Source code for

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Driver for Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines service.

import re
import time
import collections
import random
import sys
import copy
import base64

from datetime import datetime
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as xml_escape

from libcloud.utils.py3 import ET
from import AzureServiceManagementConnection
from import AzureRedirectException
from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver, NodeLocation, NodeSize
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage, StorageVolume
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError
from libcloud.utils.py3 import _real_unicode
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse
from libcloud.utils.py3 import ensure_string
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlquote as url_quote
from libcloud.utils.misc import ReprMixin

HTTPSConnection = httplib.HTTPSConnection

if sys.version_info < (3,):
    _unicode_type = unicode

    def _str(value):
        if isinstance(value, unicode):
            return value.encode('utf-8')

        return str(value)
    _str = str
    _unicode_type = str

X_MS_VERSION = '2013-08-01'


Sizes must be hardcoded because Microsoft doesn't provide an API to fetch them

Prices are for Linux instances in East US data center. To see what pricing will
actually be, visit:
    'A0': {
        'id': 'ExtraSmall',
        'name': 'Extra Small Instance',
        'ram': 768,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.0211',
        'max_data_disks': 1,
        'cores': 'Shared'
    'A1': {
        'id': 'Small',
        'name': 'Small Instance',
        'ram': 1792,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.0633',
        'max_data_disks': 2,
        'cores': 1
    'A2': {
        'id': 'Medium',
        'name': 'Medium Instance',
        'ram': 3584,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.1266',
        'max_data_disks': 4,
        'cores': 2
    'A3': {
        'id': 'Large',
        'name': 'Large Instance',
        'ram': 7168,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.2531',
        'max_data_disks': 8,
        'cores': 4
    'A4': {
        'id': 'ExtraLarge',
        'name': 'Extra Large Instance',
        'ram': 14336,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.5062',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 8
    'A5': {
        'id': 'A5',
        'name': 'Memory Intensive Instance',
        'ram': 14336,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.2637',
        'max_data_disks': 4,
        'cores': 2
    'A6': {
        'id': 'A6',
        'name': 'A6 Instance',
        'ram': 28672,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.5273',
        'max_data_disks': 8,
        'cores': 4
    'A7': {
        'id': 'A7',
        'name': 'A7 Instance',
        'ram': 57344,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '1.0545',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 8
    'A8': {
        'id': 'A8',
        'name': 'A8 Instance',
        'ram': 57344,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '2.0774',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 8
    'A9': {
        'id': 'A9',
        'name': 'A9 Instance',
        'ram': 114688,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '4.7137',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 16
    'A10': {
        'id': 'A10',
        'name': 'A10 Instance',
        'ram': 57344,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '1.2233',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 8
    'A11': {
        'id': 'A11',
        'name': 'A11 Instance',
        'ram': 114688,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '2.1934',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 16
    'D1': {
        'id': 'Standard_D1',
        'name': 'D1 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 3584,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.0992',
        'max_data_disks': 2,
        'cores': 1
    'D2': {
        'id': 'Standard_D2',
        'name': 'D2 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 7168,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.1983',
        'max_data_disks': 4,
        'cores': 2
    'D3': {
        'id': 'Standard_D3',
        'name': 'D3 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 14336,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.3965',
        'max_data_disks': 8,
        'cores': 4
    'D4': {
        'id': 'Standard_D4',
        'name': 'D4 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 28672,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.793',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 8
    'D11': {
        'id': 'Standard_D11',
        'name': 'D11 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 14336,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.251',
        'max_data_disks': 4,
        'cores': 2
    'D12': {
        'id': 'Standard_D12',
        'name': 'D12 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 28672,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.502',
        'max_data_disks': 8,
        'cores': 4
    'D13': {
        'id': 'Standard_D13',
        'name': 'D13 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 57344,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '0.9038',
        'max_data_disks': 16,
        'cores': 8
    'D14': {
        'id': 'Standard_D14',
        'name': 'D14 Faster Compute Instance',
        'ram': 114688,
        'disk': 127,
        'bandwidth': None,
        'price': '1.6261',
        'max_data_disks': 32,
        'cores': 16

    'include_apis': 'IncludeAPIs',
    'message_id': 'MessageId',
    'content_md5': 'Content-MD5',
    'last_modified': 'Last-Modified',
    'cache_control': 'Cache-Control',
    'account_admin_live_email_id': 'AccountAdminLiveEmailId',
    'service_admin_live_email_id': 'ServiceAdminLiveEmailId',
    'subscription_id': 'SubscriptionID',
    'fqdn': 'FQDN',
    'private_id': 'PrivateID',
    'os_virtual_hard_disk': 'OSVirtualHardDisk',
    'logical_disk_size_in_gb': 'LogicalDiskSizeInGB',
    'logical_size_in_gb': 'LogicalSizeInGB',
    'os': 'OS',
    'persistent_vm_downtime_info': 'PersistentVMDowntimeInfo',
    'copy_id': 'CopyId',
    'os_disk_configuration': 'OSDiskConfiguration',
    'is_dns_programmed': 'IsDnsProgrammed'

[docs]class AzureNodeDriver(NodeDriver): connectionCls = AzureServiceManagementConnection name = 'Azure Virtual machines' website = '' type = Provider.AZURE _instance_types = AZURE_COMPUTE_INSTANCE_TYPES _blob_url = "" features = {'create_node': ['password']} service_location = collections.namedtuple( 'service_location', ['is_affinity_group', 'service_location'] ) NODE_STATE_MAP = { 'RoleStateUnknown': NodeState.UNKNOWN, 'CreatingVM': NodeState.PENDING, 'StartingVM': NodeState.PENDING, 'Provisioning': NodeState.PENDING, 'CreatingRole': NodeState.PENDING, 'StartingRole': NodeState.PENDING, 'ReadyRole': NodeState.RUNNING, 'BusyRole': NodeState.PENDING, 'StoppingRole': NodeState.PENDING, 'StoppingVM': NodeState.PENDING, 'DeletingVM': NodeState.PENDING, 'StoppedVM': NodeState.STOPPED, 'RestartingRole': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'CyclingRole': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'FailedStartingRole': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'FailedStartingVM': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'UnresponsiveRole': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'StoppedDeallocated': NodeState.TERMINATED, } def __init__(self, subscription_id=None, key_file=None, **kwargs): """ subscription_id contains the Azure subscription id in the form of GUID key_file contains the Azure X509 certificate in .pem form """ self.subscription_id = subscription_id self.key_file = key_file self.follow_redirects = kwargs.get('follow_redirects', True) super(AzureNodeDriver, self).__init__( self.subscription_id, self.key_file, secure=True, **kwargs )
[docs] def list_sizes(self): """ Lists all sizes :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeSize` """ sizes = [] for _, values in self._instance_types.items(): node_size = self._to_node_size(copy.deepcopy(values)) sizes.append(node_size) return sizes
[docs] def list_images(self, location=None): """ Lists all images :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage` """ data = self._perform_get(self._get_image_path(), Images) custom_image_data = self._perform_get( self._get_vmimage_path(), VMImages ) images = [self._to_image(i) for i in data] images.extend(self._vm_to_image(j) for j in custom_image_data) if location is not None: images = [ image for image in images if location in image.extra["location"] ] return images
[docs] def list_locations(self): """ Lists all locations :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation` """ data = self._perform_get( '/' + self.subscription_id + '/locations', Locations ) return [self._to_location(l) for l in data]
[docs] def list_nodes(self, ex_cloud_service_name): """ List all nodes ex_cloud_service_name parameter is used to scope the request to a specific Cloud Service. This is a required parameter as nodes cannot exist outside of a Cloud Service nor be shared between a Cloud Service within Azure. :param ex_cloud_service_name: Cloud Service name :type ex_cloud_service_name: ``str`` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node` """ response = self._perform_get( self._get_hosted_service_path(ex_cloud_service_name) + '?embed-detail=True', None ) self.raise_for_response(response, 200) data = self._parse_response(response, HostedService) vips = None if (len(data.deployments) > 0 and data.deployments[0].virtual_ips is not None): vips = [vip.address for vip in data.deployments[0].virtual_ips] try: return [ self._to_node(n, ex_cloud_service_name, vips) for n in data.deployments[0].role_instance_list ] except IndexError: return []
