gridscale Compute Driver Documentation ====================================== `gridscale`_ is a German cloud provider with focus on awesome user experience. .. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/gridscale.png :align: center :width: 300 :target: Instantiating a driver ---------------------- The gridscale driver requires your User_Uuid and your API-Token. You will have to generate a API-Token first, to be able to do that, you want to make an account and create a token under the API-Key option in the panel. .. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gridscale/ :language: python Creating a Server ----------------- .. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gridscale/ :language: python Create a server, SSH into it and run deployment script on it ------------------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/gridscale/ :language: python API Docs -------- API ~~~ .. autoclass:: libcloud.compute.drivers.gridscale.GridscaleNodeDriver :members: :inherited-members: .. _`gridscale`: