Source code for libcloud.dns.drivers.gandi_live

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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from __future__ import with_statement

import copy

from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType
from libcloud.dns.types import RecordError
from libcloud.dns.types import ZoneDoesNotExistError, \
    RecordDoesNotExistError, ZoneAlreadyExistsError, RecordAlreadyExistsError
from libcloud.dns.base import DNSDriver, Zone, Record
from libcloud.common.gandi_live import ResourceNotFoundError, \
    ResourceConflictError, GandiLiveResponse, GandiLiveConnection, \

__all__ = [

TTL_MIN = 300
TTL_MAX = 2592000  # 30 days
API_BASE = '/api/v5'

class GandiLiveDNSResponse(GandiLiveResponse):

class GandiLiveDNSConnection(GandiLiveConnection):
    responseCls = GandiLiveDNSResponse

[docs]class GandiLiveDNSDriver(BaseGandiLiveDriver, DNSDriver): """ API reference can be found at: Please note that the Libcloud paradigm of one zone per domain does not match exactly with Gandi LiveDNS. For Gandi, a "zone" can apply to multiple domains. This driver behaves as if the domain is a zone, but be warned that modifying a domain means modifying the zone. Iif you have a zone associated with mutiple domains, all of those domains will be modified as well. """ type = Provider.GANDI name = 'Gandi LiveDNS' website = '' connectionCls = GandiLiveDNSConnection # also supports CAA, CDS RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.A: 'A', RecordType.AAAA: 'AAAA', RecordType.ALIAS: 'ALIAS', RecordType.CNAME: 'CNAME', RecordType.DNAME: 'DNAME', RecordType.DS: 'DS', RecordType.KEY: 'KEY', RecordType.LOC: 'LOC', RecordType.MX: 'MX', RecordType.NS: 'NS', RecordType.PTR: 'PTR', RecordType.SPF: 'SPF', RecordType.SRV: 'SRV', RecordType.SSHFP: 'SSHFP', RecordType.TLSA: 'TLSA', RecordType.TXT: 'TXT', RecordType.WKS: 'WKS', RecordType.CAA: 'CAA', }
[docs] def list_zones(self): zones = self.connection.request(action='%s/domains' % API_BASE, method='GET') return self._to_zones(zones.object)
[docs] def get_zone(self, zone_id): action = '%s/domains/%s' % (API_BASE, zone_id) try: zone = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') except ResourceNotFoundError: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, zone_id=zone_id) return self._to_zone(zone.object)
""" :param extra: (optional) Extra attribute ('name'); if not provided, name is based on domain. :return: :class:`Zone` with attribute zone_uuid set in extra ``dict`` """
[docs] def create_zone(self, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): if extra and 'name' in extra: zone_name = extra['name'] else: zone_name = '%s zone' % domain zone_data = { 'name': zone_name, } try: new_zone = self.connection.request(action='%s/zones' % API_BASE, method='POST', data=zone_data) except ResourceConflictError: raise ZoneAlreadyExistsError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, zone_id=zone_name) new_zone_uuid = new_zone.headers['location'].split('/')[-1] self.ex_switch_domain_gandi_zone(domain, new_zone_uuid) return self._to_zone({'fqdn': domain, 'zone_uuid': new_zone_uuid})
[docs] def list_records(self, zone): action = '%s/domains/%s/records' % (API_BASE, records = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') return self._to_records(records.object, zone)
""" :return: :class:`Record` with the extra ``dict`` containing attribute other_values ``list`` of ``str`` for other values; the first value is returned through """
[docs] def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): record_type, name = record_id.split(':', 1) action = '%s/domains/%s/records/%s/%s' % (API_BASE, zone_id, name, record_type) try: record = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') except ResourceNotFoundError: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, record_id=record_id) return self._to_record(record.object, self.get_zone(zone_id))[0]
[docs] def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): self._validate_record(None, name, type, data, extra) action = '%s/domains/%s/records' % (API_BASE, if type == 'MX': data = '%s %s' % (extra['priority'], data) record_data = { 'rrset_name': name, 'rrset_type': self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type], 'rrset_values': [data], } if extra is not None and 'ttl' in extra: record_data['rrset_ttl'] = extra['ttl'] try: self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=record_data) except ResourceConflictError: raise RecordAlreadyExistsError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, record_id='%s:%s' % ( self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type], name)) return self._to_record_sub(record_data, zone, data)
