Source code for libcloud.dns.drivers.durabledns

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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DurableDNS Driver
from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring

from libcloud.dns.base import Zone, Record, DNSDriver
from libcloud.dns.types import (
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib, ensure_string
from libcloud.common.durabledns import (
from libcloud.common.durabledns import _schema_builder as api_schema_builder

__all__ = [

# This will be the default values for each extra attributes when are not
# specified in the 'extra' parameter
    "ns": "",
    "mbox": "",
    "refresh": "28800",
    "retry": 7200,
    "expire": 604800,
    "minimum": 82000,
    "xfer": "",
    "update_acl": "",

RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES = {"aux": 0, "ttl": 3600}


[docs]class DurableDNSResponse(DurableResponse): pass
[docs]class DurableDNSConnection(DurableConnection): responseCls = DurableDNSResponse
[docs]class DurableDNSDriver(DNSDriver): type = Provider.DURABLEDNS name = "DurableDNS" website = "" connectionCls = DurableDNSConnection RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.A: "A", RecordType.AAAA: "AAAA", RecordType.CNAME: "CNAME", RecordType.HINFO: "HINFO", RecordType.MX: "MX", RecordType.NS: "NS", RecordType.PTR: "PTR", RecordType.RP: "RP", RecordType.SRV: "SRV", RecordType.TXT: "TXT", }
[docs] def list_zones(self): """ Return a list of zones. :return: ``list`` of :class:`Zone` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("list_zones") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = {"apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret} urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = "/services/dns/listZones.php" params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:listZoneswsdl#listZones"} response = self.connection.request( action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers ) # listZones method doens't return full data in zones as getZone # method does. zones = [] for data in response.objects: zone = self.get_zone(data.get("id")) zones.append(zone) return zones
[docs] def list_records(self, zone): """ Return a list of records for the provided zone. :param zone: Zone to list records for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :return: ``list`` of :class:`Record` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("list_records") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = {"apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename":} urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = "/services/dns/listRecords.php?" params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:listRecordswsdl#listRecords"} try: response = self.connection.request( action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers, ) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e # listRecords method doens't return full data in records as getRecord # method does. records = [] for data in response.objects: record = self.get_record(, data.get("id")) records.append(record) return records
[docs] def get_zone(self, zone_id): """ Return a Zone instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("get_zone") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = {"apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename": zone_id} urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = "/services/dns/getZone.php?" params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:getZonewsdl#getZone"} try: response = self.connection.request( action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers, ) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone_id, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e zones = self._to_zones(response.objects) return zones[0]
[docs] def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): """ Return a Record instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :param record_id: ID of the required record :type record_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("get_record") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = { "apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename": zone_id, "recordid": record_id, } urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = "/services/dns/getRecord.php?" params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:getRecordwsdl#getRecord"} try: response = self.connection.request( action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers, ) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone_id, driver=self, value=e.message) if "Record does not exist" in e.message: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(record_id=record_id, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e zone = self.get_zone(zone_id) record = self._to_record(response.objects[0], zone) return record
[docs] def create_zone(self, domain, type="master", ttl=None, extra=None): """ Create a new zone. :param domain: Name of zone, followed by a dot (.) (e.g. :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type (Only master available). (optional) :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional) :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes ('mbox', 'ns', 'minimum', 'refresh', 'expire', 'update_acl', 'xfer'). (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ if extra is None: extra = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES else: extra_fields = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.keys() missing = set(extra_fields).difference(set(extra.keys())) for field in missing: extra[field] = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.get(field) schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("create_zone") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = { "apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename": domain, "ttl": ttl or DEFAULT_TTL, } params.update(extra) urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % ( self.key, self.secret, domain, extra.get("ns"), extra.get("mbox"), extra.get("refresh"), extra.get("retry"), extra.get("expire"), extra.get("minimum"), ttl or DEFAULT_TTL, extra.get("xfer"), extra.get("update_acl"), ) action = "/services/dns/createZone.php?" params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:createZonewsdl#createZone"} try: self.connection.request( action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers, ) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone Already Exist" in e.message: raise ZoneAlreadyExistsError(zone_id=domain, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e zone = self.get_zone(domain) return zone
