Source code for libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.nttcis

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from libcloud.utils.py3 import ET
from libcloud.utils.xml import findall, findtext, fixxpath
from libcloud.utils.misc import reverse_dict
from libcloud.common.nttcis import (
from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, Driver, Member, Algorithm, LoadBalancer
from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import State, Provider

[docs]class NttCisLBDriver(Driver): """ NttCis LB driver. """ selected_region = None connectionCls = NttCisConnection name = "NTTC-CIS Load Balancer" website = "" type = Provider.NTTCIS api_version = 1.0 _VALUE_TO_ALGORITHM_MAP = { "ROUND_ROBIN": Algorithm.ROUND_ROBIN, "LEAST_CONNECTIONS_MEMBER": Algorithm.LEAST_CONNECTIONS_MEMBER, "LEAST_CONNECTIONS_NODE": Algorithm.LEAST_CONNECTIONS_NODE, "OBSERVED_MEMBER": Algorithm.OBSERVED_MEMBER, "OBSERVED_NODE": Algorithm.OBSERVED_NODE, "PREDICTIVE_MEMBER": Algorithm.PREDICTIVE_MEMBER, "PREDICTIVE_NODE": Algorithm.PREDICTIVE_NODE, } _ALGORITHM_TO_VALUE_MAP = reverse_dict(_VALUE_TO_ALGORITHM_MAP) _VALUE_TO_STATE_MAP = { "NORMAL": State.RUNNING, "PENDING_ADD": State.PENDING, "PENDING_CHANGE": State.PENDING, "PENDING_DELETE": State.PENDING, "FAILED_ADD": State.ERROR, "FAILED_CHANGE": State.ERROR, "FAILED_DELETE": State.ERROR, "REQUIRES_SUPPORT": State.ERROR, } def __init__( self, key, network_domain_id, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs, ): self.network_domain_id = network_domain_id if region not in API_ENDPOINTS and host is None: raise ValueError("Invalid region: %s, no host specified" % (region)) if region is not None: self.selected_region = API_ENDPOINTS[region] super().__init__( key=key, secret=secret, secure=secure, host=host, port=port, api_version=api_version, region=region, **kwargs, ) def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self): """ Add the region to the kwargs before the connection is instantiated """ kwargs = super()._ex_connection_class_kwargs() kwargs["region"] = self.selected_region return kwargs
[docs] def create_balancer( self, name, listener_port=None, port=None, protocol=None, algorithm=None, members=None, optimization_profile="TCP", ex_listener_ip_address=None, ): """ Create a new load balancer instance :param name: Name of the new load balancer (required) :type name: ``str`` :param listener_port: An integer in the range of 1-65535. If not supplied, it will be taken to mean 'Any Port' :type port: ``int :param port: An integer in the range of 1-65535. If not supplied, it will be taken to mean 'Any Port' Assumed that node ports will different from listener port. :type port: ``int`` :param protocol: Loadbalancer protocol, defaults to http. :type protocol: ``str`` :param members: list of Members to attach to balancer (optional) :type members: ``list`` of :class:`Member` :param algorithm: Load balancing algorithm, defaults to ROUND_ROBIN. :type algorithm: :class:`.Algorithm` :param optimization_profile: For STANDARD type and protocol TCP an optimization type of TCP, LAN_OPT, WAN_OPT, MOBILE_OPT, or TCP_LEGACY is required. Default is TCP :type protcol: ``str`` :param ex_listener_ip_address: Must be a valid IPv4 in dot-decimal notation (x.x.x.x). :type ex_listener_ip_address: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer` """ network_domain_id = self.network_domain_id if protocol is None: protocol = "http" if algorithm is None: algorithm = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM # Create a pool first pool = self.ex_create_pool( network_domain_id=network_domain_id, name=name, ex_description=None, balancer_method=self._ALGORITHM_TO_VALUE_MAP[algorithm], ) # Attach the members to the pool as nodes if members is not None: for member in members: if not isinstance(member, Member): member = self.ex_create_node( network_domain_id=network_domain_id,, ip=member.private_ips[0], ex_description=None, ) self.ex_create_pool_member(pool=pool, node=member, port=port) # Create the virtual listener (balancer) listener = self.ex_create_virtual_listener( network_domain_id=network_domain_id, name=name, ex_description=name, port=listener_port, pool=pool, protocol=protocol, optimization_profile=optimization_profile, listener_ip_address=ex_listener_ip_address, ) return LoadBalancer(,, state=State.RUNNING, ip=listener.ip, port=port, driver=self, extra={ "pool_id":, "network_domain_id": network_domain_id, "listener_ip_address": ex_listener_ip_address, }, )
[docs] def ex_update_listener(self, virtual_listener, **kwargs): """ Update a current virtual listener. :param virtual_listener: The listener to be updated :return: The edited version of the listener """ edit_listener_elm = ET.Element( "editVirtualListener", { "xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id":, "xmlns:xsi": "" "XMLSchema-instance", }, ) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: ET.SubElement(edit_listener_elm, k, {"xsi:nil": "true"}) else: ET.SubElement(edit_listener_elm, k).text = v result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/editVirtualListener", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(edit_listener_elm), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def list_balancers(self, ex_network_domain_id=None): """ List all loadbalancers inside a geography or in given network. In NTTC-CIS terminology these are known as virtual listeners :param ex_network_domain_id: UUID of Network Domain if not None returns only balancers in the given network if None then returns all pools for the organization :type ex_network_domain_id: ``str`` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`LoadBalancer` """ params = None if ex_network_domain_id is not None: params = {"networkDomainId": ex_network_domain_id} return self._to_balancers( self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/virtualListener", params=params ).object )
