Source code for libcloud.httplib_ssl

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# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Subclass for httplib.HTTPSConnection with optional certificate name
verification, depending on settings.
import os
import sys
import socket
import ssl
import base64
import warnings

from backports.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname, CertificateError

from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlunquote

__all__ = [


[docs]class LibcloudBaseConnection(object): """ Base connection class to inherit from. Note: This class should not be instantiated directly. """ proxy_scheme = None proxy_host = None proxy_port = None proxy_username = None proxy_password = None http_proxy_used = False
[docs] def set_http_proxy(self, proxy_url): """ Set a HTTP proxy which will be used with this connection. :param proxy_url: Proxy URL (e.g. http://<hostname>:<port> without authentication and http://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port> for basic auth authentication information. :type proxy_url: ``str`` """ result = self._parse_proxy_url(proxy_url=proxy_url) scheme = result[0] host = result[1] port = result[2] username = result[3] password = result[4] self.proxy_scheme = scheme self.proxy_host = host self.proxy_port = port self.proxy_username = username self.proxy_password = password self.http_proxy_used = True self._setup_http_proxy()
def _parse_proxy_url(self, proxy_url): """ Parse and validate a proxy URL. :param proxy_url: Proxy URL (e.g. http://hostname:3128) :type proxy_url: ``str`` :rtype: ``tuple`` (``scheme``, ``hostname``, ``port``) """ parsed = urlparse.urlparse(proxy_url) if parsed.scheme != 'http': raise ValueError('Only http proxies are supported') if not parsed.hostname or not parsed.port: raise ValueError('proxy_url must be in the following format: ' 'http://<proxy host>:<proxy port>') proxy_scheme = parsed.scheme proxy_host, proxy_port = parsed.hostname, parsed.port netloc = parsed.netloc if '@' in netloc: username_password = netloc.split('@', 1)[0] split = username_password.split(':', 1) if len(split) < 2: raise ValueError('URL is in an invalid format') proxy_username, proxy_password = split[0], split[1] else: proxy_username = None proxy_password = None return (proxy_scheme, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_username, proxy_password) def _setup_http_proxy(self): """ Set up HTTP proxy. :param proxy_url: Proxy URL (e.g. http://<host>:3128) :type proxy_url: ``str`` """ headers = {} if self.proxy_username and self.proxy_password: # Include authentication header user_pass = '%s:%s' % (self.proxy_username, self.proxy_password) encoded = base64.encodestring(b(urlunquote(user_pass))).strip() auth_header = 'Basic %s' % (encoded.decode('utf-8')) headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = auth_header if hasattr(self, 'set_tunnel'): # Python 2.7 and higher # pylint: disable=no-member self.set_tunnel(, port=self.port, headers=headers) elif hasattr(self, '_set_tunnel'): # Python 2.6 # pylint: disable=no-member self._set_tunnel(, port=self.port, headers=headers) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported Python version') self._set_hostport(host=self.proxy_host, port=self.proxy_port) def _activate_http_proxy(self, sock): self.sock = sock self._tunnel() # pylint: disable=no-member def _set_hostport(self, host, port): """ Backported from Python stdlib so Proxy support also works with Python 3.4. """ if port is None: i = host.rfind(':') j = host.rfind(']') # ipv6 addresses have [...] if i > j: try: port = int(host[i + 1:]) except ValueError: msg = "nonnumeric port: '%s'" % (host[i + 1:]) raise httplib.InvalidURL(msg) host = host[:i] else: port = self.default_port # pylint: disable=no-member if host and host[0] == '[' and host[-1] == ']': host = host[1:-1] = host self.port = port
[docs]class LibcloudHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection, LibcloudBaseConnection): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Support for HTTP proxy proxy_url_env = os.environ.get(HTTP_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME, None) proxy_url = kwargs.pop('proxy_url', proxy_url_env) super(LibcloudHTTPConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if proxy_url: self.set_http_proxy(proxy_url=proxy_url)
[docs]class LibcloudHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection, LibcloudBaseConnection): """ LibcloudHTTPSConnection Subclass of HTTPSConnection which verifies certificate names if and only if CA certificates are available. """ verify = True # verify by default ca_cert = None # no default CA Certificate def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor """ self._setup_verify() # Support for HTTP proxy proxy_url_env = os.environ.get(HTTP_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLE_NAME, None) proxy_url = kwargs.pop('proxy_url', proxy_url_env) super(LibcloudHTTPSConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if proxy_url: self.set_http_proxy(proxy_url=proxy_url) def _setup_verify(self): """ Setup Verify SSL or not Reads security module's VERIFY_SSL_CERT and toggles whether the class overrides the connect() class method or runs the inherited httplib.HTTPSConnection connect() """ self.verify = if self.verify: self._setup_ca_cert() else: warnings.warn( def _setup_ca_cert(self): """ Setup CA Certs Search in CA_CERTS_PATH for valid candidates and return first match. Otherwise, complain about certs not being available. """ if not self.verify: return ca_certs_available = [cert for cert in if os.path.exists(cert) and os.path.isfile(cert)] if ca_certs_available: # use first available certificate self.ca_cert = ca_certs_available[0] else: raise RuntimeError(
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connect Checks if verification is toggled; if not, just call httplib.HTTPSConnection's connect """ if not self.verify: return httplib.HTTPSConnection.connect(self) # otherwise, create a connection and verify the hostname # use socket.create_connection (in 2.6+) if possible if getattr(socket, 'create_connection', None): sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port), self.timeout) else: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((, self.port)) # Activate the HTTP proxy if self.http_proxy_used: self._activate_http_proxy(sock=sock) self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=self.ca_cert, cert = self.sock.getpeercert() try: match_hostname(cert, except CertificateError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise ssl.SSLError('Failed to verify hostname: %s' % (str(e)))