Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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OpenStack driver

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

    from lxml import etree as ET
except ImportError:
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import warnings
import base64

from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.utils.py3 import next
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse

from libcloud.common.openstack import OpenStackBaseConnection
from libcloud.common.openstack import OpenStackDriverMixin
from libcloud.common.openstack import OpenStackException
from libcloud.common.openstack import OpenStackResponse
from libcloud.utils.networking import is_public_subnet
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeSize, NodeImage
from libcloud.compute.base import (NodeDriver, Node, NodeLocation,
                                   StorageVolume, VolumeSnapshot)
from libcloud.compute.base import KeyPair
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, Provider
from libcloud.pricing import get_size_price
from libcloud.utils.xml import findall

__all__ = [



class OpenStackComputeConnection(OpenStackBaseConnection):
    # default config for
    service_type = 'compute'
    service_name = 'nova'
    service_region = 'RegionOne'

[docs]class OpenStackNodeDriver(NodeDriver, OpenStackDriverMixin): """ Base OpenStack node driver. Should not be used directly. """ api_name = 'openstack' name = 'OpenStack' website = '' NODE_STATE_MAP = { 'BUILD': NodeState.PENDING, 'REBUILD': NodeState.PENDING, 'ACTIVE': NodeState.RUNNING, 'SUSPENDED': NodeState.STOPPED, 'SHUTOFF': NodeState.STOPPED, 'DELETED': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'QUEUE_RESIZE': NodeState.PENDING, 'PREP_RESIZE': NodeState.PENDING, 'VERIFY_RESIZE': NodeState.RUNNING, 'PASSWORD': NodeState.PENDING, 'RESCUE': NodeState.PENDING, 'REBOOT': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'HARD_REBOOT': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'SHARE_IP': NodeState.PENDING, 'SHARE_IP_NO_CONFIG': NodeState.PENDING, 'DELETE_IP': NodeState.PENDING, 'ERROR': NodeState.ERROR, 'UNKNOWN': NodeState.UNKNOWN } def __new__(cls, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, **kwargs): if cls is OpenStackNodeDriver: if api_version == '1.0': cls = OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver elif api_version == '1.1': cls = OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver else: raise NotImplementedError( "No OpenStackNodeDriver found for API version %s" % (api_version)) return super(OpenStackNodeDriver, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): OpenStackDriverMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) super(OpenStackNodeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): uri = '/servers/%s' % ( resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') # The OpenStack and Rackspace documentation both say this API will # return a 204, but in-fact, everyone everywhere agrees it actually # returns a 202, so we are going to accept either, and someday, # someone will fix either the implementation or the documentation to # agree. return resp.status in (httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED)
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): return self._reboot_node(node, reboot_type='HARD')
[docs] def list_nodes(self, ex_all_tenants=False): """ List the nodes in a tenant :param ex_all_tenants: List nodes for all the tenants. Note: Your user must have admin privileges for this functionality to work. :type ex_all_tenants: ``bool`` """ params = {} if ex_all_tenants: params = {'all_tenants': 1} return self._to_nodes( self.connection.request('/servers/detail', params=params).object)
[docs] def create_volume(self, size, name, location=None, snapshot=None): if snapshot: raise NotImplementedError( "create_volume does not yet support create from snapshot") resp = self.connection.request('/os-volumes', method='POST', data={ 'volume': { 'display_name': name, 'display_description': name, 'size': size, 'volume_type': None, 'metadata': { 'contents': name, }, 'availability_zone': location, } }) return self._to_volume(resp.object)
[docs] def destroy_volume(self, volume): return self.connection.request('/os-volumes/%s' %, method='DELETE').success()
[docs] def attach_volume(self, node, volume, device="auto"): # when "auto" or None is provided for device, openstack will let # the guest OS pick the next available device (fi. /dev/vdb) return self.connection.request( '/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments' %, method='POST', data={ 'volumeAttachment': { 'volumeId':, 'device': device, } }).success()
[docs] def detach_volume(self, volume, ex_node=None): # when ex_node is not provided, volume is detached from all nodes failed_nodes = [] for attachment in volume.extra['attachments']: if not ex_node or == attachment['serverId']: response = self.connection.request( '/servers/%s/os-volume_attachments/%s' % (attachment['serverId'], attachment['id']), method='DELETE') if not response.success(): failed_nodes.append(attachment['serverId']) if failed_nodes: raise OpenStackException( 'detach_volume failed for nodes with id: %s' % ', '.join(failed_nodes), 500, self ) return True
[docs] def list_volumes(self): return self._to_volumes( self.connection.request('/os-volumes').object)
[docs] def ex_get_volume(self, volumeId): return self._to_volume( self.connection.request('/os-volumes/%s' % volumeId).object)
[docs] def list_images(self, location=None, ex_only_active=True): """ Lists all active images @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_images` :param ex_only_active: True if list only active :type ex_only_active: ``bool`` """ return self._to_images( self.connection.request('/images/detail').object, ex_only_active)
[docs] def get_image(self, image_id): """ Get an image based on an image_id @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.get_image` :param image_id: Image identifier :type image_id: ``str`` :return: A NodeImage object :rtype: :class:`NodeImage` """ return self._to_image(self.connection.request( '/images/%s' % (image_id,)).object['image'])
[docs] def list_sizes(self, location=None): return self._to_sizes( self.connection.request('/flavors/detail').object)
[docs] def list_locations(self): return [NodeLocation(0, '', '', self)]
def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self): return self.openstack_connection_kwargs()
[docs] def ex_get_node_details(self, node_id): """ Lists details of the specified server. :param node_id: ID of the node which should be used :type node_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = uri = '/servers/%s' % (node_id) resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='GET') if resp.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND: return None return self._to_node_from_obj(resp.object)
[docs] def ex_soft_reboot_node(self, node): """ Soft reboots the specified server :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._reboot_node(node, reboot_type='SOFT')
[docs] def ex_hard_reboot_node(self, node): """ Hard reboots the specified server :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._reboot_node(node, reboot_type='HARD')
