Source code for

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Driver for Backblaze B2 service.

import base64
import hashlib

from libcloud.utils.py3 import b, next, httplib, urlparse
from libcloud.common.base import JsonResponse, ConnectionUserAndKey
from libcloud.utils.files import read_in_chunks, exhaust_iterator
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError, InvalidCredsError
from import Object, Container, StorageDriver
from libcloud.utils.escape import sanitize_object_name
from import ObjectDoesNotExistError, ContainerDoesNotExistError
from import Provider

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json  # type: ignore

__all__ = [

API_PATH = "/b2api/v1/"

class BackblazeB2Response(JsonResponse):
    def success(self):
        return self.status in [httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.ACCEPTED]

    def parse_error(self):
        status = int(self.status)
        body = self.parse_body()

        if status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
            raise InvalidCredsError(body["message"])

        return self.body

[docs]class BackblazeB2AuthConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey): host = AUTH_API_HOST secure = True responseCls = BackblazeB2Response def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Those attributes are populated after authentication self.account_id = None self.api_url = None self.api_host = None self.download_url = None self.download_host = None self.auth_token = None
[docs] def authenticate(self, force=False): """ :param force: Force authentication if if we have already obtained the token. :type force: ``bool`` """ if not self._is_authentication_needed(force=force): return self headers = {} action = "b2_authorize_account" auth_b64 = base64.b64encode(b("{}:{}".format(self.user_id, self.key))) headers["Authorization"] = "Basic %s" % (auth_b64.decode("utf-8")) action = API_PATH + "b2_authorize_account" resp = self.request(action=action, headers=headers, method="GET") if resp.status == httplib.OK: self._parse_and_set_auth_info(data=resp.object) else: raise Exception("Failed to authenticate: %s" % (str(resp.object))) return self
def _parse_and_set_auth_info(self, data): result = {} self.account_id = data["accountId"] self.api_url = data["apiUrl"] self.download_url = data["downloadUrl"] self.auth_token = data["authorizationToken"] parsed_api_url = urlparse.urlparse(self.api_url) self.api_host = parsed_api_url.netloc parsed_download_url = urlparse.urlparse(self.download_url) self.download_host = parsed_download_url.netloc return result def _is_authentication_needed(self, force=False): if not self.auth_token or force: return True return False
[docs]class BackblazeB2Connection(ConnectionUserAndKey): host = None # type: ignore # Note: host is set after authentication secure = True responseCls = BackblazeB2Response authCls = BackblazeB2AuthConnection def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Stores info retrieved after authentication (auth token, api url, # dowload url). self._auth_conn = self.authCls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def download_request(self, action, params=None): # Lazily perform authentication auth_conn = self._auth_conn.authenticate() # Set host to the download server self._set_host(auth_conn.download_host) action = "/file/" + action method = "GET" raw = True response = self._request( auth_conn=auth_conn, action=action, params=params, method=method, raw=raw ) return response
[docs] def upload_request(self, action, headers, upload_host, auth_token, data): # Lazily perform authentication auth_conn = self._auth_conn.authenticate() # Upload host is dynamically retrieved for each upload request self._set_host(host=upload_host) method = "POST" raw = False response = self._request( auth_conn=auth_conn, action=action, params=None, data=data, headers=headers, method=method, raw=raw, auth_token=auth_token, ) return response
[docs] def request( self, action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method="GET", raw=False, include_account_id=False, ): params = params or {} headers = headers or {} # Lazily perform authentication auth_conn = self._auth_conn.authenticate() # Set host self._set_host(host=auth_conn.api_host) # Include Content-Type if not raw and data: headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" # Include account id if include_account_id: if method == "GET": params["accountId"] = auth_conn.account_id elif method == "POST": data = data or {} data["accountId"] = auth_conn.account_id action = API_PATH + action if data: data = json.dumps(data) response = self._request( auth_conn=self._auth_conn, action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers, raw=raw, ) return response
