Source code for libcloud.common.dimensiondata

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Dimension Data Common Components
from base64 import b64encode
from time import sleep
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import b

from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, XmlResponse
from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError, InvalidCredsError
from libcloud.utils.xml import findtext

# Roadmap / TODO:
# 1.0 - Copied from OpSource API, named provider details.

# setup a few variables to represent all of the DimensionData cloud namespaces

# API 2.0 Namespaces and URNs

# API end-points
    'dd-na': {
        'name': 'North America (NA)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'
    'dd-eu': {
        'name': 'Europe (EU)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'
    'dd-au': {
        'name': 'Australia (AU)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'
    'dd-af': {
        'name': 'Africa (AF)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'
    'dd-ap': {
        'name': 'Asia Pacific (AP)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'
    'dd-latam': {
        'name': 'South America (LATAM)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'
    'dd-canada': {
        'name': 'Canada (CA)',
        'host': '',
        'vendor': 'DimensionData'

# Default API end-point for the base connection class.

[docs]class NetworkDomainServicePlan(object): ESSENTIALS = "ESSENTIALS" ADVANCED = "ADVANCED"
[docs]class DimensionDataResponse(XmlResponse):
[docs] def parse_error(self): if self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED: raise InvalidCredsError(self.body) elif self.status == httplib.FORBIDDEN: raise InvalidCredsError(self.body) body = self.parse_body() if self.status == httplib.BAD_REQUEST: code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', SERVER_NS) if code is None: code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN) message = findtext(body, 'message', SERVER_NS) if message is None: message = findtext(body, 'message', TYPES_URN) raise DimensionDataAPIException(code=code, msg=message, driver=self.connection.driver) if self.status is not httplib.OK: raise DimensionDataAPIException(code=self.status, msg=body, driver=self.connection.driver) return self.body
[docs]class DimensionDataAPIException(LibcloudError): def __init__(self, code, msg, driver): self.code = code self.msg = msg self.driver = driver def __str__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.code, self.msg) def __repr__(self): return ("<DimensionDataAPIException: code='%s', msg='%s'>" % (self.code, self.msg))
[docs]class DimensionDataConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey): """ Connection class for the DimensionData driver """ api_path_version_1 = '/oec' api_path_version_2 = '/caas' api_version_1 = '0.9' api_version_2 = '2.1' _orgId = None responseCls = DimensionDataResponse allow_insecure = False def __init__(self, user_id, key, secure=True, host=None, port=None, url=None, timeout=None, proxy_url=None, **conn_kwargs): super(DimensionDataConnection, self).__init__( user_id=user_id, key=key, secure=secure, host=host, port=port, url=url, timeout=timeout, proxy_url=proxy_url) if conn_kwargs['region']: = conn_kwargs['region']['host']
[docs] def add_default_headers(self, headers): headers['Authorization'] = \ ('Basic %s' % b64encode(b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key))).decode('utf-8')) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' return headers
[docs] def request_api_1(self, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET'): action = "%s/%s/%s" % (self.api_path_version_1, self.api_version_1, action) return super(DimensionDataConnection, self).request( action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers)
[docs] def request_api_2(self, path, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET'): action = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self.api_path_version_2, self.api_version_2, path, action) return super(DimensionDataConnection, self).request( action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers)
[docs] def request_with_orgId_api_1(self, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET'): action = "%s/%s" % (self.get_resource_path_api_1(), action) return super(DimensionDataConnection, self).request( action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers)
[docs] def request_with_orgId_api_2(self, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET'): action = "%s/%s" % (self.get_resource_path_api_2(), action) return super(DimensionDataConnection, self).request( action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers)
[docs] def get_resource_path_api_1(self): """ This method returns a resource path which is necessary for referencing resources that require a full path instead of just an ID, such as networks, and customer snapshots. """ return ("%s/%s/%s" % (self.api_path_version_1, self.api_version_1, self._get_orgId()))