""" Ignores name and type, not allowed in an update call to the service. The Gandi service requires all values for a record when doing an update. Not providing all values during an update means the service will interpret it as replacing all values with the one data value. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure the value of a get_record is used as the value of the record parameter. This method will change the value when only one exists. When more than one exists, it will combine the data parameter value with the extra dict values contained in the list extra['_other_records']. This method should only be used to make single value updates. To change the number of values in the value set or to change several at once, delete and recreate, potentially using ex_create_multi_value_record. """
[docs] def update_record(self, record, name, type, data, extra): self._validate_record(,, record.type, data, extra) action = '%s/domains/%s/records/%s/%s' % ( API_BASE,,, self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[record.type] ) multiple_value_record = record.extra.get('_multi_value', False) other_records = record.extra.get('_other_records', []) if record.type == RecordType.MX: data = '%s %s' % (extra['priority'], data) if multiple_value_record and len(other_records) > 0: rvalue = [data] for other_record in other_records: if record.type == RecordType.MX: rvalue.append('%s %s' % (other_record['extra']['priority'], other_record['data'])) else: rvalue.append(other_record['data']) else: rvalue = [data] record_data = { 'rrset_values': rvalue } if extra is not None and 'ttl' in extra: record_data['rrset_ttl'] = extra['ttl'] try: self.connection.request(action=action, method='PUT', data=record_data) except ResourceNotFoundError: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, record_data['rrset_name'] = record_data['rrset_type'] = self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[record.type] return self._to_record(record_data,[0]
""" The Gandi service considers all values for a name-type combination to be one record. Deleting that name-type record means deleting all values for it. """
[docs] def delete_record(self, record): action = '%s/domains/%s/records/%s/%s' % ( API_BASE,,, self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[record.type] ) try: self.connection.request(action=action, method='DELETE') except ResourceNotFoundError: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, # Originally checked for success here, but it should never reach # this point with anything other than HTTP 200 return True
[docs] def export_zone_to_bind_format(self, zone): action = '%s/domains/%s/records' % (API_BASE, headers = { 'Accept': 'text/plain' } resp = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET', headers=headers, raw=True) return resp.body
# There is nothing you can update about a domain; you can update zones' # names and which zone a domain is associated with, but the domain itself # is basically immutable. Instead, some ex_ methods for dealing with # Gandi zones. """ Update the name of a Gandi zone. Note that a Gandi zone is not the same as a Libcloud zone. A Gandi zone is a separate object type from a Gandi domain; a Gandi zone can be reused by multiple Gandi domains, and the actual records are associated with the zone directly. This is mostly masked in this driver to make it look like records are associated with domains. If you need to step out of that masking, use these extension methods. :param zone_uuid: Identifier for the Gandi zone. :type zone_uuid: ``str`` :param name: New name for the Gandi zone. :type name: ``str`` :return: ``bool`` """
[docs] def ex_update_gandi_zone_name(self, zone_uuid, name): action = '%s/zones/%s' % (API_BASE, zone_uuid) data = { 'name': name, } self.connection.request(action=action, method='PATCH', data=data) return True
