Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.rimuhosting

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RimuHosting Driver
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionKey, JsonResponse
from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider, NodeState
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, NodeSize, Node, NodeLocation
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage


[docs]class RimuHostingException(Exception): """ Exception class for RimuHosting driver """ def __str__(self): return self.args[0] def __repr__(self): return "<RimuHostingException '%s'>" % (self.args[0])
[docs]class RimuHostingResponse(JsonResponse): """ Response Class for RimuHosting driver """
[docs] def success(self): if self.status == 403: raise InvalidCredsError() return True
[docs] def parse_body(self): try: js = super(RimuHostingResponse, self).parse_body() keys = list(js.keys()) if js[keys[0]]['response_type'] == "ERROR": raise RimuHostingException( js[keys[0]]['human_readable_message'] ) return js[keys[0]] except KeyError: raise RimuHostingException('Could not parse body: %s' % (self.body))
[docs]class RimuHostingConnection(ConnectionKey): """ Connection class for the RimuHosting driver """ api_context = API_CONTEXT host = API_HOST port = 443 responseCls = RimuHostingResponse def __init__(self, key, secure=True, retry_delay=None, backoff=None, timeout=None): # override __init__ so that we can set secure of False for testing ConnectionKey.__init__(self, key, secure, timeout=timeout, retry_delay=retry_delay, backoff=backoff)
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): # We want JSON back from the server. Could be application/xml # (but JSON is better). headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' # Must encode all data as json, or override this header. headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['Authorization'] = 'rimuhosting apikey=%s' % (self.key) return headers
[docs] def request(self, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET'): if not headers: headers = {} if not params: params = {} # Override this method to prepend the api_context return ConnectionKey.request(self, self.api_context + action, params, data, headers, method)
[docs]class RimuHostingNodeDriver(NodeDriver): """ RimuHosting node driver """ type = Provider.RIMUHOSTING name = 'RimuHosting' website = '' connectionCls = RimuHostingConnection features = {'create_node': ['password']} def __init__(self, key, host=API_HOST, port=443, api_context=API_CONTEXT, secure=True): """ :param key: API key (required) :type key: ``str`` :param host: hostname for connection :type host: ``str`` :param port: Override port used for connections. :type port: ``int`` :param api_context: Optional API context. :type api_context: ``str`` :param secure: Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP. :type secure: ``bool`` :rtype: ``None`` """ # Pass in some extra vars so that self.key = key = secure self.connection = self.connectionCls(key, secure) = host self.connection.api_context = api_context self.connection.port = port self.connection.driver = self self.connection.connect() def _order_uri(self, node, resource): # Returns the order uri with its resourse appended. return "/orders/%s/%s" % (, resource) # TODO: Get the node state. def _to_node(self, order): n = Node(id=order['slug'], name=order['domain_name'], state=NodeState.RUNNING, public_ips=( [order['allocated_ips']['primary_ip']] + order['allocated_ips']['secondary_ips']), private_ips=[], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'order_oid': order['order_oid'], 'monthly_recurring_fee': order.get( 'billing_info').get('monthly_recurring_fee')}) return n def _to_size(self, plan): return NodeSize( id=plan['pricing_plan_code'], name=plan['pricing_plan_description'], ram=plan['minimum_memory_mb'], disk=plan['minimum_disk_gb'], bandwidth=plan['minimum_data_transfer_allowance_gb'], price=plan['monthly_recurring_amt']['amt_usd'], driver=self.connection.driver ) def _to_image(self, image): return NodeImage(id=image['distro_code'], name=image['distro_description'], driver=self.connection.driver)
[docs] def list_sizes(self, location=None): # Returns a list of sizes (aka plans) # Get plans. Note this is really just for libcloud. # We are happy with any size. if location is None: location = '' else: location = ";dc_location=%s" % ( res = self.connection.request( '/pricing-plans;server-type=VPS%s' % (location)).object return list(map(lambda x: self._to_size(x), res['pricing_plan_infos']))
