AuroraDNS DNS driver documentation ================================== `PCextreme B.V.`_ is a Dutch cloud provider. It provides a public cloud offering under the name AuroraCompute. All cloud services are under the family name Aurora. `AuroraDNS`_ is a highly available DNS service which also provides health checking. Records can be attached to a health check. When this health check becomes unhealthy this record will no longer be served. This provides the possibility to create loadbalancing over multiple servers without the requirement of a central loadbalancer in the network. It is also provider agnostic, health checks can point to any IP/Host on the internet. IPv6 ---- AuroraDNS fully supports IPv6: * DNS queries over IPv6 * AAAA records * Health checks over IPv6 Instantiating a driver ---------------------- When you instantiate a driver, you need to pass a your ``key`` and ``secret`` to the driver constructor. These can be obtained in the control panel of AuroraDNS. For example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/dns/auroradns/ :language: python Disabling and enabling records ------------------------------ Records in can be disabled and enabled. By default all new records are enabled, but this property can be set during creation and can be updated. For example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/dns/auroradns/ :language: python In this example we create a record, but disable it. This means it will not be served. Afterwards we enable the record and this make the DNS server serve this specific record. API Docs -------- .. autoclass:: libcloud.dns.drivers.auroradns.AuroraDNSDriver :members: :inherited-members: .. _`PCextreme B.V.`: .. _`AuroraDNS`: