Source code for libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudstack

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import with_statement

import base64
import warnings

from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse

from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
from libcloud.common.cloudstack import CloudStackDriverMixIn
from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver, NodeImage, NodeLocation
from libcloud.compute.base import NodeSize, StorageVolume
from libcloud.compute.base import KeyPair
from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, LibcloudError
from libcloud.compute.types import KeyPairDoesNotExistError
from libcloud.utils.networking import is_private_subnet

Define the extra dictionary for specific resources
    'network': {
        'broadcast_domain_type': {
            'key_name': 'broadcastdomaintype',
            'transform_func': str
        'traffic_type': {
            'key_name': 'traffictype',
            'transform_func': str
        'zone_name': {
            'key_name': 'zonename',
            'transform_func': str
        'network_offering_name': {
            'key_name': 'networkofferingname',
            'transform_func': str
        'network_offeringdisplay_text': {
            'key_name': 'networkofferingdisplaytext',
            'transform_func': str
        'network_offering_availability': {
            'key_name': 'networkofferingavailability',
            'transform_func': str
        'is_system': {
            'key_name': 'issystem',
            'transform_func': str
        'state': {
            'key_name': 'state',
            'transform_func': str
        'dns1': {
            'key_name': 'dns1',
            'transform_func': str
        'dns2': {
            'key_name': 'dns2',
            'transform_func': str
        'type': {
            'key_name': 'type',
            'transform_func': str
        'acl_type': {
            'key_name': 'acltype',
            'transform_func': str
        'subdomain_access': {
            'key_name': 'subdomainaccess',
            'transform_func': str
        'network_domain': {
            'key_name': 'networkdomain',
            'transform_func': str
        'physical_network_id': {
            'key_name': 'physicalnetworkid',
            'transform_func': str
        'can_use_for_deploy': {
            'key_name': 'canusefordeploy',
            'transform_func': str
    'node': {
        'haenable': {
            'key_name': 'haenable',
            'transform_func': str
        'zone_id': {
            'key_name': 'zoneid',
            'transform_func': str
        'zone_name': {
            'key_name': 'zonename',
            'transform_func': str
        'key_name': {
            'key_name': 'keypair',
            'transform_func': str
        'password': {
            'key_name': 'password',
            'transform_func': str
        'image_id': {
            'key_name': 'templateid',
            'transform_func': str
        'image_name': {
            'key_name': 'templatename',
            'transform_func': str
        'template_display_text': {
            'key_name': 'templatdisplaytext',
            'transform_func': str
        'password_enabled': {
            'key_name': 'passwordenabled',
            'transform_func': str
        'size_id': {
            'key_name': 'serviceofferingid',
            'transform_func': str
        'size_name': {
            'key_name': 'serviceofferingname',
            'transform_func': str
        'root_device_id': {
            'key_name': 'rootdeviceid',
            'transform_func': str
        'root_device_type': {
            'key_name': 'rootdevicetype',
            'transform_func': str
        'hypervisor': {
            'key_name': 'hypervisor',
            'transform_func': str
    'volume': {
        'created': {
            'key_name': 'created',
            'transform_func': str
        'device_id': {
            'key_name': 'deviceid',
            'transform_func': int
        'instance_id': {
            'key_name': 'serviceofferingid',
            'transform_func': str
        'state': {
            'key_name': 'state',
            'transform_func': str
        'volume_type': {
            'key_name': 'type',
            'transform_func': str
        'zone_id': {
            'key_name': 'zoneid',
            'transform_func': str
        'zone_name': {
            'key_name': 'zonename',
            'transform_func': str

class CloudStackNode(Node):
    Subclass of Node so we can expose our extension methods.

    def ex_allocate_public_ip(self):
        Allocate a public IP and bind it to this node.
        return self.driver.ex_allocate_public_ip(self)

    def ex_release_public_ip(self, address):
        Release a public IP that this node holds.
        return self.driver.ex_release_public_ip(self, address)

    def ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule(self, address, protocol,
                                     start_port, end_port=None):
        Add a NAT/firewall forwarding rule for a port or ports.
        return self.driver.ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule(node=self,

    def ex_create_port_forwarding_rule(self, address,
                                       private_port, public_port,
        Add a port forwarding rule for port or ports.
        return self.driver.ex_create_port_forwarding_rule(node=self,

    def ex_delete_ip_forwarding_rule(self, rule):
        Delete a port forwarding rule.
        return self.driver.ex_delete_ip_forwarding_rule(node=self, rule=rule)

    def ex_delete_port_forwarding_rule(self, rule):
        Delete a NAT/firewall rule.
        return self.driver.ex_delete_port_forwarding_rule(node=self, rule=rule)

    def ex_start(self):
        Starts a stopped virtual machine.
        return self.driver.ex_start(node=self)

    def ex_stop(self):
        Stops a running virtual machine.
        return self.driver.ex_stop(node=self)

class CloudStackAddress(object):
    A public IP address.

