Source code for

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import hmac
import time
import base64
from typing import Dict, Optional
from hashlib import sha1
from datetime import datetime

import libcloud.utils.py3
from libcloud.utils.py3 import b, httplib, tostring, urlquote, urlencode
from libcloud.utils.xml import findtext, fixxpath
from import (
from libcloud.common.base import RawResponse, ConnectionUserAndKey
from libcloud.utils.files import read_in_chunks
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError, InvalidCredsError
from import Object, Container, StorageDriver
from import (

    if libcloud.utils.py3.DEFAULT_LXML:
        from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement
        from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
except ImportError:
    from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement

# How long before the token expires


# Maps AWS region name to connection hostname
    "us-east-1": S3_US_STANDARD_HOST,
    "us-east-2": S3_US_EAST2_HOST,
    "us-west-1": S3_US_WEST_HOST,
    "us-west-2": S3_US_WEST_OREGON_HOST,
    "us-gov-east-1": S3_US_GOV_EAST_HOST,
    "us-gov-west-1": S3_US_GOV_WEST_HOST,
    "cn-north-1": S3_CN_NORTH_HOST,
    "cn-northwest-1": S3_CN_NORTHWEST_HOST,
    "eu-west-1": S3_EU_WEST_HOST,
    "eu-west-2": S3_EU_WEST2_HOST,
    "eu-west-3": "",
    "eu-north-1": "",
    "eu-central-1": S3_EU_CENTRAL_HOST,
    "ap-south-1": S3_AP_SOUTH_HOST,
    "ap-southeast-1": S3_AP_SOUTHEAST_HOST,
    "ap-southeast-2": S3_AP_SOUTHEAST2_HOST,
    "ap-northeast-1": S3_AP_NORTHEAST1_HOST,
    "ap-northeast-2": S3_AP_NORTHEAST2_HOST,
    "ap-northeast-3": "",
    "sa-east-1": S3_SA_EAST_HOST,
    "sa-east-2": S3_SA_SOUTHEAST2_HOST,
    "ca-central-1": S3_CA_CENTRAL_HOST,
    "me-south-1": "",

API_VERSION = "2006-03-01"

# AWS multi-part chunks must be minimum 5MB
CHUNK_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024

# Desired number of items in each response inside a paginated request in
# ex_iterate_multipart_uploads.


[docs]class S3Response(AWSBaseResponse): namespace = None valid_response_codes = [ httplib.NOT_FOUND, httplib.CONFLICT, httplib.BAD_REQUEST, httplib.PARTIAL_CONTENT, ]
[docs] def success(self): i = int(self.status) return 200 <= i <= 299 or i in self.valid_response_codes
[docs] def parse_error(self): if self.status in [httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, httplib.FORBIDDEN]: raise InvalidCredsError(self.body) elif self.status == httplib.MOVED_PERMANENTLY: bucket_region = self.headers.get("x-amz-bucket-region", None) used_region = self.connection.driver.region raise LibcloudError( "This bucket is located in a different " "region. Please use the correct driver. " 'Bucket region "%s", used region "%s".' % (bucket_region, used_region), driver=S3StorageDriver, ) raise LibcloudError( "Unknown error. Status code: %d" % (self.status), driver=S3StorageDriver )
[docs]class S3RawResponse(S3Response, RawResponse): pass
[docs]class BaseS3Connection(ConnectionUserAndKey): """ Represents a single connection to the S3 Endpoint """ host = "" responseCls = S3Response rawResponseCls = S3RawResponse
[docs] @staticmethod def get_auth_signature(method, headers, params, expires, secret_key, path, vendor_prefix): """ Signature = URL-Encode( Base64( HMAC-SHA1( YourSecretAccessKeyID, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) ) ); StringToSign = HTTP-VERB + "\n" + Content-MD5 + "\n" + Content-Type + "\n" + Expires + "\n" + CanonicalizedVendorHeaders + CanonicalizedResource; """ special_headers = {"content-md5": "", "content-type": "", "date": ""} vendor_headers = {} for key, value in list(headers.items()): key_lower = key.lower() if key_lower in special_headers: special_headers[key_lower] = value.strip() elif key_lower.startswith(vendor_prefix): vendor_headers[key_lower] = value.strip() if expires: special_headers["date"] = str(expires) buf = [method] for _, value in sorted(special_headers.items()): buf.append(value) string_to_sign = "\n".join(buf) buf = [] for key, value in sorted(vendor_headers.items()): buf.append("{}:{}".format(key, value)) header_string = "\n".join(buf) values_to_sign = [] for value in [string_to_sign, header_string, path]: if value: values_to_sign.append(value) string_to_sign = "\n".join(values_to_sign) b64_hmac = base64.b64encode(, b(string_to_sign), digestmod=sha1).digest() ) return b64_hmac.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def add_default_params(self, params): expires = str(int(time.time()) + EXPIRATION_SECONDS) params["AWSAccessKeyId"] = self.user_id params["Expires"] = expires return params
[docs] def pre_connect_hook(self, params, headers): # pylint: disable=no-member params["Signature"] = self.get_auth_signature( method=self.method, headers=headers, params=params, expires=params["Expires"], secret_key=self.key, path=self.action, vendor_prefix=self.driver.http_vendor_prefix, ) return params, headers
[docs]class S3Connection(AWSTokenConnection, BaseS3Connection): """ Represents a single connection to the S3 endpoint, with AWS-specific features. """ pass
[docs]class S3SignatureV4Connection(SignedAWSConnection, BaseS3Connection): service_name = "s3" version = API_VERSION def __init__( self, user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, token=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, ): super().__init__( user_id, key, secure, host, port, url, timeout, proxy_url, token, retry_delay, backoff, 4, ) # force version 4
[docs]class S3MultipartUpload: """ Class representing an amazon s3 multipart upload """ def __init__(self, key, id, created_at, initiator, owner): """ Class representing an amazon s3 multipart upload :param key: The object/key that was being uploaded :type key: ``str`` :param id: The upload id assigned by amazon :type id: ``str`` :param created_at: The date/time at which the upload was started :type created_at: ``str`` :param initiator: The AWS owner/IAM user who initiated this :type initiator: ``str`` :param owner: The AWS owner/IAM who will own this object :type owner: ``str`` """ self.key = key = id self.created_at = created_at self.initiator = initiator self.owner = owner def __repr__(self): return "<S3MultipartUpload: key=%s>" % (self.key)
[docs]class BaseS3StorageDriver(StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (standard)" website = "" connectionCls = BaseS3Connection hash_type = "md5" supports_chunked_encoding = False supports_s3_multipart_upload = True ex_location_name = "" namespace = NAMESPACE http_vendor_prefix = "x-amz"
[docs] def iterate_containers(self): response = self.connection.request("/") if response.status == httplib.OK: containers = self._to_containers(obj=response.object, xpath="Buckets/Bucket") return containers raise LibcloudError("Unexpected status code: %s" % (response.status), driver=self)
[docs] def iterate_container_objects(self, container, prefix=None, ex_prefix=None): """ Return a generator of objects for the given container. :param container: Container instance :type container: :class:`Container` :param prefix: Only return objects starting with prefix :type prefix: ``str`` :param ex_prefix: Only return objects starting with ex_prefix :type ex_prefix: ``str`` :return: A generator of Object instances. :rtype: ``generator`` of :class:`Object` """ prefix = self._normalize_prefix_argument(prefix, ex_prefix) params = {} if prefix: params["prefix"] = prefix last_key = None exhausted = False container_path = self._get_container_path(container) while not exhausted: if last_key: params["marker"] = last_key response = self.connection.request(container_path, params=params) if response.status != httplib.OK: raise LibcloudError("Unexpected status code: %s" % (response.status), driver=self) objects = self._to_objs(obj=response.object, xpath="Contents", container=container) is_truncated = response.object.findtext( fixxpath(xpath="IsTruncated", namespace=self.namespace) ).lower() exhausted = is_truncated == "false" last_key = None for obj in objects: last_key = yield obj
[docs] def get_container(self, container_name): try: response = self.connection.request("/%s" % container_name, method="HEAD") if response.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND: raise ContainerDoesNotExistError( value=None, driver=self, container_name=container_name ) except InvalidCredsError: # This just means the user doesn't have IAM permissions to do a # HEAD request but other requests might work. pass return Container(name=container_name, extra=None, driver=self)
[docs] def get_object(self, container_name, object_name): container = self.get_container(container_name=container_name) object_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name) response = self.connection.request(object_path, method="HEAD") if response.status == httplib.OK: obj = self._headers_to_object( object_name=object_name, container=container, headers=response.headers ) return obj raise ObjectDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self, object_name=object_name)
def _get_container_path(self, container): """ Return a container path :param container: Container instance :type container: :class:`Container` :return: A path for this container. :rtype: ``str`` """ return "/%s" % ( def _get_object_path(self, container, object_name): """ Return an object's CDN path. :param container: Container instance :type container: :class:`Container` :param object_name: Object name :type object_name: :class:`str` :return: A path for this object. :rtype: ``str`` """ container_url = self._get_container_path(container) object_name_cleaned = self._clean_object_name(object_name) object_path = "{}/{}".format(container_url, object_name_cleaned) return object_path
[docs] def create_container(self, container_name): if self.ex_location_name: root = Element("CreateBucketConfiguration") child = SubElement(root, "LocationConstraint") child.text = self.ex_location_name data = tostring(root) else: data = "" response = self.connection.request("/%s" % (container_name), data=data, method="PUT") if response.status == httplib.OK: container = Container(name=container_name, extra=None, driver=self) return container elif response.status == httplib.CONFLICT: if "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou" in response.body: raise ContainerAlreadyExistsError( value="Container with this name already exists. The name " "be unique among all the containers in the system.", container_name=container_name, driver=self, ) raise InvalidContainerNameError( value="Container with this name already exists. The name must " "be unique among all the containers in the system.", container_name=container_name, driver=self, ) elif response.status == httplib.BAD_REQUEST: raise ContainerError( value="Bad request when creating container: %s" % response.body, container_name=container_name, driver=self, ) raise LibcloudError("Unexpected status code: %s" % (response.status), driver=self)
[docs] def delete_container(self, container): # Note: All the objects in the container must be deleted first response = self.connection.request("/%s" % (, method="DELETE") if response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT: return True elif response.status == httplib.CONFLICT: raise ContainerIsNotEmptyError( value="Container must be empty before it can be deleted.",, driver=self, ) elif response.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND: raise ContainerDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self, return False
[docs] def download_object( self, obj, destination_path, overwrite_existing=False, delete_on_failure=True ): obj_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container, response = self.connection.request(obj_path, method="GET", raw=True) return self._get_object( obj=obj, callback=self._save_object, response=response, callback_kwargs={ "obj": obj, "response": response.response, "destination_path": destination_path, "overwrite_existing": overwrite_existing, "delete_on_failure": delete_on_failure, }, success_status_code=httplib.OK, )
[docs] def download_object_as_stream(self, obj, chunk_size=None): obj_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container, response = self.connection.request(obj_path, method="GET", stream=True, raw=True) return self._get_object( obj=obj, callback=read_in_chunks, response=response, callback_kwargs={ "iterator": response.iter_content(CHUNK_SIZE), "chunk_size": chunk_size, }, success_status_code=httplib.OK, )
[docs] def download_object_range( self, obj, destination_path, start_bytes, end_bytes=None, overwrite_existing=False, delete_on_failure=True, ): self._validate_start_and_end_bytes(start_bytes=start_bytes, end_bytes=end_bytes) obj_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container, headers = {"Range": self._get_standard_range_str(start_bytes, end_bytes)} response = self.connection.request(obj_path, method="GET", headers=headers, raw=True) return self._get_object( obj=obj, callback=self._save_object, response=response, callback_kwargs={ "obj": obj, "response": response.response, "destination_path": destination_path, "overwrite_existing": overwrite_existing, "delete_on_failure": delete_on_failure, "partial_download": True, }, success_status_code=httplib.PARTIAL_CONTENT, )
[docs] def download_object_range_as_stream(self, obj, start_bytes, end_bytes=None, chunk_size=None): self._validate_start_and_end_bytes(start_bytes=start_bytes, end_bytes=end_bytes) obj_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container, headers = {"Range": self._get_standard_range_str(start_bytes, end_bytes)} response = self.connection.request( obj_path, method="GET", headers=headers, stream=True, raw=True ) return self._get_object( obj=obj, callback=read_in_chunks, response=response, callback_kwargs={ "iterator": response.iter_content(CHUNK_SIZE), "chunk_size": chunk_size, }, success_status_code=httplib.PARTIAL_CONTENT, )
[docs] def upload_object( self, file_path, container, object_name, extra=None, verify_hash=True, headers=None, ex_storage_class=None, ): """ @inherits: :class:`StorageDriver.upload_object` :param ex_storage_class: Storage class :type ex_storage_class: ``str`` """ return self._put_object( container=container, object_name=object_name, extra=extra, file_path=file_path, verify_hash=verify_hash, headers=headers, storage_class=ex_storage_class, )
def _initiate_multipart(self, container, object_name, headers=None): """ Initiates a multipart upload to S3 :param container: The destination container :type container: :class:`Container` :param object_name: The name of the object which we are uploading :type object_name: ``str`` :keyword headers: Additional headers to send with the request :type headers: ``dict`` :return: The id of the newly created multipart upload :rtype: ``str`` """ headers = headers or {} request_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name) params = {"uploads": ""} response = self.connection.request( request_path, method="POST", headers=headers, params=params ) if response.status != httplib.OK: raise LibcloudError("Error initiating multipart upload", driver=self) return findtext(element=response.object, xpath="UploadId", namespace=self.namespace) def _upload_multipart_chunks( self, container, object_name, upload_id, stream, calculate_hash=True ): """ Uploads data from an iterator in fixed sized chunks to S3 :param container: The destination container :type container: :class:`Container` :param object_name: The name of the object which we are uploading :type object_name: ``str`` :param upload_id: The upload id allocated for this multipart upload :type upload_id: ``str`` :param stream: The generator for fetching the upload data :type stream: ``generator`` :keyword calculate_hash: Indicates if we must calculate the data hash :type calculate_hash: ``bool`` :return: A tuple of (chunk info, checksum, bytes transferred) :rtype: ``tuple`` """ data_hash = None if calculate_hash: data_hash = self._get_hash_function() bytes_transferred = 0 count = 1 chunks = [] params = {"uploadId": upload_id} request_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name) # Read the input data in chunk sizes suitable for AWS for data in read_in_chunks(stream, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, fill_size=True, yield_empty=True): bytes_transferred += len(data) if calculate_hash: data_hash.update(data) chunk_hash = self._get_hash_function() chunk_hash.update(data) chunk_hash = base64.b64encode(chunk_hash.digest()).decode("utf-8") # The Content-MD5 header provides an extra level of data check and # is recommended by amazon headers = { "Content-Length": len(data), "Content-MD5": chunk_hash, } params["partNumber"] = count resp = self.connection.request( request_path, method="PUT", data=data, headers=headers, params=params ) if resp.status != httplib.OK: raise LibcloudError("Error uploading chunk", driver=self) server_hash = resp.headers["etag"].replace('"', "") # Keep this data for a later commit chunks.append((count, server_hash)) count += 1 if calculate_hash: data_hash = data_hash.hexdigest() return (chunks, data_hash, bytes_transferred) def _commit_multipart(self, container, object_name, upload_id, chunks): """ Makes a final commit of the data. :param container: The destination container :type container: :class:`Container` :param object_name: The name of the object which we are uploading :type object_name: ``str`` :param upload_id: The upload id allocated for this multipart upload :type upload_id: ``str`` :param chunks: A list of (chunk_number, chunk_hash) tuples. :type chunks: ``list`` :return: The server side hash of the uploaded data :rtype: ``str`` """ root = Element("CompleteMultipartUpload") for (count, etag) in chunks: part = SubElement(root, "Part") part_no = SubElement(part, "PartNumber") part_no.text = str(count) etag_id = SubElement(part, "ETag") etag_id.text = str(etag) data = tostring(root) headers = {"Content-Length": len(data)} params = {"uploadId": upload_id} request_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name) response = self.connection.request( request_path, headers=headers, params=params, data=data, method="POST" ) if response.status != httplib.OK: element = response.object # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member code, message = response._parse_error_details(element=element) msg = "Error in multipart commit: {} ({})".format(message, code) raise LibcloudError(msg, driver=self) # Get the server's etag to be passed back to the caller body = response.parse_body() server_hash = body.find(fixxpath(xpath="ETag", namespace=self.namespace)).text return server_hash def _abort_multipart(self, container, object_name, upload_id): """ Aborts an already initiated multipart upload :param container: The destination container :type container: :class:`Container` :param object_name: The name of the object which we are uploading :type object_name: ``str`` :param upload_id: The upload id allocated for this multipart upload :type upload_id: ``str`` """ params = {"uploadId": upload_id} request_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name) resp = self.connection.request(request_path, method="DELETE", params=params) if resp.status != httplib.NO_CONTENT: raise LibcloudError( "Error in multipart abort. status_code=%d" % (resp.status), driver=self )
[docs] def upload_object_via_stream( self, iterator, container, object_name, extra=None, headers=None, ex_storage_class=None, ): """ @inherits: :class:`StorageDriver.upload_object_via_stream` :param ex_storage_class: Storage class :type ex_storage_class: ``str`` """ method = "PUT" params = None # This driver is used by other S3 API compatible drivers also. # Amazon provides a different (complex?) mechanism to do multipart # uploads if self.supports_s3_multipart_upload: return self._put_object_multipart( container=container, object_name=object_name, extra=extra, stream=iterator, verify_hash=False, headers=headers, storage_class=ex_storage_class, ) return self._put_object( container=container, object_name=object_name, extra=extra, method=method, query_args=params, stream=iterator, verify_hash=False, headers=headers, storage_class=ex_storage_class, )
[docs] def delete_object(self, obj): object_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container, response = self.connection.request(object_path, method="DELETE") if response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT: return True elif response.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND: raise ObjectDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self, return False
[docs] def ex_iterate_multipart_uploads(self, container, prefix=None, delimiter=None): """ Extension method for listing all in-progress S3 multipart uploads. Each multipart upload which has not been committed or aborted is considered in-progress. :param container: The container holding the uploads :type container: :class:`Container` :keyword prefix: Print only uploads of objects with this prefix :type prefix: ``str`` :keyword delimiter: The object/key names are grouped based on being split by this delimiter :type delimiter: ``str`` :return: A generator of S3MultipartUpload instances. :rtype: ``generator`` of :class:`S3MultipartUpload` """ if not self.supports_s3_multipart_upload: raise LibcloudError("Feature not supported", driver=self) # Get the data for a specific container request_path = self._get_container_path(container) params = {"max-uploads": RESPONSES_PER_REQUEST, "uploads": ""} if prefix: params["prefix"] = prefix if delimiter: params["delimiter"] = delimiter def finder(node, text): return node.findtext(fixxpath(xpath=text, namespace=self.namespace)) while True: response = self.connection.request(request_path, params=params) if response.status != httplib.OK: raise LibcloudError( "Error fetching multipart uploads. " "Got code: %s" % response.status, driver=self, ) body = response.parse_body() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member for node in body.findall(fixxpath(xpath="Upload", namespace=self.namespace)): initiator = node.find(fixxpath(xpath="Initiator", namespace=self.namespace)) owner = node.find(fixxpath(xpath="Owner", namespace=self.namespace)) key = finder(node, "Key") upload_id = finder(node, "UploadId") created_at = finder(node, "Initiated") initiator = finder(initiator, "DisplayName") owner = finder(owner, "DisplayName") yield S3MultipartUpload(key, upload_id, created_at, initiator, owner) # Check if this is the last entry in the listing # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member is_truncated = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath="IsTruncated", namespace=self.namespace)) if is_truncated.lower() == "false": break # Provide params for the next request upload_marker = body.findtext( fixxpath(xpath="NextUploadIdMarker", namespace=self.namespace) ) key_marker = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath="NextKeyMarker", namespace=self.namespace)) params["key-marker"] = key_marker params["upload-id-marker"] = upload_marker
[docs] def ex_cleanup_all_multipart_uploads(self, container, prefix=None): """ Extension method for removing all partially completed S3 multipart uploads. :param container: The container holding the uploads :type container: :class:`Container` :keyword prefix: Delete only uploads of objects with this prefix :type prefix: ``str`` """ # Iterate through the container and delete the upload ids for upload in self.ex_iterate_multipart_uploads(container, prefix, delimiter=None): self._abort_multipart(container, upload.key,
def _clean_object_name(self, name): name = urlquote(name, safe="/~") return name def _put_object( self, container, object_name, method="PUT", query_args=None, extra=None, file_path=None, stream=None, verify_hash=True, storage_class=None, headers=None, ): headers = headers or {} extra = extra or {} headers.update(self._to_storage_class_headers(storage_class)) content_type = extra.get("content_type", None) meta_data = extra.get("meta_data", None) acl = extra.get("acl", None) if meta_data: for key, value in list(meta_data.items()): key = self.http_vendor_prefix + "-meta-%s" % (key) headers[key] = value if acl: headers[self.http_vendor_prefix + "-acl"] = acl request_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name) if query_args: request_path = "?".join((request_path, query_args)) result_dict = self._upload_object( object_name=object_name, content_type=content_type, request_path=request_path, request_method=method, headers=headers, file_path=file_path, stream=stream, ) response = result_dict["response"] bytes_transferred = result_dict["bytes_transferred"] headers = response.headers response = response server_hash = headers.get("etag", "").replace('"', "") server_side_encryption = headers.get("x-amz-server-side-encryption", None) aws_kms_encryption = server_side_encryption == "aws:kms" hash_matches = result_dict["data_hash"] == server_hash # NOTE: If AWS KMS server side encryption is enabled, ETag won't # contain object MD5 digest so we skip the checksum check # See # /RESTCommonResponseHeaders.html # and # for details if verify_hash and not aws_kms_encryption and not hash_matches: raise ObjectHashMismatchError( value="MD5 hash {} checksum does not match {}".format( server_hash, result_dict["data_hash"] ), object_name=object_name, driver=self, ) elif response.status == httplib.OK: obj = Object( name=object_name, size=bytes_transferred, hash=server_hash, extra={"acl": acl}, meta_data=meta_data, container=container, driver=self, ) return obj else: raise LibcloudError( "Unexpected status code, status_code=%s" % (response.status), driver=self, ) def _put_object_multipart( self, container, object_name, stream, extra=None, verify_hash=False, headers=None, storage_class=None, ): """ Uploads an object using the S3 multipart algorithm. :param container: The destination container :type container: :class:`Container` :param object_name: The name of the object which we are uploading :type object_name: ``str`` :param stream: The generator for fetching the upload data :type stream: ``generator`` :keyword verify_hash: Indicates if we must calculate the data hash :type verify_hash: ``bool`` :keyword extra: Additional options :type extra: ``dict`` :keyword headers: Additional headers :type headers: ``dict`` :keyword storage_class: The name of the S3 object's storage class :type extra: ``str`` :return: The uploaded object :rtype: :class:`Object` """ headers = headers or {} extra = extra or {} headers.update(self._to_storage_class_headers(storage_class)) content_type = extra.get("content_type", None) meta_data = extra.get("meta_data", None) acl = extra.get("acl", None) headers["Content-Type"] = self._determine_content_type(content_type, object_name) if meta_data: for key, value in list(meta_data.items()): key = self.http_vendor_prefix + "-meta-%s" % (key) headers[key] = value if acl: headers[self.http_vendor_prefix + "-acl"] = acl upload_id = self._initiate_multipart(container, object_name, headers=headers) try: result = self._upload_multipart_chunks( container, object_name, upload_id, stream, calculate_hash=verify_hash ) chunks, data_hash, bytes_transferred = result # Commit the chunk info and complete the upload etag = self._commit_multipart(container, object_name, upload_id, chunks) except Exception: # Amazon provides a mechanism for aborting an upload. self._abort_multipart(container, object_name, upload_id) raise return Object( name=object_name, size=bytes_transferred, hash=etag, extra={"acl": acl}, meta_data=meta_data, container=container, driver=self, ) def _to_storage_class_headers(self, storage_class): """ Generates request headers given a storage class name. :keyword storage_class: The name of the S3 object's storage class :type extra: ``str`` :return: Headers to include in a request :rtype: :dict: """ headers = {} storage_class = storage_class or "standard" if storage_class not in ["standard", "reduced_redundancy"]: raise ValueError("Invalid storage class value: %s" % (storage_class)) key = self.http_vendor_prefix + "-storage-class" headers[key] = storage_class.upper() return headers def _to_containers(self, obj, xpath): for element in obj.findall(fixxpath(xpath=xpath, namespace=self.namespace)): yield self._to_container(element) def _to_objs(self, obj, xpath, container): return [ self._to_obj(element, container) for element in obj.findall(fixxpath(xpath=xpath, namespace=self.namespace)) ] def _to_container(self, element): extra = { "creation_date": findtext( element=element, xpath="CreationDate", namespace=self.namespace ) } container = Container( name=findtext(element=element, xpath="Name", namespace=self.namespace), extra=extra, driver=self, ) return container def _get_content_length_from_headers(self, headers: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[int]: """ Prase object size from the provided response headers. """ content_length = headers.get("content-length", None) return content_length