Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.libvirt_driver

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import re
import os
import time
import platform
import subprocess
import mimetypes

from os.path import join as pjoin
from collections import defaultdict

    from lxml import etree as ET
except ImportError:
    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, Node
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeState
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.utils.networking import is_public_subnet

    import libvirt
    have_libvirt = True
except ImportError:
    have_libvirt = False

[docs]class LibvirtNodeDriver(NodeDriver): """ Libvirt ( node driver. To enable debug mode, set LIBVIR_DEBUG environment variable. """ type = Provider.LIBVIRT name = 'Libvirt' website = '' NODE_STATE_MAP = { 0: NodeState.TERMINATED, # no state 1: NodeState.RUNNING, # domain is running 2: NodeState.PENDING, # domain is blocked on resource 3: NodeState.TERMINATED, # domain is paused by user 4: NodeState.TERMINATED, # domain is being shut down 5: NodeState.TERMINATED, # domain is shut off 6: NodeState.UNKNOWN, # domain is crashed 7: NodeState.UNKNOWN, # domain is suspended by guest power management } def __init__(self, uri): """ :param uri: Hypervisor URI (e.g. vbox:///session, qemu:///system, etc.). :type uri: ``str`` """ if not have_libvirt: raise RuntimeError('Libvirt driver requires \'libvirt\' Python ' + 'package') self._uri = uri self.connection = def list_nodes(self): domains = self.connection.listAllDomains() nodes = self._to_nodes(domains=domains) return nodes def reboot_node(self, node): domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) return domain.reboot(flags=0) == 0 def destroy_node(self, node): domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) return domain.destroy() == 0
[docs] def ex_start_node(self, node): """ Start a stopped node. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) return domain.create() == 0
[docs] def ex_shutdown_node(self, node): """ Shutdown a running node. Note: Usually this will result in sending an ACPI event to the node. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) return domain.shutdown() == 0
[docs] def ex_suspend_node(self, node): """ Suspend a running node. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) return domain.suspend() == 0
[docs] def ex_resume_node(self, node): """ Resume a suspended node. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: ``bool`` """ domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) return domain.resume() == 0
[docs] def ex_take_node_screenshot(self, node, directory, screen=0): """ Take a screenshot of a monitoring of a running instance. :param node: Node to take the screenshot of. :type node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` :param directory: Path where the screenshot will be saved. :type directory: ``str`` :param screen: ID of the monitor to take the screenshot of. :type screen: ``int`` :return: Full path where the screenshot has been saved. :rtype: ``str`` """ if not os.path.exists(directory) or not os.path.isdir(directory): raise ValueError('Invalid value for directory argument') domain = self._get_domain_for_node(node=node) stream = self.connection.newStream() mime_type = domain.screenshot(stream=stream, screen=0) extensions = mimetypes.guess_all_extensions(type=mime_type) if extensions: extension = extensions[0] else: extension = '.png' name = 'screenshot-%s%s' % (int(time.time()), extension) file_path = pjoin(directory, name) with open(file_path, 'wb') as fp: def write(stream, buf, opaque): fp.write(buf) stream.recvAll(write, None) try: stream.finish() except Exception: # Finish is not supported by all backends pass return file_path
[docs] def ex_get_hypervisor_hostname(self): """ Return a system hostname on which the hypervisor is running. """ hostname = self.connection.getHostname() return hostname
[docs] def ex_get_hypervisor_sysinfo(self): """ Retrieve hypervisor system information. :rtype: ``dict`` """ xml = self.connection.getSysinfo() etree = ET.XML(xml) attributes = ['bios', 'system', 'processor', 'memory_device'] sysinfo = {} for attribute in attributes: element = etree.find(attribute) entries = self._get_entries(element=element) sysinfo[attribute] = entries return sysinfo
def _to_nodes(self, domains): nodes = [self._to_node(domain=domain) for domain in domains] return nodes def _to_node(self, domain): state, max_mem, memory, vcpu_count, used_cpu_time = state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get(state, NodeState.UNKNOWN) public_ips, private_ips = [], [] ip_addresses = self._get_ip_addresses_for_domain(domain) for ip_address in ip_addresses: if is_public_subnet(ip_address): public_ips.append(ip_address) else: private_ips.append(ip_address) extra = {'uuid': domain.UUIDString(), 'os_type': domain.OSType(), 'types': self.connection.getType(), 'used_memory': memory / 1024, 'vcpu_count': vcpu_count, 'used_cpu_time': used_cpu_time} node = Node(id=domain.ID(),, state=state, public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self, extra=extra) node._uuid = domain.UUIDString() # we want to use a custom UUID return node def _get_ip_addresses_for_domain(self, domain): """ Retrieve IP addresses for the provided domain. Note: This functionality is currently only supported on Linux and only works if this code is run on the same machine as the VMs run on. :return: IP addresses for the provided domain. :rtype: ``list`` """ result = [] if platform.system() != 'Linux': # Only Linux is supported atm return result mac_addresses = self._get_mac_addresses_for_domain(domain=domain) cmd = ['arp', '-an'] child = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = child.communicate() arp_table = self._parse_arp_table(arp_output=stdout) for mac_address in mac_addresses: if mac_address in arp_table: ip_addresses = arp_table[mac_address] result.extend(ip_addresses) return result def _get_mac_addresses_for_domain(self, domain): """ Parses network interface MAC addresses from the provided domain. """ xml = domain.XMLDesc() etree = ET.XML(xml) elems = etree.findall("devices/interface[@type='network']/mac") result = [] for elem in elems: mac_address = elem.get('address') result.append(mac_address) return result def _get_domain_for_node(self, node): """ Return libvirt domain object for the provided node. """ domain = self.connection.lookupByUUIDString(node.uuid) return domain def _get_entries(self, element): """ Parse entries dictionary. :rtype: ``dict`` """ elements = element.findall('entry') result = {} for element in elements: name = element.get('name') value = element.text result[name] = value return result def _parse_arp_table(self, arp_output): """ Parse arp command output and return a dictionary which maps mac address to an IP address. :return: Dictionary which maps mac address to IP address. :rtype: ``dict`` """ lines = arp_output.split('\n') arp_table = defaultdict(list) for line in lines: match = re.match('.*?\((.*?)\) at (.*?)\s+', line) if not match: continue groups = match.groups() ip_address = groups[0] mac_address = groups[1] arp_table[mac_address].append(ip_address) return arp_table