[docs] def get_resource_path_api_2(self): """ This method returns a resource path which is necessary for referencing resources that require a full path instead of just an ID, such as networks, and customer snapshots. """ return ("%s/%s/%s" % (self.api_path_version_2, self.api_version_2, self._get_orgId()))
[docs] def wait_for_state(self, state, func, poll_interval=2, timeout=60, *args, **kwargs): """ Wait for the function which returns a instance with field status to match. Keep polling func until one of the desired states is matched :param state: Either the desired state (`str`) or a `list` of states :type state: ``str`` or ``list`` :param func: The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan. Note: This function needs to return an object which has ``status`` attribute. :type func: ``function`` :param poll_interval: The number of seconds to wait between checks :type poll_interval: `int` :param timeout: The total number of seconds to wait to reach a state :type timeout: `int` :param args: The arguments for func :type args: Positional arguments :param kwargs: The arguments for func :type kwargs: Keyword arguments :return: Result from the calling function. """ cnt = 0 while cnt < timeout / poll_interval: result = func(*args, **kwargs) if result.status is state or result.status in state: return result sleep(poll_interval) cnt += 1 msg = 'Status check for object %s timed out' % (result) raise DimensionDataAPIException(code=result.status, msg=msg, driver=self.connection.driver)
def _get_orgId(self): """ Send the /myaccount API request to DimensionData cloud and parse the 'orgId' from the XML response object. We need the orgId to use most of the other API functions """ if self._orgId is None: body = self.request_api_1('myaccount').object self._orgId = findtext(body, 'orgId', DIRECTORY_NS) return self._orgId
[docs]class DimensionDataStatus(object): """ DimensionData API pending operation status class action, request_time, user_name, number_of_steps, update_time,, step.number, step.percent_complete, failure_reason, """ def __init__(self, action=None, request_time=None, user_name=None, number_of_steps=None, update_time=None, step_name=None, step_number=None, step_percent_complete=None, failure_reason=None): self.action = action self.request_time = request_time self.user_name = user_name self.number_of_steps = number_of_steps self.update_time = update_time self.step_name = step_name self.step_number = step_number self.step_percent_complete = step_percent_complete self.failure_reason = failure_reason def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataStatus: action=%s, request_time=%s, ' 'user_name=%s, number_of_steps=%s, update_time=%s, ' 'step_name=%s, step_number=%s, ' 'step_percent_complete=%s, failure_reason=%s>') % (self.action, self.request_time, self.user_name, self.number_of_steps, self.update_time, self.step_name, self.step_number, self.step_percent_complete, self.failure_reason))
[docs]class DimensionDataNetwork(object): """ DimensionData network with location. """ def __init__(self, id, name, description, location, private_net, multicast, status): = str(id) = name self.description = description self.location = location self.private_net = private_net self.multicast = multicast self.status = status def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataNetwork: id=%s, name=%s, description=%s, ' 'location=%s, private_net=%s, multicast=%s>') % (,, self.description, self.location, self.private_net, self.multicast))
[docs]class DimensionDataNetworkDomain(object): """ DimensionData network domain with location. """ def __init__(self, id, name, description, location, status, plan): = str(id) = name self.description = description self.location = location self.status = status self.plan = plan def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataNetworkDomain: id=%s, name=%s,' 'description=%s, location=%s, status=%s>') % (,, self.description, self.location, self.status))
[docs]class DimensionDataPublicIpBlock(object): """ DimensionData Public IP Block with location. """ def __init__(self, id, base_ip, size, location, network_domain, status): = str(id) self.base_ip = base_ip self.size = size self.location = location self.network_domain = network_domain self.status = status def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataNetworkDomain: id=%s, base_ip=%s,' 'size=%s, location=%s, status=%s>') % (, self.base_ip, self.size, self.location, self.status))
[docs]class DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification(object): """ A class that represents the specification of the CPU(s) for a node """ def __init__(self, cpu_count, cores_per_socket, performance): """ Instantiate a new :class:`DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification` :param cpu_count: The number of CPUs :type cpu_count: ``int`` :param cores_per_socket: The number of cores per socket, the recommendation is 1 :type cores_per_socket: ``int`` :param performance: The performance type, e.g. HIGHPERFORMANCE :type performance: ``str`` """ self.cpu_count = cpu_count self.cores_per_socket = cores_per_socket self.performance = performance def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification: ' 'cpu_count=%s, cores_per_socket=%s, ' 'performance=%s>') % (self.cpu_count, self.cores_per_socket, self.performance))
[docs]class DimensionDataFirewallRule(object): """ DimensionData Firewall Rule for a network domain """ def __init__(self, id, name, action, location, network_domain, status, ip_version, protocol, source, destination, enabled): = str(id) = name self.action = action self.location = location self.network_domain = network_domain self.status = status self.ip_version = ip_version self.protocol = protocol self.source = source self.destination = destination self.enabled = enabled def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataNetworkDomain: id=%s, name=%s,' 'action=%s, location=%s, status=%s>') % (,, self.action, self.location, self.status))
[docs]class DimensionDataFirewallAddress(object): """ The source or destination model in a firewall rule """ def __init__(self, any_ip, ip_address, ip_prefix_size, port_begin, port_end): self.any_ip = any_ip self.ip_address = ip_address self.ip_prefix_size = ip_prefix_size self.port_begin = port_begin self.port_end = port_end
[docs]class DimensionDataNatRule(object): """ An IP NAT rule in a network domain """ def __init__(self, id, network_domain, internal_ip, external_ip, status): = id self.network_domain = network_domain self.internal_ip = internal_ip self.external_ip = external_ip self.status = status def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataNatRule: id=%s, status=%s>') % (, self.status))
[docs]class DimensionDataVlan(object): """ DimensionData VLAN. """ def __init__(self, id, name, description, location, network_domain, status, private_ipv4_range_address, private_ipv4_range_size, ipv6_range_address, ipv6_range_size, ipv4_gateway, ipv6_gateway): """ Initialize an instance of ``DimensionDataVlan`` :param id: The ID of the VLAN :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the VLAN :type name: ``str`` :param description: Plan text description of the VLAN :type description: ``str`` :param location: The location (data center) of the VLAN :type location: ``NodeLocation`` :param network_domain: The Network Domain that owns this VLAN :type network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain` :param status: The status of the VLAN :type status: :class:`DimensionDataStatus` :param private_ipv4_range_address: The host address of the VLAN IP space :type private_ipv4_range_address: ``str`` :param private_ipv4_range_size: The size (e.g. '24') of the VLAN as a CIDR range size :type private_ipv4_range_size: ``int`` :param ipv6_range_address: The host address of the VLAN IP space :type ipv6_range_address: ``str`` :param ipv6_range_size: The size (e.g. '32') of the VLAN as a CIDR range size :type ipv6_range_size: ``int`` :param ipv4_gateway: The IPv4 default gateway addres :type ipv4_gateway: ``str`` :param ipv6_gateway: The IPv6 default gateway addres :type ipv6_gateway: ``str`` """ = str(id) = name self.location = location self.description = description self.network_domain = network_domain self.status = status self.private_ipv4_range_address = private_ipv4_range_address self.private_ipv4_range_size = private_ipv4_range_size self.ipv6_range_address = ipv6_range_address self.ipv6_range_size = ipv6_range_size self.ipv4_gateway = ipv4_gateway self.ipv6_gateway = ipv6_gateway def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataVlan: id=%s, name=%s, ' 'description=%s, location=%s, status=%s>') % (,, self.description, self.location, self.status))
[docs]class DimensionDataPool(object): """ DimensionData VIP Pool. """ def __init__(self, id, name, description, status, load_balance_method, health_monitor_id, service_down_action, slow_ramp_time): """ Initialize an instance of ``DimensionDataPool`` :param id: The ID of the pool :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the pool :type name: ``str`` :param description: Plan text description of the pool :type description: ``str`` :param status: The status of the pool :type status: :class:`DimensionDataStatus` :param load_balance_method: The load balancer method :type load_balance_method: ``str`` :param health_monitor_id: The ID of the health monitor :type health_monitor_id: ``str`` :param service_down_action: Action to take when pool is down :type service_down_action: ``str`` :param slow_ramp_time: The ramp-up time for service recovery :type slow_ramp_time: ``int`` """ = str(id) = name self.description = description self.status = status self.load_balance_method = load_balance_method self.health_monitor_id = health_monitor_id self.service_down_action = service_down_action self.slow_ramp_time = slow_ramp_time def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataPool: id=%s, name=%s, ' 'description=%s, status=%s>') % (,, self.description, self.status))
