Source code for libcloud.container.drivers.kubernetes

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import datetime
import json

from libcloud.container.base import (Container, ContainerDriver,
                                     ContainerImage, ContainerCluster)

from libcloud.common.kubernetes import KubernetesException
from libcloud.common.kubernetes import KubernetesBasicAuthConnection
from libcloud.common.kubernetes import KubernetesDriverMixin

from libcloud.container.providers import Provider
from libcloud.container.types import ContainerState

__all__ = [

ROOT_URL = '/api/'

class KubernetesPod(object):
    def __init__(self, name, containers, namespace):
        A Kubernetes pod
        """ = name
        self.containers = containers
        self.namespace = namespace

[docs]class KubernetesContainerDriver(KubernetesDriverMixin, ContainerDriver): type = Provider.KUBERNETES name = 'Kubernetes' website = '' connectionCls = KubernetesBasicAuthConnection supports_clusters = True
[docs] def list_containers(self, image=None, all=True): """ List the deployed container images :param image: Filter to containers with a certain image :type image: :class:`libcloud.container.base.ContainerImage` :param all: Show all container (including stopped ones) :type all: ``bool`` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`libcloud.container.base.Container` """ try: result = self.connection.request( ROOT_URL + "v1/pods").object except Exception as exc: errno = getattr(exc, 'errno', None) if errno == 111: raise KubernetesException( errno, 'Make sure kube host is accessible' 'and the API port is correct') raise pods = [self._to_pod(value) for value in result['items']] containers = [] for pod in pods: containers.extend(pod.containers) return containers
[docs] def get_container(self, id): """ Get a container by ID :param id: The ID of the container to get :type id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`libcloud.container.base.Container` """ containers = self.list_containers() match = [container for container in containers if == id] return match[0]
[docs] def list_clusters(self): """ Get a list of namespaces that pods can be deployed into :param location: The location to search in :type location: :class:`libcloud.container.base.ClusterLocation` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`libcloud.container.base.ContainerCluster` """ try: result = self.connection.request( ROOT_URL + "v1/namespaces/").object except Exception as exc: errno = getattr(exc, 'errno', None) if errno == 111: raise KubernetesException( errno, 'Make sure kube host is accessible' 'and the API port is correct') raise clusters = [self._to_cluster(value) for value in result['items']] return clusters
[docs] def get_cluster(self, id): """ Get a cluster by ID :param id: The ID of the cluster to get :type id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`libcloud.container.base.ContainerCluster` """ result = self.connection.request(ROOT_URL + "v1/namespaces/%s" % id).object return self._to_cluster(result)
[docs] def destroy_cluster(self, cluster): """ Delete a cluster (namespace) :return: ``True`` if the destroy was successful, otherwise ``False``. :rtype: ``bool`` """ self.connection.request(ROOT_URL + "v1/namespaces/%s" %, method='DELETE').object return True
[docs] def create_cluster(self, name, location=None): """ Create a container cluster (a namespace) :param name: The name of the cluster :type name: ``str`` :param location: The location to create the cluster in :type location: :class:`.ClusterLocation` :rtype: :class:`.ContainerCluster` """ request = { 'metadata': { 'name': name } } result = self.connection.request(ROOT_URL + "v1/namespaces", method='POST', data=json.dumps(request)).object return self._to_cluster(result)
[docs] def deploy_container(self, name, image, cluster=None, parameters=None, start=True): """ Deploy an installed container image. In kubernetes this deploys a single container Pod. :param name: The name of the new container :type name: ``str`` :param image: The container image to deploy :type image: :class:`.ContainerImage` :param cluster: The cluster to deploy to, None is default :type cluster: :class:`.ContainerCluster` :param parameters: Container Image parameters :type parameters: ``str`` :param start: Start the container on deployment :type start: ``bool`` :rtype: :class:`.Container` """ if cluster is None: namespace = 'default' else: namespace = request = { "metadata": { "name": name }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": name, "image": } ] } } result = self.connection.request(ROOT_URL + "v1/namespaces/%s/pods" % namespace, method='POST', data=json.dumps(request)).object return self._to_cluster(result)
[docs] def destroy_container(self, container): """ Destroy a deployed container. Because the containers are single container pods, this will delete the pod. :param container: The container to destroy :type container: :class:`.Container` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.ex_destroy_pod(container.extra['namespace'], container.extra['pod'])
[docs] def ex_list_pods(self): """ List available Pods :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.KubernetesPod` """ result = self.connection.request(ROOT_URL + "v1/pods").object return [self._to_pod(value) for value in result['items']]
[docs] def ex_destroy_pod(self, namespace, pod_name): """ Delete a pod and the containers within it. """ self.connection.request( ROOT_URL + "v1/namespaces/%s/pods/%s" % ( namespace, pod_name), method='DELETE').object return True
def _to_pod(self, data): """ Convert an API response to a Pod object """ container_statuses = data['status']['containerStatuses'] containers = [] # response contains the status of the containers in a separate field for container in data['spec']['containers']: spec = list(filter(lambda i: i['name'] == container['name'], container_statuses))[0] containers.append( self._to_container(container, spec, data) ) return KubernetesPod( name=data['metadata']['name'], namespace=data['metadata']['namespace'], containers=containers) def _to_container(self, data, container_status, pod_data): """ Convert container in Container instances """ return Container( id=container_status['containerID'], name=data['name'], image=ContainerImage( id=container_status['imageID'], name=data['image'], path=None, version=None, driver=self.connection.driver), ip_addresses=None, state=ContainerState.RUNNING, driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'pod': pod_data['metadata']['name'], 'namespace': pod_data['metadata']['namespace'] }) def _to_cluster(self, data): """ Convert namespace to a cluster """ metadata = data['metadata'] status = data['status'] return ContainerCluster( id=metadata['name'], name=metadata['name'], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={'phase': status['phase']})
def ts_to_str(timestamp): """ Return a timestamp as a nicely formated datetime string. """ date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) date_string = date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M %Z") return date_string