules

Parameters:lb_id (str) – ID of the load balancer
Returns:Lists of rules
Return type:list of dict

List balanced server IP addresses

Parameters:lb_id (str) – ID of the load balancer
Returns:Array of IP address IDs
Return type:dict

Lists all load balancers

Returns:List of load balancers
Return type:list of dict

Lists all monitoring policies

Returns:List of monitoring policies
Return type:dict

List all servers that are being monitoried by the policy

Parameters:policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
Returns:List of servers being monitored
Return type:list of dict

Lists all private network servers

Parameters:network_id (str) – Private network ID
Returns:List of private network servers
Return type:dict

Lists all private networks

Returns:List of private networks
Return type:dict

Lists all public IP addresses

Returns:Array of public addresses
Return type:list of dict

Gets all server IP objects

Parameters:server_id – Id of the server
Returns:List of server IP objects
Return type:list of dict

List of shared storages :return: ‘dict’

ex_modify_server_hardware(server_id, fixed_instance_size_id=None, vcore=None, cores_per_processor=None, ram=None)[source]

Modifies server’s hardware

  • server_id
  • fixed_instance_size_id – Id of the fixed instance size
  • vcore – Virtual cores count
  • cores_per_processor – Count of cores per procesor
  • ram – Amount of ram for the server











Instance of class Node

ex_modify_server_hdd(server_id, hdd_id=None, size=None)[source]

Modifies server hard disk drives

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • hdd_id – Id of the hard disk
  • size – Size of the hard disk







Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_reinstall_server_image(server_id, image_id, password=None)[source]

Installs a new image on the server

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • image_id – Id of the image (Server Appliance)
  • password – New password for the server





Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_remove_hdd(server_id, hdd_id)[source]

Removes existing hard disk

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • hdd_id – Id of the hard disk





Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_remove_load_balancer_rule(lb_id, rule_id)[source]

Removes load balancer rule

  • lb_id – Load balancer ID
  • rule_id – Rule ID
Return type:


Return type:



Instance of load balancer

Return type:


ex_remove_monitoring_policy_port(policy_id, port_id)[source]

Removes monitoring policy port

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • port_id (str) – Id of the port

Instance of a monitoring policy

Return type:


ex_remove_monitoring_policy_process(policy_id, process_id)[source]

Removes monitoring policy process

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • process_id (str) – Id of the process

Instance of a monitoring policy

Return type:


ex_remove_server_from_load_balancer(lb_id, server_ip)[source]

Removes server’s IP from load balancer

  • lb_id – Load balancer ID
  • server_ip – ID of the server IP





Instance of load balancer

Return type:


ex_remove_server_from_monitoring_policy(policy_id, server_id)[source]

Removes a server from monitoring policy

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • server_id (str) – Id of the server

Instance of a monitoring policy

Return type:


ex_remove_server_from_private_network(network_id, server_id)[source]

Removes a server from the private network

  • network_id (str) – Private Network ID
  • server_id (str) – Id of the server

Instance of the private network

Return type:


ex_remove_server_ip(server_id, ip_id, keep_ip=None)[source]

Removes an IP address from the server

  • server_id – Id of the server
  • ip_id – ID of the IP address
  • keep_ip – Indicates whether IP address will be removed from the Cloud Panel







Node instance

Return type:


ex_rename_server(server_id, name=None, description=None)[source]

Renames the server :param server_id: ID of the server you want to rename

  • name – New name of the server
  • description – New description of the server





Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_shutdown_server(server_id, method='SOFTWARE')[source]

Shuts down the server

  • server_id – Id of the server to be shut down
  • method – Method of shutting down “SOFTWARE” or “HARDWARE”



Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_update_load_balancer(lb_id, name=None, description=None, health_check_test=None, health_check_interval=None, persistence=None, persistence_time=None, method=None)[source]
ex_update_monitoring_policy(policy_id, email, thresholds, name=None, description=None)[source]

Updates monitoring policy

  • policy_id (str) – Id of the monitoring policy
  • email (str) – Email to send notifications to
  • thresholds (dict) – Thresholds for the monitoring policy
  • name (str) – Name of the monitoring policy
  • description (str) – Description of the monitoring policy

Instance of the monitoring policy being deleted

Return type:


ex_update_private_network(network_id, name=None, description=None, datacenter_id=None, network_address=None, subnet_mask=None)[source]

Updates a private network

  • name (str) – Name of the private network
  • description (str) – Description of the private network
  • datacenter_id (str) – ID of the data center for the private network
  • network_address (str) – Network address of the private network
  • subnet_mask (str) – Subnet mask of the private network

Instance of private network

Return type:


ex_update_public_ip(ip_id, reverse_dns)[source]

Updates a Public IP

  • ip_id (str) – ID of public IP
  • reverse_dns (str) – Reverse DNS

Instance of Public IP

Return type:



Returns a single node image from a provider.

Parameters:image_id (str) – Node to run the task on.

:rtype NodeImage: :return: NodeImage instance on success.

Returns:list of :class: NodeImage
Return type:list

Lists all locations

Returns:list of NodeLocation
Return type:list

List all nodes.

Returns:list of Node
Return type:list

Lists all sizes

Returns:A list of all configurable node sizes.
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = '1and1'

Reboots the node.

Parameters:node – The node you wish to destroy.
Returns:Instance of class Node
Return type:
type = 'oneandone'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula module driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.ACTION[source]

Bases: object

All actions, except RESUME, only apply when the VM is in the “Running” state.


The VM is forcibly shutdown, its memory state is deleted. If a persistent disk image was used, that disk image is transferred back to the front-end. Any non-persistent disk images are deleted.


The VM is forcibly shutdown, its memory state is deleted. If a persistent disk image was used, that disk image is transferred back to the front-end. Any non-persistent disk images are deleted.


Introduced in OpenNebula v3.2.

The VM is gracefully restarted by sending the ACPI signal.


The VM is resumed using the saved memory state from the checkpoint file, and the VM’s disk image. The VM is either started immediately, or re-scheduled depending on how it was suspended.


The VM is gracefully shutdown by sending the ACPI signal. If the VM does not shutdown, then it is considered to still be running. If successfully, shutdown, its memory state is deleted. If a persistent disk image was used, that disk image is transferred back to the front-end. Any non-persistent disk images are deleted.


The VM is stopped, and its memory state stored to a checkpoint file. VM state, and disk image, are transferred back to the front-end. Resuming the VM requires the VM instance to be re-scheduled.


The VM is stopped, and its memory state stored to a checkpoint file. The VM state, and disk image, are left on the host to be resumed later. Resuming the VM does not require the VM to be re-scheduled. Rather, after suspending, the VM resources are reserved for later resuming.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

XmlResponse class for the driver.

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Check if response contains any errors.

@raise: InvalidCredsError

Return type:ElementTree
Returns:Contents of HTTP response body.

Check if response has the appropriate HTTP response code to be a success.

Return type:bool
Returns:True is success, else False.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaConnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the driver. with plain_auth support


Add headers required by the OCCI interface.

Includes adding Basic HTTP Authorization headers for authenticating against the OCCI interface.

Parameters:headers (dict) – Dictionary containing HTTP headers.
Return type:dict
Returns:Dictionary containing updated headers.
host = ''
plain_auth = False
port = (4567, 443)

alias of OpenNebulaResponse

secure = True
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaNodeSize(id, name, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver, cpu=None, vcpu=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeSize

NodeSize class for the driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaNetwork(id, name, address, size, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Provide a common interface for handling networks of all types.

Network objects are analogous to physical switches connecting two or more physical nodes together. The Network object provides the interface in libcloud through which we can manipulate networks in different cloud providers in the same way. Network objects don’t actually do much directly themselves, instead the network driver handles the connection to the network.

You don’t normally create a network object yourself; instead you use a driver and then have that create the network for you.

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver()
>>> network = driver.create_network()
>>> network = driver.list_networks()[0]

Unique hash for this network.

The hash is a function of an SHA1 hash of the network’s ID and its driver which means that it should be unique between all networks. In some subclasses (e.g. GoGrid) there is no ID available so the public IP address is used. This means that, unlike a properly done system UUID, the same UUID may mean a different system install at a different time

>>> from import DummyNetworkDriver
>>> driver = DummyNetworkDriver()
>>> network = driver.create_network()
>>> network.get_uuid()

Note, for example, that this example will always produce the same UUID!

Return type:str
Returns:Unique identifier for this instance.
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver node driver.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'ACTIVE': running, 'DONE': terminated, 'FAILED': terminated, 'HOLD': pending, 'INIT': pending, 'PENDING': pending, 'STOPPED': terminated, 'SUSPENDED': pending}

alias of OpenNebulaConnection

create_node(name, size, image, networks=None)[source]

Create a new OpenNebula node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

Parameters:networks (OpenNebulaNetwork or list of OpenNebulaNetwork) – List of virtual networks to which this node should connect. (optional)

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

List virtual networks on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location from which to request a list of virtual networks. (optional)
Returns:List of virtual networks available to be connected to a compute node.
Return type:list of OpenNebulaNetwork
ex_node_action(node, action)[source]

Build action representation and instruct node to commit action.

Build action representation from the compute node ID, and the action which should be carried out on that compute node. Then instruct the node to carry out that action.

  • node (Node) – Compute node instance.
  • action (str) – Action to be carried out on the compute node.

False if an HTTP Bad Request is received, else, True is returned.

Return type:



List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

Return list of sizes on a provider.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

Returns:List of compute node sizes supported by the cloud provider.
Return type:list of OpenNebulaNodeSize
name = 'OpenNebula'
type = 'opennebula'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_1_4_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaNodeDriver node driver for v1.4.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


name = 'OpenNebula (v1.4)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_2_0_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebulaNodeDriver node driver for v2.0 through v2.2.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


create_node(name, size, image, networks=None, context=None)[source]

Create a new OpenNebula node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • networks (OpenNebulaNetwork or list of OpenNebulaNetwork) – List of virtual networks to which this node should connect. (optional)
  • context (dict) – Custom (key, value) pairs to be injected into compute node XML description. (optional)

Instance of a newly created node.

Return type:



Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Return list of sizes on a provider.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

Returns:List of compute node sizes supported by the cloud provider.
Return type:list of OpenNebulaNodeSize
name = 'OpenNebula (v2.0 - v2.2)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_3_0_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_2_0_NodeDriver node driver for v3.0.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


ex_node_set_save_name(node, name)[source]

Build action representation and instruct node to commit action.

Build action representation from the compute node ID, the disk image which will be saved, and the name under which the image will be saved upon shutting down the compute node.

  • node (Node) – Compute node instance.
  • name (str) – Name under which the image should be saved after shutting down the compute node.

False if an HTTP Bad Request is received, else, True is returned.

Return type:


name = 'OpenNebula (v3.0)'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_3_2_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_3_0_NodeDriver node driver for v3.2.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



Return list of sizes on a provider.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

Returns:List of compute node sizes supported by the cloud provider.
Return type:list of OpenNebulaNodeSize
name = 'OpenNebula (v3.2)'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_3_8_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.opennebula.OpenNebula_3_6_NodeDriver node driver for v3.8.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


name = 'OpenNebula (v3.8)'
plain_auth = False

libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack module

OpenStack driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_Response(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_Connection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, ex_force_base_url=None, ex_force_auth_url=None, ex_force_auth_version=None, ex_force_auth_token=None, ex_token_scope='project', ex_domain_name='Default', ex_tenant_name=None, ex_tenant_domain_id='default', ex_force_service_type=None, ex_force_service_name=None, ex_force_service_region=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStackComputeConnection

accept_format = 'application/xml'
default_content_type = 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8'

alias of OpenStack_1_0_Response

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStackNodeDriver

OpenStack node driver.

Extra node attributes:
  • password: root password, available after create.
  • hostId: represents the host your cloud server runs on
  • imageId: id of image
  • flavorId: id of flavor

alias of OpenStack_1_0_Connection

create_image(node, name, description=None, reboot=True)[source]

Create an image for node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_image

  • node (Node) – node to use as a base for image
  • name (str) – name for new image
Return type:


create_node(name, size, image, ex_metadata=None, ex_files=None, ex_shared_ip_group=None, ex_shared_ip_group_id=None)[source]

Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_files (dict) – File Path => File contents to create on the node
  • ex_shared_ip_group_id (str) – The server is launched into that shared IP group

Delete an image for node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.delete_image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – the image to be deleted
Return type:bool

Confirm a resize request which is currently in progress. If a resize request is not explicitly confirmed or reverted it’s automatically confirmed after 24 hours.

For more info refer to the API documentation:

Parameters:node (Node) – node for which the resize request will be confirmed.
Return type:bool
ex_create_ip_group(group_name, node_id=None)[source]

Creates a shared IP group.

  • group_name (str) – group name which should be used
  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:



Deletes the specified shared IP group.

Parameters:group_id (str) – group id which should be used
Return type:bool

Extra call to get account’s limits, such as rates (for example amount of POST requests per day) and absolute limits like total amount of available RAM to be used by servers.

Returns:dict with keys ‘rate’ and ‘absolute’
Return type:dict

List all server addresses.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses

Lists IDs and names for shared IP groups. If details lists all details for shared IP groups.

Parameters:details (bool) – True if details is required
Return type:list of OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup
ex_rebuild(node_id, image_id)[source]

Rebuilds the specified server.

  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
  • image_id (str) – ID of the image which should be used
Return type:


ex_resize(node, size)[source]

NOTE: This method is here for backward compatibility reasons.

You should use ex_resize_node instead.

ex_resize_node(node, size)[source]

Change an existing server flavor / scale the server up or down.

  • node (Node) – node to resize.
  • size (NodeSize) – new size.
Return type:



Revert a resize request which is currently in progress. All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours if they have not already been confirmed explicitly or reverted.

For more info refer to the API documentation:

Parameters:node (Node) – node for which the resize request will be reverted.
Return type:bool
ex_set_password(node, password)[source]

Sets the Node’s root password.

This will reboot the instance to complete the operation.

Node.extra['password'] will be set to the new value if the operation was successful.

  • node (Node) – node to set password
  • password (str) – new password.
Return type:


ex_set_server_name(node, name)[source]

Sets the Node’s name.

This will reboot the instance to complete the operation.

  • node (Node) – node to set name
  • name (str) – new name
Return type:


ex_share_ip(group_id, node_id, ip, configure_node=True)[source]

Shares an IP address to the specified server.

  • group_id (str) – group id which should be used
  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
  • ip (str) – ip which should be used
  • configure_node (bool) – configure node
Return type:


ex_unshare_ip(node_id, ip)[source]

Removes a shared IP address from the specified server.

  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
  • ip (str) – ip which should be used
Return type:


features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}
type = 'openstack'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup(id, name, servers=None)[source]

Bases: object

Shared IP group info.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses(public_addresses, private_addresses)[source]

Bases: object

List of public and private IP addresses of a Node.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_Response(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_Connection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, ex_force_base_url=None, ex_force_auth_url=None, ex_force_auth_version=None, ex_force_auth_token=None, ex_token_scope='project', ex_domain_name='Default', ex_tenant_name=None, ex_tenant_domain_id='default', ex_force_service_type=None, ex_force_service_name=None, ex_force_service_region=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStackComputeConnection

accept_format = 'application/json'
default_content_type = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'

Encode body data.

Override in a provider’s subclass.


alias of OpenStack_1_1_Response

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStackNodeDriver

OpenStack node driver.


alias of OpenStack_1_1_Connection

create_image(node, name, metadata=None)[source]

Creates a new image.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • name (str) – The name for the new image.
  • metadata (dict) – Key and value pairs for metadata.
Return type:



Create a new key pair object.

Parameters:name (str) – Key pair name.
Return type:KeyPair object
create_node(name, size, image=None, ex_keyname=None, ex_userdata=None, ex_config_drive=None, ex_security_groups=None, ex_metadata=None, ex_files=None, networks=None, ex_disk_config=None, ex_admin_pass=None, ex_availability_zone=None, ex_blockdevicemappings=None)[source]

Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_keyname (str) – The name of the key pair
  • ex_userdata (str) – String containing user data see
  • ex_config_drive (bool) – Enable config drive see
  • ex_security_groups (list of OpenStackSecurityGroup) – List of security groups to assign to the node
  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_files (dict) – File Path => File contents to create on the node
  • networks (list of OpenStackNetwork) – The server is launched into a set of Networks.
  • ex_disk_config (str) – Name of the disk configuration. Can be either AUTO or MANUAL.
  • ex_config_drive – If True enables metadata injection in a server through a configuration drive.
  • ex_admin_pass (str) – The root password for the node
  • ex_availability_zone (str) – Nova availability zone for the node
create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None, ex_description=None, ex_force=True)[source]

Create snapshot from volume

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Instance of StorageVolume
  • name (str | NoneType) – Name of snapshot (optional)
  • ex_description (str | NoneType) – Description of the snapshot (optional)
  • ex_force (bool) – Specifies if we create a snapshot that is not in state available. For example in-use. Defaults to True. (optional)
Return type:



Delete a NodeImage

@inherits: NodeDriver.delete_image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – image witch should be used
Return type:bool

Delete a KeyPair.

Parameters:keypair (OpenStackKeyPair) – KeyPair to delete
Return type:bool

Destroys a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(node, ip)[source]

Attach the floating IP to the node

Return type:



Confirms a pending resize action.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to resize.
Return type:bool

Create new floating IP. The ip_pool attribute is optional only if your infrastructure has only one IP pool available.

Parameters:ip_pool (str) – name of the floating IP pool
Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Create a new KeyPair

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the new KeyPair
Return type:OpenStackKeyPair
ex_create_network(name, cidr)[source]

Create a new Network

  • name (str) – Name of network which should be used
  • cidr (str) – cidr of network which should be used
Return type:


ex_create_security_group(name, description)[source]

Create a new Security Group

  • name (str) – Name of the new Security Group
  • description (str) – Description of the new Security Group
Return type:


ex_create_security_group_rule(security_group, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr=None, source_security_group=None)[source]

Create a new Rule in a Security Group

  • security_group (OpenStackSecurityGroup) – Security Group in which to add the rule
  • ip_protocol (str) – Protocol to which this rule applies Examples: tcp, udp, …
  • from_port (int) – First port of the port range
  • to_port (int) – Last port of the port range
  • cidr (str) – CIDR notation of the source IP range for this rule
  • source_security_group (L{OpenStackSecurityGroup) – Existing Security Group to use as the source (instead of CIDR)
Return type:


ex_create_snapshot(volume, name, description=None, force=False)[source]

Create a snapshot based off of a volume.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – volume
  • name (str) – New name for the volume snapshot
  • description (str) – Description of the snapshot (optional)
  • force (bool) – Whether to force creation (optional)
Return type:



Delete specified floating IP

Parameters:ip (OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to remove
Return type:bool

Delete a KeyPair.

Parameters:keypair (OpenStackKeyPair) – KeyPair to delete
Return type:bool

Delete a Network

Parameters:network (OpenStackNetwork) – Network which should be used
Return type:bool

Delete a Security Group.

Parameters:security_group (OpenStackSecurityGroup) – Security Group should be deleted
Return type:bool

Delete a Rule from a Security Group.

Parameters:rule (OpenStackSecurityGroupRule) – Rule should be deleted
Return type:bool

Delete a VolumeSnapshot

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – snapshot
Return type:bool
ex_detach_floating_ip_from_node(node, ip)[source]

Detach the floating IP from the node

Return type:


ex_get_console_output(node, length=None)[source]

Get console output

  • node (Node) – node
  • length (int) – Optional number of lines to fetch from the console log

Dictionary with the output

Return type:



Get specified floating IP

Parameters:ip (str) – floating IP to get
Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Get a Node’s metadata.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node
Returns:Key/Value metadata associated with node.
Return type:dict

Return the metadata associated with the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node instance
Returns:A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, associating tag names with tag values.

Retrieve the Network with the given ID

Parameters:networkId (str) – ID of the network

:rtype OpenStackNetwork


Get Security Groups of the specified server.

Return type:list of OpenStackSecurityGroup

Get a NodeSize

Parameters:size_id (str) – ID of the size which should be used
Return type:NodeSize

Get the extra_specs field of a NodeSize

Parameters:size_id (str) – ID of the size which should be used
Return type:dict
ex_import_keypair(name, keyfile)[source]

Import a KeyPair from a file

  • name (str) – Name of the new KeyPair
  • keyfile (str) – Path to the public key file (in OpenSSH format)
Return type:


ex_import_keypair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a KeyPair from a string

  • name (str) – Name of the new KeyPair
  • key_material (str) – Public key (in OpenSSH format)
Return type:



List available floating IP pools

Return type:list of OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool

List floating IPs

Return type:list of OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Get a list of KeyPairs that are available.

Return type:list of OpenStackKeyPair

Get a list of Networks that are available.

Return type:list of OpenStackNetwork

Get a list of Security Groups that are available.

Return type:list of OpenStackSecurityGroup
ex_rebuild(node, image, **kwargs)[source]

Rebuild a Node.

  • node (Node) – Node to rebuild.
  • image (NodeImage) – New image to use.
  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_files (dict) – File Path => File contents to create on the node
  • ex_keyname (str) – Name of existing public key to inject into instance
  • ex_userdata (str) – String containing user data see
  • ex_security_groups (list of OpenStackSecurityGroup) – List of security groups to assign to the node
  • ex_disk_config (str) – Name of the disk configuration. Can be either AUTO or MANUAL.
  • ex_config_drive (bool) – If True enables metadata injection in a server through a configuration drive.
Return type:


ex_rescue(node, password=None)[source]

Rescue a node

  • node (Node) – node
  • password (str) – password
Return type:


ex_resize(node, size)[source]

Change a node size.

  • node (Node) – Node to resize.
  • size (NodeSize) – New size to use.
Return type:



Cancels and reverts a pending resize action.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to resize.
Return type:bool
ex_set_metadata(node, metadata)[source]

Sets the Node’s metadata.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
Return type:


ex_set_password(node, password)[source]

Changes the administrator password for a specified server.

  • node (Node) – Node to rebuild.
  • password (str) – The administrator password.
Return type:


ex_set_server_name(node, name)[source]

Sets the Node’s name.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • name (str) – The name of the server.
Return type:



Unrescue a node

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool
ex_update_node(node, **node_updates)[source]

Update the Node’s editable attributes. The OpenStack API currently supports editing name and IPv4/IPv6 access addresses.

The driver currently only supports updating the node name.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • name (str) – New name for the server
Return type:


features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}

Get a NodeImage

@inherits: NodeDriver.get_image

Parameters:image_id (str) – ID of the image which should be used
Return type:NodeImage

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object


List all the available key pair objects.

Return type:list of KeyPair objects

List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot
type = 'openstack'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool(name, connection)[source]

Bases: object

Floating IP Pool info.