[docs]class DimensionDataPoolMember(object): """ DimensionData VIP Pool Member. """ def __init__(self, id, name, status, ip, port, node_id): """ Initialize an instance of ``DimensionDataPoolMember`` :param id: The ID of the pool member :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the pool member :type name: ``str`` :param status: The status of the pool :type status: :class:`DimensionDataStatus` :param ip: The IP of the pool member :type ip: ``str`` :param port: The port of the pool member :type port: ``int`` :param node_id: The ID of the associated node :type node_id: ``str`` """ = str(id) = name self.status = status self.ip = ip self.port = port self.node_id = node_id def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataPool: id=%s, name=%s, ' 'ip=%s, status=%s, port=%s, node_id=%s') % (,, self.ip, self.status, self.port, self.node_id))
[docs]class DimensionDataVIPNode(object): def __init__(self, id, name, status, ip, connection_limit='10000', connection_rate_limit='10000'): """ Initialize an instance of :class:`DimensionDataVIPNode` :param id: The ID of the node :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the node :type name: ``str`` :param status: The status of the node :type status: :class:`DimensionDataStatus` :param ip: The IP of the node :type ip: ``str`` :param connection_limit: The total connection limit for the node :type connection_limit: ``int`` :param connection_rate_limit: The rate limit for the node :type connection_rate_limit: ``int`` """ = str(id) = name self.status = status self.ip = ip self.connection_limit = connection_limit self.connection_rate_limit = connection_rate_limit def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataVIPNode: id=%s, name=%s, ' 'status=%s, ip=%s>') % (,, self.status, self.ip))
[docs]class DimensionDataVirtualListener(object): """ DimensionData Virtual Listener. """ def __init__(self, id, name, status, ip): """ Initialize an instance of :class:`DimensionDataVirtualListener` :param id: The ID of the listener :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the listener :type name: ``str`` :param status: The status of the listener :type status: :class:`DimensionDataStatus` :param ip: The IP of the listener :type ip: ``str`` """ = str(id) = name self.status = status self.ip = ip def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataPool: id=%s, name=%s, ' 'status=%s, ip=%s>') % (,, self.status, self.ip))
[docs]class DimensionDataDefaultHealthMonitor(object): """ A default health monitor for a VIP (node, pool or listener) """ def __init__(self, id, name, node_compatible, pool_compatible): """ Initialize an instance of :class:`DimensionDataDefaultHealthMonitor` :param id: The ID of the monitor :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the monitor :type name: ``str`` :param node_compatible: Is a monitor capable of monitoring nodes :type node_compatible: ``bool`` :param pool_compatible: Is a monitor capable of monitoring pools :type pool_compatible: ``bool`` """ = id = name self.node_compatible = node_compatible self.pool_compatible = pool_compatible def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataDefaultHealthMonitor: id=%s, name=%s>') % (,
[docs]class DimensionDataPersistenceProfile(object): """ Each Persistence Profile declares the combination of Virtual Listener type and protocol with which it is compatible and whether or not it is compatible as a Fallback Persistence Profile. """ def __init__(self, id, name, compatible_listeners, fallback_compatible): """ Initialize an instance of :class:`DimensionDataPersistenceProfile` :param id: The ID of the profile :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the profile :type name: ``str`` :param compatible_listeners: List of compatible Virtual Listener types :type compatible_listeners: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataVirtualListenerCompatibility` :param fallback_compatible: Is capable as a fallback profile :type fallback_compatible: ``bool`` """ = id = name self.compatible_listeners = compatible_listeners self.fallback_compatible = fallback_compatible def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataPersistenceProfile: id=%s, name=%s>') % (,
[docs]class DimensionDataDefaultiRule(object): """ A default iRule for a network domain, can be applied to a listener """ def __init__(self, id, name, compatible_listeners): """ Initialize an instance of :class:`DimensionDataDefaultiRule` :param id: The ID of the iRule :type id: ``str`` :param name: The name of the iRule :type name: ``str`` :param compatible_listeners: List of compatible Virtual Listener types :type compatible_listeners: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataVirtualListenerCompatibility` """ = id = name self.compatible_listeners = compatible_listeners def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataDefaultiRule: id=%s, name=%s>') % (,
[docs]class DimensionDataVirtualListenerCompatibility(object): """ A compatibility preference for a persistence profile or iRule specifies which virtual listener types this profile or iRule can be applied to. """ def __init__(self, type, protocol): self.type = type self.protocol = protocol def __repr__(self): return (('<DimensionDataVirtualListenerCompatibility: ' 'type=%s, protocol=%s>') % (self.type, self.protocol))