def _headers_to_object(self, object_name, container, headers): hash = headers.get("etag", "").replace('"', "") extra = {} # Not all the S3 compatible implementations return this header, see # for details if "content-type" in headers: extra["content_type"] = headers["content-type"] # Google Storage S3 compatible API doesn't return this header under # some scenarios if "etag" in headers: extra["etag"] = headers["etag"] meta_data = {} if "content-encoding" in headers: extra["content_encoding"] = headers["content-encoding"] if "last-modified" in headers: extra["last_modified"] = headers["last-modified"] for key, value in headers.items(): if not key.lower().startswith(self.http_vendor_prefix + "-meta-"): continue key = key.replace(self.http_vendor_prefix + "-meta-", "") meta_data[key] = value content_length = self._get_content_length_from_headers(headers=headers) if content_length is None: raise KeyError( "Can not deduce object size from headers for " "object %s" % (object_name) ) obj = Object( name=object_name, size=int(content_length), hash=hash or None, extra=extra, meta_data=meta_data, container=container, driver=self, ) return obj def _to_obj(self, element, container): owner_id = findtext(element=element, xpath="Owner/ID", namespace=self.namespace) owner_display_name = findtext( element=element, xpath="Owner/DisplayName", namespace=self.namespace ) meta_data = {"owner": {"id": owner_id, "display_name": owner_display_name}} last_modified = findtext(element=element, xpath="LastModified", namespace=self.namespace) extra = {"last_modified": last_modified} obj = Object( name=findtext(element=element, xpath="Key", namespace=self.namespace), size=int(findtext(element=element, xpath="Size", namespace=self.namespace)), hash=findtext(element=element, xpath="ETag", namespace=self.namespace).replace('"', ""), extra=extra, meta_data=meta_data, container=container, driver=self, ) return obj
[docs]class S3StorageDriver(AWSDriver, BaseS3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3" connectionCls = S3SignatureV4Connection region_name = "us-east-1" def __init__( self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, region=None, token=None, **kwargs, ): # Here for backward compatibility for old and deprecated driver class # per region approach if hasattr(self, "region_name") and not region: region = self.region_name # pylint: disable=no-member self.region_name = region if region and region not in REGION_TO_HOST_MAP.keys(): raise ValueError("Invalid or unsupported region: %s" % (region)) = "Amazon S3 (%s)" % (region) if host is None: host = REGION_TO_HOST_MAP[region] super().__init__( key=key, secret=secret, secure=secure, host=host, port=port, region=region, token=token, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def list_regions(self): return REGION_TO_HOST_MAP.keys()
[docs] def get_object_cdn_url(self, obj, ex_expiry=S3_CDN_URL_EXPIRY_HOURS): """ Return a "presigned URL" for read-only access to object AWS only - requires AWS signature V4 authenticaiton. :param obj: Object instance. :type obj: :class:`Object` :param ex_expiry: The number of hours after which the URL expires. Defaults to 24 hours or the value of the environment variable "LIBCLOUD_S3_STORAGE_CDN_URL_EXPIRY_HOURS", if set. :type ex_expiry: ``float`` :return: Presigned URL for the object. :rtype: ``str`` """ # assemble data for the request we want to pre-sign # see: # noqa object_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container, now = datetime.utcnow() duration_seconds = int(ex_expiry * 3600) credparts = ( self.key, now.strftime(S3_CDN_URL_DATE_FORMAT), self.region, "s3", "aws4_request", ) params_to_sign = { "X-Amz-Algorithm": "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256", "X-Amz-Credential": "/".join(credparts), "X-Amz-Date": now.strftime(S3_CDN_URL_DATETIME_FORMAT), "X-Amz-Expires": duration_seconds, "X-Amz-SignedHeaders": "host", } headers_to_sign = {"host":} # generate signature for the pre-signed request signature = self.connection.signer._get_signature( params=params_to_sign, headers=headers_to_sign, dt=now, method="GET", path=object_path, data=UnsignedPayloadSentinel, ) # Create final params for pre-signed URL params = params_to_sign.copy() params["X-Amz-Signature"] = signature return "{scheme}://{host}:{port}{path}?{params}".format( scheme="https" if else "http",, port=self.connection.port, path=object_path, params=urlencode(params), )
[docs]class S3USEast2Connection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_US_EAST2_HOST
[docs]class S3USEast2StorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (us-east-2)" connectionCls = S3USEast2Connection ex_location_name = "us-east-2" region_name = "us-east-2"
[docs]class S3USWestConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_US_WEST_HOST
