OpenStack Compute Driver Documentation

OpenStack is an open-source project which allows you to build and run your own public or a private cloud.


Among many other private clouds, it also powers Rackspace’s Public Cloud.

Connecting to the OpenStack installation

OpenStack driver constructor takes different arguments with which you describe your OpenStack installation. Those arguments describe things such as the authentication service API URL, authentication service API version and so on.

Keep in mind that the majority of those arguments are optional and in the most common scenario with a default installation, you will only need to provide ex_force_auth_url argument.

Available arguments:

  • ex_force_auth_url - Authentication service (Keystone) API URL. It can either be a full URL with a path (e.g. or a base URL without a path (e.g. If no path is provided, default path for the provided auth version is appended to the base URL.

  • ex_force_auth_version - API version of the authentication service. This argument determines how authentication is performed. Valid and supported versions are:

    • 1.0 - authenticate against the keystone using the provided username and API key (old and deprecated version which was used by Rackspace in the past)
    • 1.1 - authenticate against the keystone using the provided username and API key (old and deprecated version which was used by Rackspace in the past)
    • 2.0 or 2.0_apikey - authenticate against keystone with a username and API key
    • 2.0_password - authenticate against keystone with a username and password

    Unless you are working with a very old version of OpenStack you will either want to use 2.0_apikey or 2.0_password.

  • ex_tenant_name - tenant / project name

  • ex_force_auth_token - token which is used for authentication. If this argument is provided, normal authentication flow is skipped and the OpenStack API endpoint is directly hit with the provided token. Normal authentication flow involves hitting the auth service (Keystone) with the provided username and either password or API key and requesting an authentication token.

  • ex_force_service_type

  • ex_force_service_name

  • ex_force_service_region

  • ex_force_base_url - Base URL to the OpenStack API endpoint. By default, driver obtains API endpoint URL from the server catalog, but if this argument is provided, this step is skipped and the provided value is used directly.

Some examples which show how to use this arguments can be found in the section bellow.


1. Most common use case - specifying only authentication service endpoint URL and API version

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver


# This assumes you don't have SSL set up.
# Note: Code like this poses a security risk (MITM attack) and
# that's the reason why you should never use it for anything else
# besides testing. You have been warned. = False

OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

2. Specifying which entry to select in the service catalog using service_type service_name and service_region arguments

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver


# This assumes you don't have SSL set up.
# Note: Code like this poses a security risk (MITM attack) and
# that's the reason why you should never use it for anything else
# besides testing. You have been warned. = False

OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

3. Skipping the endpoint selection using service catalog by providing ex_force_base_url argument

Keep in mind that the base url must also contain tenant id as the last component of the URL (12345 in the example bellow).

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver


# This assumes you don't have SSL set up.
# Note: Code like this poses a security risk (MITM attack) and
# that's the reason why you should never use it for anything else
# besides testing. You have been warned. = False

OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

4. Skipping normal authentication flow and hitting the API endpoint directly using the ex_force_auth_token argument

This is an advanced use cases which assumes you manage authentication and token retrieval yourself.

If you use this argument, the driver won’t hit authentication service and as such, won’t be aware of the token expiration time.

This means auth token will be considered valid for the whole life time of the driver instance and you will need to manually re-instantiate a driver with a new token before the currently used one is about to expire.

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver


# This assumes you don't have SSL set up.
# Note: Code like this poses a security risk (MITM attack) and
# that's the reason why you should never use it for anything else
# besides testing. You have been warned. = False

OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

5. Connecting and specifying a tenant

This example shows how to connect to OpenStack installation which requires you to specify a tenant (ex_tenant_name argument).

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

6. HP Cloud (

Connecting to HP Cloud US West and US East (OpenStack Havana).

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver


OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)

# HP Cloud US West
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

# HP Cloud US East
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

7. Using Cloud-Init with Openstack

This example shows how to use cloud-init using the ex_config_drive and ex_userdata arguments to create_node. This example just installs nginx and starts it. More Cloud-Init examples.

Note: You will need to use a cloud-init enabled image. Most Openstack based public cloud providers support it.

