libcloud.common package


libcloud.common.abiquo module

Abiquo Utilities Module for the Abiquo Driver.

Common utilities needed by the AbiquoNodeDriver.

class libcloud.common.abiquo.AbiquoConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, proxy_url=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey, libcloud.common.base.PollingConnection

A Connection to Abiquo API.

Basic ConnectionUserAndKey connection with PollingConnection features for asynchronous tasks.


Add Basic Authentication header to all the requests.

It injects the ‘Authorization: Basic Base64String===’ header in each request

Parameters:headers (dict) – Default input headers
Return type:dict
Returns:Default input headers with the ‘Authorization’ header
get_poll_request_kwargs(response, context, request_kwargs)[source]

Manage polling request arguments.

Return keyword arguments which are passed to the NodeDriver.request method when polling for the job status. The Abiquo Asynchronous Response returns and ‘acceptedrequest’ XmlElement as the following:

    <link href="http://uri/to/task" rel="status"/>
    <message>You can follow the progress in the link</message>

We need to extract the href URI to poll.

  • response (xml.etree.ElementTree) – Object returned by poll request.
  • request_kwargs (dict) – Default request arguments and headers
Return type:



Modified keyword arguments


Decide if the asynchronous job has ended.

Parameters:response (xml.etree.ElementTree) – Response object returned by poll request
Return type:bool
Returns:Whether the job has completed

alias of AbiquoResponse

class libcloud.common.abiquo.AbiquoResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

Abiquo XML Response.

Wraps the response in XML bodies or extract the error data in case of error.

NODE_STATE_MAP = {'PAUSED': 'pending', 'ON': 'running', 'OFF': 'pending', 'UNKNOWN': 'unknown', 'NOT_ALLOCATED': 'terminated', 'LOCKED': 'pending', 'ALLOCATED': 'pending', 'CONFIGURED': 'pending'}

Determinate if async request was successful.

An async_request retrieves for a task object that can be successfully retrieved (self.status == OK), but the asynchronous task (the body of the HTTP response) which we are asking for has finished with an error. So this method checks if the status code is ‘OK’ and if the task has finished successfully.

Return type:bool
Returns:successful asynchronous request or not

Parse the error messages.

Response body can easily be handled by this class parent XmlResponse, but there are use cases which Abiquo API does not respond an XML but an HTML. So we need to handle these special cases.


Determine if the request was successful.

Any of the 2XX HTTP response codes are accepted as successful requests

Return type:bool
Returns:successful request or not.
exception libcloud.common.abiquo.ForbiddenError(driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Exception used when credentials are ok but user has not permissions.

libcloud.common.abiquo.get_href(element, rel)[source]

Search a RESTLink element in the AbiquoResponse.

Abiquo, as a REST API, it offers self-discovering functionality. That means that you could walk through the whole API only navigating from the links offered by the entities.

This is a basic method to find the ‘relations’ of an entity searching into its links.

For instance, a Rack entity serialized as XML as the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
 <link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1"
    type="application/vnd.abiquo.datacenter+xml" rel="datacenter"/>
 <link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1/racks/1"
    type="application/vnd.abiquo.rack+xml" rel="edit"/>
 <link href="http://host/api/admin/datacenters/1/racks/1/machines"
    type="application/vnd.abiquo.machines+xml" rel="machines"/>

offers link to datacenters (rel=’datacenter’), to itself (rel=’edit’) and to the machines defined in it (rel=’machines’)

A call to this method with the ‘rack’ element using ‘datacenter’ as ‘rel’ will return:

  • element (xml.etree.ElementTree) – Xml Entity returned by Abiquo API (required)
  • rel (str) – relation link name
Return type:



the ‘href’ value according to the ‘rel’ input parameter

libcloud.common.aliyun module

class libcloud.common.aliyun.AliyunXmlResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

namespace = None

Each response from Aliyun contains a request id and a host id. The response body is in utf-8 encoding.


Parse error responses from Aliyun.

class libcloud.common.aliyun.AliyunRequestSigner(access_key, access_secret, version)[source]

Bases: object

Class handles signing the outgoing Aliyun requests.

  • access_key (str) – Access key.
  • access_secret (str) – Access secret.
  • version (str) – API version.
get_request_headers(params, headers, method='GET', path='/')[source]
get_request_params(params, method='GET', path='/')[source]
class libcloud.common.aliyun.AliyunRequestSignerAlgorithmV1_0(access_key, access_secret, version)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.aliyun.AliyunRequestSigner

Aliyun request signer using signature version 1.0.

  • access_key (str) – Access key.
  • access_secret (str) – Access secret.
  • version (str) – API version.
get_request_params(params, method='GET', path='/')[source]
class libcloud.common.aliyun.SignedAliyunConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, api_version=None, signature_version='1.0')[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.aliyun.AliyunConnection

api_version = None
class libcloud.common.aliyun.AliyunConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey module

class, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

namespace = None
class, connection)[source]


exceptions = {}
xpath = None
class, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, token=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

class, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, token=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, signature_version='2')[source]


pre_connect_hook(params, headers)[source]
version = None
class, access_secret, version, connection)[source]


  • access_key (str) – Access key.
  • access_secret (str) – Access secret.
  • version (str) – API version.
  • connection (Connection) – Connection instance.
get_request_params(params, method='GET', path='/')[source]
class, access_secret, version, connection)[source]


  • access_key (str) – Access key.
  • access_secret (str) – Access secret.
  • version (str) – API version.
  • connection (Connection) – Connection instance.
get_request_headers(params, headers, method='GET', path='/', data=None)[source]
get_request_params(params, method='GET', path='/')[source]
class, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, token=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.BaseDriver module


Bases: object

name = 'Microsoft Azure Service Management API'
class, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Represents a single connection to Azure

pre_connect_hook(params, headers)[source]

alias of AzureRawResponse


alias of AzureResponse

skip_accept_encoding = False
skip_host = False

Bases: libcloud.common.base.RawResponse

Parameters:connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

valid_response_codes = [404, 409, 400, 307]
class, key_file, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.CertificateConnection

Authentication class for “Service Account” authentication.

Check to see if PyCrypto is available, and convert key file path into a key string if the key is in a file.

  • subscription_id (str) – Azure subscription ID.
  • key_file (str) – The PEM file used to authenticate with the service.

@inherits: Connection.add_default_headers TODO: move to constant..


alias of AzureBaseDriver

host = ''
keyfile = ''
name = 'Azure Service Management API Connection'

alias of AzureRawResponse


alias of AzureResponse

libcloud.common.azure_arm module

class libcloud.common.azure_arm.AzureAuthJsonResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

class libcloud.common.azure_arm.AzureBaseDriver[source]

Bases: object

name = 'Microsoft Azure Resource Management API'
class libcloud.common.azure_arm.AzureJsonResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

class libcloud.common.azure_arm.AzureResourceManagementConnection(key, secret, secure=True, tenant_id=None, subscription_id=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Represents a single connection to Azure

conn_classes = (None, <class 'libcloud.httplib_ssl.LibcloudHTTPSConnection'>)

alias of AzureBaseDriver


Encode data to JSON


Log in and get bearer token used to authorize API requests.

host = ''
login_host = ''
login_resource = ''
name = 'Azure AD Auth'

alias of RawResponse

request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]

alias of AzureJsonResponse

libcloud.common.base module

class libcloud.common.base.BaseDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Base driver class from which other classes can inherit from.

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:



alias of ConnectionKey

classmethod list_regions()[source]

Method which returns a list of the available / supported regions.

Return type:list of str
class libcloud.common.base.Connection(secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: object

A Base Connection class to derive from.

action = None

Adds default headers (such as Authorization, X-Foo-Bar) to the passed headers

Should return a dictionary.


