Source code for libcloud.dns.drivers.durabledns

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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DurableDNS Driver
import sys

from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
from libcloud.utils.py3 import ensure_string
from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType
from libcloud.dns.base import Record, Zone
from libcloud.dns.base import DNSDriver
from libcloud.dns.types import ZoneDoesNotExistError, ZoneAlreadyExistsError
from libcloud.dns.types import RecordDoesNotExistError
from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring
from libcloud.common.durabledns import DurableConnection, DurableResponse
from libcloud.common.durabledns import DurableDNSException
from libcloud.common.durabledns import _schema_builder as api_schema_builder
from libcloud.common.durabledns import SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP

__all__ = [

# This will be the default values for each extra attributes when are not
# specified in the 'extra' parameter
    'ns': '', 'mbox': '',
    'refresh': '28800', 'retry': 7200, 'expire': 604800, 'minimum': 82000,
    'xfer': '', 'update_acl': ''

RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES = {'aux': 0, 'ttl': 3600}


[docs]class DurableDNSResponse(DurableResponse): pass
[docs]class DurableDNSConnection(DurableConnection): responseCls = DurableDNSResponse
[docs]class DurableDNSDriver(DNSDriver): type = Provider.DURABLEDNS name = 'DurableDNS' website = '' connectionCls = DurableDNSConnection RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.A: 'A', RecordType.AAAA: 'AAAA', RecordType.CNAME: 'CNAME', RecordType.HINFO: 'HINFO', RecordType.MX: 'MX', RecordType.NS: 'NS', RecordType.PTR: 'PTR', RecordType.RP: 'RP', RecordType.SRV: 'SRV', RecordType.TXT: 'TXT' }
[docs] def list_zones(self): """ Return a list of zones. :return: ``list`` of :class:`Zone` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('list_zones') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret} urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = '/services/dns/listZones.php' params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:listZoneswsdl#listZones"} response = self.connection.request(action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) # listZones method doens't return full data in zones as getZone # method does. zones = [] for data in response.objects: zone = self.get_zone(data.get('id')) zones.append(zone) return zones
[docs] def list_records(self, zone): """ Return a list of records for the provided zone. :param zone: Zone to list records for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :return: ``list`` of :class:`Record` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('list_records') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename':} urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = '/services/dns/listRecords.php?' params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:listRecordswsdl#listRecords"} try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e # listRecords method doens't return full data in records as getRecord # method does. records = [] for data in response.objects: record = self.get_record(, data.get('id')) records.append(record) return records
[docs] def get_zone(self, zone_id): """ Return a Zone instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('get_zone') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename': zone_id} urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = '/services/dns/getZone.php?' params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:getZonewsdl#getZone"} try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone_id, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e zones = self._to_zones(response.objects) return zones[0]
[docs] def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): """ Return a Record instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :param record_id: ID of the required record :type record_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('get_record') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename': zone_id, 'recordid': record_id} urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = '/services/dns/getRecord.php?' params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:getRecordwsdl#getRecord"} try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone_id, driver=self, value=e.message) if 'Record does not exist' in e.message: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(record_id=record_id, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e zone = self.get_zone(zone_id) record = self._to_record(response.objects[0], zone) return record
[docs] def create_zone(self, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): """ Create a new zone. :param domain: Name of zone, followed by a dot (.) (e.g. :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type (Only master available). (optional) :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional) :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes ('mbox', 'ns', 'minimum', 'refresh', 'expire', 'update_acl', 'xfer'). (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ if extra is None: extra = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES else: extra_fields = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.keys() missing = set(extra_fields).difference(set(extra.keys())) for field in missing: extra[field] = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.get(field) schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('create_zone') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename': domain, 'ttl': ttl or DEFAULT_TTL} params.update(extra) urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % (self.key, self.secret, domain, extra.get('ns'), extra.get('mbox'), extra.get('refresh'), extra.get('retry'), extra.get('expire'), extra.get('minimum'), ttl or DEFAULT_TTL, extra.get('xfer'), extra.get('update_acl')) action = '/services/dns/createZone.php?' params = {} headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:createZonewsdl#createZone"} try: self.connection.request(action=action, params=params, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone Already Exist' in e.message: raise ZoneAlreadyExistsError(zone_id=domain, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e zone = self.get_zone(domain) return zone