[docs] def get_balancer(self, balancer_id): """ Return a :class:`LoadBalancer` object. :param balancer_id: id of a load balancer you want to fetch :type balancer_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer` """ bal = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/virtualListener/%s" % balancer_id ).object return self._to_balancer(bal)
[docs] def list_protocols(self): """ Return a list of supported protocols. Since all protocols are support by NTTC-CIS, this is a list of common protocols. :rtype: ``list`` of ``str`` """ return ["http", "https", "tcp", "udp", "ftp", "smtp"]
[docs] def balancer_list_members(self, balancer): """ Return list of members attached to balancer. In NTTC-CIS terminology these are the members of the pools within a virtual listener. :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Member` """ pool_members = self.ex_get_pool_members(balancer.extra["pool_id"]) members = [] for pool_member in pool_members: members.append( Member(, ip=pool_member.ip, port=pool_member.port, balancer=balancer, extra=None, ) ) return members
[docs] def balancer_attach_member(self, balancer, member): """ Attach a member to balancer :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer` :param member: Member to join to the balancer :type member: :class:`Member` :return: Member after joining the balancer. :rtype: :class:`Member` """ node = self.ex_create_node( network_domain_id=balancer.extra["network_domain_id"], name="Member." + member.ip, ip=member.ip, ex_description="", ) if node is False: return False pool = self.ex_get_pool(balancer.extra["pool_id"]) pool_member = self.ex_create_pool_member(pool=pool, node=node, port=member.port) = return member
[docs] def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member): """ Detach member from balancer :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer` :param member: Member which should be used :type member: :class:`Member` :return: ``True`` if member detach was successful, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: ``bool`` """ create_pool_m = ET.Element("removePoolMember", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id":}) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/removePoolMember", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_pool_m), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def destroy_balancer(self, balancer): """ Destroy a load balancer (virtual listener) :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used :type balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer` :return: ``True`` if the destroy was successful, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: ``bool`` """ delete_listener = ET.Element( "deleteVirtualListener", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id":} ) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/deleteVirtualListener", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(delete_listener), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_set_current_network_domain(self, network_domain_id): """ Set the network domain (part of the network) of the driver :param network_domain_id: ID of the pool (required) :type network_domain_id: ``str`` """ self.network_domain_id = network_domain_id
[docs] def ex_get_current_network_domain(self): """ Get the current network domain ID of the driver. :return: ID of the network domain :rtype: ``str`` """ return self.network_domain_id
[docs] def ex_create_pool_member(self, pool, node, port=None): """ Create a new member in an existing pool from an existing node :param pool: Instance of ``NttCisPool`` (required) :type pool: ``NttCisPool`` :param node: Instance of ``NttCisVIPNode`` (required) :type node: ``NttCisVIPNode`` :param port: Port the the service will listen on :type port: ``str`` :return: The node member, instance of ``NttCisPoolMember`` :rtype: ``NttCisPoolMember`` """ create_pool_m = ET.Element("addPoolMember", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(create_pool_m, "poolId").text = ET.SubElement(create_pool_m, "nodeId").text = if port is not None: ET.SubElement(create_pool_m, "port").text = str(port) ET.SubElement(create_pool_m, "status").text = "ENABLED" response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/addPoolMember", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_pool_m), ).object member_id = None node_name = None for info in findall(response, "info", TYPES_URN): if info.get("name") == "poolMemberId": member_id = info.get("value") if info.get("name") == "nodeName": node_name = info.get("value") return NttCisPoolMember( id=member_id, name=node_name, status=State.RUNNING, ip=node.ip, port=port,, )