Adds default parameters (such as API key, version, etc.) to the passed params

Should return a dictionary.

allow_insecure = True
backoff = None
cache_busting = False
conn_classes = (<class 'libcloud.httplib_ssl.LibcloudHTTPConnection'>, <class 'libcloud.httplib_ssl.LibcloudHTTPSConnection'>)
connect(host=None, port=None, base_url=None, **kwargs)[source]

Establish a connection with the API server.

  • host (str) – Optional host to override our default
  • port (int) – Optional port to override our default

A connection

connection = None
driver = None

Encode body data.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

host = ''
port = 443
pre_connect_hook(params, headers)[source]

A hook which is called before connecting to the remote server. This hook can perform a final manipulation on the params, headers and url parameters.

  • params (dict) – Request parameters.
  • headers (dict) – Request headers.

alias of RawResponse

request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]

Request a given action.

Basically a wrapper around the connection object’s request that does some helpful pre-processing.

  • action (str) – A path. This can include arguments. If included, any extra parameters are appended to the existing ones.
  • params (dict) – Optional mapping of additional parameters to send. If None, leave as an empty dict.
  • data (unicode) – A body of data to send with the request.
  • headers (dict) – Extra headers to add to the request None, leave as an empty dict.
  • method (str) – An HTTP method such as “GET” or “POST”.
  • raw (bool) – True to perform a “raw” request aka only send the headers and use the rawResponseCls class. This is used with storage API when uploading a file.

An Response instance.

Return type:

Response instance


alias of Response

retry_delay = None
secure = 1

Set a HTTP proxy which will be used with this connection.

Parameters:proxy_url (str) – Proxy URL (e.g. http://<hostname>:<port> without authentication and http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> for basic auth authentication information.
skip_accept_encoding = True
skip_host = True
timeout = None

Append a token to a user agent string.

Users of the library should call this to uniquely identify their requests to a provider.

Parameters:token (str) – Token to add to the user agent.
class libcloud.common.base.PollingConnection(secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Connection

Connection class which can also work with the async APIs.

After initial requests, this class periodically polls for jobs status and waits until the job has finished. If job doesn’t finish in timeout seconds, an Exception thrown.

async_request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', context=None)[source]

Perform an ‘async’ request to the specified path. Keep in mind that this function is blocking and ‘async’ in this case means that the hit URL only returns a job ID which is the periodically polled until the job has completed.

This function works like this:

  • Perform a request to the specified path. Response should contain a ‘job_id’.
  • Returned ‘job_id’ is then used to construct a URL which is used for retrieving job status. Constructed URL is then periodically polled until the response indicates that the job has completed or the timeout of ‘self.timeout’ seconds has been reached.
  • action (str) – A path
  • params (dict) – Optional mapping of additional parameters to send. If None, leave as an empty dict.
  • data (unicode) – A body of data to send with the request.
  • headers (dict) – Extra headers to add to the request None, leave as an empty dict.
  • method (str) – An HTTP method such as “GET” or “POST”.
  • context (dict) – Context dictionary which is passed to the functions which construct initial and poll URL.

An Response instance.

Return type:

Response instance

get_poll_request_kwargs(response, context, request_kwargs)[source]

Return keyword arguments which are passed to the request() method when polling for the job status.

  • response (dict) – Response object returned by poll request.
  • request_kwargs – Kwargs previously used to initiate the poll request.

:return dict Keyword arguments

get_request_kwargs(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', context=None)[source]

Arguments which are passed to the initial request() call inside async_request.


Return job completion status.

Parameters:response (HTTPResponse) – Response object returned by poll request.

:return bool True if the job has completed, False otherwise.

poll_interval = 0.5
request_method = 'request'
timeout = 200
class libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Connection

Base connection class which accepts a single key argument.

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.

class libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Base connection class which accepts a user_id and key argument.

user_id = None
class libcloud.common.base.CertificateConnection(cert_file, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, proxy_url=None, timeout=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Connection

Base connection class which accepts a single cert_file argument.

Initialize cert_file; set secure to an int based on passed value.

class libcloud.common.base.LoggingHTTPConnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.LoggingConnection, libcloud.httplib_ssl.LibcloudHTTPConnection

Utility Class for logging HTTP connections

protocol = 'http'
request(method, url, body=None, headers=None)[source]
class libcloud.common.base.LoggingHTTPSConnection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.LoggingConnection, libcloud.httplib_ssl.LibcloudHTTPSConnection

Utility Class for logging HTTPS connections


protocol = 'https'
request(method, url, body=None, headers=None)[source]
class libcloud.common.base.Response(response, connection)[source]

Bases: object

A base Response class to derive from.

body = None
connection = None
error = None
headers = {}
object = None

Parse response body.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

Parse the error messages.

Override in a provider’s subclass.

Returns:Parsed error.
Return type:str
parse_zero_length_body = False
status = 200

Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False
class libcloud.common.base.HTTPResponse(sock, debuglevel=0, strict=0, method=None, buffering=False)[source]

Bases: httplib.HTTPResponse

class libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Response

A Base JSON Response class to derive from.

class libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Response

A Base XML Response class to derive from.

class libcloud.common.base.RawResponse(connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Response

Parameters:connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.

libcloud.common.brightbox module

class libcloud.common.brightbox.BrightboxConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the Brightbox driver

host = ''

alias of BrightboxResponse

class libcloud.common.brightbox.BrightboxResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse


libcloud.common.buddyns module

exception libcloud.common.buddyns.BuddyNSException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.buddyns.BuddyNSResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

errors = []
objects = []
class libcloud.common.buddyns.BuddyNSConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.

host = ''

alias of BuddyNSResponse

libcloud.common.cloudsigma module

libcloud.common.cloudstack module

class libcloud.common.cloudstack.CloudStackConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey, libcloud.common.base.PollingConnection


Must of the data is sent as part of query params (eeww), but in newer versions, userdata argument can be sent as a urlencoded data in the request body.

get_poll_request_kwargs(response, context, request_kwargs)[source]
get_request_kwargs(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET', context=None)[source]
poll_interval = 1
pre_connect_hook(params, headers)[source]
request_method = '_sync_request'

alias of CloudStackResponse

timeout = 600
class libcloud.common.cloudstack.CloudStackDriverMixIn(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None)[source]

Bases: object


alias of CloudStackConnection

host = None
path = None
class libcloud.common.cloudstack.CloudStackResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse


libcloud.common.digitalocean module

Common settings and connection objects for DigitalOcean Cloud

class libcloud.common.digitalocean.DigitalOcean_v2_Response(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

valid_response_codes = [200, 202, 201, 204]
class libcloud.common.digitalocean.DigitalOcean_v2_Connection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the DigitalOcean (v2) driver.

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Add headers that are necessary for every request

This method adds token to the request.


Add parameters that are necessary for every request

This method adds per_page to the request to reduce the total number of paginated requests to the API.

host = ''

alias of DigitalOcean_v2_Response

class libcloud.common.digitalocean.DigitalOceanBaseDriver(key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=None, region=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.BaseDriver

DigitalOcean BaseDriver

  • key (str) – API key or username to be used (required)
  • secret (str) – Secret password to be used (required)
  • secure (bool) – Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. Note: Some providers only support HTTPS, and it is on by default.
  • host (str) – Override hostname used for connections.
  • port (int) – Override port used for connections.
  • api_version (str) – Optional API version. Only used by drivers which support multiple API versions.
  • region (str) – Optional driver region. Only used by drivers which support multiple regions.
Return type:


name = 'DigitalOcean'
website = ''

libcloud.common.dimensiondata module

Dimension Data Common Components

exception libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataAPIException(code, msg, driver)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataAccountDetails(user_name, full_name, first_name, last_name, email)[source]

Bases: object

Dimension Data account class details

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule(id, node_list)[source]

Bases: object

Anti-Affinity rule for DimensionData

An Anti-Affinity rule ensures that servers in the rule will not reside on the same VMware ESX host.

