RunAbove Compute Driver Documentation

RunAbove is a public cloud offer created by OVH Group with datacenters in North America and Europe.


RunAbove driver uses the OVH/RunAbove API so for more information about that, please refer to RunAbove knowledge base page and API console.

Instantiating a driver

When you instantiate a driver you need to pass the following arguments to the driver constructor:

  • key - Application key
  • secret - Application secret
  • ex_consumer_key - Consumer key

For get application key and secret, you must first register an application at Next step, create a consumer key with following command:

curl -X POST \
    -H 'X-Ra-Application: youApplicationKey' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        }' \

This will answer a JSON like below with inside your Consumer Key and validationUrl. Follow this link for valid your key.


Now you have and can use you credentials with Libcloud.


Create node

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

RunAbove = get_driver(Provider.RUNABOVE)
driver = RunAbove('yourAppKey', 'yourAppSecret', 'YourConsumerKey')

image = [i for i in driver.list_images() if 'Debian 8' ==][0]
size = [s for s in driver.list_sizes() if == 'ra.s'][0]
location = [l for l in driver.list_locations() if == 'SBG-1'][0]

node = driver.create_node(name='yournode', size=size, image=image,

Create and attach a volume to a node

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

RunAbove = get_driver(Provider.RUNABOVE)
driver = RunAbove('yourAppKey', 'yourAppSecret', 'YourConsumerKey')

location = [l for l in driver.list_locations() if == 'SBG-1'][0]
node = driver.list_nodes()[0]

volume = driver.create_volume(size=10, location=location)
driver.attach_volume(node=node, volume=volume)

API Docs

class libcloud.compute.drivers.runabove.RunAboveNodeDriver(key, secret, ex_consumer_key=None)[source]

Libcloud driver for the RunAbove API

For more information on the RunAbove API, read the official reference:

Instantiate the driver with the given API credentials.

  • key (str) – Your application key (required)
  • secret (str) – Your application secret (required)
  • ex_consumer_key (str) – Your consumer key (required)
Return type:


attach_volume(node, volume, device=None)[source]

Attach a volume to a node.

  • node (Node) – Node where to attach volume
  • volume (StorageVolume) – The ID of the volume
  • device – Unsed parameter

True or False representing operation successful

Return type:



alias of RunAboveConnection

copy_image(source_region, node_image, name, description=None)

Copies an image from a source region to the current region.

  • source_region (str) – Region to copy the node from.
  • node_image (NodeImage:) – NodeImage to copy.
  • name (str) – name for new image.
  • description – description for new image.
Return type:



NodeImage instance on success.

create_image(node, name, description=None)

Creates an image from a node object.

  • node (Node) – Node to run the task on.
  • name (description) – name for new image.
  • description – description for new image.
Return type:



NodeImage instance on success.


Create a new key pair object.

Parameters:name (str) – Key pair name.
create_node(name, image, size, location, ex_keyname=None)[source]

Create a new node

  • name (str) – Name of created node
  • image (NodeImage) – Image used for node
  • size (NodeSize) – Size (flavor) used for node
  • location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) where to create node
  • ex_keyname (str) – Name of SSH key used

Created node

:rtype : Node

create_volume(size, location, name=None, ex_volume_type='classic', ex_description=None)[source]

Create a volume.

  • size (int) – Size of volume to create (in GB).
  • name (str) – Name of volume to create
  • location (NodeLocation or None) – Location to create the volume in
  • ex_volume_type (str) – 'classic' or 'high-speed'
  • ex_description (str) – Optionnal description of volume

Storage Volume object

Return type:


create_volume_snapshot(volume, name=None)

Creates a snapshot of the storage volume.

  • volume (VolumeSnapshot) – The StorageVolume to create a VolumeSnapshot from
  • name (str) – Name of created snapshot (optional)
Return type:



Deletes a node image from a provider.

Parameters:node_image (NodeImage) – Node image object.
Returns:True if delete_image was successful, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
delete_key_pair(name, location)[source]

Delete an existing key pair.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • location (NodeLocation) – Key’s region

True of False based on success of Keypair deletion

Return type:



Create a new node, and start deployment.

In order to be able to SSH into a created node access credentials are required.

A user can pass either a NodeAuthPassword or NodeAuthSSHKey to the auth argument. If the create_node implementation supports that kind if credential (as declared in self.features['create_node']) then it is passed on to create_node. Otherwise it is not passed on to create_node and it is only used for authentication.

If the auth parameter is not supplied but the driver declares it supports generates_password then the password returned by create_node will be used to SSH into the server.

Finally, if the ssh_key_file is supplied that key will be used to SSH into the server.

This function may raise a DeploymentException, if a create_node call was successful, but there is a later error (like SSH failing or timing out). This exception includes a Node object which you may want to destroy if incomplete deployments are not desirable.

