Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.gandi

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Gandi driver for compute
import sys
from datetime import datetime

from libcloud.common.gandi import BaseGandiDriver, GandiException,\
    NetworkInterface, IPAddress, Disk
from libcloud.compute.base import StorageVolume
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, Provider
from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeSize, NodeImage, NodeLocation

    'running': NodeState.RUNNING,
    'halted': NodeState.TERMINATED,
    'paused': NodeState.TERMINATED,
    'locked': NodeState.TERMINATED,
    'being_created': NodeState.PENDING,
    'invalid': NodeState.UNKNOWN,
    'legally_locked': NodeState.PENDING,
    'deleted': NodeState.TERMINATED


    'small': {
        'id': 'small',
        'name': 'Small instance',
        'cpu': 1,
        'memory': 256,
        'disk': 3,
        'bandwidth': 10240,
    'medium': {
        'id': 'medium',
        'name': 'Medium instance',
        'cpu': 1,
        'memory': 1024,
        'disk': 20,
        'bandwidth': 10240,
    'large': {
        'id': 'large',
        'name': 'Large instance',
        'cpu': 2,
        'memory': 2048,
        'disk': 50,
        'bandwidth': 10240,
    'x-large': {
        'id': 'x-large',
        'name': 'Extra Large instance',
        'cpu': 4,
        'memory': 4096,
        'disk': 100,
        'bandwidth': 10240,

