Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.scaleway

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# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Scaleway Driver

import copy
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, JsonResponse
from libcloud.common.types import ProviderError
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, NodeImage, Node, NodeSize
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeLocation
from libcloud.compute.base import StorageVolume, VolumeSnapshot, KeyPair
from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, VolumeSnapshotState
from libcloud.utils.iso8601 import parse_date
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib

__all__ = [

    'default': '',
    'account': '',
    'par1': '',
    'ams1': '',

# The API doesn't give location info, so we provide it ourselves, instead.
    {'id': 'par1', 'name': 'Paris 1', 'country': 'FR'},
    {'id': 'ams1', 'name': 'Amsterdam 1', 'country': 'NL'},

[docs]class ScalewayResponse(JsonResponse): valid_response_codes = [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED, httplib.NO_CONTENT]
[docs] def parse_error(self): return super(ScalewayResponse, self).parse_error()['message']
[docs] def success(self): return self.status in self.valid_response_codes
[docs]class ScalewayConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey): """ Connection class for the Scaleway driver. """ host = SCALEWAY_API_HOSTS['default'] allow_insecure = False responseCls = ScalewayResponse
[docs] def request(self, action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False, stream=False, region=None): if region: old_host = = SCALEWAY_API_HOSTS[ if isinstance(region, NodeLocation) else region] if not == old_host: self.connect() return super(ScalewayConnection, self).request(action, params, data, headers, method, raw, stream)
def _request_paged(self, action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False, stream=False, region=None): if params is None: params = {} if isinstance(params, dict): params['per_page'] = 100 else: params.append(('per_page', 100)) results = self.request(action, params, data, headers, method, raw, stream, region).object links = self.connection.getresponse().links while links and 'next' in links: next = self.request(links['next']['url'], data=data, headers=headers, method=method, raw=raw, stream=stream).object links = self.connection.getresponse().links merged = {root: child + next[root] for root, child in list(results.items())} results = merged return results
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): """ Add headers that are necessary for every request """ headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.key headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' return headers
def _to_lib_size(size): return int(size / 1000 / 1000 / 1000) def _to_api_size(size): return int(size * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
[docs]class ScalewayNodeDriver(NodeDriver): """ Scaleway Node Driver Class This is the primary driver for interacting with Scaleway. It contains all of the standard libcloud methods that Scaleway's API supports. """ type = Provider.SCALEWAY connectionCls = ScalewayConnection name = 'Scaleway' website = '' SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP = { 'snapshotting': VolumeSnapshotState.CREATING, 'available': VolumeSnapshotState.AVAILABLE, 'error': VolumeSnapshotState.ERROR }
[docs] def list_locations(self): """ List data centers available. :return: list of node location objects :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.NodeLocation` """ return [NodeLocation(driver=self, **copy.deepcopy(location)) for location in SCALEWAY_LOCATION_DATA]
[docs] def list_sizes(self, region=None): """ List available VM sizes. :param region: The region in which to list sizes (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: list of node size objects :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.NodeSize` """ response = self.connection._request_paged('/products/servers', region=region) sizes = response['servers'] response = self.connection._request_paged( '/products/servers/availability', region=region) availability = response['servers'] return sorted([self._to_size(name, sizes[name], availability[name]) for name in sizes], key=lambda x:
def _to_size(self, name, size, availability): min_disk = (_to_lib_size(size['volumes_constraint']['min_size'] or 0) if size['volumes_constraint'] else 25) max_disk = (_to_lib_size(size['volumes_constraint']['max_size'] or 0) if size['volumes_constraint'] else min_disk) extra = { 'cores': size['ncpus'], 'monthly': size['monthly_price'], 'arch': size['arch'], 'baremetal': size['baremetal'], 'availability': availability['availability'], 'max_disk': max_disk, 'internal_bandwidth': int( (size['network']['sum_internal_bandwidth'] or 0) / (1024 * 1024)), 'ipv6': size['network']['ipv6_support'], 'alt_names': size['alt_names'], } return NodeSize(id=name, name=name, ram=int((size['ram'] or 0) / (1024 * 1024)), disk=min_disk, bandwidth=int( (size['network']['sum_internet_bandwidth'] or 0) / (1024 * 1024)), price=size['hourly_price'], driver=self, extra=extra)
[docs] def list_images(self, region=None): """ List available VM images. :param region: The region in which to list images (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: list of image objects :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.NodeImage` """ response = self.connection._request_paged('/images', region=region) images = response['images'] return [self._to_image(image) for image in images]