>>> from libcloud.compute.drivers.dummy import DummyNodeDriver
>>> from libcloud.compute.deployment import ScriptDeployment
>>> from libcloud.compute.deployment import MultiStepDeployment
>>> from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthSSHKey
>>> driver = DummyNodeDriver(0)
>>> key = NodeAuthSSHKey('...') # read from file
>>> script = ScriptDeployment("yum -y install emacs strace tcpdump")
>>> msd = MultiStepDeployment([key, script])
>>> def d():
...     try:
...         driver.deploy_node(deploy=msd)
...     except NotImplementedError:
...         print ("not implemented for dummy driver")
>>> d()
not implemented for dummy driver

Deploy node is typically not overridden in subclasses. The existing implementation should be able to handle most such.

  • deploy (Deployment) – Deployment to run once machine is online and available to SSH.
  • ssh_username (str) – Optional name of the account which is used when connecting to SSH server (default is root)
  • ssh_alternate_usernames (list) – Optional list of ssh usernames to try to connect with if using the default one fails
  • ssh_port (int) – Optional SSH server port (default is 22)
  • ssh_timeout (float) – Optional SSH connection timeout in seconds (default is 10)
  • auth (NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword) – Initial authentication information for the node (optional)
  • ssh_key (str or list of str) – A path (or paths) to an SSH private key with which to attempt to authenticate. (optional)
  • timeout (int) – How many seconds to wait before timing out. (default is 600)
  • max_tries (int) – How many times to retry if a deployment fails before giving up (default is 3)
  • ssh_interface (str) – The interface to wait for. Default is ‘public_ips’, other option is ‘private_ips’.

Destroys a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot (VolumeSnapshot) – The snapshot to delete
Return type:bool
detach_volume(volume, ex_node=None)[source]

Detach a volume to a node.

  • volume (StorageVolume) – The ID of the volume
  • ex_node (Node) – Node to detach from (optionnal if volume is attached to only one node)

True or False representing operation successful

Return type:



Exception: If ex_node is not provided and more than one node is attached to the volume


Get a individual node.

Parameters:node_id (str) – Node’s ID
Returns:Created node

:rtype : Node


Get an individual size (flavor).

Parameters:size_id (str) – Size’s ID
Return type:NodeSize

Return a Volume object based on a volume ID.

Parameters:volume_id (int) – The ID of the volume
Returns:A StorageVolume object for the volume
Return type:StorageVolume
get_key_pair(name, location)[source]

Get an individual SSH public key by its name and location.

  • name (str) – SSH key name
  • location (NodeLocation) – Key’s region

Public key

Return type:


import_key_pair_from_file(name, key_file_path)

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_file_path (str) – Path to the public key file.
Return type:

KeyPair object

import_key_pair_from_string(name, key_material, location)[source]

Import a new public key from string.

  • name (str) – Key pair name.
  • key_material (str) – Public key material.

Imported key pair object.

Return type:


list_images(location=None, ex_size=None)[source]

List available images

  • location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) used as filter
  • ex_size (NodeImage) – Exclude images which are uncompatible with given size

List of images

:rtype : list of NodeImage


List available SSH public keys.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) used as filter
Returns:Public keys
Return type:``list``of KeyPair

List all nodes.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation) – Location (region) used as filter
Returns:List of node objects
Return type:list of Node

Method which returns a list of the available / supported regions.

Return type:list of str

List snapshots for a storage volume.

Return type:list of VolumeSnapshot

Return a list of volumes.

Parameters:location (NodeLocation or None) – Location use for filter
Returns:A list of volume objects.
Return type:list of StorageVolume

Reboot a node.

Parameters:node (Node) – The node to be rebooted
Returns:True if the reboot was successful, otherwise False
Return type:bool
wait_until_running(nodes, wait_period=3, timeout=600, ssh_interface='public_ips', force_ipv4=True, ex_list_nodes_kwargs=None)

Block until the provided nodes are considered running.

Node is considered running when it’s state is “running” and when it has at least one IP address assigned.

  • nodes (list of Node) – List of nodes to wait for.
  • wait_period (int) – How many seconds to wait between each loop iteration. (default is 3)
  • timeout (int) – How many seconds to wait before giving up. (default is 600)
  • ssh_interface (str) – Which attribute on the node to use to obtain an IP address. Valid options: public_ips, private_ips. Default is public_ips.
  • force_ipv4 (bool) – Ignore IPv6 addresses (default is True).
  • ex_list_nodes_kwargs (dict) – Optional driver-specific keyword arguments which are passed to the list_nodes method.

[(Node, ip_addresses)] list of tuple of Node instance and list of ip_address on success.

Return type:

list of tuple