Instantiate a new DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule

  • id (str) – The ID of the Anti-Affinity rule
  • node_list (list of str) – List of node ids that belong in this rule
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupClient(id, type, status, schedule_policy, storage_policy, download_url, alert=None, running_job=None)[source]

Bases: object

An object that represents a backup client

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupClient

  • id (str) – Unique ID for the client
  • type (DimensionDataBackupClientType) – The type of client that this client is
  • status (str) – The states of this particular backup client. i.e. (Unregistered)
  • schedule_policy (str) – The schedule policy for this client NOTE: Dimension Data only sends back the name of the schedule policy, no further details
  • storage_policy (str) – The storage policy for this client NOTE: Dimension Data only sends back the name of the storage policy, no further details
  • download_url (str) – The download url for this client
  • alert (DimensionDataBackupClientRunningJob) – The alert configured for this backup client (optional)
  • alert – The running job for the client (optional)
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupClientAlert(trigger, notify_list=[])[source]

Bases: object

An alert for a backup client

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupClientAlert

  • trigger (str) – Trigger type for the client i.e. ON_FAILURE
  • notify_list (list of str) – List of email addresses that are notified when the alert is fired
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupClientRunningJob(id, status, percentage=0)[source]

Bases: object

A running job for a given backup client

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupClientRunningJob

  • id (str) – The unqiue ID of the job
  • status (str) – The status of the job i.e. Waiting
  • percentage (int) – The percentage completion of the job
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupClientType(type, is_file_system, description)[source]

Bases: object

A client type object for backups

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupClientType

  • type (str) – The type of client i.e. (FA.Linux, MySQL, ect.)
  • is_file_system (bool) – The name of the iRule
  • description (str) – Description of the client
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupDetails(asset_id, service_plan, status, clients=None)[source]

Bases: object

Dimension Data Backup Details represents information about a targets backups configuration

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupDetails

  • asset_id (str) – Asset identification for backups
  • service_plan (str) – The service plan for backups. i.e (Essentials)
  • status (str) – The overall status this backup target. i.e. (unregistered)
  • clients (list of DimensionDataBackupClient) – Backup clients attached to this target
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupSchedulePolicy(name, description)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a schedule policy

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupSchedulePolicy

  • name (str) – The name of the policy i.e 12AM - 6AM
  • description (str) – Short summary of the details of the policy
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataBackupStoragePolicy(name, retention_period, secondary_location)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a storage policy

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataBackupStoragePolicy

  • name (str) – The name of the storage policy i.e. 14 Day Storage Policy
  • retention_period (int) – How long to keep the backup in days
  • secondary_location (str) – The secondary location i.e. Primary
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataChildIpAddressList(id, name)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData Child IP Address list

” Initialize an instance of DimensionDataChildIpAddressList

  • id (str) – GUID of the IP Address List key
  • name (str) – Name of the IP Address List
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataChildPortList(id, name)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData Child Port list

” Initialize an instance of DimensionDataChildIpAddressList

  • id (str) – GUID of the child port list key
  • name (str) – Name of the child port List
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, api_version=None, **conn_kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the DimensionData driver

active_api_version = '2.4'
allow_insecure = False
api_path_version_1 = '/oec'
api_path_version_2 = '/caas'
api_version_1 = 0.9

Get the details of this account

Return type:DimensionDataAccountDetails

This method returns a resource path which is necessary for referencing resources that require a full path instead of just an ID, such as networks, and customer snapshots.


This method returns a resource path which is necessary for referencing resources that require a full path instead of just an ID, such as networks, and customer snapshots.

latest_api_version = '2.4'
oldest_api_version = '2.2'
paginated_request_with_orgId_api_2(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET', page_size=250)[source]

A paginated request to the MCP2.0 API This essentially calls out to request_with_orgId_api_2 for each page and yields the response to make a generator This generator can be looped through to grab all the pages.

  • action (str) – The resource to access (i.e. ‘network/vlan’)
  • params (dict or None) – Parameters to give to the action
  • data (str) – The data payload to be added to the request
  • headers (str or dict or None) – Additional header to be added to the request
  • method (str) – HTTP Method for the request (i.e. ‘GET’, ‘POST’)
  • page_size (int) – The size of each page to be returned Note: Max page size in MCP2.0 is currently 250

alias of DimensionDataRawResponse

raw_request_with_orgId_api_1(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]
request_api_1(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]
request_api_2(path, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]
request_with_orgId_api_1(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]
request_with_orgId_api_2(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]

alias of DimensionDataResponse

wait_for_state(state, func, poll_interval=2, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Wait for the function which returns a instance with field status/state to match.

Keep polling func until one of the desired states is matched

  • state (str or list) – Either the desired state (str) or a list of states
  • func (function) – The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan. Note: This function needs to return an object which has status attribute.
  • poll_interval (int) – The number of seconds to wait between checks
  • timeout (int) – The total number of seconds to wait to reach a state
  • args (Positional arguments) – The arguments for func
  • kwargs (Keyword arguments) – The arguments for func

Result from the calling function.

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataDefaultHealthMonitor(id, name, node_compatible, pool_compatible)[source]

Bases: object

A default health monitor for a VIP (node, pool or listener)

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataDefaultHealthMonitor

  • id (str) – The ID of the monitor
  • name (str) – The name of the monitor
  • node_compatible (bool) – Is a monitor capable of monitoring nodes
  • pool_compatible (bool) – Is a monitor capable of monitoring pools
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataDefaultiRule(id, name, compatible_listeners)[source]

Bases: object

A default iRule for a network domain, can be applied to a listener

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataDefaultiRule

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataFirewallAddress(any_ip, ip_address, ip_prefix_size, port_begin, port_end, address_list_id, port_list_id)[source]

Bases: object

The source or destination model in a firewall rule

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataFirewallRule(id, name, action, location, network_domain, status, ip_version, protocol, source, destination, enabled)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData Firewall Rule for a network domain

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataIpAddress(begin, end=None, prefix_size=None)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of IP Address in Dimension Data

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataIpAddress

  • begin (str) – IP Address Begin
  • end (str) – IP Address end
  • prefixSize (int) – IP Address prefix size
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataIpAddressList(id, name, description, ip_version, ip_address_collection, state, create_time, child_ip_address_lists=None)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData IP Address list

” Initialize an instance of DimensionDataIpAddressList

  • id (str) – GUID of the IP Address List key
  • name (str) – Name of the IP Address List
  • description (str) – Description of the IP Address List
  • ip_version (str) – IP version. E.g. IPV4, IPV6
  • ip_address_collection (List) – Collection of DimensionDataIpAddress
  • state (str) – IP Address list state
  • create_time (date time) – IP Address List created time
  • child_ip_address_lists (List) – List of IP address list to be included

of :class:’DimensionDataIpAddressList’

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNatRule(id, network_domain, internal_ip, external_ip, status)[source]

Bases: object

An IP NAT rule in a network domain

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNetwork(id, name, description, location, private_net, multicast, status)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData network with location.

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNetworkDomain(id, name, description, location, status, plan)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData network domain with location.

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataNic(private_ip_v4=None, vlan=None, network_adapter_name=None)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of Network Adapter in Dimension Data

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataNic

  • private_ip_v4 (str) – IPv4
  • vlan (class: DimensionDataVlan or str) – Network VLAN
  • network_adapter_name (str) – Network Adapter Name
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataPersistenceProfile(id, name, compatible_listeners, fallback_compatible)[source]

Bases: object

Each Persistence Profile declares the combination of Virtual Listener type and protocol with which it is compatible and whether or not it is compatible as a Fallback Persistence Profile.

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataPersistenceProfile

  • id (str) – The ID of the profile
  • name (str) – The name of the profile
  • compatible_listeners (list of DimensionDataVirtualListenerCompatibility) – List of compatible Virtual Listener types
  • fallback_compatible (bool) – Is capable as a fallback profile
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataPool(id, name, description, status, load_balance_method, health_monitor_id, service_down_action, slow_ramp_time)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData VIP Pool.

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataPool

  • id (str) – The ID of the pool
  • name (str) – The name of the pool
  • description (str) – Plan text description of the pool
  • status (DimensionDataStatus) – The status of the pool
  • load_balance_method (str) – The load balancer method
  • health_monitor_id (str) – The ID of the health monitor
  • service_down_action (str) – Action to take when pool is down
  • slow_ramp_time (int) – The ramp-up time for service recovery
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataPoolMember(id, name, status, ip, port, node_id)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData VIP Pool Member.

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataPoolMember

  • id (str) – The ID of the pool member
  • name (str) – The name of the pool member
  • status (DimensionDataStatus) – The status of the pool
  • ip (str) – The IP of the pool member
  • port (int) – The port of the pool member
  • node_id (str) – The ID of the associated node
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataPort(begin, end=None)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of Port in Dimension Data

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataPort

  • begin (str) – Port Number Begin
  • end (str) – Port Number end
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataPortList(id, name, description, port_collection, child_portlist_list, state, create_time)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData Port list

” Initialize an instance of DimensionDataPortList

  • id (str) – GUID of the Port List key
  • name (str) – Name of the Port List
  • description (str) – Description of the Port List
  • port_collection (List) – Collection of DimensionDataPort
  • child_portlist_list (List) – Collection of DimensionDataChildPort
  • state (str) – Port list state
  • create_time (date time) – Port List created time
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataPublicIpBlock(id, base_ip, size, location, network_domain, status)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData Public IP Block with location.

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataRawResponse(connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.RawResponse

Parameters:connection (Connection) – Parent connection object.
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification(cpu_count, cores_per_socket, performance)[source]

Bases: object

A class that represents the specification of the CPU(s) for a node

Instantiate a new DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification

  • cpu_count (int) – The number of CPUs
  • cores_per_socket (int) – The number of cores per socket, the recommendation is 1
  • performance (str) – The performance type, e.g. HIGHPERFORMANCE
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataServerDisk(id=None, scsi_id=None, size_gb=None, speed=None, state=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class that represents the disk on a server

Instantiate a new DimensionDataServerDisk

  • id (str) – The id of the disk
  • scsi_id (int) – Representation for scsi
  • size_gb (int) – Size of the disk
  • speed (str) – Speed of the disk (i.e. STANDARD)
  • state (str) – State of the disk (i.e. PENDING)
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataServerVMWareTools(status, version_status, api_version)[source]

Bases: object

A class that represents the VMWareTools for a node

Instantiate a new DimensionDataServerVMWareTools object

  • status (str) – The status of VMWare Tools
  • version_status (str) – The status for the version of VMWare Tools (i.e NEEDS_UPGRADE)
  • api_version (str) – The API version of VMWare Tools
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataStatus(action=None, request_time=None, user_name=None, number_of_steps=None, update_time=None, step_name=None, step_number=None, step_percent_complete=None, failure_reason=None)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData API pending operation status class
action, request_time, user_name, number_of_steps, update_time,, step.number, step.percent_complete, failure_reason,
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataTag(asset_type, asset_id, asset_name, datacenter, key, value)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a Tag in Dimension Data A Tag first must have a Tag Key, then an asset is tag with a key and an option value. Tags can be queried later to filter assets and also show up on usage report if so desired.

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataTag

  • asset_type (str) – The type of asset. Current asset types: SERVER, VLAN, NETWORK_DOMAIN, CUSTOMER_IMAGE, PUBLIC_IP_BLOCK, ACCOUNT
  • asset_id (str) – The GUID of the asset that is tagged
  • asset_name (str) – The name of the asset that is tagged
  • datacenter (str) – The short datacenter name of the tagged asset
  • key (DimensionDataTagKey) – The tagged key
  • value (None or str) – The tagged value
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataTagKey(id, name, description, value_required, display_on_report)[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a Tag Key in Dimension Data A tag key is required to tag an asset

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataTagKey

  • id (str) – GUID of the tag key
  • name (str) – Name of the tag key
  • description (str) – Description of the tag key
  • value_required (bool) – If a value is required for this tag key
  • display_on_report (bool) – If this tag key should be displayed on usage reports
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataVIPNode(id, name, status, ip, connection_limit='10000', connection_rate_limit='10000')[source]

Bases: object

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataVIPNode

  • id (str) – The ID of the node
  • name (str) – The name of the node
  • status (DimensionDataStatus) – The status of the node
  • ip (str) – The IP of the node
  • connection_limit (int) – The total connection limit for the node
  • connection_rate_limit (int) – The rate limit for the node
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataVirtualListener(id, name, status, ip)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData Virtual Listener.

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataVirtualListener

  • id (str) – The ID of the listener
  • name (str) – The name of the listener
  • status (DimensionDataStatus) – The status of the listener
  • ip (str) – The IP of the listener
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataVirtualListenerCompatibility(type, protocol)[source]

Bases: object

A compatibility preference for a persistence profile or iRule specifies which virtual listener types this profile or iRule can be applied to.

class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.DimensionDataVlan(id, name, description, location, network_domain, status, private_ipv4_range_address, private_ipv4_range_size, ipv6_range_address, ipv6_range_size, ipv4_gateway, ipv6_gateway)[source]

Bases: object

DimensionData VLAN.

Initialize an instance of DimensionDataVlan

  • id (str) – The ID of the VLAN
  • name (str) – The name of the VLAN
  • description (str) – Plan text description of the VLAN
  • location (NodeLocation) – The location (data center) of the VLAN
  • network_domain (DimensionDataNetworkDomain) – The Network Domain that owns this VLAN
  • status (DimensionDataStatus) – The status of the VLAN
  • private_ipv4_range_address (str) – The host address of the VLAN IP space
  • private_ipv4_range_size (int) – The size (e.g. ‘24’) of the VLAN as a CIDR range size
  • ipv6_range_address (str) – The host address of the VLAN IP space
  • ipv6_range_size (int) – The size (e.g. ‘32’) of the VLAN as a CIDR range size
  • ipv4_gateway (str) – The IPv4 default gateway address
  • ipv6_gateway (str) – The IPv6 default gateway address
class libcloud.common.dimensiondata.NetworkDomainServicePlan[source]

Bases: object

libcloud.common.dimensiondata.dd_object_to_id(obj, obj_type, id_value='id')[source]

Takes in a DD object or string and prints out it’s id This is a helper method, as many of our functions can take either an object or a string, and we need an easy way of converting them

  • obj (object) – The object to get the id for
  • func (function) – The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan. Note: This function needs to return an object which has status attribute.
Return type:


libcloud.common.dnsimple module

class libcloud.common.dnsimple.DNSimpleDNSConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey


Add headers that are necessary for every request

This method adds token to the request.

host = ''

alias of DNSimpleDNSResponse

class libcloud.common.dnsimple.DNSimpleDNSResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse


Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.common.dnspod module

exception libcloud.common.dnspod.DNSPodException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.dnspod.DNSPodResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

errors = []
objects = []
class libcloud.common.dnspod.DNSPodConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.

host = ''

alias of DNSPodResponse

libcloud.common.durabledns module

class libcloud.common.durabledns.DurableConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

host = ''

alias of DurableResponse

exception libcloud.common.durabledns.DurableDNSException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.durabledns.DurableResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

errors = []
objects = []

Used to parse body from httplib.HttpResponse object.


