Google DNS Driver Documentation

Google Cloud DNS is a scalable, reliable and managed authoritative Domain Name System (DNS) service running on the same infrastructure as Google.


Instantiating the driver

The Google Cloud DNS driver supports three methods of authentication: * Service accounts * Installed Application * Internal authentication

To instantiate the driver, pass authentication tokens to the constructor as shown below:

1. Getting Driver with Service Account authentication

With local key file:

from libcloud.dns.types import Provider
from libcloud.dns.providers import get_driver

DNSDriver = get_driver(Provider.GOOGLE)
driver = DNSDriver("service account email", "keyfile location", project="project ID")

With Service Account credentials as dict:

from libcloud.dns.types import Provider
from libcloud.dns.providers import get_driver

credentials = {
    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "my_project",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nmy_private_key_data\n"
    "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
    "client_email": "my_email",

DNSDriver = get_driver(Provider.GOOGLE)
driver = DNSDriver("your_service_account_email", credentials, "your_project_id")

2. Getting Driver with Installed Application authentication

from libcloud.dns.types import Provider
from libcloud.dns.providers import get_driver

DNSDriver = get_driver(Provider.GOOGLE)
driver = DNSDriver("client ID", "client secret", project="project ID")

3. Using GCE Internal Authorization

from libcloud.dns.types import Provider
from libcloud.dns.providers import get_driver

# This example assumes you are running an instance within Google Compute Engine
# in which case you only need to provide the project ID.
DNSDriver = get_driver(Provider.GOOGLE)
driver = DNSDriver("", "", project="project ID")

API Docs

class, key, project=None, auth_type=None, scopes=None, **kwargs)[source]

alias of GoogleDNSConnection

create_record(name, zone, type, data, extra=None)[source]

Create a new record.

  • name (str) – Record name fully qualified, with a ‘.’ at the end.
  • zone (Zone) – Zone where the requested record is created.
  • type (RecordType) – DNS record type (A, AAAA, …).
  • data (str) – Data for the record (depends on the record type).
  • extra (dict) – Extra attributes. (optional)
Return type:


create_zone(domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None)[source]

Create a new zone.

  • domain (str) – Zone domain name (e.g. with a ‘.’ at the end.
  • type (str) – Zone type (master is the only one supported).
  • ttl (int) – TTL for new records. (unused)
  • extra (dict) – Extra attributes (driver specific). (optional)
Return type:



Delete a record.

Parameters:record (Record) – Record to delete.
Return type:bool

Delete a zone.

Note: This will delete all the records belonging to this zone.

Parameters:zone (Zone) – Zone to delete.
Return type:bool
ex_bulk_record_changes(zone, records)[source]

Bulk add and delete records.

  • zone (Zone) – Zone where the requested record changes are done.
  • records – Dictionary of additions list or deletions list, or both
of resourceRecordSets. For example:
{‘additions’: [{‘rrdatas’: [‘’],
‘kind’: ‘dns#resourceRecordSet’, ‘type’: ‘A’, ‘name’: ‘’, ‘ttl’: ‘300’}],
‘deletions’: [{‘rrdatas’: [‘’],
‘kind’: ‘dns#resourceRecordSet’, ‘type’: ‘A’, ‘name’: ‘’, ‘ttl’: ‘300’}]}
Returns:A dictionary of Record additions and deletions.
Return type:dict of additions and deletions of Record

Export Zone object to the BIND compatible format.

Parameters:zone (Zone) – Zone to export.
Returns:Zone data in BIND compatible format.
Return type:str
export_zone_to_bind_zone_file(zone, file_path)

Export Zone object to the BIND compatible format and write result to a file.

  • zone (Zone) – Zone to export.
  • file_path (str) – File path where the output will be saved.
get_record(zone_id, record_id)[source]

Return a Record instance.

  • zone_id (str) – ID of the required zone
  • record_id (str) – ID of the required record
Return type:



Return a Zone instance.

Parameters:zone_id (str) – ID of the required zone
Return type:Zone

Return a generator to iterate over records for the provided zone.

Parameters:zone (Zone) – Zone to list records for.
Return type:generator of Record

Return a generator to iterate over available zones.

Return type:generator of Zone

Return a list of RecordType objects supported by the provider.

Returns:list of RecordType

Return a list of records for the provided zone.

Parameters:zone (Zone) – Zone to list records for.
Returns:list of Record

Return a list of zones.

Returns:list of Zone
update_record(record, name, type, data, extra=None)

Update an existing record.

  • record (Record) – Record to update.
  • name (str) – Record name without the domain name (e.g. www). Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain name, you should specify empty string (‘’) for this argument.
  • type (RecordType) – DNS record type (A, AAAA, …).
  • data (str) – Data for the record (depends on the record type).
  • extra (dict) – (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific).
Return type:


update_zone(zone, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None)

Update an existing zone.

  • zone (Zone) – Zone to update.
  • domain (str) – Zone domain name (e.g.
  • type (str) – Zone type (master / slave).
  • ttl (int) – TTL for new records. (optional)
  • extra (dict) – Extra attributes (driver specific). (optional)
Return type:
