Source code for libcloud.compute.deployment

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Provides generic deployment steps for machines post boot.

from __future__ import with_statement

import os
import binascii

from libcloud.utils.py3 import basestring, PY3

class Deployment(object):
    Base class for deployment tasks.

    def run(self, node, client):
        Runs this deployment task on node using the client provided.

        :type node: :class:`Node`
        :keyword node: Node to operate one

        :type client: :class:`BaseSSHClient`
        :keyword client: Connected SSH client to use.

        :return: :class:`Node`
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'run not implemented for this deployment')

    def _get_string_value(self, argument_name, argument_value):
        if not isinstance(argument_value, basestring) and \
           not hasattr(argument_value, 'read'):
            raise TypeError('%s argument must be a string or a file-like '
                            'object' % (argument_name))

        if hasattr(argument_value, 'read'):
            argument_value =

        return argument_value

[docs]class SSHKeyDeployment(Deployment): """ Installs a public SSH Key onto a server. """ def __init__(self, key): """ :type key: ``str`` or :class:`File` object :keyword key: Contents of the public key write or a file object which can be read. """ self.key = self._get_string_value(argument_name='key', argument_value=key) def run(self, node, client): """ Installs SSH key into ``.ssh/authorized_keys`` See also :class:`` """ client.put(".ssh/authorized_keys", contents=self.key, mode='a') return node
[docs]class FileDeployment(Deployment): """ Installs a file on the server. """ def __init__(self, source, target): """ :type source: ``str`` :keyword source: Local path of file to be installed :type target: ``str`` :keyword target: Path to install file on node """ self.source = source = target def run(self, node, client): """ Upload the file, retaining permissions. See also :class:`` """ perms = int(oct(os.stat(self.source).st_mode)[4:], 8) with open(self.source, 'rb') as fp: content = client.put(, chmod=perms, contents=content) return node
[docs]class ScriptDeployment(Deployment): """ Runs an arbitrary shell script on the server. This step works by first writing the content of the shell script (script argument) in a *.sh file on a remote server and then running that file. If you are running a non-shell script, make sure to put the appropriate shebang to the top of the script. You are also advised to do that even if you are running a plan shell script. """ def __init__(self, script, args=None, name=None, delete=False): """ :type script: ``str`` :keyword script: Contents of the script to run. :type args: ``list`` :keyword args: Optional command line arguments which get passed to the deployment script file. :type name: ``str`` :keyword name: Name of the script to upload it as, if not specified, a random name will be choosen. :type delete: ``bool`` :keyword delete: Whether to delete the script on completion. """ script = self._get_string_value(argument_name='script', argument_value=script) self.script = script self.args = args or [] self.stdout = None self.stderr = None self.exit_status = None self.delete = delete = name if is None: # File is put under user's home directory # (~/libcloud_deployment_<random_string>.sh) random_string = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(4)) random_string = random_string.decode('ascii') = '' % (random_string) def run(self, node, client): """ Uploads the shell script and then executes it. See also :class:`` """ file_path = client.put(, chmod=int('755', 8), contents=self.script) # Pre-pend cwd if user specified a relative path if[0] != '/': base_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) name = os.path.join(base_path, else: name = cmd = name if self.args: # Append arguments to the command cmd = '%s %s' % (name, ' '.join(self.args)) else: cmd = name self.stdout, self.stderr, self.exit_status = if self.delete: client.delete( return node
[docs]class ScriptFileDeployment(ScriptDeployment): """ Runs an arbitrary shell script from a local file on the server. Same as ScriptDeployment, except that you can pass in a path to the file instead of the script content. """ def __init__(self, script_file, args=None, name=None, delete=False): """ :type script_file: ``str`` :keyword script_file: Path to a file containing the script to run. :type args: ``list`` :keyword args: Optional command line arguments which get passed to the deployment script file. :type name: ``str`` :keyword name: Name of the script to upload it as, if not specified, a random name will be choosen. :type delete: ``bool`` :keyword delete: Whether to delete the script on completion. """ with open(script_file, 'rb') as fp: content = if PY3: content = content.decode('utf-8') super(ScriptFileDeployment, self).__init__(script=content, args=args, name=name, delete=delete)
[docs]class MultiStepDeployment(Deployment): """ Runs a chain of Deployment steps. """ def __init__(self, add=None): """ :type add: ``list`` :keyword add: Deployment steps to add. """ self.steps = [] self.add(add) def add(self, add): """ Add a deployment to this chain. :type add: Single :class:`Deployment` or a ``list`` of :class:`Deployment` :keyword add: Adds this deployment to the others already in this object. """ if add is not None: add = add if isinstance(add, (list, tuple)) else [add] self.steps.extend(add) def run(self, node, client): """ Run each deployment that has been added. See also :class:`` """ for s in self.steps: node =, client) return node