[docs]class GandiNodeDriver(BaseGandiDriver, NodeDriver): """ Gandi node driver """ api_name = 'gandi' friendly_name = '' website = '' country = 'FR' type = Provider.GANDI # TODO : which features to enable ? features = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.__init__` """ super(BaseGandiDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _resource_info(self, type, id): try: obj = self.connection.request('' % type, int(id)) return obj.object except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise GandiException(1003, e) return None def _node_info(self, id): return self._resource_info('vm', id) def _volume_info(self, id): return self._resource_info('disk', id) # Generic methods for driver def _to_node(self, vm): return Node( id=vm['id'], name=vm['hostname'], state=NODE_STATE_MAP.get( vm['state'], NodeState.UNKNOWN ), public_ips=vm.get('ips', []), private_ips=[], driver=self, extra={ 'ai_active': vm.get('ai_active'), 'datacenter_id': vm.get('datacenter_id'), 'description': vm.get('description') } ) def _to_nodes(self, vms): return [self._to_node(v) for v in vms] def _to_volume(self, disk): extra = {'can_snapshot': disk['can_snapshot']} return StorageVolume( id=disk['id'], name=disk['name'], size=int(disk['size']), driver=self, extra=extra) def _to_volumes(self, disks): return [self._to_volume(d) for d in disks]
[docs] def list_nodes(self): vms = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.list').object ips = self.connection.request('hosting.ip.list').object for vm in vms: vm['ips'] = [] for ip in ips: if vm['ifaces_id'][0] == ip['iface_id']: ip = ip.get('ip', None) if ip: vm['ips'].append(ip) nodes = self._to_nodes(vms) return nodes
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.reboot', int( self._wait_operation(op.object['id']) vm = self._node_info(int( if vm['state'] == 'running': return True return False
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): vm = self._node_info( if vm['state'] == 'running': # Send vm_stop and wait for accomplish op_stop = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.stop', int( if not self._wait_operation(op_stop.object['id']): raise GandiException(1010, 'vm.stop failed') # Delete op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.delete', int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def deploy_node(self, **kwargs): """ deploy_node is not implemented for gandi driver :rtype: ``bool`` """ raise NotImplementedError( 'deploy_node not implemented for gandi driver')
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new Gandi node :keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required) :type name: ``str`` :keyword image: OS Image to boot on node. (required) :type image: :class:`NodeImage` :keyword location: Which data center to create a node in. If empty, undefined behavior will be selected. (optional) :type location: :class:`NodeLocation` :keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node. (required) :type size: :class:`NodeSize` :keyword login: user name to create for login on machine (required) :type login: ``str`` :keyword password: password for user that'll be created (required) :type password: ``str`` :keyword inet_family: version of ip to use, default 4 (optional) :type inet_family: ``int`` :rtype: :class:`Node` """ if kwargs.get('login') is None or kwargs.get('password') is None: raise GandiException( 1020, 'login and password must be defined for node creation') location = kwargs.get('location') if location and isinstance(location, NodeLocation): dc_id = int( else: raise GandiException( 1021, 'location must be a subclass of NodeLocation') size = kwargs.get('size') if not size and not isinstance(size, NodeSize): raise GandiException( 1022, 'size must be a subclass of NodeSize') # If size name is in INSTANCE_TYPE we use new rating model instance = INSTANCE_TYPES.get( cores = instance['cpu'] if instance else int( src_disk_id = int(kwargs['image'].id) disk_spec = { 'datacenter_id': dc_id, 'name': 'disk_%s' % kwargs['name'] } vm_spec = { 'datacenter_id': dc_id, 'hostname': kwargs['name'], 'login': kwargs['login'], 'password': kwargs['password'], # TODO : use NodeAuthPassword 'memory': int(size.ram), 'cores': cores, 'bandwidth': int(size.bandwidth), 'ip_version': kwargs.get('inet_family', 4), } # Call create_from helper api. Return 3 operations : disk_create, # iface_create,vm_create (op_disk, op_iface, op_vm) = self.connection.request( 'hosting.vm.create_from', vm_spec, disk_spec, src_disk_id ).object # We wait for vm_create to finish if self._wait_operation(op_vm['id']): # after successful operation, get ip information # thru first interface node = self._node_info(op_vm['vm_id']) ifaces = node.get('ifaces') if len(ifaces) > 0: ips = ifaces[0].get('ips') if len(ips) > 0: node['ip'] = ips[0]['ip'] return self._to_node(node) return None
def _to_image(self, img): return NodeImage( id=img['disk_id'], name=img['label'], driver=self.connection.driver )
[docs] def list_images(self, location=None): try: if location: filtering = {'datacenter_id': int(} else: filtering = {} images = self.connection.request('hosting.image.list', filtering) return [self._to_image(i) for i in images.object] except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise GandiException(1011, e)
def _to_size(self, id, size): return NodeSize( id=id, name='%s cores' % id, ram=size['memory'], disk=size['disk'], bandwidth=size['bandwidth'], price=(self._get_size_price(size_id='1') * id), driver=self.connection.driver, ) def _instance_type_to_size(self, instance): return NodeSize( id=instance['id'], name=instance['name'], ram=instance['memory'], disk=instance['disk'], bandwidth=instance['bandwidth'], price=self._get_size_price(size_id=instance['id']), driver=self.connection.driver, )
[docs] def list_instance_type(self, location=None): return [self._instance_type_to_size(instance) for name, instance in INSTANCE_TYPES.items()]
