Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.vcloud

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# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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VMware vCloud driver.
import copy
import sys
import re
import base64
import os
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlencode
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse
from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.utils.py3 import next
from libcloud.utils.py3 import ET

urlparse = urlparse.urlparse

import time

from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

from libcloud.common.base import XmlResponse, ConnectionUserAndKey
from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError, LibcloudError
from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState
from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver, NodeLocation
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeSize, NodeImage

From vcloud api "The VirtualQuantity element defines the number of MB
of memory. This should be either 512 or a multiple of 1024 (1 GB)."
VIRTUAL_MEMORY_VALS = [512] + [1024 * i for i in range(1, 9)]

# Default timeout (in seconds) for long running tasks


Valid vCloud API v1.5 input values.
VIRTUAL_CPU_VALS_1_5 = [i for i in range(1, 9)]
FENCE_MODE_VALS_1_5 = ['bridged', 'isolated', 'natRouted']

[docs]def fixxpath(root, xpath): """ElementTree wants namespaces in its xpaths, so here we add them.""" namespace, root_tag = root.tag[1:].split("}", 1) fixed_xpath = "/".join(["{%s}%s" % (namespace, e) for e in xpath.split("/")]) return fixed_xpath
[docs]def get_url_path(url): return urlparse(url.strip()).path
[docs]class Vdc(object): """ Virtual datacenter (vDC) representation """ def __init__(self, id, name, driver, allocation_model=None, cpu=None, memory=None, storage=None): = id = name self.driver = driver self.allocation_model = allocation_model self.cpu = cpu self.memory = memory = storage def __repr__(self): return ('<Vdc: id=%s, name=%s, driver=%s ...>' % (,,
[docs]class Capacity(object): """ Represents CPU, Memory or Storage capacity of vDC. """ def __init__(self, limit, used, units): self.limit = limit self.used = used self.units = units def __repr__(self): return ('<Capacity: limit=%s, used=%s, units=%s>' % (self.limit, self.used, self.units))
[docs]class ControlAccess(object): """ Represents control access settings of a node """
[docs] class AccessLevel(object): READ_ONLY = 'ReadOnly' CHANGE = 'Change' FULL_CONTROL = 'FullControl'
def __init__(self, node, everyone_access_level, subjects=None): self.node = node self.everyone_access_level = everyone_access_level if not subjects: subjects = [] self.subjects = subjects def __repr__(self): return ('<ControlAccess: node=%s, everyone_access_level=%s, ' 'subjects=%s>' % (self.node, self.everyone_access_level, self.subjects))
[docs]class Subject(object): """ User or group subject """ def __init__(self, type, name, access_level, id=None): self.type = type = name self.access_level = access_level = id def __repr__(self): return ('<Subject: type=%s, name=%s, access_level=%s>' % (self.type,, self.access_level))
[docs]class InstantiateVAppXML(object): def __init__(self, name, template, net_href, cpus, memory, password=None, row=None, group=None): = name self.template = template self.net_href = net_href self.cpus = cpus self.memory = memory self.password = password self.row = row = group self._build_xmltree()
[docs] def tostring(self): return ET.tostring(self.root)
def _build_xmltree(self): self.root = self._make_instantiation_root() self._add_vapp_template(self.root) instantiation_params = ET.SubElement(self.root, "InstantiationParams") # product and virtual hardware self._make_product_section(instantiation_params) self._make_virtual_hardware(instantiation_params) network_config_section = ET.SubElement(instantiation_params, "NetworkConfigSection") network_config = ET.SubElement(network_config_section, "NetworkConfig") self._add_network_association(network_config) def _make_instantiation_root(self): return ET.Element( "InstantiateVAppTemplateParams", {'name':, 'xml:lang': 'en', 'xmlns': "", 'xmlns:xsi': ""} ) def _add_vapp_template(self, parent): return ET.SubElement( parent, "VAppTemplate", {'href': self.template} ) def _make_product_section(self, parent): prod_section = ET.SubElement( parent, "ProductSection", {'xmlns:q1': "", 'xmlns:ovf': ""} ) if self.password: self._add_property(prod_section, 'password', self.password) if self.row: self._add_property(prod_section, 'row', self.row) if self._add_property(prod_section, 'group', return prod_section def _add_property(self, parent, ovfkey, ovfvalue): return ET.SubElement( parent, "Property", {'xmlns': '', 'ovf:key': ovfkey, 'ovf:value': ovfvalue} ) def _make_virtual_hardware(self, parent): vh = ET.SubElement( parent, "VirtualHardwareSection", {'xmlns:q1': ""} ) self._add_cpu(vh) self._add_memory(vh) return vh def _add_cpu(self, parent): cpu_item = ET.SubElement( parent, "Item", {'xmlns': ""} ) self._add_instance_id(cpu_item, '1') self._add_resource_type(cpu_item, '3') self._add_virtual_quantity(cpu_item, self.cpus) return cpu_item def _add_memory(self, parent): mem_item = ET.SubElement( parent, 'Item', {'xmlns': ""} ) self._add_instance_id(mem_item, '2') self._add_resource_type(mem_item, '4') self._add_virtual_quantity(mem_item, self.memory) return mem_item def _add_instance_id(self, parent, id): elm = ET.SubElement( parent, 'InstanceID', {'xmlns': '' 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData'} ) elm.text = id return elm def _add_resource_type(self, parent, type): elm = ET.SubElement( parent, 'ResourceType', {'xmlns': '' 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData'} ) elm.text = type return elm def _add_virtual_quantity(self, parent, amount): elm = ET.SubElement( parent, 'VirtualQuantity', {'xmlns': '' 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData'} ) elm.text = amount return elm def _add_network_association(self, parent): return ET.SubElement( parent, 'NetworkAssociation', {'href': self.net_href} )
[docs]class VCloudResponse(XmlResponse):
[docs] def success(self): return self.status in (httplib.OK, httplib.CREATED, httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED)
[docs]class VCloudConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey): """ Connection class for the vCloud driver """ responseCls = VCloudResponse token = None host = None
[docs] def request(self, *args, **kwargs): self._get_auth_token() return super(VCloudConnection, self).request(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_org(self): # the only way to get our org is by logging in. self._get_auth_token()
def _get_auth_headers(self): """Some providers need different headers than others""" return { 'Authorization': "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode( b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))).decode('utf-8'), 'Content-Length': '0', 'Accept': 'application/*+xml' } def _get_auth_token(self): if not self.token: self.connection.request(method='POST', url='/api/v0.8/login', headers=self._get_auth_headers()) resp = self.connection.getresponse() headers = resp.headers body = ET.XML(resp.text) try: self.token = headers['set-cookie'] except KeyError: raise InvalidCredsError() = get_url_path( body.find(fixxpath(body, 'Org')).get('href') )
