OnApp Compute Driver Documentation ================================== `OnApp`_ software enables Infrastructure-as-a-Service for hosts, telcos and other service providers. It's a turnkey platform for selling cloud, VPS, dedicated servers, CDN and more through a "single pane of glass" control panel, and now supports Xen, KVM, VMware and Amazon EC2. .. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/onapp.png :align: center :width: 382 :target: http://onapp.com/ `OnApp`_ has its own non-standard `API`_ , `libcloud` provides a Python wrapper on top of this `API`_ with common methods with other IaaS solutions and Public cloud providers. Therefore, you can use the `OnApp` libcloud driver to communicate with OnApp public clouds. Instantiating a driver ---------------------- When you instantiate a driver you need to pass the following arguments to the driver constructor: * ``key`` - Your OnApp username * ``secret`` - Your OnApp password * ``host`` - The host of your OnApp endpoint * ``path`` - The path to your OnApp endpoint (e.g ``/client/api`` for ``http://onapp.test/client/api``) * ``url`` - The url to your OnApp endpoint, mutually exclusive with ``host`` and ``path`` * ``secure`` - True or False. True by default To authenticate using API key, put your account email as ``key`` and the API key to the server as ``secret``. Example -------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/onapp/functionality.py :language: python API Docs -------- .. autoclass:: libcloud.compute.drivers.onapp.OnAppNodeDriver :members: :inherited-members: .. _`OnApp`: http://onapp.com/ .. _`API`: https://docs.onapp.com/display/31API/OnApp+3.1+API+Guide