Used to determine if the request was successful.

libcloud.common.exceptions module

exception libcloud.common.exceptions.BaseHTTPError(code, message, headers=None)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

The base exception class for all HTTP related exceptions.

exception libcloud.common.exceptions.RateLimitReachedError(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.exceptions.BaseHTTPError

HTTP 429 - Rate limit: you’ve sent too many requests for this time period.

code = 429
message = '429 Rate limit exceeded'
libcloud.common.exceptions.exception_from_message(code, message, headers=None)[source]

Return an instance of BaseHTTPException or subclass based on response code.

raise exception_from_message(code=self.status,

libcloud.common.gandi module

Gandi driver base classes

class libcloud.common.gandi.BaseGandiDriver[source]

Bases: object

Gandi base driver


alias of GandiConnection

name = 'Gandi'
class libcloud.common.gandi.BaseObject(id, state, driver)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for objects not conventional


Unique hash for this object


The hash is a function of an SHA1 hash of prefix, the object’s ID and its driver which means that it should be unique between all interfaces. TODO : to review >>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver >>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0) >>> vif = driver.create_interface() >>> vif.get_uuid() ‘d3748461511d8b9b0e0bfa0d4d3383a619a2bb9f’

Note, for example, that this example will always produce the same UUID!

uuid_prefix = ''
class libcloud.common.gandi.Disk(id, state, name, driver, size, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.gandi.BaseObject

Gandi disk component

class libcloud.common.gandi.GandiConnection(key, secure=True, timeout=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, proxy_url=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCConnection, libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Connection class for the Gandi driver

endpoint = '/xmlrpc/'
host = ''
request(method, *args)[source]

alias of GandiResponse

exception libcloud.common.gandi.GandiException[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception class for Gandi driver

class libcloud.common.gandi.GandiResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCResponse

A Base Gandi Response class to derive from.

class libcloud.common.gandi.IPAddress(id, state, inet, driver, version=4, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.gandi.BaseObject

Provide a common interface for ip addresses

uuid_prefix = 'inet:'
class libcloud.common.gandi.NetworkInterface(id, state, mac_address, driver, ips=None, node_id=None, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.gandi.BaseObject

Provide a common interface for network interfaces

uuid_prefix = 'if:'

libcloud.common.gogrid module

class libcloud.common.gogrid.GoGridResponse(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

class libcloud.common.gogrid.GoGridConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Connection class for the GoGrid driver

get_signature(key, secret)[source]

create sig from md5 of key + secret + time

host = ''
request(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]

alias of GoGridResponse

class libcloud.common.gogrid.GoGridIpAddress(id, ip, public, state, subnet)[source]

Bases: object

IP Address

class libcloud.common.gogrid.BaseGoGridDriver[source]

Bases: object

GoGrid has common object model for services they provide, like locations and IP, so keep handling of these things in a single place.


Return list of IP addresses assigned to the account.

  • public (bool) – set to True to list only public IPs or False to list only private IPs. Set to None or not specify at all not to filter by type
  • assigned (bool) – set to True to list only addresses assigned to servers, False to list unassigned addresses and set to None or don’t set at all not no filter by state
  • location (NodeLocation) – filter IP addresses by location
Return type:

list of GoGridIpAddress

name = 'GoGrid' module

Module for Google Connection and Authentication classes.

Information about setting up your Google OAUTH2 credentials:

For libcloud, there are two basic methods for authenticating to Google using OAUTH2: Service Accounts and Client IDs for Installed Applications.

Both are initially set up from the Cloud Console Console -

Setting up Service Account authentication (note that you need the PyCrypto package installed to use this):

  • Go to the Console
  • Go to your project and then to “APIs & auth” on the left
  • Click on “Credentials”
  • Click on “Create New Client ID...”
  • Select “Service account” and click on “Create Client ID”
  • Download the Private Key (should happen automatically). The key you download is in JSON format.
  • Move the .json file to a safe location.
  • Optionally, you may choose to Generate a PKCS12 key from the Console. It needs to be converted to the PEM format. Please note, the PKCS12 format is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - Convert the key using OpenSSL (the default password is ‘notasecret’). - Move the .pem file to a safe location.
  • To Authenticate, you will need to pass the Service Account’s “Email address” in as the user_id and the path to the .pem file as the key.

Setting up Installed Application authentication:

  • Go to the Console
  • Go to your project and then to “APIs & auth” on the left
  • Click on “Credentials”
  • Select “Installed application” and “Other” then click on “Create Client ID”
  • To Authenticate, pass in the “Client ID” as the user_id and the “Client secret” as the key
  • The first time that you do this, the libcloud will give you a URL to visit. Copy and paste the URL into a browser.
  • When you go to the URL it will ask you to log in (if you aren’t already) and ask you if you want to allow the project access to your account.
  • Click on Accept and you will be given a code.
  • Paste that code at the prompt given to you by the Google libcloud connection.
  • At that point, a token & refresh token will be stored in your home directory and will be used for authentication.

Please remember to secure your keys and access tokens.


Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Generic Error class for various authentication errors.


Bases: object

SA (Service Account), IA (Installed Application), GCE (Auth from a GCE instance with service account enabled) GCS_S3 (Cloud Storage S3 interoperability authentication)

ALL_TYPES = ['SA', 'IA', 'GCE', 'GCS_S3']
GCS_S3 = 'GCS_S3'
IA = 'IA'
OAUTH2_TYPES = ['SA', 'IA', 'GCE']
SA = 'SA'
classmethod guess_type(user_id)[source]
classmethod is_oauth2(auth_type)[source]
class, key=None, scopes=None, redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', login_hint=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Base class for Google Authentication. Should be subclassed for specific types of authentication.

  • user_id (str) – The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • key (str) – The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • scopes (list) – A list of urls defining the scope of authentication to grant.
  • redirect_uri (str) – The Redirect URI for the authentication request. See Google OAUTH2 documentation for more info.
  • login_hint (str) – Login hint for authentication request. Useful for Installed Application authentication.

Add defaults for ‘Content-Type’ and ‘Host’ headers.

auth_path = '/o/oauth2/auth'

alias of GoogleBaseDriver

host = ''
name = 'Google Auth'

Refresh the current token.

Fetch an updated refresh token from internal metadata service.

Parameters:token_info (dict) – Dictionary containing token information. (Not used, but here for compatibility)
Returns:A dictionary containing updated token information.
Return type:dict

alias of GoogleResponse

class, key=None, auth_type=None, credential_file=None, scopes=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey, libcloud.common.base.PollingConnection

Base connection class for interacting with Google APIs.

Determine authentication type, set up appropriate authentication connection and get initial authentication information.

  • user_id (str) – The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • key (str) – The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • auth_type (str) – See GoogleAuthType class for list and description of accepted values. If not supplied, auth_type will be guessed based on value of user_id or if the code is running on a GCE instance.
  • credential_file (str) – Path to file for caching authentication information.
  • scopes (list) – List of OAuth2 scope URLs. The empty default sets read/write access to Compute, Storage, and DNS.

@inherits: Connection.add_default_headers


alias of GoogleBaseDriver


Encode data to JSON

get_poll_request_kwargs(response, context, request_kwargs)[source]

@inherits: PollingConnection.get_poll_request_kwargs


Determine if operation has completed based on response.

Parameters:response (I{responseCls}) – JSON response
Returns:True if complete, False otherwise
Return type:bool
host = ''

Update action to correct request path.