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): headers['Cookie'] = self.token headers['Accept'] = 'application/*+xml' return headers
[docs]class VCloudNodeDriver(NodeDriver): """ vCloud node driver """ type = Provider.VCLOUD name = 'vCloud' website = '' connectionCls = VCloudConnection org = None _vdcs = None NODE_STATE_MAP = {'0': NodeState.PENDING, '1': NodeState.PENDING, '2': NodeState.PENDING, '3': NodeState.PENDING, '4': NodeState.RUNNING} features = {'create_node': ['password']} def __new__(cls, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, **kwargs): if cls is VCloudNodeDriver: if api_version == '0.8': cls = VCloudNodeDriver elif api_version == '1.5': cls = VCloud_1_5_NodeDriver elif api_version == '5.1': cls = VCloud_5_1_NodeDriver elif api_version == '5.5': cls = VCloud_5_5_NodeDriver else: raise NotImplementedError( "No VCloudNodeDriver found for API version %s" % (api_version)) return super(VCloudNodeDriver, cls).__new__(cls) @property def vdcs(self): """ vCloud virtual data centers (vDCs). :return: list of vDC objects :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Vdc` """ if not self._vdcs: self.connection.check_org() # make sure the org is set. res = self.connection.request( self._vdcs = [ self._to_vdc( self.connection.request(get_url_path(i.get('href'))).object ) for i in res.object.findall(fixxpath(res.object, "Link")) if i.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml' ] return self._vdcs def _to_vdc(self, vdc_elm): return Vdc(vdc_elm.get('href'), vdc_elm.get('name'), self) def _get_vdc(self, vdc_name): vdc = None if not vdc_name: # Return the first organisation VDC found vdc = self.vdcs[0] else: for v in self.vdcs: if == vdc_name: vdc = v if vdc is None: raise ValueError('%s virtual data centre could not be found', vdc_name) return vdc @property def networks(self): networks = [] for vdc in self.vdcs: res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( networks.extend( [network for network in res.findall( fixxpath(res, 'AvailableNetworks/Network') )] ) return networks def _to_image(self, image): image = NodeImage(id=image.get('href'), name=image.get('name'), driver=self.connection.driver) return image def _to_node(self, elm): state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP[elm.get('status')] name = elm.get('name') public_ips = [] private_ips = [] # Following code to find private IPs works for Terremark connections = elm.findall('%s/%s' % ( '{}NetworkConnectionSection', fixxpath(elm, 'NetworkConnection')) ) if not connections: connections = elm.findall( fixxpath( elm, 'Children/Vm/NetworkConnectionSection/NetworkConnection')) for connection in connections: ips = [ip.text for ip in connection.findall(fixxpath(elm, "IpAddress"))] if connection.get('Network') == 'Internal': private_ips.extend(ips) else: public_ips.extend(ips) node = Node(id=elm.get('href'), name=name, state=state, public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self.connection.driver) return node def _get_catalog_hrefs(self): res = self.connection.request( catalogs = [ i.get('href') for i in res.object.findall(fixxpath(res.object, "Link")) if i.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml' ] return catalogs def _wait_for_task_completion(self, task_href, timeout=DEFAULT_TASK_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT): start_time = time.time() res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(task_href)) status = res.object.get('status') while status != 'success': if status == 'error': # Get error reason from the response body error_elem = res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'Error')) error_msg = "Unknown error" if error_elem is not None: error_msg = error_elem.get('message') raise Exception("Error status returned by task %s.: %s" % (task_href, error_msg)) if status == 'canceled': raise Exception("Canceled status returned by task %s." % task_href) if (time.time() - start_time >= timeout): raise Exception("Timeout (%s sec) while waiting for task %s." % (timeout, task_href)) time.sleep(5) res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(task_href)) status = res.object.get('status')
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): node_path = get_url_path( # blindly poweroff node, it will throw an exception if already off try: res = self.connection.request('%s/power/action/poweroff' % node_path, method='POST') self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) except Exception: pass try: res = self.connection.request('%s/action/undeploy' % node_path, method='POST') self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) except ExpatError: # The undeploy response is malformed XML atm. # We can remove this whent he providers fix the problem. pass except Exception: # Some vendors don't implement undeploy at all yet, # so catch this and move on. pass res = self.connection.request(node_path, method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): res = self.connection.request('%s/power/action/reset' % get_url_path(, method='POST') return res.status in [httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NO_CONTENT]
[docs] def list_nodes(self): return self.ex_list_nodes()
[docs] def ex_list_nodes(self, vdcs=None): """ List all nodes across all vDCs. Using 'vdcs' you can specify which vDCs should be queried. :param vdcs: None, vDC or a list of vDCs to query. If None all vDCs will be queried. :type vdcs: :class:`Vdc` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node` """ if not vdcs: vdcs = self.vdcs if not isinstance(vdcs, (list, tuple)): vdcs = [vdcs] nodes = [] for vdc in vdcs: res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( elms = res.object.findall(fixxpath( res.object, "ResourceEntities/ResourceEntity") ) vapps = [ (i.get('name'), i.get('href')) for i in elms if i.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml' and i.get('name') ] for vapp_name, vapp_href in vapps: try: res = self.connection.request( get_url_path(vapp_href), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml'} ) nodes.append(self._to_node(res.object)) except Exception: # The vApp was probably removed since the previous vDC # query, ignore e = sys.exc_info()[1] if not (e.args[0].tag.endswith('Error') and e.args[0].get('minorErrorCode') == 'ACCESS_TO_RESOURCE_IS_FORBIDDEN'): raise return nodes
def _to_size(self, ram): ns = NodeSize( id=None, name="%s Ram" % ram, ram=ram, disk=None, bandwidth=None, price=None, driver=self.connection.driver ) return ns
[docs] def list_sizes(self, location=None): sizes = [self._to_size(i) for i in VIRTUAL_MEMORY_VALS] return sizes
def _get_catalogitems_hrefs(self, catalog): """Given a catalog href returns contained catalog item hrefs""" res = self.connection.request( get_url_path(catalog), headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalog+xml' } ).object cat_items = res.findall(fixxpath(res, "CatalogItems/CatalogItem")) cat_item_hrefs = [i.get('href') for i in cat_items if i.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml'] return cat_item_hrefs def _get_catalogitem(self, catalog_item): """Given a catalog item href returns elementree""" res = self.connection.request( get_url_path(catalog_item), headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.catalogItem+xml' } ).object return res