[docs] def list_sizes(self, location=None): account = self.connection.request('').object if account.get('rating_enabled'): # This account use new rating model return self.list_instance_type(location) # Look for available shares, and return a list of share_definition available_res = account['resources']['available'] if available_res['shares'] == 0: return None else: share_def = account['share_definition'] available_cores = available_res['cores'] # 0.75 core given when creating a server max_core = int(available_cores + 0.75) shares = [] if available_res['servers'] < 1: # No server quota, no way return shares for i in range(1, max_core + 1): share = {id: i} share_is_available = True for k in ['memory', 'disk', 'bandwidth']: if share_def[k] * i > available_res[k]: # We run out for at least one resource inside share_is_available = False else: share[k] = share_def[k] * i if share_is_available: nb_core = i shares.append(self._to_size(nb_core, share)) return shares
def _to_loc(self, loc): return NodeLocation( id=loc['id'], name=loc['name'], country=loc['country'], driver=self )
[docs] def list_locations(self): res = self.connection.request('hosting.datacenter.list') return [self._to_loc(l) for l in res.object]
[docs] def list_volumes(self): """ :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume` """ res = self.connection.request('hosting.disk.list', {}) return self._to_volumes(res.object)
[docs] def create_volume(self, size, name, location=None, snapshot=None): disk_param = { 'name': name, 'size': int(size), 'datacenter_id': int( } if snapshot: op = self.connection.request('hosting.disk.create_from', disk_param, int( else: op = self.connection.request('hosting.disk.create', disk_param) if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): disk = self._volume_info(op.object['disk_id']) return self._to_volume(disk) return None
[docs] def attach_volume(self, node, volume, device=None): op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.disk_attach', int(, int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def detach_volume(self, node, volume): """ Detaches a volume from a node. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :param volume: Volume to be detached :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume` :rtype: ``bool`` """ op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.disk_detach', int(, int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def destroy_volume(self, volume): op = self.connection.request('hosting.disk.delete', int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
def _to_iface(self, iface): ips = [] for ip in iface.get('ips', []): new_ip = IPAddress( ip['id'], NODE_STATE_MAP.get( ip['state'], NodeState.UNKNOWN ), ip['ip'], self.connection.driver, version=ip.get('version'), extra={'reverse': ip['reverse']} ) ips.append(new_ip) return NetworkInterface( iface['id'], NODE_STATE_MAP.get( iface['state'], NodeState.UNKNOWN ), mac_address=None, driver=self.connection.driver, ips=ips, node_id=iface.get('vm_id'), extra={'bandwidth': iface['bandwidth']}, ) def _to_ifaces(self, ifaces): return [self._to_iface(i) for i in ifaces]
[docs] def ex_list_interfaces(self): """ Specific method to list network interfaces :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`GandiNetworkInterface` """ ifaces = self.connection.request('hosting.iface.list').object ips = self.connection.request('hosting.ip.list').object for iface in ifaces: iface['ips'] = list( filter(lambda i: i['iface_id'] == iface['id'], ips)) return self._to_ifaces(ifaces)
def _to_disk(self, element): disk = Disk( id=element['id'], state=NODE_STATE_MAP.get( element['state'], NodeState.UNKNOWN ), name=element['name'], driver=self.connection.driver, size=element['size'], extra={'can_snapshot': element['can_snapshot']} ) return disk def _to_disks(self, elements): return [self._to_disk(el) for el in elements]
[docs] def ex_list_disks(self): """ Specific method to list all disk :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`GandiDisk` """ res = self.connection.request('hosting.disk.list', {}) return self._to_disks(res.object)
[docs] def ex_node_attach_disk(self, node, disk): """ Specific method to attach a disk to a node :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :param disk: Disk which should be used :type disk: :class:`GandiDisk` :rtype: ``bool`` """ op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.disk_attach', int(, int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def ex_node_detach_disk(self, node, disk): """ Specific method to detach a disk from a node :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :param disk: Disk which should be used :type disk: :class:`GandiDisk` :rtype: ``bool`` """ op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.disk_detach', int(, int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def ex_node_attach_interface(self, node, iface): """ Specific method to attach an interface to a node :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :param iface: Network interface which should be used :type iface: :class:`GandiNetworkInterface` :rtype: ``bool`` """ op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.iface_attach', int(, int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def ex_node_detach_interface(self, node, iface): """ Specific method to detach an interface from a node :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`Node` :param iface: Network interface which should be used :type iface: :class:`GandiNetworkInterface` :rtype: ``bool`` """ op = self.connection.request('hosting.vm.iface_detach', int(, int( if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def ex_snapshot_disk(self, disk, name=None): """ Specific method to make a snapshot of a disk :param disk: Disk which should be used :type disk: :class:`GandiDisk` :param name: Name which should be used :type name: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not disk.extra.get('can_snapshot'): raise GandiException(1021, 'Disk %s can\'t snapshot' % if not name: suffix ='%Y%m%d') name = 'snap_%s' % (suffix) op = self.connection.request( 'hosting.disk.create_from', {'name': name, 'type': 'snapshot', }, int(, ) if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False
[docs] def ex_update_disk(self, disk, new_size=None, new_name=None): """Specific method to update size or name of a disk WARNING: if a server is attached it'll be rebooted :param disk: Disk which should be used :type disk: :class:`GandiDisk` :param new_size: New size :type new_size: ``int`` :param new_name: New name :type new_name: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ params = {} if new_size: params.update({'size': new_size}) if new_name: params.update({'name': new_name}) op = self.connection.request('hosting.disk.update', int(, params) if self._wait_operation(op.object['id']): return True return False