In many places, the Google API returns a full URL to a resource. This will strip the scheme and host off of the path and just return the request. Otherwise, it will prepend the base request_path to the action.

Parameters:action (str) – The action to be called in the http request
Returns:The modified request based on the action
Return type:str
poll_interval = 2.0
pre_connect_hook(params, headers)[source]

Check to make sure that token hasn’t expired. If it has, get an updated token. Also, add the token to the headers.

@inherits: Connection.pre_connect_hook

request(*args, **kwargs)[source]

@inherits: Connection.request


alias of GoogleResponse

timeout = 180

Bases: object

name = 'Google API'
exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

class, key=None, scopes=None, redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', login_hint=None, **kwargs)[source]


Authentication class for self-authentication when used with a GCE instance that supports serviceAccounts.

  • user_id (str) – The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • key (str) – The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • scopes (list) – A list of urls defining the scope of authentication to grant.
  • redirect_uri (str) – The Redirect URI for the authentication request. See Google OAUTH2 documentation for more info.
  • login_hint (str) – Login hint for authentication request. Useful for Installed Application authentication.

Get a new token from the internal metadata service.

Returns:Dictionary containing token information
Return type:dict
class, key=None, scopes=None, redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', login_hint=None, **kwargs)[source]


Authentication connection for “Installed Application” authentication.

  • user_id (str) – The email address (for service accounts) or Client ID (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • key (str) – The RSA Key (for service accounts) or file path containing key or Client Secret (for installed apps) to be used for authentication.
  • scopes (list) – A list of urls defining the scope of authentication to grant.
  • redirect_uri (str) – The Redirect URI for the authentication request. See Google OAUTH2 documentation for more info.
  • login_hint (str) – Login hint for authentication request. Useful for Installed Application authentication.

Give the user a URL that they can visit to authenticate and obtain a code. This method will ask for that code that the user can paste in.

Mocked in

Returns:Code supplied by the user after authenticating
Return type:str

Get a new token. Generally used when no previous token exists or there is no refresh token

Returns:Dictionary containing token information
Return type:dict

Use the refresh token supplied in the token info to get a new token.

Parameters:token_info (dict) – Dictionary containing current token information
Returns:A dictionary containing updated token information.
Return type:dict
class, key, auth_type=None, credential_file=None, scopes=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

default_credential_file = '~/.google_libcloud_auth'
class, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Google Base Response class.


Parse the JSON response body, or raise exceptions as appropriate.

Returns:JSON dictionary
Return type:dict

Determine if the request was successful.

For the Google response class, tag all responses as successful and raise appropriate Exceptions from parse_body.

class, key, *args, **kwargs)[source]


Authentication class for “Service Account” authentication.

Check to see if PyCrypto is available, and convert key file path into a key string if the key is in a file.

  • user_id (str) – Email address to be used for Service Account authentication.
  • key (str) – The RSA Key or path to file containing the key.

Get a new token using the email address and RSA Key.

Returns:Dictionary containing token information
Return type:dict
exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]


exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]


exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]


exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]


exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]


exception, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]


libcloud.common.hostvirtual module

class libcloud.common.hostvirtual.HostVirtualConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.

allow_insecure = False
host = ''
exception libcloud.common.hostvirtual.HostVirtualException(code, message)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

class libcloud.common.hostvirtual.HostVirtualResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

valid_response_codes = [200, 202, 201, 204]

libcloud.common.linode module

exception libcloud.common.linode.LinodeException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Error originating from the Linode API

This class wraps a Linode API error, a list of which is available in the API documentation. All Linode API errors are a numeric code and a human-readable description.

class libcloud.common.linode.LinodeResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

Linode API response

Wraps the HTTP response returned by the Linode API.

libcloud does not take advantage of batching, so a response will always reflect the above format. A few weird quirks are caught here as well.

Instantiate a LinodeResponse from the HTTP response

Parameters:response – The raw response returned by urllib
Returns:parsed LinodeResponse
objects = None

Parse the body of the response into JSON objects

If the response chokes the parser, action and data will be returned as None and errorarray will indicate an invalid JSON exception.

Returns:list of objects and list of errors

Check the response for success

The way we determine success is by the presence of an error in ERRORARRAY. If one is there, we assume the whole request failed.

Returns:bool indicating a successful request
class libcloud.common.linode.LinodeConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

A connection to the Linode API

Wraps SSL connections to the Linode API, automagically injecting the parameters that the API needs for each request.

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Add parameters that are necessary for every request

This method adds api_key and api_responseFormat to the request.

host = ''

alias of LinodeResponse

libcloud.common.liquidweb module

exception libcloud.common.liquidweb.LiquidWebException(value, http_code, extra=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

The base class for other Liquidweb exceptions

  • value (str) – message contained in error
  • http_code (int) – error code
  • extra (list) – extra fields specific to error type
class libcloud.common.liquidweb.LiquidWebResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

error_dict = {}
errors = None
objects = None

Returns True if our request is successful.

class libcloud.common.liquidweb.LiquidWebConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

host = ''

alias of LiquidWebResponse

libcloud.common.luadns module

exception libcloud.common.luadns.LuadnsException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.luadns.LuadnsResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

errors = []
objects = []
class libcloud.common.luadns.LuadnsConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

host = ''

alias of LuadnsResponse

libcloud.common.nfsn module

class libcloud.common.nfsn.NFSNConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

allow_insecure = False

NFSN expects the body to be regular key-value pairs that are not JSON-encoded.

host = ''
request(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET')[source]

Add the X-NFSN-Authentication header to an HTTP request.


alias of NFSNResponse

exception libcloud.common.nfsn.NFSNException(value, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

class libcloud.common.nfsn.NFSNResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse


libcloud.common.nsone module

exception libcloud.common.nsone.NsOneException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.nsone.NsOneResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

errors = []
objects = []
class libcloud.common.nsone.NsOneConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.

host = ''

alias of NsOneResponse

libcloud.common.onapp module

class libcloud.common.onapp.OnAppConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

OnApp connection class


Add Basic Authentication header to all the requests. It injects the “Authorization: Basic Base64String===” header in each request

Parameters:headers (dict) – Default input headers
Return type:dict
Returns:Default input headers with the “Authorization” header.

alias of OnAppResponse

class libcloud.common.onapp.OnAppResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

OnApp response class


Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.common.openstack module

Common utilities for OpenStack

class libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackBaseConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, ex_force_base_url=None, ex_force_auth_url=None, ex_force_auth_version=None, ex_force_auth_token=None, ex_token_scope='project', ex_domain_name='Default', ex_tenant_name=None, ex_force_service_type=None, ex_force_service_name=None, ex_force_service_region=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Base class for OpenStack connections.

  • user_id (str) – User name to use when authenticating
  • key (str) – Secret to use when authenticating.
  • secure (bool) – Use HTTPS? (True by default.)
  • ex_force_base_url (str) – Base URL for connection requests. If not specified, this will be determined by authenticating.
  • ex_force_auth_url (str) – Base URL for authentication requests.
  • ex_force_auth_version (str) – Authentication version to use. If not specified, defaults to AUTH_API_VERSION.
  • ex_force_auth_token (str) – Authentication token to use for connection requests. If specified, the connection will not attempt to authenticate, and the value of ex_force_base_url will be used to determine the base request URL. If ex_force_auth_token is passed in, ex_force_base_url must also be provided.
  • token_scope (str) – Whether to scope a token to a “project”, a “domain” or “unscoped”.
  • ex_domain_name (str) – When authenticating, provide this domain name to the identity service. A scoped token will be returned. Some cloud providers require the domain name to be provided at authentication time. Others will use a default domain if none is provided.
  • ex_tenant_name (str) – When authenticating, provide this tenant name to the identity service. A scoped token will be returned. Some cloud providers require the tenant name to be provided at authentication time. Others will use a default tenant if none is provided.
  • ex_force_service_type (str) – Service type to use when selecting an service. If not specified, a provider specific default will be used.
  • ex_force_service_name (str) – Service name to use when selecting an service. If not specified, a provider specific default will be used.
  • ex_force_service_region (str) – Region to use when selecting an service. If not specified, a provider specific default will be used.
accept_format = None
auth_token = None
auth_token_expires = None
auth_url = None
auth_user_info = None

Retrieve identity / authentication class instance.