[docs] def list_images(self, location=None): images = [] for vdc in self.vdcs: res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( res_ents = res.findall(fixxpath( res, "ResourceEntities/ResourceEntity") ) images += [ self._to_image(i) for i in res_ents if i.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml' ] for catalog in self._get_catalog_hrefs(): for cat_item in self._get_catalogitems_hrefs(catalog): res = self._get_catalogitem(cat_item) res_ents = res.findall(fixxpath(res, 'Entity')) images += [ self._to_image(i) for i in res_ents if i.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml' ] def idfun(image): return return self._uniquer(images, idfun)
def _uniquer(self, seq, idfun=None): if idfun is None: def idfun(x): return x seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: marker = idfun(item) if marker in seen: continue seen[marker] = 1 result.append(item) return result
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """ Creates and returns node. :keyword ex_network: link to a "Network" e.g., ``https://services.vcloudexpress...`` :type ex_network: ``str`` :keyword ex_vdc: Name of organisation's virtual data center where vApp VMs will be deployed. :type ex_vdc: ``str`` :keyword ex_cpus: number of virtual cpus (limit depends on provider) :type ex_cpus: ``int`` :type ex_row: ``str`` :type ex_group: ``str`` """ name = kwargs['name'] image = kwargs['image'] size = kwargs['size'] # Some providers don't require a network link try: network = kwargs.get('ex_network', self.networks[0].get('href')) except IndexError: network = '' password = None auth = self._get_and_check_auth(kwargs.get('auth')) password = auth.password instantiate_xml = InstantiateVAppXML( name=name,, net_href=network, cpus=str(kwargs.get('ex_cpus', 1)), memory=str(size.ram), password=password, row=kwargs.get('ex_row', None), group=kwargs.get('ex_group', None) ) vdc = self._get_vdc(kwargs.get('ex_vdc', None)) # Instantiate VM and get identifier. content_type = \ 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml' res = self.connection.request( '%s/action/instantiateVAppTemplate' % get_url_path(, data=instantiate_xml.tostring(), method='POST', headers={'Content-Type': content_type} ) vapp_path = get_url_path(res.object.get('href')) # Deploy the VM from the identifier. res = self.connection.request('%s/action/deploy' % vapp_path, method='POST') self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) # Power on the VM. res = self.connection.request('%s/power/action/powerOn' % vapp_path, method='POST') res = self.connection.request(vapp_path) node = self._to_node(res.object) if getattr(auth, "generated", False): node.extra['password'] = auth.password return node
[docs]class HostingComConnection(VCloudConnection): """ vCloud connection subclass for """ host = "" def _get_auth_headers(self): """ doesn't follow the standard vCloud authentication API""" return { 'Authentication': base64.b64encode(b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))), 'Content-Length': '0' }
[docs]class HostingComDriver(VCloudNodeDriver): """ vCloud node driver for """ connectionCls = HostingComConnection
[docs]class TerremarkConnection(VCloudConnection): """ vCloud connection subclass for Terremark """ host = ""
[docs]class TerremarkDriver(VCloudNodeDriver): """ vCloud node driver for Terremark """ connectionCls = TerremarkConnection
[docs] def list_locations(self): return [NodeLocation(0, "Terremark Texas", 'US', self)]
[docs]class VCloud_1_5_Connection(VCloudConnection): def _get_auth_headers(self): """Compatibility for using v1.5 API under vCloud Director 5.1""" return { 'Authorization': "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode( b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))).decode('utf-8'), 'Content-Length': '0', 'Accept': 'application/*+xml;version=1.5' } def _get_auth_token(self): if not self.token: # Log In self.connection.request(method='POST', url='/api/sessions', headers=self._get_auth_headers()) resp = self.connection.getresponse() headers = resp.headers # Set authorization token try: self.token = headers['x-vcloud-authorization'] except KeyError: raise InvalidCredsError() # Get the URL of the Organization body = ET.XML(resp.text) self.org_name = body.get('org') org_list_url = get_url_path( next((link for link in body.findall(fixxpath(body, 'Link')) if link.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgList+xml')).get('href') ) if self.proxy_url is not None: self.connection.set_http_proxy(self.proxy_url) self.connection.request(method='GET', url=org_list_url, headers=self.add_default_headers({})) body = ET.XML(self.connection.getresponse().text) = get_url_path( next((org for org in body.findall(fixxpath(body, 'Org')) if org.get('name') == self.org_name)).get('href') )
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): headers['Accept'] = 'application/*+xml;version=1.5' headers['x-vcloud-authorization'] = self.token return headers
[docs]class VCloud_5_5_Connection(VCloud_1_5_Connection):
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): headers['Accept'] = 'application/*+xml;version=5.5' headers['x-vcloud-authorization'] = self.token return headers
[docs]class Instantiate_1_5_VAppXML(object): def __init__(self, name, template, network, vm_network=None, vm_fence=None): = name self.template = template = network self.vm_network = vm_network self.vm_fence = vm_fence self._build_xmltree()
[docs] def tostring(self): return ET.tostring(self.root)
def _build_xmltree(self): self.root = self._make_instantiation_root() if is not None: instantionation_params = ET.SubElement(self.root, 'InstantiationParams') network_config_section = ET.SubElement(instantionation_params, 'NetworkConfigSection') ET.SubElement( network_config_section, 'Info', {'xmlns': ''} ) network_config = ET.SubElement(network_config_section, 'NetworkConfig') self._add_network_association(network_config) self._add_vapp_template(self.root) def _make_instantiation_root(self): return ET.Element( 'InstantiateVAppTemplateParams', {'name':, 'deploy': 'false', 'powerOn': 'false', 'xml:lang': 'en', 'xmlns': '', 'xmlns:xsi': ''} ) def _add_vapp_template(self, parent): return ET.SubElement( parent, 'Source', {'href': self.template} ) def _add_network_association(self, parent): if self.vm_network is None: # Don't set a custom vApp VM network name parent.set('networkName','name')) else: # Set a custom vApp VM network name parent.set('networkName', self.vm_network) configuration = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Configuration') ET.SubElement(configuration, 'ParentNetwork', {'href':'href')}) if self.vm_fence is None: fencemode =, 'Configuration/FenceMode')).text else: fencemode = self.vm_fence ET.SubElement(configuration, 'FenceMode').text = fencemode
[docs]class VCloud_1_5_NodeDriver(VCloudNodeDriver): connectionCls = VCloud_1_5_Connection # Based on # # GUID-843BE3AD-5EF6-4442-B864-BCAE44A51867.html NODE_STATE_MAP = {'-1': NodeState.UNKNOWN, '0': NodeState.PENDING, '1': NodeState.PENDING, '2': NodeState.PENDING, '3': NodeState.PENDING, '4': NodeState.RUNNING, '5': NodeState.RUNNING, '6': NodeState.UNKNOWN, '7': NodeState.UNKNOWN, '8': NodeState.STOPPED, '9': NodeState.UNKNOWN, '10': NodeState.UNKNOWN}
[docs] def list_locations(self): return [NodeLocation(,, country="N/A", driver=self)]
