Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudsigma

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Drivers for CloudSigma API v1.0 and v2.0.

import re
import time
import copy
import base64

    import simplejson as json
    import json

from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib

from libcloud.utils.misc import str2dicts, str2list, dict2str
from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, JsonResponse, Response
from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError, ProviderError
from libcloud.common.cloudsigma import INSTANCE_TYPES
from libcloud.common.cloudsigma import API_ENDPOINTS_1_0
from libcloud.common.cloudsigma import API_ENDPOINTS_2_0
from libcloud.common.cloudsigma import DEFAULT_API_VERSION, DEFAULT_REGION
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, Provider
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, NodeSize, Node
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage
from libcloud.compute.base import is_private_subnet
from libcloud.utils.iso8601 import parse_date
from libcloud.utils.misc import get_secure_random_string

__all__ = [


class CloudSigmaNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
    name = 'CloudSigma'
    website = ''

    def __new__(cls, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
                api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, **kwargs):
        if cls is CloudSigmaNodeDriver:
            if api_version == '1.0':
                cls = CloudSigma_1_0_NodeDriver
            elif api_version == '2.0':
                cls = CloudSigma_2_0_NodeDriver
                raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported API version: %s' %
        return super(CloudSigmaNodeDriver, cls).__new__(cls)

class CloudSigmaException(Exception):
    def __str__(self):
        return self.args[0]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<CloudSigmaException '%s'>" % (self.args[0])

class CloudSigmaInsufficientFundsException(Exception):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<CloudSigmaInsufficientFundsException '%s'>" % (self.args[0])

class CloudSigmaNodeSize(NodeSize):
    def __init__(self, id, name, cpu, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver): = id = name
        self.cpu = cpu
        self.ram = ram
        self.disk = disk
        self.bandwidth = bandwidth
        self.price = price
        self.driver = driver

    def __repr__(self):
        return (('<NodeSize: id=%s, name=%s, cpu=%s, ram=%s disk=%s '
                 'bandwidth=%s price=%s driver=%s ...>')
                % (,, self.cpu, self.ram, self.disk,
                   self.bandwidth, self.price,

class CloudSigma_1_0_Response(Response):
    def success(self):
        if self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
            raise InvalidCredsError()

        return self.status >= 200 and self.status <= 299

    def parse_body(self):
        if not self.body:
            return self.body

        return str2dicts(self.body)

    def parse_error(self):
        return 'Error: %s' % (self.body.replace('errors:', '').strip())

class CloudSigma_1_0_Connection(ConnectionUserAndKey):
    host = API_ENDPOINTS_1_0[DEFAULT_REGION]['host']
    responseCls = CloudSigma_1_0_Response

    def add_default_headers(self, headers):
        headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

        headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % (base64.b64encode(
            b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))).decode('utf-8'))
        return headers

class CloudSigma_1_0_NodeDriver(CloudSigmaNodeDriver):
    type = Provider.CLOUDSIGMA
    name = 'CloudSigma (API v1.0)'
    website = ''
    connectionCls = CloudSigma_1_0_Connection

    IMAGING_TIMEOUT = 20 * 60  # Default timeout (in seconds) for the drive
    # imaging process

        'active': NodeState.RUNNING,
        'stopped': NodeState.TERMINATED,
        'dead': NodeState.TERMINATED,
        'dumped': NodeState.TERMINATED,

    def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
                 region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs):
        if region not in API_ENDPOINTS_1_0:
            raise ValueError('Invalid region: %s' % (region))

        self._host_argument_set = host is not None
        self.api_name = 'cloudsigma_%s' % (region)
        super(CloudSigma_1_0_NodeDriver, self).__init__(key=key, secret=secret,

    def reboot_node(self, node):
        Reboot a node.

        Because Cloudsigma API does not provide native reboot call,
        it's emulated using stop and start.

        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.reboot_node`
        node = self._get_node(
        state = node.state

        if state == NodeState.RUNNING:
            stopped = self.ex_stop_node(node)
            stopped = True

        if not stopped:
            raise CloudSigmaException(
                'Could not stop node with id %s' % (

        success = self.ex_start_node(node)

        return success

    def destroy_node(self, node):
        Destroy a node (all the drives associated with it are NOT destroyed).

        If a node is still running, it's stopped before it's destroyed.

        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.destroy_node`
        node = self._get_node(
        state = node.state

        # Node cannot be destroyed while running so it must be stopped first
        if state == NodeState.RUNNING:
            stopped = self.ex_stop_node(node)
            stopped = True

        if not stopped:
            raise CloudSigmaException(
                'Could not stop node with id %s' % (

        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/servers/%s/destroy' % (,
        return response.status == 204

    def list_images(self, location=None):
        Return a list of available standard images (this call might take up
        to 15 seconds to return).