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node, ex_cloud_service_name=None, ex_deployment_slot=None): """ Reboots a node. ex_cloud_service_name parameter is used to scope the request to a specific Cloud Service. This is a required parameter as nodes cannot exist outside of a Cloud Service nor be shared between a Cloud Service within Azure. :param ex_cloud_service_name: Cloud Service name :type ex_cloud_service_name: ``str`` :param ex_deployment_slot: Options are "production" (default) or "Staging". (Optional) :type ex_deployment_slot: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if ex_cloud_service_name is None: if node.extra is not None: ex_cloud_service_name = node.extra.get( 'ex_cloud_service_name' ) if not ex_cloud_service_name: raise ValueError("ex_cloud_service_name is required.") if not ex_deployment_slot: ex_deployment_slot = "Production" _deployment_name = self._get_deployment( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name, deployment_slot=ex_deployment_slot ).name try: response = self._perform_post( self._get_deployment_path_using_name( ex_cloud_service_name, _deployment_name ) + '/roleinstances/' + _str( + '?comp=reboot', '' ) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) if self._parse_response_for_async_op(response): return True else: return False except Exception: return False
[docs] def list_volumes(self, node=None): """ Lists volumes of the disks in the image repository that are associated with the specified subscription. Pass Node object to scope the list of volumes to a single instance. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume` """ data = self._perform_get(self._get_disk_path(), Disks) volumes = [self._to_volume(volume=v, node=node) for v in data] return volumes
[docs] def create_node(self, name, size, image, ex_cloud_service_name, ex_storage_service_name=None, ex_new_deployment=False, ex_deployment_slot="Production", ex_deployment_name=None, ex_admin_user_id="azureuser", ex_custom_data=None, ex_virtual_network_name=None, ex_network_config=None, auth=None, **kwargs): """ Create Azure Virtual Machine Reference: [] We default to: + 3389/TCP - RDP - 1st Microsoft instance. + RANDOM/TCP - RDP - All succeeding Microsoft instances. + 22/TCP - SSH - 1st Linux instance + RANDOM/TCP - SSH - All succeeding Linux instances. The above replicates the standard behavior of the Azure UI. You can retrieve the assigned ports to each instance by using the following private function: _get_endpoint_ports(service_name) Returns public,private port key pair. @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node` :keyword image: The image to use when creating this node :type image: `NodeImage` :keyword size: The size of the instance to create :type size: `NodeSize` :keyword ex_cloud_service_name: Required. Name of the Azure Cloud Service. :type ex_cloud_service_name: ``str`` :keyword ex_storage_service_name: Optional: Name of the Azure Storage Service. :type ex_storage_service_name: ``str`` :keyword ex_new_deployment: Optional. Tells azure to create a new deployment rather than add to an existing one. :type ex_new_deployment: ``boolean`` :keyword ex_deployment_slot: Optional: Valid values: production| staging. Defaults to production. :type ex_deployment_slot: ``str`` :keyword ex_deployment_name: Optional. The name of the deployment. If this is not passed in we default to using the Cloud Service name. :type ex_deployment_name: ``str`` :type ex_custom_data: ``str`` :keyword ex_custom_data: Optional script or other data which is injected into the VM when it's beginning provisioned. :keyword ex_admin_user_id: Optional. Defaults to 'azureuser'. :type ex_admin_user_id: ``str`` :keyword ex_virtual_network_name: Optional. If this is not passed in no virtual network is used. :type ex_virtual_network_name: ``str`` :keyword ex_network_config: Optional. The ConfigurationSet to use for network configuration :type ex_network_config: `ConfigurationSet` """ # TODO: Refactor this method to make it more readable, split it into # multiple smaller methods auth = self._get_and_check_auth(auth) password = auth.password if not isinstance(size, NodeSize): raise ValueError('Size must be an instance of NodeSize') if not isinstance(image, NodeImage): raise ValueError( "Image must be an instance of NodeImage, " "produced by list_images()" ) # Retrieve a list of currently available nodes for the provided cloud # service node_list = self.list_nodes( ex_cloud_service_name=ex_cloud_service_name ) if ex_network_config is None: network_config = ConfigurationSet() else: network_config = ex_network_config network_config.configuration_set_type = 'NetworkConfiguration' # Base64 encode custom data if provided if ex_custom_data: ex_custom_data = self._encode_base64(data=ex_custom_data) # We do this because we need to pass a Configuration to the # method. This will be either Linux or Windows. if, re.I): machine_config = WindowsConfigurationSet( computer_name=name, admin_password=password, admin_user_name=ex_admin_user_id ) machine_config.domain_join = None if not node_list or ex_new_deployment: port = "3389" else: port = random.randint(41952, 65535) endpoints = self._get_deployment( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name, deployment_slot=ex_deployment_slot ) for instances in endpoints.role_instance_list: ports = [ep.public_port for ep in instances.instance_endpoints] while port in ports: port = random.randint(41952, 65535) endpoint = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint( name='Remote Desktop', protocol='tcp', port=port, local_port='3389', load_balanced_endpoint_set_name=None, enable_direct_server_return=False ) else: if not node_list or ex_new_deployment: port = "22" else: port = random.randint(41952, 65535) endpoints = self._get_deployment( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name, deployment_slot=ex_deployment_slot ) for instances in endpoints.role_instance_list: ports = [] if instances.instance_endpoints is not None: for ep in instances.instance_endpoints: ports += [ep.public_port] while port in ports: port = random.randint(41952, 65535) endpoint = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint( name='SSH', protocol='tcp', port=port, local_port='22', load_balanced_endpoint_set_name=None, enable_direct_server_return=False ) machine_config = LinuxConfigurationSet( name, ex_admin_user_id, password, False, ex_custom_data ) network_config.input_endpoints.items.append(endpoint) _storage_location = self._get_cloud_service_location( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name ) if ex_storage_service_name is None: ex_storage_service_name = ex_cloud_service_name ex_storage_service_name = re.sub( r'[\W_-]+', '', ex_storage_service_name.lower(), flags=re.UNICODE ) if self._is_storage_service_unique( service_name=ex_storage_service_name): self._create_storage_account( service_name=ex_storage_service_name, location=_storage_location.service_location, is_affinity_group=_storage_location.is_affinity_group ) # OK, bit annoying here. You must create a deployment before # you can create an instance; however, the deployment function # creates the first instance, but all subsequent instances # must be created using the add_role function. # # So, yeah, annoying. if not node_list or ex_new_deployment: # This is the first node in this cloud service. if not ex_deployment_name: ex_deployment_name = ex_cloud_service_name vm_image_id = None disk_config = None if image.extra.get('vm_image', False): vm_image_id = # network_config = None else: blob_url = "" % ( ex_storage_service_name) # Azure's pattern in the UI. disk_name = "%s-%s-%s.vhd" % ( ex_cloud_service_name, name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) media_link = "%s/vhds/%s" % (blob_url, disk_name) disk_config = OSVirtualHardDisk(, media_link) response = self._perform_post( self._get_deployment_path_using_name(ex_cloud_service_name), AzureXmlSerializer.virtual_machine_deployment_to_xml( ex_deployment_name, ex_deployment_slot, name, name, machine_config, disk_config, 'PersistentVMRole', network_config, None, None,, ex_virtual_network_name, vm_image_id ) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) self._ex_complete_async_azure_operation(response) else: _deployment_name = self._get_deployment( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name, deployment_slot=ex_deployment_slot ).name vm_image_id = None disk_config = None if image.extra.get('vm_image', False): vm_image_id = # network_config = None else: blob_url = "" % ( ex_storage_service_name ) disk_name = "%s-%s-%s.vhd" % ( ex_cloud_service_name, name, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) media_link = "%s/vhds/%s" % (blob_url, disk_name) disk_config = OSVirtualHardDisk(, media_link) path = self._get_role_path(ex_cloud_service_name, _deployment_name) body = AzureXmlSerializer.add_role_to_xml( name, # role_name machine_config, # system_config disk_config, # os_virtual_hard_disk 'PersistentVMRole', # role_type network_config, # network_config None, # availability_set_name None, # data_virtual_hard_disks vm_image_id, # vm_image # role_size ) response = self._perform_post(path, body) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) self._ex_complete_async_azure_operation(response) return Node( id=name, name=name, state=NodeState.PENDING, public_ips=[], private_ips=[], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'ex_cloud_service_name': ex_cloud_service_name } )
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node, ex_cloud_service_name=None, ex_deployment_slot="Production"): """ Remove Azure Virtual Machine This removes the instance, but does not remove the disk. You will need to use destroy_volume. Azure sometimes has an issue where it will hold onto a blob lease for an extended amount of time. :keyword ex_cloud_service_name: Required. Name of the Azure Cloud Service. :type ex_cloud_service_name: ``str`` :keyword ex_deployment_slot: Optional: The name of the deployment slot. If this is not passed in we default to production. :type ex_deployment_slot: ``str`` """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise ValueError("A libcloud Node object is required.") if ex_cloud_service_name is None and node.extra is not None: ex_cloud_service_name = node.extra.get('ex_cloud_service_name') if not ex_cloud_service_name: raise ValueError("Unable to get ex_cloud_service_name from Node.") _deployment = self._get_deployment( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name, deployment_slot=ex_deployment_slot ) _deployment_name = _server_deployment_count = len(_deployment.role_instance_list) if _server_deployment_count > 1: path = self._get_role_path( ex_cloud_service_name, _deployment_name, ) else: path = self._get_deployment_path_using_name( ex_cloud_service_name, _deployment_name ) path += '?comp=media' self._perform_delete(path) return True