[docs] def ex_find_node(self, node_name, vdcs=None): """ Searches for node across specified vDCs. This is more effective than querying all nodes to get a single instance. :param node_name: The name of the node to search for :type node_name: ``str`` :param vdcs: None, vDC or a list of vDCs to search in. If None all vDCs will be searched. :type vdcs: :class:`Vdc` :return: node instance or None if not found :rtype: :class:`Node` or ``None`` """ if not vdcs: vdcs = self.vdcs if not getattr(vdcs, '__iter__', False): vdcs = [vdcs] for vdc in vdcs: res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( xpath = fixxpath(res.object, "ResourceEntities/ResourceEntity") entity_elems = res.object.findall(xpath) for entity_elem in entity_elems: if entity_elem.get('type') == \ 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml' and \ entity_elem.get('name') == node_name: path = get_url_path(entity_elem.get('href')) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml'} res = self.connection.request(path, headers=headers) return self._to_node(res.object) return None
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): try: self.ex_undeploy_node(node) except Exception: # Some vendors don't implement undeploy at all yet, # so catch this and move on. pass res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(, method='DELETE') return res.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): res = self.connection.request('%s/power/action/reset' % get_url_path(, method='POST') if res.status in [httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.NO_CONTENT]: self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) return True else: return False
[docs] def ex_deploy_node(self, node, ex_force_customization=False): """ Deploys existing node. Equal to vApp "start" operation. :param node: The node to be deployed :type node: :class:`Node` :param ex_force_customization: Used to specify whether to force customization on deployment, if not set default value is False. :type ex_force_customization: ``bool`` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ if ex_force_customization: vms = self._get_vm_elements( for vm in vms: self._ex_deploy_node_or_vm(vm.get('href'), ex_force_customization=True) else: self._ex_deploy_node_or_vm( res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( return self._to_node(res.object)
def _ex_deploy_node_or_vm(self, vapp_or_vm_path, ex_force_customization=False): data = {'powerOn': 'true', 'forceCustomization': str(ex_force_customization).lower(), 'xmlns': ''} deploy_xml = ET.Element('DeployVAppParams', data) path = get_url_path(vapp_or_vm_path) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.deployVAppParams+xml' } res = self.connection.request('%s/action/deploy' % path, data=ET.tostring(deploy_xml), method='POST', headers=headers) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href'))
[docs] def ex_undeploy_node(self, node): """ Undeploys existing node. Equal to vApp "stop" operation. :param node: The node to be deployed :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ data = {'xmlns': ''} undeploy_xml = ET.Element('UndeployVAppParams', data) undeploy_power_action_xml = ET.SubElement(undeploy_xml, 'UndeployPowerAction') undeploy_power_action_xml.text = 'shutdown' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.undeployVAppParams+xml' } try: res = self.connection.request( '%s/action/undeploy' % get_url_path(, data=ET.tostring(undeploy_xml), method='POST', headers=headers) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) except Exception: undeploy_power_action_xml.text = 'powerOff' res = self.connection.request( '%s/action/undeploy' % get_url_path(, data=ET.tostring(undeploy_xml), method='POST', headers=headers) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( return self._to_node(res.object)
[docs] def ex_power_off_node(self, node): """ Powers on all VMs under specified node. VMs need to be This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered on. :param node: The node to be powered off :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._perform_power_operation(node, 'powerOff')
[docs] def ex_power_on_node(self, node): """ Powers on all VMs under specified node. This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered off or suspended. :param node: The node to be powered on :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._perform_power_operation(node, 'powerOn')
[docs] def ex_shutdown_node(self, node): """ Shutdowns all VMs under specified node. This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered on. :param node: The node to be shut down :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._perform_power_operation(node, 'shutdown')
[docs] def ex_suspend_node(self, node): """ Suspends all VMs under specified node. This operation is allowed only when the vApp/VM is powered on. :param node: The node to be suspended :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._perform_power_operation(node, 'suspend')
def _perform_power_operation(self, node, operation): res = self.connection.request( '%s/power/action/%s' % (get_url_path(, operation), method='POST') self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( return self._to_node(res.object)
[docs] def ex_get_control_access(self, node): """ Returns the control access settings for specified node. :param node: node to get the control access for :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`ControlAccess` """ res = self.connection.request( '%s/controlAccess' % get_url_path( everyone_access_level = None is_shared_elem = res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, "IsSharedToEveryone")) if is_shared_elem is not None and is_shared_elem.text == 'true': everyone_access_level = res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, "EveryoneAccessLevel")).text # Parse all subjects subjects = [] xpath = fixxpath(res.object, "AccessSettings/AccessSetting") for elem in res.object.findall(xpath): access_level = elem.find(fixxpath(res.object, "AccessLevel")).text subject_elem = elem.find(fixxpath(res.object, "Subject")) if subject_elem.get('type') == \ 'application/': subj_type = 'group' else: subj_type = 'user' path = get_url_path(subject_elem.get('href')) res = self.connection.request(path) name = res.object.get('name') subject = Subject(type=subj_type, name=name, access_level=access_level, id=subject_elem.get('href')) subjects.append(subject) return ControlAccess(node, everyone_access_level, subjects)
[docs] def ex_set_control_access(self, node, control_access): """ Sets control access for the specified node. :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :param control_access: control access settings :type control_access: :class:`ControlAccess` :rtype: ``None`` """ xml = ET.Element('ControlAccessParams', {'xmlns': ''}) shared_to_everyone = ET.SubElement(xml, 'IsSharedToEveryone') if control_access.everyone_access_level: shared_to_everyone.text = 'true' everyone_access_level = ET.SubElement(xml, 'EveryoneAccessLevel') everyone_access_level.text = control_access.everyone_access_level else: shared_to_everyone.text = 'false' # Set subjects if control_access.subjects: access_settings_elem = ET.SubElement(xml, 'AccessSettings') for subject in control_access.subjects: setting = ET.SubElement(access_settings_elem, 'AccessSetting') if href = else: res = self.ex_query(type=subject.type, filter='name==' + if not res: raise LibcloudError('Specified subject "%s %s" not found ' % (subject.type, href = res[0]['href'] ET.SubElement(setting, 'Subject', {'href': href}) ET.SubElement(setting, 'AccessLevel').text = subject.access_level headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.controlAccess+xml' } self.connection.request( '%s/action/controlAccess' % get_url_path(, data=ET.tostring(xml), headers=headers, method='POST')