        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_images`
        response = self.connection.request(

        images = []
        for value in response:
            if value.get('type'):
                if value['type'] == 'disk':
                    image = NodeImage(id=value['drive'], name=value['name'],
                                      extra={'size': value['size']})

        return images

    def list_sizes(self, location=None):
        sizes = []
        for value in INSTANCE_TYPES:
            key = value['id']
            size = CloudSigmaNodeSize(id=value['id'], name=value['name'],
                                      cpu=value['cpu'], ram=value['memory'],

        return sizes

    def list_nodes(self):
        response = self.connection.request(action='/servers/info').object

        nodes = []
        for data in response:
            node = self._to_node(data)
            if node:
        return nodes

    def create_node(self, **kwargs):
        Creates a CloudSigma instance

        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node`

        :keyword    name: String with a name for this new node (required)
        :type       name: ``str``

        :keyword    smp: Number of virtual processors or None to calculate
        based on the cpu speed
        :type       smp: ``int``

        :keyword    nic_model: e1000, rtl8139 or virtio (is not specified,
        e1000 is used)
        :type       nic_model: ``str``

        :keyword    vnc_password: If not set, VNC access is disabled.
        :type       vnc_password: ``bool``

        :keyword    drive_type: Drive type (ssd|hdd). Defaults to hdd.
        :type       drive_type: ``str``
        size = kwargs['size']
        image = kwargs['image']
        smp = kwargs.get('smp', 'auto')
        nic_model = kwargs.get('nic_model', 'e1000')
        vnc_password = kwargs.get('vnc_password', None)
        drive_type = kwargs.get('drive_type', 'hdd')

        if nic_model not in ['e1000', 'rtl8139', 'virtio']:
            raise CloudSigmaException('Invalid NIC model specified')

        if drive_type not in ['hdd', 'ssd']:
            raise CloudSigmaException('Invalid drive type "%s". Valid types'
                                      ' are: hdd, ssd' % (drive_type))

        drive_data = {}
        drive_data.update({'name': kwargs['name'],
                           'size': '%sG' % (kwargs['size'].disk),
                           'driveType': drive_type})

        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/drives/%s/clone' %,

        if not response:
            raise CloudSigmaException('Drive creation failed')

        drive_uuid = response[0]['drive']

        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/drives/%s/info' % (drive_uuid)).object
        imaging_start = time.time()
        while 'imaging' in response[0]:
            response = self.connection.request(
                action='/drives/%s/info' % (drive_uuid)).object
            elapsed_time = time.time() - imaging_start
            timed_out = elapsed_time >= self.IMAGING_TIMEOUT
            if 'imaging' in response[0] and timed_out:
                raise CloudSigmaException('Drive imaging timed out')

        node_data = {}
            {'name': kwargs['name'], 'cpu': size.cpu, 'mem': size.ram,
             'ide:0:0': drive_uuid, 'boot': 'ide:0:0', 'smp': smp})
        node_data.update({'nic:0:model': nic_model, 'nic:0:dhcp': 'auto'})

        if vnc_password:
            node_data.update({'vnc:ip': 'auto', 'vnc:password': vnc_password})

        response = self.connection.request(action='/servers/create',

        if not isinstance(response, list):
            response = [response]

        node = self._to_node(response[0])
        if node is None:
            # Insufficient funds, destroy created drive
            raise CloudSigmaInsufficientFundsException(
                'Insufficient funds, node creation failed')

        # Start the node after it has been created
        started = self.ex_start_node(node)

        if started:
            node.state = NodeState.RUNNING

        return node

    def ex_destroy_node_and_drives(self, node):
        Destroy a node and all the drives associated with it.

        :param      node: Node which should be used
        :type       node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node`

        :rtype: ``bool``
        node = self._get_node_info(node)

        drive_uuids = []
        for key, value in node.items():
            if (key.startswith('ide:') or key.startswith(
                'scsi') or key.startswith('block')) and\
                not (key.endswith(':bytes') or
                     key.endswith(':requests') or key.endswith('media')):

        node_destroyed = self.destroy_node(self._to_node(node))

        if not node_destroyed:
            return False

        for drive_uuid in drive_uuids:

        return True

    def ex_static_ip_list(self):
        Return a list of available static IP addresses.

        :rtype: ``list`` of ``str``
        response = self.connection.request(action='/resources/ip/list',

        if response.status != 200:
            raise CloudSigmaException('Could not retrieve IP list')

        ips = str2list(response.body)
        return ips

    def ex_drives_list(self):
        Return a list of all the available drives.

        :rtype: ``list`` of ``dict``
        response = self.connection.request(action='/drives/info', method='GET')

        result = str2dicts(response.body)
        return result

    def ex_static_ip_create(self):
        Create a new static IP address.p

        :rtype: ``list`` of ``dict``
        response = self.connection.request(action='/resources/ip/create',

        result = str2dicts(response.body)
        return result

    def ex_static_ip_destroy(self, ip_address):
        Destroy a static IP address.

        :param      ip_address: IP address which should be used
        :type       ip_address: ``str``

        :rtype: ``bool``
        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/resources/ip/%s/destroy' % (ip_address), method='GET')

        return response.status == 204

    def ex_drive_destroy(self, drive_uuid):
        Destroy a drive with a specified uuid.
        If the drive is currently mounted an exception is thrown.

        :param      drive_uuid: Drive uuid which should be used
        :type       drive_uuid: ``str``

        :rtype: ``bool``
        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/drives/%s/destroy' % (drive_uuid), method='POST')

        return response.status == 204

    def ex_set_node_configuration(self, node, **kwargs):
        Update a node configuration.
        Changing most of the parameters requires node to be stopped.

        :param      node: Node which should be used
        :type       node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node`

        :param      kwargs: keyword arguments
        :type       kwargs: ``dict``

        :rtype: ``bool``
        valid_keys = ('^name$', '^parent$', '^cpu$', '^smp$', '^mem$',
                      '^boot$', '^nic:0:model$', '^nic:0:dhcp',
                      '^nic:1:model$', '^nic:1:vlan$', '^nic:1:mac$',
                      '^vnc:ip$', '^vnc:password$', '^vnc:tls',
                      '^ide:[0-1]:[0-1](:media)?$', '^scsi:0:[0-7](:media)?$',

        invalid_keys = []
        keys = list(kwargs.keys())
        for key in keys:
            matches = False
            for regex in valid_keys:
                if re.match(regex, key):
                    matches = True
            if not matches:

        if invalid_keys:
            raise CloudSigmaException(
                'Invalid configuration key specified: %s' %
                (',' .join(invalid_keys)))

        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/servers/%s/set' % (,

        return (response.status == 200 and response.body != '')

    def ex_start_node(self, node):
        Start a node.