Create new floating IP in the pool

Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Delete specified floating IP from the pool

Parameters:ip (OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to remove
Return type:bool

Get specified floating IP from the pool

Parameters:ip (str) – floating IP to get
Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

List floating IPs in the pool

Return type:list of OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_2_FloatingIpPool(id, name, connection)[source]

Bases: object

Floating IP Pool info.


Create new floating IP in the pool

Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Delete specified floating IP from the pool

Parameters:ip (OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to remove
Return type:bool

Get specified floating IP from the pool

Parameters:ip (str) – floating IP to get
Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

List floating IPs in the pool

Return type:list of OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress(id, ip_address, pool, node_id=None, driver=None)[source]

Bases: object

Floating IP info.


Delete this floating IP

Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_2_PortInterfaceState[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.Type

Standard states of OpenStack_2_PortInterfaceState

ACTIVE = 'active'
BUILD = 'build'
DOWN = 'down'
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_2_PortInterface(id, state, driver, created=None, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

Port Interface info. Similar in functionality to a floating IP (can be attached / detached from a compute instance) but implementation-wise a bit different.

> A port is a connection point for attaching a single device, such as the > NIC of a server, to a network. The port also describes the associated > network configuration, such as the MAC and IP addresses to be used on > that port.

Also see:

  • id (str) – Port Interface ID.
  • state (OpenStack_2_PortInterfaceState) – State of the OpenStack_2_PortInterface.
  • created (datetime.datetime) – A datetime object that represents when the port interface was created
  • extra (dict) – Optional provided specific attributes associated with this image.

Delete this Port Interface

Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStackNodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver, libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackDriverMixin

Base OpenStack node driver. Should not be used directly.

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'ACTIVE': running, 'BUILD': pending, 'DELETED': terminated, 'DELETE_IP': pending, 'ERROR': error, 'HARD_REBOOT': rebooting, 'PASSWORD': pending, 'PREP_RESIZE': pending, 'QUEUE_RESIZE': pending, 'REBOOT': rebooting, 'REBUILD': pending, 'RESCUE': pending, 'SHARE_IP': pending, 'SHARE_IP_NO_CONFIG': pending, 'SHUTOFF': stopped, 'SUSPENDED': suspended, 'UNKNOWN': unknown, 'VERIFY_RESIZE': running}
SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP = {'available': available, 'creating': creating, 'deleting': deleting, 'error': error, 'error_restoring': error, 'restoring': restoring}
VOLUME_STATE_MAP = {'attaching': attaching, 'available': available, 'backing-up': backup, 'creating': creating, 'deleting': deleting, 'error': error, 'error_deleting': error, 'error_extending': error, 'error_restoring': error, 'in-use': inuse, 'restoring-backup': backup}
api_name = 'openstack'
attach_volume(node, volume, device='auto')[source]

Attaches volume to node.

  • node (Node) – Node to attach volume to.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to attach.
  • device (str) – Where the device is exposed, e.g. ‘/dev/sdb’


create_volume(size, name, location=None, snapshot=None, ex_volume_type=None)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes (required)
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a volume in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume. (optional)
  • ex_volume_type (str) – What kind of volume to create. (optional)

The newly created volume.

Return type:



Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_node=None)[source]

Detaches a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be detached
Return type:bool

Lists details of the specified server.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:Node

Hard reboots the specified server

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool

Soft reboots the specified server

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool

Get an image based on an image_id

@inherits: NodeDriver.get_image

Parameters:image_id (str) – Image identifier
Returns:A NodeImage object
Return type:NodeImage
list_images(location=None, ex_only_active=True)[source]

Lists all active images

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images

Parameters:ex_only_active (bool) – True if list only active (optional)

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List the nodes in a tenant

Parameters:ex_all_tenants (bool) – List nodes for all the tenants. Note: Your user must have admin privileges for this functionality to work.

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

List storage volumes.

Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'OpenStack'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.outscale module

Outscale SDK

class libcloud.compute.drivers.outscale.OutscaleNodeDriver(key: str = None, secret: str = None, region: str = 'eu-west-2', service: str = 'api', version: str = 'latest', base_uri: str = '')[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Outscale SDK node driver

attach_volume(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node, volume: libcloud.compute.base.StorageVolume, device: str = None)[source]

Attach a volume to a node.

  • node (Node) – the ID of the VM you want to attach the volume to (required)
  • volume (StorageVolume) – the ID of the volume you want to attach (required)
  • device (str) – the name of the device (required)

the attached volume

Return type:


create_image(ex_architecture: str = None, node: libcloud.compute.base.Node = None, name: str = None, description: str = None, ex_block_device_mapping: dict = None, ex_no_reboot: bool = False, ex_root_device_name: str = None, ex_dry_run: bool = False, ex_source_region_name: str = None, ex_file_location: str = None)[source]

Create a new image.

  • node (str) – a valid Node object
  • ex_architecture – The architecture of the OMI (by default,

i386). :type ex_architecture: str

  • description (str) – a description for the new OMI
  • name (str) – A unique name for the new OMI.
  • ex_block_device_mapping (dict) – One or more block device mappings.
  • ex_no_reboot – If false, the VM shuts down before creating

the OMI and then reboots. If true, the VM does not. :type ex_no_reboot: bool

  • ex_root_device_name (str) – The name of the root device.
  • ex_source_region_name – The name of the source Region,

which must be the same as the Region of your account. :type ex_source_region_name: str

Parameters:ex_file_location – The pre-signed URL of the OMI manifest

file, or the full path to the OMI stored in an OSU bucket. If you specify this parameter, a copy of the OMI is created in your account. :type ex_file_location: str

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool

Returns:the created image
Return type:dict
create_key_pair(name: str, ex_dry_run: bool = False, ex_public_key: str = None)[source]

Create a new key pair.

Parameters:name – A unique name for the keypair, with a maximum

length of 255 ASCII printable characters. :type name: str

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool

Parameters:ex_public_key (str) – The public key. It must be base64-encoded.
Returns:the created key pair
Return type:dict
create_node(image: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage, name: str = None, ex_dry_run: bool = False, ex_block_device_mapping: dict = None, ex_boot_on_creation: bool = True, ex_bsu_optimized: bool = True, ex_client_token: str = None, ex_deletion_protection: bool = False, ex_keypair_name: str = None, ex_max_vms_count: int = None, ex_min_vms_count: int = None, ex_nics: List[dict] = None, ex_performance: str = None, ex_placement: dict = None, ex_private_ips: List[str] = None, ex_security_group_ids: List[str] = None, ex_security_groups: List[str] = None, ex_subnet_id: str = None, ex_user_data: str = None, ex_vm_initiated_shutdown_behavior: str = None, ex_vm_type: str = None)[source]

Create a new instance.

  • image (NodeImage) – The image used to create the VM.
  • name (str) – The name of the Node.
  • ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool

  • ex_block_device_mapping (dict) – One or more block device mappings.
  • ex_boot_on_creation – By default or if true, the VM is

started on creation. If false, the VM is stopped on creation. :type ex_boot_on_creation: bool

Parameters:ex_bsu_optimized – If true, the VM is created with optimized

BSU I/O. :type ex_bsu_optimized: bool

Parameters:ex_client_token – A unique identifier which enables you to

manage the idempotency. :type ex_client_token: bool

Parameters:ex_deletion_protection – If true, you cannot terminate the

VM using Cockpit, the CLI or the API. If false, you can. :type ex_deletion_protection: bool

  • ex_keypair_name (str) – The name of the keypair.
  • ex_max_vms_count – The maximum number of VMs you want to

create. If all the VMs cannot be created, the largest possible number of VMs above MinVmsCount is created. :type ex_max_vms_count: integer

Parameters:ex_min_vms_count – The minimum number of VMs you want to

create. If this number of VMs cannot be created, no VMs are created. :type ex_min_vms_count: integer

Parameters:ex_nics – One or more NICs. If you specify this parameter,

you must define one NIC as the primary network interface of the VM with 0 as its device number. :type ex_nics: list of dict

Parameters:ex_performance – The performance of the VM (standard | high
  • ex_placement (dict) – Information about the placement of the VM.
  • ex_private_ips (list) – One or more private IP addresses of the VM.
  • ex_security_group_ids – One or more IDs of security group

for the VMs. :type ex_security_group_ids: list

Parameters:ex_security_groups – One or more names of security groups

for the VMs. :type ex_security_groups: list

Parameters:ex_subnet_id – The ID of the Subnet in which you want to

create the VM. :type ex_subnet_id: str

Parameters:ex_user_data – Data or script used to add a specific

configuration to the VM. It must be base64-encoded. :type ex_user_data: str

Parameters:ex_vm_initiated_shutdown_behavior – The VM behavior when

you stop it. By default or if set to stop, the VM stops. If set to restart, the VM stops then automatically restarts. If set to terminate, the VM stops and is terminated. create the VM. :type ex_vm_initiated_shutdown_behavior: str

Parameters:ex_vm_type (str) – The type of VM (t2.small by default).
Returns:the created instance
Return type:dict
create_volume(ex_subregion_name: str, ex_dry_run: bool = False, ex_iops: int = None, size: int = None, snapshot: libcloud.compute.base.VolumeSnapshot = None, ex_volume_type: str = None)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • snapshot (str) – the ID of the snapshot from which you want to create the volume (required)
  • ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool

  • size (int) – the size of the volume, in gibibytes (GiB), the maximum allowed size for a volume is 14,901 GiB
  • ex_subregion_name – The Subregion in which you want to

create the volume. :type ex_subregion_name: str

Parameters:ex_volume_type – the type of volume you want to create (io1
gp2 | standard)
Parameters:ex_iops – The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS).

This parameter must be specified only if you create an io1 volume. The maximum number of IOPS allowed for io1 volumes is 13000. :type ex_iops: integer

Returns:the created volume
Return type:dict
create_volume_snapshot(ex_description: str = None, ex_dry_run: bool = False, ex_file_location: str = None, ex_snapshot_size: int = None, ex_source_region_name: str = None, ex_source_snapshot: libcloud.compute.base.VolumeSnapshot = None, volume: libcloud.compute.base.StorageVolume = None)[source]

Create a new volume snapshot.

  • ex_description (str) – a description for the new OMI
  • ex_snapshot_size – The size of the snapshot created in your

account, in bytes. This size must be exactly the same as the source snapshot one. :type ex_snapshot_size: integer

Parameters:ex_source_snapshot – The ID of the snapshot you want to

copy. :type ex_source_snapshot: str

Parameters:volume – The ID of the volume you want to create a

snapshot of. :type volume: str

Parameters:ex_source_region_name – The name of the source Region,

which must be the same as the Region of your account. :type ex_source_region_name: str

Parameters:ex_file_location – The pre-signed URL of the OMI manifest

file, or the full path to the OMI stored in an OSU bucket. If you specify this parameter, a copy of the OMI is created in your account. :type ex_file_location: str

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool

Returns:the created snapshot
Return type:dict
delete_image(node_image: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage)[source]

Delete an image.

Parameters:node_image (str) – the ID of the OMI you want to delete (required)
Return type:bool
delete_key_pair(key_pair: libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair)[source]

Delete a key pair.

Parameters:key_pair – the name of the keypair

you want to delete (required) :type key_pair: KeyPair

Return type:bool
destroy_node(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node)[source]

Delete instance.

Parameters:node (Node) – one or more IDs of VMs (required)
Return type:bool
destroy_volume(volume: libcloud.compute.base.StorageVolume)[source]

Delete a volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – the ID of the volume you want to delete (required)
Return type:bool
destroy_volume_snapshot(snapshot: libcloud.compute.base.VolumeSnapshot)[source]

Delete a volume snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – the ID of the snapshot you want to delete (required)
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume: libcloud.compute.base.StorageVolume, ex_dry_run: bool = False, ex_force_unlink: bool = False)[source]

Detach a volume from a node.

Parameters:volume – the ID of the volume you want to detach

(required) :type volume: str

Parameters:ex_force_unlink – Forces the detachment of the volume in

case of previous failure. Important: This action may damage your data or file systems. :type ex_force_unlink: bool

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool

Returns:the attached volume
Return type:dict
ex_accept_net_peering(net_peering_id: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Accepts a Net peering connection request. To accept this request, you must be the owner of the peer Net. If you do not accept the request within 7 days, the state of the Net peering connection becomes expired.

Parameters:net_peering_id – The ID of the Net peering connection you

want to accept. (required) :type net_peering_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The accepted Net Peering
Return type:dict
ex_attach_public_ip(allow_relink: bool = None, dry_run: bool = False, nic_id: str = None, vm_id: str = None, public_ip: str = None, public_ip_id: str = None)[source]

Attach public ip to a node.

Parameters:allow_relink – If true, allows the EIP to be associated

with the VM or NIC that you specify even if it is already associated with another VM or NIC. :type allow_relink: bool

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

:param nic_id:(Net only) The ID of the NIC. This parameter is required if the VM has more than one NIC attached. Otherwise, you need to specify the VmId parameter instead. You cannot specify both parameters at the same time. :type nic_id: str

  • vm_id – the ID of the VM
  • public_ip – The EIP. In the public Cloud, this parameter

is required. :type public_ip: str

Parameters:public_ip_id – The allocation ID of the EIP. In a Net,

this parameter is required. :type public_ip_id: str

Returns:the attached volume
Return type:dict
ex_check_account(login: str, password: str, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Validates the authenticity of the account.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

  • login (str) – the login of the account
  • password (str) – the password of the account
  • dry_run (bool) – the password of the account

True if the action successful

Return type:


ex_create_access_key(expiration_date: datetime.datetime = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a new secret access key and the corresponding access key ID for a specified user. The created key is automatically set to ACTIVE.

Parameters:expiration_date – The date and time at which you want the

access key to expire, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2017-06-14 or 2017-06-14T00:00:00Z). If not specified, the access key has no expiration date. :type expiration_date: datetime

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:access key if action is successful
Return type:dict
ex_create_account(city: str = None, company_name: str = None, country: str = None, customer_id: str = None, email: str = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, zip_code: str = None, job_title: str = None, mobile_number: str = None, phone_number: str = None, state_province: str = None, vat_number: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a new 3DS OUTSCALE account.

You need 3DS OUTSCALE credentials and the appropriate quotas to create a new account via API. To get quotas, you can send an email to If you want to pass a numeral value as a string instead of an integer, you must wrap your string in additional quotes (for example, ‘“92000”’).

  • city (str) – The city of the account owner.
  • company_name – The name of the company for the account.

permissions to perform the action. :type company_name: str

  • country (str) – The country of the account owner.
  • customer_id (str) – The ID of the customer. It must be 8 digits.
  • email (str) – The email address for the account.
  • first_name (str) – The first name of the account owner.
  • last_name (str) – The last name of the account owner.
  • zip_code (str) – The ZIP code of the city.
  • job_title (str) – The job title of the account owner.
  • mobile_number – The mobile phone number of the account

owner. :type mobile_number: str

Parameters:phone_number – The landline phone number of the account

owner. :type phone_number: str

  • state_province (str) – The state/province of the account.
  • vat_number – The value added tax (VAT) number for

the account. :type vat_number: str

Parameters:dry_run (bool) – the password of the account
Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_create_client_gateway(bgp_asn: int = None, connection_type: str = None, public_ip: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Provides information about your client gateway. This action registers information to identify the client gateway that you deployed in your network. To open a tunnel to the client gateway, you must provide the communication protocol type, the valid fixed public IP address of the gateway, and an Autonomous System Number (ASN).

Parameters:bgp_asn – An Autonomous System Number (ASN) used by

the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to find the path to your client gateway through the Internet. (required) :type bgp_asn: int (required)

Parameters:connection_type – The communication protocol used to

establish tunnel with your client gateway (only ipsec.1 is supported). (required) :type connection_type: str

Parameters:public_ip – The public fixed IPv4 address of your

client gateway. (required) :type public_ip: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Client Gateway as dict
Return type:dict
ex_create_dhcp_options(domaine_name: str = None, domaine_name_servers: list = None, ntp_servers: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a new set of DHCP options, that you can then associate with a Net using the UpdateNet method.

Parameters:domaine_name – Specify a domain name

(for example, You can specify only one domain name. :type domaine_name: str

Parameters:domaine_name_servers – The IP addresses of domain name

servers. If no IP addresses are specified, the OutscaleProvidedDNS value is set by default. :type domaine_name_servers: list of str

Parameters:ntp_servers – The IP addresses of the Network Time

Protocol (NTP) servers. :type ntp_servers: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The created Dhcp Options
Return type:dict

Creates a new DirectLink between a customer network and a specified DirectLink location.

Parameters:bandwidth – The bandwidth of the DirectLink

(1Gbps | 10Gbps). (required) :type bandwidth: str

  • direct_link_name (str) – The name of the DirectLink. (required)
  • location – The code of the requested location for

the DirectLink, returned by the list_locations method. Protocol (NTP) servers. :type location: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Direct Link
Return type:dict

Creates a DirectLink interface. DirectLink interfaces enable you to reach one of your Nets through a virtual gateway.

Parameters:direct_link_id – The ID of the existing DirectLink for which

you want to create the DirectLink interface. (required) :type direct_link_id: str

Parameters:bgp_asn – The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) ASN (Autonomous

System Number) on the customer’s side of the DirectLink interface. (required) :type bgp_asn: int

  • bgp_key (str) – The BGP authentication key.
  • client_private_ip – The IP address on the customer’s side

of the DirectLink interface. (required) :type client_private_ip: str

Parameters:direct_link_interface_name – The name of the DirectLink

interface. (required) :type direct_link_interface_name: str

Parameters:outscale_private_ip – The IP address on 3DS OUTSCALE’s side

of the DirectLink interface. :type outscale_private_ip: str

:param virtual_gateway_id:The ID of the target virtual gateway. (required) :type virtual_gateway_id: str

Parameters:vlan – The VLAN number associated with the DirectLink

interface. (required) :type vlan: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Direct Link Interface
Return type:dict
ex_create_flexible_gpu(delete_on_vm_deletion: bool = None, generation: str = None, model_name: str = None, subregion_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Allocates a flexible GPU (fGPU) to your account. You can then attach this fGPU to a virtual machine (VM).

Parameters:delete_on_vm_deletion – If true, the fGPU is deleted when

the VM is terminated. :type delete_on_vm_deletion: bool

Parameters:generation – The processor generation that the fGPU must be

compatible with. If not specified, the oldest possible processor generation is selected (as provided by ReadFlexibleGpuCatalog for the specified model of fGPU). :type generation: str

Parameters:model_name – The model of fGPU you want to allocate. For

more information, see About Flexible GPUs: (required) :type model_name: str

Parameters:subregion_name – The Subregion in which you want to create

the fGPU. (required) :type subregion_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Flexible GPU
Return type:dict
ex_create_image_export_task(image: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage = None, osu_export_disk_image_format: str = None, osu_export_api_key_id: str = None, osu_export_api_secret_key: str = None, osu_export_bucket: str = None, osu_export_manifest_url: str = None, osu_export_prefix: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Exports an Outscale machine image (OMI) to an Object Storage Unit (OSU) bucket. This action enables you to copy an OMI between accounts in different Regions. To copy an OMI in the same Region, you can also use the CreateImage method. The copy of the OMI belongs to you and is independent from the source OMI.

  • image (NodeImage) – The ID of the OMI to export. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Parameters:osu_export_disk_image_format – The format of the

export disk (qcow2 | vdi | vmdk). (required) :type osu_export_disk_image_format: str

Parameters:osu_export_api_key_id – The API key of the OSU

account that enables you to access the bucket. :type osu_export_api_key_id: str

Parameters:osu_export_api_secret_key – The secret key of the

OSU account that enables you to access the bucket. :type osu_export_api_secret_key: str

Parameters:osu_export_bucket – The name of the OSU bucket

you want to export the object to. (required) :type osu_export_bucket: str

  • osu_export_manifest_url (str) – The URL of the manifest file.
  • osu_export_prefix – The prefix for the key of

the OSU object. This key follows this format: prefix + object_export_task_id + ‘.’ + disk_image_format. :type osu_export_prefix: str

Returns:the created image export task
Return type:dict
ex_create_internet_service(dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates an Internet service you can use with a Net. An Internet service enables your virtual machines (VMs) launched in a Net to connect to the Internet. By default, a Net includes an Internet service, and each Subnet is public. Every VM launched within a default Subnet has a private and a public IP addresses.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Internet Service
Return type:dict
ex_create_listener_rule(vms: [<class 'libcloud.compute.base.Node'>] = None, l_load_balancer_name: str = None, l_load_balancer_port: str = None, lr_action: str = None, lr_host_name_pattern: str = None, lr_id: str = None, lr_name: str = None, lr_path_pattern: str = None, lr_priority: int = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a rule for traffic redirection for the specified listener. Each rule must have either the HostNamePattern or PathPattern parameter specified. Rules are treated in priority order, from the highest value to the lowest value. Once the rule is created, you need to register backend VMs with it. For more information, see the RegisterVmsInLoadBalancer method.

  • vms (list of Node) – The IDs of the backend VMs. (required)
  • l_load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer to

which the listener is attached. (required) :type l_load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:l_load_balancer_port – The port of load balancer on which

the load balancer is listening (between 1 and 65535 both included). (required) :type l_load_balancer_port: int

Parameters:lr_action – The type of action for the rule

(always forward). :type lr_action: str

Parameters:lr_host_name_pattern – A host-name pattern for the rule,

with a maximum length of 128 characters. This host-name pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [-.?]. :type lr_host_name_pattern: str

  • lr_id (str) – The ID of the listener.
  • lr_name (str) – A human-readable name for the listener rule.
  • lr_path_pattern – A path pattern for the rule, with a

maximum length of 128 characters. This path pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [_-.$/~”’@:+?]. :type lr_path_pattern: str

Parameters:lr_priority – The priority level of the listener rule,

between 1 and 19999 both included. Each rule must have a unique priority level. Otherwise, an error is returned. (required) :type lr_priority: int

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Listener Rule
Return type:dict
ex_create_load_balancer(load_balancer_name: str = None, load_balancer_type: str = None, security_groups: List[str] = None, subnets: List[str] = None, subregion_names: str = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, l_backend_port: int = None, l_backend_protocol: str = None, l_load_balancer_port: int = None, l_load_balancer_protocol: str = None, l_server_certificate_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a load balancer. The load balancer is created with a unique Domain Name Service (DNS) name. It receives the incoming traffic and routes it to its registered virtual machines (VMs). By default, this action creates an Internet-facing load balancer, resolving to public IP addresses. To create an internal load balancer in a Net, resolving to private IP addresses, use the LoadBalancerType parameter.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer for

which you want to create listeners. (required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:load_balancer_type – The type of load balancer:

internet-facing or internal. Use this parameter only for load balancers in a Net. :type load_balancer_type: str

Parameters:security_groups – One or more IDs of security groups you

want to assign to the load balancer. :type security_groups: list of str

Parameters:subnets – One or more IDs of Subnets in your Net that you

want to attach to the load balancer. :type subnets: list of str

Parameters:subregion_names – One or more names of Subregions

(currently, only one Subregion is supported). This parameter is not required if you create a load balancer in a Net. To create an internal load balancer, use the LoadBalancerType parameter. :type subregion_names: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1

character. (required) :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The value of the tag, between 0 and 255

characters. (required) :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:l_backend_port – The port on which the back-end VM is

listening (between 1 and 65535, both included). (required) :type l_backend_port: int

Parameters:l_backend_protocol – The protocol for routing traffic to

back-end VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL | UDP). :type l_backend_protocol: int

Parameters:l_load_balancer_port – The port on which the load balancer

is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included). (required) :type l_load_balancer_port: int

Parameters:l_load_balancer_protocol – The routing protocol

(HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL | UDP). (required) :type l_load_balancer_protocol: str

Parameters:l_server_certificate_id – The ID of the server certificate.

