Source code for libcloud.dns.drivers.rcodezero

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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    RcodeZero DNS Driver
import re
import json
import hashlib

from libcloud.dns.base import Zone, Record, DNSDriver
from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType, ZoneDoesNotExistError, ZoneAlreadyExistsError
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.common.base import JsonResponse, ConnectionKey
from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError, MalformedResponseError
from libcloud.common.exceptions import BaseHTTPError


__all__ = [

class RcodeZeroResponse(JsonResponse):
    def success(self):
        i = int(self.status)
        return 200 <= i <= 299

    def parse_error(self):
        if self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
            raise InvalidCredsError("Invalid API key. Check")

        errors = []
            body = self.parse_body()
        except MalformedResponseError as e:
            body = "{}: {}".format(e.value, e.body)
            errors = [body["message"]]
        except TypeError:
            return "%s (HTTP Code: %d)" % (body, self.status)
        except KeyError:

        return "%s (HTTP Code: %d)" % (" ".join(errors), self.status)

class RcodeZeroConnection(ConnectionKey):
    responseCls = RcodeZeroResponse

    host = API_HOST

    def add_default_headers(self, headers):
        headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + self.key
        headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
        return headers

[docs]class RcodeZeroDNSDriver(DNSDriver): type = Provider.RCODEZERO name = "RcodeZero DNS" website = "" connectionCls = RcodeZeroConnection RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.A: "A", RecordType.AAAA: "AAAA", RecordType.AFSDB: "AFSDB", RecordType.ALIAS: "ALIAS", RecordType.CERT: "CERT", RecordType.CNAME: "CNAME", RecordType.DNAME: "DNAME", RecordType.DNSKEY: "DNSKEY", RecordType.DS: "DS", RecordType.HINFO: "HINFO", RecordType.KEY: "KEY", RecordType.LOC: "LOC", RecordType.MX: "MX", RecordType.NAPTR: "NAPTR", RecordType.NS: "NS", RecordType.NSEC: "NSEC", RecordType.OPENPGPKEY: "OPENPGPKEY", RecordType.PTR: "PTR", RecordType.RP: "RP", RecordType.RRSIG: "RRSIG", RecordType.SOA: "SOA", RecordType.SPF: "SPF", RecordType.SRV: "SRV", RecordType.SSHFP: "SSHFP", RecordType.SRV: "SRV", RecordType.TLSA: "TLSA", RecordType.TXT: "TXT", } def __init__( self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version="v1", **kwargs, ): """ :param key: API token to be used (required) :type key: ``str`` :param secret: Password to be used, ignored by RcodeZero :type key: ``str`` :param secure: Whether to use HTTPS (default) or HTTP. :type secure: ``bool`` :param host: Hostname used for connections. :type host: ``str`` :param port: Port used for connections. :type port: ``int`` :param api_version: Specifies the API version to use. ``v1`` is currently the only valid option (and default) :type api_version: ``str`` :return: ``None`` """ if api_version == "v1": self.api_root = "/api/v1" else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported API version: %s" % api_version) super().__init__(key=key, secure=secure, host=host, port=port, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): """ Create a new record in a given, existing zone. :param name: name of the new record without the domain name, for example "www". :type name: ``str`` :param zone: Zone in which the requested record is created. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param type: DNS resource record type (A, AAAA, ...). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depending on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: Extra attributes: 'ttl', 'disabled' :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ action = "{}/zones/{}/rrsets".format(self.api_root, payload = self._to_patchrequest(, None, name, type, data, extra, "add") try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=json.dumps(payload), method="PATCH") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and e.message.startswith( "Could not find domain" ): raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e if extra is not None and extra.get("ttl", None) is not None: ttl = extra["ttl"] else: ttl = None return Record(id=None, name=name, data=data, type=type, zone=zone, ttl=ttl, driver=self)
[docs] def create_zone(self, domain, type="master", ttl=None, extra={}): """ Create a new zone. :param name: Zone domain name (e.g. :type name: ``str`` :param domain: Zone type ('master' / 'slave'). (required). :type domain: :class:`Zone` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional). Ignored by RcodeZero. RcodeZero uses record specific TTLs. :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes: 'masters' (for type=slave): ``extra={'masters': ['','2001:db8::2']}`` sets the Master nameservers for a type=slave zone. :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ action = "%s/zones" % (self.api_root) if type.lower() == "slave" and (extra is None or extra.get("masters", None) is None): msg = "Master IPs required for slave zones" raise ValueError(msg) payload = {"domain": domain.lower(), "type": type.lower()} payload.update(extra) zone_id = domain + "." try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=json.dumps(payload), method="POST") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and e.message.find( "Zone '%s' already configured for your account" % domain ): raise ZoneAlreadyExistsError(zone_id=zone_id, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return Zone( id=zone_id, domain=domain, type=type.lower(), ttl=None, driver=self, extra=extra, )
[docs] def update_zone(self, zone, domain, type=None, ttl=None, extra=None): """ Update an existing zone. :param zone: Zone to update. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param domain: Zone domain name (e.g. :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type ('master' / 'slave'). :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: not supported. RcodeZero uses RRSet-specific TTLs :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes: 'masters' (for type=slave) ``extra={'masters': ['','2001:db8::2']}`` sets the Master nameserver addresses for a type=slave zone :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ action = "{}/zones/{}".format(self.api_root, domain) if type is None: type = zone.type if type.lower() == "slave" and (extra is None or extra.get("masters", None) is None): msg = "Master IPs required for slave zones" raise ValueError(msg) payload = {"domain": domain.lower(), "type": type.lower()} if extra is not None: payload.update(extra) try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=json.dumps(payload), method="PUT") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and e.message.startswith( "Domain '%s' update failed" % domain ): raise ZoneAlreadyExistsError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return Zone(, domain=domain, type=type, ttl=None, driver=self, extra=extra)