    def __init__(self, id, address, driver): = id
        self.address = address
        self.driver = driver

    def release(self):

    def __str__(self):
        return self.address

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and ==

class CloudStackIPForwardingRule(object):
    A NAT/firewall forwarding rule.

    def __init__(self, node, id, address, protocol, start_port, end_port=None):
        self.node = node = id
        self.address = address
        self.protocol = protocol
        self.start_port = start_port
        self.end_port = end_port

    def delete(self):

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and ==

class CloudStackPortForwardingRule(object):
    A Port forwarding rule for Source NAT.

    def __init__(self, node, rule_id, address, protocol, public_port,
                 private_port, public_end_port=None, private_end_port=None):
        A Port forwarding rule for Source NAT.

        @note: This is a non-standard extension API, and only works for EC2.

        :param      node: Node for rule
        :type       node: :class:`Node`

        :param      rule_id: Rule ID
        :type       rule_id: ``int``

        :param      address: External IP address
        :type       address: :class:`CloudStackAddress`

        :param      protocol: TCP/IP Protocol (TCP, UDP)
        :type       protocol: ``str``

        :param      public_port: External port for rule (or start port if
                                 public_end_port is also provided)
        :type       public_port: ``int``

        :param      private_port: Internal node port for rule (or start port if
                                  public_end_port is also provided)
        :type       private_port: ``int``

        :param      public_end_port: End of external port range
        :type       public_end_port: ``int``

        :param      private_end_port: End of internal port range
        :type       private_end_port: ``int``

        :rtype: :class:`CloudStackPortForwardingRule`
        self.node = node = rule_id
        self.address = address
        self.protocol = protocol
        self.public_port = public_port
        self.public_end_port = public_end_port
        self.private_port = private_port
        self.private_end_port = private_end_port

    def delete(self):

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and ==

class CloudStackDiskOffering(object):
    A disk offering within CloudStack.

    def __init__(self, id, name, size, customizable): = id = name
        self.size = size
        self.customizable = customizable

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and ==

class CloudStackNetwork(object):
    Class representing a CloudStack Network.

    def __init__(self, displaytext, name, networkofferingid, id, zoneid,
                 driver, extra=None):
        self.displaytext = displaytext = name
        self.networkofferingid = networkofferingid = id
        self.zoneid = zoneid
        self.driver = driver
        self.extra = extra or {}

    def __repr__(self):
        return (('<CloudStackNetwork: id=%s, displaytext=%s, name=%s, '
                 'networkofferingid=%s, zoneid=%s, driver%s>')
                % (, self.displaytext,,
                   self.networkofferingid, self.zoneid,