Return type:OpenStackIdentityConnection

Selects the endpoint to use based on provider specific values, or overrides passed in by the user when setting up the driver.

Returns:url of the relevant endpoint for the driver

Gets the service name used to look up the endpoint in the service catalog.

Returns:name of the service in the catalog
request(action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]
service_catalog = None
service_name = None
service_region = None
service_type = None
class libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Response

node_driver = None
exception libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackException(value, http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

class libcloud.common.openstack.OpenStackDriverMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Return type:dict

libcloud.common.openstack_identity module

Common / shared code for handling authentication against OpenStack identity service (Keystone).

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityVersion(version, status, updated, url)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityDomain(id, name, enabled)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityProject(id, name, description, enabled, domain_id=None)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityUser(id, domain_id, name, email, description, enabled)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityRole(id, name, description, enabled)[source]

Bases: object

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackServiceCatalog(service_catalog, auth_version='1.1')[source]

Bases: object

This class should be instantiated with the contents of the ‘serviceCatalog’ in the auth response. This will do the work of figuring out which services actually exist in the catalog as well as split them up by type, name, and region if available


Deprecated in the favor of get_entries method.

get_endpoint(service_type=None, name=None, region=None, endpoint_type='external')[source]

Retrieve a single endpoint using the provided criteria.

Note: If no or more than one matching endpoint is found, an exception is thrown.

get_endpoints(service_type=None, name=None)[source]

Retrieve all the endpoints for the provided service type and name.

Return type:list of OpenStackServiceCatalogEntryEndpoint

Return all the entries for this service catalog.

Return type:list of OpenStackServiceCatalogEntry
get_public_urls(service_type=None, name=None)[source]

Retrieve all the available public (external) URLs for the provided service type and name.


Retrieve a list of all the available regions.

Parameters:service_type (str) – If specified, only return regions for this service type.
Return type:list of str
get_service_names(service_type=None, region=None)[source]

Retrieve list of service names that match service type and region.

Return type:list of str

Retrieve all the available service types.

Parameters:region (str) – Optional region to retrieve service types for.
Return type:list of str
class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackServiceCatalogEntry(service_type, endpoints=None, service_name=None)[source]

Bases: object

  • service_type (str) – Service type.
  • endpoints (list) – Endpoints belonging to this entry.
  • service_name (str) – Optional service name.
class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackServiceCatalogEntryEndpoint(region, url, endpoint_type='external')[source]

Bases: object

  • region (str) – Endpoint region.
  • url (str) – Endpoint URL.
  • endpoint_type (str) – Endpoint type (external / internal / admin).
VALID_ENDPOINT_TYPES = ['internal', 'external', 'admin']
class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityEndpointType[source]

Bases: object

Enum class for openstack identity endpoint type.

ADMIN = 'admin'
EXTERNAL = 'external'
INTERNAL = 'internal'
class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityConnection(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

Base identity connection class which contains common / shared logic.

Note: This class shouldn’t be instantiated directly.

auth_version = None

Authenticate against the identity API.

Parameters:force (bool) – Forcefully update the token even if it’s already cached and still valid.
authenticated_request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]

Perform an authenticated request against the identity API.


Return True if the current auth token is already cached and hasn’t expired yet.

Returns:True if the token is still valid, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Retrieve a list of all the identity versions which are supported by this installation.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityVersion

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse

timeout = None
class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_1_0_Connection(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityConnection

Connection class for Keystone API v1.0.

auth_version = '1.0'
name = 'OpenStack Identity API v1.0'

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_1_1_Connection(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityConnection

Connection class for Keystone API v1.1.

auth_version = '1.1'
name = 'OpenStack Identity API v1.1'

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_2_0_Connection(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityConnection

Connection class for Keystone API v2.0.

auth_version = '2.0'
authenticate(auth_type='api_key', force=False)[source]
name = 'OpenStack Identity API v1.0'

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_2_0_Connection_VOMS(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityConnection, libcloud.common.base.CertificateConnection

Connection class for Keystone API v2.0. with VOMS proxy support In this case the key parameter will be the path of the VOMS proxy file.

auth_version = '2.0'
name = 'OpenStack Identity API v2.0 VOMS support'

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse

class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_3_0_Connection(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentityConnection

Connection class for Keystone API v3.x.

  • tenant_name (str) – Name of the project this user belongs to. Note: When token_scope is set to project, this argument control to which project to scope the token to.
  • domain_name (str) – Domain the user belongs to. Note: Then token_scope is set to token, this argument controls to which domain to scope the token to.
  • token_scope (str) – Whether to scope a token to a “project”, a “domain” or “unscoped”
VALID_TOKEN_SCOPES = ['project', 'domain', 'unscoped']
auth_version = '3.0'

Perform authentication.

create_user(email, password, name, description=None, domain_id=None, default_project_id=None, enabled=True)[source]

Create a new user account.

  • email (str) – User’s mail address.
  • password (str) – User’s password.
  • name (str) – User’s name.
  • description (str) – Optional description.
  • domain_id (str) – ID of the domain to add the user to (optional).
  • default_project_id (str) – ID of the default user project (optional).
  • enabled (bool) – True to enable user after creation.

Created user.

Return type:



Disable user account.

Note: This operation appears to be idempotent.

Parameters:user (OpenStackIdentityUser) – User to disable.
Returns:User account which has been disabled.
Return type:OpenStackIdentityUser

Enable user account.

Note: This operation appears to be idempotent.

Parameters:user (OpenStackIdentityUser) – User to enable.
Returns:User account which has been enabled.
Return type:OpenStackIdentityUser

Retrieve information about a single domain.

Parameters:domain_id (str) – ID of domain to retrieve information for.
Return type:OpenStackIdentityDomain
grant_domain_role_to_user(domain, role, user)[source]

Grant domain role to a user.

Note: This function appears to be idempotent.


True on success.

Return type:


grant_project_role_to_user(project, role, user)[source]

Grant project role to a user.

Note: This function appears to be idempotent.


True on success.

Return type:



List the available domains.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityDomain

List the available projects.

Note: To perform this action, user you are currently authenticated with needs to be an admin.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityProject

List the available roles.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityRole
list_user_domain_roles(domain, user)[source]

Retrieve all the roles for a particular user on a domain.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityRole

Retrieve all the projects user belongs to.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityProject

List the available users.

Return type:list of OpenStackIdentityUser
name = 'OpenStack Identity API v3.x'

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse

revoke_domain_role_from_user(domain, user, role)[source]

Revoke domain role from a user.


True on success.

Return type:


revoke_project_role_from_user(project, role, user)[source]

Revoke project role from a user.


True on success.

Return type:


class libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_3_0_Connection_OIDC_access_token(auth_url, user_id, key, tenant_name=None, domain_name='Default', token_scope='project', timeout=None, parent_conn=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.openstack_identity.OpenStackIdentity_3_0_Connection

Connection class for Keystone API v3.x. using OpenID Connect tokens

The OIDC token must be set in the self.key attribute.

The identity provider name required to get the full path must be set in the self.user_id attribute.

The protocol name required to get the full path must be set in the self.tenant_name attribute.