class OpenStackNodeSize(NodeSize): """ NodeSize class for the driver. Following the example of driver and following guidelines: """ def __init__(self, id, name, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver, vcpus=None): super(OpenStackNodeSize, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, ram=ram, disk=disk, bandwidth=bandwidth, price=price, driver=driver) self.vcpus = vcpus def __repr__(self): return (('<OpenStackNodeSize: id=%s, name=%s, ram=%s, disk=%s, ' 'bandwidth=%s, price=%s, driver=%s, vcpus=%s, ...>') % (,, self.ram, self.disk, self.bandwidth, self.price,, self.vcpus))
[docs]class OpenStack_1_0_Response(OpenStackResponse): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # done because of a circular reference from # NodeDriver -> Connection -> Response self.node_driver = OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver super(OpenStack_1_0_Response, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class OpenStack_1_0_Connection(OpenStackComputeConnection): responseCls = OpenStack_1_0_Response default_content_type = 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8' accept_format = 'application/xml' XML_NAMESPACE = ''
[docs]class OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver(OpenStackNodeDriver): """ OpenStack node driver. Extra node attributes: - password: root password, available after create. - hostId: represents the host your cloud server runs on - imageId: id of image - flavorId: id of flavor """ connectionCls = OpenStack_1_0_Connection type = Provider.OPENSTACK features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._ex_force_api_version = str(kwargs.pop('ex_force_api_version', None)) self.XML_NAMESPACE = self.connectionCls.XML_NAMESPACE super(OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _to_images(self, object, ex_only_active): images = [] for image in findall(object, 'image', self.XML_NAMESPACE): if ex_only_active and image.get('status') != 'ACTIVE': continue images.append(self._to_image(image)) return images def _to_image(self, element): return NodeImage(id=element.get('id'), name=element.get('name'), driver=self.connection.driver, extra={'updated': element.get('updated'), 'created': element.get('created'), 'status': element.get('status'), 'serverId': element.get('serverId'), 'progress': element.get('progress'), 'minDisk': element.get('minDisk'), 'minRam': element.get('minRam') } ) def _change_password_or_name(self, node, name=None, password=None): uri = '/servers/%s' % ( if not name: name = body = {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': name} if password is not None: body['adminPass'] = password server_elm = ET.Element('server', body) resp = self.connection.request( uri, method='PUT', data=ET.tostring(server_elm)) if resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT and password is not None: node.extra['password'] = password return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new node @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node` :keyword ex_metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node :type ex_metadata: ``dict`` :keyword ex_files: File Path => File contents to create on the node :type ex_files: ``dict`` :keyword ex_shared_ip_group_id: The server is launched into that shared IP group :type ex_shared_ip_group_id: ``str`` """ name = kwargs['name'] image = kwargs['image'] size = kwargs['size'] attributes = {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': name, 'imageId': str(, 'flavorId': str(} if 'ex_shared_ip_group' in kwargs: # Deprecate this. Be explicit and call the variable # ex_shared_ip_group_id since user needs to pass in the id, not the # name. warnings.warn('ex_shared_ip_group argument is deprecated.' ' Please use ex_shared_ip_group_id') if 'ex_shared_ip_group_id' in kwargs: shared_ip_group_id = kwargs['ex_shared_ip_group_id'] attributes['sharedIpGroupId'] = shared_ip_group_id server_elm = ET.Element('server', attributes) metadata_elm = self._metadata_to_xml(kwargs.get("ex_metadata", {})) if metadata_elm: server_elm.append(metadata_elm) files_elm = self._files_to_xml(kwargs.get("ex_files", {})) if files_elm: server_elm.append(files_elm) resp = self.connection.request("/servers", method='POST', data=ET.tostring(server_elm)) return self._to_node(resp.object)
[docs] def ex_set_password(self, node, password): """ Sets the Node's root password. This will reboot the instance to complete the operation. :class:`Node.extra['password']` will be set to the new value if the operation was successful. :param node: node to set password :type node: :class:`Node` :param password: new password. :type password: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._change_password_or_name(node, password=password)
[docs] def ex_set_server_name(self, node, name): """ Sets the Node's name. This will reboot the instance to complete the operation. :param node: node to set name :type node: :class:`Node` :param name: new name :type name: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._change_password_or_name(node, name=name)
[docs] def ex_resize(self, node, size): """ Change an existing server flavor / scale the server up or down. :param node: node to resize. :type node: :class:`Node` :param size: new size. :type size: :class:`NodeSize` :rtype: ``bool`` """ elm = ET.Element( 'resize', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'flavorId': str(} ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % (, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_confirm_resize(self, node): """ Confirm a resize request which is currently in progress. If a resize request is not explicitly confirmed or reverted it's automatically confirmed after 24 hours. For more info refer to the API documentation: :param node: node for which the resize request will be confirmed. :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ elm = ET.Element( 'confirmResize', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE}, ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % (, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_revert_resize(self, node): """ Revert a resize request which is currently in progress. All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours if they have not already been confirmed explicitly or reverted. For more info refer to the API documentation: :param node: node for which the resize request will be reverted. :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ elm = ET.Element( 'revertResize', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE} ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % (, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_rebuild(self, node_id, image_id): """ Rebuilds the specified server. :param node_id: ID of the node which should be used :type node_id: ``str`` :param image_id: ID of the image which should be used :type image_id: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # @TODO: Remove those ifs in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = if isinstance(image_id, NodeImage): image_id = elm = ET.Element( 'rebuild', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'imageId': image_id} ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % node_id, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_create_ip_group(self, group_name, node_id=None): """ Creates a shared IP group. :param group_name: group name which should be used :type group_name: ``str`` :param node_id: ID of the node which should be used :type node_id: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = group_elm = ET.Element( 'sharedIpGroup', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': group_name} ) if node_id: ET.SubElement( group_elm, 'server', {'id': node_id} ) resp = self.connection.request('/shared_ip_groups', method='POST', data=ET.tostring(group_elm)) return self._to_shared_ip_group(resp.object)