[docs] def ex_list_cloud_services(self): return self._perform_get( self._get_hosted_service_path(), HostedServices )
[docs] def ex_create_cloud_service(self, name, location, description=None, extended_properties=None): """ Create an azure cloud service. :param name: Name of the service to create :type name: ``str`` :param location: Standard azure location string :type location: ``str`` :param description: Optional description :type description: ``str`` :param extended_properties: Optional extended_properties :type extended_properties: ``dict`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ response = self._perform_cloud_service_create( self._get_hosted_service_path(), AzureXmlSerializer.create_hosted_service_to_xml( name, self._encode_base64(name), description, location, None, extended_properties ) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 201) return True
[docs] def ex_destroy_cloud_service(self, name): """ Delete an azure cloud service. :param name: Name of the cloud service to destroy. :type name: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ response = self._perform_cloud_service_delete( self._get_hosted_service_path(name) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 200) return True
[docs] def ex_add_instance_endpoints(self, node, endpoints, ex_deployment_slot="Production"): all_endpoints = [ { "name":, "protocol": endpoint.protocol, "port": endpoint.public_port, "local_port": endpoint.local_port, } for endpoint in node.extra['instance_endpoints'] ] all_endpoints.extend(endpoints) result = self.ex_set_instance_endpoints(node, all_endpoints, ex_deployment_slot) return result
[docs] def ex_set_instance_endpoints(self, node, endpoints, ex_deployment_slot="Production"): """ For example:: endpoint = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint( name='SSH', protocol='tcp', port=port, local_port='22', load_balanced_endpoint_set_name=None, enable_direct_server_return=False ) { 'name': 'SSH', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'port': port, 'local_port': '22' } """ ex_cloud_service_name = node.extra['ex_cloud_service_name'] vm_role_name = network_config = ConfigurationSet() network_config.configuration_set_type = 'NetworkConfiguration' for endpoint in endpoints: new_endpoint = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint(**endpoint) network_config.input_endpoints.items.append(new_endpoint) _deployment_name = self._get_deployment( service_name=ex_cloud_service_name, deployment_slot=ex_deployment_slot ).name response = self._perform_put( self._get_role_path( ex_cloud_service_name, _deployment_name, vm_role_name ), AzureXmlSerializer.add_role_to_xml( None, # role_name None, # system_config None, # os_virtual_hard_disk 'PersistentVMRole', # role_type network_config, # network_config None, # availability_set_name None, # data_virtual_hard_disks None, # vm_image None # role_size ) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 202)
[docs] def ex_create_storage_service(self, name, location, description=None, affinity_group=None, extended_properties=None): """ Create an azure storage service. :param name: Name of the service to create :type name: ``str`` :param location: Standard azure location string :type location: ``str`` :param description: (Optional) Description of storage service. :type description: ``str`` :param affinity_group: (Optional) Azure affinity group. :type affinity_group: ``str`` :param extended_properties: (Optional) Additional configuration options support by Azure. :type extended_properties: ``dict`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ response = self._perform_storage_service_create( self._get_storage_service_path(), AzureXmlSerializer.create_storage_service_to_xml( service_name=name, label=self._encode_base64(name), description=description, location=location, affinity_group=affinity_group, extended_properties=extended_properties ) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) return True
[docs] def ex_destroy_storage_service(self, name): """ Destroy storage service. Storage service must not have any active blobs. Sometimes Azure likes to hold onto volumes after they are deleted for an inordinate amount of time, so sleep before calling this method after volume deletion. :param name: Name of storage service. :type name: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ response = self._perform_storage_service_delete( self._get_storage_service_path(name) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 200) return True
""" Functions not implemented """
[docs] def create_volume_snapshot(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'You cannot create snapshots of ' 'Azure VMs at this time.' )
[docs] def attach_volume(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'attach_volume is not supported ' 'at this time.' )
[docs] def create_volume(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'create_volume is not supported ' 'at this time.' )
[docs] def detach_volume(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'detach_volume is not supported ' 'at this time.' )
[docs] def destroy_volume(self): raise NotImplementedError( 'destroy_volume is not supported ' 'at this time.' )
""" Private Functions """ def _perform_cloud_service_create(self, path, data): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.body = data request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return response def _perform_cloud_service_delete(self, path): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return response def _perform_storage_service_create(self, path, data): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.body = data request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return response def _perform_storage_service_delete(self, path): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return response def _to_node(self, data, ex_cloud_service_name=None, virtual_ips=None): """ Convert the data from a Azure response object into a Node """ remote_desktop_port = '' ssh_port = '' public_ips = virtual_ips or [] if data.instance_endpoints is not None: if len(data.instance_endpoints) >= 1: public_ips = [data.instance_endpoints[0].vip] for port in data.instance_endpoints: if == 'Remote Desktop': remote_desktop_port = port.public_port if == "SSH": ssh_port = port.public_port return Node( id=data.role_name, name=data.role_name, state=self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get( data.instance_status, NodeState.UNKNOWN ), public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=[data.ip_address], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'instance_endpoints': data.instance_endpoints, 'remote_desktop_port': remote_desktop_port, 'ssh_port': ssh_port, 'power_state': data.power_state, 'instance_size': data.instance_size, 'ex_cloud_service_name': ex_cloud_service_name } ) def _to_location(self, data): """ Convert the data from a Azure response object into a location """ country = data.display_name if "Asia" in data.display_name: country = "Asia" if "Europe" in data.display_name: country = "Europe" if "US" in data.display_name: country = "US" if "Japan" in data.display_name: country = "Japan" if "Brazil" in data.display_name: country = "Brazil" vm_role_sizes = data.compute_capabilities.virtual_machines_role_sizes return AzureNodeLocation(, name=data.display_name, country=country, driver=self.connection.driver, available_services=data.available_services, virtual_machine_role_sizes=vm_role_sizes ) def _to_node_size(self, data): """ Convert the AZURE_COMPUTE_INSTANCE_TYPES into NodeSize """ return NodeSize( id=data["id"], name=data["name"], ram=data["ram"], disk=data["disk"], bandwidth=data["bandwidth"], price=data["price"], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'max_data_disks': data["max_data_disks"], 'cores': data["cores"] } ) def _to_image(self, data): return NodeImage(, name=data.label, driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'os': data.os, 'category': data.category, 'description': data.description, 'location': data.location, 'affinity_group': data.affinity_group, 'media_link': data.media_link, 'vm_image': False } ) def _vm_to_image(self, data): return NodeImage(, name=data.label, driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'os': data.os_disk_configuration.os, 'category': data.category, 'location': data.location, 'media_link': data.os_disk_configuration.media_link, 'affinity_group': data.affinity_group, 'deployment_name': data.deployment_name, 'vm_image': True } ) def _to_volume(self, volume, node): extra = { 'affinity_group': volume.affinity_group, 'os': volume.os, 'location': volume.location, 'media_link': volume.media_link, 'source_image_name': volume.source_image_name } role_name = getattr(volume.attached_to, 'role_name', None) hosted_service_name = getattr( volume.attached_to, 'hosted_service_name', None ) deployment_name = getattr( volume.attached_to, 'deployment_name', None ) if role_name is not None: extra['role_name'] = role_name if hosted_service_name is not None: extra['hosted_service_name'] = hosted_service_name if deployment_name is not None: extra['deployment_name'] = deployment_name if node: if role_name is not None and role_name == return StorageVolume(,, size=int(volume.logical_disk_size_in_gb), driver=self.connection.driver, extra=extra ) else: return StorageVolume(,, size=int(volume.logical_disk_size_in_gb), driver=self.connection.driver, extra=extra ) def _get_deployment(self, **kwargs): _service_name = kwargs['service_name'] _deployment_slot = kwargs['deployment_slot'] response = self._perform_get( self._get_deployment_path_using_slot( _service_name, _deployment_slot ), None ) self.raise_for_response(response, 200) return self._parse_response(response, Deployment) def _get_cloud_service_location(self, service_name=None): if not service_name: raise ValueError("service_name is required.") res = self._perform_get( '%s?embed-detail=False' % ( self._get_hosted_service_path(service_name) ), HostedService ) _affinity_group = res.hosted_service_properties.affinity_group _cloud_service_location = res.hosted_service_properties.location if _affinity_group is not None and _affinity_group is not '': return self.service_location(True, _affinity_group) elif _cloud_service_location is not None: return self.service_location(False, _cloud_service_location) else: return None def _is_storage_service_unique(self, service_name=None): if not service_name: raise ValueError("service_name is required.") _check_availability = self._perform_get( '%s/operations/isavailable/%s%s' % ( self._get_storage_service_path(), _str(service_name), '' ), AvailabilityResponse ) self.raise_for_response(_check_availability, 200) return _check_availability.result def _create_storage_account(self, **kwargs): if kwargs['is_affinity_group'] is True: response = self._perform_post( self._get_storage_service_path(), AzureXmlSerializer.create_storage_service_input_to_xml( kwargs['service_name'], kwargs['service_name'], self._encode_base64(kwargs['service_name']), kwargs['location'], None, # Location True, # geo_replication_enabled None # extended_properties ) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) else: response = self._perform_post( self._get_storage_service_path(), AzureXmlSerializer.create_storage_service_input_to_xml( kwargs['service_name'], kwargs['service_name'], self._encode_base64(kwargs['service_name']), None, # Affinity Group kwargs['location'], # Location True, # geo_replication_enabled None # extended_properties ) ) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) # We need to wait for this to be created before we can # create the storage container and the instance. self._ex_complete_async_azure_operation( response, "create_storage_account" ) def _get_operation_status(self, request_id): return self._perform_get( '/' + self.subscription_id + '/operations/' + _str(request_id), Operation ) def _perform_get(self, path, response_type): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'GET' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) if response_type is not None: return self._parse_response(response, response_type) return response def _perform_post(self, path, body, response_type=None): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'POST' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.body = ensure_string(self._get_request_body(body)) request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return response def _perform_put(self, path, body, response_type=None): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'PUT' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.body = ensure_string(self._get_request_body(body)) request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) return response def _perform_delete(self, path): request = AzureHTTPRequest() request.method = 'DELETE' = AZURE_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_HOST request.path = path request.path, request.query = self._update_request_uri_query(request) request.headers = self._update_management_header(request) response = self._perform_request(request) self.raise_for_response(response, 202) def _perform_request(self, request): try: return self.connection.request( action=request.path, data=request.body, headers=request.headers, method=request.method ) except AzureRedirectException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(e.location) = parsed_url.netloc return self._perform_request(request) except Exception as e: raise e def _update_request_uri_query(self, request): """ pulls the query string out of the URI and moves it into the query portion of the request object. If there are already query parameters on the request the parameters in the URI will appear after the existing parameters """ if '?' in request.path: request.path, _, query_string = request.path.partition('?') if query_string: query_params = query_string.split('&') for query in query_params: if '=' in query: name, _, value = query.partition('=') request.query.append((name, value)) request.path = url_quote(request.path, '/()$=\',') # add encoded queries to request.path. if request.query: request.path += '?' for name, value in request.query: if value is not None: request.path += '%s=%s%s' % ( name, url_quote(value, '/()$=\','), '&' ) request.path = request.path[:-1] return request.path, request.query def _update_management_header(self, request): """ Add additional headers for management. """ if request.method in ['PUT', 'POST', 'MERGE', 'DELETE']: request.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(request.body)) # append additional headers base on the service # request.headers.append(('x-ms-version', X_MS_VERSION)) # if it is not GET or HEAD request, must set content-type. if request.method not in ['GET', 'HEAD']: for key in request.headers: if 'content-type' == key.lower(): break else: request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' return request.headers def _parse_response(self, response, return_type): """ Parse the HTTPResponse's body and fill all the data into a class of return_type. """ return self._parse_response_body_from_xml_text( response=response, return_type=return_type ) def _parse_response_body_from_xml_text(self, response, return_type): """ parse the xml and fill all the data into a class of return_type """ respbody = response.body doc = minidom.parseString(respbody) return_obj = return_type() for node in self._get_child_nodes(doc, return_type.__name__): self._fill_data_to_return_object(node, return_obj) # Note: We always explicitly assign status code to the custom return # type object return_obj.status = response.status return return_obj def _get_child_nodes(self, node, tag_name): return [childNode for childNode in node.getElementsByTagName(tag_name) if childNode.parentNode == node] def _fill_data_to_return_object(self, node, return_obj): members = dict(vars(return_obj)) for name, value in members.items(): if isinstance(value, _ListOf): setattr( return_obj, name, self._fill_list_of( node, value.list_type, value.xml_element_name ) ) elif isinstance(value, ScalarListOf): setattr( return_obj, name, self._fill_scalar_list_of( node, value.list_type, self._get_serialization_name(name), value.xml_element_name ) ) elif isinstance(value, _DictOf): setattr( return_obj, name, self._fill_dict_of( node, self._get_serialization_name(name), value.pair_xml_element_name, value.key_xml_element_name, value.value_xml_element_name ) ) elif isinstance(value, WindowsAzureData): setattr( return_obj, name, self._fill_instance_child(node, name, value.__class__) ) elif isinstance(value, dict): setattr( return_obj, name, self._fill_dict( node, self._get_serialization_name(name) ) ) elif isinstance(value, _Base64String): value = self._fill_data_minidom(node, name, '') if value is not None: value = self._decode_base64_to_text(value) # always set the attribute, # so we don't end up returning an object # with type _Base64String setattr(return_obj, name, value) else: value = self._fill_data_minidom(node, name, value) if value is not None: setattr(return_obj, name, value) def _fill_list_of(self, xmldoc, element_type, xml_element_name): xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes(xmldoc, xml_element_name) return [ self._parse_response_body_from_xml_node(xmlelement, element_type) for xmlelement in xmlelements ] def _parse_response_body_from_xml_node(self, node, return_type): """ parse the xml and fill all the data into a class of return_type """ return_obj = return_type() self._fill_data_to_return_object(node, return_obj) return return_obj def _fill_scalar_list_of(self, xmldoc, element_type, parent_xml_element_name, xml_element_name): xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes(xmldoc, parent_xml_element_name) if xmlelements: xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes( xmlelements[0], xml_element_name ) return [ self._get_node_value(xmlelement, element_type) for xmlelement in xmlelements ] def _get_node_value(self, xmlelement, data_type): value = xmlelement.firstChild.nodeValue if data_type is datetime: return self._to_datetime(value) elif data_type is bool: return value.lower() != 'false' else: return data_type(value) def _get_serialization_name(self, element_name): """ Converts a Python name into a serializable name. """ known = _KNOWN_SERIALIZATION_XFORMS.get(element_name) if known is not None: return known if element_name.startswith('x_ms_'): return element_name.replace('_', '-') if element_name.endswith('_id'): element_name = element_name.replace('_id', 'ID') for name in ['content_', 'last_modified', 'if_', 'cache_control']: if element_name.startswith(name): element_name = element_name.replace('_', '-_') return ''.join(name.capitalize() for name in element_name.split('_')) def _fill_dict_of(self, xmldoc, parent_xml_element_name, pair_xml_element_name, key_xml_element_name, value_xml_element_name): return_obj = {} xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes(xmldoc, parent_xml_element_name) if xmlelements: xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes( xmlelements[0], pair_xml_element_name ) for pair in xmlelements: keys = self._get_child_nodes(pair, key_xml_element_name) values = self._get_child_nodes(pair, value_xml_element_name) if keys and values: key = keys[0].firstChild.nodeValue value = values[0].firstChild.nodeValue return_obj[key] = value return return_obj def _fill_instance_child(self, xmldoc, element_name, return_type): """ Converts a child of the current dom element to the specified type. """ xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes( xmldoc, self._get_serialization_name(element_name) ) if not xmlelements: return None return_obj = return_type() self._fill_data_to_return_object(xmlelements[0], return_obj) return return_obj def _fill_dict(self, xmldoc, element_name): xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes(xmldoc, element_name) if xmlelements: return_obj = {} for child in xmlelements[0].childNodes: if child.firstChild: return_obj[child.nodeName] = child.firstChild.nodeValue return return_obj def _encode_base64(self, data): if isinstance(data, _unicode_type): data = data.encode('utf-8') encoded = base64.b64encode(data) return encoded.decode('utf-8') def _decode_base64_to_bytes(self, data): if isinstance(data, _unicode_type): data = data.encode('utf-8') return base64.b64decode(data) def _decode_base64_to_text(self, data): decoded_bytes = self._decode_base64_to_bytes(data) return decoded_bytes.decode('utf-8') def _fill_data_minidom(self, xmldoc, element_name, data_member): xmlelements = self._get_child_nodes( xmldoc, self._get_serialization_name(element_name) ) if not xmlelements or not xmlelements[0].childNodes: return None value = xmlelements[0].firstChild.nodeValue if data_member is None: return value elif isinstance(data_member, datetime): return self._to_datetime(value) elif type(data_member) is bool: return value.lower() != 'false' elif type(data_member) is str: return _real_unicode(value) else: return type(data_member)(value) def _to_datetime(self, strtime): return datetime.strptime(strtime, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") def _get_request_body(self, request_body): if request_body is None: return b'' if isinstance(request_body, WindowsAzureData): request_body = self._convert_class_to_xml(request_body) if isinstance(request_body, bytes): return request_body if isinstance(request_body, _unicode_type): return request_body.encode('utf-8') request_body = str(request_body) if isinstance(request_body, _unicode_type): return request_body.encode('utf-8') return request_body def _convert_class_to_xml(self, source, xml_prefix=True): root = ET.Element() doc = self._construct_element_tree(source, root) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')) return result def _construct_element_tree(self, source, etree): if source is None: return ET.Element() if isinstance(source, list): for value in source: etree.append(self._construct_element_tree(value, etree)) elif isinstance(source, WindowsAzureData): class_name = source.__class__.__name__ etree.append(ET.Element(class_name)) for name, value in vars(source).items(): if value is not None: if (isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, WindowsAzureData)): etree.append( self._construct_element_tree(value, etree) ) else: ele = ET.Element(self._get_serialization_name(name)) ele.text = xml_escape(str(value)) etree.append(ele) etree.append(ET.Element(class_name)) return etree def _parse_response_for_async_op(self, response): if response is None: return None result = AsynchronousOperationResult() if response.headers: for name, value in response.headers.items(): if name.lower() == 'x-ms-request-id': result.request_id = value return result def _get_deployment_path_using_name(self, service_name, deployment_name=None): components = [ 'services/hostedservices/', _str(service_name), '/deployments' ] resource = ''.join(components) return self._get_path(resource, deployment_name) def _get_path(self, resource, name): path = '/' + self.subscription_id + '/' + resource if name is not None: path += '/' + _str(name) return path def _get_image_path(self, image_name=None): return self._get_path('services/images', image_name) def _get_vmimage_path(self, image_name=None): return self._get_path('services/vmimages', image_name) def _get_hosted_service_path(self, service_name=None): return self._get_path('services/hostedservices', service_name) def _get_deployment_path_using_slot(self, service_name, slot=None): return self._get_path( 'services/hostedservices/%s/deploymentslots' % ( _str(service_name) ), slot ) def _get_disk_path(self, disk_name=None): return self._get_path('services/disks', disk_name) def _get_role_path(self, service_name, deployment_name, role_name=None): components = [ 'services/hostedservices/', _str(service_name), '/deployments/', deployment_name, '/roles' ] resource = ''.join(components) return self._get_path(resource, role_name) def _get_storage_service_path(self, service_name=None): return self._get_path('services/storageservices', service_name) def _ex_complete_async_azure_operation(self, response=None, operation_type='create_node'): request_id = self._parse_response_for_async_op(response) operation_status = self._get_operation_status(request_id.request_id) timeout = 60 * 5 waittime = 0 interval = 5 while operation_status.status == "InProgress" and waittime < timeout: operation_status = self._get_operation_status(request_id) if operation_status.status == "Succeeded": break waittime += interval time.sleep(interval) if operation_status.status == 'Failed': raise LibcloudError( 'Message: Async request for operation %s has failed' % operation_type, driver=self.connection.driver )
[docs] def raise_for_response(self, response, valid_response): if response.status != valid_response: values = (response.error, response.body, response.status) message = 'Message: %s, Body: %s, Status code: %s' % (values) raise LibcloudError(message, driver=self)
""" XML Serializer Borrowed from the Azure SDK for Python which is licensed under Apache 2.0. """ def _lower(text): return text.lower()
[docs]class AzureXmlSerializer(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def create_storage_service_input_to_xml(service_name, description, label, affinity_group, location, geo_replication_enabled, extended_properties): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CreateStorageServiceInput', [ ('ServiceName', service_name), ('Description', description), ('Label', label), ('AffinityGroup', affinity_group), ('Location', location), ('GeoReplicationEnabled', geo_replication_enabled, _lower) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_storage_service_input_to_xml(description, label, geo_replication_enabled, extended_properties): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'UpdateStorageServiceInput', [ ('Description', description), ('Label', label, AzureNodeDriver._encode_base64), ('GeoReplicationEnabled', geo_replication_enabled, _lower) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def regenerate_keys_to_xml(key_type): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'RegenerateKeys', [('KeyType', key_type)] )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_hosted_service_to_xml(label, description, extended_properties): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'UpdateHostedService', [ ('Label', label, AzureNodeDriver._encode_base64), ('Description', description) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_hosted_service_to_xml(service_name, label, description, location, affinity_group=None, extended_properties=None): if affinity_group: return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CreateHostedService', [ ('ServiceName', service_name), ('Label', label), ('Description', description), ('AffinityGroup', affinity_group), ], extended_properties ) return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CreateHostedService', [ ('ServiceName', service_name), ('Label', label), ('Description', description), ('Location', location), ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_storage_service_to_xml(service_name, label, description, location, affinity_group, extended_properties=None): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CreateStorageServiceInput', [ ('ServiceName', service_name), ('Label', label), ('Description', description), ('Location', location), ('AffinityGroup', affinity_group) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_deployment_to_xml(name, package_url, label, configuration, start_deployment, treat_warnings_as_error, extended_properties): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CreateDeployment', [ ('Name', name), ('PackageUrl', package_url), ('Label', label, AzureNodeDriver._encode_base64), ('Configuration', configuration), ('StartDeployment', start_deployment, _lower), ('TreatWarningsAsError', treat_warnings_as_error, _lower) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def swap_deployment_to_xml(production, source_deployment): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'Swap', [ ('Production', production), ('SourceDeployment', source_deployment) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_deployment_status_to_xml(status): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'UpdateDeploymentStatus', [('Status', status)] )
[docs] @staticmethod def change_deployment_to_xml(configuration, treat_warnings_as_error, mode, extended_properties): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'ChangeConfiguration', [ ('Configuration', configuration), ('TreatWarningsAsError', treat_warnings_as_error, _lower), ('Mode', mode) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def upgrade_deployment_to_xml(mode, package_url, configuration, label, role_to_upgrade, force, extended_properties): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'UpgradeDeployment', [ ('Mode', mode), ('PackageUrl', package_url), ('Configuration', configuration), ('Label', label, AzureNodeDriver._encode_base64), ('RoleToUpgrade', role_to_upgrade), ('Force', force, _lower) ], extended_properties )
[docs] @staticmethod def rollback_upgrade_to_xml(mode, force): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'RollbackUpdateOrUpgrade', [ ('Mode', mode), ('Force', force, _lower) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def walk_upgrade_domain_to_xml(upgrade_domain): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'WalkUpgradeDomain', [('UpgradeDomain', upgrade_domain)] )