[docs] def ex_get_metadata(self, node): """ :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :return: dictionary mapping metadata keys to metadata values :rtype: dictionary mapping ``str`` to ``str`` """ res = self.connection.request('%s/metadata' % (get_url_path( xpath = fixxpath(res.object, 'MetadataEntry') metadata_entries = res.object.findall(xpath) res_dict = {} for entry in metadata_entries: key = entry.findtext(fixxpath(res.object, 'Key')) value = entry.findtext(fixxpath(res.object, 'Value')) res_dict[key] = value return res_dict
[docs] def ex_set_metadata_entry(self, node, key, value): """ :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :param key: metadata key to be set :type key: ``str`` :param value: metadata value to be set :type value: ``str`` :rtype: ``None`` """ metadata_elem = ET.Element( 'Metadata', {'xmlns': "", 'xmlns:xsi': ""} ) entry = ET.SubElement(metadata_elem, 'MetadataEntry') key_elem = ET.SubElement(entry, 'Key') key_elem.text = key value_elem = ET.SubElement(entry, 'Value') value_elem.text = value # send it back to the server res = self.connection.request( '%s/metadata' % get_url_path(, data=ET.tostring(metadata_elem), headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.metadata+xml' }, method='POST') self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href'))
[docs] def ex_query(self, type, filter=None, page=1, page_size=100, sort_asc=None, sort_desc=None): """ Queries vCloud for specified type. See for details. Each element of the returned list is a dictionary with all attributes from the record. :param type: type to query (r.g. user, group, vApp etc.) :type type: ``str`` :param filter: filter expression (see documentation for syntax) :type filter: ``str`` :param page: page number :type page: ``int`` :param page_size: page size :type page_size: ``int`` :param sort_asc: sort in ascending order by specified field :type sort_asc: ``str`` :param sort_desc: sort in descending order by specified field :type sort_desc: ``str`` :rtype: ``list`` of dict """ # This is a workaround for filter parameter encoding # the urllib encodes (name==Developers%20Only) into # %28name%3D%3DDevelopers%20Only%29) which is not accepted by vCloud params = { 'type': type, 'pageSize': page_size, 'page': page, } if sort_asc: params['sortAsc'] = sort_asc if sort_desc: params['sortDesc'] = sort_desc url = '/api/query?' + urlencode(params) if filter: if not filter.startswith('('): filter = '(' + filter + ')' url += '&filter=' + filter.replace(' ', '+') results = [] res = self.connection.request(url) for elem in res.object: if not elem.tag.endswith('Link'): result = elem.attrib result['type'] = elem.tag.split('}')[1] results.append(result) return results
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """ Creates and returns node. If the source image is: - vApp template - a new vApp is instantiated from template - existing vApp - a new vApp is cloned from the source vApp. Can not clone more vApps is parallel otherwise resource busy error is raised. @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node` :keyword image: OS Image to boot on node. (required). Can be a NodeImage or existing Node that will be cloned. :type image: :class:`NodeImage` or :class:`Node` :keyword ex_network: Organisation's network name for attaching vApp VMs to. :type ex_network: ``str`` :keyword ex_vdc: Name of organisation's virtual data center where vApp VMs will be deployed. :type ex_vdc: ``str`` :keyword ex_vm_names: list of names to be used as a VM and computer name. The name must be max. 15 characters long and follow the host name requirements. :type ex_vm_names: ``list`` of ``str`` :keyword ex_vm_cpu: number of virtual CPUs/cores to allocate for each vApp VM. :type ex_vm_cpu: ``int`` :keyword ex_vm_memory: amount of memory in MB to allocate for each vApp VM. :type ex_vm_memory: ``int`` :keyword ex_vm_script: full path to file containing guest customisation script for each vApp VM. Useful for creating users & pushing out public SSH keys etc. :type ex_vm_script: ``str`` :keyword ex_vm_network: Override default vApp VM network name. Useful for when you've imported an OVF originating from outside of the vCloud. :type ex_vm_network: ``str`` :keyword ex_vm_fence: Fence mode for connecting the vApp VM network (ex_vm_network) to the parent organisation network (ex_network). :type ex_vm_fence: ``str`` :keyword ex_vm_ipmode: IP address allocation mode for all vApp VM network connections. :type ex_vm_ipmode: ``str`` :keyword ex_deploy: set to False if the node shouldn't be deployed (started) after creation :type ex_deploy: ``bool`` :keyword ex_force_customization: Used to specify whether to force customization on deployment, if not set default value is False. :type ex_force_customization: ``bool`` :keyword ex_clone_timeout: timeout in seconds for clone/instantiate VM operation. Cloning might be a time consuming operation especially when linked clones are disabled or VMs are created on different datastores. Overrides the default task completion value. :type ex_clone_timeout: ``int`` :keyword ex_admin_password: set the node admin password explicitly. :type ex_admin_password: ``str`` """ name = kwargs['name'] image = kwargs['image'] ex_vm_names = kwargs.get('ex_vm_names') ex_vm_cpu = kwargs.get('ex_vm_cpu') ex_vm_memory = kwargs.get('ex_vm_memory') ex_vm_script = kwargs.get('ex_vm_script') ex_vm_fence = kwargs.get('ex_vm_fence', None) ex_network = kwargs.get('ex_network', None) ex_vm_network = kwargs.get('ex_vm_network', None) ex_vm_ipmode = kwargs.get('ex_vm_ipmode', None) ex_deploy = kwargs.get('ex_deploy', True) ex_force_customization = kwargs.get('ex_force_customization', False) ex_vdc = kwargs.get('ex_vdc', None) ex_clone_timeout = kwargs.get('ex_clone_timeout', DEFAULT_TASK_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT) ex_admin_password = kwargs.get('ex_admin_password', None) self._validate_vm_names(ex_vm_names) self._validate_vm_cpu(ex_vm_cpu) self._validate_vm_memory(ex_vm_memory) self._validate_vm_fence(ex_vm_fence) self._validate_vm_ipmode(ex_vm_ipmode) ex_vm_script = self._validate_vm_script(ex_vm_script) # Some providers don't require a network link if ex_network: network_href = self._get_network_href(ex_network) network_elem = self.connection.request( get_url_path(network_href)).object else: network_elem = None vdc = self._get_vdc(ex_vdc) if self._is_node(image): vapp_name, vapp_href = self._clone_node(name, image, vdc, ex_clone_timeout) else: vapp_name, vapp_href = self._instantiate_node(name, image, network_elem, vdc, ex_vm_network, ex_vm_fence, ex_clone_timeout) self._change_vm_names(vapp_href, ex_vm_names) self._change_vm_cpu(vapp_href, ex_vm_cpu) self._change_vm_memory(vapp_href, ex_vm_memory) self._change_vm_script(vapp_href, ex_vm_script) self._change_vm_ipmode(vapp_href, ex_vm_ipmode) if ex_admin_password is not None: self.ex_change_vm_admin_password(vapp_href, ex_admin_password) # Power on the VM. if ex_deploy: res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(vapp_href)) node = self._to_node(res.object) # Retry 3 times: when instantiating large number of VMs at the same # time some may fail on resource allocation retry = 3 while True: try: self.ex_deploy_node(node, ex_force_customization) break except Exception: if retry <= 0: raise retry -= 1 time.sleep(10) res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(vapp_href)) node = self._to_node(res.object) return node