[docs] def ex_list_ip_groups(self, details=False): """ Lists IDs and names for shared IP groups. If details lists all details for shared IP groups. :param details: True if details is required :type details: ``bool`` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup` """ uri = '/shared_ip_groups/detail' if details else '/shared_ip_groups' resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='GET') groups = findall(resp.object, 'sharedIpGroup', self.XML_NAMESPACE) return [self._to_shared_ip_group(el) for el in groups]
[docs] def ex_delete_ip_group(self, group_id): """ Deletes the specified shared IP group. :param group_id: group id which should be used :type group_id: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ uri = '/shared_ip_groups/%s' % group_id resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_share_ip(self, group_id, node_id, ip, configure_node=True): """ Shares an IP address to the specified server. :param group_id: group id which should be used :type group_id: ``str`` :param node_id: ID of the node which should be used :type node_id: ``str`` :param ip: ip which should be used :type ip: ``str`` :param configure_node: configure node :type configure_node: ``bool`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = if configure_node: str_configure = 'true' else: str_configure = 'false' elm = ET.Element( 'shareIp', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'sharedIpGroupId': group_id, 'configureServer': str_configure}, ) uri = '/servers/%s/ips/public/%s' % (node_id, ip) resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='PUT', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_unshare_ip(self, node_id, ip): """ Removes a shared IP address from the specified server. :param node_id: ID of the node which should be used :type node_id: ``str`` :param ip: ip which should be used :type ip: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = uri = '/servers/%s/ips/public/%s' % (node_id, ip) resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_list_ip_addresses(self, node_id): """ List all server addresses. :param node_id: ID of the node which should be used :type node_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses` """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = uri = '/servers/%s/ips' % node_id resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='GET') return self._to_ip_addresses(resp.object)
def _metadata_to_xml(self, metadata): if len(metadata) == 0: return None metadata_elm = ET.Element('metadata') for k, v in list(metadata.items()): meta_elm = ET.SubElement(metadata_elm, 'meta', {'key': str(k)}) meta_elm.text = str(v) return metadata_elm def _files_to_xml(self, files): if len(files) == 0: return None personality_elm = ET.Element('personality') for k, v in list(files.items()): file_elm = ET.SubElement(personality_elm, 'file', {'path': str(k)}) file_elm.text = base64.b64encode(b(v)) return personality_elm def _reboot_node(self, node, reboot_type='SOFT'): resp = self._node_action(node, ['reboot', ('type', reboot_type)]) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def _node_action(self, node, body): if isinstance(body, list): attr = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (item[0], item[1]) for item in body[1:]]) body = '<%s xmlns="%s" %s/>' % (body[0], self.XML_NAMESPACE, attr) uri = '/servers/%s/action' % ( resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='POST', data=body) return resp def _to_nodes(self, object): node_elements = findall(object, 'server', self.XML_NAMESPACE) return [self._to_node(el) for el in node_elements] def _to_node_from_obj(self, obj): return self._to_node(findall(obj, 'server', self.XML_NAMESPACE)[0]) def _to_node(self, el): def get_ips(el): return [ip.get('addr') for ip in el] def get_meta_dict(el): d = {} for meta in el: d[meta.get('key')] = meta.text return d public_ip = get_ips(findall(el, 'addresses/public/ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)) private_ip = get_ips(findall(el, 'addresses/private/ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)) metadata = get_meta_dict(findall(el, 'metadata/meta', self.XML_NAMESPACE)) n = Node(id=el.get('id'), name=el.get('name'), state=self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get( el.get('status'), NodeState.UNKNOWN), public_ips=public_ip, private_ips=private_ip, driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'password': el.get('adminPass'), 'hostId': el.get('hostId'), 'imageId': el.get('imageId'), 'flavorId': el.get('flavorId'), 'uri': "https://%s%s/servers/%s" % (, self.connection.request_path, el.get('id')), 'metadata': metadata}) return n def _to_sizes(self, object): elements = findall(object, 'flavor', self.XML_NAMESPACE) return [self._to_size(el) for el in elements] def _to_size(self, el): vcpus = int(el.get('vcpus')) if el.get('vcpus', None) else None return OpenStackNodeSize(id=el.get('id'), name=el.get('name'), ram=int(el.get('ram')), disk=int(el.get('disk')), # XXX: needs hardcode vcpus=vcpus, bandwidth=None, # Hardcoded price=self._get_size_price(el.get('id')), driver=self.connection.driver)
[docs] def ex_limits(self): """ Extra call to get account's limits, such as rates (for example amount of POST requests per day) and absolute limits like total amount of available RAM to be used by servers. :return: dict with keys 'rate' and 'absolute' :rtype: ``dict`` """ def _to_rate(el): rate = {} for item in list(el.items()): rate[item[0]] = item[1] return rate def _to_absolute(el): return {el.get('name'): el.get('value')} limits = self.connection.request("/limits").object rate = [_to_rate(el) for el in findall(limits, 'rate/limit', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] absolute = {} for item in findall(limits, 'absolute/limit', self.XML_NAMESPACE): absolute.update(_to_absolute(item)) return {"rate": rate, "absolute": absolute}
[docs] def create_image(self, node, name, description=None, reboot=True): """Create an image for node. @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_image` :param node: node to use as a base for image :type node: :class:`Node` :param name: name for new image :type name: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`NodeImage` """ image_elm = ET.Element( 'image', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': name, 'serverId':} ) return self._to_image( self.connection.request("/images", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(image_elm)).object)
[docs] def delete_image(self, image): """Delete an image for node. @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.delete_image` :param image: the image to be deleted :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :rtype: ``bool`` """ uri = '/images/%s' % resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