(required) :type l_server_certificate_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Load Balancer
Return type:dict
ex_create_load_balancer_listeners(load_balancer_name: str = None, l_backend_port: int = None, l_backend_protocol: str = None, l_load_balancer_port: int = None, l_load_balancer_protocol: str = None, l_server_certificate_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates one or more listeners for a specified load balancer.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer for

which you want to create listeners. (required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:l_backend_port – The port on which the back-end VM is

listening (between 1 and 65535, both included). (required) :type l_backend_port: int

Parameters:l_backend_protocol – The protocol for routing traffic to

back-end VMs (HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL | UDP). :type l_backend_protocol: int

Parameters:l_load_balancer_port – The port on which the load balancer

is listening (between 1 and 65535, both included). (required) :type l_load_balancer_port: int

Parameters:l_load_balancer_protocol – The routing protocol

(HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL | UDP). (required) :type l_load_balancer_protocol: str

Parameters:l_server_certificate_id – The ID of the server certificate.

(required) :type l_server_certificate_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Load Balancer Listener
Return type:dict
ex_create_load_balancer_policy(cookie_name: str = None, load_balancer_name: str = None, policy_name: str = None, policy_type: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes defined by the browser lifetime. The created policy can be used with HTTP or HTTPS listeners only. If this policy is implemented by a load balancer, this load balancer uses this cookie in all incoming requests to direct them to the specified back-end server virtual machine (VM). If this cookie is not present, the load balancer sends the request to any other server according to its load-balancing algorithm.

You can also create a stickiness policy with sticky session lifetimes following the lifetime of an application-generated cookie. Unlike the other type of stickiness policy, the lifetime of the special Load Balancer Unit (LBU) cookie follows the lifetime of the application-generated cookie specified in the policy configuration. The load balancer inserts a new stickiness cookie only when the application response includes a new application cookie. The session stops being sticky if the application cookie is removed or expires, until a new application cookie is issued.

Parameters:cookie_name – The name of the application cookie used for

stickiness. This parameter is required if you create a stickiness policy based on an application-generated cookie. :type cookie_name: str

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer for

which you want to create a policy. (required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:policy_name – The name of the policy. This name must be

unique and consist of alphanumeric characters and dashes (-). (required) :type policy_name: str

Parameters:policy_type – The type of stickiness policy you want to

create: app or load_balancer. (required) :type policy_type: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Load Balancer Policy
Return type:dict
ex_create_load_balancer_tags(load_balancer_names: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Adds one or more tags to the specified load balancers. If a tag with the same key already exists for the load balancer, the tag value is replaced.

Parameters:load_balancer_names – The name of the load balancer for

which you want to create listeners. (required) :type load_balancer_names: str

Parameters:tag_keys – The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1

character. (required) :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The value of the tag, between 0 and 255

characters. (required) :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Load Balancer Tags
Return type:dict
ex_create_nat_service(public_ip: str = None, subnet_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a network address translation (NAT) service in the specified public Subnet of a Net. A NAT service enables virtual machines (VMs) placed in the private Subnet of this Net to connect to the Internet, without being accessible from the Internet. When creating a NAT service, you specify the allocation ID of the External IP (EIP) you want to use as public IP for the NAT service. Once the NAT service is created, you need to create a route in the route table of the private Subnet, with as destination and the ID of the NAT service as target. For more information, see LinkPublicIP and CreateRoute. This action also enables you to create multiple NAT services in the same Net (one per public Subnet).

Parameters:public_ip – The allocation ID of the EIP to associate

with the NAT service. (required) :type public_ip: str

Parameters:subnet_id – The ID of the Subnet in which you want to

create the NAT service. (required) :type subnet_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Nat Service
Return type:dict
ex_create_net(ip_range: str = None, tenancy: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a Net with a specified IP range. The IP range (network range) of your Net must be between a /28 netmask (16 IP addresses) and a /16 netmask (65 536 IP addresses).

Parameters:ip_range – The IP range for the Net, in CIDR notation

(for example, (required) :type ip_range: str

Parameters:tenancy – The tenancy options for the VMs (default if a VM

created in a Net can be launched with any tenancy, dedicated if it can be launched with dedicated tenancy VMs running on single-tenant hardware). :type tenancy: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Nat Service
Return type:dict
ex_create_net_access_point(net_id: str = None, route_table_ids: List[str] = None, service_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a Net access point to access a 3DS OUTSCALE service from this Net without using the Internet and External IP addresses. You specify the service using its prefix list name. For more information, see DescribePrefixLists: To control the routing of traffic between the Net and the specified service, you can specify one or more route tables. Virtual machines placed in Subnets associated with the specified route table thus use the Net access point to access the service. When you specify a route table, a route is automatically added to it with the destination set to the prefix list ID of the service, and the target set to the ID of the access point.

  • net_id (str) – The ID of the Net. (required)
  • route_table_ids – One or more IDs of route tables to use

for the connection. :type route_table_ids: list of str

Parameters:service_name – The prefix list name corresponding to the

service (for example, for OSU). (required) :type service_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Access Net Point
Return type:dict
ex_create_net_peering(accepter_net_id: str = None, source_net_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Requests a Net peering connection between a Net you own and a peer Net that belongs to you or another account. This action creates a Net peering connection that remains in the pending-acceptance state until it is accepted by the owner of the peer Net. If the owner of the peer Net does not accept the request within 7 days, the state of the Net peering connection becomes expired. For more information, see AcceptNetPeering:

Parameters:accepter_net_id – The ID of the Net you want to connect

with. (required) :type accepter_net_id: str

Parameters:source_net_id – The ID of the Net you send the peering

request from. (required) :type source_net_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Net Peering
Return type:dict
ex_create_nic(description: str = None, private_ips_is_primary: List[str] = None, private_ips: List[str] = None, security_group_ids: List[str] = None, subnet_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a network interface card (NIC) in the specified Subnet.

  • description (str) – A description for the NIC.
  • private_ips_is_primary – If true, the IP address is the

primary private IP address of the NIC. :type private_ips_is_primary: list of str

  • private_ips (list of str) – The private IP addresses of the NIC.
  • security_group_ids – One or more IDs of security groups for

the NIC. :type security_group_ids: list of str

Parameters:subnet_id – The ID of the Subnet in which you want to

create the NIC. (required) :type subnet_id: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Nic
Return type:dict
ex_create_public_ip(dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Create a new public ip.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:the created public ip
Return type:dict
ex_create_route(destination_ip_range: str = None, gateway_id: str = None, nat_service_id: str = None, net_peering_id: str = None, nic_id: str = None, route_table_id: str = None, vm_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a route in a specified route table within a specified Net. You must specify one of the following elements as the target:

  • Net peering connection
  • NAT VM
  • Internet service
  • Virtual gateway
  • NAT service
  • Network interface card (NIC)

The routing algorithm is based on the most specific match.

Parameters:destination_ip_range – The IP range used for the

destination match, in CIDR notation (for example, (required) :type destination_ip_range: str

Parameters:gateway_id – The ID of an Internet service or virtual

gateway attached to your Net. :type gateway_id: str

  • nat_service_id (str) – The ID of a NAT service.
  • net_peering_id (str) – The ID of a Net peering connection.
  • nic_id (str) – The ID of a NIC.
  • vm_id – The ID of a NAT VM in your Net (attached to exactly

one NIC). :type vm_id: str

Parameters:route_table_id – The ID of the route table for which you

want to create a route. (required) :type route_table_id: str`

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Route
Return type:dict
ex_create_route_table(net_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a route table for a specified Net. You can then add routes and associate this route table with a Subnet.

Parameters:net_id – The ID of the Net for which you want to create a

route table. (required) :type net_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Route Table
Return type:dict
ex_create_security_group(description: str = None, net_id: str = None, security_group_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a security group. This action creates a security group either in the public Cloud or in a specified Net. By default, a default security group for use in the public Cloud and a default security group for use in a Net are created. When launching a virtual machine (VM), if no security group is explicitly specified, the appropriate default security group is assigned to the VM. Default security groups include a default rule granting VMs network access to each other. When creating a security group, you specify a name. Two security groups for use in the public Cloud or for use in a Net cannot have the same name. You can have up to 500 security groups in the public Cloud. You can create up to 500 security groups per Net. To add or remove rules, use the ex_create_security_group_rule method.

Parameters:description – A description for the security group, with a

maximum length of 255 ASCII printable characters. (required) :type description: str

  • net_id (str) – The ID of the Net for the security group.
  • security_group_name – The name of the security group.

(required) :type security_group_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Security Group
Return type:dict
ex_create_security_group_rule(flow: str = None, from_port_range: int = None, ip_range: str = None, rules: List[dict] = None, sg_account_id_to_link: str = None, sg_id: str = None, sg_name_to_link: str = None, to_port_range: int = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Configures the rules for a security group. The modifications are effective at virtual machine (VM) level as quickly as possible, but a small delay may occur.

You can add one or more egress rules to a security group for use with a Net. It allows VMs to send traffic to either one or more destination IP address ranges or destination security groups for the same Net. We recommend using a set of IP permissions to authorize outbound access to a destination security group. We also recommended this method to create a rule with a specific IP protocol and a specific port range. In a set of IP permissions, we recommend to specify the the protocol.

You can also add one or more ingress rules to a security group. In the public Cloud, this action allows one or more IP address ranges to access a security group for your account, or allows one or more security groups (source groups) to access a security group for your own 3DS OUTSCALE account or another one. In a Net, this action allows one or more IP address ranges to access a security group for your Net, or allows one or more other security groups (source groups) to access a security group for your Net. All the security groups must be for the same Net.

Parameters:flow – The direction of the flow: Inbound or Outbound.

You can specify Outbound for Nets only.type (required) description: bool

Parameters:from_port_range – The beginning of the port range for

the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. :type from_port_range: int

Parameters:ip_range – The name The IP range for the security group

rule, in CIDR notation (for example, :type ip_range: str

Parameters:rules – Information about the security group rule to create: :type rules: list of dict

Parameters:sg_account_id_to_link – The account ID of the

owner of the security group for which you want to create a rule. :type sg_account_id_to_link: str

Parameters:sg_id – The ID of the security group for which

you want to create a rule. (required) :type sg_id: str

Parameters:sg_name_to_link – The ID of the source security

group. If you are in the Public Cloud, you can also specify the name of the source security group. :type sg_name_to_link: str

Parameters:to_port_range – TThe end of the port range for the TCP and

UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. :type to_port_range: int

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Security Group Rule
Return type:dict
ex_create_server_certificate(body: str = None, chain: str = None, name: str = None, path: str = None, private_key: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a server certificate and its matching private key. These elements can be used with other services (for example, to configure SSL termination on load balancers). You can also specify the chain of intermediate certification authorities if your certificate is not directly signed by a root one. You can specify multiple intermediate certification authorities in the CertificateChain parameter. To do so, concatenate all certificates in the correct order (the first certificate must be the authority of your certificate, the second must the the authority of the first one, and so on). The private key must be a RSA key in PKCS1 form. To check this, open the PEM file and ensure its header reads as follows: BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY. [IMPORTANT] This private key must not be protected by a password or a passphrase.

  • body (str) – The PEM-encoded X509 certificate. (required)
  • chain – The PEM-encoded intermediate certification

authorities. :type chain: str

Parameters:name – A unique name for the certificate. Constraints:

1-128 alphanumeric characters, pluses (+), equals (=), commas (,), periods (.), at signs (@), minuses (-), or underscores (_). (required) :type name: str

Parameters:path – The path to the server certificate, set to a slash

(/) if not specified. :type path: str

Parameters:private_key – The PEM-encoded private key matching

the certificate. (required) :type private_key: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new server certificate
Return type:dict
ex_create_snapshot_export_task(osu_export_disk_image_format: str = None, osu_export_api_key_id: str = None, osu_export_api_secret_key: str = None, osu_export_bucket: str = None, osu_export_manifest_url: str = None, osu_export_prefix: str = None, snapshot: libcloud.compute.base.VolumeSnapshot = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Exports a snapshot to an Object Storage Unit (OSU) bucket. This action enables you to create a backup of your snapshot or to copy it to another account. You, or other users you send a pre-signed URL to, can then download this snapshot from the OSU bucket using the CreateSnapshot method. This procedure enables you to copy a snapshot between accounts within the same Region or in different Regions. To copy a snapshot within the same Region, you can also use the CreateSnapshot direct method. The copy of the source snapshot is independent and belongs to you.

Parameters:osu_export_disk_image_format – The format of the export

disk (qcow2 | vdi | vmdk). (required) :type osu_export_disk_image_format: str

Parameters:osu_export_api_key_id – The API key of the OSU account

that enables you to access the bucket. :type osu_export_api_key_id : str

Parameters:osu_export_api_secret_key – The secret key of the OSU

account that enables you to access the bucket. :type osu_export_api_secret_key : str

Parameters:osu_export_bucket – The name of the OSU bucket you want

to export the object to. (required) :type osu_export_bucket : str

Parameters:osu_export_manifest_url – The URL of the manifest file.

:type osu_export_manifest_url : str

Parameters:osu_export_prefix – The prefix for the key of the OSU

object. This key follows this format: prefix + object_export_task_id + ‘.’ + disk_image_format. :type osu_export_prefix : str

Parameters:snapshot – The ID of the snapshot to export. (required)

:type snapshot : VolumeSnapshot

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run : bool

Returns:the created snapshot export task
Return type:dict
ex_create_subnet(ip_range: str = None, net_id: str = None, subregion_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a Subnet in an existing Net. To create a Subnet in a Net, you have to provide the ID of the Net and the IP range for the Subnet (its network range). Once the Subnet is created, you cannot modify its IP range. The IP range of the Subnet can be either the same as the Net one if you create only a single Subnet in this Net, or a subset of the Net one. In case of several Subnets in a Net, their IP ranges must not overlap. The smallest Subnet you can create uses a /30 netmask (four IP addresses).

Parameters:ip_range – The IP range in the Subnet, in CIDR notation

(for example, (required) :type ip_range: str

Parameters:net_id – The ID of the Net for which you want to create a

Subnet. (required) :type net_id: str

Parameters:subregion_name – TThe name of the Subregion in which you

want to create the Subnet. :type subregion_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Subnet
Return type:dict
ex_create_tag(resource_ids: list, tag_key: str = None, tag_value: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Adds one tag to the specified resources. If a tag with the same key already exists for the resource, the tag value is replaced. You can tag the following resources using their IDs:

  • resource_ids (list) – One or more resource IDs. (required)
  • tag_key – The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.

(required) :type tag_key: str

Parameters:tag_value – The value of the tag, between

0 and 255 characters. (required) :type tag_value: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. (required) :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_create_tags(resource_ids: list, tags: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Adds one or more tags to the specified resources. If a tag with the same key already exists for the resource, the tag value is replaced. You can tag the following resources using their IDs:

  • resource_ids (list) – One or more resource IDs. (required)
  • tags – The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.

(required) :type tags: list of dict

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_create_virtual_gateway(connection_type: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a virtual gateway. A virtual gateway is the access point on the Net side of a VPN connection.

Parameters:connection_type – The type of VPN connection supported

by the virtual gateway (only ipsec.1 is supported). (required) :type connection_type: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new virtual gateway
Return type:dict
ex_create_vpn_connection(client_gateway_id: str = None, connection_type: str = None, static_routes_only: bool = None, virtual_gateway_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a VPN connection between a specified virtual gateway and a specified client gateway. You can create only one VPN connection between a virtual gateway and a client gateway.

  • client_gateway_id (str) – The ID of the client gateway. (required)
  • connection_type – The type of VPN connection (only ipsec.1

is supported). (required) :type connection_type: str

Parameters:static_routes_only – If false, the VPN connection uses

dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). If true, routing is controlled using static routes. For more information about how to create and delete static routes, see CreateVpnConnectionRoute: and DeleteVpnConnectionRoute: :type static_routes_only: bool

Parameters:virtual_gateway_id – The ID of the virtual gateway.

(required) :type virtual_gateway_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Vpn Connection
Return type:dict
ex_create_vpn_connection_route(destination_ip_range: str = None, vpn_connection_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Creates a static route to a VPN connection. This enables you to select the network flows sent by the virtual gateway to the target VPN connection.

Parameters:destination_ip_range – The network prefix of the route, in

CIDR notation (for example, :type destination_ip_range: str

Parameters:vpn_connection_id – The ID of the target VPN connection of

the static route. (required) :type vpn_connection_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_access_key(access_key_id: str, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes the specified access key associated with the account that sends the request.

Parameters:access_key_id – The ID of the access key you want to

delete. (required) :type access_key_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_client_gateway(client_gateway_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a client gateway. You must delete the VPN connection before deleting the client gateway.

Parameters:client_gateway_id – The ID of the client gateway

you want to delete. (required) :type client_gateway_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Returns True if action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_dhcp_options(dhcp_options_set_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified DHCP options set. Before deleting a DHCP options set, you must disassociate it from the Nets you associated it with. To do so, you need to associate with each Net a new set of DHCP options, or the default one if you do not want to associate any DHCP options with the Net.

Parameters:dhcp_options_set_id – The ID of the DHCP options set

you want to delete. (required) :type dhcp_options_set_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Deletes a specified DirectLink. Before deleting a DirectLink, ensure that all your DirectLink interfaces related to this DirectLink are deleted.

Parameters:direct_link_id – The ID of the DirectLink you want to

delete. (required) :type direct_link_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Deletes a specified DirectLink interface.

Parameters:direct_link_interface_id – TThe ID of the DirectLink

interface you want to delete. (required) :type direct_link_interface_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_export_task(export_task_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes an export task. If the export task is not running, the command fails and an error is returned.

Parameters:export_task_id – The ID of the export task to delete.

(required) :type export_task_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_flexible_gpu(flexible_gpu_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Releases a flexible GPU (fGPU) from your account. The fGPU becomes free to be used by someone else.

Parameters:flexible_gpu_id – The ID of the fGPU you want

to delete. (required) :type flexible_gpu_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_internet_service(internet_service_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes an Internet service. Before deleting an Internet service, you must detach it from any Net it is attached to.

Parameters:internet_service_id – The ID of the Internet service you

want to delete.(required) :type internet_service_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_listener_rule(listener_rule_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a listener rule. The previously active rule is disabled after deletion.

Parameters:listener_rule_name – The name of the rule you want to

delete. (required) :type listener_rule_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_load_balancer(load_balancer_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified load balancer.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer you want

to delete. (required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_load_balancer_listeners(load_balancer_name: str = None, load_balancer_ports: List[int] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes listeners of a specified load balancer.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer for

which you want to delete listeners. (required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:load_balancer_ports – One or more port numbers of the

listeners you want to delete.. (required) :type load_balancer_ports: list of int

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_load_balancer_policy(load_balancer_name: str = None, policy_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified policy from a load balancer. In order to be deleted, the policy must not be enabled for any listener.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer for

which you want to delete a policy. (required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:policy_name – The name of the policy you want to delete.

(required) :type policy_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_load_balancer_tags(load_balancer_names: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified load balancer tags.

Parameters:load_balancer_names – The names of the load balancer for

which you want to delete tags. (required) :type load_balancer_names: str

Parameters:tag_keys – The key of the tag, with a minimum of

1 character. :type tag_keys: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_nat_service(nat_service_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified network address translation (NAT) service. This action disassociates the External IP address (EIP) from the NAT service, but does not release this EIP from your account. However, it does not delete any NAT service routes in your route tables.

Parameters:nat_service_id – TThe ID of the NAT service you want to

delete. (required) :type nat_service_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_net(net_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified Net. Before deleting the Net, you need to delete or detach all the resources associated with the Net:

  • Virtual machines (VMs)
  • Net peering connections
  • Custom route tables
  • External IP addresses (EIPs) allocated to resources in the Net
  • Network Interface Cards (NICs) created in the Subnets
  • Virtual gateways, Internet services and NAT services
  • Load balancers
  • Security groups
  • Subnets
  • net_id (str) – The ID of the Net you want to delete. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_net_access_point(net_access_point_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes one or more Net access point. This action also deletes the corresponding routes added to the route tables you specified for the Net access point.

Parameters:net_access_point_id – The ID of the Net access point.

(required) :type net_access_point_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_net_peering(net_peering_id: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a Net peering connection. If the Net peering connection is in the active state, it can be deleted either by the owner of the requester Net or the owner of the peer Net. If it is in the pending-acceptance state, it can be deleted only by the owner of the requester Net. If it is in the rejected, failed, or expired states, it cannot be deleted.

Parameters:net_peering_id – The ID of the Net peering connection you

want to delete. (required) :type net_peering_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_nic(nic_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes the specified network interface card (NIC). The network interface must not be attached to any virtual machine (VM).

  • nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC you want to delete. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_public_ip(dry_run: bool = False, public_ip: str = None, public_ip_id: str = None)[source]

Delete public ip.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Parameters:public_ip – The EIP. In the public Cloud, this parameter is

required. :type public_ip: str

Parameters:public_ip_id – The ID representing the association of the

EIP with the VM or the NIC. In a Net, this parameter is required. :type public_ip_id: str

Return type:dict
ex_delete_route(destination_ip_range: str = None, route_table_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a route from a specified route table.

Parameters:destination_ip_range – The exact IP range for the route.

(required) :type destination_ip_range: str

Parameters:route_table_id – The ID of the route table from which you

want to delete a route. (required) :type route_table_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_route_table(route_table_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified route table. Before deleting a route table, you must disassociate it from any Subnet. You cannot delete the main route table.

Parameters:route_table_id – The ID of the route table you want to

delete. (required) :type route_table_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_security_group(security_group_id: str = None, security_group_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified security group. You can specify either the name of the security group or its ID. This action fails if the specified group is associated with a virtual machine (VM) or referenced by another security group.