[docs] def create_image(self, node, name, region=None): """ Create a VM image from an existing node's root volume. :param node: The node from which to create the image :type node: :class:`.Node` :param name: The name to give the image :type name: ``str`` :param region: The region in which to create the image (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: the newly created image object :rtype: :class:`.NodeImage` """ data = { 'organization': self.key, 'name': name, 'arch': node.extra['arch'], 'root_volume': node.extra['volumes']['0']['id'] } response = self.connection.request('/images', data=json.dumps(data), region=region, method='POST') image = response.object['image'] return self._to_image(image)
[docs] def delete_image(self, node_image, region=None): """ Delete a VM image. :param node_image: The image to delete :type node_image: :class:`.NodeImage` :param region: The region in which to find/delete the image (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: True if the image was deleted, otherwise False :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.connection.request('/images/%s' %, region=region, method='DELETE').success()
[docs] def get_image(self, image_id, region=None): """ Retrieve a specific VM image. :param image_id: The id of the image to retrieve :type image_id: ``int`` :param region: The region in which to create the image (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: the requested image object :rtype: :class:`.NodeImage` """ response = self.connection.request('/images/%s' % image_id, region=region) image = response.object['image'] return self._to_image(image)
def _to_image(self, image): extra = { 'arch': image['arch'], 'size': _to_lib_size(image.get('root_volume', {}) .get('size', 0)) or 50, 'creation_date': parse_date(image['creation_date']), 'modification_date': parse_date(image['modification_date']), 'organization': image['organization'], } return NodeImage(id=image['id'], name=image['name'], driver=self, extra=extra)
[docs] def list_nodes(self, region=None): """ List all nodes. :param region: The region in which to look for nodes (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: list of node objects :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`.Node` """ response = self.connection._request_paged('/servers', region=region) servers = response['servers'] return [self._to_node(server) for server in servers]
def _to_node(self, server): public_ip = server['public_ip'] private_ip = server['private_ip'] location = server['location'] or {} return Node(id=server['id'], name=server['name'], state=NodeState.fromstring(server['state']), public_ips=[public_ip['address']] if public_ip else [], private_ips=[private_ip] if private_ip else [], driver=self, extra={'volumes': server['volumes'], 'tags': server['tags'], 'arch': server['arch'], 'organization': server['organization'], 'region': location.get('zone_id', 'par1')}, created_at=parse_date(server['creation_date']))
[docs] def create_node(self, name, size, image, ex_volumes=None, ex_tags=None, region=None): """ Create a new node. :param name: The name to give the node :type name: ``str`` :param size: The size of node to create :type size: :class:`.NodeSize` :param image: The image to create the node with :type image: :class:`.NodeImage` :param ex_volumes: Additional volumes to create the node with :type ex_volumes: ``dict`` of :class:`.StorageVolume`s :param ex_tags: Tags to assign to the node :type ex_tags: ``list`` of ``str`` :param region: The region in which to create the node (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: the newly created node object :rtype: :class:`.Node` """ data = { 'name': name, 'organization': self.key, 'image':, 'volumes': ex_volumes or {}, 'commercial_type':, 'tags': ex_tags or [] } allocate_space = image.extra.get('size', 50) for volume in data['volumes']: allocate_space += _to_lib_size(volume['size']) while allocate_space < size.disk: if size.disk - allocate_space > 150: bump = 150 else: bump = size.disk - allocate_space vol_num = len(data['volumes']) + 1 data['volumes'][str(vol_num)] = { "name": "%s-%d" % (name, vol_num), "organization": self.key, "size": _to_api_size(bump), "volume_type": "l_ssd" } allocate_space += bump if allocate_space > size.extra.get('max_disk', size.disk): range = ("of %dGB" % size.disk if size.extra.get('max_disk', size.disk) == size.disk else "between %dGB and %dGB" % (size.extra.get('max_disk', size.disk), size.disk)) raise ProviderError( value=("%s only supports a total volume size %s; tried %dGB" % (, range, allocate_space)), http_code=400, driver=self) response = self.connection.request('/servers', data=json.dumps(data), region=region, method='POST') server = response.object['server'] node = self._to_node(server) node.extra['region'] = ( if isinstance(region, NodeLocation) else region) or 'par1' # Scaleway doesn't start servers by default, let's do it self._action(, 'poweron') return node
def _action(self, server_id, action, region=None): return self.connection.request('/servers/%s/action' % server_id, region=region, data=json.dumps({'action': action}), method='POST').success()
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): """ Reboot a node. :param node: The node to be rebooted :type node: :class:`Node` :return: True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._action(, 'reboot')
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): """ Destroy a node. :param node: The node to be destroyed :type node: :class:`Node` :return: True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._action(, 'terminate')