def _to_shared_ip_group(self, el): servers_el = findall(el, 'servers', self.XML_NAMESPACE) if servers_el: servers = [s.get('id') for s in findall(servers_el[0], 'server', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] else: servers = None return OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup(id=el.get('id'), name=el.get('name'), servers=servers) def _to_ip_addresses(self, el): public_ips = [ip.get('addr') for ip in findall( findall(el, 'public', self.XML_NAMESPACE)[0], 'ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] private_ips = [ip.get('addr') for ip in findall( findall(el, 'private', self.XML_NAMESPACE)[0], 'ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] return OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses(public_ips, private_ips) def _get_size_price(self, size_id): try: return get_size_price(driver_type='compute', driver_name=self.api_name, size_id=size_id) except KeyError: return 0.0
[docs]class OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup(object): """ Shared IP group info. """ def __init__(self, id, name, servers=None): = str(id) = name self.servers = servers
[docs]class OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses(object): """ List of public and private IP addresses of a Node. """ def __init__(self, public_addresses, private_addresses): self.public_addresses = public_addresses self.private_addresses = private_addresses
[docs]class OpenStack_1_1_Response(OpenStackResponse): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # done because of a circular reference from # NodeDriver -> Connection -> Response self.node_driver = OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver super(OpenStack_1_1_Response, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class OpenStackNetwork(object): """ A Virtual Network. """ def __init__(self, id, name, cidr, driver, extra=None): = str(id) = name self.cidr = cidr self.driver = driver self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return '<OpenStackNetwork id="%s" name="%s" cidr="%s">' % (,, self.cidr,) class OpenStackSecurityGroup(object): """ A Security Group. """ def __init__(self, id, tenant_id, name, description, driver, rules=None, extra=None): """ Constructor. :keyword id: Group id. :type id: ``str`` :keyword tenant_id: Owner of the security group. :type tenant_id: ``str`` :keyword name: Human-readable name for the security group. Might not be unique. :type name: ``str`` :keyword description: Human-readable description of a security group. :type description: ``str`` :keyword rules: Rules associated with this group. :type rules: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroupRule` :keyword extra: Extra attributes associated with this group. :type extra: ``dict`` """ = id self.tenant_id = tenant_id = name self.description = description self.driver = driver self.rules = rules or [] self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStackSecurityGroup id=%s tenant_id=%s name=%s \ description=%s>' % (, self.tenant_id,, self.description)) class OpenStackSecurityGroupRule(object): """ A Rule of a Security Group. """ def __init__(self, id, parent_group_id, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, driver, ip_range=None, group=None, tenant_id=None, extra=None): """ Constructor. :keyword id: Rule id. :type id: ``str`` :keyword parent_group_id: ID of the parent security group. :type parent_group_id: ``str`` :keyword ip_protocol: IP Protocol (icmp, tcp, udp, etc). :type ip_protocol: ``str`` :keyword from_port: Port at start of range. :type from_port: ``int`` :keyword to_port: Port at end of range. :type to_port: ``int`` :keyword ip_range: CIDR for address range. :type ip_range: ``str`` :keyword group: Name of a source security group to apply to rule. :type group: ``str`` :keyword tenant_id: Owner of the security group. :type tenant_id: ``str`` :keyword extra: Extra attributes associated with this rule. :type extra: ``dict`` """ = id self.parent_group_id = parent_group_id self.ip_protocol = ip_protocol self.from_port = from_port self.to_port = to_port self.driver = driver self.ip_range = '' = {} if group is None: self.ip_range = ip_range else: = {'name': group, 'tenant_id': tenant_id} self.tenant_id = tenant_id self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStackSecurityGroupRule id=%s parent_group_id=%s \ ip_protocol=%s from_port=%s to_port=%s>' % (, self.parent_group_id, self.ip_protocol, self.from_port, self.to_port)) class OpenStackKeyPair(object): """ A KeyPair. """ def __init__(self, name, fingerprint, public_key, driver, private_key=None, extra=None): """ Constructor. :keyword name: Name of the KeyPair. :type name: ``str`` :keyword fingerprint: Fingerprint of the KeyPair :type fingerprint: ``str`` :keyword public_key: Public key in OpenSSH format. :type public_key: ``str`` :keyword private_key: Private key in PEM format. :type private_key: ``str`` :keyword extra: Extra attributes associated with this KeyPair. :type extra: ``dict`` """ = name self.fingerprint = fingerprint self.public_key = public_key self.private_key = private_key self.driver = driver self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStackKeyPair name=%s fingerprint=%s public_key=%s ...>' % (, self.fingerprint, self.public_key))
[docs]class OpenStack_1_1_Connection(OpenStackComputeConnection): responseCls = OpenStack_1_1_Response accept_format = 'application/json' default_content_type = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
[docs] def encode_data(self, data): return json.dumps(data)
[docs]class OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver(OpenStackNodeDriver): """ OpenStack node driver. """ connectionCls = OpenStack_1_1_Connection type = Provider.OPENSTACK features = {"create_node": ["generates_password"]} _networks_url_prefix = '/os-networks' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._ex_force_api_version = str(kwargs.pop('ex_force_api_version', None)) super(OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """Create a new node @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node` :keyword ex_keyname: The name of the key pair :type ex_keyname: ``str`` :keyword ex_userdata: String containing user data see :type ex_userdata: ``str`` :keyword ex_security_groups: List of security groups to assign to the node :type ex_security_groups: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` :keyword ex_metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node :type ex_metadata: ``dict`` :keyword ex_files: File Path => File contents to create on the no de :type ex_files: ``dict`` :keyword networks: The server is launched into a set of Networks. :type networks: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackNetwork` :keyword ex_disk_config: Name of the disk configuration. Can be either ``AUTO`` or ``MANUAL``. :type ex_disk_config: ``str`` :keyword ex_config_drive: If True enables metadata injection in a server through a configuration drive. :type ex_config_drive: ``bool`` :keyword ex_admin_pass: The root password for the node :type ex_admin_pass: ``str`` :keyword ex_availability_zone: Nova availability zone for the node :type ex_availability_zone: ``str`` """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(None, **kwargs) resp = self.connection.request("/servers", method='POST', data={'server': server_params}) create_response = resp.object['server'] server_resp = self.connection.request( '/servers/%s' % create_response['id']) server_object = server_resp.object['server'] # adminPass is not always present # # content/configuring-compute-API.html#d6e1833 server_object['adminPass'] = create_response.get('adminPass', None) return self._to_node(server_object)