Parameters:security_group_id – The ID of the security group you want

to delete. :type security_group_id: str

  • security_group_name (str) – TThe name of the security group.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_security_group_rule(flow: str = None, from_port_range: int = None, ip_protocol: str = None, ip_range: str = None, rules: List[dict] = None, sg_account_id_to_unlink: str = None, sg_id: str = None, sg_name_to_unlink: str = None, to_port_range: int = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes one or more inbound or outbound rules from a security group. For the rule to be deleted, the values specified in the deletion request must exactly match the value of the existing rule. In case of TCP and UDP protocols, you have to indicate the destination port or range of ports. In case of ICMP protocol, you have to specify the ICMP type and code. Rules (IP permissions) consist of the protocol, IP address range or source security group. To remove outbound access to a destination security group, we recommend to use a set of IP permissions. We also recommend to specify the protocol in a set of IP permissions.

Parameters:flow – The direction of the flow: Inbound or Outbound.

You can specify Outbound for Nets only.type (required) description: bool

Parameters:from_port_range – The beginning of the port range for

the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. :type from_port_range: int

Parameters:ip_range – The name The IP range for the security group

rule, in CIDR notation (for example, :type ip_range: str

Parameters:ip_protocol – The IP protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp) or

protocol number. By default, -1, which means all protocols. :type ip_protocol: str

Parameters:rules – Information about the security group rule to create: :type rules: list of dict

Parameters:sg_account_id_to_unlink – The account ID of the

owner of the security group for which you want to delete a rule. :type sg_account_id_to_unlink: str

Parameters:sg_id – The ID of the security group for which

you want to delete a rule. (required) :type sg_id: str

Parameters:sg_name_to_unlink – The ID of the source security

group. If you are in the Public Cloud, you can also specify the name of the source security group. :type sg_name_to_unlink: str

Parameters:to_port_range – TThe end of the port range for the TCP and

UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. :type to_port_range: int

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Security Group Rule
Return type:dict
ex_delete_server_certificate(name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified server certificate.

Parameters:name – The name of the server certificate you

want to delete. (required) :type name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_subnet(subnet_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified Subnet. You must terminate all the running virtual machines (VMs) in the Subnet before deleting it.

Parameters:subnet_id – The ID of the Subnet you want to delete.

(required) :type subnet_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_tags(resource_ids: list, tags: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes one or more tags from the specified resources.

  • resource_ids (list) – One or more resource IDs. (required)
  • tags – The key of the tag, with a minimum of 1 character.

(required) :type tags: list of dict

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_virtual_gateway(virtual_gateway_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified virtual gateway. Before deleting a virtual gateway, we recommend to detach it from the Net and delete the VPN connection.

Parameters:virtual_gateway_id – The ID of the virtual gateway

you want to delete. (required) :type virtual_gateway_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_vpn_connection(vpn_connection_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified VPN connection. If you want to delete a Net and all its dependencies, we recommend to detach the virtual gateway from the Net and delete the Net before deleting the VPN connection. This enables you to delete the Net without waiting for the VPN connection to be deleted.

Parameters:vpn_connection_id – TThe ID of the VPN connection you want

to delete. (required) :type vpn_connection_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_delete_vpn_connection_route(vpn_connection_id: str = None, destination_ip_range: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified VPN connection. If you want to delete a Net and all its dependencies, we recommend to detach the virtual gateway from the Net and delete the Net before deleting the VPN connection. This enables you to delete the Net without waiting for the VPN connection to be deleted.

Parameters:vpn_connection_id – TThe ID of the VPN connection you want

to delete. (required) :type vpn_connection_id: str

Parameters:destination_ip_range – The network prefix of the route to

delete, in CIDR notation (for example, (required) :type destination_ip_range: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_deregister_vms_in_load_balancer(backend_vm_ids: List[str] = None, load_balancer_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deregisters a specified virtual machine (VM) from a load balancer.

Parameters:backend_vm_ids – One or more IDs of back-end VMs.

(required) :type backend_vm_ids: str

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer.

(required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_detach_public_ip(public_ip: str = None, link_public_ip_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Detach public ip from a node.

Parameters:public_ip – (Required in a Net) The ID representing the

association of the EIP with the VM or the NIC :type public_ip: str

Parameters:link_public_ip_id – (Required in a Net) The ID

representing the association of the EIP with the VM or the NIC. :type link_public_ip_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:the attached volume
Return type:dict

Attaches one of your allocated flexible GPUs (fGPUs) to one of your virtual machines (Nodes). The fGPU is in the attaching state until the VM is stopped, after which it becomes attached.

Parameters:flexible_gpu_id – The ID of the fGPU you want to attach.

(required) :type flexible_gpu_id: str

Parameters:vm_id – The ID of the VM you want to attach the fGPU to.

(required) :type vm_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Attaches an Internet service to a Net. To enable the connection between the Internet and a Net, you must attach an Internet service to this Net.

Parameters:internet_service_id – The ID of the Internet service you

want to attach. (required) :type internet_service_id: str

Parameters:net_id – The ID of the Net to which you want to attach the

Internet service. (required) :type net_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Attaches a network interface card (NIC) to a virtual machine (VM). The interface and the VM must be in the same Subregion. The VM can be either running or stopped. The NIC must be in the available state.

  • nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC you want to delete. (required)
  • device_number – The ID of the NIC you want to delete.

(required) :type device_number: str

Parameters:node – The index of the VM device for the NIC attachment

(between 1 and 7, both included). :type node: Node

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a Link Id
Return type:str

Assigns one or more secondary private IP addresses to a specified network interface card (NIC). This action is only available in a Net. The private IP addresses to be assigned can be added individually using the PrivateIps parameter, or you can specify the number of private IP addresses to be automatically chosen within the Subnet range using the SecondaryPrivateIpCount parameter. You can specify only one of these two parameters. If none of these parameters are specified, a private IP address is chosen within the Subnet range.

Parameters:allow_relink – If true, allows an IP address that is

already assigned to another NIC in the same Subnet to be assigned to the NIC you specified. :type allow_relink: str

  • nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC. (required)
  • private_ips – The secondary private IP address or addresses

you want to assign to the NIC within the IP address range of the Subnet. :type private_ips: list of str

Parameters:secondary_private_ip_count – The secondary private IP a

ddress or addresses you want to assign to the NIC within the IP address range of the Subnet. :type secondary_private_ip_count: int

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

:return:True if the action is successful :rtype: bool

Associates a Subnet with a route table. The Subnet and the route table must be in the same Net. The traffic is routed according to the route table defined within this Net. You can associate a route table with several Subnets.

  • route_table_id (str) – The ID of the route table. (required)
  • subnet_id (str) – The ID of the Subnet. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Link Route Table Id
Return type:str

Attaches a virtual gateway to a Net.

Parameters:net_id – The ID of the Net to which you want to attach

the virtual gateway. (required) :type net_id: str

Parameters:virtual_gateway_id – The ID of the virtual

gateway. (required) :type virtual_gateway_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Return type:dict
ex_list_access_keys(access_key_ids: list = None, states: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Returns information about the access key IDs of a specified user. If the user does not have any access key ID, this action returns an empty list.

  • access_key_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the access keys.
  • states (list of str) – The states of the access keys (ACTIVE | INACTIVE).
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of Access Keys
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_client_gateways(client_gateway_ids: list = None, bgp_asns: list = None, connection_types: list = None, public_ips: list = None, states: list = None, tag_keys: list = None, tag_values: list = None, tags: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a client gateway. You must delete the VPN connection before deleting the client gateway.

Parameters:client_gateway_ids – The IDs of the client gateways.

you want to delete. (required) :type client_gateway_ids: list of ``str`

Parameters:bgp_asns – The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous

System Numbers (ASNs) of the connections. :type bgp_asns: list of int

Parameters:connection_types – The types of communication tunnels

used by the client gateways (only ipsec.1 is supported). (required) :type connection_types: list```of ``str

Parameters:public_ips – The public IPv4 addresses of the

client gateways. :type public_ips: list of str

Parameters:states – The states of the client gateways

(pending | available | deleting | deleted). :type states: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with

the client gateways. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

client gateways. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – TThe key/value combination of the tags

associated with the client gateways, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Returns list of Client Gateway
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_consumption_account(from_date: str = None, to_date: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Displays information about the consumption of your account for each billable resource within the specified time period.

Parameters:from_date – The beginning of the time period, in

ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2017-06-14 or 2017-06-14T00:00:00Z). (required) :type from_date: str

Parameters:to_date – The end of the time period, in

ISO 8601 date-time format (for example, 2017-06-30 or 2017-06-30T00:00:00Z). (required) :type to_date: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of Consumption Entries
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_dhcp_options(default: bool = None, dhcp_options_set_id: list = None, domaine_names: list = None, domaine_name_servers: list = None, ntp_servers: list = None, tag_keys: list = None, tag_values: list = None, tags: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Retrieves information about the content of one or more DHCP options sets.

Parameters:default – SIf true, lists all default DHCP options set.

If false, lists all non-default DHCP options set. :type default: list of bool

  • dhcp_options_set_id (list of str) – The IDs of the DHCP options sets.
  • domaine_names – The domain names used for the DHCP

options sets. :type domaine_names: list of str

Parameters:domaine_name_servers – The domain name servers used for

the DHCP options sets. :type domaine_name_servers: list of str

Parameters:ntp_servers – The Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers used

for the DHCP options sets. :type ntp_servers: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the DHCP

options sets. :type ntp_servers: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

DHCP options sets. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the DHCP options sets, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of Dhcp Options
Return type:list of dict

Lists all DirectLinks in the Region.

Parameters:direct_link_interface_ids – The IDs of the DirectLink

interfaces. :type direct_link_interface_ids: list of str

  • direct_link_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the DirectLinks.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of Direct Link interfaces
Return type:list of dict

Lists all DirectLinks in the Region.

  • direct_link_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the DirectLinks. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of Direct Links
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_flexible_gpu_catalog(dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists all flexible GPUs available in the public catalog.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Returns the Flexible Gpu Catalog
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_flexible_gpus(delete_on_vm_deletion: bool = None, flexible_gpu_ids: list = None, generations: list = None, model_names: list = None, states: list = None, subregion_names: list = None, vm_ids: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more flexible GPUs (fGPUs) allocated to your account.

Parameters:delete_on_vm_deletion – Indicates whether the fGPU is

deleted when terminating the VM. :type delete_on_vm_deletion: bool

  • flexible_gpu_ids (list of str) – One or more IDs of fGPUs.
  • generations – The processor generations that the fGPUs are

compatible with. (required) :type generations: list of str

Parameters:model_names – One or more models of fGPUs. For more

information, see About Flexible GPUs: :type model_names: list of str

Parameters:states – The states of the fGPUs

(allocated | attaching | attached | detaching). :type states: list of str

Parameters:subregion_names – The Subregions where the fGPUs are

located. :type subregion_names: list of str

  • vm_ids (list of str) – One or more IDs of VMs.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Returns the Flexible Gpu Catalog
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_image_export_tasks(dry_run: bool = False, task_ids: List[str] = None)[source]

Lists one or more image export tasks.

  • task_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the export tasks.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:image export tasks
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_internet_services(internet_service_ids: List[str] = None, link_net_ids: List[str] = None, link_states: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more of your Internet services. An Internet service enables your virtual machines (VMs) launched in a Net to connect to the Internet. By default, a Net includes an Internet service, and each Subnet is public. Every VM launched within a default Subnet has a private and a public IP addresses.

  • internet_service_ids (list of str) – One or more filters.
  • link_net_ids – The IDs of the Nets the Internet services

are attached to. :type link_net_ids: list of str

Parameters:link_states – The current states of the attachments

between the Internet services and the Nets (only available, if the Internet gateway is attached to a VPC). (required) :type link_states: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the

Internet services. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

Internet services. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the Internet services, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Returns the list of Internet Services
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_listener_rules(listener_rule_names: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes one or more listener rules. By default, this action returns the full list of listener rules for the account.

  • listener_rule_names (list of str) – The names of the listener rules.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Returns the list of Listener Rules
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_load_balancer_tags(load_balancer_names: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes the tags associated with one or more specified load balancers.

Parameters:load_balancer_names – The names of the load balancer.

(required) :type load_balancer_names: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of load balancer tags
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_load_balancers(load_balancer_names: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more load balancers and their attributes.

Parameters:load_balancer_names – The names of the load balancer.

(required) :type load_balancer_names: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of load balancer
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_nat_services(nat_service_ids: List[str] = None, net_ids: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, subnet_ids: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more network address translation (NAT) services.

  • nat_service_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the NAT services.
  • net_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the Nets in which the NAT services are.
  • states – The states of the NAT services

(pending | available | deleting | deleted). :type states: list of str

Parameters:subnet_ids – The IDs of the Subnets in which the NAT

services are. :type subnet_ids: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the NAT

services. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the NAT

services. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The values of the tags associated with the NAT

services. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of back end vms health
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_net_peerings(accepter_net_account_ids: List[str] = None, accepter_net_ip_ranges: List[str] = None, accepter_net_net_ids: List[str] = None, net_peering_ids: List[str] = None, source_net_account_ids: List[str] = None, source_net_ip_ranges: List[str] = None, source_net_net_ids: List[str] = None, state_messages: List[str] = None, states_names: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more peering connections between two Nets.

Parameters:accepter_net_account_ids – The account IDs of the owners of

the peer Nets. :type accepter_net_account_ids: list of str

Parameters:accepter_net_ip_ranges – The IP ranges of the peer Nets, in

CIDR notation (for example, :type accepter_net_ip_ranges: list of str

  • accepter_net_net_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the peer Nets.
  • source_net_account_ids – The account IDs of the owners of

the peer Nets. :type source_net_account_ids: list of str

  • source_net_ip_ranges (list of str) – The IP ranges of the peer Nets.
  • source_net_net_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the peer Nets.
  • net_peering_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the Net peering connections.
  • state_messages – Additional information about the states of

the Net peering connections. :type state_messages: list of str

Parameters:states_names – The states of the Net peering connections

(pending-acceptance | active | rejected | failed | expired | deleted). :type states_names: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the Net

peering connections. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – TThe values of the tags associated with the

Net peering connections. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the Net peering connections, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of Net Access Points
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_nets(dhcp_options_set_ids: List[str] = None, ip_ranges: List[str] = None, is_default: bool = None, net_ids: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more Nets.

  • dhcp_options_set_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the DHCP options sets.
  • ip_ranges – The IP ranges for the Nets, in CIDR notation

(for example, :type ip_ranges: list of str

  • is_default (bool) – If true, the Net used is the default one.
  • net_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the Nets.
  • states (list of str) – The states of the Nets (pending | available).
  • tag_keys (list of str) – The keys of the tags associated with the Nets.
  • tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

Nets. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the Nets, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of Nets
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_nets_access_point_services(service_ids: List[str] = None, service_names: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes 3DS OUTSCALE services available to create Net access points. For more information, see CreateNetAccessPoint:

  • service_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the services.
  • service_names – The names of the prefix lists, which

identify the 3DS OUTSCALE services they are associated with. :type service_names: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of Services
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_nets_access_points(net_access_point_ids: List[str] = None, net_ids: List[str] = None, service_names: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes one or more Net access points.

  • net_access_point_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the Net access points.
  • net_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the Nets.
  • service_names – The The names of the prefix lists

corresponding to the services. For more information, see DescribePrefixLists: :type service_names: list of str

Parameters:states – The states of the Net access points

(pending | available | deleting | deleted). :type states: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the Net

access points. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

Net access points. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the Net access points, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of Net Access Points
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_nics(link_nic_sort_numbers: List[int] = None, link_nic_vm_ids: List[str] = None, nic_ids: List[str] = None, private_ips_private_ips: List[str] = None, subnet_ids: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more network interface cards (NICs). A NIC is a virtual network interface that you can attach to a virtual machine (VM) in a Net.

Parameters:link_nic_sort_numbers – The device numbers the NICs are

attached to. :type link_nic_sort_numbers: list of int

Parameters:link_nic_vm_ids – The IDs of the VMs the NICs are attached

to. :type link_nic_vm_ids: list of str

  • nic_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the NICs.
  • private_ips_private_ips – The private IP addresses of the

NICs. :type private_ips_private_ips: list of str

  • subnet_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the Subnets for the NICs.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of the Nics
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_node_types(bsu_optimized: bool = None, memory_sizes: List[int] = None, vcore_counts: List[int] = None, vm_type_names: List[str] = None, volume_counts: List[int] = None, volume_sizes: List[int] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more predefined VM types.

Parameters:bsu_optimized – Indicates whether the VM is optimized for

BSU I/O. :type bsu_optimized: bool

  • memory_sizes (list of int) – The amounts of memory, in gibibytes (GiB).
  • vcore_counts (list of int) – The numbers of vCores.
  • vm_type_names – The names of the VM types. For more

information, see Instance Types. :type vm_type_names: list of str

Parameters:volume_counts – The maximum number of ephemeral storage

disks. :type volume_counts: list of int

Parameters:volume_sizes – The size of one ephemeral storage disk,

in gibibytes (GiB). :type volume_sizes: list of int

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of vm types
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_nodes_states(all_vms: bool = None, subregion_names: List[str] = None, vm_ids: List[str] = None, vm_states: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists the status of one or more virtual machines (VMs).

Parameters:all_vms – If true, includes the status of all VMs. By

default or if set to false, only includes the status of running VMs. :type all_vms: bool

  • subregion_names (list of str) – The names of the Subregions of the VMs.
  • vm_ids (list of str) – One or more IDs of VMs.
  • vm_states – The states of the VMs

(pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine) :type vm_states: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list the status of one ore more vms
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_product_types(product_type_ids: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes one or more product types.

  • product_type_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the product types.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of Product Type
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_public_ip_ranges(dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists available regions details.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the

required permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:regions details
Return type:dict
ex_list_public_ips(data: str = '{}')[source]

List all public IPs.

Parameters:data – json stringify following the outscale api

documentation for filter :type data: string

Return type:dict
ex_list_quotas(collections: List[str] = None, quota_names: List[str] = None, quota_types: List[str] = None, short_descriptions: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes one or more of your quotas.

  • collections (list of str) – The group names of the quotas.
  • quota_names (list of str) – The names of the quotas.
  • quota_types – The resource IDs if these are

resource-specific quotas, global if they are not. :type quota_types: list of str

  • short_descriptions (list of str) – The description of the quotas.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:A list of Product Type
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_regions(ex_dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists available regions details.

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool :return: regions details :rtype: dict

ex_list_route_tables(link_route_table_ids: List[str] = None, link_route_table_link_route_table_ids: List[str] = None, link_route_table_main: bool = None, link_subnet_ids: List[str] = None, net_ids: List[str] = None, route_creation_methods: List[str] = None, route_destination_ip_ranges: List[str] = None, route_destination_service_ids: List[str] = None, route_gateway_ids: List[str] = None, route_nat_service_ids: List[str] = None, route_net_peering_ids: List[str] = None, route_states: List[str] = None, route_table_ids: List[str] = None, route_vm_ids: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more of your route tables. In your Net, each Subnet must be associated with a route table. If a Subnet is not explicitly associated with a route table, it is implicitly associated with the main route table of the Net.

Parameters:link_route_table_ids – The IDs of the route tables involved

in the associations. :type link_route_table_ids: list of str

Parameters:link_route_table_link_route_table_ids – The IDs of the

associations between the route tables and the Subnets. :type link_route_table_link_route_table_ids: list of str

Parameters:link_route_table_main – If true, the route tables are the

main ones for their Nets. :type link_route_table_main: bool

Parameters:link_subnet_ids – The IDs of the Subnets involved in the

associations. :type link_subnet_ids: list of str

Parameters:net_ids – The IDs of the route tables involved

in the associations. :type net_ids: list of str

  • route_creation_methods (list of str) – The methods used to create a route.
  • route_destination_ip_ranges – The IP ranges specified in

routes in the tables. :type route_destination_ip_ranges: list of str

Parameters:route_destination_service_ids – The service IDs specified

in routes in the tables. :type route_destination_service_ids: list of str

Parameters:route_gateway_ids – The IDs of the gateways specified in

routes in the tables. :type route_gateway_ids: list of str

Parameters:route_nat_service_ids – The IDs of the NAT services

specified in routes in the tables. :type route_nat_service_ids: list of str

Parameters:route_net_peering_ids – The IDs of the Net peering

connections specified in routes in the tables. :type route_net_peering_ids: list of str

Parameters:route_states – The states of routes in the route tables

(active | blackhole). The blackhole state indicates that the target of the route is not available. :type route_states: list of str

  • route_table_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the route tables.
  • route_vm_ids – The IDs of the VMs specified in routes in

the tables. :type route_vm_ids: list of str

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the route

tables. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

route tables. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the route tables, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of Route Tables
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_secret_access_key(access_key_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Gets information about the secret access key associated with the account that sends the request.

  • access_key_id (str) – The ID of the access key. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Access Key
Return type:dict
ex_list_security_groups(account_ids: List[str] = None, net_ids: List[str] = None, security_group_ids: List[str] = None, security_group_names: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more security groups. You can specify either the name of the security groups or their IDs.

Parameters:account_ids – The account IDs of the owners of the security

groups. :type account_ids: list of str

Parameters:net_ids – The IDs of the Nets specified when the security

groups were created. :type net_ids: list of str

  • security_group_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the security groups.
  • security_group_names (list of str) – The names of the security groups.
  • tag_keys – TThe keys of the tags associated with the

security groups. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

security groups. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – TThe key/value combination of the tags associated

with the security groups, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of Security Groups
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_server_certificates(paths: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

List your server certificates.

  • paths (str) – The path to the server certificate.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:server certificate
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_snapshot_export_tasks(dry_run: bool = False, task_ids: List[str] = None)[source]

Lists one or more image export tasks.

  • task_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the export tasks.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:snapshot export tasks
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_subnets(available_ip_counts: List[str] = None, ip_ranges: List[str] = None, net_ids: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, subnet_ids: List[str] = None, subregion_names: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more of your Subnets. If you do not specify any Subnet ID, this action describes all of your Subnets.

  • available_ip_counts (str) – The number of available IPs.
  • ip_ranges – The IP ranges in the Subnets, in CIDR notation

(for example, :type ip_ranges: str

  • net_ids (str) – The IDs of the Nets in which the Subnets are.
  • states (str) – The states of the Subnets (pending | available).
  • subnet_ids (str) – The IDs of the Subnets.
  • subregion_names – The names of the Subregions in which the

Subnets are located. :type subregion_names: str

Parameters:tag_keys – TThe keys of the tags associated with the

subnets. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

subnets. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – TThe key/value combination of the tags associated

with the subnets, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of Subnets
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_subregions(ex_dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists available subregions details.

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool :return: subregions details :rtype: dict

ex_list_tags(resource_ids: list = None, resource_types: list = None, keys: list = None, values: list = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more tags for your resources.

  • resource_ids (list) – One or more resource IDs.
  • resource_types (list) – One or more resource IDs.
  • keys (list) – One or more resource IDs.
  • values (list) – One or more resource IDs.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of tags
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_virtual_gateways(connection_types: List[str] = None, link_net_ids: List[str] = None, link_states: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, virtual_gateway_id: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more virtual gateways.

