Rancher Container Service Documentation ======================================= Rancher is a container orchestration platform. .. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/rancher.png :align: center :width: 300 :target: http://rancher.com/ This driver supports the main top-level interactions for handling containers, services, and stacks in a Rancher Environment. Here are some notes around this driver: - Does not support user based API credentials, only Environment API credentials (one env, no cluster support) - Does not support images other than docker formatted images. ``docker:`` prefix is forced! - Images follow a standardized format. See deploy_container docstring! - ``launchConfig`` options for ``ex_deploy_service`` can all be defined at the top level then get slipstreamed appropriately. - Passing your own cert/key of any sort for SSL/TLS is not presently supported. To enable API access, obtain an Environment API Key from your Rancher Server for the specific environment you want to control. Instantiating the driver ------------------------ .. literalinclude:: /examples/container/rancher/instantiate_driver.py :language: python Deploying a container --------------------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/container/rancher/deploy_container.py :language: python Deploying a service ------------------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/container/rancher/deploy_service.py :language: python Deploying a stack ----------------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/container/rancher/deploy_stack.py :language: python Searching for a container ------------------------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/container/rancher/search_containers.py :language: python API Docs -------- .. autoclass:: libcloud.container.drivers.rancher.RancherContainerDriver :members: :inherited-members: Contributors ------------ For the first version of this driver, Mario Loria of Arroyo Networks wrote most of the code. He received help from Anthony Shaw, a core libcloud contributor and Vincent Fiduccia, software architect at Rancher Labs. .. _`Rancher`: https://rancher.com/