[docs]class CloudStackNodeDriver(CloudStackDriverMixIn, NodeDriver): """ Driver for the CloudStack API. :cvar host: The host where the API can be reached. :cvar path: The path where the API can be reached. :cvar async_poll_frequency: How often (in seconds) to poll for async job completion. :type async_poll_frequency: ``int``""" name = 'CloudStack' api_name = 'cloudstack' website = '' type = Provider.CLOUDSTACK features = {'create_node': ['generates_password']} NODE_STATE_MAP = { 'Running': NodeState.RUNNING, 'Starting': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'Stopped': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'Stopping': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'Destroyed': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'Expunging': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'Error': NodeState.TERMINATED } def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, path=None, port=None, url=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.__init__` :param host: The host where the API can be reached. (required) :type host: ``str`` :param path: The path where the API can be reached. (required) :type path: ``str`` :param url: Full URL to the API endpoint. Mutually exclusive with host and path argument. :type url: ``str`` """ if url: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) path = parsed.path scheme = parsed.scheme split = parsed.netloc.split(':') if len(split) == 1: # No port provided, use the default one host = parsed.netloc port = 443 if scheme == 'https' else 80 else: host = split[0] port = int(split[1]) else: host = host if host else path = path if path else self.path if path is not None: self.path = path if host is not None: = host if (self.type == Provider.CLOUDSTACK) and (not host or not path): raise Exception('When instantiating CloudStack driver directly ' 'you also need to provide url or host and path ' 'argument') super(CloudStackNodeDriver, self).__init__(key=key, secret=secret, secure=secure, host=host, port=port) def list_images(self, location=None): args = { 'templatefilter': 'executable' } if location is not None: args['zoneid'] = imgs = self._sync_request(command='listTemplates', params=args, method='GET') images = [] for img in imgs.get('template', []): images.append(NodeImage( id=img['id'], name=img['name'], driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'hypervisor': img['hypervisor'], 'format': img['format'], 'os': img['ostypename'], 'displaytext': img['displaytext']})) return images
[docs] def list_locations(self): """ :rtype ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation` """ locs = self._sync_request('listZones') locations = [] for loc in locs['zone']: location = NodeLocation(str(loc['id']), loc['name'], 'Unknown', self) locations.append(location) return locations
[docs] def list_nodes(self): """ @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_nodes` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`CloudStackNode` """ vms = self._sync_request('listVirtualMachines') addrs = self._sync_request('listPublicIpAddresses') public_ips_map = {} for addr in addrs.get('publicipaddress', []): if 'virtualmachineid' not in addr: continue vm_id = str(addr['virtualmachineid']) if vm_id not in public_ips_map: public_ips_map[vm_id] = {} public_ips_map[vm_id][addr['ipaddress']] = addr['id'] nodes = [] for vm in vms.get('virtualmachine', []): public_ips = public_ips_map.get(str(vm['id']), {}).keys() public_ips = list(public_ips) node = self._to_node(data=vm, public_ips=public_ips) addresses = public_ips_map.get(vm['id'], {}).items() addresses = [CloudStackAddress(node, v, k) for k, v in addresses] node.extra['ip_addresses'] = addresses rules = [] for addr in addresses: result = self._sync_request('listIpForwardingRules') for r in result.get('ipforwardingrule', []): if str(r['virtualmachineid']) == rule = CloudStackIPForwardingRule(node, r['id'], addr, r['protocol'] .upper(), r['startport'], r['endport']) rules.append(rule) node.extra['ip_forwarding_rules'] = rules rules = [] public_ips = self.ex_list_public_ips() result = self._sync_request('listPortForwardingRules') for r in result.get('portforwardingrule', []): if str(r['virtualmachineid']) == addr = [a for a in public_ips if a.address == r['ipaddress']] rule = CloudStackPortForwardingRule(node, r['id'], addr[0], r['protocol'].upper(), r['publicport'], r['privateport'], r['publicendport'], r['privateendport']) if not addr[0].address in node.public_ips: node.public_ips.append(addr[0].address) rules.append(rule) node.extra['port_forwarding_rules'] = rules nodes.append(node) return nodes
[docs] def list_sizes(self, location=None): """ :rtype ``list`` of :class:`NodeSize` """ szs = self._sync_request(command='listServiceOfferings', method='GET') sizes = [] for sz in szs['serviceoffering']: extra = {'cpu': sz['cpunumber']} sizes.append(NodeSize(sz['id'], sz['name'], sz['memory'], 0, 0, 0, self, extra=extra)) return sizes
[docs] def create_node(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new node @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.create_node` :keyword networks: Optional list of networks to launch the server into. :type networks: ``list`` of :class:`.CloudStackNetwork` :keyword ex_keyname: Name of existing keypair :type ex_keyname: ``str`` :keyword ex_userdata: String containing user data :type ex_userdata: ``str`` :keyword ex_security_groups: List of security groups to assign to the node :type ex_security_groups: ``list`` of ``str`` :rtype: :class:`.CloudStackNode` """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(None, **kwargs) data = self._async_request(command='deployVirtualMachine', params=server_params, method='GET')['virtualmachine'] node = self._to_node(data=data) return node
