Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.equinixmetal

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Equinix Metal Driver

try:  # Try to use asyncio to perform requests in parallel across projects
    import asyncio
except ImportError:  # If not available will do things serially
    asyncio = None

import datetime
import json

from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib

from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionKey, JsonResponse
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider, NodeState, InvalidCredsError
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, Node
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage, NodeSize, NodeLocation
from libcloud.compute.base import KeyPair
from libcloud.compute.base import StorageVolume, VolumeSnapshot


# True to use async io if available (aka running under Python 3)

[docs]def use_asyncio(): return asyncio is not None and USE_ASYNC_IO_IF_AVAILABLE
[docs]class EquinixMetalResponse(JsonResponse): valid_response_codes = [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED, httplib.NO_CONTENT]
[docs] def parse_error(self): if self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED: body = self.parse_body() raise InvalidCredsError(body.get('error')) else: body = self.parse_body() if 'message' in body: error = '%s (code: %s)' % (body.get('message'), self.status) elif 'errors' in body: error = body.get('errors') else: error = body raise Exception(error)
[docs] def success(self): return self.status in self.valid_response_codes
[docs]class EquinixMetalConnection(ConnectionKey): """ Connection class for the Equinix Metal driver. """ host = EQUINIXMETAL_ENDPOINT responseCls = EquinixMetalResponse
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): """ Add headers that are necessary for every request """ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.key headers['X-Consumer-Token'] = \ 'kcrhMn7hwG8Ceo2hAhGFa2qpxLBvVHxEjS9ue8iqmsNkeeB2iQgMq4dNc1893pYu' return headers
[docs]class EquinixMetalNodeDriver(NodeDriver): """ Equinix Metal NodeDriver """ connectionCls = EquinixMetalConnection type = Provider.EQUINIXMETAL name = 'EquinixMetal' website = '' NODE_STATE_MAP = {'queued': NodeState.PENDING, 'provisioning': NodeState.PENDING, 'rebuilding': NodeState.PENDING, 'powering_on': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'powering_off': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'rebooting': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'inactive': NodeState.STOPPED, 'deleted': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'deprovisioning': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'failed': NodeState.ERROR, 'active': NodeState.RUNNING} def __init__(self, key, project=None): """ Initialize a NodeDriver for Equinix Metal using the API token and optionally the project (name or id). If project name is specified we validate it lazily and populate self.project_id during the first access of self.projects variable """ super(EquinixMetalNodeDriver, self).__init__(key=key) self.project_name = project self.project_id = None # Lazily populated on first access to self.project self._project = project # Variable which indicates if self._projects has been populated yet and # has been called self._project validated self._projects_populated = False self._projects = None @property def projects(self): """ Lazily retrieve projects and set self.project_id variable on initial access to self.projects variable. """ if not self._projects_populated: # NOTE: Each EquinixMetal account needs at least one project, # but to be on the safe side and avoid infinite loop # in case there are no projects on the account, we don't use # a more robust way to determine # if project list has been populated yet self._projects = self.ex_list_projects() self._projects_populated = True # If project name is specified, verify it's valid and populate # self.project_id if self._project: for project_obj in self._projects: if self._project in [,]: self.project_id = break if not self.project_id: # Invalid project name self.project_name = None return self._projects
[docs] def ex_list_projects(self): projects = [] data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/projects').object projects = data.get('projects') if projects: projects = [Project(project) for project in projects] return projects
[docs] def list_nodes(self, ex_project_id=None): if ex_project_id: return self.ex_list_nodes_for_project(ex_project_id=ex_project_id) # if project has been specified during driver initialization, then # return nodes for this project only if self.project_id: return self.ex_list_nodes_for_project( ex_project_id=self.project_id) # In case of Python2 perform requests serially if not use_asyncio(): nodes = [] for project in self.projects: nodes.extend( self.ex_list_nodes_for_project( ) return nodes # In case of Python3 use asyncio to perform requests in parallel return self.list_resources_async('nodes')