[docs] def ex_create_node( self, network_domain_id, name, ip, ex_description=None, connection_limit=25000, connection_rate_limit=2000, ): """ Create a new node :param network_domain_id: Network Domain ID (required) :type name: ``str`` :param name: name of the node (required) :type name: ``str`` :param ip: IPv4 address of the node (required) :type ip: ``str`` :param ex_description: Description of the node (required) :type ex_description: ``str`` :param connection_limit: Maximum number of concurrent connections per sec :type connection_limit: ``int`` :param connection_rate_limit: Maximum number of concurrent sessions :type connection_rate_limit: ``int`` :return: Instance of ``NttCisVIPNode`` :rtype: ``NttCisVIPNode`` """ create_node_elm = ET.Element("createNode", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "networkDomainId").text = network_domain_id ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "name").text = name if ex_description is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "description").text = str(ex_description) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "ipv4Address").text = ip ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "status").text = "ENABLED" ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "connectionLimit").text = str(connection_limit) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "connectionRateLimit").text = str(connection_rate_limit) response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/createNode", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_node_elm), ).object node_id = None node_name = None for info in findall(response, "info", TYPES_URN): if info.get("name") == "nodeId": node_id = info.get("value") if info.get("name") == "name": node_name = info.get("value") return NttCisVIPNode(id=node_id, name=node_name, status=State.RUNNING, ip=ip)
[docs] def ex_update_node(self, node): """ Update the properties of a node :param pool: The instance of ``NttCisNode`` to update :type pool: ``NttCisNode`` :return: The instance of ``NttCisNode`` :rtype: ``NttCisNode`` """ create_node_elm = ET.Element("editNode", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) create_node_elm.set("id", ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "healthMonitorId").text = node.health_monitor_id ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "connectionLimit").text = str(node.connection_limit) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "connectionRateLimit").text = str(node.connection_rate_limit) self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/editNode", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_node_elm), ).object return node
[docs] def ex_set_node_state(self, node, enabled): """ Change the state of a node (enable/disable) :param pool: The instance of ``NttCisNode`` to update :type pool: ``NttCisNode`` :param enabled: The target state of the node :type enabled: ``bool`` :return: The instance of ``NttCisNode`` :rtype: ``NttCisNode`` """ create_node_elm = ET.Element("editNode", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "status").text = "ENABLED" if enabled is True else "DISABLED" self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/editNode", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_node_elm), ).object return node
[docs] def ex_create_pool( self, network_domain_id, name, balancer_method, ex_description, health_monitors=None, service_down_action="NONE", slow_ramp_time=30, ): """ Create a new pool :param network_domain_id: Network Domain ID (required) :type name: ``str`` :param name: name of the node (required) :type name: ``str`` :param balancer_method: The load balancer algorithm (required) :type balancer_method: ``str`` :param ex_description: Description of the node (required) :type ex_description: ``str`` :param health_monitors: A list of health monitors to use for the pool. :type health_monitors: ``list`` of :class:`NttCisDefaultHealthMonitor` :param service_down_action: What to do when node is unavailable NONE, DROP or RESELECT :type service_down_action: ``str`` :param slow_ramp_time: Number of seconds to stagger ramp up of nodes :type slow_ramp_time: ``int`` :return: Instance of ``NttCisPool`` :rtype: ``NttCisPool`` """ # Names cannot contain spaces. name.replace(" ", "_") create_node_elm = ET.Element("createPool", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "networkDomainId").text = network_domain_id ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "name").text = name ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "description").text = str(ex_description) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "loadBalanceMethod").text = str(balancer_method) if health_monitors is not None: for monitor in health_monitors: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "healthMonitorId").text = str( ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "serviceDownAction").text = service_down_action ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "slowRampTime").text = str(slow_ramp_time) response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/createPool", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_node_elm), ).object pool_id = None for info in findall(response, "info", TYPES_URN): if info.get("name") == "poolId": pool_id = info.get("value") return NttCisPool( id=pool_id, name=name, description=ex_description, status=State.RUNNING, load_balance_method=str(balancer_method), health_monitor_id=None, service_down_action=service_down_action, slow_ramp_time=str(slow_ramp_time), )