[docs] def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): """ Create a new record. :param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www). Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain name, you should specify empty string ('') for this argument. :type name: ``str`` :param zone: Zone where the requested record is created. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: Extra attributes (e.g. 'aux', 'ttl'). (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ if extra is None: extra = RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES else: if "aux" not in extra: extra["aux"] = RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.get("aux") if "ttl" not in extra: extra["ttl"] = RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.get("ttl") extra["ddns_enabled"] = "N" schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("create_record") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = { "apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename":, "name": name, "type": type, "data": data, } params.update(extra) urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % ( self.key, self.secret,, name, type, data, extra.get("aux"), extra.get("ttl"), extra.get("ddns_enabled"), ) action = "/services/dns/createRecord.php?" headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:createRecordwsdl#createRecord"} try: response = self.connection.request( action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers ) objects = response.objects except DurableDNSException as e: # In DurableDNS is possible to create records with same data. # Their ID's will be different but the API does not implement # the RecordAlreadyExist exception. Only ZoneDoesNotExist will # be handled. if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e record_item = objects[0] record_item["name"] = name record_item["type"] = type record_item["data"] = data record_item["ttl"] = extra.get("ttl") record_item["aux"] = extra.get("aux") record = self._to_record(record_item, zone) return record
[docs] def update_zone(self, zone, domain, type="master", ttl=None, extra=None): """ Update an existing zone. :param zone: Zone to update. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param domain: Name of zone, followed by a dot (.) (e.g. :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type (master / slave). :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional) :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes ('ns', 'mbox', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'minimum', 'xfer', 'update_acl'). (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ if ttl is None: ttl = zone.ttl if extra is None: extra = zone.extra else: extra_fields = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.keys() missing = set(extra_fields).difference(set(extra.keys())) for field in missing: extra[field] = zone.extra.get(field) schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("update_zone") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = { "apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename": domain, "ttl": ttl, } params.update(extra) urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % ( self.key, self.secret, domain, extra["ns"], extra["mbox"], extra["refresh"], extra["retry"], extra["expire"], extra["minimum"], ttl, extra["xfer"], extra["update_acl"], ) action = "/services/dns/updateZone.php?" headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:updateZonewsdl#updateZone"} try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e # After update the zone, serial number change. In order to have it # updated, we need to get again the zone data. zone = self.get_zone( return zone
[docs] def update_record(self, record, name, type, data, extra=None): """ Update an existing record. :param record: Record to update. :type record: :class:`Record` :param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www). Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain name, you should specify empty string ('') for this argument. :type name: ``str`` :param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific). :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ zone = if extra is None: extra = record.extra else: extra_fields = ["aux", "ttl"] missing = set(extra_fields).difference(set(extra.keys())) for field in missing: extra[field] = record.extra.get(field) extra["ddns_enabled"] = "N" schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("update_record") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = { "apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename":, "id":, "name": name, "data": data, } params.update(extra) urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % ( self.key, self.secret,,, name, extra.get("aux"), data, extra.get("ttl"), extra.get("ddns_enabled"), ) action = "/services/dns/updateRecord.php?" headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:updateRecordwsdl#updateRecord"} try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e record_item = {} record_item["id"] = record_item["name"] = name record_item["type"] = type record_item["data"] = data record_item["ttl"] = extra.get("ttl") record_item["aux"] = extra.get("aux") record = self._to_record(record_item, zone) return record
[docs] def delete_zone(self, zone): """ Delete a zone. Note: This will delete all the records belonging to this zone. :param zone: Zone to delete. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :rtype: ``bool`` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("delete_zone") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = {"apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename":} urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = "/services/dns/deleteZone.php?" headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:deleteZonewsdl#deleteZone"} try: response = self.connection.request( action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers ) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return response.status in [httplib.OK]
[docs] def delete_record(self, record): """ Delete a record. :param record: Record to delete. :type record: :class:`Record` :rtype: ``bool`` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get("delete_record") attributes = schema_params.get("attributes") schema = api_schema_builder( schema_params.get("urn_nid"), schema_params.get("method"), attributes ) params = { "apiuser": self.key, "apikey": self.secret, "zonename":, "id":, } urn = list(schema)[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(":")[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = "/services/dns/deleteRecord.php?" headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:deleteRecordwsdl#deleteRecord"} try: response = self.connection.request( action=action, data=req_data, headers=headers, method="POST" ) except DurableDNSException as e: if "Record does not exists" in e.message: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) if "Zone does not exist" in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return response.status in [httplib.OK]
def _to_zone(self, item): extra = item.get("extra") # DurableDNS does not return information about zone type. This will be # set as master by default. zone = Zone( id=item.get("id"), type="master", domain=item.get("id"), ttl=item.get("ttl"), driver=self, extra=extra, ) return zone def _to_zones(self, items): zones = [] for item in items: zones.append(self._to_zone(item)) return zones def _to_record(self, item, zone=None): extra = {"aux": int(item.get("aux")), "ttl": int(item.get("ttl"))} record = Record( id=item.get("id"), type=item.get("type"), zone=zone, name=item.get("name"), data=item.get("data"), driver=self, ttl=item.get("ttl", None), extra=extra, ) return record def _to_records(self, items, zone=None): records = [] for item in items: records.append(self._to_record(item, zone)) return records