[docs] def list_volumes(self, region=None): """ Return a list of volumes. :param region: The region in which to look for volumes (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: A list of volume objects. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume` """ response = self.connection._request_paged('/volumes', region=region) volumes = response['volumes'] return [self._to_volume(volume) for volume in volumes]
def _to_volume(self, volume): extra = { 'organization': volume['organization'], 'volume_type': volume['volume_type'], 'creation_date': parse_date(volume['creation_date']), 'modification_date': parse_date(volume['modification_date']), } return StorageVolume(id=volume['id'], name=volume['name'], size=_to_lib_size(volume['size']), driver=self, extra=extra)
[docs] def list_volume_snapshots(self, volume, region=None): """ List snapshots for a storage volume. @inherits :class:`NodeDriver.list_volume_snapshots` :param region: The region in which to look for snapshots (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` """ response = self.connection._request_paged('/snapshots', region=region) snapshots = filter(lambda s: s['base_volume']['id'] ==, response['snapshots']) return [self._to_snapshot(snapshot) for snapshot in snapshots]
def _to_snapshot(self, snapshot): state = self.SNAPSHOT_STATE_MAP.get(snapshot['state'], VolumeSnapshotState.UNKNOWN) extra = { 'organization': snapshot['organization'], 'volume_type': snapshot['volume_type'], } return VolumeSnapshot(id=snapshot['id'], driver=self, size=_to_lib_size(snapshot['size']), created=parse_date(snapshot['creation_date']), state=state, extra=extra)
[docs] def create_volume(self, size, name, region=None): """ Create a new volume. :param size: Size of volume in gigabytes. :type size: ``int`` :param name: Name of the volume to be created. :type name: ``str`` :param region: The region in which to create the volume (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: The newly created volume. :rtype: :class:`StorageVolume` """ data = { 'name': name, 'organization': self.key, 'volume_type': 'l_ssd', 'size': _to_api_size(size) } response = self.connection.request('/volumes', region=region, data=json.dumps(data), method='POST') volume = response.object['volume'] return self._to_volume(volume)
[docs] def create_volume_snapshot(self, volume, name, region=None): """ Create snapshot from volume. :param volume: The volume to create a snapshot from :type volume: :class`StorageVolume` :param name: The name to give the snapshot :type name: ``str`` :param region: The region in which to create the snapshot (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: The newly created snapshot. :rtype: :class:`VolumeSnapshot` """ data = { 'name': name, 'organization': self.key, 'volume_id': } response = self.connection.request('/snapshots', region=region, data=json.dumps(data), method='POST') snapshot = response.object['snapshot'] return self._to_snapshot(snapshot)
[docs] def destroy_volume(self, volume, region=None): """ Destroys a storage volume. :param volume: Volume to be destroyed :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :param region: The region in which to look for the volume (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.connection.request('/volumes/%s' %, region=region, method='DELETE').success()
[docs] def destroy_volume_snapshot(self, snapshot, region=None): """ Dostroy a volume snapshot :param snapshot: volume snapshot to destroy :type snapshot: class:`VolumeSnapshot` :param region: The region in which to look for the snapshot (if None, use default region specified in __init__) :type region: :class:`.NodeLocation` :return: True if the destroy was successful, otherwise False :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.connection.request('/snapshots/%s' %, region=region, method='DELETE').success()
[docs] def list_key_pairs(self): """ List all the available SSH keys. :return: Available SSH keys. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`KeyPair` """ response = self.connection.request('/users/%s' % (self._get_user_id()), region='account') keys = response.object['user']['ssh_public_keys'] return [KeyPair(name=' '.join(key['key'].split(' ')[2:]), public_key=' '.join(key['key'].split(' ')[:2]), fingerprint=key['fingerprint'], driver=self) for key in keys]
[docs] def import_key_pair_from_string(self, name, key_material): """ Import a new public key from string. :param name: Key pair name. :type name: ``str`` :param key_material: Public key material. :type key_material: ``str`` :return: Imported key pair object. :rtype: :class:`KeyPair` """ new_key = KeyPair(name=name, public_key=' '.join(key_material.split(' ')[:2]), fingerprint=None, driver=self) keys = [key for key in self.list_key_pairs() if not == name] keys.append(new_key) return self._save_keys(keys)
[docs] def delete_key_pair(self, key_pair): """ Delete an existing key pair. :param key_pair: Key pair object. :type key_pair: :class:`KeyPair` :return: True of False based on success of Keypair deletion :rtype: ``bool`` """ keys = [key for key in self.list_key_pairs() if not ==] return self._save_keys(keys)
def _get_user_id(self): response = self.connection.request('/tokens/%s' % self.secret, region='account') return response.object['token']['user_id'] def _save_keys(self, keys): data = { 'ssh_public_keys': [{'key': '%s %s' % (key.public_key,} for key in keys] } response = self.connection.request('/users/%s' % (self._get_user_id()), region='account', method='PATCH', data=json.dumps(data)) return response.success()