Parameters:connection_types – The types of the virtual gateways

(only ipsec.1 is supported). :type connection_types: list of dict

Parameters:link_net_ids – The IDs of the Nets the virtual gateways

are attached to. :type link_net_ids: list of dict

Parameters:link_states – The current states of the attachments

between the virtual gateways and the Nets (attaching | attached | detaching | detached). :type link_states: list of dict

Parameters:states – The states of the virtual gateways

(pending | available | deleting | deleted). :type states: list of dict

Parameters:tag_keys – The keys of the tags associated with the

virtual gateways. :type tag_keys: list of dict

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with

the virtual gateways. :type tag_values: list of dict

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the virtual gateways, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of dict

  • virtual_gateway_id (list of dict) – The IDs of the virtual gateways.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:list of virtual gateway
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_vms_health(backend_vm_ids: List[str] = None, load_balancer_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists the state of one or more back-end virtual machines (VMs) registered with a specified load balancer.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer.

(required) :type load_balancer_name: str

  • backend_vm_ids (list of str) – One or more IDs of back-end VMs.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of back end vms health
Return type:list of dict
ex_list_vpn_connections(bgp_asns: List[int] = None, client_gateway_ids: List[str] = None, connection_types: List[str] = None, route_destination_ip_ranges: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, static_routes_only: bool = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Describes one or more VPN connections.

Parameters:bgp_asns – The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous

System Numbers (ASNs) of the connections. :type bgp_asns: list of int

  • client_gateway_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the client gateways.
  • connection_types – The types of the VPN connections (only

ipsec.1 is supported). :type connection_types: list of str

Parameters:states – The states of the vpn connections

(pending | available). :type states: str

  • route_destination_ip_ranges (str) – The destination IP ranges.
  • static_routes_only – If false, the VPN connection uses

dynamic routing with Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). If true, routing is controlled using static routes. For more information about how to create and delete static routes, see CreateVpnConnectionRoute: and DeleteVpnConnectionRoute: :type static_routes_only: bool

Parameters:tag_keys – TThe keys of the tags associated with the

subnets. :type tag_keys: list of str

Parameters:tag_values – The values of the tags associated with the

subnets. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – TThe key/value combination of the tags associated

with the subnets, in the following format: “Filters”:{“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of Subnets
Return type:list of dict
ex_read_account(dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Gets information about the account that sent the request.

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:the account information
Return type:dict
ex_read_admin_password_node(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Retrieves the administrator password for a Windows running virtual machine (VM). The administrator password is encrypted using the keypair you specified when launching the VM.

  • node (Node) – the ID of the VM (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The Admin Password of the specified Node.
Return type:str
ex_read_console_output_node(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Gets the console output for a virtual machine (VM). This console provides the most recent 64 KiB output.

  • node (Node) – the ID of the VM (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The Console Output of the specified Node.
Return type:str
ex_register_vms_in_load_balancer(backend_vm_ids: List[str] = None, load_balancer_name: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Registers one or more virtual machines (VMs) with a specified load balancer. The VMs must be running in the same network as the load balancer (in the public Cloud or in the same Net). It may take a little time for a VM to be registered with the load balancer. Once the VM is registered with a load balancer, it receives traffic and requests from this load balancer and is called a back-end VM.

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer.

(required) :type load_balancer_name: str

  • backend_vm_ids (list of str) – One or more IDs of back-end VMs.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of back end vms health
Return type:list of dict
ex_reject_net_peering(net_peering_id: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Rejects a Net peering connection request. The Net peering connection must be in the pending-acceptance state to be rejected. The rejected Net peering connection is then in the rejected state.

Parameters:net_peering_id – The ID of the Net peering connection you

want to reject. (required) :type net_peering_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The rejected Net Peering
Return type:dict
ex_reset_account_password(password: str = '', token: str = '', dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Sends an email to the email address provided for the account with a token to reset your password.

  • password (str) – The new password for the account.
  • token – The token you received at the email address

provided for the account. :type token: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_send_reset_password_email(email: str, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Replaces the account password with the new one you provide. You must also provide the token you received by email when asking for a password reset using the SendResetPasswordEmail method.

  • email (str) – The email address provided for the account.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Detaches a flexible GPU (fGPU) from a virtual machine (VM). The fGPU is in the detaching state until the VM is stopped, after which it becomes available for allocation again.

Parameters:flexible_gpu_id – The ID of the fGPU you want to attach.

(required) :type flexible_gpu_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Detaches an Internet service from a Net. This action disables and detaches an Internet service from a Net. The Net must not contain any running virtual machine (VM) using an External IP address (EIP).

Parameters:internet_service_id – The ID of the Internet service you

want to detach. (required) :type internet_service_id: str

Parameters:net_id – The ID of the Net from which you want to detach

the Internet service. (required) :type net_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Detaches a network interface card (NIC) from a virtual machine (VM). The primary NIC cannot be detached.

Parameters:link_nic_id – The ID of the NIC you want to delete.

(required) :type link_nic_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Unassigns one or more secondary private IPs from a network interface card (NIC).

  • nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC. (required)
  • private_ips – One or more secondary private IP addresses

you want to unassign from the NIC. (required) :type private_ips: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Disassociates a Subnet from a route table. After disassociation, the Subnet can no longer use the routes in this route table, but uses the routes in the main route table of the Net instead.

  • link_route_table_id (str) – The ID of the route table. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool

Detaches a virtual gateway from a Net. You must wait until the virtual gateway is in the detached state before you can attach another Net to it or delete the Net it was previously attached to.

Parameters:net_id – The ID of the Net from which you want to detach

the virtual gateway. (required) :type net_id: str

Parameters:virtual_gateway_id – The ID of the Net from which you

want to detach the virtual gateway. (required) :type virtual_gateway_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:True if the action is successful
Return type:bool
ex_update_access_key(access_key_id: str = None, state: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies the status of the specified access key associated with the account that sends the request. When set to ACTIVE, the access key is enabled and can be used to send requests. When set to INACTIVE, the access key is disabled.

  • access_key_id (str) – The ID of the access key. (required)
  • state – The new state of the access key

(ACTIVE | INACTIVE). (required) :type state: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Access Key
Return type:dict
ex_update_account(city: str = None, company_name: str = None, country: str = None, email: str = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None, zip_code: str = None, job_title: str = None, mobile_number: str = None, phone_number: str = None, state_province: str = None, vat_number: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Updates the account information for the account that sends the request.

  • city (str) – The city of the account owner.
  • company_name – The name of the company for the account.

permissions to perform the action. :type company_name: str

  • country (str) – The country of the account owner.
  • email (str) – The email address for the account.
  • first_name (str) – The first name of the account owner.
  • last_name (str) – The last name of the account owner.
  • zip_code (str) – The ZIP code of the city.
  • job_title (str) – The job title of the account owner.
  • mobile_number – The mobile phone number of the account

owner. :type mobile_number: str

Parameters:phone_number – The landline phone number of the account

owner. :type phone_number: str

  • state_province (str) – The state/province of the account.
  • vat_number – The value added tax (VAT) number for

the account. :type vat_number: str

Parameters:dry_run (bool) – the password of the account
Returns:The new account information
Return type:dict
ex_update_flexible_gpu(delete_on_vm_deletion: bool = None, flexible_gpu_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies a flexible GPU (fGPU) behavior.

Parameters:delete_on_vm_deletion – If true, the fGPU is deleted when

the VM is terminated. :type delete_on_vm_deletion: bool

  • flexible_gpu_id (str) – The ID of the fGPU you want to modify.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:the updated Flexible GPU
Return type:dict
ex_update_image(dry_run: bool = False, image: libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage = None, perm_to_launch_addition_account_ids: List[str] = None, perm_to_launch_addition_global_permission: bool = None, perm_to_launch_removals_account_ids: List[str] = None, perm_to_launch_removals_global_permission: bool = None)[source]

Modifies the specified attribute of an Outscale machine image (OMI). You can specify only one attribute at a time. You can modify the permissions to access the OMI by adding or removing account IDs or groups. You can share an OMI with a user that is in the same Region. The user can create a copy of the OMI you shared, obtaining all the rights for the copy of the OMI. For more information, see CreateImage.

  • image (NodeImage) – The ID of the OMI to export. (required)
  • perm_to_launch_addition_account_ids – The account

ID of one or more users who have permissions for the resource. :type perm_to_launch_addition_account_ids: list of dict


If true, the resource is public. If false, the resource is private. :type perm_to_launch_addition_global_permission: boolean

Parameters:perm_to_launch_removals_account_ids – The account

ID of one or more users who have permissions for the resource. :type perm_to_launch_removals_account_ids: list of dict

Parameters:perm_to_launch_removals_global_permission – If true,

the resource is public. If false, the resource is private. :type perm_to_launch_removals_global_permission: boolean

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:the new image
Return type:dict
ex_update_listener_rule(host_pattern: str = None, listener_rule_name: str = None, path_pattern: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Updates the pattern of the listener rule. This call updates the pattern matching algorithm for incoming traffic.

Parameters:host_pattern – TA host-name pattern for the rule, with a

maximum length of 128 characters. This host-name pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [-.?]. :type host_pattern: ``str`

Parameters:listener_rule_name – The name of the listener rule.

(required) :type listener_rule_name: str

Parameters:path_pattern – A path pattern for the rule, with a maximum

length of 128 characters. This path pattern supports maximum three wildcards, and must not contain any special characters except [_-.$/~”’@:+?]. :type path_pattern: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Update the specified Listener Rule
Return type:dict
ex_update_load_balancer(access_log_is_enabled: bool = None, access_log_osu_bucket_name: str = None, access_log_osu_bucket_prefix: str = None, access_log_publication_interval: int = None, health_check_interval: int = None, health_check_healthy_threshold: int = None, health_check_path: str = None, health_check_port: int = None, health_check_protocol: str = None, health_check_timeout: int = None, health_check_unhealthy_threshold: int = None, load_balancer_name: str = None, load_balancer_port: int = None, policy_names: List[str] = None, server_certificate_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies the specified attributes of a load balancer.

You can set a new SSL certificate to an SSL or HTTPS listener of a load balancer. This certificate replaces any certificate used on the same load balancer and port.

You can also replace the current set of policies for a load balancer with another specified one. If the PolicyNames parameter is empty, all current policies are disabled.

Parameters:access_log_is_enabled – If true, access logs are enabled

for your load balancer. If false, they are not. If you set this to true in your request, the OsuBucketName parameter is required. :type access_log_is_enabled: ``bool`

Parameters:access_log_osu_bucket_name – The name of the Object Storage

Unit (OSU) bucket for the access logs. :type access_log_osu_bucket_name: str

Parameters:access_log_osu_bucket_prefix – The path to the folder of

the access logs in your Object Storage Unit (OSU) bucket (by default, the root level of your bucket). :type access_log_osu_bucket_prefix: str

Parameters:access_log_publication_interval – The time interval for the

publication of access logs in the Object Storage Unit (OSU) bucket, in minutes. This value can be either 5 or 60 (by default, 60). :type access_log_publication_interval: int

Parameters:health_check_interval – Information about the health check

configuration. (required) :type health_check_interval: int

Parameters:health_check_path – The path for HTTP or HTTPS requests.

(required) :type health_check_path: str

Parameters:health_check_port – The port number (between 1 and 65535,

both included). (required) :type health_check_port: int

Parameters:health_check_protocol – The protocol for the URL of the VM

(HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | SSL | UDP). (required) :type health_check_protocol: str

Parameters:health_check_timeout – The maximum waiting time for a

response before considering the VM as unhealthy, in seconds (between 2 and 60 both included). (required) :type health_check_timeout: int

Parameters:health_check_healthy_threshold – The number of consecutive

failed pings before considering the VM as unhealthy (between 2 and 10 both included). (required) :type health_check_healthy_threshold: int

Parameters:health_check_unhealthy_threshold – The number of

consecutive failed pings before considering the VM as unhealthy (between 2 and 10 both included).(required) :type health_check_unhealthy_threshold: int

Parameters:load_balancer_name – The name of the load balancer.

(required) :type load_balancer_name: str

Parameters:load_balancer_port – The port on which the load balancer is

listening (between 1 and 65535, both included). :type load_balancer_port: int

Parameters:policy_names – The list of policy names (must contain all

the policies to be enabled). :type policy_names: list of str

Parameters:server_certificate_id – The list of policy names (must

contain all the policies to be enabled). :type server_certificate_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:Update the specified Load Balancer
Return type:dict
ex_update_net(net_id: str = None, dhcp_options_set_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Associates a DHCP options set with a specified Net.

  • net_id (str) – The ID of the Net. (required)
  • dhcp_options_set_id – The ID of the DHCP options set

(or default if you want to associate the default one). (required) :type dhcp_options_set_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The modified Nat Service
Return type:dict
ex_update_net_access_point(add_route_table_ids: List[str] = None, net_access_point_id: str = None, remove_route_table_ids: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies the attributes of a Net access point. This action enables you to add or remove route tables associated with the specified Net access point.

Parameters:add_route_table_ids – One or more IDs of route tables to

associate with the specified Net access point. :type add_route_table_ids: list of str

Parameters:net_access_point_id – The ID of the Net access point.

(required) :type net_access_point_id: str

Parameters:remove_route_table_ids – One or more IDs of route tables to

disassociate from the specified Net access point. :type remove_route_table_ids: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The modified Net Access Point
Return type:dict
ex_update_nic(description: str = None, link_nic_delete_on_vm_deletion: str = None, link_nic_id: str = None, security_group_ids: List[str] = None, nic_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies the specified network interface card (NIC). You can specify only one attribute at a time.

  • description (str) – A new description for the NIC.
  • link_nic_delete_on_vm_deletion – If true, the NIC is

deleted when the VM is terminated. :type link_nic_delete_on_vm_deletion: str

  • link_nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC attachment.
  • security_group_ids – One or more IDs of security groups

for the NIC. :type security_group_ids: list of str

  • nic_id (list of str) – The ID of the NIC you want to modify. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The new Nic
Return type:dict
ex_update_node(block_device_mapping: List[dict], bsu_optimized: bool = None, deletion_protection: bool = False, is_source_dest_checked: bool = None, keypair_name: str = True, performance: str = True, security_group_ids: List[str] = None, user_data: str = False, vm_id: str = None, vm_initiated_shutown_behavior: str = None, vm_type: int = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies a specific attribute of a Node (VM). You can modify only one attribute at a time. You can modify the IsSourceDestChecked attribute only if the VM is in a Net. You must stop the VM before modifying the following attributes:

  • VmType
  • UserData
  • BsuOptimized
Parameters:block_device_mapping – One or more block device mappings

of the VM. :type block_device_mapping: dict

  • bsu_optimized (bool) – If true, the VM is optimized for BSU I/O.
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Parameters:deletion_protection – If true, you cannot terminate the VM

using Cockpit, the CLI or the API. If false, you can. :type deletion_protection: bool

Parameters:is_source_dest_checked – (Net only) If true, the

source/destination check is enabled. If false, it is disabled. This value must be false for a NAT VM to perform network address translation (NAT) in a Net. :type is_source_dest_checked: bool

  • keypair_name (str) – The name of the keypair.
  • performance – The performance of the VM

(standard | high | highest). :type performance: str

Parameters:security_group_ids – One or more IDs of security groups for

the VM. :type security_group_ids: bool

  • user_data (str) – The Base64-encoded MIME user data.
  • vm_id (str) – The ID of the VM. (required)
  • vm_initiated_shutown_behavior – The VM behavior when you

stop it. By default or if set to stop, the VM stops. If set to restart, the VM stops then automatically restarts. If set to terminate, the VM stops and is terminated. :type vm_initiated_shutown_behavior: str

Parameters:vm_type – The type of VM. For more information,

see Instance Types: :type vm_type: str

Returns:the updated Node
Return type:dict
ex_update_route(destination_ip_range: str = None, gateway_id: str = None, nat_service_id: str = None, net_peering_id: str = None, nic_id: str = None, route_table_id: str = None, vm_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Replaces an existing route within a route table in a Net. You must specify one of the following elements as the target:

  • Net peering connection
  • NAT virtual machine (VM)
  • Internet service
  • Virtual gateway
  • NAT service
  • Network interface card (NIC)

The routing algorithm is based on the most specific match.

Parameters:destination_ip_range – The IP range used for the

destination match, in CIDR notation (for example, (required) :type destination_ip_range: str

Parameters:gateway_id – The ID of an Internet service or virtual

gateway attached to your Net. :type gateway_id: str

  • nat_service_id (str) – The ID of a NAT service.
  • net_peering_id (str) – The ID of a Net peering connection.
  • nic_id (str) – The ID of a NIC.
  • vm_id – The ID of a NAT VM in your Net (attached to exactly

one NIC). :type vm_id: str

Parameters:route_table_id – The ID of the route table for which you

want to create a route. (required) :type route_table_id: str`

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The updated Route
Return type:dict
ex_update_route_propagation(enable: bool = None, route_table_id: str = None, virtual_gateway_id: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Configures the propagation of routes to a specified route table of a Net by a virtual gateway.

Parameters:enable – If true, a virtual gateway can propagate routes

to a specified route table of a Net. If false, the propagation is disabled. (required) :type enable: boolean

  • route_table_id (str) – The ID of the route table. (required)
  • virtual_gateway_id – The ID of the virtual

gateway. (required) :type virtual_gateway_id: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:route propagation
Return type:dict
ex_update_server_certificate(name: str = None, new_name: str = None, new_path: str = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies the name and/or the path of a specified server certificate.

Parameters:name – The name of the server certificate

you want to modify. :type name: str

Parameters:new_name (str) – A new name for the server certificate.

:param new_path:A new path for the server certificate. :type new_path: str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:the new server certificate
Return type:dict
ex_update_snapshot(perm_to_create_volume_addition_account_id: List[str] = None, perm_to_create_volume_addition_global_perm: bool = None, perm_to_create_volume_removals_account_id: List[str] = None, perm_to_create_volume_removals_global_perm: bool = None, snapshot: libcloud.compute.base.VolumeSnapshot = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Modifies the permissions for a specified snapshot. You can add or remove permissions for specified account IDs or groups. You can share a snapshot with a user that is in the same Region. The user can create a copy of the snapshot you shared, obtaining all the rights for the copy of the snapshot.


The account ID of one or more users who have permissions for the resource. :type perm_to_create_volume_addition_account_id: list of str

Parameters:perm_to_create_volume_addition_global_perm – If true,

the resource is public. If false, the resource is private. :type perm_to_create_volume_addition_global_perm: bool

Parameters:perm_to_create_volume_removals_account_id – The account ID of one or more users who have permissions for the resource.

list of str

  • perm_to_create_volume_removals_global_perm (bool) – If true, the resource is public. If false, the resource is private.
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The ID of the snapshot. (required)
  • dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:snapshot export tasks
Return type:list of dict
ex_update_subnet(subnet_id: str = None, map_public_ip_on_launch: bool = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Deletes a specified Subnet. You must terminate all the running virtual machines (VMs) in the Subnet before deleting it.

Parameters:subnet_id – The ID of the Subnet you want to delete.

(required) :type subnet_id: str

Parameters:map_public_ip_on_launch – If true, a public IP address is

assigned to the network interface cards (NICs) created in the s pecified Subnet. (required) :type map_public_ip_on_launch: bool

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:The updated Subnet
Return type:dict
get_image(image_id: str)[source]

Get a specific image.

Parameters:image_id (str) – the ID of the image you want to select (required)
Returns:the selected image
Return type:dict
get_key_pair(name: str)[source]

Get a specific key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the key pair you want to select (required)
Returns:the selected key pair
Return type:dict
list_images(account_aliases: List[str] = None, account_ids: List[str] = None, architectures: List[str] = None, block_device_mapping_delete_on_vm_deletion: bool = False, block_device_mapping_device_names: List[str] = None, block_device_mapping_snapshot_ids: List[str] = None, block_device_mapping_volume_sizes: List[int] = None, block_device_mapping_volume_types: List[str] = None, descriptions: List[str] = None, file_locations: List[str] = None, image_ids: List[str] = None, image_names: List[str] = None, permission_to_launch_account_ids: List[str] = None, permission_to_lauch_global_permission: bool = False, root_device_names: List[str] = None, root_device_types: List[str] = None, states: List[str] = None, tag_keys: List[str] = None, tag_values: List[str] = None, tags: List[str] = None, virtualization_types: List[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists one or more Outscale machine images (OMIs) you can use.

Parameters:account_aliases – The account aliases of the

owners of the OMIs. :type account_aliases: list of str

Parameters:account_ids – The account IDs of the owners of the

OMIs. By default, all the OMIs for which you have launch permissions are described. :type account_ids: list of str

Parameters:architectures – The architectures of the

OMIs (i386 | x86_64). :type architectures: list of str

Parameters:block_device_mapping_delete_on_vm_deletion – Indicates

whether the block device mapping is deleted when terminating the VM. :type block_device_mapping_delete_on_vm_deletion: bool

Parameters:block_device_mapping_device_names – The device names for

the volumes. :type block_device_mapping_device_names: list of str

Parameters:block_device_mapping_snapshot_ids – The IDs of the

snapshots used to create the volumes. :type block_device_mapping_snapshot_ids: list of str

Parameters:block_device_mapping_volume_sizes – The sizes of the

volumes, in gibibytes (GiB). :type block_device_mapping_volume_sizes: list of int

Parameters:block_device_mapping_volume_types – The types of

volumes (standard | gp2 | io1). :type block_device_mapping_volume_types: list of str

Parameters:descriptions – The descriptions of the OMIs, provided

when they were created. :type descriptions: list of str

Parameters:file_locations – The locations where the OMI files are

stored on Object Storage Unit (OSU). :type file_locations: list of str

  • image_ids (list of str) – The IDs of the OMIs.
  • image_names – The names of the OMIs, provided when

they were created. :type image_names: list of str

Parameters:permission_to_launch_account_ids – The account IDs of the

users who have launch permissions for the OMIs. :type permission_to_launch_account_ids: list of str

Parameters:permission_to_lauch_global_permission – If true, lists

all public OMIs. If false, lists all private OMIs. :type permission_to_lauch_global_permission: list of str

Parameters:root_device_names – The device names of the root

devices (for example, /dev/sda1). :type root_device_names: list of str

Parameters:root_device_types – The types of root device used by

the OMIs (always bsu). :type root_device_types: list of str

Parameters:states – The states of the OMIs

(pending | available | failed). :type states: list of str

  • tag_keys (list of str) – The keys of the tags associated with the OMIs.
  • tag_values – The values of the tags associated

with the OMIs. :type tag_values: list of str

Parameters:tags – The key/value combination of the tags associated

with the OMIs, in the following format:”Filters”: {“Tags”:[“TAGKEY=TAGVALUE”]}. :type tags: list of str

Parameters:virtualization_types – The virtualization types

(always hvm). :type virtualization_types: list of str

Parameters:dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type dry_run: bool

Returns:a list of image
Return type:list of dict
list_key_pairs(ex_data: str = '{}')[source]

List all key pairs.