        :param      node: Node which should be used
        :type       node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node`

        :rtype: ``bool``
        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/servers/%s/start' % (,

        return response.status == 200

    def ex_stop_node(self, node):
        Stop (shutdown) a node.

        :param      node: Node which should be used
        :type       node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node`

        :rtype: ``bool``
        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/servers/%s/stop' % (,
        return response.status == 204

    def ex_shutdown_node(self, node):
        Stop (shutdown) a node.

        @inherits: :class:`CloudSigmaBaseNodeDriver.ex_stop_node`
        return self.ex_stop_node(node)

    def ex_destroy_drive(self, drive_uuid):
        Destroy a drive.

        :param      drive_uuid: Drive uuid which should be used
        :type       drive_uuid: ``str``

        :rtype: ``bool``
        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/drives/%s/destroy' % (drive_uuid),
        return response.status == 204

    def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self):
        Return the host value based on the user supplied region.
        kwargs = {}
        if not self._host_argument_set:
            kwargs['host'] = API_ENDPOINTS_1_0[self.region]['host']

        return kwargs

    def _to_node(self, data):
        if data:
                state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP[data['status']]
            except KeyError:
                state = NodeState.UNKNOWN

            if 'server' not in data:
                # Response does not contain server UUID if the server
                # creation failed because of insufficient funds.
                return None

            public_ips = []
            if 'nic:0:dhcp' in data:
                if isinstance(data['nic:0:dhcp'], list):
                    public_ips = data['nic:0:dhcp']
                    public_ips = [data['nic:0:dhcp']]

            extra = {}
            extra_keys = [('cpu', 'int'), ('smp', 'auto'), ('mem', 'int'),
                          ('status', 'str')]
            for key, value_type in extra_keys:
                if key in data:
                    value = data[key]

                    if value_type == 'int':
                        value = int(value)
                    elif value_type == 'auto':
                            value = int(value)
                        except ValueError:

                    extra.update({key: value})

            if 'vnc:ip' in data and 'vnc:password' in data:
                extra.update({'vnc_ip': data['vnc:ip'],
                              'vnc_password': data['vnc:password']})

            node = Node(id=data['server'], name=data['name'], state=state,
                        public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=None,

            return node
        return None

    def _get_node(self, node_id):
        nodes = self.list_nodes()
        node = [node for node in nodes if ==]

        if not node:
            raise CloudSigmaException(
                'Node with id %s does not exist' % (node_id))

        return node[0]

    def _get_node_info(self, node):
        response = self.connection.request(
            action='/servers/%s/info' % (

        result = str2dicts(response.body)
        return result[0]

class CloudSigmaZrhConnection(CloudSigma_1_0_Connection):
    Connection class for the CloudSigma driver for the Zurich end-point
    host = API_ENDPOINTS_1_0['zrh']['host']

class CloudSigmaZrhNodeDriver(CloudSigma_1_0_NodeDriver):
    CloudSigma node driver for the Zurich end-point
    connectionCls = CloudSigmaZrhConnection
    api_name = 'cloudsigma_zrh'

class CloudSigmaLvsConnection(CloudSigma_1_0_Connection):
    Connection class for the CloudSigma driver for the Las Vegas end-point
    host = API_ENDPOINTS_1_0['lvs']['host']

class CloudSigmaLvsNodeDriver(CloudSigma_1_0_NodeDriver):
    CloudSigma node driver for the Las Vegas end-point
    connectionCls = CloudSigmaLvsConnection
    api_name = 'cloudsigma_lvs'

class CloudSigmaError(ProviderError):
    Represents CloudSigma API error.

    def __init__(self, http_code, error_type, error_msg, error_point, driver):
        :param http_code: HTTP status code.
        :type http_code: ``int``

        :param error_type: Type of error (validation / notexist / backend /
                           permissions  database / concurrency / billing /
        :type error_type: ``str``

        :param error_msg: A description of the error that occurred.
        :type error_msg: ``str``

        :param error_point: Point at which the error occurred. Can be None.
        :type error_point: ``str`` or ``None``
        super(CloudSigmaError, self).__init__(http_code=http_code,
                                              value=error_msg, driver=driver)
        self.error_type = error_type
        self.error_msg = error_msg
        self.error_point = error_point

