VMware vSphere Compute Driver Documentation

VMware vSphere is VMware’s cloud computing operating system which allows you to run your own private cloud.



VMware vSphere driver depends on the pysphere Python library which needs to be installed for the driver to work.

This library can be installed using pip as shown bellow:

pip install pysphere

Connecting to vSphere installation

To connect to the vSphere installation you need to pass the following arguments to the driver constructor

  • host - hostname or IP address of your vSphere installation. Note: if your installation is using or accessible via a different port, you should use the url argument which is described bellow instead.
  • url - full URL to your vSphere installation client endpoint - e.g. https://<host>/sdk/. Note: This argument is mutually exclusive with host argument which means you need to provide either host or url argument, but not both.
  • username - username used to log in
  • password - password used to log in


1. Connect by specifying a host

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

cls = get_driver(Provider.VSPHERE)
driver = cls(host='',
             username='admin', password='admin')
# ...

2. Connect by specifying a url

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

cls = get_driver(Provider.VSPHERE)
driver = cls(url='',
             username='admin', password='admin')
# ...

3. Connect by specifying a url (custom port)

from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver

cls = get_driver(Provider.VSPHERE)
driver = cls(url='',
             username='admin', password='admin')
# ...


How do I know if I’m connecting to the correct URL?

If you are connecting by provider url argument and you get the Response is "text", not "text/xml" or similar error back, this most likely means you have specified an invalid URL (e.g. you forgot to specify a path).

You can test if the url you are using is valid by adding /vimService.wsdl to it (e.g. https://<host>/sdk/vimService.wsdl). When you visit this page, you should get an XML response back.

API Docs

VMware vSphere v5.5