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

cloud_init_config = """


 - nginx


 - service nginx start


OpenStack = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = OpenStack('your_auth_username', 'your_auth_password',

image = driver.get_image('image_id')
size = driver.list_sizes()[0]

node = driver.create_node(name='cloud_init', image=image, size=size,
                          ex_userdata=cloud_init_config, ex_config_drive=True)

Non-standard functionality and extension methods

OpenStack driver exposes a bunch of non-standard functionality through extension methods and arguments.

This functionality includes:

  • server image management
  • network management
  • floating IP management
  • key-pair management

For information on how to use this functionality please see the method docstrings bellow.

Other Information

Authentication token re-use

Since version 0.13.0, the driver caches auth token in memory and re-uses it between different requests.

This means that driver will only hit authentication service and obtain auth token on the first request or if the auth token is about to expire.

As noted in the example 4 above, this doesn’t hold true if you use ex_force_auth_token argument.


I get Could not find specified endpoint error

This error indicates that the driver couldn’t find a specified API endpoint in the service catalog returned by the authentication service.

There are many different things which could cause this error:

  1. Service catalog is empty
  2. You have not specified a value for one of the following arguments ex_force_service_type, ex_force_service_name, ex_force_service_region and the driver is using the default values which don’t match your installation.
  3. You have specified invalid value for one or all of the following arguments: ex_force_service_type, ex_force_service_name, ex_force_service_region

The best way to troubleshoot this issue is to use LIBCLOUD_DEBUG functionality which is documented in the debugging section. This functionality allows you to introspect the response from the authentication service and you can make sure that ex_force_service_type, ex_force_service_name, ex_force_service_region arguments match values returned in the service catalog.

If the service catalog is empty, you have two options:

  1. Populate the service catalog and makes sure the ex_force_service_type, ex_force_service_name and ex_force_service_region arguments match the values defined in the service catalog.
  2. Provide the API endpoint url using ex_force_base_url argument and skip the “endpoint selection using the service catalog” step all together

I get Resource not found error

This error most likely indicates that you have used an invalid value for the ex_force_base_url argument.

Keep in mind that this argument should point to the OpenStack API endpoint and not to the authentication service API endpoint. API service and authentication service are two different services which listen on different ports.

API Docs

Please note that there are two API versions of the OpenStack Compute API, which are supported by two different subclasses of the OpenStackNodeDriver. The default is the 1.1 API. The 1.0 API is supported to be able to connect to OpenStack instances which do not yet support the version 1.1 API.

Compute 1.1 API version (current)

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

OpenStack node driver.

copy_image(source_region, node_image, name, description=None)

Copies an image from a source region to the current region.

  • source_region (str) – Region to copy the node from.
  • node_image (NodeImage:) – NodeImage to copy.
  • name (str) – name for new image.
  • description – description for new image.
Return type:



NodeImage instance on success.

create_image(node, name, metadata=None)[source]

Creates a new image.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • name (str) – The name for the new image.
  • metadata (dict) – Key and value pairs for metadata.
Return type:



Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_keyname (str) – The name of the key pair
  • ex_userdata (str) – String containing user data see
  • ex_security_groups (list of OpenStackSecurityGroup) – List of security groups to assign to the node
  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_files (dict) – File Path => File contents to create on the no de
  • networks (list of OpenStackNetwork) – The server is launched into a set of Networks.
  • ex_disk_config (str) – Name of the disk configuration. Can be either AUTO or MANUAL.
  • ex_config_drive (bool) – If True enables metadata injection in a server through a configuration drive.
  • ex_admin_pass (str) – The root password for the node
  • ex_availability_zone (str) – Nova availability zone for the node
create_volume_snapshot(volume, name)

Creates a snapshot of the storage volume.

Return type:VolumeSnapshot

Delete a NodeImage

@inherits: NodeDriver.delete_image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – image witch should be used
Return type:bool

Delete a KeyPair.

Parameters:keypair (OpenStackKeyPair) – KeyPair to delete
Return type:bool

Create a new node, and start deployment.

In order to be able to SSH into a created node access credentials are required.