[docs]class CloudSigmaSubscription(object): """ Represents CloudSigma subscription. """ def __init__(self, id, resource, amount, period, status, price, start_time, end_time, auto_renew, subscribed_object=None): """ :param id: Subscription ID. :type id: ``str`` :param resource: Resource (e.g vlan, ip, etc.). :type resource: ``str`` :param period: Subscription period. :type period: ``str`` :param status: Subscription status (active / inactive). :type status: ``str`` :param price: Subscription price. :type price: ``str`` :param start_time: Start time for this subscription. :type start_time: ``datetime.datetime`` :param end_time: End time for this subscription. :type end_time: ``datetime.datetime`` :param auto_renew: True if the subscription is auto renewed. :type auto_renew: ``bool`` :param subscribed_object: Optional UUID of the subscribed object. :type subscribed_object: ``str`` """ = id self.resource = resource self.amount = amount self.period = period self.status = status self.price = price self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time self.auto_renew = auto_renew self.subscribed_object = subscribed_object def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return ('<CloudSigmaSubscription id=%s, resource=%s, amount=%s, ' 'period=%s, object_uuid=%s>' % (, self.resource, self.amount, self.period, self.subscribed_object))
[docs]class CloudSigmaTag(object): """ Represents a CloudSigma tag object. """ def __init__(self, id, name, resources=None): """ :param id: Tag ID. :type id: ``str`` :param name: Tag name. :type name: ``str`` :param resource: IDs of resources which are associated with this tag. :type resources: ``list`` of ``str`` """ = id = name self.resources = resources if resources else [] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return ('<CloudSigmaTag id=%s, name=%s, resources=%s>' % (,, repr(self.resources)))
[docs]class CloudSigmaDrive(NodeImage): """ Represents a CloudSigma drive. """ def __init__(self, id, name, size, media, status, driver, extra=None): """ :param id: Drive ID. :type id: ``str`` :param name: Drive name. :type name: ``str`` :param size: Drive size (in bytes). :type size: ``int`` :param media: Drive media (cdrom / disk). :type media: ``str`` :param status: Drive status (unmounted / mounted). :type status: ``str`` """ super(CloudSigmaDrive, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, driver=driver, extra=extra) self.size = size = media self.status = status def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return (('<CloudSigmaSize id=%s, name=%s size=%s, media=%s, ' 'status=%s>') % (,, self.size,, self.status))
[docs]class CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy(object): """ Represents a CloudSigma firewall policy. """ def __init__(self, id, name, rules): """ :param id: Policy ID. :type id: ``str`` :param name: Policy name. :type name: ``str`` :param rules: Rules associated with this policy. :type rules: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicyRule` objects """ = id = name self.rules = rules if rules else [] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return (('<CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy id=%s, name=%s rules=%s>') % (,, repr(self.rules)))
[docs]class CloudSigmaFirewallPolicyRule(object): """ Represents a CloudSigma firewall policy rule. """ def __init__(self, action, direction, ip_proto=None, src_ip=None, src_port=None, dst_ip=None, dst_port=None, comment=None): """ :param action: Action (drop / accept). :type action: ``str`` :param direction: Rule direction (in / out / both)> :type direction: ``str`` :param ip_proto: IP protocol (tcp / udp). :type ip_proto: ``str``. :param src_ip: Source IP in CIDR notation. :type src_ip: ``str`` :param src_port: Source port or a port range. :type src_port: ``str`` :param dst_ip: Destination IP in CIDR notation. :type dst_ip: ``str`` :param src_port: Destination port or a port range. :type src_port: ``str`` :param comment: Comment associated with the policy. :type comment: ``str`` """ self.action = action self.direction = direction self.ip_proto = ip_proto self.src_ip = src_ip self.src_port = src_port self.dst_ip = dst_ip self.dst_port = dst_port self.comment = comment def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return (('<CloudSigmaFirewallPolicyRule action=%s, direction=%s>') % (self.action, self.direction))
class CloudSigma_2_0_Response(JsonResponse): success_status_codes = [ httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.CREATED ] def success(self): return self.status in self.success_status_codes def parse_error(self): if int(self.status) == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED: raise InvalidCredsError('Invalid credentials') body = self.parse_body() errors = self._parse_errors_from_body(body=body) if errors: # Throw first error raise errors[0] return body def _parse_errors_from_body(self, body): """ Parse errors from the response body. :return: List of error objects. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaError` objects """ errors = [] if not isinstance(body, list): return None for item in body: if 'error_type' not in item: # Unrecognized error continue error = CloudSigmaError(http_code=self.status, error_type=item['error_type'], error_msg=item['error_message'], error_point=item['error_point'], driver=self.connection.driver) errors.append(error) return errors class CloudSigma_2_0_Connection(ConnectionUserAndKey): host = API_ENDPOINTS_2_0[DEFAULT_REGION]['host'] responseCls = CloudSigma_2_0_Response api_prefix = '/api/2.0' def add_default_headers(self, headers): headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % (base64.b64encode( b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))).decode('utf-8')) return headers def encode_data(self, data): data = json.dumps(data) return data def request(self, action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False): params = params or {} action = self.api_prefix + action if method == 'GET': params['limit'] = 0 # we want all the items back return super(CloudSigma_2_0_Connection, self).request(action=action, params=params, data=data, headers=headers, method=method, raw=raw)