# There is no concept of deleting domains in this API, not even to # disassociate a domain from a zone. You can delete a zone, though. """ Delete a Gandi zone. This may raise a ResourceConflictError if you try to delete a zone that has domains still using it. :param zone_uuid: Identifier for the Gandi zone :type zone_uuid: ``str`` :return: ``bool`` """
[docs] def ex_delete_gandi_zone(self, zone_uuid): self.connection.request(action='%s/zones/%s' % (API_BASE, zone_uuid), method='DELETE') return True
""" Change the Gandi zone a domain is asociated with. :param domain: Domain name to switch zones. :type domain: ``str`` :param zone_uuid: Identifier for the new Gandi zone to switch to. :type zone_uuid: ``str`` :return: ``bool`` """
[docs] def ex_switch_domain_gandi_zone(self, domain, zone_uuid): domain_data = { 'zone_uuid': zone_uuid, } self.connection.request(action='%s/domains/%s' % (API_BASE, domain), method='PATCH', data=domain_data) return True
""" Create a new record with multiple values. :param data: Record values (depends on the record type) :type data: ``list`` (of ``str``) :return: ``list`` of :class:`Record`s """
[docs] def ex_create_multi_value_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): self._validate_record(None, name, type, data, extra) action = '%s/domains/%s/records' % (API_BASE, record_data = { 'rrset_name': name, 'rrset_type': self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type], 'rrset_values': data, } if extra is not None and 'ttl' in extra: record_data['rrset_ttl'] = extra['ttl'] try: self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=record_data) except ResourceConflictError: raise RecordAlreadyExistsError(value='', driver=self.connection.driver, record_id='%s:%s' % ( self.RECORD_TYPE_MAP[type], name)) return self._to_record(record_data, zone)
def _to_record(self, data, zone): records = [] rrset_values = data['rrset_values'] multiple_value_record = len(rrset_values) > 1 for index, rrset_value in enumerate(rrset_values): record = self._to_record_sub(data, zone, rrset_value) record.extra['_multi_value'] = multiple_value_record if multiple_value_record: record.extra['_other_records'] = [] records.append(record) if multiple_value_record: for index in range(0, len(records)): record = records[index] for other_index, other_record in enumerate(records): if index == other_index: continue extra = copy.deepcopy(other_record.extra) extra.pop('_multi_value') extra.pop('_other_records') item = { 'name':, 'data':, 'type': other_record.type, 'extra': extra } record.extra['_other_records'].append(item) return records def _to_record_sub(self, data, zone, value): extra = {} ttl = data.get('rrset_ttl', None) if ttl is not None: extra['ttl'] = int(ttl) if data['rrset_type'] == 'MX': priority, value = value.split() extra['priority'] = priority return Record( id='%s:%s' % (data['rrset_type'], data['rrset_name']), name=data['rrset_name'], type=self._string_to_record_type(data['rrset_type']), data=value, zone=zone, driver=self, ttl=ttl, extra=extra) def _to_records(self, data, zone): records = [] for r in data: records += self._to_record(r, zone) return records def _to_zone(self, zone): extra = {} if 'zone_uuid' in zone: extra = { 'zone_uuid': zone['zone_uuid'] } return Zone( id=str(zone['fqdn']), domain=zone['fqdn'], type='master', ttl=0, driver=self, extra=extra, ) def _to_zones(self, zones): ret = [] for z in zones: ret.append(self._to_zone(z)) return ret def _validate_record(self, record_id, name, record_type, data, extra): if len(data) > 1024: raise RecordError('Record data must be <= 1024 characters', driver=self, record_id=record_id) if type == 'MX' or type == RecordType.MX: if extra is None or 'priority' not in extra: raise RecordError('MX record must have a priority', driver=self, record_id=record_id) if extra is not None and '_other_records' in extra: for other_value in extra.get('_other_records', []): if len(other_value['data']) > 1024: raise RecordError('Record data must be <= 1024 characters', driver=self, record_id=record_id) if type == 'MX' or type == RecordType.MX: if (other_value['extra'] is None or 'priority' not in other_value['extra']): raise RecordError('MX record must have a priority', driver=self, record_id=record_id) if extra is not None and 'ttl' in extra: if extra['ttl'] < TTL_MIN: raise RecordError('TTL must be at least 300 seconds', driver=self, record_id=record_id) if extra['ttl'] > TTL_MAX: raise RecordError('TTL must not exceed 30 days', driver=self, record_id=record_id)