def _to_images(self, obj, ex_only_active): images = [] for image in obj['images']: if ex_only_active and image.get('status') != 'ACTIVE': continue images.append(self._to_image(image)) return images def _to_image(self, api_image): server = api_image.get('server', {}) return NodeImage( id=api_image['id'], name=api_image['name'], driver=self, extra=dict( updated=api_image['updated'], created=api_image['created'], status=api_image['status'], progress=api_image.get('progress'), metadata=api_image.get('metadata'), serverId=server.get('id'), minDisk=api_image.get('minDisk'), minRam=api_image.get('minRam'), ) ) def _to_nodes(self, obj): servers = obj['servers'] return [self._to_node(server) for server in servers] def _to_volumes(self, obj): volumes = obj['volumes'] return [self._to_volume(volume) for volume in volumes] def _to_snapshots(self, obj): snapshots = obj['snapshots'] return [self._to_snapshot(snapshot) for snapshot in snapshots] def _to_sizes(self, obj): flavors = obj['flavors'] return [self._to_size(flavor) for flavor in flavors] def _create_args_to_params(self, node, **kwargs): server_params = { 'name': kwargs.get('name'), 'metadata': kwargs.get('ex_metadata', {}), 'personality': self._files_to_personality(kwargs.get("ex_files", {})) } if 'ex_availability_zone' in kwargs: server_params['availability_zone'] = kwargs['ex_availability_zone'] if 'ex_keyname' in kwargs: server_params['key_name'] = kwargs['ex_keyname'] if 'ex_userdata' in kwargs: server_params['user_data'] = base64.b64encode( b(kwargs['ex_userdata'])).decode('ascii') if 'ex_disk_config' in kwargs: server_params['OS-DCF:diskConfig'] = kwargs['ex_disk_config'] if 'ex_config_drive' in kwargs: server_params['config_drive'] = str(kwargs['ex_config_drive']) if 'ex_admin_pass' in kwargs: server_params['adminPass'] = kwargs['ex_admin_pass'] if 'networks' in kwargs: networks = kwargs['networks'] networks = [{'uuid':} for network in networks] server_params['networks'] = networks if 'ex_security_groups' in kwargs: server_params['security_groups'] = [] for security_group in kwargs['ex_security_groups']: name = server_params['security_groups'].append({'name': name}) if 'name' in kwargs: server_params['name'] = kwargs.get('name') else: server_params['name'] = if 'image' in kwargs: server_params['imageRef'] = kwargs.get('image').id else: server_params['imageRef'] = node.extra.get('imageId') if 'size' in kwargs: server_params['flavorRef'] = kwargs.get('size').id else: server_params['flavorRef'] = node.extra.get('flavorId') return server_params def _files_to_personality(self, files): rv = [] for k, v in list(files.items()): rv.append({'path': k, 'contents': base64.b64encode(b(v))}) return rv def _reboot_node(self, node, reboot_type='SOFT'): resp = self._node_action(node, 'reboot', type=reboot_type) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_set_password(self, node, password): """ Changes the administrator password for a specified server. :param node: Node to rebuild. :type node: :class:`Node` :param password: The administrator password. :type password: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'changePassword', adminPass=password) node.extra['password'] = password return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_rebuild(self, node, image, **kwargs): """ Rebuild a Node. :param node: Node to rebuild. :type node: :class:`Node` :param image: New image to use. :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :keyword ex_metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node :type ex_metadata: ``dict`` :keyword ex_files: File Path => File contents to create on the no de :type ex_files: ``dict`` :keyword ex_keyname: Name of existing public key to inject into instance :type ex_keyname: ``str`` :keyword ex_userdata: String containing user data see :type ex_userdata: ``str`` :keyword ex_security_groups: List of security groups to assign to the node :type ex_security_groups: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` :keyword ex_disk_config: Name of the disk configuration. Can be either ``AUTO`` or ``MANUAL``. :type ex_disk_config: ``str`` :keyword ex_config_drive: If True enables metadata injection in a server through a configuration drive. :type ex_config_drive: ``bool`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(node, image=image, **kwargs) resp = self._node_action(node, 'rebuild', **server_params) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_resize(self, node, size): """ Change a node size. :param node: Node to resize. :type node: :class:`Node` :type size: :class:`NodeSize` :param size: New size to use. :rtype: ``bool`` """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(node, size=size) resp = self._node_action(node, 'resize', **server_params) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_confirm_resize(self, node): """ Confirms a pending resize action. :param node: Node to resize. :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'confirmResize') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
[docs] def ex_revert_resize(self, node): """ Cancels and reverts a pending resize action. :param node: Node to resize. :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'revertResize') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def create_image(self, node, name, metadata=None): """ Creates a new image. :param node: Node :type node: :class:`Node` :param name: The name for the new image. :type name: ``str`` :param metadata: Key and value pairs for metadata. :type metadata: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`NodeImage` """ optional_params = {} if metadata: optional_params['metadata'] = metadata resp = self._node_action(node, 'createImage', name=name, **optional_params) image_id = self._extract_image_id_from_url(resp.headers['location']) return self.get_image(image_id=image_id)
[docs] def ex_set_server_name(self, node, name): """ Sets the Node's name. :param node: Node :type node: :class:`Node` :param name: The name of the server. :type name: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._update_node(node, name=name)
[docs] def ex_get_metadata(self, node): """ Get a Node's metadata. :param node: Node :type node: :class:`Node` :return: Key/Value metadata associated with node. :rtype: ``dict`` """ return self.connection.request( '/servers/%s/metadata' % (,), method='GET',).object['metadata']
[docs] def ex_set_metadata(self, node, metadata): """ Sets the Node's metadata. :param node: Node :type node: :class:`Node` :param metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node :type metadata: ``dict`` :rtype: ``dict`` """ return self.connection.request( '/servers/%s/metadata' % (,), method='PUT', data={'metadata': metadata} ).object['metadata']
[docs] def ex_update_node(self, node, **node_updates): """ Update the Node's editable attributes. The OpenStack API currently supports editing name and IPv4/IPv6 access addresses. The driver currently only supports updating the node name. :param node: Node :type node: :class:`Node` :keyword name: New name for the server :type name: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ potential_data = self._create_args_to_params(node, **node_updates) updates = {'name': potential_data['name']} return self._update_node(node, **updates)
def _to_networks(self, obj): networks = obj['networks'] return [self._to_network(network) for network in networks] def _to_network(self, obj): return OpenStackNetwork(id=obj['id'], name=obj['label'], cidr=obj.get('cidr', None), driver=self)
[docs] def ex_list_networks(self): """ Get a list of Networks that are available. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackNetwork` """ response = self.connection.request(self._networks_url_prefix).object return self._to_networks(response)