[docs] def ex_create_virtual_listener( self, network_domain_id, name, ex_description, port=None, pool=None, listener_ip_address=None, persistence_profile=None, fallback_persistence_profile=None, irule=None, protocol="TCP", optimization_profile="TCP", connection_limit=25000, connection_rate_limit=2000, source_port_preservation="PRESERVE", ): """ Create a new virtual listener (load balancer) :param network_domain_id: Network Domain ID (required) :type name: ``str`` :param name: name of the listener (required) :type name: ``str`` :param ex_description: Description of the node (required) :type ex_description: ``str`` :param port: An integer in the range of 1-65535. If not supplied, it will be taken to mean 'Any Port' :type port: ``int`` :param pool: The pool to use for the listener :type pool: :class:`NttCisPool` :param listener_ip_address: The IPv4 Address of the virtual listener :type listener_ip_address: ``str`` :param persistence_profile: Persistence profile :type persistence_profile: :class:`NttCisPersistenceProfile` :param fallback_persistence_profile: Fallback persistence profile :type fallback_persistence_profile: :class:`NttCisPersistenceProfile` :param irule: The iRule to apply :type irule: :class:`NttCisDefaultiRule` :param protocol: For STANDARD type, ANY, TCP or UDP for PERFORMANCE_LAYER_4 choice of ANY, TCP, UDP, HTTP :type protcol: ``str`` :param optimization_profile: For STANDARD type and protocol TCP an optimization type of TCP, LAN_OPT, WAN_OPT, MOBILE_OPT, or TCP_LEGACY is required. Default is 'TCP'. :type protcol: ``str`` :param connection_limit: Maximum number of concurrent connections per sec :type connection_limit: ``int`` :param connection_rate_limit: Maximum number of concurrent sessions :type connection_rate_limit: ``int`` :param source_port_preservation: Choice of PRESERVE, PRESERVE_STRICT or CHANGE :type source_port_preservation: ``str`` :return: Instance of the listener :rtype: ``NttCisVirtualListener`` """ if (port == 80) or (port == 443): listener_type = "PERFORMANCE_LAYER_4" else: listener_type = "STANDARD" if listener_type == "STANDARD" and optimization_profile is None: raise ValueError( " CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: optimizationProfile is" " required for type STANDARD and protocol TCP" ) create_node_elm = ET.Element("createVirtualListener", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "networkDomainId").text = network_domain_id ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "name").text = name ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "description").text = str(ex_description) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "type").text = listener_type ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "protocol").text = protocol if listener_ip_address is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "listenerIpAddress").text = str(listener_ip_address) if port is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "port").text = str(port) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "enabled").text = "true" ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "connectionLimit").text = str(connection_limit) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "connectionRateLimit").text = str(connection_rate_limit) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "sourcePortPreservation").text = source_port_preservation if pool is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "poolId").text = if persistence_profile is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "persistenceProfileId").text = if optimization_profile is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "optimizationProfile").text = optimization_profile if fallback_persistence_profile is not None: ET.SubElement( create_node_elm, "fallbackPersistenceProfileId" ).text = if irule is not None: ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "iruleId").text = response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/createVirtualListener", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_node_elm), ).object virtual_listener_id = None virtual_listener_ip = None for info in findall(response, "info", TYPES_URN): if info.get("name") == "virtualListenerId": virtual_listener_id = info.get("value") if info.get("name") == "listenerIpAddress": virtual_listener_ip = info.get("value") return NttCisVirtualListener( id=virtual_listener_id, name=name, ip=virtual_listener_ip, status=State.RUNNING, )
[docs] def ex_import_ssl_domain_certificate( self, network_domain_id, name, crt_file, key_file, description=None ): """ Import an ssl cert for ssl offloading onto the the load balancer :param network_domain_id: The Network Domain's Id. :type network_domain_id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the ssl certificate :type name: ``str`` :param crt_file: The complete path to the certificate file :type crt_file: ``str`` :param key_file: The complete pathy to the key file :type key_file: ``str`` :param description: (Optional) A description of the certificate :type `description: `str`` :return: ``bool`` """ try: import OpenSSL except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Missing "OpenSSL" dependency. You can install ' "it using pip - pip install pyopenssl" ) with open(crt_file) as fp: c = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, c).decode( encoding="utf-8" ) with open(key_file) as fp: k = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, k).decode( encoding="utf-8" ) cert_elem = ET.Element("importSslDomainCertificate", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(cert_elem, "networkDomainId").text = network_domain_id ET.SubElement(cert_elem, "name").text = name if description is not None: ET.SubElement(cert_elem, "description").text = description ET.SubElement(cert_elem, "key").text = key ET.SubElement(cert_elem, "certificate").text = cert result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/importSslDomainCertificate", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(cert_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_delete_ssl_domain_certificate(self, dom_cert_id): """ Deletes an SSL domain certificate :param dom_cert_id: Id of certificate to delete :type dom_cert_id: ``str`` :return: ``bool`` """ del_dom_cert_elem = ET.Element( "deleteSslDomainCertificate", {"id": dom_cert_id, "xmlns": TYPES_URN} ) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/deleteSslDomainCertificate", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(del_dom_cert_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_import_ssl_cert_chain(self, network_domain_id, name, chain_crt_file, description=None): """ Import an ssl certificate chain for ssl offloading onto the the load balancer :param network_domain_id: The Network Domain's Id. :type network_domain_id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the ssl certificate chain :type name: ``str`` :param chain_crt_file: The complete path to the certificate chain file :type chain_crt_file: ``str`` :param description: (Optional) A description of the certificate chain :type description: ``str`` :return: ``bool`` """ try: import OpenSSL from OpenSSL import crypto except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Missing "OpenSSL" dependency. You can install ' "it using pip - pip install pyopenssl" ) c = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(chain_crt_file).read()) cert = OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, c).decode(encoding="utf-8") cert_chain_elem = ET.Element("importSslCertificateChain", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(cert_chain_elem, "networkDomainId").text = network_domain_id ET.SubElement(cert_chain_elem, "name").text = name if description is not None: ET.SubElement(cert_chain_elem, "description").text = description ET.SubElement(cert_chain_elem, "certificateChain").text = cert result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/importSslCertificateChain", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(cert_chain_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_delete_ssl_certificate_chain(self, cert_chain_id): """ Deletes a certificate chain :param cert_chain_id: Id of certificate chain to delete :type cert_chain_id: ``str`` :return ``bool`` """ del_cert_chain_elem = ET.Element( "deleteSslCertificateChain", {"id": cert_chain_id, "xmlns": TYPES_URN} ) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/deleteSslCertificateChain", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(del_cert_chain_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_create_ssl_offload_profile( self, netowrk_domain_id, name, ssl_domain_cert_id, description=None, ciphers=None, ssl_cert_chain_id=None, ): """ Creates an SSL Offload profile :param network_domain_id: The network domain's Id :type netowrk_domain_id: ``str`` :param name: Offload profile's name :type name: ``str`` :param ssl_domain_cert_id: Certificate's Id :type ssl_domain_cert_id: ``str`` :param description: (Optional) Profile's description :type description: ``str`` :param ciphers: (Optional) The default cipher string is: "MEDIUM:HIGH:!EXPORT:!ADH:!MD5:!RC4:!SSLv2:!SSLv3: !ECDHE+AES-GCM:!ECDHE+AES:!ECDHE+3DES:!ECDHE_ECDSA: !ECDH_RSA:!ECDH_ECDSA:@SPEED" It is possible to choose just a subset of this string :type ciphers: ``str`` :param ssl_cert_chain_id: (Optional) Bind the certificate chain to the profile. :type ssl_cert_chain_id: `str`` :returns: ``bool`` """ ssl_offload_elem = ET.Element("createSslOffloadProfile", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "networkDomainId").text = netowrk_domain_id ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "name").text = name if description is not None: ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "description").text = description if ciphers is not None: ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "ciphers").text = ciphers ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "sslDomainCertificateId").text = ssl_domain_cert_id if ssl_cert_chain_id is not None: ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "sslCertificateChainId").text = ssl_cert_chain_id result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/createSslOffloadProfile", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(ssl_offload_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_edit_ssl_offload_profile( self, profile_id, name, ssl_domain_cert_id, description=None, ciphers=None, ssl_cert_chain_id=None, ): """ The function edits the ssl offload profile :param profil_id: The id of the profile to be edited :type profile_id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the profile, new name or previous name :type name: ``str`` :param ssl_domain_cert_id: The certificate id to use, new or current :type ssl_domain_cert_id: ``str`` :param description: (Optional) Profile's description :type description: ``str`` :param ciphers: (Optional) String of acceptable ciphers to use :type ciphers: ``str`` :param ssl_cert_chain_id: If using a certificate chain or changing to a new one :type: ssl_cert_chain_id: ``str`` :returns: ``bool`` """ ssl_offload_elem = ET.Element( "editSslOffloadProfile", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id": profile_id} ) ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "name").text = name if description is not None: ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "description").text = description if ciphers is not None: ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "ciphers").text = ciphers ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "sslDomainCertificateId").text = ssl_domain_cert_id if ssl_cert_chain_id is not None: ET.SubElement(ssl_offload_elem, "sslCertificateChainId").text = ssl_cert_chain_id result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/editSslOffloadProfile", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(ssl_offload_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_delete_ssl_offload_profile(self, profile_id): """ Delete an offload profile :param profile_id: Id of profile to be deleted :type profile_id: ``str`` :returns: ``bool`` """ del_profile_elem = ET.Element( "deleteSslOffloadProfile", {"id": profile_id, "xmlns": TYPES_URN} ) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/deleteSslOffloadProfile", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(del_profile_elem), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_get_pools(self, ex_network_domain_id=None): """ Get all of the pools inside the current geography or in given network. :param ex_network_domain_id: UUID of Network Domain if not None returns only balancers in the given network if None then returns all pools for the organization :type ex_network_domain_id: ``str`` :return: Returns a ``list`` of type ``NttCisPool`` :rtype: ``list`` of ``NttCisPool`` """ params = None if ex_network_domain_id is not None: params = {"networkDomainId": ex_network_domain_id} pools = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/pool", params=params ).object return self._to_pools(pools)
[docs] def ex_get_pool(self, pool_id): """ Get a specific pool inside the current geography :param pool_id: The identifier of the pool :type pool_id: ``str`` :return: Returns an instance of ``NttCisPool`` :rtype: ``NttCisPool`` """ pool = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2("networkDomainVip/pool/%s" % pool_id).object return self._to_pool(pool)
[docs] def ex_update_pool(self, pool): """ Update the properties of an existing pool only method, serviceDownAction and slowRampTime are updated :param pool: The instance of ``NttCisPool`` to update :type pool: ``NttCisPool`` :return: ``True`` for success, ``False`` for failure :rtype: ``bool`` """ create_node_elm = ET.Element("editPool", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN}) create_node_elm.set("id", ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "loadBalanceMethod").text = str(pool.load_balance_method) ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "healthMonitorId").text = pool.health_monitor_id ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "serviceDownAction").text = pool.service_down_action ET.SubElement(create_node_elm, "slowRampTime").text = str(pool.slow_ramp_time) response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/editPool", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(create_node_elm), ).object response_code = findtext(response, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_destroy_pool(self, pool): """ Destroy an existing pool :param pool: The instance of ``NttCisPool`` to destroy :type pool: ``NttCisPool`` :return: ``True`` for success, ``False`` for failure :rtype: ``bool`` """ destroy_request = ET.Element("deletePool", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id":}) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/deletePool", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(destroy_request), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_get_pool_members(self, pool_id): """ Get the members of a pool :param pool: The instance of a pool :type pool: ``NttCisPool`` :returns: Returns an ``list`` of ``NttCisPoolMember`` :rtype: ``list`` of ``NttCisPoolMember`` """ members = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/poolMember?poolId=%s" % pool_id ).object return self._to_members(members)
[docs] def ex_get_pool_member(self, pool_member_id): """ Get a specific member of a pool :param pool: The id of a pool member :type pool: ``str`` :return: Returns an instance of ``NttCisPoolMember`` :rtype: ``NttCisPoolMember`` """ member = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/poolMember/%s" % pool_member_id ).object return self._to_member(member)
[docs] def ex_set_pool_member_state(self, member, enabled=True): request = ET.Element("editPoolMember", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id":}) state = "ENABLED" if enabled is True else "DISABLED" ET.SubElement(request, "status").text = state result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/editPoolMember", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(request), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_destroy_pool_member(self, member, destroy_node=False): """ Destroy a specific member of a pool :param pool: The instance of a pool member :type pool: ``NttCisPoolMember`` :param destroy_node: Also destroy the associated node :type destroy_node: ``bool`` :return: ``True`` for success, ``False`` for failure :rtype: ``bool`` """ # remove the pool member destroy_request = ET.Element("removePoolMember", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id":}) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/removePoolMember", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(destroy_request), ).object if member.node_id is not None and destroy_node is True: return self.ex_destroy_node(member.node_id) else: response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_get_nodes(self, ex_network_domain_id=None): """ Get the nodes within this geography or in given network. :param ex_network_domain_id: UUID of Network Domain if not None returns only balancers in the given network if None then returns all pools for the organization :type ex_network_domain_id: ``str`` :return: Returns an ``list`` of ``NttCisVIPNode`` :rtype: ``list`` of ``NttCisVIPNode`` """ params = None if ex_network_domain_id is not None: params = {"networkDomainId": ex_network_domain_id} nodes = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/node", params=params ).object return self._to_nodes(nodes)
[docs] def ex_get_node(self, node_id): """ Get the node specified by node_id :return: Returns an instance of ``NttCisVIPNode`` :rtype: Instance of ``NttCisVIPNode`` """ nodes = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( "networkDomainVip/node/%s" % node_id ).object return self._to_node(nodes)