Returns:key pairs
Return type:dict
list_locations(ex_dry_run: bool = False)[source]

Lists available locations details.

Parameters:ex_dry_run – If true, checks whether you have the required

permissions to perform the action. :type ex_dry_run: bool :return: locations details :rtype: dict

list_nodes(ex_data: str = '{}')[source]

List all nodes.

Return type:dict
list_snapshots(ex_data: str = '{}')[source]

List all volume snapshots.

Return type:dict

List all snapshot for a given volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – the volume from which to look for snapshots
Return type:list of :class VolumeSnapshot
list_volumes(ex_data: str = '{}')[source]

List all volumes. :rtype: list of StorageVolume

name = 'Outscale API'
reboot_node(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node)[source]

Reboot instance.

Parameters:node (list) – VM(s) you want to reboot (required)
Returns:the rebooted instances
Return type:dict
start_node(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node)[source]

Start a Vm.

Parameters:node (Node) – the VM(s) you want to start (required)
Returns:the rebooted instances
Return type:bool
stop_node(node: libcloud.compute.base.Node)[source]

Stop a Vm.

Parameters:node (Node) – the VM(s) you want to stop (required)
Returns:the rebooted instances
Return type:bool
type = 'outscale'
website = '' module

Ovh driver

class, secret, ex_project_id, ex_consumer_key=None, region=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Libcloud driver for the Ovh API

For more information on the Ovh API, read the official reference:

Instantiate the driver with the given API credentials.

  • key (str) – Your application key (required)
  • secret (str) – Your application secret (required)
  • ex_project_id (str) – Your project ID
  • ex_consumer_key (str) – Your consumer key (required)
  • region (str) – The datacenter to connect to (optional)
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'ACTIVE': running, 'BUILD': pending, 'DELETED': terminated, 'DELETE_IP': pending, 'ERROR': error, 'HARD_REBOOT': rebooting, 'PASSWORD': pending, 'PREP_RESIZE': pending, 'QUEUE_RESIZE': pending, 'REBOOT': rebooting, 'REBUILD': pending, 'RESCUE': pending, 'SHARE_IP': pending, 'SHARE_IP_NO_CONFIG': pending, 'SHUTOFF': stopped, 'SUSPENDED': suspended, 'UNKNOWN': unknown, 'VERIFY_RESIZE': running}
SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP = {'available': available, 'creating': creating, 'deleting': deleting, 'error': error, 'error_restoring': error, 'restoring': restoring}
VOLUME_STATE_MAP = {'attaching': attaching, 'available': available, 'backing-up': backup, 'creating': creating, 'deleting': deleting, 'error': error, 'error_deleting': error, 'error_extending': error, 'error_restoring': error, 'in-use': inuse, 'restoring-backup': backup}
api_name = 'ovh'
attach_volume(node, volume, device=None)[source]

Attach a volume to a node.

  • node (Node) – Node where to attach volume
  • volume (StorageVolume) – The ID of the volume
  • device – Unsed parameter

True or False representing operation successful

Return type:



alias of

create_node(name, image, size, location, ex_keyname=None)[source]

Create a new node

  • name (str) – Name of created node
  • image (NodeImage) – Image used for node
  • size (NodeSize) – Size (flavor) used for node
  • location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) where to create node
  • ex_keyname (str) – Name of SSH key used

Created node

:rtype : Node

create_volume(size, name, location, snapshot=None, ex_volume_type='classic', ex_description=None)[source]

Create a volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume to create (in GB).
  • name (str) – Name of volume to create
  • location (NodeLocation or None) – Location to create the volume in
  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – Snapshot from which to create the new volume. (optional)
  • ex_volume_type (str) – 'classic' or 'high-speed'
  • ex_description (str) – Optionnal description of volume

Storage Volume object

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None, ex_description=None)[source]

Create snapshot from volume

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Instance of StorageVolume
  • name (str | NoneType) – Name of snapshot (optional)
  • ex_description (str | NoneType) – Description of the snapshot (optional)
Return type:



Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (KeyPair) – Key pair object.
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Destroys a storage volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
Return type:bool

Destroys a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_node=None)[source]

Detach a volume to a node.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – The ID of the volume
  • ex_node (Node) – Node to detach from (optionnal if volume is attached to only one node)

True or False representing operation successful

Return type:



Exception: If ex_node is not provided and more than one node is attached to the volume


Get a individual node.

Parameters:node_id (str) – Node’s ID
Returns:Created node

:rtype : Node

ex_get_pricing(size_id, subsidiary='US')[source]

Get an individual size (flavor).

Parameters:size_id (str) – Size’s ID
Return type:NodeSize

Return a Volume object based on a volume ID.

Parameters:volume_id (int) – The ID of the volume
Returns:A StorageVolume object for the volume
Return type:StorageVolume

Returns a single volume snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot_id (str) – Node to run the task on.

:rtype VolumeSnapshot: :return: Volume snapshot.


List all snapshots.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or None) – Location used to filter
Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot
features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}

Returns a single node image from a provider.

Parameters:image_id (str) – Node to run the task on.

:rtype NodeImage: :return: NodeImage instance on success.

get_key_pair(name, ex_location=None)[source]

Get an individual SSH public key by its name and location.

  • name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
  • ex_location (NodeLocation) – Key’s region

Public key

Return type:


import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material, ex_location)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
  • ex_location (NodeLocation) – Location where to store the key

Imported key pair object.

Return type:


list_images(location=None, ex_size=None)[source]

List available images

  • location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) used as filter
  • ex_size (NodeImage) – Exclude images which are uncompatible with given size

List of images

:rtype : list of NodeImage


List available SSH public keys.

Parameters:ex_location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) used as filter
Returns:Public keys
Return type:``list``of KeyPair

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) used as filter
Returns:List of node objects
Return type:list of Node
classmethod list_regions()[source]

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize

List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot

Return a list of volumes.

Parameters:ex_location (NodeLocation or None) – Location used to filter
Returns:A list of volume objects.
Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'Ovh'
type = 'ovh'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks module

ProfitBricks Compute driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Base ProfitBricks node driver.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


AVAILABILITY_ZONE = {'1': {'name': 'AUTO'}, '2': {'name': 'ZONE_1'}, '3': {'name': 'ZONE_2'}}

ProfitBricks is unique in that they allow the user to define all aspects of the instance size, i.e. disk size, core size, and memory size.

These are instance types that match up with what other providers support.

You can configure disk size, core size, and memory size using the ex_ parameters on the create_node method.

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'AVAILABLE': running, 'BLOCKED': stopped, 'BUSY': pending, 'CRASHED': error, 'NOSTATE': unknown, 'PAUSE': paused, 'RUNNING': running, 'SHUTDOWN': stopping, 'SHUTOFF': stopped}
PROFIT_BRICKS_GENERIC_SIZES = {'1': {'cores': 1, 'disk': 50, 'id': '1', 'name': 'Micro', 'ram': 1024}, '2': {'cores': 1, 'disk': 50, 'id': '2', 'name': 'Small Instance', 'ram': 2048}, '3': {'cores': 2, 'disk': 50, 'id': '3', 'name': 'Medium Instance', 'ram': 4096}, '4': {'cores': 4, 'disk': 50, 'id': '4', 'name': 'Large Instance', 'ram': 7168}, '5': {'cores': 8, 'disk': 50, 'id': '5', 'name': 'ExtraLarge Instance', 'ram': 14336}, '6': {'cores': 4, 'disk': 50, 'id': '6', 'name': 'Memory Intensive Instance Medium', 'ram': 28672}, '7': {'cores': 8, 'disk': 50, 'id': '7', 'name': 'Memory Intensive Instance Large', 'ram': 57344}}

Core Functions

PROVISIONING_STATE = {'AVAILABLE': running, 'BUSY': pending, 'INACTIVE': pending}
attach_volume(node, volume)[source]

Attaches a volume.

  • node (Node) – The node to which you’re attaching the volume.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – The volume you’re attaching.

Instance of class StorageVolume

Return type:



alias of ProfitBricksConnection

create_node(name, image=None, size=None, location=None, ex_cpu_family=None, volume=None, ex_datacenter=None, ex_network_interface=True, ex_internet_access=True, ex_exposed_public_ports=[], ex_exposed_private_ports=[22], ex_availability_zone=None, ex_ram=None, ex_cores=None, ex_disk=None, ex_password=None, ex_ssh_keys=None, ex_bus_type=None, ex_disk_type=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a node.

image is optional as long as you pass ram, cores, and disk to the method. ProfitBricks allows you to adjust compute resources at a much more granular level.

  • name – The name for the new node.
  • typestr
  • image (NodeImage) – The image to create the node with.
  • size – Standard configured size offered by ProfitBricks - containing configuration for the number of cpu cores, amount of ram and disk size.
  • sizeNodeSize
  • location (NodeLocation) – The location of the new data center if one is not supplied.
  • ex_cpu_family (str) – The CPU family to use (AMD_OPTERON, INTEL_XEON)
  • volume (StorageVolume) – If the volume already exists then pass this in.
  • ex_datacenter (Datacenter) – If you’ve already created the DC then pass it in.
  • ex_network_interface (: bool) – Create with a network interface.
  • ex_internet_access (: bool) – Configure public Internet access.
  • ex_exposed_public_ports – Ports to be opened for the public nic.
  • ex_exposed_public_portslist of int
  • ex_exposed_private_ports – Ports to be opened for the private nic.
  • ex_exposed_private_portslist of int
  • ex_availability_zone (class: ProfitBricksAvailabilityZone) – The availability zone.
  • ex_ram (: int) – The amount of ram required.
  • ex_cores (int) – The number of cores required.
  • ex_disk (int) – The amount of disk required.
  • ex_password (NodeAuthPassword or str) – The password for the volume.
  • ex_ssh_keys (list of NodeAuthSSHKey or list of str) – Optional SSH keys for the volume.
  • ex_bus_type (str) – Volume bus type (VIRTIO, IDE).
  • ex_disk_type (str) – Volume disk type (SSD, HDD).

Instance of class Node

Return type:


create_volume(size, ex_datacenter, name=None, image=None, ex_image_alias=None, ex_type=None, ex_bus_type=None, ex_ssh_keys=None, ex_password=None, ex_availability_zone=None)[source]

Creates a volume.

  • size (int) – The size of the volume in GB.
  • ex_datacenter (Datacenter) – The datacenter you’re placing the storage in. (req)
  • name – The name to be given to the volume.
  • namestr
  • image (NodeImage) – The OS image for the volume.
  • ex_image_alias (str) – An alias to a ProfitBricks public image. Use instead of ‘image’.
  • ex_type – The type to be given to the volume (SSD or HDD).
  • ex_typestr
  • ex_bus_type (str) – Bus type. Either IDE or VIRTIO (default).
  • ex_ssh_keys (list of NodeAuthSSHKey or list of str) – Optional SSH keys.
  • ex_password (NodeAuthPassword or str) – Optional password for root.
  • ex_availability_zone (str) – Volume Availability Zone.

Instance of class StorageVolume

Return type:



Creates a snapshot for a volume

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – The volume you’re creating a snapshot for.
Returns:Instance of class VolumeSnapshot
Return type:VolumeSnapshot
destroy_node(node, ex_remove_attached_disks=False)[source]

Destroys a node.

  • node – The node you wish to destroy.
  • ex_remove_attached_disks (: bool) – True to destroy all attached volumes.
Return type:

: bool


Destroys a volume.

Parameters:volume (StorageVolume) – The volume you’re destroying.
Return type:: bool

Delete a snapshot

Parameters:snapshot – The snapshot you wish to delete.
Type:snapshot: VolumeSnapshot

:rtype bool

detach_volume(node, volume)[source]

Detaches a volume.

  • node (Node) – The node to which you’re detaching the volume.
  • volume (StorageVolume) – The volume you’re detaching.
Return type:


ex_attach_nic_to_load_balancer(load_balancer, network_interface)[source]

Attaches a network interface to a load balancer

  • load_balancer – The load balancer you wish to attach the network interface to.
  • network_interface – The network interface being attached.

load_balancer: ProfitBricksLoadBalancer


network_interface: ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

:rtype bool

ex_create_datacenter(name, location, description=None)[source]

Creates a datacenter.

ProfitBricks has a concept of datacenters. These represent buckets into which you can place various compute resources.

  • name (: str) – The datacenter name.
  • location (: NodeLocation) – instance of class NodeLocation.
  • description (: str) – The datacenter description.

Instance of class Datacenter

Return type:


ex_create_firewall_rule(network_interface, protocol, name=None, source_mac=None, source_ip=None, target_ip=None, port_range_start=None, port_range_end=None, icmp_type=None, icmp_code=None)[source]

Create a firewall rule for a network interface.

  • network_interface – The network interface to attach the firewall rule to.
  • protocol (str) – The protocol for the rule (TCP, UDP, ICMP, ANY)
  • name (str) – The name for the firewall rule
  • source_mac (str) – Only traffic originating from the respective MAC address is allowed. Valid format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. Value null allows all source MAC address.
  • source_ip (str) – Only traffic originating from the respective IPv4 address is allowed. Value null allows all source IPs.
  • target_ip (str) – In case the target NIC has multiple IP addresses, only traffic directed to the respective IP address of the NIC is allowed. Value null allows all target IPs.
  • port_range_start – Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd value null to allow all ports.

network_interface: ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

type: port_range_start: int

Parameters:port_range_end – Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd value null to allow all ports.

type: port_range_end: int

  • icmp_type (int) – Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen. Value null allows all types.
  • icmp_code (int) – Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen. Value null allows all codes.

Instance class ProfitBricksFirewallRule

Return type:


ex_create_ip_block(location, size, name=None)[source]

Create an IP block

  • location (NodeLocation) – The location of the IP block.
  • size (int) – The size of the IP block.
  • name (str) – The name of the IP block.

Instance class ProfitBricksIPBlock

Return type:


ex_create_lan(datacenter, name=None, is_public=False, nics=None)[source]

Create and attach a Lan to a data center.

  • datacenter (Datacenter) – The parent DC for the LAN..
  • name (str) – LAN name.
  • is_public (bool) – True if the Lan is to have internet access.
  • nics – Optional network interfaces to attach to the lan.
  • nicslist of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

Instance class ProfitBricksLan

Return type:


ex_create_load_balancer(datacenter, name=None, ip=None, dhcp=None, nics=None)[source]

Create and attach a load balancer to a data center.

  • datacenter (Datacenter) – The parent DC for the load balancer.
  • name (str) – Load balancer name.
  • ip (str) – Load balancer IPV4 address.
  • dhcp (bool) – If true, the load balancer will reserve an IP address using DHCP.
  • nics – Optional network interfaces taking part in load balancing.
  • nicslist of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

Instance class ProfitBricksLoadBalancer

Return type:


ex_create_network_interface(node, lan_id=None, ips=None, nic_name=None, dhcp_active=True)[source]

Creates a network interface.

  • lan_id (: int) – The ID for the LAN.
  • ips (list) – The IP addresses for the NIC.
  • nic_name (str) – The name of the NIC, e.g. PUBLIC.
  • dhcp_active (bool) – Set to false to disable.

Instance of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

Return type:



Delete a firewall rule

Parameters:firewall_rule – The firewall rule to delete.
Type:firewall_rule: ProfitBricksFirewallRule

:rtype bool


Delete a private image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – The private image you are deleting.
Return type:: bool

Delete an IP block

Parameters:ip_block – The IP block you wish to delete.
Type:ip_block: ProfitBricksIPBlock

:rtype bool


Delete a local area network

Parameters:lan – The lan you wish to delete.
Type:lan: ProfitBrickLan

:rtype bool


Delete a load balancer

Parameters:load_balancer – The load balancer you wish to delete.
Type:load_balancer: ProfitBricksLoadBalancer

:rtype bool

ex_describe_datacenter(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None)[source]

Fetches the details for a data center.

  • ex_href (str) – The href for the data center you are describing.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID for the data center you are describing.

Instance of class Datacenter

Return type:


ex_describe_firewall_rule(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_server_id=None, ex_nic_id=None, ex_firewall_rule_id=None)[source]

Fetch data for a firewall rule.

  • href (str) – The href of the firewall rule you wish to describe.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID of parent data center of the NIC you wish to describe.
  • ex_server_id (str) – The server the NIC is connected to.
  • ex_nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC.
  • ex_firewall_rule_id (str) – The ID of the firewall rule.

Instance class ProfitBricksFirewallRule

Return type:


ex_describe_image(ex_href=None, ex_image_id=None)[source]

Describe a ProfitBricks image

  • ex_href (str) – The href for the image you are describing
  • ex_image_id (str) – The ID for the image you are describing

Instance of class Image

Return type:


ex_describe_ip_block(ex_href=None, ex_ip_block_id=None)[source]

Fetch an IP block

  • ex_href (str) – The href of the IP block.
  • ex_ip_block_id (str) – The ID of the IP block.

Instance class ProfitBricksIPBlock

Return type:


ex_describe_lan(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_lan_id=None)[source]

Fetch data on a local area network

  • ex_href (str) – The href of the lan you wish to describe.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID of the parent datacenter for the LAN.
  • ex_lan_id (str) – The ID of LAN.

Instance class ProfitBricksLan

Return type:


ex_describe_load_balanced_nic(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_server_id=None, ex_nic_id=None)[source]

Fetch information on a load balanced network interface.

  • ex_href (str) – The href of the load balanced NIC you wish to describe.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID of parent data center of the NIC you wish to describe.
  • ex_server_id (str) – The server the NIC is connected to.
  • ex_nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC

Instance of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

Return type:


ex_describe_load_balancer(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_load_balancer_id=None)[source]

Fetches and returns a load balancer

  • href (str) – The full href (url) of the load balancer.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID of the parent data center for the load balancer.
  • ex_load_balancer_id (str) – The load balancer ID.

Instance of class ProfitBricksLoadBalancer

Return type:


ex_describe_location(ex_href=None, ex_location_id=None)[source]

Fetch details for a ProfitBricks location.

  • ex_href (str) – The href for the location you are describing.
  • ex_location_id (str) – The id for the location you are describing (‘de/fra’, ‘de/fkb’, ‘us/las’, ‘us/ewr’)

Instance of class NodeLocation

Return type:


ex_describe_network_interface(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_server_id=None, ex_nic_id=None)[source]

Fetch information on a network interface.

  • ex_href (str) – The href of the NIC you wish to describe.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID of parent data center of the NIC you wish to describe.
  • ex_server_id (str) – The server the NIC is connected to.
  • ex_nic_id (str) – The ID of the NIC

Instance of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

Return type:


ex_describe_node(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_node_id=None)[source]

Fetches a node directly by href or by a combination of the datacenter ID and the server ID.

  • ex_href (str) – The href (url) of the node you wish to describe.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID for the data center.
  • ex_node_id (str) – The ID for the node (server).

Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_describe_snapshot(ex_href=None, ex_snapshot_id=None)[source]

Fetches and returns a volume snapshot

  • ex_href (str) – The full href (url) of the snapshot.
  • ex_snapshot_id (str) – The ID of the snapshot.

Instance of class ProfitBricksSnapshot

Return type:


ex_describe_volume(ex_href=None, ex_datacenter_id=None, ex_volume_id=None)[source]

Fetches and returns a volume

  • ex_href (str) – The full href (url) of the volume.
  • ex_datacenter_id (str) – The ID of the parent datacenter for the volume.
  • ex_volume_id (str) – The ID of the volume.

Instance of class StorageVolume

Return type:



Destroys a datacenter.

Parameters:datacenter (Datacenter) – The DC you’re destroying.
Return type:: bool

Destroy a network interface.

Parameters:network_interface (ProfitBricksNetworkInterface) – The NIC you wish to describe.
Return type:: bool

Returns a list of attached volumes for a server

Parameters:node (Node) – The node with the attached volumes.
Returns:list of StorageVolume
Return type:list

Returns a list of availability zones.

Returns:list of ProfitBricksAvailabilityZone
Return type:list

Lists all datacenters.

Returns:list of DataCenter
Return type:list

Fetch firewall rules for a network interface.

Parameters:network_interface (ProfitBricksNetworkInterface) – The network interface.
Returns:list of class ProfitBricksFirewallRule
Return type:list

List all IP blocks

Returns:list of class ProfitBricksIPBlock
Return type:list

List local area network on: - a datacenter if one is specified - all datacenters if none specified

Parameters:datacenter (Datacenter) – The parent DC for the LAN.
Returns:list of class ProfitBricksLan
Return type:list

List balanced network interfaces for a load balancer.

Parameters:load_balancer – The load balancer you wish to update.
Type:load_balancer: ProfitBricksLoadBalancer
Returns:list of class ProfitBricksNetorkInterface
Return type:list

Fetches as a list of load balancers

Returns:list of class ProfitBricksLoadBalancer
Return type:list

Fetch a list of all network interfaces from all data centers.

Returns:list of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface
Return type:list
ex_remove_nic_from_load_balancer(load_balancer, network_interface)[source]

Removed a network interface from a load balancer

  • load_balancer – The load balancer you wish to remove the network interface from.
  • network_interface – The network interface being removed.

load_balancer: ProfitBricksLoadBalancer


network_interface: ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

:rtype bool

ex_rename_datacenter(datacenter, name)[source]

Update a datacenter.

  • datacenter (Datacenter) – The DC you are renaming.
  • name (: str) – The DC name.

Instance of class Datacenter

Return type:


ex_restore_volume_snapshot(volume, snapshot)[source]

Restores a snapshot for a volume

  • volume (StorageVolume) – The volume you’re restoring the snapshot to.
  • snapshot (ProfitBricksSnapshot) – The snapshot you’re restoring to the volume.

:rtype bool

ex_set_inet_access(network_interface, internet_access=True)[source]

Add/remove public internet access to an interface.

Parameters:network_interface (ProfitBricksNetworkInterface) – The NIC you wish to update.
Returns:Instance of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface
Return type:ProfitBricksNetworkInterface
ex_update_firewall_rule(firewall_rule, name=None, source_mac=None, source_ip=None, target_ip=None, port_range_start=None, port_range_end=None, icmp_type=None, icmp_code=None)[source]

Update a firewall rule

  • firewall_rule – The firewall rule to update
  • name (str) – The name for the firewall rule
  • source_mac (str) – Only traffic originating from the respective MAC address is allowed. Valid format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. Value null allows all source MAC address.
  • source_ip (str) – Only traffic originating from the respective IPv4 address is allowed. Value null allows all source IPs.
  • target_ip (str) – In case the target NIC has multiple IP addresses, only traffic directed to the respective IP address of the NIC is allowed. Value null allows all target IPs.
  • port_range_start – Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd value null to allow all ports.

firewall_rule: ProfitBricksFirewallRule

type: port_range_start: int

Parameters:port_range_end – Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd value null to allow all ports.

type: port_range_end: int

  • icmp_type (int) – Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen. Value null allows all types.
  • icmp_code (int) – Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen. Value null allows all codes.