def _request( self, auth_conn, action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method="GET", raw=False, auth_token=None, ): params = params or {} headers = headers or {} if not auth_token: # If auth token is not explicitly provided, use the default one auth_token = self._auth_conn.auth_token # Include auth token headers["Authorization"] = "%s" % (auth_token) response = super().request( action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers, raw=raw, ) return response def _set_host(self, host): """ Dynamically set host which will be used for the following HTTP requests. NOTE: This is needed because Backblaze uses different hosts for API, download and upload requests. """ = host = "https://%s" % (host)
[docs]class BackblazeB2StorageDriver(StorageDriver): connectionCls = BackblazeB2Connection name = "Backblaze B2" website = "" type = Provider.BACKBLAZE_B2 hash_type = "sha1" supports_chunked_encoding = False
[docs] def iterate_containers(self): # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg resp = self.connection.request( action="b2_list_buckets", method="GET", include_account_id=True ) containers = self._to_containers(data=resp.object) return containers
[docs] def iterate_container_objects(self, container, prefix=None, ex_prefix=None): """ Return a generator of objects for the given container. :param container: Container instance :type container: :class:`Container` :param prefix: Filter objects starting with a prefix. Filtering is performed client-side. :type prefix: ``str`` :param ex_prefix: (Deprecated.) Filter objects starting with a prefix. Filtering is performed client-side. :type ex_prefix: ``str`` :return: A generator of Object instances. :rtype: ``generator`` of :class:`Object` """ prefix = self._normalize_prefix_argument(prefix, ex_prefix) # TODO: Support pagination params = {"bucketId": container.extra["id"]} resp = self.connection.request(action="b2_list_file_names", method="GET", params=params) objects = self._to_objects(data=resp.object, container=container) return self._filter_listed_container_objects(objects, prefix)
[docs] def get_container(self, container_name): containers = self.iterate_containers() container = next((c for c in containers if == container_name), None) if container: return container else: raise ContainerDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self, container_name=container_name)
[docs] def get_object(self, container_name, object_name): container = self.get_container(container_name=container_name) objects = self.iterate_container_objects(container=container) obj = next((obj for obj in objects if == object_name), None) if obj is not None: return obj else: raise ObjectDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self, object_name=object_name)
[docs] def create_container(self, container_name, ex_type="allPrivate"): data = {} data["bucketName"] = container_name data["bucketType"] = ex_type # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg resp = self.connection.request( action="b2_create_bucket", data=data, method="POST", include_account_id=True ) container = self._to_container(item=resp.object) return container
[docs] def delete_container(self, container): data = {} data["bucketId"] = container.extra["id"] # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg resp = self.connection.request( action="b2_delete_bucket", data=data, method="POST", include_account_id=True ) return resp.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def download_object( self, obj, destination_path, overwrite_existing=False, delete_on_failure=True ): action = self._get_object_download_path(container=obj.container, obj=obj) # pylint: disable=no-member response = self.connection.download_request(action=action) # TODO: Include metadata from response headers return self._get_object( obj=obj, callback=self._save_object, response=response, callback_kwargs={ "obj": obj, "response": response.response, "destination_path": destination_path, "overwrite_existing": overwrite_existing, "delete_on_failure": delete_on_failure, }, success_status_code=httplib.OK, )
[docs] def download_object_as_stream(self, obj, chunk_size=None): action = self._get_object_download_path(container=obj.container, obj=obj) # pylint: disable=no-member response = self.connection.download_request(action=action) return self._get_object( obj=obj, callback=read_in_chunks, response=response, callback_kwargs={ "iterator": response.iter_content(chunk_size), "chunk_size": chunk_size, }, success_status_code=httplib.OK, )
[docs] def upload_object( self, file_path, container, object_name, extra=None, verify_hash=True, headers=None, ): """ Upload an object. Note: This will override file with a same name if it already exists. """ # Note: We don't use any of the base driver functions since Backblaze # API requires you to provide SHA1 has upfront and the base methods # don't support that with open(file_path, "rb") as fp: iterator = iter(fp) iterator = read_in_chunks(iterator=iterator) data = exhaust_iterator(iterator=iterator) obj = self._perform_upload( data=data, container=container, object_name=object_name, extra=extra, verify_hash=verify_hash, headers=headers, ) return obj