[docs] @staticmethod def certificate_file_to_xml(data, certificate_format, password): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CertificateFile', [ ('Data', data), ('CertificateFormat', certificate_format), ('Password', password) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_affinity_group_to_xml(name, label, description, location): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'CreateAffinityGroup', [ ('Name', name), ('Label', label, AzureNodeDriver._encode_base64), ('Description', description), ('Location', location) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_affinity_group_to_xml(label, description): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'UpdateAffinityGroup', [ ('Label', label, AzureNodeDriver._encode_base64), ('Description', description) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def subscription_certificate_to_xml(public_key, thumbprint, data): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'SubscriptionCertificate', [ ('SubscriptionCertificatePublicKey', public_key), ('SubscriptionCertificateThumbprint', thumbprint), ('SubscriptionCertificateData', data) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def os_image_to_xml(label, media_link, name, os): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'OSImage', [ ('Label', label), ('MediaLink', media_link), ('Name', name), ('OS', os) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def data_virtual_hard_disk_to_xml(host_caching, disk_label, disk_name, lun, logical_disk_size_in_gb, media_link, source_media_link): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'DataVirtualHardDisk', [ ('HostCaching', host_caching), ('DiskLabel', disk_label), ('DiskName', disk_name), ('Lun', lun), ('LogicalDiskSizeInGB', logical_disk_size_in_gb), ('MediaLink', media_link), ('SourceMediaLink', source_media_link) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def disk_to_xml(has_operating_system, label, media_link, name, os): return AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_data( 'Disk', [ ('HasOperatingSystem', has_operating_system, _lower), ('Label', label), ('MediaLink', media_link), ('Name', name), ('OS', os) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def restart_role_operation_to_xml(): xml = ET.Element("OperationType") xml.text = "RestartRoleOperation" doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml( 'RestartRoleOperation', xml ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def shutdown_role_operation_to_xml(): xml = ET.Element("OperationType") xml.text = "ShutdownRoleOperation" doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml( 'ShutdownRoleOperation', xml ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def start_role_operation_to_xml(): xml = ET.Element("OperationType") xml.text = "StartRoleOperation" doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml( 'StartRoleOperation', xml ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def windows_configuration_to_xml(configuration, xml): AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('ConfigurationSetType', configuration.configuration_set_type)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('ComputerName', configuration.computer_name)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('AdminPassword', configuration.admin_password)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon', configuration.reset_password_on_first_logon, _lower ) ], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'EnableAutomaticUpdates', configuration.enable_automatic_updates, _lower ) ], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('TimeZone', configuration.time_zone)], xml ) if configuration.domain_join is not None: domain = ET.xml("DomainJoin") creds = ET.xml("Credentials") domain.appemnd(creds) xml.append(domain) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Domain', configuration.domain_join.credentials.domain)], creds ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'Username', configuration.domain_join.credentials.username ) ], creds ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'Password', configuration.domain_join.credentials.password ) ], creds ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('JoinDomain', configuration.domain_join.join_domain)], domain ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'MachineObjectOU', configuration.domain_join.machine_object_ou ) ], domain ) if configuration.stored_certificate_settings is not None: cert_settings = ET.Element("StoredCertificateSettings") xml.append(cert_settings) for cert in configuration.stored_certificate_settings: cert_setting = ET.Element("CertificateSetting") cert_settings.append(cert_setting) cert_setting.append(AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('StoreLocation', cert.store_location)]) ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('StoreName', cert.store_name)], cert_setting ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Thumbprint', cert.thumbprint)], cert_setting ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('AdminUsername', configuration.admin_user_name)], xml ) return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def linux_configuration_to_xml(configuration, xml): AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('ConfigurationSetType', configuration.configuration_set_type)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('HostName', configuration.host_name)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('UserName', configuration.user_name)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('UserPassword', configuration.user_password)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'DisableSshPasswordAuthentication', configuration.disable_ssh_password_authentication, _lower ) ], xml ) if configuration.ssh is not None: ssh = ET.Element("SSH") pkeys = ET.Element("PublicKeys") kpairs = ET.Element("KeyPairs") ssh.append(pkeys) ssh.append(kpairs) xml.append(ssh) for key in configuration.ssh.public_keys: pkey = ET.Element("PublicKey") pkeys.append(pkey) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Fingerprint', key.fingerprint)], pkey ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('Path', key.path)], pkey) for key in configuration.ssh.key_pairs: kpair = ET.Element("KeyPair") kpairs.append(kpair) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Fingerprint', key.fingerprint)], kpair ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('Path', key.path)], kpair) if configuration.custom_data is not None: AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('CustomData', configuration.custom_data)], xml ) return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def network_configuration_to_xml(configuration, xml): AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('ConfigurationSetType', configuration.configuration_set_type)], xml ) input_endpoints = ET.Element("InputEndpoints") xml.append(input_endpoints) for endpoint in configuration.input_endpoints: input_endpoint = ET.Element("InputEndpoint") input_endpoints.append(input_endpoint) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'LoadBalancedEndpointSetName', endpoint.load_balanced_endpoint_set_name ) ], input_endpoint ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('LocalPort', endpoint.local_port)], input_endpoint ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Name',], input_endpoint ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Port', endpoint.port)], input_endpoint ) if (endpoint.load_balancer_probe.path or endpoint.load_balancer_probe.port or endpoint.load_balancer_probe.protocol): load_balancer_probe = ET.Element("LoadBalancerProbe") input_endpoint.append(load_balancer_probe) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Path', endpoint.load_balancer_probe.path)], load_balancer_probe ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Port', endpoint.load_balancer_probe.port)], load_balancer_probe ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Protocol', endpoint.load_balancer_probe.protocol)], load_balancer_probe ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Protocol', endpoint.protocol)], input_endpoint ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [ ( 'EnableDirectServerReturn', endpoint.enable_direct_server_return, _lower ) ], input_endpoint ) subnet_names = ET.Element("SubnetNames") xml.append(subnet_names) for name in configuration.subnet_names: AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('SubnetName', name)], subnet_names ) return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def role_to_xml(availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, network_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, vm_image_name, role_name, role_size, role_type, system_configuration_set, xml): AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('RoleName', role_name)], xml) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('RoleType', role_type)], xml) config_sets = ET.Element("ConfigurationSets") xml.append(config_sets) if system_configuration_set is not None: config_set = ET.Element("ConfigurationSet") config_sets.append(config_set) if isinstance(system_configuration_set, WindowsConfigurationSet): AzureXmlSerializer.windows_configuration_to_xml( system_configuration_set, config_set ) elif isinstance(system_configuration_set, LinuxConfigurationSet): AzureXmlSerializer.linux_configuration_to_xml( system_configuration_set, config_set ) if network_configuration_set is not None: config_set = ET.Element("ConfigurationSet") config_sets.append(config_set) AzureXmlSerializer.network_configuration_to_xml( network_configuration_set, config_set ) if availability_set_name is not None: AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('AvailabilitySetName', availability_set_name)], xml ) if data_virtual_hard_disks is not None: vhds = ET.Element("DataVirtualHardDisks") xml.append(vhds) for hd in data_virtual_hard_disks: vhd = ET.Element("DataVirtualHardDisk") vhds.append(vhd) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('HostCaching', hd.host_caching)], vhd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('DiskLabel', hd.disk_label)], vhd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('DiskName', hd.disk_name)], vhd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('Lun', hd.lun)], vhd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('LogicalDiskSizeInGB', hd.logical_disk_size_in_gb)], vhd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('MediaLink', hd.media_link)], vhd ) if os_virtual_hard_disk is not None: hd = ET.Element("OSVirtualHardDisk") xml.append(hd) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('HostCaching', os_virtual_hard_disk.host_caching)], hd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('DiskLabel', os_virtual_hard_disk.disk_label)], hd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('DiskName', os_virtual_hard_disk.disk_name)], hd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('MediaLink', os_virtual_hard_disk.media_link)], hd ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('SourceImageName', os_virtual_hard_disk.source_image_name)], hd ) if vm_image_name is not None: AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('VMImageName', vm_image_name)], xml ) if role_size is not None: AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('RoleSize', role_size)], xml) return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def add_role_to_xml(role_name, system_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, role_type, network_configuration_set, availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, vm_image_name, role_size): doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml('PersistentVMRole') xml = AzureXmlSerializer.role_to_xml( availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, network_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, vm_image_name, role_name, role_size, role_type, system_configuration_set, doc ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def update_role_to_xml(role_name, os_virtual_hard_disk, role_type, network_configuration_set, availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, vm_image_name, role_size): doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml('PersistentVMRole') AzureXmlSerializer.role_to_xml( availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, network_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, vm_image_name, role_name, role_size, role_type, None, doc ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def capture_role_to_xml(post_capture_action, target_image_name, target_image_label, provisioning_configuration): xml = AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('OperationType', 'CaptureRoleOperation')] ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('PostCaptureAction', post_capture_action)], xml ) if provisioning_configuration is not None: provisioning_config = ET.Element("ProvisioningConfiguration") xml.append(provisioning_config) if isinstance(provisioning_configuration, WindowsConfigurationSet): AzureXmlSerializer.windows_configuration_to_xml( provisioning_configuration, provisioning_config ) elif isinstance(provisioning_configuration, LinuxConfigurationSet): AzureXmlSerializer.linux_configuration_to_xml( provisioning_configuration, provisioning_config ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('TargetImageLabel', target_image_label)], xml ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('TargetImageName', target_image_name)], xml ) doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml('CaptureRoleOperation', xml) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def virtual_machine_deployment_to_xml(deployment_name, deployment_slot, label, role_name, system_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, role_type, network_configuration_set, availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, role_size, virtual_network_name, vm_image_name): doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml('Deployment') AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('Name', deployment_name)], doc) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('DeploymentSlot', deployment_slot)], doc ) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml([('Label', label)], doc) role_list = ET.Element("RoleList") role = ET.Element("Role") role_list.append(role) doc.append(role_list) AzureXmlSerializer.role_to_xml( availability_set_name, data_virtual_hard_disks, network_configuration_set, os_virtual_hard_disk, vm_image_name, role_name, role_size, role_type, system_configuration_set, role ) if virtual_network_name is not None: doc.append( AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml( [('VirtualNetworkName', virtual_network_name)] ) ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def data_to_xml(data, xml=None): """ Creates an xml fragment from the specified data. data: Array of tuples, where first: xml element name second: xml element text third: conversion function """ for element in data: name = element[0] val = element[1] if len(element) > 2: converter = element[2] else: converter = None if val is not None: if converter is not None: text = _str(converter(_str(val))) else: text = _str(val) entry = ET.Element(name) entry.text = text if xml is not None: xml.append(entry) else: return entry return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def doc_from_xml(document_element_name, inner_xml=None): """ Wraps the specified xml in an xml root element with default azure namespaces """ # Note: Namespaces don't work consistency in Python 2 and 3. """ nsmap = { None: "", "i": "" } xml.attrib["xmlns:i"] = "" xml.attrib["xmlns"] = "" """ xml = ET.Element(document_element_name) xml.set("xmlns", "") if inner_xml is not None: xml.append(inner_xml) return xml
[docs] @staticmethod def doc_from_data(document_element_name, data, extended_properties=None): doc = AzureXmlSerializer.doc_from_xml(document_element_name) AzureXmlSerializer.data_to_xml(data, doc) if extended_properties is not None: doc.append( AzureXmlSerializer.extended_properties_dict_to_xml_fragment( extended_properties ) ) result = ensure_string(ET.tostring(doc, encoding='utf-8')) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def extended_properties_dict_to_xml_fragment(extended_properties): if extended_properties is not None and len(extended_properties) > 0: xml = ET.Element("ExtendedProperties") for key, val in extended_properties.items(): extended_property = ET.Element("ExtendedProperty") name = ET.Element("Name") name.text = _str(key) value = ET.Element("Value") value.text = _str(val) extended_property.append(name) extended_property.append(value) xml.append(extended_property) return xml
""" Data Classes Borrowed from the Azure SDK for Python. """
[docs]class WindowsAzureData(object): """ This is the base of data class. It is only used to check whether it is instance or not. """ pass
[docs]class WindowsAzureDataTypedList(WindowsAzureData): list_type = None xml_element_name = None def __init__(self): self.items = _ListOf(self.list_type, self.xml_element_name) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items) def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.items[index]
[docs]class OSVirtualHardDisk(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, source_image_name=None, media_link=None, host_caching=None, disk_label=None, disk_name=None): self.source_image_name = source_image_name self.media_link = media_link self.host_caching = host_caching self.disk_label = disk_label self.disk_name = disk_name self.os = '' # undocumented, not used when adding a role
[docs]class LinuxConfigurationSet(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, host_name=None, user_name=None, user_password=None, disable_ssh_password_authentication=None, custom_data=None): self.configuration_set_type = 'LinuxProvisioningConfiguration' self.host_name = host_name self.user_name = user_name self.user_password = user_password self.disable_ssh_password_authentication = \ disable_ssh_password_authentication self.ssh = SSH() self.custom_data = custom_data
[docs]class WindowsConfigurationSet(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, computer_name=None, admin_password=None, reset_password_on_first_logon=None, enable_automatic_updates=None, time_zone=None, admin_user_name=None): self.configuration_set_type = 'WindowsProvisioningConfiguration' self.computer_name = computer_name self.admin_password = admin_password self.reset_password_on_first_logon = reset_password_on_first_logon self.enable_automatic_updates = enable_automatic_updates self.time_zone = time_zone self.admin_user_name = admin_user_name self.domain_join = DomainJoin() self.stored_certificate_settings = StoredCertificateSettings()
[docs]class DomainJoin(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.credentials = Credentials() self.join_domain = '' self.machine_object_ou = ''
[docs]class Credentials(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.domain = '' self.username = '' self.password = ''
[docs]class CertificateSetting(WindowsAzureData): """ Initializes a certificate setting. thumbprint: Specifies the thumbprint of the certificate to be provisioned. The thumbprint must specify an existing service certificate. store_name: Specifies the name of the certificate store from which retrieve certificate. store_location: Specifies the target certificate store location on the virtual machine The only supported value is LocalMachine. """ def __init__(self, thumbprint='', store_name='', store_location=''): self.thumbprint = thumbprint self.store_name = store_name self.store_location = store_location
[docs]class StoredCertificateSettings(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = CertificateSetting _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class SSH(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.public_keys = PublicKeys() self.key_pairs = KeyPairs()
[docs]class PublicKey(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, fingerprint='', path=''): self.fingerprint = fingerprint self.path = path
[docs]class PublicKeys(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = PublicKey _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class AzureKeyPair(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, fingerprint='', path=''): self.fingerprint = fingerprint self.path = path
[docs]class KeyPairs(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = AzureKeyPair _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class LoadBalancerProbe(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.path = '' self.port = '' self.protocol = ''
[docs]class ConfigurationSet(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.configuration_set_type = '' self.role_type = '' self.input_endpoints = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoints() self.subnet_names = ScalarListOf(str, 'SubnetName')
[docs]class ConfigurationSets(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = ConfigurationSet _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, name='', protocol='', port='', local_port='', load_balanced_endpoint_set_name='', enable_direct_server_return=False): self.enable_direct_server_return = enable_direct_server_return self.load_balanced_endpoint_set_name = load_balanced_endpoint_set_name self.local_port = local_port = name self.port = port self.load_balancer_probe = LoadBalancerProbe() self.protocol = protocol