[docs] def delete_record(self, record): """ Delete a record in a given zone. :param record: record to delete (record object) :type record: `Record` :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = "{}/zones/{}/rrsets".format(self.api_root, payload = self._to_patchrequest(, None,, record.type,, record.extra, "delete", ) try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=json.dumps(payload), method="PATCH") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and e.message.startswith( "Could not find domain" ): raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return True
[docs] def delete_zone(self, zone): """ Delete a zone and all its records. :param zone: zone to delete :type zone: `Zone` :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = "{}/zones/{}".format(self.api_root, try: self.connection.request(action=action, method="DELETE") except BaseHTTPError: return False return True
[docs] def get_zone(self, zone_id): """ Get a Zone object. :param zone_id: name of the zone, for example "". :type zone_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` :raises: ZoneDoesNotExistError: if zone could not be found. """ action = "{}/zones/{}".format(self.api_root, zone_id) try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, method="GET") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.NOT_FOUND: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone_id, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return self._to_zone(response.object)
[docs] def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): """ Return a Record instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :param record_id: ID of the required record :type record_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ records = self.list_records( Zone(id=zone_id, domain=zone_id, type=None, ttl=None, driver=self, extra=None) ) foundrecords = list(filter(lambda x: == record_id, records)) if len(foundrecords) > 0: return foundrecords[0] else: return None
[docs] def list_records(self, zone): """ Return a list of all record objects for the given zone. :param zone: Zone object to list records for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :return: ``list`` of :class:`Record` """ action = "{}/zones/{}/rrsets?page_size=-1".format(self.api_root, try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, method="GET") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and e.message.startswith( "Could not find domain" ): raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return self._to_records(response.object["data"], zone)
[docs] def list_zones(self): """ Return a list of zone objects for this account. :return: ``list`` of :class:`Zone` """ action = "%s/zones?page_size=-1" % (self.api_root) response = self.connection.request(action=action, method="GET") return self._to_zones(response.object["data"])
[docs] def update_record(self, record, name, type, data, extra=None): """ Update an existing record. :param record: Record object to update. :type record: :class:`Record` :param name: name of the new record, for example "www". :type name: ``str`` :param type: DNS resource record type (A, AAAA, ...). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depending on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: Extra attributes: 'ttl','disabled' (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ action = "{}/zones/{}/rrsets".format(self.api_root, payload = self._to_patchrequest(, record, name, type, data, record.extra, "update" ) try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=json.dumps(payload), method="PATCH") except BaseHTTPError as e: if e.code == httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and e.message.startswith( "Could not find domain" ): raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e if not (extra is None or extra.get("ttl", None) is None): ttl = extra["ttl"] else: ttl = record.ttl return Record( id=hashlib.md5(str(name + " " + data).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), name=name, data=data, type=type,, driver=self, ttl=ttl, extra=extra, )
def _to_zone(self, item): extra = {} for e in [ "dnssec_status", "dnssec_status_detail", "dnssec_ksk_status", "dnssec_ksk_status_detail", "dnssec_ds", "dnssec_dnskey", "dnssec_safe_to_unsign", "dnssec", "masters", "serial", "created", "last_check", ]: if e in item: extra[e] = item[e] return Zone( id=item["domain"], domain=item["domain"], type=item["type"].lower(), ttl=None, driver=self, extra=extra, ) def _to_zones(self, items): zones = [] for item in items: zones.append(self._to_zone(item)) return zones def _to_records(self, items, zone): records = [] for item in items: for record in item["records"]: extra = {} extra["disabled"] = record["disabled"] # strip domain and trailing dot from recordname recordname = re.sub("." + + "$", "", item["name"][:-1]) records.append( Record( id=hashlib.md5( str(recordname + " " + record["content"]).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest(), name=recordname, data=record["content"], type=item["type"], zone=zone, driver=self, ttl=item["ttl"], extra=extra, ) ) return records # rcodezero supports only rrset, so we must create rrsets from the given # record def _to_patchrequest(self, zone, record, name, type, data, extra, action): rrset = {} cur_records = self.list_records( Zone(id=zone, domain=None, type=None, ttl=None, driver=self) ) if name != "": rrset["name"] = name + "." + zone + "." else: rrset["name"] = zone + "." rrset["type"] = type rrset["changetype"] = action rrset["records"] = [] if not (extra is None or extra.get("ttl", None) is None): rrset["ttl"] = extra["ttl"] content = {} if not action == "delete": content["content"] = data if not (extra is None or extra.get("disabled", None) is None): content["disabled"] = extra["disabled"] rrset["records"].append(content) id = hashlib.md5(str(name + " " + data).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() # check if rrset contains more than one record. if yes we need to create an # update request for r in cur_records: if action == "update" and == # do not include records which should be updated in the update # request continue if name == and != id: # we have other records with the same name so make an update # request rrset["changetype"] = "update" content = {} content["content"] = if not (r.extra is None or r.extra.get("disabled", None) is None): content["disabled"] = r.extra["disabled"] rrset["records"].append(content) request = list() request.append(rrset) return request