A user can pass either a NodeAuthPassword or NodeAuthSSHKey to the auth argument. If the create_node implementation supports that kind if credential (as declared in self.features['create_node']) then it is passed on to create_node. Otherwise it is not passed on to create_node and it is only used for authentication.

If the auth parameter is not supplied but the driver declares it supports generates_password then the password returned by create_node will be used to SSH into the server.

Finally, if the ssh_key_file is supplied that key will be used to SSH into the server.

This function may raise a DeploymentException, if a create_node call was successful, but there is a later error (like SSH failing or timing out). This exception includes a Node object which you may want to destroy if incomplete deployments are not desirable.

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> from libcloud.compute.deployment import ScriptDeployment
>>> from libcloud.compute.deployment import MultiStepDeployment
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthSSHKey
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> key = NodeAuthSSHKey('...') # read from file
>>> script = ScriptDeployment("yum -y install emacs strace tcpdump")
>>> msd = MultiStepDeployment([key, script])
>>> def d():
...     try:
...         driver.deploy_node(deploy=msd)
...     except NotImplementedError:
...         print ("not implemented for dummy driver")
>>> d()
not implemented for dummy driver

Deploy node is typically not overridden in subclasses. The existing implementation should be able to handle most such.

  • deploy (Deployment) – Deployment to run once machine is online and available to SSH.
  • ssh_username (str) – Optional name of the account which is used when connecting to SSH server (default is root)
  • ssh_alternate_usernames (list) – Optional list of ssh usernames to try to connect with if using the default one fails
  • ssh_port (int) – Optional SSH server port (default is 22)
  • ssh_timeout (float) – Optional SSH connection timeout in seconds (default is 10)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ssh_key (str or list of str) – A path (or paths) to an SSH private key with which to attempt to authenticate. (optional)
  • timeout (int) – How many seconds to wait before timing out. (default is 600)
  • max_tries (int) – How many times to retry if a deployment fails before giving up (default is 3)
  • ssh_interface (str) – The interface to wait for. Default is ‘public_ips’, other option is ‘private_ips’.

Destroys a snapshot.

Return type:bool
ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(node, ip)[source]

Attach the floating IP to the node

  • node (Node) – node
  • ip (str or OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to attach
Return type:



Confirms a pending resize action.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to resize.
Return type:bool

Create new floating IP

Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Create a new KeyPair

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the new KeyPair
Return type:OpenStackKeyPair
ex_create_network(name, cidr)[source]

Create a new Network

  • name (str) – Name of network which should be used
  • cidr (str) – cidr of network which should be used
Return type:


ex_create_security_group(name, description)[source]

Create a new Security Group

  • name (str) – Name of the new Security Group
  • description (str) – Description of the new Security Group
Return type:


ex_create_security_group_rule(security_group, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr=None, source_security_group=None)[source]

Create a new Rule in a Security Group

  • security_group (OpenStackSecurityGroup) – Security Group in which to add the rule
  • ip_protocol (str) – Protocol to which this rule applies Examples: tcp, udp, ...
  • from_port (int) – First port of the port range
  • to_port (int) – Last port of the port range
  • cidr (str) – CIDR notation of the source IP range for this rule
  • source_security_group (L{OpenStackSecurityGroup) – Existing Security Group to use as the source (instead of CIDR)
Return type:


ex_create_snapshot(volume, name, description=None, force=False)[source]

Create a snapshot based off of a volume.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – volume
  • name (str) – New name for the volume snapshot
  • description (str) – Description of the snapshot (optional)
  • force (bool) – Whether to force creation (optional)
Return type:



Delete specified floating IP

Parameters:ip (OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to remove
Return type:bool

Delete a KeyPair.

Parameters:keypair (OpenStackKeyPair) – KeyPair to delete
Return type:bool

Get a list of NodeNetorks that are available.

Parameters:network (OpenStackNetwork) – Network which should be used
Return type:bool

Delete a Security Group.

Parameters:security_group (OpenStackSecurityGroup) – Security Group should be deleted
Return type:bool

Delete a Rule from a Security Group.

Parameters:rule (OpenStackSecurityGroupRule) – Rule should be deleted
Return type:bool

Delete a VolumeSnapshot

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – snapshot
Return type:bool
ex_detach_floating_ip_from_node(node, ip)[source]

Detach the floating IP from the node

  • node (Node) – node
  • ip (str or OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress) – floating IP to remove
Return type:


ex_get_console_output(node, length=None)[source]

Get console output

  • node (Node) – node
  • length (int) – Optional number of lines to fetch from the console log

Dictionary with the output

Return type:



Get specified floating IP

Parameters:ip (str) – floating IP to get
Return type:OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Get a Node’s metadata.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node
Returns:Key/Value metadata associated with node.
Return type:dict

Return the metadata associated with the node.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node instance
Returns:A dictionary or other mapping of strings to strings, associating tag names with tag values.

Lists details of the specified server.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:Node

Get Security Groups of the specified server.

Return type:list of OpenStackSecurityGroup

Get a NodeSize

Parameters:size_id (str) – ID of the size which should be used
Return type:NodeSize

Hard reboots the specified server

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool
ex_import_keypair(name, keyfile)[source]

Import a KeyPair from a file

  • name (str) – Name of the new KeyPair
  • keyfile (str) – Path to the public key file (in OpenSSH format)
Return type:


ex_import_keypair_from_string(name, key_material)[source]

Import a KeyPair from a string

  • name (str) – Name of the new KeyPair
  • key_material (str) – Public key (in OpenSSH format)
Return type:



List available floating IP pools

Return type:list of OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpPool

List floating IPs

Return type:list of OpenStack_1_1_FloatingIpAddress

Get a list of KeyPairs that are available.

Return type:list of OpenStackKeyPair

Get a list of Networks that are available.

Return type:list of OpenStackNetwork

Get a list of Security Groups that are available.

Return type:list of OpenStackSecurityGroup
ex_rebuild(node, image, **kwargs)[source]

Rebuild a Node.

  • node (Node) – Node to rebuild.
  • image (NodeImage) – New image to use.
  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_files (dict) – File Path => File contents to create on the no de
  • ex_keyname (str) – Name of existing public key to inject into instance
  • ex_userdata (str) – String containing user data see
  • ex_security_groups (list of OpenStackSecurityGroup) – List of security groups to assign to the node
  • ex_disk_config (str) – Name of the disk configuration. Can be either AUTO or MANUAL.
  • ex_config_drive (bool) – If True enables metadata injection in a server through a configuration drive.
Return type:


ex_rescue(node, password=None)[source]

Rescue a node

  • node (Node) – node
  • password (str) – password
Return type:


ex_resize(node, size)[source]

Change a node size.

  • node (Node) – Node to resize.
  • size (NodeSize) – New size to use.
Return type:



Cancels and reverts a pending resize action.

Parameters:node (Node) – Node to resize.
Return type:bool
ex_set_metadata(node, metadata)[source]

Sets the Node’s metadata.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
Return type:


ex_set_password(node, password)[source]

Changes the administrator password for a specified server.

  • node (Node) – Node to rebuild.
  • password (str) – The administrator password.
Return type:


ex_set_server_name(node, name)[source]

Sets the Node’s name.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • name (str) – The name of the server.
Return type:



Soft reboots the specified server

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool

Unrescue a node

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool
ex_update_node(node, **node_updates)[source]

Update the Node’s editable attributes. The OpenStack API currently supports editing name and IPv4/IPv6 access addresses.

The driver currently only supports updating the node name.

  • node (Node) – Node
  • name (str) – New name for the server
Return type:



Get a NodeImage

@inherits: NodeDriver.get_image

Parameters:image_id (str) – ID of the image which should be used
Return type:NodeImage
import_key_pair_from_file(name, key_file_path)

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_file_path (str) – Path to the public key file.
Return type:

KeyPair object

list_images(location=None, ex_only_active=True)

Lists all active images

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images

Parameters:ex_only_active (bool) – True if list only active

List the nodes in a tenant

Parameters:ex_all_tenants (bool) – List nodes for all the tenants. Note: Your user must have admin privileges for this functionality to work.

List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot
Return type:dict
wait_until_running(nodes, wait_period=3, timeout=600, ssh_interface='public_ips', force_ipv4=True)

Block until the provided nodes are considered running.