[docs] def list_resources_async(self, resource_type): # The _list_nodes function is defined dynamically using exec in # order to prevent a SyntaxError in Python2 due to "yield from". # This cruft can be removed once Python2 support is no longer # required. assert resource_type in ['nodes', 'volumes'] glob = globals() loc = locals() exec(""" import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def _list_async(driver): projects = [ for project in driver.projects] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() futures = [ loop.run_in_executor(None, driver.ex_list_%s_for_project, p) for p in projects ] retval = [] for future in futures: result = yield from future retval.extend(result) return retval""" % resource_type, glob, loc) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(loc['_list_async'](loc['self']))
[docs] def ex_list_nodes_for_project(self, ex_project_id, include='plan', page=1, per_page=1000): params = { 'include': include, 'page': page, 'per_page': per_page } data = self.connection.request( '/metal/v1/projects/%s/devices' % (ex_project_id), params=params).object['devices'] return list(map(self._to_node, data))
[docs] def list_locations(self): data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/facilities')\ .object['facilities'] return list(map(self._to_location, data))
[docs] def list_images(self): data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/operating-systems')\ .object['operating_systems'] return list(map(self._to_image, data))
[docs] def list_sizes(self, ex_project_id=None): project_id = ex_project_id or self.project_id or ( len(self.projects) and self.projects[0].id) if project_id: data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/projects/%s/plans' % project_id).object['plans'] else: # This only works with personal tokens data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/plans').object['plans'] return [self._to_size(size) for size in data if size.get('line') == 'baremetal']
[docs] def create_node(self, name, size, image, location, ex_project_id=None, ip_addresses=[], cloud_init=None, **kwargs): """ Create a node. :return: The newly created node. :rtype: :class:`Node` """ # if project has been specified on initialization of driver, then # create on this project if self.project_id: ex_project_id = self.project_id else: if not ex_project_id: raise Exception('ex_project_id needs to be specified') facility = location.extra['code'] params = {'hostname': name, 'plan':, 'operating_system':, 'facility': facility, 'include': 'plan', 'billing_cycle': 'hourly'} if ip_addresses: params['ip_addresses'] = ip_addresses params.update(kwargs) if cloud_init: params["userdata"] = cloud_init data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/projects/%s/devices' % (ex_project_id), data=json.dumps(params), method='POST') status = data.object.get('status', 'OK') if status == 'ERROR': message = data.object.get('message', None) error_message = data.object.get('error_message', message) raise ValueError('Failed to create node: %s' % (error_message)) node = self._to_node(data=data.object) if kwargs.get('disk'): self.attach_volume(node, kwargs.get('disk')) if kwargs.get('disk_size'): volume = self.create_volume(size=kwargs.get('disk_size'), location=location) self.attach_volume(node, volume) return node
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): params = {'type': 'reboot'} res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/devices/%s/actions' % (, params=params, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def start_node(self, node): params = {'type': 'power_on'} res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/devices/%s/actions' % (, params=params, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def stop_node(self, node): params = {'type': 'power_off'} res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/devices/%s/actions' % (, params=params, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/devices/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def ex_start_node(self, node): # NOTE: This method is here for backward compatibility reasons after # this method was promoted to be part of the standard compute API in # Libcloud v2.7.0 return self.start_node(node=node)
[docs] def ex_stop_node(self, node): # NOTE: This method is here for backward compatibility reasons after # this method was promoted to be part of the standard compute API in # Libcloud v2.7.0 return self.stop_node(node=node)
[docs] def ex_reinstall_node(self, node): params = {'type': 'reinstall'} res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/devices/%s/actions' % (, params=params, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def ex_rescue_node(self, node): params = {'type': 'rescue'} res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/devices/%s/actions' % (, params=params, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def ex_update_node(self, node, **kwargs): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s' % res = self.connection.request(path, params=kwargs, method='PUT') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def ex_get_node_bandwidth(self, node, from_time, until_time): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s/bandwidth' % params = {'from': from_time, 'until': until_time} return self.connection.request(path, params=params).object
[docs] def ex_list_ip_assignments_for_node(self, node, include=''): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s/ips' % params = {'include': include} return self.connection.request(path, params=params).object
