Compute Driver Documentation ========================================== ``_ is a public cloud provider based in Switzerland. .. figure:: /_static/images/provider_logos/cloudscale.png :align: center :width: 200 :target: How to get an API Key --------------------- Simply visit ``_ and generate your key. You can generate read and read/write API keys. These token types give you more access control. Revoking an API token is also possible. Using the API to the full extent -------------------------------- Most of the `` API is covered by the simple commands: - ``driver.list_sizes()`` - ``driver.list_images()`` - ``driver.list_nodes()`` - ``driver.reboot_node(node)`` - ``driver.ex_start_node(node)`` - ``driver.ex_stop_node(node)`` - ``driver.ex_node_by_uuid(server_uuid)`` - ``driver.destroy_node(node)`` - ``driver.create_node(name, size, image, ex_create_attr={})`` In our :ref:`example ` below you can see how you use ``ex_create_attr`` when creating servers. Possible dictionary entries in ``ex_create_attr`` are: - ``ssh_keys`` (``list`` of ``str``) - A list of SSH public keys. - ``volume_size_gb`` (``int``) - The size in GB of the root volume. - ``bulk_volume_size_gb`` (``int``) - The size in GB of the bulk storage volume. - ``use_public_network`` (``bool``) - Attaching/Detaching the public network interface. - ``use_private_network`` (``bool``) - Attaching/Detaching the private network interface. - ``use_ipv6`` (``bool``) - Enabling/Disabling IPv6. - ``anti_affinity_with`` (``str``) - Pass the UUID of another server. - ``user_data`` (``str``) - Cloud-init configuration (cloud-config). Provide YAML. There's more extensive documentation on these parameters in our `Server-Create API Documentation`_. .. _cloudscale-examples: Examples -------- Create a server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: /examples/compute/cloudscale/ :language: python API Docs -------- .. autoclass:: libcloud.compute.drivers.cloudscale.CloudscaleNodeDriver :members: create_node, list_images, list_nodes, list_sizes, wait_until_running, reboot_node, ex_start_node, ex_stop_node, ex_node_by_uuid, destroy_node :undoc-members: .. _``: .. _` API`: .. _`Server-Create API Documentation`: