Source code for libcloud.dns.drivers.linode

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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__all__ = [

from datetime import datetime

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.misc import merge_valid_keys, get_new_obj
from libcloud.common.linode import (API_ROOT, DEFAULT_API_VERSION,
                                    LinodeException, LinodeConnection,
                                    LinodeExceptionV4, LinodeConnectionV4,
from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType
from libcloud.dns.types import ZoneDoesNotExistError, RecordDoesNotExistError
from libcloud.dns.base import DNSDriver, Zone, Record

VALID_ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS = ['SOA_Email', 'Refresh_sec', 'Retry_sec',
                           'Expire_sec', 'status', 'master_ips']

VALID_RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS = ['Priority', 'Weight', 'Port', 'Protocol',

VALID_ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_V4 = ['description', 'expire_sec', 'master_ips',
                              'refresh_sec', 'retry_sec', 'soa_email',
                              'status', 'tags']

VALID_RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_V4 = ['port', 'priority', 'protocol', 'service',
                                'tag', 'ttl_sec', 'target', 'weight']

[docs]class LinodeDNSDriver(DNSDriver): type = Provider.LINODE name = 'Linode DNS' website = '' def __new__(cls, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, **kwargs): if cls is LinodeDNSDriver: if api_version == '3.0': cls = LinodeDNSDriverV3 elif api_version == '4.0': cls = LinodeDNSDriverV4 else: raise NotImplementedError( 'No Linode driver found for API version: %s' % (api_version)) return super(LinodeDNSDriver, cls).__new__(cls)
class LinodeDNSResponse(LinodeResponse): def _make_excp(self, error): result = super(LinodeDNSResponse, self)._make_excp(error) if isinstance(result, LinodeException) and result.code == 5: context = self.connection.context if context['resource'] == 'zone': result = ZoneDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, zone_id=context['id']) elif context['resource'] == 'record': result = RecordDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, record_id=context['id']) return result class LinodeDNSConnection(LinodeConnection): responseCls = LinodeDNSResponse class LinodeDNSDriverV3(LinodeDNSDriver): connectionCls = LinodeDNSConnection RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.NS: 'NS', RecordType.MX: 'MX', RecordType.A: 'A', RecordType.AAAA: 'AAAA', RecordType.CNAME: 'CNAME', RecordType.TXT: 'TXT', RecordType.SRV: 'SRV', } def list_zones(self): params = {'api_action': 'domain.list'} data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] zones = self._to_zones(data) return zones def list_records(self, zone): params = {'api_action': 'domain.resource.list', 'DOMAINID':} self.connection.set_context(context={'resource': 'zone', 'id':}) data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] records = self._to_records(items=data, zone=zone) return records def get_zone(self, zone_id): params = {'api_action': 'domain.list', 'DomainID': zone_id} self.connection.set_context(context={'resource': 'zone', 'id': zone_id}) data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] zones = self._to_zones(data) if len(zones) != 1: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self, zone_id=zone_id) return zones[0] def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): zone = self.get_zone(zone_id=zone_id) params = {'api_action': 'domain.resource.list', 'DomainID': zone_id, 'ResourceID': record_id} self.connection.set_context(context={'resource': 'record', 'id': record_id}) data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] records = self._to_records(items=data, zone=zone) if len(records) != 1: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self, record_id=record_id) return records[0] def create_zone(self, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): """ Create a new zone. API docs: """ params = {'api_action': 'domain.create', 'Type': type, 'Domain': domain} if ttl: params['TTL_sec'] = ttl merged = merge_valid_keys(params=params, valid_keys=VALID_ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS, extra=extra) data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] zone = Zone(id=data['DomainID'], domain=domain, type=type, ttl=ttl, extra=merged, driver=self) return zone def update_zone(self, zone, domain=None, type=None, ttl=None, extra=None): """ Update an existing zone. API docs: """ params = {'api_action': 'domain.update', 'DomainID':} if type: params['Type'] = type if domain: params['Domain'] = domain if ttl: params['TTL_sec'] = ttl merged = merge_valid_keys(params=params, valid_keys=VALID_ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS, extra=extra) self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] updated_zone = get_new_obj(obj=zone, klass=Zone, attributes={'domain': domain, 'type': type, 'ttl': ttl, 'extra': merged}) return updated_zone def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): """ Create a new record. API docs: """ params = {'api_action': 'domain.resource.create', 'DomainID':, 'Name': name, 'Target': data, 'Type': self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type]} merged = merge_valid_keys(params=params, valid_keys=VALID_RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS, extra=extra) result = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] record = Record(id=result['ResourceID'], name=name, type=type, data=data, extra=merged, zone=zone, driver=self, ttl=merged.get('TTL_sec', None)) return record def update_record(self, record, name=None, type=None, data=None, extra=None): """ Update an existing record. API docs: """ params = {'api_action': 'domain.resource.update', 'ResourceID':, 'DomainID':} if name: params['Name'] = name if data: params['Target'] = data if type is not None: params['Type'] = self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type] merged = merge_valid_keys(params=params, valid_keys=VALID_RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS, extra=extra) self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] updated_record = get_new_obj(obj=record, klass=Record, attributes={'name': name, 'data': data, 'type': type, 'extra': merged}) return updated_record def delete_zone(self, zone): params = {'api_action': 'domain.delete', 'DomainID':} self.connection.set_context(context={'resource': 'zone', 'id':}) data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] return 'DomainID' in data def delete_record(self, record): params = {'api_action': 'domain.resource.delete', 'DomainID':, 'ResourceID':} self.connection.set_context(context={'resource': 'record', 'id':}) data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0] return 'ResourceID' in data def _to_zones(self, items): """ Convert a list of items to the Zone objects. """ zones = [] for item in items: zones.append(self._to_zone(item)) return zones def _to_zone(self, item): """ Build an Zone object from the item dictionary. """ extra = {'SOA_Email': item['SOA_EMAIL'], 'status': item['STATUS'], 'description': item['DESCRIPTION']} zone = Zone(id=item['DOMAINID'], domain=item['DOMAIN'], type=item['TYPE'], ttl=item['TTL_SEC'], driver=self, extra=extra) return zone def _to_records(self, items, zone=None): """ Convert a list of items to the Record objects. """ records = [] for item in items: records.append(self._to_record(item=item, zone=zone)) return records def _to_record(self, item, zone=None): """ Build a Record object from the item dictionary. """ extra = {'protocol': item['PROTOCOL'], 'ttl_sec': item['TTL_SEC'], 'port': item['PORT'], 'weight': item['WEIGHT'], 'priority': item['PRIORITY']} type = self._string_to_record_type(item['TYPE']) record = Record(id=item['RESOURCEID'], name=item['NAME'], type=type, data=item['TARGET'], zone=zone, driver=self, ttl=item['TTL_SEC'], extra=extra) return record class LinodeDNSResponseV4(LinodeResponseV4): pass class LinodeDNSConnectionV4(LinodeConnectionV4): responseCls = LinodeDNSResponseV4 class LinodeDNSDriverV4(LinodeDNSDriver): connectionCls = LinodeDNSConnectionV4 RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.SOA: 'SOA', RecordType.NS: 'NS', RecordType.MX: 'MX', RecordType.A: 'A', RecordType.AAAA: 'AAAA', RecordType.CNAME: 'CNAME', RecordType.TXT: 'TXT', RecordType.SRV: 'SRV', RecordType.CAA: 'CAA', } def list_zones(self): """ Return a list of zones. :return: ``list`` of :class:`Zone` """ data = self._paginated_request('/v4/domains', 'data') return [self._to_zone(zone) for zone in data] def list_records(self, zone): """ Return a list of records for the provided zone. :param zone: Zone to list records for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :return: ``list`` of :class:`Record` """ if not isinstance(zone, Zone): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid zone instance") data = self._paginated_request('/v4/domains/%s/records' %, 'data') return [self._to_record(record, zone=zone) for record in data] def get_zone(self, zone_id): """ Return a Zone instance. :param zone_id: ID of the zone to get :type zone_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ data = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s' % zone_id).object return self._to_zone(data) def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): """ Return a record instance. :param zone_id: ID of the record's zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :param record_id: ID of the record to get :type record_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ data = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s/records/%s' % (zone_id, record_id)).object return self._to_record(data, self.get_zone(zone_id)) def create_zone(self, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): """ Create a new zone. :param domain: Zone domain name (e.g. :type domain: ``str`` :keyword type: Zone type (master / slave). :type type: ``str`` :keyword ttl: TTL for new records. (optional) :type ttl: ``int`` :keyword extra: Extra attributes.('description', 'expire_sec', \ 'master_ips','refresh_sec', 'retry_sec', 'soa_email',\ 'status', 'tags'). 'soa_email' required for master zones :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ attr = { 'domain': domain, 'type': type, } if ttl is not None: attr['ttl_sec'] = ttl merge_valid_keys(params=attr, valid_keys=VALID_ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_V4, extra=extra) data = self.connection.request( '/v4/domains', data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_zone(data) def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): """ Create a record. :param name: The name of this Record.For A records\ this is the subdomain being associated with an IP address. :type name: ``str`` :param zone: Zone which the records will be created for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param type: DNS record type. :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type).\ For A records, this is the address the domain should resolve to. :type data: ``str`` :param extra: Extra attributes.('port', 'priority', \ 'protocol', 'service', 'tag', 'ttl_sec', 'target', 'weight') :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ if not isinstance(zone, Zone): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid zone instance") attr = { 'type': self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type], 'name': name, 'target': data, } merge_valid_keys(params=attr, valid_keys=VALID_RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_V4, extra=extra) data = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s/records' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='POST').object return self._to_record(data, zone=zone) def update_zone(self, zone, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): """ Update an existing zone. :param zone: Zone to update. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param domain: Name of zone :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type (master / slave). :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional) :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes ('description', 'expire_sec', \ 'master_ips','refresh_sec', 'retry_sec', 'soa_email','status', 'tags') :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ if not isinstance(zone, Zone): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid zone instance") attr = { 'domain': domain, 'type': type, } if ttl is not None: attr['ttl_sec'] = ttl merge_valid_keys(params=attr, valid_keys=VALID_ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_V4, extra=extra) data = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s' %, data=json.dumps(attr), method='PUT').object return self._to_zone(data) def update_record(self, record, name=None, type=None, data=None, extra=None): """ Update an existing record. :param record: Record to update. :type record: :class:`Record` :param name: Record name.This field's actual usage\ depends on the type of record this represents. :type name: ``str`` :param type: DNS record type :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: Extra attributes.('port', 'priority', \ 'protocol', 'service', 'tag', 'ttl_sec', 'target', 'weight') :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ if not isinstance(record, Record): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid zone instance") zone = attr = {} if name is not None: attr['name'] = name if type is not None: attr['type'] = self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type] if data is not None: attr['target'] = data merge_valid_keys(params=attr, valid_keys=VALID_RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_V4, extra=extra) data = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s/records/%s' % (,, data=json.dumps(attr), method='PUT').object return self._to_record(data, zone=zone) def delete_zone(self, zone): """ Delete a zone. This will delete all the records belonging to this zone. :param zone: Zone to delete. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(zone, Zone): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid zone instance") response = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s' %, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.OK def delete_record(self, record): """ Delete a record. :param record: Record to delete. :type record: :class:`Record` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not isinstance(record, Record): raise LinodeExceptionV4("Invalid record instance") zone = response = self.connection.request('/v4/domains/%s/records/%s' % (,, method='DELETE') return response.status == httplib.OK def _to_record(self, item, zone=None): extra = { 'port': item['port'], 'weight': item['weight'], 'priority': item['priority'], 'service': item['service'], 'protocol': item['protocol'], 'created': self._to_datetime(item['created']), 'updated': self._to_datetime(item['updated']) } type = self._string_to_record_type(item['type']) record = Record(id=item['id'], name=item['name'], type=type, data=item['target'], zone=zone, driver=self, ttl=item['ttl_sec'], extra=extra) return record def _to_zone(self, item): """ Build an Zone object from the item dictionary. """ extra = {'soa_email': item['soa_email'], 'status': item['status'], 'description': item['description'], 'tags': item['tags'], 'retry_sec': item['retry_sec'], 'master_ips': item['master_ips'], 'axfr_ips': item['axfr_ips'], 'expire_sec': item['expire_sec'], 'refresh_sec': item['refresh_sec'], 'created': self._to_datetime(item['created']), 'updated': self._to_datetime(item['updated']), } zone = Zone(id=item['id'], domain=item['domain'], type=item['type'], ttl=item['ttl_sec'], driver=self, extra=extra) return zone def _to_datetime(self, strtime): return datetime.strptime(strtime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") def _paginated_request(self, url, obj, params=None): """ Perform multiple calls in order to have a full list of elements when the API responses are paginated. :param url: API endpoint :type url: ``str`` :param obj: Result object key :type obj: ``str`` :param params: Request parameters :type params: ``dict`` :return: ``list`` of API response objects :rtype: ``list`` """ objects = [] params = params if params is not None else {} ret = self.connection.request(url, params=params).object data = list(ret.get(obj, [])) current_page = int(ret.get('page', 1)) num_of_pages = int(ret.get('pages', 1)) objects.extend(data) for page in range(current_page + 1, num_of_pages + 1): # add param to request next page params['page'] = page ret = self.connection.request(url, params=params).object data = list(ret.get(obj, [])) objects.extend(data) return objects