The user must be scoped to the first project accessible with the specified access token (usually there are only one)

  • tenant_name (str) – Name of the project this user belongs to. Note: When token_scope is set to project, this argument control to which project to scope the token to.
  • domain_name (str) – Domain the user belongs to. Note: Then token_scope is set to token, this argument controls to which domain to scope the token to.
  • token_scope (str) – Whether to scope a token to a “project”, a “domain” or “unscoped”
auth_version = '3.0'

Perform authentication.

name = 'OpenStack Identity API v3.x with OIDC support'

alias of OpenStackAuthResponse


Retrieve class for the provided auth version. module

class, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

class, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

A connection to the Ovh API

Wraps SSL connections to the Ovh API, automagically injecting the parameters that the API needs for each request.

LOCATIONS = {'GRA1': {'country': 'FR', 'id': 'GRA1', 'name': 'Gravelines 1'}, 'BHS1': {'country': 'CA', 'id': 'BHS1', 'name': 'Montreal 1'}, 'SBG1': {'country': 'FR', 'id': 'SBG1', 'name': 'Strasbourg 1'}}
allow_insecure = True
host = ''
make_signature(method, action, params, data, timestamp)[source]
request(action, params=None, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', raw=False)[source]
request_path = '/1.0'

alias of OvhResponse

timestamp = None
ua = []

libcloud.common.pointdns module

class libcloud.common.pointdns.PointDNSConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey


Add headers that are necessary for every request

This method adds token to the request.

host = ''

alias of PointDNSDNSResponse

class libcloud.common.pointdns.PointDNSDNSResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse


Determine if our request was successful.

The meaning of this can be arbitrary; did we receive OK status? Did the node get created? Were we authenticated?

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False

libcloud.common.providers module

Common methods for obtaining a reference to the provider driver class.

libcloud.common.providers.get_driver(drivers, provider, deprecated_providers=None, deprecated_constants=None)[source]

Get a driver.

  • drivers (dict) – Dictionary containing valid providers.
  • provider (libcloud.types.Provider) – Id (constant) of provider to get the driver for.

deprecated_providers: Dictionary with information about the deprecated drivers.


deprecated_constants: Dictionary with information about the deprecated provider constants.

libcloud.common.providers.set_driver(drivers, provider, module, klass)[source]

Sets a driver.

  • drivers – Dictionary to store providers.
  • provider (libcloud.types.Provider) – Id of provider to set driver for
  • module (L) – The module which contains the driver
  • klass – The driver class name

libcloud.common.rackspace module

Common settings for Rackspace Cloud Servers and Cloud Files

libcloud.common.softlayer module

Softlayer connection

class libcloud.common.softlayer.SoftLayerConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCConnection, libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey

endpoint = '/xmlrpc/v3'
host = ''
request(service, method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of SoftLayerResponse

exception libcloud.common.softlayer.SoftLayerException(value, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Exception class for SoftLayer driver

exception libcloud.common.softlayer.SoftLayerObjectDoesntExist(value, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Exception class for SoftLayer driver object doesnt exist

class libcloud.common.softlayer.SoftLayerResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCResponse


alias of SoftLayerException

exceptions = {'SoftLayer_Account': <class 'libcloud.common.types.InvalidCredsError'>, 'SoftLayer_Exception_ObjectNotFound': <class 'libcloud.common.softlayer.SoftLayerObjectDoesntExist'>}

libcloud.common.types module

exception libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError(value, driver=None)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

The base class for other libcloud exceptions

exception libcloud.common.types.MalformedResponseError(value, body=None, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Exception for the cases when a provider returns a malformed response, e.g. you request JSON and provider returns ‘<h3>something</h3>’ due to some error on their side.

exception libcloud.common.types.ProviderError(value, http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.LibcloudError

Exception used when provider gives back error response (HTTP 4xx, 5xx) for a request.

Specific sub types can be derieved for errors like HTTP 401 : InvalidCredsError HTTP 404 : NodeNotFoundError, ContainerDoesNotExistError

exception libcloud.common.types.InvalidCredsError(value='Invalid credentials with the provider', driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

Exception used when invalid credentials are used on a provider.


alias of InvalidCredsError

class libcloud.common.types.LazyList(get_more, value_dict=None)[source]

Bases: object

libcloud.common.vultr module

class libcloud.common.vultr.VultrConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

A connection to the Vultr API

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Returns default headers such as content-type. Returns a dictionary.


Returns default params such as api_key which is needed to perform an action.Returns a dictionary. Example:/v1/server/upgrade_plan?api_key=self.key

host = ''

alias of VultrResponse

exception libcloud.common.vultr.VultrException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Error originating from the Vultr API

class libcloud.common.vultr.VultrResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.JsonResponse

ERROR_CODE_MAP = {400: 'Invalid API location. Check the URL that you are using.', 403: 'Invalid or missing API key. Check that your API key is present and matches your assigned key.', 500: 'Internal server error. Try again at a later time.', 405: 'Invalid HTTP method. Check that the method (POST|GET) matches what the documentation indicates.', 503: 'Rate limit hit. API requests are limited to an average of 1/s. Try your request again later.', 412: 'Request failed. Check the response body for a more detailed description.'}
error_dict = {}
errors = None
objects = None

Returns JSON data in a python list.


libcloud.common.worldwidedns module

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.CouldntReachNameServer(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.CouldntRemoveDomain(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.DomainBanned(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.ErrorOnReloadInNameServer(server, http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.ExistentDomain(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.InvalidDomainName(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.LimitExceeded(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.LoginOrPasswordNotMatch(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.NewUserNotValid(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.NoZoneFile(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.NonExistentDomain(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.SuspendedAccount(http_code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException

class libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSConnection(user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionUserAndKey


Add parameters that are necessary for every request

This method adds NAME and PASSWORD to the request.

host = ''

alias of WorldWideDNSResponse

exception libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSException(value, http_code, code, driver=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.types.ProviderError

class libcloud.common.worldwidedns.WorldWideDNSResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Response


Parse response body.

Returns:Parsed body.
Return type:str

libcloud.common.xmlrpc module

Base classes for working with xmlrpc APIs

class libcloud.common.xmlrpc.ErrorCodeMixin[source]

Bases: object

This is a helper for API’s that have a well defined collection of error codes that are easily parsed out of error messages. It acts as a factory: it finds the right exception for the error code, fetches any parameters it needs from the context and raises it.

exceptions = {}
raise_exception_for_error(error_code, message)[source]
exception libcloud.common.xmlrpc.ProtocolError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCConnection(secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, retry_delay=None, backoff=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.Connection

Connection class which can call XMLRPC based API’s.

This class uses the xmlrpclib marshalling and demarshalling code but uses the http transports provided by libcloud giving it better certificate validation and debugging helpers than the core client library.

endpoint = None
request(method_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call a given method_name.

  • method_name (str) – A method exposed by the xmlrpc endpoint that you are connecting to.
  • args (tuple) – Arguments to invoke with method with.

alias of XMLRPCResponse

class libcloud.common.xmlrpc.XMLRPCResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.xmlrpc.ErrorCodeMixin, libcloud.common.base.Response


alias of Exception


libcloud.common.zonomi module

exception libcloud.common.zonomi.ZonomiException(code, message)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class libcloud.common.zonomi.ZonomiResponse(response, connection)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.XmlResponse

errors = None
objects = None
class libcloud.common.zonomi.ZonomiConnection(key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, backoff=None, retry_delay=None)[source]

Bases: libcloud.common.base.ConnectionKey

Initialize user_id and key; set secure to an int based on passed value.


Adds default headers needed to perform a successful request such as Content-Type, User-Agent.


Adds default parameters to perform a request, such as api_key.

host = ''

alias of ZonomiResponse

Module contents