def _instantiate_node(self, name, image, network_elem, vdc, vm_network, vm_fence, instantiate_timeout): instantiate_xml = Instantiate_1_5_VAppXML( name=name,, network=network_elem, vm_network=vm_network, vm_fence=vm_fence ) # Instantiate VM and get identifier. headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/action/instantiateVAppTemplate' % get_url_path(, data=instantiate_xml.tostring(), method='POST', headers=headers ) vapp_name = res.object.get('name') vapp_href = res.object.get('href') task_href = res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, "Tasks/Task")).get( 'href') self._wait_for_task_completion(task_href, instantiate_timeout) return vapp_name, vapp_href def _clone_node(self, name, sourceNode, vdc, clone_timeout): clone_xml = ET.Element( "CloneVAppParams", {'name': name, 'deploy': 'false', 'powerOn': 'false', 'xmlns': "", 'xmlns:xsi': ""} ) ET.SubElement(clone_xml, 'Description').text = 'Clone of ' + ET.SubElement(clone_xml, 'Source', {'href':}) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.cloneVAppParams+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/action/cloneVApp' % get_url_path(, data=ET.tostring(clone_xml), method='POST', headers=headers ) vapp_name = res.object.get('name') vapp_href = res.object.get('href') task_href = res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, "Tasks/Task")).get('href') self._wait_for_task_completion(task_href, clone_timeout) res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(vapp_href)) vms = res.object.findall(fixxpath(res.object, "Children/Vm")) # Fix the networking for VMs for i, vm in enumerate(vms): # Remove network network_xml = ET.Element("NetworkConnectionSection", { 'ovf:required': 'false', 'xmlns': "", 'xmlns:ovf': ''}) ET.SubElement(network_xml, "ovf:Info").text = \ 'Specifies the available VM network connections' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/networkConnectionSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(network_xml), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) # Re-add network network_xml = vm.find(fixxpath(vm, 'NetworkConnectionSection')) network_conn_xml = network_xml.find( fixxpath(network_xml, 'NetworkConnection')) network_conn_xml.set('needsCustomization', 'true') network_conn_xml.remove( network_conn_xml.find(fixxpath(network_xml, 'IpAddress'))) network_conn_xml.remove( network_conn_xml.find(fixxpath(network_xml, 'MACAddress'))) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/networkConnectionSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(network_xml), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) return vapp_name, vapp_href
[docs] def ex_set_vm_cpu(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_cpu): """ Sets the number of virtual CPUs for the specified VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified. Please ensure that hot-adding a virtual CPU is enabled for the powered on virtual machines. Otherwise use this method on undeployed vApp. :keyword vapp_or_vm_id: vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified :type vapp_or_vm_id: ``str`` :keyword vm_cpu: number of virtual CPUs/cores to allocate for specified VMs :type vm_cpu: ``int`` :rtype: ``None`` """ self._validate_vm_cpu(vm_cpu) self._change_vm_cpu(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_cpu)
[docs] def ex_set_vm_memory(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_memory): """ Sets the virtual memory in MB to allocate for the specified VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified. Please ensure that hot-change of virtual memory is enabled for the powered on virtual machines. Otherwise use this method on undeployed vApp. :keyword vapp_or_vm_id: vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified :type vapp_or_vm_id: ``str`` :keyword vm_memory: virtual memory in MB to allocate for the specified VM or VMs :type vm_memory: ``int`` :rtype: ``None`` """ self._validate_vm_memory(vm_memory) self._change_vm_memory(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_memory)
[docs] def ex_add_vm_disk(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_disk_size): """ Adds a virtual disk to the specified VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified. :keyword vapp_or_vm_id: vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified :type vapp_or_vm_id: ``str`` :keyword vm_disk_size: the disk capacity in GB that will be added to the specified VM or VMs :type vm_disk_size: ``int`` :rtype: ``None`` """ self._validate_vm_disk_size(vm_disk_size) self._add_vm_disk(vapp_or_vm_id, vm_disk_size)
@staticmethod def _validate_vm_names(names): if names is None: return hname_re = re.compile( '^(([a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)[\-])*([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9])$') # NOQA for name in names: if len(name) > 15: raise ValueError( 'The VM name "' + name + '" is too long for the computer ' 'name (max 15 chars allowed).') if not hname_re.match(name): raise ValueError('The VM name "' + name + '" can not be ' 'used. "' + name + '" is not a valid ' 'computer name for the VM.') @staticmethod def _validate_vm_memory(vm_memory): if vm_memory is None: return elif vm_memory not in VIRTUAL_MEMORY_VALS: raise ValueError( '%s is not a valid vApp VM memory value' % vm_memory) @staticmethod def _validate_vm_cpu(vm_cpu): if vm_cpu is None: return elif vm_cpu not in VIRTUAL_CPU_VALS_1_5: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid vApp VM CPU value' % vm_cpu) @staticmethod def _validate_vm_disk_size(vm_disk): if vm_disk is None: return elif int(vm_disk) < 0: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid vApp VM disk space value', vm_disk) @staticmethod def _validate_vm_script(vm_script): if vm_script is None: return # Try to locate the script file if not os.path.isabs(vm_script): vm_script = os.path.expanduser(vm_script) vm_script = os.path.abspath(vm_script) if not os.path.isfile(vm_script): raise LibcloudError( "%s the VM script file does not exist" % vm_script) try: open(vm_script).read() except: raise return vm_script @staticmethod def _validate_vm_fence(vm_fence): if vm_fence is None: return elif vm_fence not in FENCE_MODE_VALS_1_5: raise ValueError('%s is not a valid fencing mode value' % vm_fence) @staticmethod def _validate_vm_ipmode(vm_ipmode): if vm_ipmode is None: return elif vm_ipmode == 'MANUAL': raise NotImplementedError( 'MANUAL IP mode: The interface for supplying ' 'IPAddress does not exist yet') elif vm_ipmode not in IP_MODE_VALS_1_5: raise ValueError( '%s is not a valid IP address allocation mode value' % vm_ipmode) def _change_vm_names(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_names): if vm_names is None: return vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) for i, vm in enumerate(vms): if len(vm_names) <= i: return # Get GuestCustomizationSection res = self.connection.request( '%s/guestCustomizationSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) # Update GuestCustomizationSection res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, 'ComputerName')).text = vm_names[i] # Remove AdminPassword from customization section admin_pass = res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'AdminPassword')) if admin_pass is not None: res.object.remove(admin_pass) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/guestCustomizationSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) # Update Vm name req_xml = ET.Element("Vm", { 'name': vm_names[i], 'xmlns': ""}) res = self.connection.request( get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(req_xml), method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vm+xml'} ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) def _change_vm_cpu(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_cpu): if vm_cpu is None: return vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) for vm in vms: # Get virtualHardwareSection/cpu section res = self.connection.request( '%s/virtualHardwareSection/cpu' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) # Update VirtualQuantity field xpath = ('{' 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData}VirtualQuantity') res.object.find(xpath).text = str(vm_cpu) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItem+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/virtualHardwareSection/cpu' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) def _change_vm_memory(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_memory): if vm_memory is None: return vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) for vm in vms: # Get virtualHardwareSection/memory section res = self.connection.request( '%s/virtualHardwareSection/memory' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) # Update VirtualQuantity field xpath = ('{' 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData}VirtualQuantity') res.object.find(xpath).text = str(vm_memory) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasdItem+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/virtualHardwareSection/memory' % get_url_path( vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) def _add_vm_disk(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_disk): if vm_disk is None: return rasd_ns = ('{' 'CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData}') vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) for vm in vms: # Get virtualHardwareSection/disks section res = self.connection.request( '%s/virtualHardwareSection/disks' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) existing_ids = [] new_disk = None for item in res.object.findall(fixxpath(res.object, 'Item')): # Clean Items from unnecessary stuff for elem in item: if elem.tag == '%sInstanceID' % rasd_ns: existing_ids.append(int(elem.text)) if elem.tag in ['%sAddressOnParent' % rasd_ns, '%sParent' % rasd_ns]: item.remove(elem) if item.find('%sHostResource' % rasd_ns) is not None: new_disk = item new_disk = copy.deepcopy(new_disk) disk_id = max(existing_ids) + 1 new_disk.find('%sInstanceID' % rasd_ns).text = str(disk_id) new_disk.find('%sElementName' % rasd_ns).text = 'Hard Disk ' + str(disk_id) new_disk.find('%sHostResource' % rasd_ns).set( fixxpath(new_disk, 'capacity'), str(int(vm_disk) * 1024)) res.object.append(new_disk) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.rasditemslist+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/virtualHardwareSection/disks' % get_url_path( vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) def _change_vm_script(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_script): if vm_script is None: return vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) try: script = open(vm_script).read() except: return # ElementTree escapes script characters automatically. Escape # requirements: # # GuestCustomizationSectionType.html for vm in vms: # Get GuestCustomizationSection res = self.connection.request( '%s/guestCustomizationSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) # Attempt to update any existing CustomizationScript element try: res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, 'CustomizationScript')).text = script except: # CustomizationScript section does not exist, insert it just # before ComputerName for i, e in enumerate(res.object): if e.tag == \ '{}ComputerName': break e = ET.Element( '{}CustomizationScript') e.text = script res.object.insert(i, e) # Remove AdminPassword from customization section due to an API # quirk admin_pass = res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'AdminPassword')) if admin_pass is not None: res.object.remove(admin_pass) # Update VM's GuestCustomizationSection headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/guestCustomizationSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) def _change_vm_ipmode(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_ipmode): if vm_ipmode is None: return vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) for vm in vms: res = self.connection.request( '%s/networkConnectionSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) net_conns = res.object.findall( fixxpath(res.object, 'NetworkConnection')) for c in net_conns: c.find(fixxpath(c, 'IpAddressAllocationMode')).text = vm_ipmode headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConnectionSection+xml' } res = self.connection.request( '%s/networkConnectionSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) def _update_or_insert_section(self, res, section, prev_section, text): try: res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, section)).text = text except: # "section" section does not exist, insert it just # before "prev_section" for i, e in enumerate(res.object): tag = '{}%s' % prev_section if e.tag == tag: break e = ET.Element( '{}%s' % section) e.text = text res.object.insert(i, e) return res
[docs] def ex_change_vm_admin_password(self, vapp_or_vm_id, ex_admin_password): """ Changes the admin (or root) password of VM or VMs under the vApp. If the vapp_or_vm_id param represents a link to an vApp all VMs that are attached to this vApp will be modified. :keyword vapp_or_vm_id: vApp or VM ID that will be modified. If a vApp ID is used here all attached VMs will be modified :type vapp_or_vm_id: ``str`` :keyword ex_admin_password: admin password to be used. :type ex_admin_password: ``str`` :rtype: ``None`` """ if ex_admin_password is None: return vms = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id) for vm in vms: # Get GuestCustomizationSection res = self.connection.request( '%s/guestCustomizationSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href'))) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.guestCustomizationSection+xml' } # Fix API quirk. # If AdminAutoLogonEnabled==False the guestCustomizationSection # must have AdminAutoLogonCount==0, even though # it might have AdminAutoLogonCount==1 when requesting it for # the first time. auto_logon = res.object.find( fixxpath(res.object, "AdminAutoLogonEnabled")) if auto_logon is not None and auto_logon.text == 'false': self._update_or_insert_section(res, "AdminAutoLogonCount", "ResetPasswordRequired", '0') # If we are establishing a password we do not want it # to be automatically chosen. self._update_or_insert_section(res, 'AdminPasswordAuto', 'AdminPassword', 'false') # API does not allow to set AdminPassword if # AdminPasswordEnabled is not enabled. self._update_or_insert_section(res, 'AdminPasswordEnabled', 'AdminPasswordAuto', 'true') self._update_or_insert_section(res, 'AdminPassword', 'AdminAutoLogonEnabled', ex_admin_password) res = self.connection.request( '%s/guestCustomizationSection' % get_url_path(vm.get('href')), data=ET.tostring(res.object), method='PUT', headers=headers ) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href'))