def _create_args_to_params(self, node, **kwargs): server_params = { 'name': kwargs.get('name'), } # TODO: Refactor and use "kwarg_to_server_params" map name = kwargs.get('name', None) size = kwargs.get('size', None) image = kwargs.get('image', None) location = kwargs.get('location', None) networks = kwargs.get('networks', None) ex_key_name = kwargs.get('ex_keyname', None) ex_user_data = kwargs.get('ex_userdata', None) ex_security_groups = kwargs.get('ex_security_groups', None) if name: server_params['name'] = name if size: server_params['serviceofferingid'] = if image: server_params['templateid'] = if location: server_params['zoneid'] = else: # Use a default location server_params['zoneid'] = self.list_locations()[0].id if networks: networks = ','.join([ for network in networks]) server_params['networkids'] = networks if ex_key_name: server_params['keypair'] = ex_key_name if ex_user_data: ex_user_data = base64.b64encode(b(ex_user_data).decode('ascii')) server_params['userdata'] = ex_user_data if ex_security_groups: ex_security_groups = ','.join(ex_security_groups) server_params['securitygroupnames'] = ex_security_groups return server_params
[docs] def destroy_node(self, node): """ @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.reboot_node` :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :rtype: ``bool`` """ self._async_request(command='destroyVirtualMachine', params={'id':}, method='GET') return True
[docs] def reboot_node(self, node): """ @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.reboot_node` :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :rtype: ``bool`` """ self._async_request(command='rebootVirtualMachine', params={'id':}, method='GET') return True
[docs] def ex_start(self, node): """ Starts/Resumes a stopped virtual machine :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :param id: The ID of the virtual machine (required) :type id: ``str`` :param hostid: destination Host ID to deploy the VM to parameter available for root admin only :type hostid: ``str`` :rtype ``str`` """ res = self._async_request(command='startVirtualMachine', params={'id':}, method='GET') return res['virtualmachine']['state']
[docs] def ex_stop(self, node): """ Stops/Suspends a running virtual machine :param node: Node to stop. :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :rtype: ``str`` """ res = self._async_request(command='stopVirtualMachine', params={'id':}, method='GET') return res['virtualmachine']['state']
[docs] def ex_list_disk_offerings(self): """ Fetch a list of all available disk offerings. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`CloudStackDiskOffering` """ diskOfferings = [] diskOfferResponse = self._sync_request(command='listDiskOfferings', method='GET') for diskOfferDict in diskOfferResponse.get('diskoffering', ()): diskOfferings.append( CloudStackDiskOffering( id=diskOfferDict['id'], name=diskOfferDict['name'], size=diskOfferDict['disksize'], customizable=diskOfferDict['iscustomized'])) return diskOfferings
[docs] def ex_list_networks(self): """ List the available networks :rtype ``list`` of :class:`CloudStackNetwork` """ res = self._sync_request(command='listNetworks', method='GET') nets = res.get('network', []) networks = [] extra_map = RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['network'] for net in nets: extra = self._get_extra_dict(net, extra_map) if 'tags' in net: extra['tags'] = self._get_resource_tags(net['tags']) networks.append(CloudStackNetwork( net['displaytext'], net['name'], net['networkofferingid'], net['id'], net['zoneid'], self, extra=extra)) return networks
[docs] def create_volume(self, size, name, location=None, snapshot=None): """ Creates a data volume Defaults to the first location """ for diskOffering in self.ex_list_disk_offerings(): if diskOffering.size == size or diskOffering.customizable: break else: raise LibcloudError( 'Disk offering with size=%s not found' % size) if location is None: location = self.list_locations()[0] params = {'name': name, 'diskOfferingId':, 'zoneId':} if diskOffering.customizable: params['size'] = size requestResult = self._async_request(command='createVolume', params=params, method='GET') volumeResponse = requestResult['volume'] return StorageVolume(id=volumeResponse['id'], name=name, size=size, driver=self, extra=dict(name=volumeResponse['name']))
[docs] def destroy_volume(self, volume): """ :rtype: ``bool`` """ self._sync_request(command='deleteVolume', params={'id':}, method='GET') return True
[docs] def attach_volume(self, node, volume, device=None): """ @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.attach_volume` :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # TODO Add handling for device name self._async_request(command='attachVolume', params={'id':, 'virtualMachineId':}, method='GET') return True
[docs] def detach_volume(self, volume): """ :rtype: ``bool`` """ self._async_request(command='detachVolume', params={'id':}, method='GET') return True