[docs]class ConfigurationSetInputEndpoints(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = ConfigurationSetInputEndpoint xml_element_name = 'InputEndpoint' _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class Location(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' self.display_name = '' self.available_services = ScalarListOf(str, 'AvailableService') self.compute_capabilities = ComputeCapability()
[docs]class Locations(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = Location _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class ComputeCapability(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.virtual_machines_role_sizes = ScalarListOf(str, 'RoleSize')
[docs]class VirtualMachinesRoleSizes(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.role_size = ScalarListOf(str, 'RoleSize')
[docs]class OSImage(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.affinity_group = '' self.category = '' self.location = '' self.logical_size_in_gb = 0 self.label = '' self.media_link = '' = '' self.os = '' self.eula = '' self.description = ''
[docs]class Images(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = OSImage _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class VMImage(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' self.label = '' self.category = '' self.os_disk_configuration = OSDiskConfiguration() self.service_name = '' self.deployment_name = '' self.role_name = '' self.location = '' self.affinity_group = ''
[docs]class VMImages(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = VMImage _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class VirtualIP(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.address = '' self.is_dns_programmed = '' = ''
[docs]class VirtualIPs(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = VirtualIP _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class HostedService(WindowsAzureData, ReprMixin): _repr_attributes = [ 'service_name', 'url' ] def __init__(self): self.url = '' self.service_name = '' self.hosted_service_properties = HostedServiceProperties() self.deployments = Deployments()
[docs]class HostedServices(WindowsAzureDataTypedList, ReprMixin): list_type = HostedService _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class HostedServiceProperties(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.description = '' self.location = '' self.affinity_group = '' self.label = _Base64String() self.status = '' self.date_created = '' self.date_last_modified = '' self.extended_properties = _DictOf( 'ExtendedProperty', 'Name', 'Value' )
[docs]class Deployment(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' self.deployment_slot = '' self.private_id = '' self.status = '' self.label = _Base64String() self.url = '' self.configuration = _Base64String() self.role_instance_list = RoleInstanceList() self.upgrade_status = UpgradeStatus() self.upgrade_domain_count = '' self.role_list = RoleList() self.sdk_version = '' self.input_endpoint_list = InputEndpoints() self.locked = False self.rollback_allowed = False self.persistent_vm_downtime_info = PersistentVMDowntimeInfo() self.created_time = '' self.last_modified_time = '' self.extended_properties = _DictOf( 'ExtendedProperty', 'Name', 'Value' ) self.virtual_ips = VirtualIPs()
[docs]class Deployments(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = Deployment _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class UpgradeStatus(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.upgrade_type = '' self.current_upgrade_domain_state = '' self.current_upgrade_domain = ''
[docs]class RoleInstance(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.role_name = '' self.instance_name = '' self.instance_status = '' self.instance_upgrade_domain = 0 self.instance_fault_domain = 0 self.instance_size = '' self.instance_state_details = '' self.instance_error_code = '' self.ip_address = '' self.instance_endpoints = InstanceEndpoints() self.power_state = '' self.fqdn = '' self.host_name = ''
[docs]class RoleInstanceList(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = RoleInstance _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class InstanceEndpoint(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' = '' self.public_port = '' self.local_port = '' self.protocol = ''
[docs]class InstanceEndpoints(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = InstanceEndpoint _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class InputEndpoint(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.role_name = '' = '' self.port = ''
[docs]class InputEndpoints(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = InputEndpoint _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class Role(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.role_name = '' self.os_version = ''
[docs]class RoleList(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = Role _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class PersistentVMDowntimeInfo(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.start_time = '' self.end_time = '' self.status = ''
[docs]class AsynchronousOperationResult(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self, request_id=None): self.request_id = request_id
[docs]class Disk(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.affinity_group = '' self.attached_to = AttachedTo() self.has_operating_system = '' self.is_corrupted = '' self.location = '' self.logical_disk_size_in_gb = 0 self.label = '' self.media_link = '' = '' self.os = '' self.source_image_name = ''
[docs]class Disks(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = Disk _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class AttachedTo(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.hosted_service_name = '' self.deployment_name = '' self.role_name = ''
[docs]class OperationError(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.code = '' self.message = ''
[docs]class Operation(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' self.status = '' self.http_status_code = '' self.error = OperationError()
[docs]class OperatingSystem(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.version = '' self.label = _Base64String() self.is_default = True self.is_active = True = 0 self.family_label = _Base64String()
[docs]class OSDiskConfiguration(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' self.host_caching = '' self.os_state = '' self.os = '' self.media_link = '' self.logical_disk_size_in_gb = 0
[docs]class OperatingSystems(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = OperatingSystem _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class OperatingSystemFamily(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): = '' self.label = _Base64String() self.operating_systems = OperatingSystems()
[docs]class OperatingSystemFamilies(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = OperatingSystemFamily _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class Subscription(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.subscription_id = '' self.subscription_name = '' self.subscription_status = '' self.account_admin_live_email_id = '' self.service_admin_live_email_id = '' self.max_core_count = 0 self.max_storage_accounts = 0 self.max_hosted_services = 0 self.current_core_count = 0 self.current_hosted_services = 0 self.current_storage_accounts = 0 self.max_virtual_network_sites = 0 self.max_local_network_sites = 0 self.max_dns_servers = 0
[docs]class AvailabilityResponse(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.result = False
[docs]class SubscriptionCertificate(WindowsAzureData): def __init__(self): self.subscription_certificate_public_key = '' self.subscription_certificate_thumbprint = '' self.subscription_certificate_data = '' self.created = ''
[docs]class SubscriptionCertificates(WindowsAzureDataTypedList): list_type = SubscriptionCertificate _repr_attributes = [ 'items' ]
[docs]class AzureHTTPRequest(object): def __init__(self): = '' self.method = '' self.path = '' self.query = [] # list of (name, value) self.headers = {} # list of (header name, header value) self.body = '' self.protocol_override = None
[docs]class AzureHTTPResponse(object): def __init__(self, status, message, headers, body): self.status = status self.message = message self.headers = headers self.body = body
""" Helper classes and functions. """ class _Base64String(str): pass class _ListOf(list): """ A list which carries with it the type that's expected to go in it. Used for deserializaion and construction of the lists """ def __init__(self, list_type, xml_element_name=None): self.list_type = list_type if xml_element_name is None: self.xml_element_name = list_type.__name__ else: self.xml_element_name = xml_element_name super(_ListOf, self).__init__()
[docs]class ScalarListOf(list): """ A list of scalar types which carries with it the type that's expected to go in it along with its xml element name. Used for deserializaion and construction of the lists """ def __init__(self, list_type, xml_element_name): self.list_type = list_type self.xml_element_name = xml_element_name super(ScalarListOf, self).__init__()
class _DictOf(dict): """ A dict which carries with it the xml element names for key,val. Used for deserializaion and construction of the lists """ def __init__(self, pair_xml_element_name, key_xml_element_name, value_xml_element_name): self.pair_xml_element_name = pair_xml_element_name self.key_xml_element_name = key_xml_element_name self.value_xml_element_name = value_xml_element_name super(_DictOf, self).__init__()
[docs]class AzureNodeLocation(NodeLocation): # we can also have something in here for available services which is an # extra to the API with Azure def __init__(self, id, name, country, driver, available_services, virtual_machine_role_sizes): super(AzureNodeLocation, self).__init__(id, name, country, driver) self.available_services = available_services self.virtual_machine_role_sizes = virtual_machine_role_sizes def __repr__(self): return ( ( '<AzureNodeLocation: id=%s, name=%s, country=%s, ' 'driver=%s services=%s virtualMachineRoleSizes=%s >' ) % (,,,, ','.join(self.available_services), ','.join(self.virtual_machine_role_sizes) ) )