[docs] def ex_destroy_node(self, node_id): """ Destroy a specific node :param node_id: The ID of of a ``NttCisVIPNode`` :type node_id: ``str`` :return: ``True`` for success, ``False`` for failure :rtype: ``bool`` """ # Destroy the node destroy_request = ET.Element("deleteNode", {"xmlns": TYPES_URN, "id": node_id}) result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/deleteNode", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(destroy_request), ).object response_code = findtext(result, "responseCode", TYPES_URN) return response_code in ["IN_PROGRESS", "OK"]
[docs] def ex_wait_for_state(self, state, func, poll_interval=2, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs): """ Wait for the function which returns a instance with field status to match Keep polling func until one of the desired states is matched :param state: Either the desired state (`str`) or a `list` of states :type state: ``str`` or ``list`` :param func: The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan :type func: ``function`` :param poll_interval: The number of seconds to wait between checks :type poll_interval: `int` :param timeout: The total number of seconds to wait to reach a state :type timeout: `int` :param args: The arguments for func :type args: Positional arguments :param kwargs: The arguments for func :type kwargs: Keyword arguments """ return self.connection.wait_for_state(state, func, poll_interval, timeout, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ex_get_default_health_monitors(self, network_domain): """ Get the default health monitors available for a network domain :param network_domain_id: The ID of of a ``NttCisNetworkDomain`` :type network_domain_id: ``str`` :rtype: `list` of :class:`NttCisDefaultHealthMonitor` """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/defaultHealthMonitor", params={"networkDomainId": network_domain}, method="GET", ).object return self._to_health_monitors(result)
[docs] def ex_get_default_persistence_profiles(self, network_domain_id): """ Get the default persistence profiles available for a network domain :param network_domain_id: The ID of of a ``NttCisNetworkDomain`` :type network_domain_id: ``str`` :rtype: `list` of :class:`NttCisPersistenceProfile` """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/defaultPersistenceProfile", params={"networkDomainId": network_domain_id}, method="GET", ).object return self._to_persistence_profiles(result)
[docs] def ex_get_default_irules(self, network_domain_id): """ Get the default iRules available for a network domain :param network_domain_id: The ID of of a ``NttCisNetworkDomain`` :type network_domain_id: ``str`` :rtype: `list` of :class:`NttCisDefaultiRule` """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/defaultIrule", params={"networkDomainId": network_domain_id}, method="GET", ).object return self._to_irules(result)
[docs] @get_params def ex_list_ssl_domain_certs(self, params={}): """ Functions takes a named parameter that can be one or none of the following :param params: A sequence of comma separated keyword arguments and a value * id= * network_domain_id= * name= * state= * create_time= * expiry_time= :returns: `list` of :class: `NttCisDomaincertificate` """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/sslDomainCertificate", params=params, method="GET" ).object return self._to_certs(result)
[docs] def ex_get_ssl_domain_cert(self, cert_id): """ Function gets the cert by id. Use this if only if the id is already known :param cert_id: The id of the specific cert :type cert_id: ``str`` :returns: :class: `NttCisdomaincertificate """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/sslDomainCertificate/%s" % cert_id, method="GET" ).object return self._to_cert(result)
[docs] @get_params def ex_list_ssl_certificate_chains(self, params={}): """ Functions takes a named parameter that can be one or none of the following to filter returned items :param params: A sequence of comma separated keyword arguments and a value * id= * network_domain_id= * name= * state= * create_time= * expiry_time= :return: `list` of :class: `NttCissslcertficiatechain` """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/sslCertificateChain", params=params, method="GET" ).object return self._to_certificate_chains(result)
[docs] def ex_get_ssl_certificate_chain(self, chain_id): """ Function gets the certificate chain by id. Use this if only if the id is already known :param cert_id: The id of the specific cert :return: :class: `NttCiscertificatechain """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/sslCertificateChain/%s" % chain_id, method="GET" ).object return self._to_certificate_chain(result)
[docs] @get_params def ex_list_ssl_offload_profiles(self, params={}): """ Functions takes a named parameter that can be one or none of the following to filter returned items :param params: A sequence of comma separated keyword arguments and a value * id= * network_domain_id= * datacenter_id= * name= * state= * ssl_domain_certificate_id= * ssl_domain_certificate_name= * ssl_certificate_chain_id= * ssl_certificate_chain_name= * create_time= :return: `list` of :class: `NttCisSslssloffloadprofile` """ result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/sslOffloadProfile", params=params, method="GET" ).object return self._to_ssl_profiles(result)
[docs] def ex_get_ssl_offload_profile(self, profile_id): result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2( action="networkDomainVip/sslOffloadProfile/%s" % profile_id, method="GET" ).object return self._to_ssl_profile(result)