[docs] def upload_object_via_stream(self, iterator, container, object_name, extra=None, headers=None): """ Upload an object. Note: Backblaze does not yet support uploading via stream, so this calls upload_object internally requiring the object data to be loaded into memory at once """ iterator = read_in_chunks(iterator=iterator) data = exhaust_iterator(iterator=iterator) obj = self._perform_upload( data=data, container=container, object_name=object_name, extra=extra, headers=headers, ) return obj
[docs] def delete_object(self, obj): data = {} data["fileName"] = data["fileId"] = obj.extra["fileId"] resp = self.connection.request(action="b2_delete_file_version", data=data, method="POST") return resp.status == httplib.OK
[docs] def ex_get_object(self, object_id): params = {} params["fileId"] = object_id resp = self.connection.request(action="b2_get_file_info", method="GET", params=params) obj = self._to_object(item=resp.object, container=None) return obj
[docs] def ex_hide_object(self, container_id, object_name): data = {} data["bucketId"] = container_id data["fileName"] = object_name resp = self.connection.request(action="b2_hide_file", data=data, method="POST") obj = self._to_object(item=resp.object, container=None) return obj
[docs] def ex_list_object_versions( self, container_id, ex_start_file_name=None, ex_start_file_id=None, ex_max_file_count=None, ): params = {} params["bucketId"] = container_id if ex_start_file_name: params["startFileName"] = ex_start_file_name if ex_start_file_id: params["startFileId"] = ex_start_file_id if ex_max_file_count: params["maxFileCount"] = ex_max_file_count resp = self.connection.request(action="b2_list_file_versions", params=params, method="GET") objects = self._to_objects(data=resp.object, container=None) return objects
[docs] def ex_get_upload_data(self, container_id): """ Retrieve information used for uploading files (upload url, auth token, etc). :rype: ``dict`` """ # TODO: This is static (AFAIK) so it could be cached params = {} params["bucketId"] = container_id response = self.connection.request(action="b2_get_upload_url", method="GET", params=params) return response.object
[docs] def ex_get_upload_url(self, container_id): """ Retrieve URL used for file uploads. :rtype: ``str`` """ result = self.ex_get_upload_data(container_id=container_id) upload_url = result["uploadUrl"] return upload_url
def _to_containers(self, data): result = [] for item in data["buckets"]: container = self._to_container(item=item) result.append(container) return result def _to_container(self, item): extra = {} extra["id"] = item["bucketId"] extra["bucketType"] = item["bucketType"] container = Container(name=item["bucketName"], extra=extra, driver=self) return container def _to_objects(self, data, container): result = [] for item in data["files"]: obj = self._to_object(item=item, container=container) result.append(obj) return result def _to_object(self, item, container=None): extra = {} extra["fileId"] = item["fileId"] extra["uploadTimestamp"] = item.get("uploadTimestamp", None) size = item.get("size", item.get("contentLength", None)) hash = item.get("contentSha1", None) meta_data = item.get("fileInfo", {}) obj = Object( name=item["fileName"], size=size, hash=hash, extra=extra, meta_data=meta_data, container=container, driver=self, ) return obj def _get_object_download_path(self, container, obj): """ Return a path used in the download requests. :rtype: ``str`` """ path = + "/" + return path def _perform_upload( self, data, container, object_name, extra=None, verify_hash=True, headers=None ): if isinstance(data, str): data = bytearray(data) object_name = sanitize_object_name(object_name) extra = extra or {} content_type = extra.get("content_type", "b2/x-auto") meta_data = extra.get("meta_data", {}) # Note: Backblaze API doesn't support chunked encoding and we need to # provide Content-Length up front (this is one inside _upload_object):/ headers = headers or {} headers["X-Bz-File-Name"] = object_name headers["Content-Type"] = content_type sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(b(data)) headers["X-Bz-Content-Sha1"] = sha1.hexdigest() # Include optional meta-data (up to 10 items) for key, value in meta_data: # TODO: Encode / escape key headers["X-Bz-Info-%s" % (key)] = value upload_data = self.ex_get_upload_data(container_id=container.extra["id"]) upload_token = upload_data["authorizationToken"] parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(upload_data["uploadUrl"]) upload_host = parsed_url.netloc request_path = parsed_url.path # pylint: disable=no-member response = self.connection.upload_request( action=request_path, headers=headers, upload_host=upload_host, auth_token=upload_token, data=data, ) if response.status == httplib.OK: obj = self._to_object(item=response.object, container=container) return obj else: body = raise LibcloudError( "Upload failed. status_code={}, body={}".format(response.status, body), driver=self, )