Node is considered running when it’s state is “running” and when it has at least one IP address assigned.

  • nodes (list of Node) – List of nodes to wait for.
  • wait_period (int) – How many seconds to wait between each loop iteration. (default is 3)
  • timeout (int) – How many seconds to wait before giving up. (default is 600)
  • ssh_interface (str) – Which attribute on the node to use to obtain an IP address. Valid options: public_ips, private_ips. Default is public_ips.
  • force_ipv4 (bool) – Ignore IPv6 addresses (default is True).

[(Node, ip_addresses)] list of tuple of Node instance and list of ip_address on success.

Return type:

list of tuple

Compute 1.0 API version (old installations)

class libcloud.compute.drivers.openstack.OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)[source]

OpenStack node driver.

Extra node attributes:
  • password: root password, available after create.
  • hostId: represents the host your cloud server runs on
  • imageId: id of image
  • flavorId: id of flavor
copy_image(source_region, node_image, name, description=None)

Copies an image from a source region to the current region.

  • source_region (str) – Region to copy the node from.
  • node_image (NodeImage:) – NodeImage to copy.
  • name (str) – name for new image.
  • description – description for new image.
Return type:



NodeImage instance on success.

create_image(node, name, description=None, reboot=True)[source]

Create an image for node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_image

  • node (Node) – node to use as a base for image
  • name (str) – name for new image
Return type:



Create a new key pair object.

Parameters:name (str) – Key pair name.

Create a new node

@inherits: NodeDriver.create_node

  • ex_metadata (dict) – Key/Value metadata to associate with a node
  • ex_files (dict) – File Path => File contents to create on the node
  • ex_shared_ip_group_id (str) – The server is launched into that shared IP group
create_volume_snapshot(volume, name)

Creates a snapshot of the storage volume.

Return type:VolumeSnapshot

Delete an image for node.

@inherits: NodeDriver.delete_image

Parameters:image (NodeImage) – the image to be deleted
Return type:bool

Delete an existing key pair.

Parameters:key_pair (KeyPair) – Key pair object.

Create a new node, and start deployment.

In order to be able to SSH into a created node access credentials are required.

A user can pass either a NodeAuthPassword or NodeAuthSSHKey to the auth argument. If the create_node implementation supports that kind if credential (as declared in self.features['create_node']) then it is passed on to create_node. Otherwise it is not passed on to create_node and it is only used for authentication.

If the auth parameter is not supplied but the driver declares it supports generates_password then the password returned by create_node will be used to SSH into the server.

Finally, if the ssh_key_file is supplied that key will be used to SSH into the server.

This function may raise a DeploymentException, if a create_node call was successful, but there is a later error (like SSH failing or timing out). This exception includes a Node object which you may want to destroy if incomplete deployments are not desirable.

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> from libcloud.compute.deployment import ScriptDeployment
>>> from libcloud.compute.deployment import MultiStepDeployment
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthSSHKey
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> key = NodeAuthSSHKey('...') # read from file
>>> script = ScriptDeployment("yum -y install emacs strace tcpdump")
>>> msd = MultiStepDeployment([key, script])
>>> def d():
...     try:
...         driver.deploy_node(deploy=msd)
...     except NotImplementedError:
...         print ("not implemented for dummy driver")
>>> d()
not implemented for dummy driver

Deploy node is typically not overridden in subclasses. The existing implementation should be able to handle most such.

  • deploy (Deployment) – Deployment to run once machine is online and available to SSH.
  • ssh_username (str) – Optional name of the account which is used when connecting to SSH server (default is root)
  • ssh_alternate_usernames (list) – Optional list of ssh usernames to try to connect with if using the default one fails
  • ssh_port (int) – Optional SSH server port (default is 22)
  • ssh_timeout (float) – Optional SSH connection timeout in seconds (default is 10)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ssh_key (str or list of str) – A path (or paths) to an SSH private key with which to attempt to authenticate. (optional)
  • timeout (int) – How many seconds to wait before timing out. (default is 600)
  • max_tries (int) – How many times to retry if a deployment fails before giving up (default is 3)
  • ssh_interface (str) – The interface to wait for. Default is ‘public_ips’, other option is ‘private_ips’.