[docs] def list_key_pairs(self): """ List all the available SSH keys. :return: Available SSH keys. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.KeyPair` objects """ data = self.connection.request( '/metal/v1/ssh-keys').object['ssh_keys'] return list(map(self._to_key_pairs, data))
[docs] def create_key_pair(self, name, public_key): """ Create a new SSH key. :param name: Key name (required) :type name: ``str`` :param public_key: Valid public key string (required) :type public_key: ``str`` """ params = {'label': name, 'key': public_key} data = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/ssh-keys', method='POST', params=params).object return self._to_key_pairs(data)
[docs] def delete_key_pair(self, key): """ Delete an existing SSH key. :param key: SSH key (required) :type key: :class:`KeyPair` """ key_id = res = self.connection.request('/metal/v1/ssh-keys/%s' % (key_id), method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
def _to_node(self, data): extra = {} extra_keys = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'userdata', 'billing_cycle', 'locked', 'iqn', 'locked', 'project', 'description'] if 'state' in data: state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get(data['state'], NodeState.UNKNOWN) else: state = NodeState.UNKNOWN if 'ip_addresses' in data and data['ip_addresses'] is not None: ips = self._parse_ips(data['ip_addresses']) if 'operating_system' in data and data['operating_system'] is not None: image = self._to_image(data['operating_system']) extra['operating_system'] = data['operating_system'].get('name') else: image = None if 'plan' in data and data['plan'] is not None: size = self._to_size(data['plan']) extra['plan'] = data['plan'].get('slug') else: size = None if 'facility' in data: extra['facility'] = data['facility'] for key in extra_keys: if key in data: extra[key] = data[key] node = Node(id=data['id'], name=data['hostname'], state=state, public_ips=ips['public'], private_ips=ips['private'], size=size, image=image, extra=extra, driver=self) return node def _to_image(self, data): extra = {'distro': data['distro'], 'version': data['version']} return NodeImage(id=data['slug'], name=data['name'], extra=extra, driver=self) def _to_location(self, data): extra = data return NodeLocation(id=data['id'], name=data['name'], country=None, driver=self, extra=extra) def _to_size(self, data): cpus = data['specs']['cpus'][0].get('count') extra = {'description': data['description'], 'line': data['line'], 'cpus': cpus} ram = data['specs']['memory']['total'] disk = 0 for disks in data['specs']['drives']: disk_size = disks['size'].replace('GB', '') if 'TB' in disk_size: disk_size = float(disks['size'].replace('TB', '')) * 1000 disk += disks['count'] * int(disk_size) name = "%s - %s RAM" % (data.get('name'), ram) price = data['pricing'].get('hour') return NodeSize(id=data['slug'], name=name, ram=int(ram.replace('GB', '')) * 1024, disk=disk, bandwidth=0, price=price, extra=extra, driver=self) def _to_key_pairs(self, data): extra = {'label': data['label'], 'created_at': data['created_at'], 'updated_at': data['updated_at']} return KeyPair(name=data['id'], fingerprint=data['fingerprint'], public_key=data['key'], private_key=None, driver=self, extra=extra) def _parse_ips(self, data): public_ips = [] private_ips = [] for address in data: if 'address' in address and address['address'] is not None: if 'public' in address and address['public'] is True: public_ips.append(address['address']) else: private_ips.append(address['address']) return {'public': public_ips, 'private': private_ips}
[docs] def ex_get_bgp_config_for_project(self, ex_project_id): path = '/metal/v1/projects/%s/bgp-config' % ex_project_id return self.connection.request(path).object
[docs] def ex_get_bgp_config(self, ex_project_id=None): if ex_project_id: projects = [ex_project_id] elif self.project_id: projects = [self.project_id] else: projects = [ for p in self.projects] retval = [] for p in projects: config = self.ex_get_bgp_config_for_project(p) if config: retval.append(config) return retval
[docs] def ex_get_bgp_session(self, session_uuid): path = '/metal/v1/bgp/sessions/%s' % session_uuid return self.connection.request(path).object
[docs] def ex_list_bgp_sessions_for_node(self, node): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s/bgp/sessions' % return self.connection.request(path).object
[docs] def ex_list_bgp_sessions_for_project(self, ex_project_id): path = '/metal/v1/projects/%s/bgp/sessions' % ex_project_id return self.connection.request(path).object
[docs] def ex_list_bgp_sessions(self, ex_project_id=None): if ex_project_id: projects = [ex_project_id] elif self.project_id: projects = [self.project_id] else: projects = [ for p in self.projects] retval = [] for p in projects: retval.extend(self.ex_list_bgp_sessions_for_project( p)['bgp_sessions']) return retval
[docs] def ex_create_bgp_session(self, node, address_family='ipv4'): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s/bgp/sessions' % params = {'address_family': address_family} res = self.connection.request(path, params=params, method='POST') return res.object
[docs] def ex_delete_bgp_session(self, session_uuid): path = '/metal/v1/bgp/sessions/%s' % session_uuid res = self.connection.request(path, method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.OK # or res.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_list_events_for_node(self, node, include=None, page=1, per_page=10): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s/events' % params = { 'include': include, 'page': page, 'per_page': per_page } return self.connection.request(path, params=params).object