Instance class ProfitBricksFirewallRule

Return type:


ex_update_image(image, name=None, description=None, licence_type=None, cpu_hot_plug=None, cpu_hot_unplug=None, ram_hot_plug=None, ram_hot_unplug=None, nic_hot_plug=None, nic_hot_unplug=None, disc_virtio_hot_plug=None, disc_virtio_hot_unplug=None, disc_scsi_hot_plug=None, disc_scsi_hot_unplug=None)[source]

Update a private image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – The private image you are deleting.
Returns:Instance of class Image
Return type:Image
ex_update_lan(lan, is_public, name=None, ip_failover=None)[source]

Update a local area network

  • lan – The lan you wish to update.
  • is_public (bool) – Boolean indicating if the lan faces the public internet.
  • name (str) – The name of the lan.
  • ip_failover (list of :class: ProfitBricksIPFailover) – The IP to fail over.

lan: ProfitBricksLan


Instance class ProfitBricksLan

Return type:


ex_update_load_balancer(load_balancer, name=None, ip=None, dhcp=None)[source]

Update a load balancer

  • load_balancer – The load balancer you wish to update.
  • name (str) – The name of the load balancer.
  • ip (str) – The IPV4 address of the load balancer.
  • dhcp (bool) – If true, the load balancer will reserve an IP address using DHCP.

load_balancer: ProfitBricksLoadBalancer


Instance class ProfitBricksLoadBalancer

Return type:


ex_update_network_interface(network_interface, name=None, lan_id=None, ips=None, dhcp_active=None)[source]

Updates a network interface.

  • network_interface (ProfitBricksNetworkInterface) – The network interface being updated.
  • name (str) – The name of the NIC, e.g. PUBLIC.
  • lan_id (: int) – The ID for the LAN.
  • ips (list) – The IP addresses for the NIC as a list.
  • dhcp_active (bool) – Set to false to disable.

Instance of class ProfitBricksNetworkInterface

Return type:


ex_update_node(node, name=None, cores=None, ram=None, availability_zone=None, ex_licence_type=None, ex_boot_volume=None, ex_boot_cdrom=None, ex_cpu_family=None)[source]

Updates a node.

  • node (Node) – The node you wish to update.
  • name (str) – The new name for the node.
  • cores (: int) – The number of CPUs the node should have.
  • ram (: int) – The amount of ram the node should have.
  • availability_zone (ProfitBricksAvailabilityZone) – Update the availability zone.
  • ex_licence_type (str) – Licence type (WINDOWS, WINDOWS2016, LINUX, OTHER, UNKNOWN).
  • ex_boot_volume (StorageVolume) – Setting the new boot (HDD) volume.
  • ex_boot_cdrom (StorageVolume) – Setting the new boot (CDROM) volume.
  • ex_cpu_family (str) – CPU family (INTEL_XEON, AMD_OPTERON).

Instance of class Node

Return type:


ex_update_snapshot(snapshot, name=None, description=None, cpu_hot_plug=None, cpu_hot_unplug=None, ram_hot_plug=None, ram_hot_unplug=None, nic_hot_plug=None, nic_hot_unplug=None, disc_virtio_hot_plug=None, disc_virtio_hot_unplug=None, disc_scsi_hot_plug=None, disc_scsi_hot_unplug=None, licence_type=None)[source]

Updates a snapshot

  • snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot you’re restoring to the volume.
  • name (str) – The snapshot name
  • description (str) – The snapshot description
  • cpu_hot_plug (str) – Snapshot CPU is hot pluggalbe
  • cpu_hot_unplug (str) – Snapshot CPU is hot unpluggalbe
  • ram_hot_plug (str) – Snapshot RAM is hot pluggalbe
  • ram_hot_unplug (str) – Snapshot RAM is hot unpluggalbe
  • nic_hot_plug (str) – Snapshot Network Interface is hot pluggalbe
  • nic_hot_unplug (str) – Snapshot Network Interface is hot unpluggalbe
  • disc_virtio_hot_plug (str) – Snapshot VIRTIO disk is hot pluggalbe
  • disc_virtio_hot_unplug (str) – Snapshot VIRTIO disk is hot unpluggalbe
  • disc_scsi_hot_plug (str) – Snapshot SCSI disk is hot pluggalbe
  • disc_scsi_hot_unplug (str) – Snapshot SCSI disk is hot unpluggalbe
  • licence_type (str) – The snapshot licence_type

Instance of class VolumeSnapshot

Return type:


ex_update_volume(volume, ex_storage_name=None, size=None, ex_bus_type=None)[source]

Updates a volume.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – The volume you’re updating.
  • ex_storage_name (str) – The name of the volume.
  • size (int) – The desired size.
  • ex_bus_type (str) – Volume bus type (VIRTIO, IDE).

Instance of class StorageVolume

Return type:


list_images(image_type=None, is_public=True)[source]

List all images with an optional filter.

  • image_type (str) – The image type (HDD, CDROM)
  • is_public (bool) – Image is public

list of NodeImage

Return type:



List all locations.

Returns:list of NodeLocation
Return type:list

List all nodes.

Returns:list of Node
Return type:list

Lists all sizes

Returns:A list of all configurable node sizes.
Return type:list of NodeSize

Fetches as a list of all snapshots

Returns:list of class VolumeSnapshot
Return type:list

List all volumes attached to a data center.

Returns:list of StorageVolume
Return type:list
name = 'ProfitBricks'

Reboots the node.

Return type:bool

Starts a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node you wish to start.
Return type:bool

Stops a node.

This also deallocates the public IP space.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node you wish to halt.
Return type:: bool
type = 'profitbricks'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.Datacenter(id, href, name, version, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.UuidMixin

Class which stores information about ProfitBricks datacenter instances.

  • id (str) – The datacenter ID.
  • href (str) – The datacenter href.
  • name (str) – The datacenter name.
  • version (str) – Datacenter version.
  • driver (ProfitBricksNodeDriver) – ProfitBricks Node Driver.
  • extra (dict) – Extra properties for the Datacenter.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksNetworkInterface(id, name, href, state, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class which stores information about ProfitBricks network interfaces.

  • id (str) – The network interface ID.
  • name (str) – The network interface name.
  • href (str) – The network interface href.
  • state (int) – The network interface name.
  • extra (dict) – Extra properties for the network interface.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksFirewallRule(id, name, href, state, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Extension class which stores information about a ProfitBricks firewall rule.

  • id (str) – The firewall rule ID.
  • name (str) – The firewall rule name.
  • href (str) – The firewall rule href.
  • state (int) – The current state of the firewall rule.
  • extra (dict) – Extra properties for the firewall rule.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksLan(id, name, href, is_public, state, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Extension class which stores information about a ProfitBricks LAN

  • id – The ID of the lan.
  • idstr
  • name (str) – The name of the lan.
  • href (str) – The lan href.
  • is_public (bool) – If public, the lan faces the public internet.
  • state (int) – The current state of the lan.
  • extra (dict) – Extra properties for the lan.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksIPFailover(ip, nic_uuid)[source]

Bases: object

Extension class which stores information about a ProfitBricks LAN’s failover

  • ip (str) – The IP address to fail over.
  • nic_uuid – The ID of the NIC to fail over.
  • nic_uuidstr

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksLoadBalancer(id, name, href, state, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Extention class which stores information about a ProfitBricks load balancer

  • id – The ID of the load balancer.
  • idstr
  • name (str) – The name of the load balancer.
  • href (str) – The load balancer href.
  • state (int) – The current state of the load balancer.
  • extra (dict) – Extra properties for the load balancer.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksAvailabilityZone(name)[source]

Bases: object

Extension class which stores information about a ProfitBricks availability zone.

Parameters:name (str) – The availability zone name.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.profitbricks.ProfitBricksIPBlock(id, name, href, location, size, ips, state, driver, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Extension class which stores information about a ProfitBricks IP block.

  • id – The ID of the IP block.
  • idstr
  • name (str) – The name of the IP block.
  • href (str) – The IP block href.
  • location (str) – The location of the IP block.
  • size (int) – Number of IP addresses in the block.
  • ips (list) – A collection of IPs associated with the block.
  • state (int) – The current state of the IP block.
  • extra (dict) – Extra properties for the IP block.

Note: This class is ProfitBricks specific

libcloud.compute.drivers.rackspace module

Rackspace driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceConnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_Connection

Connection class for the Rackspace next-gen OpenStack base driver.

auth_url = ''

Selects the endpoint to use based on provider specific values, or overrides passed in by the user when setting up the driver.

Returns:url of the relevant endpoint for the driver

Gets the service name used to look up the endpoint in the service catalog.

Returns:name of the service in the catalog
class libcloud.compute.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceFirstGenConnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_Connection

Connection class for the Rackspace first-gen driver.

auth_url = ''
cache_busting = True

Selects the endpoint to use based on provider specific values, or overrides passed in by the user when setting up the driver.

Returns:url of the relevant endpoint for the driver

Gets the service name used to look up the endpoint in the service catalog.

Returns:name of the service in the catalog

alias of libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_Response

class libcloud.compute.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceFirstGenNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='us', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver

@inherits: NodeDriver.__init__

Parameters:region (str) – Region ID which should be used
api_name = 'rackspace'

alias of RackspaceFirstGenConnection


Lists available locations

Locations cannot be set or retrieved via the API, but currently there are two locations, DFW and ORD.

@inherits: OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver.list_locations

name = 'Rackspace Cloud (First Gen)'
type = 'rackspace_first_gen'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.rackspace.RackspaceNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region='dfw', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver

@inherits: NodeDriver.__init__

Parameters:region (str) – ID of the region which should be used.

alias of RackspaceConnection

name = 'Rackspace Cloud (Next Gen)'
type = 'rackspace'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.rimuhosting module

RimuHosting Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.rimuhosting.RimuHostingConnection(key, secure=True, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, timeout=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the RimuHosting driver


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

api_context = '/r'
host = ''
port = 443
request(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]

Request a given action.

Basically a wrapper around the connection object’s request that does some helpful pre-processing.

  • action (str) – A path. This can include arguments. If included, any extra parameters are appended to the existing ones.
  • params (dict) – Optional mapping of additional parameters to send. If None, leave as an empty dict.
  • data (unicode) – A body of data to send with the request.
  • headers (dict) – Extra headers to add to the request None, leave as an empty dict.
  • method (str) – An HTTP method such as “GET” or “POST”.
  • raw (bool) – True to perform a “raw” request aka only send the headers and use the rawResponseCls class. This is used with storage API when uploading a file.
  • stream (bool) – True to return an iterator in Response.iter_content and allow streaming of the response data (for downloading large files)

An Response instance.

Return type:

Response instance


alias of RimuHostingResponse

exception libcloud.compute.drivers.rimuhosting.RimuHostingException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception class for RimuHosting driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.rimuhosting.RimuHostingNodeDriver(key, host='', port=443, api_context='/r', secure=True)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

RimuHosting node driver

  • key (str) – API key (required)
  • host (str) – hostname for connection
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_context (str) – Optional API context.
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP.
Return type:



alias of RimuHostingConnection

create_node(name, size, image, auth=None, ex_billing_oid=None, ex_host_server_oid=None, ex_vps_order_oid_to_clone=None, ex_num_ips=1, ex_extra_ip_reason=None, ex_memory_mb=None, ex_disk_space_mb=None, ex_disk_space_2_mb=None, ex_control_panel=None)[source]

Creates a RimuHosting instance

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • name (str) – Must be a FQDN. e.g
  • ex_billing_oid (str) – If not set, a billing method is automatically picked.
  • ex_host_server_oid (str) – The host server to set the VPS up on.
  • ex_vps_order_oid_to_clone (str) – Clone another VPS to use as the image for the new VPS.
  • ex_num_ips (int) – Number of IPs to allocate. Defaults to 1.
  • ex_extra_ip_reason (str) – Reason for needing the extra IPs.
  • ex_memory_mb (int) – Memory to allocate to the VPS.
  • ex_disk_space_mb (int) – Diskspace to allocate to the VPS. Defaults to 4096 (4GB).
  • ex_disk_space_2_mb (int) – Secondary disk size allocation. Disabled by default.
  • ex_control_panel (str) – Control panel to install on the VPS.

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
features = {'create_node': ['password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'RimuHosting'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'rimuhosting'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.rimuhosting.RimuHostingResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Response Class for RimuHosting driver

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse response body.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.compute.drivers.scaleway module

Scaleway Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.scaleway.ScalewayResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
valid_response_codes = [<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED: 202>, <HTTPStatus.CREATED: 201>, <HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT: 204>]
class libcloud.compute.drivers.scaleway.ScalewayConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the Scaleway driver.


Add headers that are necessary for every request

allow_insecure = False
host = ''
request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False, stream=False, region=None)[source]

Request a given action.

Basically a wrapper around the connection object’s request that does some helpful pre-processing.

  • action (str) – A path. This can include arguments. If included, any extra parameters are appended to the existing ones.
  • params (dict) – Optional mapping of additional parameters to send. If None, leave as an empty dict.
  • data (unicode) – A body of data to send with the request.
  • headers (dict) – Extra headers to add to the request None, leave as an empty dict.
  • method (str) – An HTTP method such as “GET” or “POST”.
  • raw (bool) – True to perform a “raw” request aka only send the headers and use the rawResponseCls class. This is used with storage API when uploading a file.
  • stream (bool) – True to return an iterator in Response.iter_content and allow streaming of the response data (for downloading large files)

An Response instance.

Return type:

Response instance


alias of ScalewayResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.scaleway.ScalewayNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Scaleway Node Driver Class

This is the primary driver for interacting with Scaleway. It contains all of the standard libcloud methods that Scaleway’s API supports.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP = {'available': available, 'error': error, 'snapshotting': creating}

alias of ScalewayConnection

create_image(node, name, region=None)[source]

Create a VM image from an existing node’s root volume.

  • node (Node) – The node from which to create the image
  • name (str) – The name to give the image
  • region – The region in which to create the image

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:the newly created image object
Return type:NodeImage
create_node(name, size, image, ex_volumes=None, ex_tags=None, region=None)[source]

Create a new node.

  • name (str) – The name to give the node
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of node to create
  • image (NodeImage) – The image to create the node with
  • ex_volumes (dict of :class:`.StorageVolume`s) – Additional volumes to create the node with
  • ex_tags (list of str) – Tags to assign to the node
  • region – The region in which to create the node

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:the newly created node object
Return type:Node
create_volume(size, name, region=None)[source]

Create a new volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume in gigabytes.
  • name (str) – Name of the volume to be created.
  • region – The region in which to create the volume

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:The newly created volume.
Return type:StorageVolume
create_volume_snapshot(volume, name, region=None)[source]

Create snapshot from volume.

  • volume (:class`StorageVolume`) – The volume to create a snapshot from
  • name (str) – The name to give the snapshot
  • region – The region in which to create the snapshot

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:The newly created snapshot.
Return type:VolumeSnapshot
delete_image(node_image, region=None)[source]

Delete a VM image.

  • node_image (NodeImage) – The image to delete
  • region – The region in which to find/delete the image

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:True if the image was deleted, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (KeyPair) – Key pair object.
Returns:True of False based on success of Keypair deletion
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
destroy_volume(volume, region=None)[source]

Destroys a storage volume.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – Volume to be destroyed
  • region – The region in which to look for the volume

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
destroy_volume_snapshot(snapshot, region=None)[source]

Dostroy a volume snapshot

  • snapshot (class:VolumeSnapshot) – volume snapshot to destroy
  • region – The region in which to look for the snapshot

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
get_image(image_id, region=None)[source]

Retrieve a specific VM image.

  • image_id (int) – The id of the image to retrieve
  • region – The region in which to create the image

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:the requested image object
Return type:NodeImage
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.

Imported key pair object.

Return type:



List available VM images.

Parameters:region – The region in which to list images

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:list of image objects
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available SSH keys.

Returns:Available SSH keys.
Return type:list of KeyPair

List data centers available.

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Parameters:region – The region in which to look for nodes

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List available VM sizes.

Parameters:region – The region in which to list sizes

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
list_volume_snapshots(volume, region=None)[source]

List snapshots for a storage volume.

@inherits NodeDriver.list_volume_snapshots

Parameters:region – The region in which to look for snapshots

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation


Return a list of volumes.

Parameters:region – The region in which to look for volumes

(if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: NodeLocation

Returns:A list of volume objects.
Return type:list of StorageVolume
name = 'Scaleway'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'scaleway'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.serverlove module

ServerLove Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.serverlove.ServerLoveConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseConnection

host = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.serverlove.ServerLoveNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseNodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'serverlove'

alias of ServerLoveConnection

features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}
name = 'ServerLove'
type = 'serverlove'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.skalicloud module

skalicloud Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.skalicloud.SkaliCloudConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseConnection

host = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.skalicloud.SkaliCloudNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.elasticstack.ElasticStackBaseNodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'skalicloud'

alias of SkaliCloudConnection

features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']}
name = 'skalicloud'
type = 'skalicloud'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.softlayer module

Softlayer driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.softlayer.SoftLayerNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

SoftLayer node driver

Extra node attributes:
  • password: root password
  • hourlyRecurringFee: hourly price (if applicable)
  • recurringFee : flat rate (if applicable)
  • recurringMonths : The number of months in which the recurringFee
will be incurred.
  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'softlayer'

alias of libcloud.common.softlayer.SoftLayerConnection

create_key_pair(name, ex_size=4096)[source]

Create a new key pair object.

Parameters:name (str) – Key pair name.
Return type:KeyPair object
create_node(name, size=None, image=None, location=None, ex_domain=None, ex_cpus=None, ex_disk=None, ex_ram=None, ex_bandwidth=None, ex_local_disk=None, ex_datacenter=None, ex_os=None, ex_keyname=None, ex_hourly=True)[source]

Create a new SoftLayer node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_domain (str) – e.g.
  • ex_cpus (int) – e.g. 2
  • ex_disk (int) – e.g. 100
  • ex_ram (int) – e.g. 2048
  • ex_bandwidth (int) – e.g. 100
  • ex_local_disk (bool) – e.g. True
  • ex_datacenter (str) – e.g. Dal05
  • ex_os (str) – e.g. UBUNTU_LATEST
  • ex_keyname (str) – The name of the key pair

Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (KeyPair) – Key pair object.
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
features = {'create_node': ['generates_password', 'ssh_key']}

Gets an image based on an image_id.

Parameters:image_id (str) – Image identifier
Returns:A NodeImage object
Return type:NodeImage

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair
import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object


List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available key pair objects.

Return type:list of KeyPair objects

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'SoftLayer'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'softlayer'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.upcloud module

Upcloud node driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.upcloud.UpcloudConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for UpcloudDriver


Adds headers that are needed for all requests

host = ''

alias of UpcloudResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.upcloud.UpcloudDriver(username, password, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Upcloud node driver

  • username (str) – Username required for authentication
  • password (str) – Password required for authentication
NODE_STATE_MAP = {'error': error, 'maintenance': reconfiguring, 'started': running, 'stopped': stopped}

alias of UpcloudConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location, auth=None, ex_hostname='localhost', ex_username='root')[source]

Creates instance to upcloud.

If auth is not given then password will be generated.

  • name (str) – String with a name for this new node (required)
  • size (NodeSize) – The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)
  • image (NodeImage) – OS Image to boot on node. (required)
  • location (NodeLocation) – Which data center to create a node in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ex_hostname (str) – Hostname. Default is ‘localhost’. (optional)
  • ex_username (str) – User’s username, which is created. Default is ‘root’. (optional)

The newly created node.

Return type:



Destroy the given node

The disk resources, attached to node, will not be removed.

Parameters:node (Node) – the node to destroy
Return type:bool
features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key', 'generates_password']}

List available distributions.

Return type:list of NodeImage

List available locations for deployment

Return type:list of NodeLocation

List nodes

Returns:List of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List available plans

Parameters:location – Location of the deployement. Price depends on

location. lf location is not given or price not found for location, price will be None (optional) :type location: NodeLocation

Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Upcloud'

Reboot the given node

Parameters:node (Node) – the node to reboot
Return type:bool
type = 'upcloud'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.upcloud.UpcloudResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Response class for UpcloudDriver

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.compute.drivers.vcl module

VCL driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcl.VCLConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCConnection, libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

endpoint = '/index.php?mode=xmlrpccall'
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcl.VCLNodeDriver(key, secret, secure=True, host=None, port=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

VCL node driver

  • host (str) – The VCL host to which you make requests(required)
  • key (str) – API key or username to used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP.
  • host – Override hostname used for connections. (required)
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'error': unknown, 'failed': terminated, 'future': pending, 'loading': pending, 'notavailable': terminated, 'notready': pending, 'ready': running, 'success': pending, 'time': pending, 'timedout': terminated}

alias of VCLConnection

create_node(image, start=None, length='60')[source]

Create a new VCL reservation size and name ignored, image is the id from list_image

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • image (str) – image is the id from list_image
  • start (str) – start time as unix timestamp
  • length (str) – length of time in minutes

End VCL reservation for the node passed in. Throws error if request fails.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Return type:bool
ex_extend_request_time(node, minutes)[source]

Time in minutes to extend the requested node’s reservation time

  • node (Node) – the reservation node to update
  • minutes (str) – the number of mintes to update

true on success, throws error on failure

Return type:



Get the ending time of the node reservation.

Parameters:node (Node) – the reservation node to update
Returns:unix timestamp
Return type:int
ex_update_node_access(node, ipaddr)[source]

Update the remote ip accessing the node.

  • node (Node) – the reservation node to update
  • ipaddr (str) – the ipaddr used to access the node

node with updated information

Return type:



List images available to the user provided credentials

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images


List nodes

Parameters:ipaddr (str) – IP address which should be used
Return type:list of Node

VCL does not choosing sizes for node creation. Size of images are statically set by administrators.

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_sizes

name = 'VCL'
type = 'vcl'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcl.VCLResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.
exceptions = {'VCL_Account': <class 'libcloud.common.types.InvalidCredsError'>}

libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud module

VMware vCloud driver.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Capacity(limit, used, units)[source]

Bases: object

Represents CPU, Memory or Storage capacity of vDC.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.ControlAccess(node, everyone_access_level, subjects=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents control access settings of a node

class AccessLevel[source]

Bases: object

CHANGE = 'Change'
FULL_CONTROL = 'FullControl'
READ_ONLY = 'ReadOnly'
libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.DEFAULT_API_VERSION = '0.8'

Valid vCloud API v1.5 input values.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.HostingComConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudConnection

vCloud connection subclass for

host = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.HostingComDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudNodeDriver

vCloud node driver for

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of HostingComConnection

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.InstantiateVAppXML(name, template, net_href, cpus, memory, password=None, row=None, group=None)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Instantiate_1_5_VAppXML(name, template, network, vm_network=None, vm_fence=None, description=None)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Lease(lease_id, deployment_lease=None, storage_lease=None, deployment_lease_expiration=None, storage_lease_expiration=None)[source]

Bases: object

Lease information for vApps.