Destroys a snapshot.

Return type:bool

Confirm a resize request which is currently in progress. If a resize request is not explicitly confirmed or reverted it’s automatically confirmed after 24 hours.

For more info refer to the API documentation:

Parameters:node (Node) – node for which the resize request will be confirmed.
Return type:bool
ex_create_ip_group(group_name, node_id=None)[source]

Creates a shared IP group.

  • group_name (str) – group name which should be used
  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:



Deletes the specified shared IP group.

Parameters:group_id (str) – group id which should be used
Return type:bool

Lists details of the specified server.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:Node

Hard reboots the specified server

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool

Extra call to get account’s limits, such as rates (for example amount of POST requests per day) and absolute limits like total amount of available RAM to be used by servers.

Returns:dict with keys ‘rate’ and ‘absolute’
Return type:dict

List all server addresses.

Parameters:node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
Return type:OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses

Lists IDs and names for shared IP groups. If details lists all details for shared IP groups.

Parameters:details (bool) – True if details is required
Return type:list of OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup
ex_rebuild(node_id, image_id)[source]

Rebuilds the specified server.

  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
  • image_id (str) – ID of the image which should be used
Return type:


ex_resize(node, size)[source]

Change an existing server flavor / scale the server up or down.

  • node (Node) – node to resize.
  • size (NodeSize) – new size.
Return type:



Revert a resize request which is currently in progress. All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours if they have not already been confirmed explicitly or reverted.

For more info refer to the API documentation:

Parameters:node (Node) – node for which the resize request will be reverted.
Return type:bool
ex_set_password(node, password)[source]

Sets the Node’s root password.

This will reboot the instance to complete the operation.

Node.extra['password'] will be set to the new value if the operation was successful.

  • node (Node) – node to set password
  • password (str) – new password.
Return type:


ex_set_server_name(node, name)[source]

Sets the Node’s name.

This will reboot the instance to complete the operation.

  • node (Node) – node to set name
  • name (str) – new name
Return type:


ex_share_ip(group_id, node_id, ip, configure_node=True)[source]

Shares an IP address to the specified server.

  • group_id (str) – group id which should be used
  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
  • ip (str) – ip which should be used
  • configure_node (bool) – configure node
Return type:



Soft reboots the specified server

Parameters:node (Node) – node
Return type:bool
ex_unshare_ip(node_id, ip)[source]

Removes a shared IP address from the specified server.

  • node_id (str) – ID of the node which should be used
  • ip (str) – ip which should be used
Return type:



Get an image based on an image_id

@inherits: NodeDriver.get_image

Parameters:image_id (str) – Image identifier
Returns:A NodeImage object
Return type:NodeImage

Retrieve a single key pair.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the key pair to retrieve.
Return type:KeyPair
import_key_pair_from_file(name, key_file_path)

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_file_path (str) – Path to the public key file.
Return type:

KeyPair object

import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material)

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.
Return type:

KeyPair object

list_images(location=None, ex_only_active=True)

Lists all active images

@inherits: NodeDriver.list_images

Parameters:ex_only_active (bool) – True if list only active

List all the available key pair objects.

Return type:list of KeyPair objects

List the nodes in a tenant

Parameters:ex_all_tenants (bool) – List nodes for all the tenants. Note: Your user must have admin privileges for this functionality to work.

List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot
Return type:dict
wait_until_running(nodes, wait_period=3, timeout=600, ssh_interface='public_ips', force_ipv4=True)

Block until the provided nodes are considered running.

Node is considered running when it’s state is “running” and when it has at least one IP address assigned.

  • nodes (list of Node) – List of nodes to wait for.
  • wait_period (int) – How many seconds to wait between each loop iteration. (default is 3)
  • timeout (int) – How many seconds to wait before giving up. (default is 600)
  • ssh_interface (str) – Which attribute on the node to use to obtain an IP address. Valid options: public_ips, private_ips. Default is public_ips.
  • force_ipv4 (bool) – Ignore IPv6 addresses (default is True).

[(Node, ip_addresses)] list of tuple of Node instance and list of ip_address on success.

Return type:

list of tuple