Elastic Load Balancing interface for AWS

What is Elastic Load Balancing?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides Elastic Load Balancing to automatically distribute incoming web traffic across multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. With Elastic Load Balancing, you can add and remove EC2 instances as your needs change without disrupting the overall flow of information. If one EC2 instance fails, Elastic Load Balancing automatically reroutes the traffic to the remaining running EC2 instances. If the failed EC2 instance is restored, Elastic Load Balancing restores the traffic to that instance. Elastic Load Balancing offers clients a single point of contact, and it can also serve as the first line of defense against attacks on your network. You can offload the work of encryption and decryption to Elastic Load Balancing, so your servers can focus on their main task.

Ok Now Tell me some advantages of using Elastic Load Balancing

  • Distribution of requests to Amazon EC2 instances (servers)in multiple vailability Zones so that the risk of overloading one single instance is minimized.

  • Continuous monitoring of the health of Amazon EC2 instances registered with the load balancer.

  • Support for end-to-end traffic encryption on those networks that use secure (HTTPS/SSL) connections.

  • Support for the sticky session feature, which is the ability to “stick” user sessions to specific Amazon EC2 instances.

  • Association of the load balancer with your domain name.

  • Supports use of both the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).

“How it works?” would be nice to share

Elastic Load Balancing consists of two components: the load balancers and the controller service. The load balancers monitor the traffic and handle requests that come in through the Internet. The controller service monitors the load balancers, adding and removing load balancers as needed and verifying that the load balancers are functioning properly.

  • The client sends a URL request to DNS servers to access your application. For example, myLB-1234567890.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com.

  • Then The client looks for the resolution of the DNS name sent by the DNS server.

  • The client then opens a connection to the machine at the provided IP address. The instance at this address is the load balancer you created.

  • The load balancer checks the health states of all the registered EC2 application instances within the selected Availability Zones

  • Then load balancer routes the client request to the healthy EC2 application instance identified in the previous step.

That’s not enough, you want to learn more about ELB, then Refer AWS site.

Now lets dive into the tutorial which will focus on libcloud Elastic Load Balancing interface for AWS.

1. Creating a Connection

The first step in accessing ELB is to create a connection to the service.

So, when you instantiate an ELB driver you need to pass the following arguments to the driver constructor:

  • key - Your AWS API key

  • secret - Your AWS secret key

  • region - The region of your AWS instance host point (e.g us-west-2 for US West (Oregon) Region)

Typically this will lead to:

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)

if everything gone well; means if your console has not yelled any error then your connection has been established.

by the way if you have difficulty in getting your ‘access key’ and ‘secret key’ id’s, look at security credentials page of AWS management console.

The base libcloud ELB API allows you to:

  • list, create, attach, detach, delete load balancer

  • list protocols related to load balancer

Non-standard functionality and extension methods

The AWS ELB driver exposes a lot of libcloud non-standard functionalities through extension methods and arguments.

These functionalities include:

  • list laod balancer policy

  • list load balancer policy types

  • create, delete load balancer policy

  • create listeners for load balancer

  • enable/disable policies on backend server & listeners

2. Getting Existing Load Balancers

To retrieve any exiting load balancers available

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


this will return you a list of load balancers [<LoadBalancer: id=balancer_id, name=balancer_name, state=balancer_state>]

3. Creating New Load Balancers

To create new load balancer initialise some members for the load balancer first

from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Member, Algorithm
from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


# members associated with the load balancer
members = (Member(None, '', 8000),
           Member(None, '', 8080))
new_balancer = driver.create_balancer(


Ok if everything is fine; you will see this on your python shell screen [<LoadBalancer: id='MyLB', name='MyLB', state=1]

note: state value may differ

4. Creating Load Balancer Policy

To creates a new policy for a load balancer that contains the necessary attributes depending on the policy type

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


# create load balancer policy
    policy_attributes={'ProxyProtocol': 'true'})

If you get True, then congratulation you have successfully created the load balancer policy.

Now there are some extension methods to look on To get all policy associated with the load balancer

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)

balancer = driver.list_balancers()[0]
policies = driver.ex_list_balancer_policies(balancer=balancer)

you will get output something like this


To get all the policy types available

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)

It will return a list of available policy types


To delete a policy associated with the load balancer

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


Will return True if it deletes the policy successfully.

5. Enable/Disable Policy on Backend server

Wait! first tell me about Policies

A security policy is a combination of SSL Protocols, SSL Ciphers, and the Server Order Preference option. For more information about configuring SSL connection for your load balancer

Two Types

  • Predefined Security Policy—A list of predefined SSL negotiation configurations with enabled ciphers and protocols

  • Custom Security Policy—A list of ciphers and protocols that you specify to create a custom negotiation configuration

To enable the policies on the server we need to call “SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer” action.

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


Will return True if it sets the policies successfully on backend server.

To disable the policy you just need to pass the policies parameter as empty list

6. Enable/Diable Policy on Listeners

I don’t have any idea about listeners?

A listener is a process that listens for connection requests. It is configured with a protocol and a port number for front-end (client to load balancer) and back-end (load balancer to back-end instance) connections.

Elastic Load Balancing supports the load balancing of applications using HTTP, HTTPS (secure HTTP), TCP, and SSL (secure TCP) protocols. The HTTPS uses the SSL protocol to establish secure connections over the HTTP layer. You can also use SSL protocol to establish secure connections over the TCP layer.

To create one or more listeners on a load balancer for the specified port

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)

    listeners=[[1024, 65533, 'HTTPS',

Will return True if it creates load balancer listeners successfully.

As mentioned above for backend Server, to enable the policies on the listeners, need to call SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener action

from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


Will return True if it sets load balancer policies for listeners successfully.

To disable the policy you just need to pass the policies parameter as empty list

Wrapping up

So now we have come to the end of tutorial. This last program file implements all the above attributes of ELB driver that we have discussed.

from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Member, Algorithm
from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import Provider
from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import get_driver

ACCESS_ID = 'your access id'
SECRET_KEY = 'your secret key'

def main():
    cls = get_driver(Provider.ELB)
    driver = cls(key=ACCESS_ID, secret=SECRET_KEY)


    # members associated with the load balancer
    members = (Member(None, '', 8000),
               Member(None, '', 8080))
    # creates a new balancer named 'MyLB'
    new_balancer = driver.create_balancer(

    # create load balancer policy
        policy_attributes={'ProxyProtocol': 'true'}))

    # delete load balancer policy

    # set load balancer policies for backend server

    # create the listeners for the balancers
    uid = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/servercert'
        listeners=[[1024, 65533, 'HTTPS', uid]]))

    # set the listeners policies for the balancers

if __name__ == '__main__':