More info at: ‘
  • lease_id (str) – ID (link) to the lease settings section of a vApp.
  • deployment_lease (int or None) – Deployment lease time in seconds
  • storage_lease (int or None) – Storage lease time in seconds
  • deployment_lease_expiration (datetime.datetime or None) – Deployment lease expiration time
  • storage_lease_expiration (datetime.datetime or None) – Storage lease expiration time

Gets the date and time a vApp was deployed. Time is inferred from the deployment lease and expiration or the storage lease and expiration.

Returns:Date and time the vApp was deployed or None if unable to calculate
Return type:datetime.datetime or None
classmethod to_lease(lease_element)[source]

Convert lease settings element to lease instance.

Parameters:lease_element (ET.Element) – “LeaseSettingsSection” XML element
Returns:Lease instance
Return type:Lease
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Subject(type, name, access_level, id=None)[source]

Bases: object

User or group subject

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.TerremarkConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudConnection

vCloud connection subclass for Terremark

host = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.TerremarkDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudNodeDriver

vCloud node driver for Terremark

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of TerremarkConnection


List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the vCloud driver


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

host = None
request(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Request a given action.

Basically a wrapper around the connection object’s request that does some helpful pre-processing.

  • action (str) – A path. This can include arguments. If included, any extra parameters are appended to the existing ones.
  • params (dict) – Optional mapping of additional parameters to send. If None, leave as an empty dict.
  • data (unicode) – A body of data to send with the request.
  • headers (dict) – Extra headers to add to the request None, leave as an empty dict.
  • method (str) – An HTTP method such as “GET” or “POST”.
  • raw (bool) – True to perform a “raw” request aka only send the headers and use the rawResponseCls class. This is used with storage API when uploading a file.
  • stream (bool) – True to return an iterator in Response.iter_content and allow streaming of the response data (for downloading large files)

An Response instance.

Return type:

Response instance


alias of VCloudResponse

token = None
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

vCloud node driver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'0': pending, '1': pending, '2': pending, '3': pending, '4': running}

alias of VCloudConnection

create_node(name, size, image, auth=None, ex_network=None, ex_vdc=None, ex_cpus=1, ex_row=None, ex_group=None)[source]

Creates and returns node.

  • ex_network (str) – link to a “Network” e.g., https://services.vcloudexpress...
  • ex_vdc (str) – Name of organisation’s virtual data center where vApp VMs will be deployed.
  • ex_cpus (int) – number of virtual cpus (limit depends on provider)

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

List all nodes across all vDCs. Using ‘vdcs’ you can specify which vDCs should be queried.

Parameters:vdcs (Vdc) – None, vDC or a list of vDCs to query. If None all vDCs will be queried.
Return type:list of Node
features = {'create_node': ['password']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'vCloud'
org = None

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'vcloud'

vCloud virtual data centers (vDCs).

Returns:list of vDC objects
Return type:list of Vdc
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_1_5_Connection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudConnection


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_1_5_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloudNodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


NODE_STATE_MAP = {'-1': unknown, '0': pending, '1': pending, '10': unknown, '2': pending, '3': pending, '4': running, '5': running, '6': unknown, '7': unknown, '8': stopped, '9': unknown}

alias of VCloud_1_5_Connection

Creates and returns node. If the source image is:
  • vApp template - a new vApp is instantiated from template
  • existing vApp - a new vApp is cloned from the source vApp. Can
    not clone more vApps is parallel otherwise resource busy error is raised.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • image (NodeImage or Node) – OS Image to boot on node. (required). Can be a NodeImage or existing Node that will be cloned.
  • ex_network (str) – Organisation’s network name for attaching vApp VMs to.
  • ex_vdc (str) – Name of organisation’s virtual data center where vApp VMs will be deployed.
  • ex_vm_names (list of str) – list of names to be used as a VM and computer name. The name must be max. 15 characters long and follow the host name requirements.
  • ex_vm_cpu (int) – number of virtual CPUs/cores to allocate for each vApp VM.
  • ex_vm_memory (int) – amount of memory in MB to allocate for each vApp VM.
  • ex_vm_script (str) – full path to file containing guest customisation script for each vApp VM. Useful for creating users & pushing out public SSH keys etc.
  • ex_vm_script_text (str) – content of guest customisation script for each vApp VM. Overrides ex_vm_script parameter.
  • ex_vm_network (str) – Override default vApp VM network name. Useful for when you’ve imported an OVF originating from outside of the vCloud.
  • ex_vm_fence (str) – Fence mode for connecting the vApp VM network (ex_vm_network) to the parent organisation network (ex_network).
  • ex_vm_ipmode (str) – IP address allocation mode for all vApp VM network connections.
  • ex_deploy (bool) – set to False if the node shouldn’t be deployed (started) after creation
  • ex_force_customization (bool) – Used to specify whether to force customization on deployment, if not set default value is False.
  • ex_clone_timeout (int) – timeout in seconds for clone/instantiate VM operation. Cloning might be a time consuming operation especially when linked clones are disabled or VMs are created on different datastores. Overrides the default task completion value.
  • ex_admin_password (str) – set the node admin password explicitly.
  • ex_description (str) – Set a description for the vApp.
destroy_node(node, shutdown=True)[source]

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
ex_add_vm_disk(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_disk_size)[source]

Adds a virtual disk to the specified VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified.

  • vapp_or_vm_id (str) – vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified
  • vm_disk_size (int) – the disk capacity in GB that will be added to the specified VM or VMs
Return type:


ex_change_vm_admin_password(vapp_or_vm_id, ex_admin_password)[source]

Changes the admin (or root) password of VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified.

  • vapp_or_vm_id (str) – vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified
  • ex_admin_password (str) – admin password to be used.
Return type:


ex_deploy_node(node, ex_force_customization=False)[source]

Deploys existing node. Equal to vApp “start” operation.

  • node (Node) – The node to be deployed
  • ex_force_customization (bool) – Used to specify whether to force customization on deployment, if not set default value is False.
Return type:


ex_find_node(node_name, vdcs=None)[source]

Searches for node across specified vDCs. This is more effective than querying all nodes to get a single instance.

  • node_name (str) – The name of the node to search for
  • vdcs (Vdc) – None, vDC or a list of vDCs to search in. If None all vDCs will be searched.

node instance or None if not found

Return type:

Node or None

ex_find_vm_nodes(vm_name, max_results=50)[source]

Finds nodes that contain a VM with the specified name.

  • vm_name (str) – The VM name to find nodes for
  • max_results (int) – Maximum number of results up to 128

List of node instances

Return type:

list of Node


Returns the control access settings for specified node.

Parameters:node (Node) – node to get the control access for
Return type:ControlAccess
Parameters:node (Node) – node
Returns:dictionary mapping metadata keys to metadata values
Return type:dictionary mapping str to str

Powers on all VMs under specified node. VMs need to be This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered on.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be powered off
Return type:Node

Powers on all VMs under specified node. This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered off or suspended.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be powered on
Return type:Node
ex_query(type, filter=None, page=1, page_size=100, sort_asc=None, sort_desc=None)[source]

Queries vCloud for specified type. See for details. Each element of the returned list is a dictionary with all attributes from the record.

  • type (str) – type to query (r.g. user, group, vApp etc.)
  • filter (str) – filter expression (see documentation for syntax)
  • page (int) – page number
  • page_size (int) – page size
  • sort_asc (str) – sort in ascending order by specified field
  • sort_desc (str) – sort in descending order by specified field
Return type:

list of dict

ex_set_control_access(node, control_access)[source]

Sets control access for the specified node.

  • node (Node) – node
  • control_access (ControlAccess) – control access settings
Return type:


ex_set_metadata_entry(node, key, value)[source]
  • node (Node) – node
  • key (str) – metadata key to be set
  • value (str) – metadata value to be set
Return type:


ex_set_vm_cpu(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_cpu)[source]

Sets the number of virtual CPUs for the specified VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified.

Please ensure that hot-adding a virtual CPU is enabled for the powered on virtual machines. Otherwise use this method on undeployed vApp.

  • vapp_or_vm_id (str) – vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified
  • vm_cpu (int) – number of virtual CPUs/cores to allocate for specified VMs
Return type:


ex_set_vm_memory(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_memory)[source]

Sets the virtual memory in MB to allocate for the specified VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified.

Please ensure that hot-change of virtual memory is enabled for the powered on virtual machines. Otherwise use this method on undeployed vApp.

  • vapp_or_vm_id (str) – vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified
  • vm_memory (int) – virtual memory in MB to allocate for the specified VM or VMs
Return type:



Shutdowns all VMs under specified node. This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered on.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be shut down
Return type:Node

Suspends all VMs under specified node. This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered on.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be suspended
Return type:Node
ex_undeploy_node(node, shutdown=True)[source]

Undeploys existing node. Equal to vApp “stop” operation.

  • node (Node) – The node to be deployed
  • shutdown (bool) – Whether to shutdown or power off the guest when undeploying
Return type:



List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_5_1_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_1_5_NodeDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_5_5_Connection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_1_5_Connection


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_5_5_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.VCloud_5_1_NodeDriver

Use 5.5 Connection class to explicitly set 5.5 for the version in Accept headers

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of VCloud_5_5_Connection

ex_acquire_mks_ticket(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_num=0)[source]

Retrieve a mks ticket that you can use to gain access to the console of a running VM. If successful, returns a dict with the following keys:

  • host: host (or proxy) through which the console connection
    is made
  • vmx: a reference to the VMX file of the VM for which this
    ticket was issued
  • ticket: screen ticket to use to authenticate the client
  • port: host port to be used for console access
  • vapp_or_vm_id (str) – vApp or VM ID you want to connect to.
  • vm_num (int) – If a vApp ID is provided, vm_num is position in the vApp VM list of the VM you want to get a screen ticket. Default is 0.
Return type:



Creates new snapshot of a virtual machine or of all the virtual machines in a vApp. Prior to creation of the new snapshots, any existing user created snapshots associated with the virtual machines are removed.

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:Node

Removes all user created snapshots for a vApp or virtual machine.

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:Node

Reverts a vApp or virtual machine to the current snapshot, if any.

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:Node
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.Vdc(id, name, driver, allocation_model=None, cpu=None, memory=None, storage=None)[source]

Bases: object

Virtual datacenter (vDC) representation

libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud.fixxpath(root, xpath)[source]

ElementTree wants namespaces in its xpaths, so here we add them.


libcloud.compute.drivers.voxel module

Voxel VoxCloud driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.voxel.VoxelConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the Voxel driver


Adds default parameters (such as API key, version, etc.) to the passed params

Should return a dictionary.

host = ''

alias of VoxelResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.voxel.VoxelNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Voxel VoxCLOUD node driver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of VoxelConnection

create_node(name, size, image, location, ex_privateip=None, ex_publicip=None, ex_rootpass=None, ex_consolepass=None, ex_sshuser=None, ex_sshpass=None, ex_voxel_access=None)[source]

Create Voxel Node

  • name (str) – the name to assign the node (mandatory)
  • image (NodeImage) – distribution to deploy
  • size (NodeSize) – the plan size to create (mandatory) Requires size.disk (GB) to be set manually
  • location (NodeLocation) – which datacenter to create the node in
  • ex_privateip (str) – Backend IP address to assign to node; must be chosen from the customer’s private VLAN assignment.
  • ex_publicip (str) – Public-facing IP address to assign to node; must be chosen from the customer’s public VLAN assignment.
  • ex_rootpass (str) – Password for root access; generated if unset.
  • ex_consolepass (str) – Password for remote console; generated if unset.
  • ex_sshuser (str) – Username for SSH access
  • ex_sshpass (str) – Password for SSH access; generated if unset.
  • ex_voxel_access (bool) – Allow access Voxel administrative access. Defaults to False.
Return type:

Node or None


Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
features = {'create_node': [], 'list_sizes': ['variable_disk']}

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Voxel VoxCLOUD'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'voxel'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.voxel.VoxelResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse


Parse response body.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.compute.drivers.vpsnet module driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vpsnet.VPSNetConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the driver


Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.

allow_insecure = False
host = ''

alias of VPSNetResponse

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vpsnet.VPSNetNodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver node driver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


api_name = 'vps_net'

alias of VPSNetConnection

create_node(name, image, size, ex_backups_enabled=False, ex_fqdn=None)[source]

Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_backups_enabled (bool) – Enable automatic backups
  • ex_fqdn (str) – Fully Qualified domain of the node

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = ''

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'vpsnet'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vpsnet.VPSNetResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse response body.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere module

VMware vSphere driver. Uses pyvmomi - Code inspired by

Authors: Dimitris Moraitis, Alex Tsiliris, Markos Gogoulos

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphereConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


VSphere needs an initial connection to a specific API endpoint to generate a session-token, which will be used for the purpose of authenticating for the rest of the session.


alias of VSphereResponse

session_token = None
exception libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphereException(code, message)[source]

Bases: Exception

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphereNetwork(id, name, extra=None)[source]

Bases: object

Represents information about a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) network

Note: This class is VSphere specific.

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphereNodeDriver(host, username, password, port=443, ca_cert=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

Initialize a connection by providing a hostname, username and password

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'poweredOff': stopped, 'poweredOn': running, 'suspended': suspended}
create_node(name, image, size, location=None, ex_cluster=None, ex_network=None, ex_datacenter=None, ex_folder=None, ex_resource_pool=None, ex_datastore_cluster=None, ex_datastore=None)[source]

Creates and returns node.

Parameters:ex_network (str) – Name of a “Network” to connect the VM to “,
ex_connect_network(vm, network_name)[source]
ex_create_snapshot(node, snapshot_name, description='', dump_memory=False, quiesce=False)[source]

Create node snapshot


List networks


List node snapshots

ex_remove_snapshot(node, snapshot_name=None, remove_children=True)[source]

Remove a snapshot from node. If snapshot_name is not defined remove the last one.

ex_revert_to_snapshot(node, snapshot_name=None)[source]

Revert node to a specific snapshot. If snapshot_name is not defined revert to the last one.


Searches VMs for a given uuid returns pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vim.VirtualMachine


Return custom field key name, provided it’s id

get_obj(vimtype, name)[source]

Return an object by name, if name is None the first found object is returned

list_images(location=None, folder_ids=None)[source]

Lists VM templates as images. If folder is given then it will list images contained in that folder only.


Lists locations

list_nodes(enhance=True, max_properties=20)[source]

List nodes, excluding templates


Lists nodes, excluding templates


Returns sizes

name = 'VMware vSphere'
type = 'vsphere'
wait_for_task(task, timeout=1800, interval=10)[source]

wait for a vCenter task to finish

website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphereResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vsphere.VSphere_REST_NodeDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=443, ca_cert=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'powered_off': stopped, 'powered_on': running, 'suspended': suspended}
VALID_RESPONSE_CODES = [<HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, <HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED: 202>, <HTTPStatus.CREATED: 201>, <HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT: 204>]

In this case filtering is not possible. Use this method when the cloud has a lot of vms and you want to return them all.


alias of VSphereConnection

create_node(name, image, size=None, location=None, ex_datastore=None, ex_disks=None, ex_folder=None, ex_network=None, ex_turned_on=True)[source]

Image can be either a vm template , a ovf template or just the guest OS.

ex_folder is necessary if the image is a vm-template, this method will attempt to put the VM in a random folder and a warning about it will be issued in case the value remains None.


Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
ex_add_nic(node, network)[source]

Creates a network adapater that will connect to the specified network for the given node. Returns a boolean indicating success or not.

ex_create_snapshot(node, snapshot_name, description='', dump_memory=False, quiesce=False)[source]

Create node snapshot

ex_list_clusters(ex_filter_folders=None, ex_filter_names=None, ex_filter_datacenters=None, ex_filter_clusters=None)[source]
ex_list_datacenters(ex_filter_folders=None, ex_filter_names=None, ex_filter_datacenters=None)[source]
ex_list_datastores(ex_filter_folders=None, ex_filter_names=None, ex_filter_datacenters=None, ex_filter_types=None, ex_filter_datastores=None)[source]
ex_list_hosts(ex_filter_folders=None, ex_filter_standalone=None, ex_filter_hosts=None, ex_filter_clusters=None, ex_filter_names=None, ex_filter_datacenters=None, ex_filter_connection_states=None)[source]

List node snapshots

ex_remove_snapshot(node, snapshot_name=None, remove_children=True)[source]

Remove a snapshot from node. If snapshot_name is not defined remove the last one.

ex_revert_to_snapshot(node, snapshot_name=None)[source]

Revert node to a specific snapshot. If snapshot_name is not defined revert to the last one.

ex_update_capacity(node, capacity)[source]
ex_update_cpu(node, cores)[source]

Assuming 1 Core per socket :param cores: Integer or string indicating number of cores :type cores: int or str

ex_update_memory(node, ram)[source]
Parameters:ram (str or int) – The ammount of ram in MB.

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

Location in the general sense means any resource that allows for node creation. In vSphere’s case that usually is a host but if a cluster has rds enabled, a cluster can be assigned to create the VM, thus the clusters with rds enabled will be added to locations.

Parameters:ex_show_hosts_in_drs (boolean) – A DRS cluster schedules automatically on which host should be placed thus it may not be desired to show the hosts in a DRS enabled cluster. Set False to not show these hosts.
list_nodes(ex_filter_power_states=None, ex_filter_folders=None, ex_filter_names=None, ex_filter_hosts=None, ex_filter_clusters=None, ex_filter_vms=None, ex_filter_datacenters=None, ex_filter_resource_pools=None, max_properties=20)[source]

The ex parameters are search options and must be an array of strings, even ex_filter_power_states which can have at most two items but makes sense to keep only one (“POWERED_ON” or “POWERED_OFF”) Keep in mind that this method will return up to 1000 nodes so if your network has more, do use the provided filters and call it multiple times.


List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'VMware vSphere'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
session_token = None

Start a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be started
Returns:True if the start was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool

Stop a node

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be stopped.
Returns:True if the stop was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'vsphere'
website = ''

libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr module

Vultr Driver

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr.SSHKey(id, name, pub_key)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr.VultrConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the Vultr driver.

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Adds API-Key default header.

Returns:Updated headers.
Return type:dict

Encode body data.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

host = ''
post(url, data)[source]

Check whether this call (method + action) must be authenticated.

Returns:True if API-Key header required, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

alias of VultrResponse

unauthenticated_endpoints = {'/v1/app/list': ['GET'], '/v1/os/list': ['GET'], '/v1/plans/list': ['GET'], '/v1/plans/list_vc2': ['GET'], '/v1/plans/list_vdc2': ['GET'], '/v1/regions/availability': ['GET'], '/v1/regions/list': ['GET']}
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr.VultrNodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.compute.base.NodeDriver

VultrNode node driver.

EX_CREATE_ATTRIBUTES = ['ipxe_chain_url', 'label', 'userdata', 'reserved_ip_v4', 'hostname', 'tag', 'enable_ipv6', 'enable_private_network', 'auto_backups', 'notify_activate', 'ddos_protection', 'iso_id', 'script_id', 'snapshot_id', 'app_id']
EX_CREATE_ID_ATTRIBUTES = {'app_id': 'APPID', 'iso_id': 'ISOID', 'script_id': 'SCRIPTID', 'snapshot_id': 'SNAPSHOTID'}
EX_CREATE_YES_NO_ATTRIBUTES = ['enable_ipv6', 'enable_private_network', 'auto_backups', 'notify_activate', 'ddos_protection']
NODE_STATE_MAP = {'active': running, 'pending': pending}

alias of VultrConnection

create_key_pair(name, public_key='')[source]

Create a new SSH key. :param name: Name of the new SSH key :type name: str

Key public_key:Public part of the new SSH key
Returns:True on success
Return type:bool
create_node(name, size, image, location, ex_ssh_key_ids=None, ex_create_attr=None)[source]

Create a node

  • name (str) – Name for the new node
  • size (NodeSize) – Size of the new node
  • image (NodeImage) – Image for the new node
  • location (NodeLocation) – Location of the new node
  • ex_ssh_key_ids – IDs of the SSH keys to initialize
  • ex_create_attr (dict) – Extra attributes for node creation

The ex_create_attr parameter can include the following dictionary key and value pairs:

  • ipxe_chain_url: str for specifying URL to boot via IPXE
  • iso_id: str the ID of a specific ISO to mount, only meaningful with the Custom NodeImage
  • script_id: int ID of a startup script to execute on boot, only meaningful when the NodeImage is not Custom
  • ‘snapshot_id`: str Snapshot ID to restore for the initial installation, only meaningful with the Snapshot NodeImage
  • enable_ipv6: bool Whether an IPv6 subnet should be assigned
  • enable_private_network: bool Whether private networking support should be added
  • label: str Text label to be shown in the control panel
  • auto_backups: bool Whether automatic backups should be enabled
  • app_id: int App ID to launch if launching an application, only meaningful when the NodeImage is Application
  • userdata: str Base64 encoded cloud-init user-data
  • notify_activate: bool Whether an activation email should be sent when the server is ready
  • ddos_protection: bool Whether DDOS protection should be enabled
  • reserved_ip_v4: str IP address of the floating IP to use as the main IP of this server
  • hostname: str The hostname to assign to this server
  • tag: str The tag to assign to this server
Returns:The newly created node.
Return type:Node

Delete an SSH key. :param key_pair: The SSH key to delete :type key_pair: SSHKey

Returns:True on success
Return type:bool

Destroy a node.

Depending upon the provider, this may destroy all data associated with the node, including backups.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be destroyed
Returns:True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

List images on a provider.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list images.
Returns:list of node image objects.
Return type:list of NodeImage

List all the available SSH keys. :return: Available SSH keys. :rtype: list of SSHKey


List data centers for a provider

Returns:list of node location objects
Return type:list of NodeLocation

List all nodes.

Returns:list of node objects
Return type:list of Node

List sizes on a provider

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – The location at which to list sizes
Returns:list of node size objects
Return type:list of NodeSize
name = 'Vultr'

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
type = 'vultr'
website = ''
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr.VultrNodeDriverHelper[source]

Bases: object

VultrNode helper class.

handle_extra(extra_keys, data)[source]
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr.VultrResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

  • response (httplib.HTTPResponse) – HTTP response object. (optional)
  • connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str
class libcloud.compute.drivers.vultr.rate_limited(sleep=0.5, retries=1)[source]

Bases: object

Decorator for retrying Vultr calls that are rate-limited.

  • sleep (int) – Seconds to sleep after being rate-limited.
  • retries (int) – Number of retries.

Module contents

Drivers for working with different providers