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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import os
import time
import base64
import hmac

from hashlib import sha256
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.utils.xml import fixxpath

from libcloud.utils.py3 import ET
from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError, MalformedResponseError
from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, RawResponse
from libcloud.common.base import CertificateConnection
from libcloud.common.base import XmlResponse

# The time format for headers in Azure requests
AZURE_TIME_FORMAT = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'

[docs]class AzureRedirectException(Exception): def __init__(self, response): self.location = response.headers['location']
[docs]class AzureResponse(XmlResponse): valid_response_codes = [ httplib.NOT_FOUND, httplib.CONFLICT, httplib.BAD_REQUEST, httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT # added TEMPORARY_REDIRECT as this can sometimes be # sent by azure instead of a success or fail response ]
[docs] def success(self): i = int(self.status) return 200 <= i <= 299 or i in self.valid_response_codes
[docs] def parse_error(self, msg=None): error_msg = 'Unknown error' try: # Azure does give some meaningful errors, but is inconsistent # Some APIs respond with an XML error. Others just dump HTML body = self.parse_body() # pylint: disable=no-member if type(body) == ET.Element: code = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath='Code')) message = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath='Message')) message = message.split('\n')[0] error_msg = '%s: %s' % (code, message) except MalformedResponseError: pass if msg: error_msg = '%s - %s' % (msg, error_msg) if self.status in [httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, httplib.FORBIDDEN]: raise InvalidCredsError(error_msg) raise LibcloudError( '%s Status code: %d.' % (error_msg, self.status), driver=self )
[docs] def parse_body(self): is_redirect = int(self.status) == httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT if is_redirect and self.connection.driver.follow_redirects: raise AzureRedirectException(self) else: return super(AzureResponse, self).parse_body()
[docs]class AzureRawResponse(RawResponse): pass
[docs]class AzureConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey): """ Represents a single connection to Azure """ responseCls = AzureResponse rawResponseCls = AzureRawResponse API_VERSION = '2012-02-12'
[docs] def add_default_params(self, params): return params
[docs] def pre_connect_hook(self, params, headers): headers = copy.deepcopy(headers) # We have to add a date header in GMT headers['x-ms-date'] = time.strftime(AZURE_TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime()) headers['x-ms-version'] = self.API_VERSION # Add the authorization header headers['Authorization'] = self._get_azure_auth_signature( method=self.method, headers=headers, params=params, account=self.user_id, secret_key=self.key, path=self.action ) # Azure cribs about this in 'raw' connections headers.pop('Host', None) return params, headers
def _get_azure_auth_signature(self, method, headers, params, account, secret_key, path='/'): """ Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( YourSecretAccessKeyID, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) ) ); StringToSign = HTTP-VERB + "\n" + Content-Encoding + "\n" + Content-Language + "\n" + Content-Length + "\n" + Content-MD5 + "\n" + Content-Type + "\n" + Date + "\n" + If-Modified-Since + "\n" + If-Match + "\n" + If-None-Match + "\n" + If-Unmodified-Since + "\n" + Range + "\n" + CanonicalizedHeaders + CanonicalizedResource; """ xms_header_values = [] param_list = [] # Split the x-ms headers and normal headers and make everything # lower case headers_copy = {} for header, value in headers.items(): header = header.lower() value = str(value).strip() if header.startswith('x-ms-'): xms_header_values.append((header, value)) else: headers_copy[header] = value # Get the values for the headers in the specific order special_header_values = self._format_special_header_values( headers_copy, method) # Prepare the first section of the string to be signed values_to_sign = [method] + special_header_values # string_to_sign = '\n'.join([method] + special_header_values) # The x-ms-* headers have to be in lower case and sorted xms_header_values.sort() for header, value in xms_header_values: values_to_sign.append('%s:%s' % (header, value)) # Add the canonicalized path values_to_sign.append('/%s%s' % (account, path)) # URL query parameters (sorted and lower case) for key, value in params.items(): param_list.append((key.lower(), str(value).strip())) param_list.sort() for key, value in param_list: values_to_sign.append('%s:%s' % (key, value)) string_to_sign = b('\n'.join(values_to_sign)) secret_key = b(secret_key) b64_hmac = base64.b64encode(, string_to_sign, digestmod=sha256).digest() ) return 'SharedKey %s:%s' % (self.user_id, b64_hmac.decode('utf-8')) def _format_special_header_values(self, headers, method): is_change = method not in ('GET', 'HEAD') is_old_api = self.API_VERSION <= '2014-02-14' special_header_keys = [ 'content-encoding', 'content-language', 'content-length', 'content-md5', 'content-type', 'date', 'if-modified-since', 'if-match', 'if-none-match', 'if-unmodified-since', 'range' ] special_header_values = [] for header in special_header_keys: header = header.lower() # Just for safety if header in headers: special_header_values.append(headers[header]) elif header == 'content-length' and is_change and is_old_api: # For old API versions, the Content-Length header must be '0' # special_header_values.append('0') else: special_header_values.append('') return special_header_values
[docs]class AzureBaseDriver(object): name = "Microsoft Azure Service Management API"
[docs]class AzureServiceManagementConnection(CertificateConnection): # This needs the following approach - # 1. Make request using LibcloudHTTPSConnection which is a overloaded # class which takes in a client certificate # 2. Depending on the type of operation use a PollingConnection # when the response id is returned # 3. The Response can be used in an AzureServiceManagementResponse """ Authentication class for "Service Account" authentication. """ driver = AzureBaseDriver responseCls = AzureResponse rawResponseCls = AzureRawResponse name = 'Azure Service Management API Connection' host = '' keyfile = "" def __init__(self, subscription_id, key_file, *args, **kwargs): """ Check to see if PyCrypto is available, and convert key file path into a key string if the key is in a file. :param subscription_id: Azure subscription ID. :type subscription_id: ``str`` :param key_file: The PEM file used to authenticate with the service. :type key_file: ``str`` """ super(AzureServiceManagementConnection, self).__init__( key_file, *args, **kwargs ) self.subscription_id = subscription_id keypath = os.path.expanduser(key_file) self.keyfile = keypath is_file_path = os.path.exists(keypath) and os.path.isfile(keypath) if not is_file_path: raise InvalidCredsError( 'You need an certificate PEM file to authenticate with ' 'Microsoft Azure. This can be found in the portal.' ) self.key_file = key_file
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): """ @inherits: :class:`Connection.add_default_headers` TODO: move to constant.. """ headers['x-ms-version'] = "2014-05-01" headers['x-ms-date'] = time.strftime(AZURE_TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime()) # headers['host'] = return headers