[docs]class CloudSigma_2_0_NodeDriver(CloudSigmaNodeDriver): """ Driver for CloudSigma API v2.0. """ name = 'CloudSigma (API v2.0)' api_name = 'cloudsigma_zrh' website = '' connectionCls = CloudSigma_2_0_Connection # Default drive transition timeout in seconds DRIVE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT = 500 # How long to sleep between different polling periods while waiting for # drive transition DRIVE_TRANSITION_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 5 NODE_STATE_MAP = { 'starting': NodeState.PENDING, 'stopping': NodeState.PENDING, 'unavailable': NodeState.PENDING, 'running': NodeState.RUNNING, 'stopped': NodeState.STOPPED, 'paused': NodeState.STOPPED } def __init__(self, key, secret, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs): if region not in API_ENDPOINTS_2_0: raise ValueError('Invalid region: %s' % (region)) if not secure: # CloudSigma drive uses Basic Auth authentication and we don't want # to allow user to accidentally send credentials over the wire in # plain-text raise ValueError('CloudSigma driver only supports a ' 'secure connection') self._host_argument_set = host is not None super(CloudSigma_2_0_NodeDriver, self).__init__(key=key, secret=secret, secure=secure, host=host, port=port, region=region, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_nodes(self, ex_tag=None): """ List available nodes. :param ex_tag: If specified, only return servers tagged with the provided tag. :type ex_tag: :class:`CloudSigmaTag` """ if ex_tag: action = '/tags/%s/servers/detail/' % ( else: action = '/servers/detail/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET').object nodes = [self._to_node(data=item) for item in response['objects']] return nodes
[docs] def list_sizes(self): """ List available sizes. """ sizes = [] for value in INSTANCE_TYPES: key = value['id'] size = CloudSigmaNodeSize(id=value['id'], name=value['name'], cpu=value['cpu'], ram=value['memory'], disk=value['disk'], bandwidth=value['bandwidth'], price=self._get_size_price(size_id=key), driver=self.connection.driver) sizes.append(size) return sizes
[docs] def list_images(self): """ Return a list of available pre-installed library drives. Note: If you want to list all the available library drives (both pre-installed and installation CDs), use :meth:`ex_list_library_drives` method. """ response = self.connection.request(action='/libdrives/').object images = [self._to_image(data=item) for item in response['objects']] # We filter out non pre-installed library drives by default because # they can't be used directly following a default Libcloud server # creation flow. images = [image for image in images if image.extra['image_type'] == 'preinst'] return images
[docs] def create_node(self, name, size, image, ex_metadata=None, ex_vnc_password=None, ex_avoid=None, ex_vlan=None): """ Create a new server. Server creation consists multiple steps depending on the type of the image used. 1. Installation CD: 1. Create a server and attach installation cd 2. Start a server 2. Pre-installed image: 1. Clone provided library drive so we can use it 2. Resize cloned drive to the desired size 3. Create a server and attach cloned drive 4. Start a server :param ex_metadata: Key / value pairs to associate with the created node. (optional) :type ex_metadata: ``dict`` :param ex_vnc_password: Password to use for VNC access. If not provided, random password is generated. :type ex_vnc_password: ``str`` :param ex_avoid: A list of server UUIDs to avoid when starting this node. (optional) :type ex_avoid: ``list`` :param ex_vlan: Optional UUID of a VLAN network to use. If specified, server will have two nics assigned - 1 with a public ip and 1 with the provided VLAN. :type ex_vlan: ``str`` """ is_installation_cd = self._is_installation_cd(image=image) if ex_vnc_password: vnc_password = ex_vnc_password else: # VNC password is not provided, generate a random one. vnc_password = get_secure_random_string(size=12) drive_name = '%s-drive' % (name) # size is specified in GB drive_size = (size.disk * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) if not is_installation_cd: # 1. Clone library drive so we can use it drive = self.ex_clone_drive(drive=image, name=drive_name) # Wait for drive clone to finish drive = self._wait_for_drive_state_transition(drive=drive, state='unmounted') # 2. Resize drive to the desired disk size if the desired disk size # is larger than the cloned drive size. if drive_size > drive.size: drive = self.ex_resize_drive(drive=drive, size=drive_size) # Wait for drive resize to finish drive = self._wait_for_drive_state_transition(drive=drive, state='unmounted') else: # No need to clone installation CDs drive = image # 3. Create server and attach cloned drive # ide 0:0 data = {} data['name'] = name data['cpu'] = size.cpu data['mem'] = (size.ram * 1024 * 1024) data['vnc_password'] = vnc_password if ex_metadata: data['meta'] = ex_metadata # Assign 1 public interface (DHCP) to the node nic = { 'boot_order': None, 'ip_v4_conf': { 'conf': 'dhcp', }, 'ip_v6_conf': None } nics = [nic] if ex_vlan: # Assign another interface for VLAN nic = { 'boot_order': None, 'ip_v4_conf': None, 'ip_v6_conf': None, 'vlan': ex_vlan } nics.append(nic) # Need to use IDE for installation CDs if is_installation_cd: device_type = 'ide' else: device_type = 'virtio' drive = { 'boot_order': 1, 'dev_channel': '0:0', 'device': device_type, 'drive': } drives = [drive] data['nics'] = nics data['drives'] = drives action = '/servers/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=data) node = self._to_node(response.object['objects'][0]) # 4. Start server self.ex_start_node(node=node, ex_avoid=ex_avoid) return node
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): """ Destroy the node and all the associated drives. :return: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = '/servers/%s/' % ( params = {'recurse': 'all_drives'} response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='DELETE', params=params) return response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT # Server extension methods
[docs] def ex_edit_node(self, node, params): """ Edit a node. :param node: Node to edit. :type node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` :param params: Node parameters to update. :type params: ``dict`` :return Edited node. :rtype: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` """ data = {} # name, cpu, mem and vnc_password attributes must always be present so # we just copy them from the to-be-edited node data['name'] = data['cpu'] = node.extra['cpu'] data['mem'] = node.extra['mem'] data['vnc_password'] = node.extra['vnc_password'] nics = copy.deepcopy(node.extra.get('nics', [])) data['nics'] = nics data.update(params) action = '/servers/%s/' % ( response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='PUT', data=data).object node = self._to_node(data=response) return node