[docs] def ex_list_events_for_project(self, project, include=None, page=1, per_page=10): path = '/metal/v1/projects/%s/events' % params = { 'include': include, 'page': page, 'per_page': per_page } return self.connection.request(path, params=params).object
[docs] def ex_describe_all_addresses(self, ex_project_id=None, only_associated=False): if ex_project_id: projects = [ex_project_id] elif self.project_id: projects = [self.project_id] else: projects = [ for p in self.projects] retval = [] for project in projects: retval.extend(self.ex_describe_all_addresses_for_project( project, only_associated)) return retval
[docs] def ex_describe_all_addresses_for_project(self, ex_project_id, include=None, only_associated=False): """ Returns all the reserved IP addresses for this project optionally, returns only addresses associated with nodes. :param only_associated: If true, return only the addresses that are associated with an instance. :type only_associated: ``bool`` :return: List of IP addresses. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`dict` """ path = '/metal/v1/projects/%s/ips' % ex_project_id params = { 'include': include, } ip_addresses = self.connection.request(path, params=params).object result = [a for a in ip_addresses.get('ip_addresses', []) if not only_associated or len(a.get('assignments', [])) > 0] return result
[docs] def ex_describe_address(self, ex_address_id, include=None): path = '/metal/v1/ips/%s' % ex_address_id params = { 'include': include, } result = self.connection.request(path, params=params).object return result
[docs] def ex_request_address_reservation(self, ex_project_id, location_id=None, address_family='global_ipv4', quantity=1, comments='', customdata=''): path = '/metal/v1/projects/%s/ips' % ex_project_id params = { 'type': address_family, 'quantity': quantity, } if location_id: params['facility'] = location_id if comments: params['comments'] = comments if customdata: params['customdata'] = customdata result = self.connection.request( path, params=params, method='POST').object return result
[docs] def ex_associate_address_with_node(self, node, address, manageable=False, customdata=''): path = '/metal/v1/devices/%s/ips' % params = { 'address': address, 'manageable': manageable, 'customdata': customdata } result = self.connection.request( path, params=params, method='POST').object return result
[docs] def ex_disassociate_address(self, address_uuid, include=None): path = '/metal/v1/ips/%s' % address_uuid params = {} if include: params['include'] = include result = self.connection.request( path, params=params, method='DELETE').object return result
[docs] def list_volumes(self, ex_project_id=None): if ex_project_id: return self.ex_list_volumes_for_project( ex_project_id=ex_project_id) # if project has been specified during driver initialization, then # return nodes for this project only if self.project_id: return self.ex_list_volumes_for_project( ex_project_id=self.project_id) # In case of Python2 perform requests serially if not use_asyncio(): nodes = [] for project in self.projects: nodes.extend( self.ex_list_volumes_for_project( ) return nodes # In case of Python3 use asyncio to perform requests in parallel return self.list_resources_async('volumes')
[docs] def ex_list_volumes_for_project(self, ex_project_id, include='plan', page=1, per_page=1000): params = { 'include': include, 'page': page, 'per_page': per_page } data = self.connection.request( '/metal/v1/projects/%s/storage' % (ex_project_id), params=params).object['volumes'] return list(map(self._to_volume, data))
def _to_volume(self, data): return StorageVolume(id=data['id'], name=data['name'], size=data['size'], driver=self, extra=data)
[docs] def create_volume(self, size, location, plan='storage_1', description='', ex_project_id=None, locked=False, billing_cycle=None, customdata='', snapshot_policies=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new volume. :param size: Size of volume in gigabytes (required) :type size: ``int`` :param location: Which data center to create a volume in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional) :type location: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: The newly created volume. :rtype: :class:`StorageVolume` """ path = '/metal/v1/projects/%s/storage' % ( ex_project_id or self.projects[0].id) try: facility = location.extra['code'] except AttributeError: facility = location params = { 'facility': facility, 'plan': plan, 'size': size, 'locked': locked } params.update(kwargs) if description: params['description'] = description if customdata: params['customdata'] = customdata if billing_cycle: params['billing_cycle'] = billing_cycle if snapshot_policies: params['snapshot_policies'] = snapshot_policies data = self.connection.request( path, params=params, method='POST').object return self._to_volume(data)