[docs] def ex_create_network(self, name, cidr): """ Create a new Network :param name: Name of network which should be used :type name: ``str`` :param cidr: cidr of network which should be used :type cidr: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStackNetwork` """ data = {'network': {'cidr': cidr, 'label': name}} response = self.connection.request(self._networks_url_prefix, method='POST', data=data).object return self._to_network(response['network'])
[docs] def ex_delete_network(self, network): """ Get a list of NodeNetorks that are available. :param network: Network which should be used :type network: :class:`OpenStackNetwork` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('%s/%s' % (self._networks_url_prefix,, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_get_console_output(self, node, length=None): """ Get console output :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :param length: Optional number of lines to fetch from the console log :type length: ``int`` :return: Dictionary with the output :rtype: ``dict`` """ data = { "os-getConsoleOutput": { "length": length } } resp = self.connection.request('/servers/%s/action' %, method='POST', data=data).object return resp
[docs] def ex_list_snapshots(self): return self._to_snapshots( self.connection.request('/os-snapshots').object)
[docs] def ex_create_snapshot(self, volume, name, description=None, force=False): """ Create a snapshot based off of a volume. :param volume: volume :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :keyword name: New name for the volume snapshot :type name: ``str`` :keyword description: Description of the snapshot (optional) :type description: ``str`` :keyword force: Whether to force creation (optional) :type force: ``bool`` :rtype: :class:`VolumeSnapshot` """ data = {'snapshot': {'display_name': name, 'display_description': description, 'volume_id':, 'force': force}} return self._to_snapshot(self.connection.request('/os-snapshots', method='POST', data=data).object)
[docs] def ex_delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """ Delete a VolumeSnapshot :param snapshot: snapshot :type snapshot: :class:`VolumeSnapshot` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-snapshots/%s' %, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
def _to_security_group_rules(self, obj): return [self._to_security_group_rule(security_group_rule) for security_group_rule in obj] def _to_security_group_rule(self, obj): ip_range = group = tenant_id = None if obj['group'] == {}: ip_range = obj['ip_range'].get('cidr', None) else: group = obj['group'].get('name', None) tenant_id = obj['group'].get('tenant_id', None) return OpenStackSecurityGroupRule( id=obj['id'], parent_group_id=obj['parent_group_id'], ip_protocol=obj['ip_protocol'], from_port=obj['from_port'], to_port=obj['to_port'], driver=self, ip_range=ip_range, group=group, tenant_id=tenant_id) def _to_security_groups(self, obj): security_groups = obj['security_groups'] return [self._to_security_group(security_group) for security_group in security_groups] def _to_security_group(self, obj): rules = self._to_security_group_rules(obj.get('rules', [])) return OpenStackSecurityGroup(id=obj['id'], tenant_id=obj['tenant_id'], name=obj['name'], description=obj.get('description', ''), rules=rules, driver=self)
[docs] def ex_list_security_groups(self): """ Get a list of Security Groups that are available. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` """ return self._to_security_groups( self.connection.request('/os-security-groups').object)
[docs] def ex_get_node_security_groups(self, node): """ Get Security Groups of the specified server. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` """ return self._to_security_groups( self.connection.request('/servers/%s/os-security-groups' % (
[docs] def ex_create_security_group(self, name, description): """ Create a new Security Group :param name: Name of the new Security Group :type name: ``str`` :param description: Description of the new Security Group :type description: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` """ return self._to_security_group(self.connection.request( '/os-security-groups', method='POST', data={'security_group': {'name': name, 'description': description}} ).object['security_group'])
[docs] def ex_delete_security_group(self, security_group): """ Delete a Security Group. :param security_group: Security Group should be deleted :type security_group: :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-security-groups/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return resp.status in (httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED)
[docs] def ex_create_security_group_rule(self, security_group, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr=None, source_security_group=None): """ Create a new Rule in a Security Group :param security_group: Security Group in which to add the rule :type security_group: :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroup` :param ip_protocol: Protocol to which this rule applies Examples: tcp, udp, ... :type ip_protocol: ``str`` :param from_port: First port of the port range :type from_port: ``int`` :param to_port: Last port of the port range :type to_port: ``int`` :param cidr: CIDR notation of the source IP range for this rule :type cidr: ``str`` :param source_security_group: Existing Security Group to use as the source (instead of CIDR) :type source_security_group: L{OpenStackSecurityGroup :rtype: :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroupRule` """ source_security_group_id = None if type(source_security_group) == OpenStackSecurityGroup: source_security_group_id = return self._to_security_group_rule(self.connection.request( '/os-security-group-rules', method='POST', data={'security_group_rule': { 'ip_protocol': ip_protocol, 'from_port': from_port, 'to_port': to_port, 'cidr': cidr, 'group_id': source_security_group_id, 'parent_group_id':}} ).object['security_group_rule'])
[docs] def ex_delete_security_group_rule(self, rule): """ Delete a Rule from a Security Group. :param rule: Rule should be deleted :type rule: :class:`OpenStackSecurityGroupRule` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-security-group-rules/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
def _to_key_pairs(self, obj): key_pairs = obj['keypairs'] key_pairs = [self._to_key_pair(key_pair['keypair']) for key_pair in key_pairs] return key_pairs def _to_key_pair(self, obj): key_pair = KeyPair(name=obj['name'], fingerprint=obj['fingerprint'], public_key=obj['public_key'], private_key=obj.get('private_key', None), driver=self) return key_pair
[docs] def list_key_pairs(self): response = self.connection.request('/os-keypairs') key_pairs = self._to_key_pairs(response.object) return key_pairs
[docs] def get_key_pair(self, name): self.connection.set_context({'key_pair_name': name}) response = self.connection.request('/os-keypairs/%s' % (name)) key_pair = self._to_key_pair(response.object['keypair']) return key_pair
[docs] def create_key_pair(self, name): data = {'keypair': {'name': name}} response = self.connection.request('/os-keypairs', method='POST', data=data) key_pair = self._to_key_pair(response.object['keypair']) return key_pair