[docs] def ex_start_node(self, node, ex_avoid=None): """ Start a node. :param node: Node to start. :type node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` :param ex_avoid: A list of other server uuids to avoid when starting this node. If provided, node will attempt to be started on a different physical infrastructure from other servers specified using this argument. (optional) :type ex_avoid: ``list`` """ params = {} if ex_avoid: params['avoid'] = ','.join(ex_avoid) path = '/servers/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='start', params=params, method='POST') return response.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_stop_node(self, node): """ Stop a node. """ path = '/servers/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='stop', method='POST') return response.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def ex_clone_node(self, node, name=None, random_vnc_password=None): """ Clone the provided node. :param name: Optional name for the cloned node. :type name: ``str`` :param random_vnc_password: If True, a new random VNC password will be generated for the cloned node. Otherwise password from the cloned node will be reused. :type random_vnc_password: ``bool`` :return: Cloned node. :rtype: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` """ data = {} data['name'] = name data['random_vnc_password'] = random_vnc_password path = '/servers/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='clone', method='POST', data=data).object node = self._to_node(data=response) return node
[docs] def ex_open_vnc_tunnel(self, node): """ Open a VNC tunnel to the provided node and return the VNC url. :param node: Node to open the VNC tunnel to. :type node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` :return: URL of the opened VNC tunnel. :rtype: ``str`` """ path = '/servers/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='open_vnc', method='POST').object vnc_url = response['vnc_url'] return vnc_url
[docs] def ex_close_vnc_tunnel(self, node): """ Close a VNC server to the provided node. :param node: Node to close the VNC tunnel to. :type node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` :return: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ path = '/servers/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='close_vnc', method='POST') return response.status == httplib.ACCEPTED # Drive extension methods
[docs] def ex_list_library_drives(self): """ Return a list of all the available library drives (pre-installed and installation CDs). :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` objects """ response = self.connection.request(action='/libdrives/').object drives = [self._to_drive(data=item) for item in response['objects']] return drives
[docs] def ex_list_user_drives(self): """ Return a list of all the available user's drives. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` objects """ response = self.connection.request(action='/drives/detail/').object drives = [self._to_drive(data=item) for item in response['objects']] return drives
[docs] def ex_create_drive(self, name, size, media='disk', ex_avoid=None): """ Create a new drive. :param name: Drive name. :type name: ``str`` :param size: Drive size in bytes. :type size: ``int`` :param media: Drive media type (cdrom, disk). :type media: ``str`` :param ex_avoid: A list of other drive uuids to avoid when creating this drive. If provided, drive will attempt to be created on a different physical infrastructure from other drives specified using this argument. (optional) :type ex_avoid: ``list`` :return: Created drive object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` """ params = {} data = { 'name': name, 'size': size, 'media': media } if ex_avoid: params['avoid'] = ','.join(ex_avoid) action = '/drives/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', params=params, data=data).object drive = self._to_drive(data=response['objects'][0]) return drive
[docs] def ex_clone_drive(self, drive, name=None, ex_avoid=None): """ Clone a library or a standard drive. :param drive: Drive to clone. :type drive: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.NodeImage` or :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` :param name: Optional name for the cloned drive. :type name: ``str`` :param ex_avoid: A list of other drive uuids to avoid when creating this drive. If provided, drive will attempt to be created on a different physical infrastructure from other drives specified using this argument. (optional) :type ex_avoid: ``list`` :return: New cloned drive. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` """ params = {} data = {} if ex_avoid: params['avoid'] = ','.join(ex_avoid) if name: data['name'] = name path = '/drives/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='clone', params=params, data=data, method='POST') drive = self._to_drive(data=response.object['objects'][0]) return drive
[docs] def ex_resize_drive(self, drive, size): """ Resize a drive. :param drive: Drive to resize. :param size: New drive size in bytes. :type size: ``int`` :return: Drive object which is being resized. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` """ path = '/drives/%s/action/' % ( data = {'name':, 'size': size, 'media': 'disk'} response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='resize', method='POST', data=data) drive = self._to_drive(data=response.object['objects'][0]) return drive
[docs] def ex_attach_drive(self, node): """ Attach a drive to the provided node. """ # TODO pass
[docs] def ex_get_drive(self, drive_id): """ Retrieve information about a single drive. :param drive_id: ID of the drive to retrieve. :type drive_id: ``str`` :return: Drive object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` """ action = '/drives/%s/' % (drive_id) response = self.connection.request(action=action).object drive = self._to_drive(data=response) return drive # Firewall policies extension methods
[docs] def ex_list_firewall_policies(self): """ List firewall policies. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy` """ action = '/fwpolicies/detail/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET').object policies = [self._to_firewall_policy(data=item) for item in response['objects']] return policies
[docs] def ex_create_firewall_policy(self, name, rules=None): """ Create a firewall policy. :param name: Policy name. :type name: ``str`` :param rules: List of firewall policy rules to associate with this policy. (optional) :type rules: ``list`` of ``dict`` :return: Created firewall policy object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy` """ data = {} obj = {} obj['name'] = name if rules: obj['rules'] = rules data['objects'] = [obj] action = '/fwpolicies/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=data).object policy = self._to_firewall_policy(data=response['objects'][0]) return policy