[docs] def destroy_volume(self, volume): """ Destroys a storage volume. :param volume: Volume to be destroyed :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :rtype: ``bool`` """ path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s' % res = self.connection.request(path, method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def attach_volume(self, node, volume): """ Attaches volume to node. :param node: Node to attach volume to. :type node: :class:`.Node` :param volume: Volume to attach. :type volume: :class:`.StorageVolume` :rytpe: ``bool`` """ path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/attachments' % params = { 'device_id': } res = self.connection.request(path, params=params, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def detach_volume(self, volume, ex_node=None, ex_attachment_id=''): """ Detaches a volume from a node. :param volume: Volume to be detached :type volume: :class:`.StorageVolume` :param ex_attachment_id: Attachment id to be detached, if empty detach all attachments :type name: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/attachments' % attachments = volume.extra['attachments'] assert len(attachments) > 0, "Volume is not attached to any node" success = True result = None for attachment in attachments: if not ex_attachment_id or ex_attachment_id in attachment['href']: attachment_id = attachment['href'].split('/')[-1] if ex_node: node_id = self.ex_describe_attachment( attachment_id)['device']['href'].split('/')[-1] if node_id != continue path = '/metal/v1/storage/attachments/%s' % ( ex_attachment_id or attachment_id) result = self.connection.request(path, method='DELETE') success = success and result.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT return result and success
[docs] def create_volume_snapshot(self, volume, name=''): """ Create a new volume snapshot. :param volume: Volume to create a snapshot for :type volume: class:`StorageVolume` :return: The newly created volume snapshot. :rtype: :class:`VolumeSnapshot` """ path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/snapshots' % res = self.connection.request(path, method='POST') assert res.status == httplib.ACCEPTED return volume.list_snapshots()[-1]
[docs] def destroy_volume_snapshot(self, snapshot): """ Delete a volume snapshot :param snapshot: volume snapshot to delete :type snapshot: class:`VolumeSnapshot` :rtype: ``bool`` """ volume_id = snapshot.extra['volume']['href'].split('/')[-1] path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/snapshots/%s' % (volume_id, res = self.connection.request(path, method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def list_volume_snapshots(self, volume, include=''): """ List snapshots for a volume. :param volume: Volume to list snapshots for :type volume: class:`StorageVolume` :return: List of volume snapshots. :rtype: ``list`` of :class: `VolumeSnapshot` """ path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/snapshots' % params = {} if include: params['include'] = include data = self.connection.request(path, params=params).object['snapshots'] return list(map(self._to_volume_snapshot, data))
def _to_volume_snapshot(self, data): created = datetime.datetime.strptime( data['created_at'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") return VolumeSnapshot(id=data['id'], name=data['id'], created=created, state=data['status'], driver=self, extra=data)
[docs] def ex_modify_volume(self, volume, description=None, size=None, locked=None, billing_cycle=None, customdata=None): path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s' % params = {} if description: params['description'] = description if size: params['size'] = size if locked is not None: params['locked'] = locked if billing_cycle: params['billing_cycle'] = billing_cycle res = self.connection.request(path, params=params, method='PUT') return self._to_volume(res.object)
[docs] def ex_restore_volume(self, snapshot): volume_id = snapshot.extra['volume']['href'].split('/')[-1] ts = snapshot.extra['timestamp'] path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/restore?restore_point=%s' % ( volume_id, ts) res = self.connection.request(path, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_clone_volume(self, volume, snapshot=None): path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s/clone' % if snapshot: path += '?snapshot_timestamp=%s' % snapshot.extra['timestamp'] res = self.connection.request(path, method='POST') return res.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_describe_volume(self, volume_id): path = '/metal/v1/storage/%s' % volume_id data = self.connection.request(path).object return self._to_volume(data)
[docs] def ex_describe_attachment(self, attachment_id): path = '/metal/v1/storage/attachments/%s' % attachment_id data = self.connection.request(path).object return data
[docs]class Project(object): def __init__(self, project): = project.get('id') = project.get('name') self.extra = {} self.extra['max_devices'] = project.get('max_devices') self.extra['payment_method'] = project.get('payment_method') self.extra['created_at'] = project.get('created_at') self.extra['credit_amount'] = project.get('credit_amount') self.extra['devices'] = project.get('devices') self.extra['invitations'] = project.get('invitations') self.extra['memberships'] = project.get('memberships') self.extra['href'] = project.get('href') self.extra['members'] = project.get('members') self.extra['ssh_keys'] = project.get('ssh_keys') def __repr__(self): return (('<Project: id=%s, name=%s>') % (,