[docs] def import_key_pair_from_string(self, name, key_material): data = {'keypair': {'name': name, 'public_key': key_material}} response = self.connection.request('/os-keypairs', method='POST', data=data) key_pair = self._to_key_pair(response.object['keypair']) return key_pair
[docs] def delete_key_pair(self, key_pair): """ Delete a KeyPair. :param keypair: KeyPair to delete :type keypair: :class:`OpenStackKeyPair` :rtype: ``bool`` """ response = self.connection.request('/os-keypairs/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_list_keypairs(self): """ Get a list of KeyPairs that are available. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStackKeyPair` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'list_key_pairs method') return self.list_key_pairs()
[docs] def ex_create_keypair(self, name): """ Create a new KeyPair :param name: Name of the new KeyPair :type name: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStackKeyPair` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'create_key_pair method') return self.create_key_pair(name=name)
[docs] def ex_import_keypair(self, name, keyfile): """ Import a KeyPair from a file :param name: Name of the new KeyPair :type name: ``str`` :param keyfile: Path to the public key file (in OpenSSH format) :type keyfile: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStackKeyPair` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'import_key_pair_from_file method') return self.import_key_pair_from_file(name=name, key_file_path=keyfile)
[docs] def ex_import_keypair_from_string(self, name, key_material): """ Import a KeyPair from a string :param name: Name of the new KeyPair :type name: ``str`` :param key_material: Public key (in OpenSSH format) :type key_material: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStackKeyPair` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'import_key_pair_from_string method') return self.import_key_pair_from_string(name=name, key_material=key_material)
[docs] def ex_delete_keypair(self, keypair): """ Delete a KeyPair. :param keypair: KeyPair to delete :type keypair: :class:`OpenStackKeyPair` :rtype: ``bool`` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'delete_key_pair method') return self.delete_key_pair(key_pair=keypair)
[docs] def ex_get_size(self, size_id): """ Get a NodeSize :param size_id: ID of the size which should be used :type size_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`NodeSize` """ return self._to_size(self.connection.request( '/flavors/%s' % (size_id,)) .object['flavor'])
[docs] def get_image(self, image_id): """ Get a NodeImage @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.get_image` :param image_id: ID of the image which should be used :type image_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`NodeImage` """ return self._to_image(self.connection.request( '/images/%s' % (image_id,)).object['image'])
[docs] def delete_image(self, image): """ Delete a NodeImage @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.delete_image` :param image: image witch should be used :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('/images/%s' % (,), method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT
def _node_action(self, node, action, **params): params = params or None return self.connection.request('/servers/%s/action' % (,), method='POST', data={action: params}) def _update_node(self, node, **node_updates): """ Updates the editable attributes of a server, which currently include its name and IPv4/IPv6 access addresses. """ return self._to_node( self.connection.request( '/servers/%s' % (,), method='PUT', data={'server': node_updates} ).object['server'] ) def _to_node_from_obj(self, obj): return self._to_node(obj['server']) def _to_node(self, api_node): public_networks_labels = ['public', 'internet'] public_ips, private_ips = [], [] for label, values in api_node['addresses'].items(): for value in values: ip = value['addr'] is_public_ip = False try: public_subnet = is_public_subnet(ip) except: # IPv6 public_subnet = False # Openstack Icehouse sets 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' to 'floating' for # public and 'fixed' for private explicit_ip_type = value.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type', None) if explicit_ip_type == 'floating': is_public_ip = True elif explicit_ip_type == 'fixed': is_public_ip = False elif label in public_networks_labels: # Try label next is_public_ip = True elif public_subnet: # Check for public subnet is_public_ip = True if is_public_ip: public_ips.append(ip) else: private_ips.append(ip) # Sometimes 'image' attribute is not present if the node is in an error # state image = api_node.get('image', None) image_id = image.get('id', None) if image else None config_drive = api_node.get("config_drive", False) return Node( id=api_node['id'], name=api_node['name'], state=self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get(api_node['status'], NodeState.UNKNOWN), public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self, extra=dict( hostId=api_node['hostId'], access_ip=api_node.get('accessIPv4'), # Docs says "tenantId", but actual is "tenant_id". *sigh* # Best handle both. tenantId=api_node.get('tenant_id') or api_node['tenantId'], imageId=image_id, flavorId=api_node['flavor']['id'], uri=next(link['href'] for link in api_node['links'] if link['rel'] == 'self'), metadata=api_node['metadata'], password=api_node.get('adminPass', None), created=api_node['created'], updated=api_node['updated'], key_name=api_node.get('key_name', None), disk_config=api_node.get('OS-DCF:diskConfig', None), config_drive=config_drive, availability_zone=api_node.get('OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone', None), ), ) def _to_volume(self, api_node): if 'volume' in api_node: api_node = api_node['volume'] return StorageVolume( id=api_node['id'], name=api_node['displayName'], size=api_node['size'], driver=self, extra={ 'description': api_node['displayDescription'], 'attachments': [att for att in api_node['attachments'] if att], 'state': api_node.get('status', None), 'location': api_node.get('availabilityZone', None), 'volume_type': api_node.get('volumeType', None), 'metadata': api_node.get('metadata', None), 'created_at': api_node.get('createdAt', None) } ) def _to_snapshot(self, data): if 'snapshot' in data: data = data['snapshot'] volume_id = data.get('volume_id', data.get('volumeId', None)) display_name = data.get('display_name', data.get('displayName', None)) created_at = data.get('created_at', data.get('createdAt', None)) description = data.get('display_description', data.get('displayDescription', None)) status = data.get('status', None) extra = {'volume_id': volume_id, 'name': display_name, 'created': created_at, 'description': description, 'status': status} snapshot = VolumeSnapshot(id=data['id'], driver=self, size=data['size'], extra=extra) return snapshot def _to_size(self, api_flavor, price=None, bandwidth=None): # if provider-specific subclasses can get better values for # price/bandwidth, then can pass them in when they super(). if not price: price = self._get_size_price(str(api_flavor['id'])) return OpenStackNodeSize( id=api_flavor['id'], name=api_flavor['name'], ram=api_flavor['ram'], disk=api_flavor['disk'], vcpus=api_flavor['vcpus'], bandwidth=bandwidth, price=price, driver=self, ) def _get_size_price(self, size_id): try: return get_size_price( driver_type='compute', driver_name=self.api_name, size_id=size_id, ) except KeyError: return(0.0) def _extract_image_id_from_url(self, location_header): path = urlparse.urlparse(location_header).path image_id = path.split('/')[-1] return image_id