[docs] def ex_attach_firewall_policy(self, policy, node, nic_mac=None): """ Attach firewall policy to a public NIC interface on the server. :param policy: Firewall policy to attach. :type policy: :class:`.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy` :param node: Node to attach policy to. :type node: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` :param nic_mac: Optional MAC address of the NIC to add the policy to. If not specified, first public interface is used instead. :type nic_mac: ``str`` :return: Node object to which the policy was attached to. :rtype: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` """ nics = copy.deepcopy(node.extra.get('nics', [])) if nic_mac: nic = [n for n in nics if n['mac'] == nic_mac] else: nic = nics if len(nic) == 0: raise ValueError('Cannot find the NIC interface to attach ' 'a policy to') nic = nic[0] nic['firewall_policy'] = params = {'nics': nics} node = self.ex_edit_node(node=node, params=params) return node
[docs] def ex_delete_firewall_policy(self, policy): """ Delete a firewall policy. :param policy: Policy to delete to. :type policy: :class:`.CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy` :return: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = '/fwpolicies/%s/' % ( response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT # Availability groups extension methods
[docs] def ex_list_servers_availability_groups(self): """ Return which running servers share the same physical compute host. :return: A list of server UUIDs which share the same physical compute host. Servers which share the same host will be stored under the same list index. :rtype: ``list`` of ``list`` """ action = '/servers/availability_groups/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') return response.object
[docs] def ex_list_drives_availability_groups(self): """ Return which drives share the same physical storage host. :return: A list of drive UUIDs which share the same physical storage host. Drives which share the same host will be stored under the same list index. :rtype: ``list`` of ``list`` """ action = '/drives/availability_groups/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') return response.object # Tag extension methods
[docs] def ex_list_tags(self): """ List all the available tags. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` objects """ action = '/tags/detail/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET').object tags = [self._to_tag(data=item) for item in response['objects']] return tags
[docs] def ex_get_tag(self, tag_id): """ Retrieve a single tag. :param id: ID of the tag to retrieve. :type id: ``str`` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` objects """ action = '/tags/%s/' % (tag_id) response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET').object tag = self._to_tag(data=response) return tag
[docs] def ex_create_tag(self, name, resource_uuids=None): """ Create a tag. :param name: Tag name. :type name: ``str`` :param resource_uuids: Optional list of resource UUIDs to assign this tag go. :type resource_uuids: ``list`` of ``str`` :return: Created tag object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` """ data = {} data['objects'] = [ { 'name': name } ] if resource_uuids: data['resources'] = resource_uuids action = '/tags/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=data).object tag = self._to_tag(data=response['objects'][0]) return tag
[docs] def ex_tag_resource(self, resource, tag): """ Associate tag with the provided resource. :param resource: Resource to associate a tag with. :type resource: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` or :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` :param tag: Tag to associate with the resources. :type tag: :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` :return: Updated tag object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` """ if not hasattr(resource, 'id'): raise ValueError('Resource doesn\'t have id attribute') return self.ex_tag_resources(resources=[resource], tag=tag)
[docs] def ex_tag_resources(self, resources, tag): """ Associate tag with the provided resources. :param resource: Resources to associate a tag with. :type resource: ``list`` of :class:`libcloud.compute.base.Node` or :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` :param tag: Tag to associate with the resources. :type tag: :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` :return: Updated tag object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` """ resources = tag.resources[:] for resource in resources: if not hasattr(resource, 'id'): raise ValueError('Resource doesn\'t have id attribute') resources.append( resources = list(set(resources)) data = { 'name':, 'resources': resources } action = '/tags/%s/' % ( response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='PUT', data=data).object tag = self._to_tag(data=response) return tag
[docs] def ex_delete_tag(self, tag): """ Delete a tag. :param tag: Tag to delete. :type tag: :class:`.CloudSigmaTag` :return: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = '/tags/%s/' % ( response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT # Account extension methods
[docs] def ex_get_balance(self): """ Retrueve account balance information. :return: Dictionary with two items ("balance" and "currency"). :rtype: ``dict`` """ action = '/balance/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') return response.object
[docs] def ex_get_pricing(self): """ Retrive pricing information that are applicable to the cloud. :return: Dictionary with pricing information. :rtype: ``dict`` """ action = '/pricing/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') return response.object
[docs] def ex_get_usage(self): """ Retrieve account current usage information. :return: Dictionary with two items ("balance" and "usage"). :rtype: ``dict`` """ action = '/currentusage/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') return response.object
[docs] def ex_list_subscriptions(self, status='all', resources=None): """ List subscriptions for this account. :param status: Only return subscriptions with the provided status (optional). :type status: ``str`` :param resources: Only return subscriptions for the provided resources (optional). :type resources: ``list`` :rtype: ``list`` """ params = {} if status: params['status'] = status if resources: params['resource'] = ','.join(resources) response = self.connection.request(action='/subscriptions/', params=params).object subscriptions = self._to_subscriptions(data=response) return subscriptions