def _get_network_href(self, network_name): network_href = None # Find the organisation's network href res = self.connection.request( links = res.object.findall(fixxpath(res.object, 'Link')) for l in links: if l.attrib['type'] == \ 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgNetwork+xml' \ and l.attrib['name'] == network_name: network_href = l.attrib['href'] if network_href is None: raise ValueError( '%s is not a valid organisation network name' % network_name) else: return network_href def _get_vm_elements(self, vapp_or_vm_id): res = self.connection.request(get_url_path(vapp_or_vm_id)) if res.object.tag.endswith('VApp'): vms = res.object.findall(fixxpath(res.object, 'Children/Vm')) elif res.object.tag.endswith('Vm'): vms = [res.object] else: raise ValueError( 'Specified ID value is not a valid VApp or Vm identifier.') return vms def _is_node(self, node_or_image): return isinstance(node_or_image, Node) def _to_node(self, node_elm): # Parse snapshots and VMs as extra if node_elm.find(fixxpath(node_elm, "SnapshotSection")) is None: snapshots = None else: snapshots = [] for snapshot_elem in node_elm.findall( fixxpath(node_elm, 'SnapshotSection/Snapshot')): snapshots.append({ "created": snapshot_elem.get("created"), "poweredOn": snapshot_elem.get("poweredOn"), "size": snapshot_elem.get("size"), }) vms = [] for vm_elem in node_elm.findall(fixxpath(node_elm, 'Children/Vm')): public_ips = [] private_ips = [] xpath = fixxpath(vm_elem, 'NetworkConnectionSection/NetworkConnection') for connection in vm_elem.findall(xpath): ip = connection.find(fixxpath(connection, "IpAddress")) if ip is not None: private_ips.append(ip.text) external_ip = connection.find( fixxpath(connection, "ExternalIpAddress")) if external_ip is not None: public_ips.append(external_ip.text) elif ip is not None: public_ips.append(ip.text) xpath = ('{}' 'OperatingSystemSection') os_type_elem = vm_elem.find(xpath) if os_type_elem is not None: os_type = os_type_elem.get( '{}osType') else: os_type = None vm = { 'id': vm_elem.get('href'), 'name': vm_elem.get('name'), 'state': self.NODE_STATE_MAP[vm_elem.get('status')], 'public_ips': public_ips, 'private_ips': private_ips, 'os_type': os_type } vms.append(vm) # Take the node IP addresses from all VMs public_ips = [] private_ips = [] for vm in vms: public_ips.extend(vm['public_ips']) private_ips.extend(vm['private_ips']) # Find vDC vdc_id = next(link.get('href') for link in node_elm.findall(fixxpath(node_elm, 'Link')) if link.get('type') == 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml') vdc = next(vdc for vdc in self.vdcs if == vdc_id) extra = {'vdc':, 'vms': vms} if snapshots is not None: extra['snapshots'] = snapshots node = Node(id=node_elm.get('href'), name=node_elm.get('name'), state=self.NODE_STATE_MAP[node_elm.get('status')], public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self.connection.driver, extra=extra) return node def _to_vdc(self, vdc_elm): def get_capacity_values(capacity_elm): if capacity_elm is None: return None limit = int(capacity_elm.findtext(fixxpath(capacity_elm, 'Limit'))) used = int(capacity_elm.findtext(fixxpath(capacity_elm, 'Used'))) units = capacity_elm.findtext(fixxpath(capacity_elm, 'Units')) return Capacity(limit, used, units) cpu = get_capacity_values( vdc_elm.find(fixxpath(vdc_elm, 'ComputeCapacity/Cpu'))) memory = get_capacity_values( vdc_elm.find(fixxpath(vdc_elm, 'ComputeCapacity/Memory'))) storage = get_capacity_values( vdc_elm.find(fixxpath(vdc_elm, 'StorageCapacity'))) return Vdc(id=vdc_elm.get('href'), name=vdc_elm.get('name'), driver=self, allocation_model=vdc_elm.findtext( fixxpath(vdc_elm, 'AllocationModel')), cpu=cpu, memory=memory, storage=storage)
[docs]class VCloud_5_1_NodeDriver(VCloud_1_5_NodeDriver): @staticmethod def _validate_vm_memory(vm_memory): if vm_memory is None: return None elif (vm_memory % 4) != 0: # The vcd 5.1 virtual machine memory size must be a multiple of 4 # MB raise ValueError( '%s is not a valid vApp VM memory value' % (vm_memory))
[docs]class VCloud_5_5_NodeDriver(VCloud_5_1_NodeDriver): """Use 5.5 Connection class to explicitly set 5.5 for the version in Accept headers """ connectionCls = VCloud_5_5_Connection
[docs] def ex_create_snapshot(self, node): """ Creates new snapshot of a virtual machine or of all the virtual machines in a vApp. Prior to creation of the new snapshots, any existing user created snapshots associated with the virtual machines are removed. :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ snapshot_xml = ET.Element( "CreateSnapshotParams", {'memory': 'true', 'name': 'name', 'quiesce': 'true', 'xmlns': "", 'xmlns:xsi': ""} ) ET.SubElement(snapshot_xml, 'Description').text = 'Description' content_type = 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.createSnapshotParams+xml' headers = { 'Content-Type': content_type } return self._perform_snapshot_operation(node, "createSnapshot", snapshot_xml, headers)
[docs] def ex_remove_snapshots(self, node): """ Removes all user created snapshots for a vApp or virtual machine. :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._perform_snapshot_operation(node, "removeAllSnapshots", None, None)
[docs] def ex_revert_to_snapshot(self, node): """ Reverts a vApp or virtual machine to the current snapshot, if any. :param node: node :type node: :class:`Node` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ return self._perform_snapshot_operation(node, "revertToCurrentSnapshot", None, None)
def _perform_snapshot_operation(self, node, operation, xml_data, headers): res = self.connection.request( '%s/action/%s' % (get_url_path(, operation), data=ET.tostring(xml_data) if xml_data else None, method='POST', headers=headers) self._wait_for_task_completion(res.object.get('href')) res = self.connection.request(get_url_path( return self._to_node(res.object)
[docs] def ex_acquire_mks_ticket(self, vapp_or_vm_id, vm_num=0): """ Retrieve a mks ticket that you can use to gain access to the console of a running VM. If successful, returns a dict with the following keys: - host: host (or proxy) through which the console connection is made - vmx: a reference to the VMX file of the VM for which this ticket was issued - ticket: screen ticket to use to authenticate the client - port: host port to be used for console access :param vapp_or_vm_id: vApp or VM ID you want to connect to. :type vapp_or_vm_id: ``str`` :param vm_num: If a vApp ID is provided, vm_num is position in the vApp VM list of the VM you want to get a screen ticket. Default is 0. :type vm_num: ``int`` :rtype: ``dict`` """ vm = self._get_vm_elements(vapp_or_vm_id)[vm_num] try: res = self.connection.request('%s/screen/action/acquireMksTicket' % (get_url_path(vm.get('href'))), method='POST') output = { "host": res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'Host')).text, "vmx": res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'Vmx')).text, "ticket": res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'Ticket')).text, "port": res.object.find(fixxpath(res.object, 'Port')).text, } return output except: return None