[docs] def list_nodes(self): # Returns a list of Nodes # Will only include active ones. res = self.connection.request('/orders;include_inactive=N').object return list(map(lambda x: self._to_node(x), res['about_orders']))
[docs] def list_images(self, location=None): # Get all base images. # TODO: add other image sources. (Such as a backup of a VPS) # All Images are available for use at all locations res = self.connection.request('/distributions').object return list(map(lambda x: self._to_image(x), res['distro_infos']))
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): # Reboot # PUT the state of RESTARTING to restart a VPS. # All data is encoded as JSON data = {'reboot_request': {'running_state': 'RESTARTING'}} uri = self._order_uri(node, 'vps/running-state') self.connection.request(uri, data=json.dumps(data), method='PUT') # XXX check that the response was actually successful return True
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): # Shutdown a VPS. uri = self._order_uri(node, 'vps') self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') # XXX check that the response was actually successful return True
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """Creates a RimuHosting instance @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node` :keyword name: Must be a FQDN. e.g :type name: ``str`` :keyword ex_billing_oid: If not set, a billing method is automatically picked. :type ex_billing_oid: ``str`` :keyword ex_host_server_oid: The host server to set the VPS up on. :type ex_host_server_oid: ``str`` :keyword ex_vps_order_oid_to_clone: Clone another VPS to use as the image for the new VPS. :type ex_vps_order_oid_to_clone: ``str`` :keyword ex_num_ips: Number of IPs to allocate. Defaults to 1. :type ex_num_ips: ``int`` :keyword ex_extra_ip_reason: Reason for needing the extra IPs. :type ex_extra_ip_reason: ``str`` :keyword ex_memory_mb: Memory to allocate to the VPS. :type ex_memory_mb: ``int`` :keyword ex_disk_space_mb: Diskspace to allocate to the VPS. Defaults to 4096 (4GB). :type ex_disk_space_mb: ``int`` :keyword ex_disk_space_2_mb: Secondary disk size allocation. Disabled by default. :type ex_disk_space_2_mb: ``int`` :keyword ex_control_panel: Control panel to install on the VPS. :type ex_control_panel: ``str`` """ # Note we don't do much error checking in this because we # expect the API to error out if there is a problem. name = kwargs['name'] image = kwargs['image'] size = kwargs['size'] data = { 'instantiation_options': { 'domain_name': name, 'distro': }, 'pricing_plan_code':, 'vps_parameters': {} } if 'ex_control_panel' in kwargs: data['instantiation_options']['control_panel'] = \ kwargs['ex_control_panel'] auth = self._get_and_check_auth(kwargs.get('auth')) data['instantiation_options']['password'] = auth.password if 'ex_billing_oid' in kwargs: # TODO check for valid oid. data['billing_oid'] = kwargs['ex_billing_oid'] if 'ex_host_server_oid' in kwargs: data['host_server_oid'] = kwargs['ex_host_server_oid'] if 'ex_vps_order_oid_to_clone' in kwargs: data['vps_order_oid_to_clone'] = \ kwargs['ex_vps_order_oid_to_clone'] if 'ex_num_ips' in kwargs and int(kwargs['ex_num_ips']) > 1: if 'ex_extra_ip_reason' not in kwargs: raise RimuHostingException( 'Need an reason for having an extra IP') else: if 'ip_request' not in data: data['ip_request'] = {} data['ip_request']['num_ips'] = int(kwargs['ex_num_ips']) data['ip_request']['extra_ip_reason'] = \ kwargs['ex_extra_ip_reason'] if 'ex_memory_mb' in kwargs: data['vps_parameters']['memory_mb'] = kwargs['ex_memory_mb'] if 'ex_disk_space_mb' in kwargs: data['vps_parameters']['disk_space_mb'] = \ kwargs['ex_disk_space_mb'] if 'ex_disk_space_2_mb' in kwargs: data['vps_parameters']['disk_space_2_mb'] =\ kwargs['ex_disk_space_2_mb'] # Don't send empty 'vps_parameters' attribute if not data['vps_parameters']: del data['vps_parameters'] res = self.connection.request( '/orders/new-vps', method='POST', data=json.dumps({"new-vps": data}) ).object node = self._to_node(res['about_order']) node.extra['password'] = \ res['new_order_request']['instantiation_options']['password'] return node
[docs] def list_locations(self): return [ NodeLocation('DCAUCKLAND', "RimuHosting Auckland", 'NZ', self), NodeLocation('DCDALLAS', "RimuHosting Dallas", 'US', self), NodeLocation('DCLONDON', "RimuHosting London", 'GB', self), NodeLocation('DCSYDNEY', "RimuHosting Sydney", 'AU', self), ]