[docs] def ex_toggle_subscription_auto_renew(self, subscription): """ Toggle subscription auto renew status. :param subscription: Subscription to toggle the auto renew flag for. :type subscription: :class:`.CloudSigmaSubscription` :return: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ path = '/subscriptions/%s/action/' % ( response = self._perform_action(path=path, action='auto_renew', method='POST') return response.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def ex_create_subscription(self, amount, period, resource, auto_renew=False): """ Create a new subscription. :param amount: Subscription amount. For example, in dssd case this would be disk size in gigabytes. :type amount: ``int`` :param period: Subscription period. For example: 30 days, 1 week, 1 month, ... :type period: ``str`` :param resource: Resource the purchase the subscription for. :type resource: ``str`` :param auto_renew: True to automatically renew the subscription. :type auto_renew: ``bool`` """ data = [ { 'amount': amount, 'period': period, 'auto_renew': auto_renew, 'resource': resource } ] response = self.connection.request(action='/subscriptions/', data=data, method='POST') data = response.object['objects'][0] subscription = self._to_subscription(data=data) return subscription # Misc extension methods
[docs] def ex_list_capabilities(self): """ Retrieve all the basic and sensible limits of the API. :rtype: ``dict`` """ action = '/capabilities/' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') capabilities = response.object return capabilities
def _parse_ips_from_nic(self, nic): """ Parse private and public IP addresses from the provided network interface object. :param nic: NIC object. :type nic: ``dict`` :return: (public_ips, private_ips) tuple. :rtype: ``tuple`` """ public_ips, private_ips = [], [] ipv4_conf = nic['ip_v4_conf'] ipv6_conf = nic['ip_v6_conf'] ipv4 = ipv4_conf['ip'] if ipv4_conf else None ipv6 = ipv6_conf['ip'] if ipv6_conf else None ips = [] if ipv4: ips.append(ipv4) if ipv6: ips.append(ipv6) runtime = nic['runtime'] ip_v4 = runtime['ip_v4'] if nic['runtime'] else None ip_v6 = runtime['ip_v6'] if nic['runtime'] else None ipv4 = ip_v4['uuid'] if ip_v4 else None ipv6 = ip_v4['uuid'] if ip_v6 else None if ipv4: ips.append(ipv4) if ipv6: ips.append(ipv6) ips = set(ips) for ip in ips: if is_private_subnet(ip): private_ips.append(ip) else: public_ips.append(ip) return public_ips, private_ips def _to_node(self, data): extra_keys = ['cpu', 'mem', 'nics', 'vnc_password', 'meta'] id = data['uuid'] name = data['name'] state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get(data['status'], NodeState.UNKNOWN) public_ips = [] private_ips = [] extra = self._extract_values(obj=data, keys=extra_keys) for nic in data['nics']: _public_ips, _private_ips = self._parse_ips_from_nic(nic=nic) public_ips.extend(_public_ips) private_ips.extend(_private_ips) node = Node(id=id, name=name, state=state, public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self, extra=extra) return node def _to_image(self, data): extra_keys = ['description', 'arch', 'image_type', 'os', 'licenses', 'media', 'meta'] id = data['uuid'] name = data['name'] extra = self._extract_values(obj=data, keys=extra_keys) image = NodeImage(id=id, name=name, driver=self, extra=extra) return image def _to_drive(self, data): id = data['uuid'] name = data['name'] size = data['size'] media = data['media'] status = data['status'] extra = {} drive = CloudSigmaDrive(id=id, name=name, size=size, media=media, status=status, driver=self, extra=extra) return drive def _to_tag(self, data): resources = data['resources'] resources = [resource['uuid'] for resource in resources] tag = CloudSigmaTag(id=data['uuid'], name=data['name'], resources=resources) return tag def _to_subscriptions(self, data): subscriptions = [] for item in data['objects']: subscription = self._to_subscription(data=item) subscriptions.append(subscription) return subscriptions def _to_subscription(self, data): start_time = parse_date(data['start_time']) end_time = parse_date(data['end_time']) obj_uuid = data['subscribed_object'] subscription = CloudSigmaSubscription(id=data['id'], resource=data['resource'], amount=int(data['amount']), period=data['period'], status=data['status'], price=data['price'], start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, auto_renew=data['auto_renew'], subscribed_object=obj_uuid) return subscription def _to_firewall_policy(self, data): rules = [] for item in data.get('rules', []): rule = CloudSigmaFirewallPolicyRule(action=item['action'], direction=item['direction'], ip_proto=item['ip_proto'], src_ip=item['src_ip'], src_port=item['src_port'], dst_ip=item['dst_ip'], dst_port=item['dst_port'], comment=item['comment']) rules.append(rule) policy = CloudSigmaFirewallPolicy(id=data['uuid'], name=data['name'], rules=rules) return policy def _perform_action(self, path, action, method='POST', params=None, data=None): """ Perform API action and return response object. """ if params: params = params.copy() else: params = {} params['do'] = action response = self.connection.request(action=path, method=method, params=params, data=data) return response def _is_installation_cd(self, image): """ Detect if the provided image is an installation CD. :rtype: ``bool`` """ if isinstance(image, CloudSigmaDrive) and == 'cdrom': return True return False def _extract_values(self, obj, keys): """ Extract values from a dictionary and return a new dictionary with extracted values. :param obj: Dictionary to extract values from. :type obj: ``dict`` :param keys: Keys to extract. :type keys: ``list`` :return: Dictionary with extracted values. :rtype: ``dict`` """ result = {} for key in keys: result[key] = obj[key] return result def _wait_for_drive_state_transition(self, drive, state, timeout=DRIVE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT): """ Wait for a drive to transition to the provided state. Note: This function blocks and periodically calls "GET drive" endpoint to check if the drive has already transitioned to the desired state. :param drive: Drive to wait for. :type drive: :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` :param state: Desired drive state. :type state: ``str`` :param timeout: How long to wait for the transition (in seconds) before timing out. :type timeout: ``int`` :return: Drive object. :rtype: :class:`.CloudSigmaDrive` """ start_time = time.time() while drive.status != state: drive = self.ex_get_drive( if drive.status == state: break current_time = time.time() delta = (current_time - start_time) if delta >= timeout: msg = ('Timed out while waiting for drive transition ' '(timeout=%s seconds)' % (timeout)) raise Exception(msg) time.sleep(self.DRIVE_TRANSITION_SLEEP_INTERVAL) return drive def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self): """ Return the host value based on the user supplied region. """ kwargs = {} if not self._host_argument_set: kwargs['host'] = API_ENDPOINTS_2_0[self.region]['host'] return kwargs