[docs] def ex_rescue(self, node, password=None): # Requires Rescue Mode extension """ Rescue a node :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :param password: password :type password: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ if password: resp = self._node_action(node, 'rescue', adminPass=password) else: resp = self._node_action(node, 'rescue') password = json.loads(resp.body)['adminPass'] node.extra['password'] = password return node
[docs] def ex_unrescue(self, node): """ Unrescue a node :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'unrescue') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
def _to_floating_ip_pools(self, obj): pool_elements = obj['floating_ip_pools'] return [self._to_floating_ip_pool(pool) for pool in pool_elements] def _to_floating_ip_pool(self, obj): return OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool(obj['name'], self.connection)
[docs] def ex_list_floating_ip_pools(self): """ List available floating IP pools :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool` """ return self._to_floating_ip_pools( self.connection.request('/os-floating-ip-pools').object)
def _to_floating_ips(self, obj): ip_elements = obj['floating_ips'] return [self._to_floating_ip(ip) for ip in ip_elements] def _to_floating_ip(self, obj): return OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress(id=obj['id'], ip_address=obj['ip'], pool=None, node_id=obj['instance_id'], driver=self)
[docs] def ex_list_floating_ips(self): """ List floating IPs :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` """ return self._to_floating_ips( self.connection.request('/os-floating-ips').object)
[docs] def ex_get_floating_ip(self, ip): """ Get specified floating IP :param ip: floating IP to get :type ip: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` """ floating_ips = self.ex_list_floating_ips() ip_obj, = [x for x in floating_ips if x.ip_address == ip] return ip_obj
[docs] def ex_create_floating_ip(self): """ Create new floating IP :rtype: :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-floating-ips', method='POST', data={}) data = resp.object['floating_ip'] id = data['id'] ip_address = data['ip'] return OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress(id=id, ip_address=ip_address, pool=None, node_id=None, driver=self)
[docs] def ex_delete_floating_ip(self, ip): """ Delete specified floating IP :param ip: floating IP to remove :type ip: :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-floating-ips/%s' %, method='DELETE') return resp.status in (httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED)
[docs] def ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(self, node, ip): """ Attach the floating IP to the node :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :param ip: floating IP to attach :type ip: ``str`` or :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` :rtype: ``bool`` """ address = ip.ip_address if hasattr(ip, 'ip_address') else ip data = { 'addFloatingIp': {'address': address} } resp = self.connection.request('/servers/%s/action' %, method='POST', data=data) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_detach_floating_ip_from_node(self, node, ip): """ Detach the floating IP from the node :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :param ip: floating IP to remove :type ip: ``str`` or :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` :rtype: ``bool`` """ address = ip.ip_address if hasattr(ip, 'ip_address') else ip data = { 'removeFloatingIp': {'address': address} } resp = self.connection.request('/servers/%s/action' %, method='POST', data=data) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_get_metadata_for_node(self, node): """ Return the metadata associated with the node. :param node: Node instance :type node: :class:`Node` :return: A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, associating tag names with tag values. :type tags: ``dict`` """ return node.extra['metadata']
[docs] def ex_pause_node(self, node): uri = '/servers/%s/action' % ( data = {'pause': None} resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='POST', data=data) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_unpause_node(self, node): uri = '/servers/%s/action' % ( data = {'unpause': None} resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='POST', data=data) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_suspend_node(self, node): uri = '/servers/%s/action' % ( data = {'suspend': None} resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='POST', data=data) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_resume_node(self, node): uri = '/servers/%s/action' % ( data = {'resume': None} resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='POST', data=data) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs]class OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool(object): """ Floating IP Pool info. """ def __init__(self, name, connection): = name self.connection = connection
[docs] def list_floating_ips(self): """ List floating IPs in the pool :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` """ return self._to_floating_ips( self.connection.request('/os-floating-ips').object)
def _to_floating_ips(self, obj): ip_elements = obj['floating_ips'] return [self._to_floating_ip(ip) for ip in ip_elements] def _to_floating_ip(self, obj): return OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress(id=obj['id'], ip_address=obj['ip'], pool=self, node_id=obj['instance_id'], driver=self.connection.driver)
[docs] def get_floating_ip(self, ip): """ Get specified floating IP from the pool :param ip: floating IP to get :type ip: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` """ ip_obj, = [x for x in self.list_floating_ips() if x.ip_address == ip] return ip_obj
[docs] def create_floating_ip(self): """ Create new floating IP in the pool :rtype: :class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-floating-ips', method='POST', data={'pool':}) data = resp.object['floating_ip'] id = data['id'] ip_address = data['ip'] return OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress(id=id, ip_address=ip_address, pool=self, node_id=None, driver=self.connection.driver)
[docs] def delete_floating_ip(self, ip): """ Delete specified floating IP from the pool :param ip: floating IP to remove :type ip::class:`OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress` :rtype: ``bool`` """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-floating-ips/%s' %, method='DELETE') return resp.status in (httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED)
def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool: name=%s>' %
[docs]class OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress(object): """ Floating IP info. """ def __init__(self, id, ip_address, pool, node_id=None, driver=None): = str(id) self.ip_address = ip_address self.pool = pool self.node_id = node_id self.driver = driver
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete this floating IP :rtype: ``bool`` """ if self.pool is not None: return self.pool.delete_floating_ip(self) elif self.driver is not None: return self.driver.ex_delete_floating_ip(self)
def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress: id=%s, ip_addr=%s,' ' pool=%s, driver=%s>' % (, self.ip_address, self.pool, self.driver))