[docs] def list_volumes(self, node=None): """ List all volumes :param node: Only return volumes for the provided node. :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume` """ if node: volumes = self._sync_request(command='listVolumes', params={'virtualmachineid':}, method='GET') else: volumes = self._sync_request(command='listVolumes', method='GET') list_volumes = [] extra_map = RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['volume'] for vol in volumes['volume']: extra = self._get_extra_dict(vol, extra_map) if 'tags' in vol: extra['tags'] = self._get_resource_tags(vol['tags']) list_volumes.append(StorageVolume(id=vol['id'], name=vol['name'], size=vol['size'], driver=self, extra=extra)) return list_volumes
[docs] def list_key_pairs(self, **kwargs): """ List registered key pairs. :param projectid: list objects by project :type projectid: ``str`` :param page: The page to list the keypairs from :type page: ``int`` :param keyword: List by keyword :type keyword: ``str`` :param listall: If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false :type listall: ``bool`` :param pagesize: The number of results per page :type pagesize: ``int`` :param account: List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter :type account: ``str`` :param isrecursive: Defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves. :type isrecursive: ``bool`` :param fingerprint: A public key fingerprint to look for :type fingerprint: ``str`` :param name: A key pair name to look for :type name: ``str`` :param domainid: List only resources belonging to the domain specified :type domainid: ``str`` :return: A list of key par objects. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair` """ extra_args = kwargs.copy() res = self._sync_request(command='listSSHKeyPairs', params=extra_args, method='GET') key_pairs = res.get('sshkeypair', []) key_pairs = self._to_key_pairs(data=key_pairs) return key_pairs
def get_key_pair(self, name): params = {'name': name} res = self._sync_request(command='listSSHKeyPairs', params=params, method='GET') key_pairs = res.get('sshkeypair', []) if len(key_pairs) == 0: raise KeyPairDoesNotExistError(name=name, driver=self) key_pair = self._to_key_pair(data=key_pairs[0]) return key_pair
[docs] def create_key_pair(self, name, **kwargs): """ Create a new key pair object. :param name: Key pair name. :type name: ``str`` :param name: Name of the keypair (required) :type name: ``str`` :param projectid: An optional project for the ssh key :type projectid: ``str`` :param domainid: An optional domainId for the ssh key. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. :type domainid: ``str`` :param account: An optional account for the ssh key. Must be used with domainId. :type account: ``str`` :return: Created key pair object. :rtype: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair` """ extra_args = kwargs.copy() params = {'name': name} params.update(extra_args) res = self._sync_request(command='createSSHKeyPair', params=params, method='GET') key_pair = self._to_key_pair(data=res['keypair']) return key_pair
[docs] def import_key_pair_from_string(self, name, key_material): """ Import a new public key from string. :param name: Key pair name. :type name: ``str`` :param key_material: Public key material. :type key_material: ``str`` :return: Imported key pair object. :rtype: :class:`libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair` """ res = self._sync_request(command='registerSSHKeyPair', params={'name': name, 'publickey': key_material}, method='GET') key_pair = self._to_key_pair(data=res['keypair']) return key_pair
[docs] def delete_key_pair(self, key_pair, **kwargs): """ Delete an existing key pair. :param key_pair: Key pair object. :type key_pair: :class`libcloud.compute.base.KeyPair` :param projectid: The project associated with keypair :type projectid: ``str`` :param domainid: The domain ID associated with the keypair :type domainid: ``str`` :param account: The account associated with the keypair. Must be used with the domainId parameter. :type account: ``str`` :return: True of False based on success of Keypair deletion :rtype: ``bool`` """ extra_args = kwargs.copy() params = {'name':} params.update(extra_args) res = self._sync_request(command='deleteSSHKeyPair', params=params, method='GET') return res['success'] == 'true'
[docs] def ex_list_public_ips(self): """ Lists all Public IP Addresses. :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`CloudStackAddress` """ ips = [] res = self._sync_request(command='listPublicIpAddresses', method='GET') # Workaround for basic zones if not res: return ips for ip in res['publicipaddress']: ips.append(CloudStackAddress(ip['id'], ip['ipaddress'], self)) return ips
[docs] def ex_allocate_public_ip(self, location=None): """ Allocate a public IP. :param location: Zone :type location: :class:`NodeLocation` :rtype: :class:`CloudStackAddress` """ if location is None: location = self.list_locations()[0] addr = self._async_request(command='associateIpAddress', params={'zoneid':}, method='GET') addr = addr['ipaddress'] addr = CloudStackAddress(addr['id'], addr['ipaddress'], self) return addr
[docs] def ex_release_public_ip(self, address): """ Release a public IP. :param address: CloudStackAddress which should be used :type address: :class:`CloudStackAddress` :rtype: ``bool`` """ res = self._async_request(command='disassociateIpAddress', params={'id':}, method='GET') return res['success']
[docs] def ex_list_port_forwarding_rules(self): """ Lists all Port Forwarding Rules :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`CloudStackPortForwardingRule` """ rules = [] result = self._sync_request(command='listPortForwardingRules', method='GET') if result != {}: public_ips = self.ex_list_public_ips() nodes = self.list_nodes() for rule in result['portforwardingrule']: node = [n for n in nodes if == str(rule['virtualmachineid'])] addr = [a for a in public_ips if a.address == rule['ipaddress']] rules.append(CloudStackPortForwardingRule (node[0], rule['id'], addr[0], rule['protocol'], rule['publicport'], rule['privateport'], rule['publicendport'], rule['privateendport'])) return rules
[docs] def ex_create_port_forwarding_rule(self, node, address, private_port, public_port, protocol, public_end_port=None, private_end_port=None, openfirewall=True): """ Creates a Port Forwarding Rule, used for Source NAT :param address: IP address of the Source NAT :type address: :class:`CloudStackAddress` :param private_port: Port of the virtual machine :type private_port: ``int`` :param protocol: Protocol of the rule :type protocol: ``str`` :param public_port: Public port on the Source NAT address :type public_port: ``int`` :param node: The virtual machine :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :rtype: :class:`CloudStackPortForwardingRule` """ args = { 'ipaddressid':, 'protocol': protocol, 'privateport': int(private_port), 'publicport': int(public_port), 'virtualmachineid':, 'openfirewall': openfirewall } if public_end_port: args['publicendport'] = int(public_end_port) if private_end_port: args['privateendport'] = int(private_end_port) result = self._async_request(command='createPortForwardingRule', params=args, method='GET') rule = CloudStackPortForwardingRule(node, result['portforwardingrule'] ['id'], address, protocol, public_port, private_port, public_end_port, private_end_port) node.extra['port_forwarding_rules'].append(rule) node.public_ips.append(address.address) return rule
[docs] def ex_delete_port_forwarding_rule(self, node, rule): """ Remove a Port forwarding rule. :param node: Node used in the rule :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :param rule: Forwarding rule which should be used :type rule: :class:`CloudStackPortForwardingRule` :rtype: ``bool`` """ node.extra['port_forwarding_rules'].remove(rule) node.public_ips.remove(rule.address.address) res = self._async_request(command='deletePortForwardingRule', params={'id':}, method='GET') return res['success']
[docs] def ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule(self, node, address, protocol, start_port, end_port=None): """ "Add a NAT/firewall forwarding rule. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :param address: CloudStackAddress which should be used :type address: :class:`CloudStackAddress` :param protocol: Protocol which should be used (TCP or UDP) :type protocol: ``str`` :param start_port: Start port which should be used :type start_port: ``int`` :param end_port: End port which should be used :type end_port: ``int`` :rtype: :class:`CloudStackForwardingRule` """ protocol = protocol.upper() if protocol not in ('TCP', 'UDP'): return None args = { 'ipaddressid':, 'protocol': protocol, 'startport': int(start_port) } if end_port is not None: args['endport'] = int(end_port) result = self._async_request(command='createIpForwardingRule', params=args, method='GET') result = result['ipforwardingrule'] rule = CloudStackIPForwardingRule(node, result['id'], address, protocol, start_port, end_port) node.extra['ip_forwarding_rules'].append(rule) return rule
[docs] def ex_delete_ip_forwarding_rule(self, node, rule): """ Remove a NAT/firewall forwarding rule. :param node: Node which should be used :type node: :class:`CloudStackNode` :param rule: Forwarding rule which should be used :type rule: :class:`CloudStackForwardingRule` :rtype: ``bool`` """ node.extra['ip_forwarding_rules'].remove(rule) self._async_request(command='deleteIpForwardingRule', params={'id':}, method='GET') return True
[docs] def ex_list_keypairs(self, **kwargs): """ List Registered SSH Key Pairs :param projectid: list objects by project :type projectid: ``str`` :param page: The page to list the keypairs from :type page: ``int`` :param keyword: List by keyword :type keyword: ``str`` :param listall: If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false :type listall: ``bool`` :param pagesize: The number of results per page :type pagesize: ``int`` :param account: List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter :type account: ``str`` :param isrecursive: Defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves. :type isrecursive: ``bool`` :param fingerprint: A public key fingerprint to look for :type fingerprint: ``str`` :param name: A key pair name to look for :type name: ``str`` :param domainid: List only resources belonging to the domain specified :type domainid: ``str`` :return: A list of keypair dictionaries :rtype: ``list`` of ``dict`` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'list_key_pairs method') key_pairs = self.list_key_pairs(**kwargs) result = [] for key_pair in key_pairs: item = { 'name':, 'fingerprint': key_pair.fingerprint, 'privateKey': key_pair.private_key } result.append(item) return result
[docs] def ex_create_keypair(self, name, **kwargs): """ Creates a SSH KeyPair, returns fingerprint and private key :param name: Name of the keypair (required) :type name: ``str`` :param projectid: An optional project for the ssh key :type projectid: ``str`` :param domainid: An optional domainId for the ssh key. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. :type domainid: ``str`` :param account: An optional account for the ssh key. Must be used with domainId. :type account: ``str`` :return: A keypair dictionary :rtype: ``dict`` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'create_key_pair method') key_pair = self.create_key_pair(name=name, **kwargs) result = { 'name':, 'fingerprint': key_pair.fingerprint, 'privateKey': key_pair.private_key } return result
[docs] def ex_import_keypair_from_string(self, name, key_material): """ Imports a new public key where the public key is passed in as a string :param name: The name of the public key to import. :type name: ``str`` :param key_material: The contents of a public key file. :type key_material: ``str`` :rtype: ``dict`` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'import_key_pair_from_string method') key_pair = self.import_key_pair_from_string(name=name, key_material=key_material) result = { 'keyName':, 'keyFingerprint': key_pair.fingerprint } return result
[docs] def ex_import_keypair(self, name, keyfile): """ Imports a new public key where the public key is passed via a filename :param name: The name of the public key to import. :type name: ``str`` :param keyfile: The filename with path of the public key to import. :type keyfile: ``str`` :rtype: ``dict`` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'import_key_pair_from_file method') key_pair = self.import_key_pair_from_file(name=name, key_file_path=keyfile) result = { 'keyName':, 'keyFingerprint': key_pair.fingerprint } return result
[docs] def ex_delete_keypair(self, keypair, **kwargs): """ Deletes an existing SSH KeyPair :param keypair: Name of the keypair (required) :type keypair: ``str`` :param projectid: The project associated with keypair :type projectid: ``str`` :param domainid: The domain ID associated with the keypair :type domainid: ``str`` :param account: The account associated with the keypair. Must be used with the domainId parameter. :type account: ``str`` :return: True of False based on success of Keypair deletion :rtype: ``bool`` """ warnings.warn('This method has been deprecated in favor of ' 'delete_key_pair method') key_pair = KeyPair(name=keypair, public_key=None, fingerprint=None, driver=self) return self.delete_key_pair(key_pair=key_pair)
[docs] def ex_list_security_groups(self, **kwargs): """ Lists Security Groups :param domainid: List only resources belonging to the domain specified :type domainid: ``str`` :param account: List resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. :type account: ``str`` :param listall: If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false :type listall: ``bool`` :param pagesize: Number of entries per page :type pagesize: ``int`` :param keyword: List by keyword :type keyword: ``str`` :param tags: List resources by tags (key/value pairs) :type tags: ``dict`` :param id: list the security group by the id provided :type id: ``str`` :param securitygroupname: lists security groups by name :type securitygroupname: ``str`` :param virtualmachineid: lists security groups by virtual machine id :type virtualmachineid: ``str`` :param projectid: list objects by project :type projectid: ``str`` :param isrecursive: (boolean) defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves. :type isrecursive: ``bool`` :param page: (integer) :type page: ``int`` :rtype ``list`` """ extra_args = kwargs.copy() res = self._sync_request(command='listSecurityGroups', params=extra_args, method='GET') security_groups = res.get('securitygroup', []) return security_groups
[docs] def ex_create_security_group(self, name, **kwargs): """ Creates a new Security Group :param name: name of the security group (required) :type name: ``str`` :param account: An optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId. :type account: ``str`` :param domainid: An optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. :type domainid: ``str`` :param description: The description of the security group :type description: ``str`` :param projectid: Deploy vm for the project :type projectid: ``str`` :rtype: ``dict`` """ extra_args = kwargs.copy() for sg in self.ex_list_security_groups(): if name in sg['name']: raise LibcloudError('This Security Group name already exists') params = {'name': name} params.update(extra_args) return self._sync_request(command='createSecurityGroup', params=params, method='GET')['securitygroup']
[docs] def ex_delete_security_group(self, name): """ Deletes a given Security Group :param domainid: The domain ID of account owning the security group :type domainid: ``str`` :param id: The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with name parameter :type id: ``str`` :param name: The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with id parameter :type name: ``str`` :param account: The account of the security group. Must be specified with domain ID :type account: ``str`` :param projectid: The project of the security group :type projectid: ``str`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._sync_request(command='deleteSecurityGroup', params={'name': name}, method='GET')['success']
[docs] def ex_authorize_security_group_ingress(self, securitygroupname, protocol, cidrlist, startport, endport=None): """ Creates a new Security Group Ingress rule :param domainid: An optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. :type domainid: ``str`` :param startport: Start port for this ingress rule :type startport: ``int`` :param securitygroupid: The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName parameter :type securitygroupid: ``str`` :param cidrlist: The cidr list associated :type cidrlist: ``list`` :param usersecuritygrouplist: user to security group mapping :type usersecuritygrouplist: ``dict`` :param securitygroupname: The name of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName parameter :type securitygroupname: ``str`` :param account: An optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId. :type account: ``str`` :param icmpcode: Error code for this icmp message :type icmpcode: ``int`` :param protocol: TCP is default. UDP is the other supported protocol :type protocol: ``str`` :param icmptype: type of the icmp message being sent :type icmptype: ``int`` :param projectid: An optional project of the security group :type projectid: ``str`` :param endport: end port for this ingress rule :type endport: ``int`` :rtype: ``list`` """ protocol = protocol.upper() if protocol not in ('TCP', 'ICMP'): raise LibcloudError('Only TCP and ICMP are allowed') args = { 'securitygroupname': securitygroupname, 'protocol': protocol, 'startport': int(startport), 'cidrlist': cidrlist } if endport is None: args['endport'] = int(startport) return self._async_request(command='authorizeSecurityGroupIngress', params=args, method='GET')['securitygroup']
[docs] def ex_register_iso(self, name, url, location=None, **kwargs): """ Registers an existing ISO by URL. :param name: Name which should be used :type name: ``str`` :param url: Url should be used :type url: ``str`` :param location: Location which should be used :type location: :class:`NodeLocation` :rtype: ``str`` """ if location is None: location = self.list_locations()[0] params = {'name': name, 'displaytext': name, 'url': url, 'zoneid':} params['bootable'] = kwargs.pop('bootable', False) if params['bootable']: os_type_id = kwargs.pop('ostypeid', None) if not os_type_id: raise LibcloudError('If bootable=True, ostypeid is required!') params['ostypeid'] = os_type_id return self._sync_request(command='registerIso', name=name, displaytext=name, url=url,, params=params)
[docs] def ex_limits(self): """ Extra call to get account's resource limits, such as the amount of instances, volumes, snapshots and networks. CloudStack uses integers as the resource type so we will convert them to a more human readable string using the resource map :return: dict :rtype: ``dict`` """ result = self._sync_request(command='listResourceLimits', method='GET') limits = {} resource_map = { 0: 'max_instances', 1: 'max_public_ips', 2: 'max_volumes', 3: 'max_snapshots', 4: 'max_images', 5: 'max_projects', 6: 'max_networks', 7: 'max_vpc' } for limit in result.get('resourcelimit', []): resource = resource_map[int(limit['resourcetype'])] limits[resource] = int(limit['max']) return limits
def _to_node(self, data, public_ips=None): """ :param data: Node data object. :type data: ``dict`` :param public_ips: A list of additional IP addresses belonging to this node. (optional) :type public_ips: ``list`` or ``None`` """ id = data['id'] if 'name' in data: name = data['name'] elif 'displayname' in data: name = data['displayname'] else: name = None state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP[data['state']] public_ips = public_ips if public_ips else [] private_ips = [] for nic in data['nic']: if is_private_subnet(nic['ipaddress']): private_ips.append(nic['ipaddress']) else: public_ips.append(nic['ipaddress']) security_groups = data.get('securitygroup', []) if security_groups: security_groups = [sg['name'] for sg in security_groups] created = data.get('created', False) extra = self._get_extra_dict(data, RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['node']) # Add additional parameters to extra extra['security_group'] = security_groups extra['ip_addresses'] = [] extra['ip_forwarding_rules'] = [] extra['port_forwarding_rules'] = [] extra['created'] = created if 'tags' in data: extra['tags'] = self._get_resource_tags(data['tags']) node = CloudStackNode(id=id, name=name, state=state, public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self, extra=extra) return node def _to_key_pairs(self, data): key_pairs = [self._to_key_pair(data=item) for item in data] return key_pairs def _to_key_pair(self, data): key_pair = KeyPair(name=data['name'], fingerprint=data['fingerprint'], public_key=data.get('publicKey', None), private_key=data.get('privateKey', None), driver=self) return key_pair def _get_resource_tags(self, tag_set): """ Parse tags from the provided element and return a dictionary with key/value pairs. :param tag_set: A list of key/value tag pairs :type tag_set: ``list``` :rtype: ``dict`` """ tags = {} for tag in tag_set: for key, value in tag.iteritems(): key = tag['key'] value = tag['value'] tags[key] = value return tags def _get_extra_dict(self, response, mapping): """ Extract attributes from the element based on rules provided in the mapping dictionary. :param response: The JSON response to parse the values from. :type response: ``dict`` :param mapping: Dictionary with the extra layout :type mapping: ``dict`` :rtype: ``dict`` """ extra = {} for attribute, values in mapping.items(): transform_func = values['transform_func'] value = response.get(values['key_name'], None) if value is not None: extra[attribute] = transform_func(value) else: extra[attribute] = None return extra