def _to_irules(self, object): irules = [] matches = object.findall(fixxpath("defaultIrule", TYPES_URN)) for element in matches: irules.append(self._to_irule(element)) return irules def _to_irule(self, element): compatible = [] matches = element.findall(fixxpath("virtualListenerCompatibility", TYPES_URN)) for match_element in matches: compatible.append( NttCisVirtualListenerCompatibility( type=match_element.get("type"), protocol=match_element.get("protocol", None), ) ) irule_element = element.find(fixxpath("irule", TYPES_URN)) return NttCisDefaultiRule( id=irule_element.get("id"), name=irule_element.get("name"), compatible_listeners=compatible, ) def _to_persistence_profiles(self, object): profiles = [] matches = object.findall(fixxpath("defaultPersistenceProfile", TYPES_URN)) for element in matches: profiles.append(self._to_persistence_profile(element)) return profiles def _to_persistence_profile(self, element): compatible = [] matches = element.findall(fixxpath("virtualListenerCompatibility", TYPES_URN)) for match_element in matches: compatible.append( NttCisVirtualListenerCompatibility( type=match_element.get("type"), protocol=match_element.get("protocol", None), ) ) return NttCisPersistenceProfile( id=element.get("id"), fallback_compatible=bool(element.get("fallbackCompatible") == "true"), name=findtext(element, "name", TYPES_URN), compatible_listeners=compatible, ) def _to_health_monitors(self, object): monitors = [] matches = object.findall(fixxpath("defaultHealthMonitor", TYPES_URN)) for element in matches: monitors.append(self._to_health_monitor(element)) return monitors def _to_health_monitor(self, element): return NttCisDefaultHealthMonitor( id=element.get("id"), name=findtext(element, "name", TYPES_URN), node_compatible=bool(findtext(element, "nodeCompatible", TYPES_URN) == "true"), pool_compatible=bool(findtext(element, "poolCompatible", TYPES_URN) == "true"), ) def _to_nodes(self, object): nodes = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("node", TYPES_URN)): nodes.append(self._to_node(element)) return nodes def _to_node(self, element): ipaddress = findtext(element, "ipv4Address", TYPES_URN) if ipaddress is None: ipaddress = findtext(element, "ipv6Address", TYPES_URN) name = findtext(element, "name", TYPES_URN) try: hm = element.find(fixxpath("healthMonitor", TYPES_URN)).get("id") except AttributeError: hm = None node = NttCisVIPNode( id=element.get("id"), name=name, status=self._VALUE_TO_STATE_MAP.get( findtext(element, "state", TYPES_URN), State.UNKNOWN ), health_monitor=hm, connection_rate_limit=findtext(element, "connectionRateLimit", TYPES_URN), connection_limit=findtext(element, "connectionLimit", TYPES_URN), ip=ipaddress, ) return node def _to_balancers(self, object): loadbalancers = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("virtualListener", TYPES_URN)): loadbalancers.append(self._to_balancer(element)) return loadbalancers def _to_balancer(self, element): ipaddress = findtext(element, "listenerIpAddress", TYPES_URN) name = findtext(element, "name", TYPES_URN) port = findtext(element, "port", TYPES_URN) extra = {} pool_element = element.find(fixxpath("pool", TYPES_URN)) if pool_element is None: extra["pool_id"] = None else: extra["pool_id"] = pool_element.get("id") extra["network_domain_id"] = findtext(element, "networkDomainId", TYPES_URN) balancer = LoadBalancer( id=element.get("id"), name=name, state=self._VALUE_TO_STATE_MAP.get( findtext(element, "state", TYPES_URN), State.UNKNOWN ), ip=ipaddress, port=port, driver=self.connection.driver, extra=extra, ) return balancer def _to_members(self, object): members = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("poolMember", TYPES_URN)): members.append(self._to_member(element)) return members def _to_member(self, element): port = findtext(element, "port", TYPES_URN) if port is not None: port = int(port) pool_member = NttCisPoolMember( id=element.get("id"), name=element.find(fixxpath("node", TYPES_URN)).get("name"), status=findtext(element, "state", TYPES_URN), node_id=element.find(fixxpath("node", TYPES_URN)).get("id"), ip=element.find(fixxpath("node", TYPES_URN)).get("ipAddress"), port=port, ) return pool_member def _to_pools(self, object): pools = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("pool", TYPES_URN)): pools.append(self._to_pool(element)) return pools def _to_pool(self, element): pool = NttCisPool( id=element.get("id"), name=findtext(element, "name", TYPES_URN), status=findtext(element, "state", TYPES_URN), description=findtext(element, "description", TYPES_URN), load_balance_method=findtext(element, "loadBalanceMethod", TYPES_URN), health_monitor_id=findtext(element, "healthMonitorId", TYPES_URN), service_down_action=findtext(element, "serviceDownAction", TYPES_URN), slow_ramp_time=findtext(element, "slowRampTime", TYPES_URN), ) return pool def _to_certs(self, object): certs = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("sslDomainCertificate", TYPES_URN)): certs.append(self._to_cert(element)) return certs def _to_cert(self, el): return process_xml(ET.tostring(el)) def _to_certificate_chains(self, object): cert_chains = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("sslCertificateChain", TYPES_URN)): cert_chains.append(self._to_certificate_chain(element)) return cert_chains def _to_certificate_chain(self, el): return process_xml(ET.tostring(el)) def _to_ssl_profiles(self, object): profiles = [] for element in object.findall(fixxpath("sslOffloadProfile", TYPES_URN)): profiles.append(self._to_ssl_profile(element)) return profiles def _to_ssl_profile(self, el): return process_xml(ET.tostring(el))