[docs]class S3USWestStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (us-west-1)" connectionCls = S3USWestConnection ex_location_name = "us-west-1" region_name = "us-west-1"
[docs]class S3USWestOregonConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_US_WEST_OREGON_HOST
[docs]class S3USWestOregonStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (us-west-2)" connectionCls = S3USWestOregonConnection ex_location_name = "us-west-2" region_name = "us-west-2"
[docs]class S3USGovEastConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_US_GOV_EAST_HOST
[docs]class S3USGovEastStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (us-gov-east-1)" connectionCls = S3USGovEastConnection ex_location_name = "us-gov-east-1" region_name = "us-gov-east-1"
[docs]class S3USGovWestConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_US_GOV_WEST_HOST
[docs]class S3USGovWestStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (us-gov-west-1)" connectionCls = S3USGovWestConnection ex_location_name = "us-gov-west-1" region_name = "us-gov-west-1"
[docs]class S3CNNorthWestConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_CN_NORTHWEST_HOST
[docs]class S3CNNorthWestStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (cn-northwest-1)" connectionCls = S3CNNorthWestConnection ex_location_name = "cn-northwest-1" region_name = "cn-northwest-1"
[docs]class S3CNNorthConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_CN_NORTH_HOST
[docs]class S3CNNorthStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (cn-north-1)" connectionCls = S3CNNorthConnection ex_location_name = "cn-north-1" region_name = "cn-north-1"
[docs]class S3EUWestConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_EU_WEST_HOST
[docs]class S3EUWestStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (eu-west-1)" connectionCls = S3EUWestConnection ex_location_name = "EU" region_name = "eu-west-1"
[docs]class S3EUWest2Connection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_EU_WEST2_HOST
[docs]class S3EUWest2StorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (eu-west-2)" connectionCls = S3EUWest2Connection ex_location_name = "eu-west-2" region_name = "eu-west-2"
[docs]class S3EUCentralConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_EU_CENTRAL_HOST
[docs]class S3EUCentralStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (eu-central-1)" connectionCls = S3EUCentralConnection ex_location_name = "eu-central-1" region_name = "eu-central-1"
[docs]class S3APSEConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_AP_SOUTHEAST_HOST
[docs]class S3EUNorth1Connection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_EU_NORTH1_HOST
[docs]class S3EUNorth1StorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (eu-north-1)" connectionCls = S3EUNorth1Connection ex_location_name = "eu-north-1" region_name = "eu-north-1"
[docs]class S3APSEStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (ap-southeast-1)" connectionCls = S3APSEConnection ex_location_name = "ap-southeast-1" region_name = "ap-southeast-1"
[docs]class S3APSE2Connection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_AP_SOUTHEAST2_HOST
[docs]class S3APSE2StorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (ap-southeast-2)" connectionCls = S3APSE2Connection ex_location_name = "ap-southeast-2" region_name = "ap-southeast-2"
[docs]class S3APNE1Connection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_AP_NORTHEAST1_HOST
S3APNEConnection = S3APNE1Connection
[docs]class S3APNE1StorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (ap-northeast-1)" connectionCls = S3APNEConnection ex_location_name = "ap-northeast-1" region_name = "ap-northeast-1"
S3APNEStorageDriver = S3APNE1StorageDriver
[docs]class S3APNE2Connection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_AP_NORTHEAST2_HOST
[docs]class S3APNE2StorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (ap-northeast-2)" connectionCls = S3APNE2Connection ex_location_name = "ap-northeast-2" region_name = "ap-northeast-2"
[docs]class S3APSouthConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_AP_SOUTH_HOST
[docs]class S3APSouthStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (ap-south-1)" connectionCls = S3APSouthConnection ex_location_name = "ap-south-1" region_name = "ap-south-1"
[docs]class S3SAEastConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_SA_EAST_HOST
[docs]class S3SAEastStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (sa-east-1)" connectionCls = S3SAEastConnection ex_location_name = "sa-east-1" region_name = "sa-east-1"
[docs]class S3CACentralConnection(S3SignatureV4Connection): host = S3_CA_CENTRAL_HOST
[docs]class S3CACentralStorageDriver(S3StorageDriver): name = "Amazon S3 (ca-central-1)" connectionCls = S3CACentralConnection ex_location_name = "ca-central-1" region_name = "ca-central-1"