[docs] def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): """ Create a new record. :param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www). Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain name, you should specify empty string ('') for this argument. :type name: ``str`` :param zone: Zone where the requested record is created. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: Extra attributes (e.g. 'aux', 'ttl'). (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ if extra is None: extra = RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES else: if 'aux' not in extra: extra['aux'] = RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.get('aux') if 'ttl' not in extra: extra['ttl'] = RECORD_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.get('ttl') extra['ddns_enabled'] = 'N' schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('create_record') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename':, 'name': name, 'type': type, 'data': data} params.update(extra) urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % (self.key, self.secret,, name, type, data, extra.get('aux'), extra.get('ttl'), extra.get('ddns_enabled')) action = '/services/dns/createRecord.php?' headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:createRecordwsdl#createRecord"} try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) objects = response.objects except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] # In DurableDNS is possible to create records with same data. # Their ID's will be different but the API does not implement # the RecordAlreadyExist exception. Only ZoneDoesNotExist will # be handled. if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e record_item = objects[0] record_item['name'] = name record_item['type'] = type record_item['data'] = data record_item['ttl'] = extra.get('ttl') record_item['aux'] = extra.get('aux') record = self._to_record(record_item, zone) return record
[docs] def update_zone(self, zone, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): """ Update en existing zone. :param zone: Zone to update. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param domain: Name of zone, followed by a dot (.) (e.g. :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type (master / slave). :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (optional) :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes ('ns', 'mbox', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'minimum', 'xfer', 'update_acl'). (optional) :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ if ttl is None: ttl = zone.ttl if extra is None: extra = zone.extra else: extra_fields = ZONE_EXTRA_PARAMS_DEFAULT_VALUES.keys() missing = set(extra_fields).difference(set(extra.keys())) for field in missing: extra[field] = zone.extra.get(field) schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('update_zone') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename': domain, 'ttl': ttl} params.update(extra) urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % (self.key, self.secret, domain, extra['ns'], extra['mbox'], extra['refresh'], extra['retry'], extra['expire'], extra['minimum'], ttl, extra['xfer'], extra['update_acl']) action = '/services/dns/updateZone.php?' headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:updateZonewsdl#updateZone"} try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e # After update the zone, serial number change. In order to have it # updated, we need to get again the zone data. zone = self.get_zone( return zone
[docs] def update_record(self, record, name, type, data, extra=None): """ Update an existing record. :param record: Record to update. :type record: :class:`Record` :param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www). Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain name, you should specify empty string ('') for this argument. :type name: ``str`` :param type: DNS record type (A, AAAA, ...). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: (optional) Extra attributes (driver specific). :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ zone = if extra is None: extra = record.extra else: extra_fields = ['aux', 'ttl'] missing = set(extra_fields).difference(set(extra.keys())) for field in missing: extra[field] = record.extra.get(field) extra['ddns_enabled'] = 'N' schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('update_record') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename':, 'id':, 'name': name, 'data': data} params.update(extra) urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: if isinstance(params.get(key), int): child.text = "%d" else: child.text = "%s" # We can't insert values directly in child.text because API raises # and exception for values that need to be integers. And tostring # method from ElementTree can't handle int values. skel = ensure_string(tostring(schema)) # Deal with PY3 req_data = skel % (self.key, self.secret,,, name, extra.get('aux'), data, extra.get('ttl'), extra.get('ddns_enabled')) action = '/services/dns/updateRecord.php?' headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:updateRecordwsdl#updateRecord"} try: self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e record_item = {} record_item['id'] = record_item['name'] = name record_item['type'] = type record_item['data'] = data record_item['ttl'] = extra.get('ttl') record_item['aux'] = extra.get('aux') record = self._to_record(record_item, zone) return record
[docs] def delete_zone(self, zone): """ Delete a zone. Note: This will delete all the records belonging to this zone. :param zone: Zone to delete. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :rtype: ``bool`` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('delete_zone') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename':} urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = '/services/dns/deleteZone.php?' headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:deleteZonewsdl#deleteZone"} try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, method="POST", headers=headers) except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return response.status in [httplib.OK]
[docs] def delete_record(self, record): """ Delete a record. :param record: Record to delete. :type record: :class:`Record` :rtype: ``bool`` """ schema_params = SCHEMA_BUILDER_MAP.get('delete_record') attributes = schema_params.get('attributes') schema = api_schema_builder(schema_params.get('urn_nid'), schema_params.get('method'), attributes) params = {'apiuser': self.key, 'apikey': self.secret, 'zonename':, 'id':} urn = schema.getchildren()[0] for child in urn: key = child.tag.split(':')[2] if key in attributes: child.text = str(params.get(key)) req_data = tostring(schema) action = '/services/dns/deleteRecord.php?' headers = {"SOAPAction": "urn:deleteRecordwsdl#deleteRecord"} try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, data=req_data, headers=headers, method="POST") except DurableDNSException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if 'Record does not exists' in e.message: raise RecordDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) if 'Zone does not exist' in e.message: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(, driver=self, value=e.message) raise e return response.status in [httplib.OK]
def _to_zone(self, item): extra = item.get('extra') # DurableDNS does not return information about zone type. This will be # set as master by default. zone = Zone(id=item.get('id'), type='master', domain=item.get('id'), ttl=item.get('ttl'), driver=self, extra=extra) return zone def _to_zones(self, items): zones = [] for item in items: zones.append(self._to_zone(item)) return zones def _to_record(self, item, zone=None): extra = {'aux': int(item.get('aux')), 'ttl': int(item.get('ttl'))} record = Record(id=item.get('id'), type=item.get('type'), zone=zone, name=item.get('name'), data=item.get('data'), driver=self, extra=extra) return record def _to_records(self, items, zone=None): records = [] for item in items: records.append(self._to_record(item, zone)) return records