RcodeZero DNS Driver Documentation ================================== .. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/rcodezero.png :align: center :width: 300 :target: https://www.rcodezero.at/en `RcodeZero`_ is a European Anycast DNS service provided by nic.at. Supported Features: - more than 35 nodes - two seperate clouds with different ASes - full IPv4/IPv6 support - primary as well as secondary Nameservers - DNSSEC signing - ANAME(ALIAS) records - extensive statistics - management via web interface or a REST based API - DDoS mitigation - dedicated IP addresses (optional) Read more at https://www.rcodezero.at/en or get the API documentation at https://my.rcodezero.at/api-doc Instantiating the driver ------------------------ Log into https://my.rcodezero.at/ and get your API key. Pass the API key, hostname and port to the driver constructor as shown below. .. literalinclude:: /examples/dns/rcodezero/instantiate_driver.py :language: python API Docs -------- .. autoclass:: libcloud.dns.drivers.rcodezero.RcodeZeroDNSDriver :members: :inherited-members: .. _`RcodeZero`: https://my.rcodezero.at/en